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Realistic or Modern i’ll be there for you— a friends-inspired rp


indefinite hiatus.



- semi-lit friends-inspired roleplay

- group of six friends, each with varying relationships w/ one another, going thru the struggles of adulthood while living in apartments right across from one another

- three males, three females

- roles include: the princess, the dork, the goofball, the casanova, the type-a, & the snarker

- 18+ rpers, 24-26 aged characters

- this is mostly to check to see if there’s an interest for this !! i promise i’ll make more of a detailed page once i know that people are actually interested c:

the princess—born with a silver spoon in her mouth. the princess has never had to work for anything in her life (duh, it’d ruin her nails!). to everyone on the outside, it truly seems like she has it all… until she doesn’t. her parents cut her off, her partner ditches her, her so-called best-friends stab her in the back, and reality hits her smack between the eyes… and now, she has nowhere to turn. except for when she sees an apartment listing, and who else is renting it than her old freshman college roommate? it seems like her luck is taking a turn for the better, but only if she learns to stand on her own two feet and get her hands dirty every once in a while.

the dork—if life were a race, this guy tripped and fell on his face before the starting line. it seems like his brain is keen on embarrassing him, because every-time he opens his mouth he gets himself into a painfully awkward situation. that’s why he’s long resigned himself to a solitary life with his pets (okay, fine, his singular fish) and various nerdy hobbies. until his roommate kicks them out and he’s left floundering to find a place to live… and he finds it. only issue is, it’s with complete strangers. it’s time for this dork to come out of his shell and finally get this whole “socializing” thing down.

the goofball—if there’s one thing you have to know about them, is that they’re always down for a good time. it’s nearly impossible to see them without a smile on their face or a stupid idea they’re dying to execute, with absolutely zero regard for safety. they are the definition of shameless; it’s like nothing fazes them. “do it for the plot”, is what they always say. it seems to have worked out for them so far… until a seemingly-harmless prank that has serious consequences forces them to evaluate the carefree like they’ve been living. it’s time for them to grow up, or else everyone else will leave them behind. [taken by me]

the casanova—they have so many notches on their bedpost it might as well be a splinter. they shudder at the c-word (commitment, ugh) and are perfectly content jumping from bed to bed. relationships are for suckers, anyways, if their parent’s disastrous marriage is any indication. flirting your way into somebody’s room is the easy part; it’s what comes afterwards that terrifies them, so they’ve simply written it off altogether. until a one-night-stand leaves them feeling wholly out of their element, palms sweaty and nerves on end, with an actual desire to see them the next morning. that’s when they know it’s time to run—but that’s easier said than done when they realize they’re neighbors. maybe love, like all things, has a learning curve, and they can finally get over it…

the type-a—they know what they want, and they’ve never been shy about taking it, no matter how many toes they step on in the process. they’re wholly married to their career; so what they’ve already started developing gray hairs, or that their coworkers are getting married, or that they’re nearing 30 and just now realizing they have the emotional intelligence of a cashew… those are all prices you have to pay to get to the top. unfortunately, it seems like the ladder they were climbing was more of a jenga tower, because one day, it all comes crumbling down… and they get fired. lost with no direction and really, no life outside work, they’re realizing that they have a lot of living to catch up on.

the snarker—always armed with a sarcastic quip or a witty remark, it seems that nothing really matters to them. you may call them a cynic, but they’re just a realist; they say things how it is, and they have no qualms about hurting a couple of feelings when they do. they’ll never admit it out loud, but they truly do care for their friends… more than they’d like to, honestly. they’ve always been best at deflecting emotions with a snarky comment, something their therapist called a “defense mechanism” (pff, defense from what? they’re doing perfectly fine, thank you very much). everything’s been going just swell for them—until the day they wake up and realize they’ve fallen in love with their best-friend. well, shit.

important note—while i tried to cover the broad strokes of the characters and their arcs, i am open to suggestions! if you have a different idea for how you want to approach a character’s arc, please share, i’d love this to be a fun experience for everyone, and these are just meant to inspire you when writing your character sheets. however, i do want everyone’s characters to be connected in some way—whether they’re old roommates, old flings, one-night-stands, best friends, etc., it’s what makes things interesting!

