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Fandom Imperial Honor(OOC)

well it was mostly between the exploritor and the domnia seems domina is in charge
Yeah I just don't think that Gaius would be the best fit for leading this one. He's had plenty of run in's with chaos but he has other priorities
Alright, sorry for the inactivity gang! Shit got busy over the weekend as usual but the extended weekend was a shitshow. Will try to get an IC up by the end of the week!
Apologies gang. Kinda got a Nurgle infestation over the weekend and had to get some Minisotrum priests to purge the area. Better now, and will hopefully have a post up by the end of this week
SpazTheButcher SpazTheButcher

I'm thinking my Magos's manufactorum is going to be somewhere in Hive Navaro and he's going to let out a distress call to nearby imperial forces (those being the ones in the IC post)

That sound good to get the ball rolling?
Question: How do you want to arrive Karcen? I think that Gaius would be attending you in the journey personally
Question: How do you want to arrive Karcen? I think that Gaius would be attending you in the journey personally
whops i didn't see you ask there actually that works well. I am going with the ship ( an ark mechanicus ) arriving in orbit while the forces are in hangers preparing. If you want to be with me that is fine you can be with the primary in the bridge or the tactical in the hangers.

i will wait for you to reply here before i post ( i had a long day of printing)
There are multiple Knights following Vizier but they are npcs if that matters at all.
Would they be okay assigned to other zones? Or would they follow only Vizier?
SpazTheButcher SpazTheButcher

I'm thinking my Magos's manufactorum is going to be somewhere in Hive Navaro and he's going to let out a distress call to nearby imperial forces (those being the ones in the IC post)

That sound good to get the ball rolling?
Yes, we could launch a search and rescue/recovery mission
whops i didn't see you ask there actually that works well. I am going with the ship ( an ark mechanicus ) arriving in orbit while the forces are in hangers preparing. If you want to be with me that is fine you can be with the primary in the bridge or the tactical in the hangers.

i will wait for you to reply here before i post ( i had a long day of printing)
Works for me, just wasn't sure if we'd already be planetside or not. He'll probably start in the bridge and make his way to the hangars

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