character sheet thread

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i’ve been wanting to do something like this forever but never got around to making my own! would love to see more details :)
i’ve been wanting to do something like this forever but never got around to making my own! would love to see more details :)
ahhh i’m happy to hear that !! honestly, i’m seeing this as a much more character-driven rp that relies on the interactions between the characters rather than a specific “plot”, and i was thinking of adding more details onto the character roles since that’s the most important part. otherwise, it basically follows the same thread as the tv show !!
I have to be a part of this! This sounds like so long as you have active participants it'll be so much fun! x
I am actually not familiar with "Friends", but if that's not a requirement (as in prior knowledge of it is not a requirement), I'd love to write with you! I'd prefer to play a male character as well.
I am actually not familiar with "Friends", but if that's not a requirement (as in prior knowledge of it is not a requirement), I'd love to write with you! I'd prefer to play a male character as well.
Well let me put it to you this way Alarcrity, it a group of friends who get together and do stuff sometimes it a wedding, and other times it's someone who missed up doing something and the friends try and fix it and it goes to Crap.

Or they go to a coffee shop or mall and just chill and talk about there day with all there friends like a family, while siting in a chair or someone having kids and you and the friends go see Her.

Basically TV show stuff but with friends and stuff be happening on the daily, like ross hanging out a window with Chandler. Or Rachel giving a massage, to Monica.

Also im Interested
Well let me put it to you this way Alarcrity, it a group of friends who get together and do stuff sometimes it a wedding, and other times it's someone who missed up doing something and the friends try and fix it and it goes to Crap.

Or they go to a coffee shop or mall and just chill and talk about there day with all there friends like a family, while siting in a chair or someone having kids and you and the friends go see Her.

Basically TV show stuff but with friends and stuff be happening on the daily, like ross hanging out a window with Chandler. Or Rachel giving a massage, to Monica.

Also im Interested
Ah, thanks for explaining. I'd be down for it anyway!
Debby Ryan GIF

the snarker or the dork looking at me rn
ofbluehues ofbluehues Vaila Vaila Alacrity_719 Alacrity_719 Tom99 Tom99 Sunny_morning Sunny_morning girlcanines girlcanines

hi hi hi, thank you guys so much for expressing your interest !! i’ve added role descriptions to the main post, and i’ve also gone ahead and made a cs thread— feel free to put your placeholders there !! also, please be aware, submitting a cs doesn’t mean you’re automatically in !! i’ll be choosing who is in after two-three weeks (i’ll let everyone know a date in advance, no worries !!)

also, i’m working on making this main thread more nice and detailed w/ fancy code & all that so keep an eye out !!

thank you <3
this sounds so cute! it's been forever since I've been in a group rp but I'd be totally down to give it a shot :>
ahhh i’m glad to hear it !!! c: if you already have an idea for a character, you can put a placeholder in the cs thread i linked above ^^ no rush of course, lol
Hello there, Crusader here!

Question: is having watched the show a requirement? If so, I’m out of luck XD just wondering.
nom nom nom down to fill any position still need filling after a few days ~♡ totally ping me if you need! (im traveling for the holidays so ill be mia for a little)
Imma watch the show now. This thread makes me want too 😂 I’ve been watching New Girl so this is gonna be interesting.
I haven’t finished it but I could easily rewatch. Oh and How I Met Your Mother is funny too. Too good.
oh, i started watching that one a while ago but haven’t been able to finish it !! i might pick it back up… i just adore sitcoms, which is why i made this thread in the first place lol
oh, i started watching that one a while ago but haven’t been able to finish it !! i might pick it back up… i just adore sitcoms, which is why i made this thread in the first place lol
Worth it.

I agree, sitcoms have a certain charm that makes them worth the watch. Nothing beats the classics like Tim Allen though lmao no I’m not super old, I’m 27, I just so happen to know about it 😂 actually, his new one, Last Man Standing is good, but they swapped a lot of actors in season 2 so I haven’t continued it yet til I get over it 😂

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