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Realistic or Modern Idol Academy

"Ah! Nice to meet you Ishikawa-chan~" Key exclaimed, extending a hand out. He tilted his held slightly when he spotted the light blush that coated her cheeks. 'Ah its the cute one from yesterday!' He remembered, recalling the memory of their first meeting outside the gates. Key really did look as if he could be her older brother or at least a younger brother with the way he tends to act. 'I wouldn't mind having another younger sister...' he mused, though he really had no intention of seeing her as such.
Alex yawned as he went out of his bed, Alex looked at his watch "6.12 A.M." Alex stood up and directly went to the bathroom. He wore his casual long sleeve sweater as well as training pants which is his favourite attire. He went to cafetaria as soon as he finished taking a bath to meet his new friends.
"It's a pleasure, Krystal" Yuki stated, bowing slightly. He had recalled that she was one of the others that had helped in cleaning the dishes last night. She seemed to be the timid sort as she had not made full eye contact with any of the three and Yuki found it a relaxing change of pace from certain little blonde haired individual. Though he admittedly welcomed the boy's childish nature as a familiar alternative to his father's tomfoolery.
Angel looked at the choices in front of her and decided to grab something random. Tipping the contents into the bowl given to her Angel yawned politely and took hold of the milk container, the tipping the contents into the same bowl Angel sat down at an empty table. Taking a bite Angel looked at the bowl in surprise and looked at the yummy contents, taking a bite after the other she sighed happily.

"Maybe I should have waited for the others..."

At least the cereal is yummy...

Rod nodded his head as an affirmative to Cece’s question, and they proceeded to walk together towards the cafeteria. He needed coffee desperately, and speaking of which, “Yeah, I-I know how to make espresso. I actually used to be a ba-barista before I got invited to come here.” He replied to the girl next to himself, still stuttering. One of these days he’d get over his nervousness around her. Maybe. “I could teach you how to make espresso…if you teach me how to dance like the one you did yesterday.” He offered. He mentally crossed his fingers, hoping she’d agree to the deal.
"Lex-kun~!!!" Key yelled as he spotted his friend standing in the entrance way of the cafeteria. He immediately pounced on him with a bone crushing hug before a looping an arm around his. "Food food food~" He chanted, dragging the boy along as he looked at all cereal choices set out on the counters. He grabbed a mini box of some reeces puffs, a bowl, and a small carton of milk.
Yuki joined Key and Lex at the counter as he looked over all the choices before settling on some Lucky Charms. He also reached for some napkins in case he or one of the others needed them. He preferred to be prepared for everything, even for just a simple thing as breakfast. Yuki turned to the other two and waited patiently by their side until they were done.
Krystal wanted to tell Key to just call her by her first name, but she decided otherwise. She didn't feel quite comfortable interacting with the blonde boy- he wasn't a bad person or anything, his bursting energy just overwhelmed her. Scared her a little bit too, to be honest. Yuki, on the other hand, she felt comfortable interacting with. He was calm, and quiet. Like Artyom.

She nodded at the two politely, before turning around and heading towards the counter. There were quite a lot of cereal to choose from.. back home, she usually just ate plain cornflakes. The small, round, colourful crisps caught her eye. So she took a couple of spoonfuls, put them in her bowl, and added milk. She then walked over to the table where Angel sat, and asked in a small voice, "May I sit here with you?"
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Alex can't breathe after Key's deadly hug "Key.... too.... tight.. can't... breathe.." Key let go and began to sing about food. Alex followed Key's singing "food food food~", Alex took a bowl of cereal and 4 cartons of milk, "Don't you know milk is good for your body, Key? you should have some more milk!" Alex took another 2 cartons of milk and put it to Key's place.
Angel smiled at Krystal as the shy girl came over to sit next to her, giving a slight nod Angel patted Krystal's soft blonde hair and moved slihtly for the girl to sit beside her at the table. Taking another bite from her cereal Angel again awed at the yumminess of the food.

"Thank you for tidying the beds earlier, Krystal."

So cute...

"You mean the tango? Sure that sounds like a fair deal! I'm not that good though so don't expect too much," Celestia said a bit embarrassed as she scratched her cheek as it slightly lit up. Roderick was too tall for her to ruffle his hair right now to hopefully ease off his nervousness, but she gave him at the very least an embarrassed smile. Was she really that good when she danced yesterday? She only did it out of the blue after all.

Once they arrived in the cafeteria it seemed as they were really late, as everyone else was already there. She waved to them all as she walked over to grab her own bowl of cereal and sat down by a free table and let out a yawn as she stared out of the window, letting her mind wander a bit around as she was still tired, but mostly excited about the new school life she was going to have.
Key goggled at all the milk cartoons Alex placed on his tray but didn't really protest since he felt like he could go through twelve extra large soda cups without break sweat. He flashed Lex an impish little grin before yawning a little thank you and giving him another one of his playful punches. He made his way to an empty table that stood facing the beautiful glass wall and overlooked the forest area below them. "Ahhhh~ If Eiri and the rest were here to see this..." He mummered, before shoveling a mouth full of cereal into his mouth. "So you guys know what were gonna do after this?" Key asked, turning to face Alex and Yuki.
Alex received a playful punch from Key which always hurt him (ouch, I should have work on my muscle more). Alex, Key, and Mr.Pink sat on an empty table. Key were mumbling about Eiri, someone who Alex doesn't know about. "Who's Eiri?" Alex asked out of curiousity, Key also asked Alex and Mr.Pink where to go after we have breakfast. "I don't know but I would prefer to go to the music room!" Alex loves to sing, when he wasn't on the academy, he would sing every morning after having his breakfast.
"My youngest sis! She always said she wanted go camping..." Key explained, a look of nostalgia passing across his face. A small and rare sad smile graced his lips at the thought of sisters before he seemed to snap right back to his usual cheery self. He nodded in agreement with Alex at his suggestion about the music room. That would be a perfect time to tell them about the little secret he's been keeping.
The embarrassed smile that was on Cece’s face warmed Rod’s heart a bit. It appeared they were both nervous as all hell when they were together. Eventually they found their way to the cafeteria, with Rod mimicking Cece’s actions of grabbing a bowl of cereal. However, he snuck behind the counter and to his delight, a fancy espresso maker was hidden away in a dusty corner. There was a small container of ground coffee nearby and there were coffee cups in the cabinet above it. ‘Yes! I get to show off a bit to Cece!’ he thought excitedly. With a few swift motions of his hands and a little time later, a randomly found tray was filled with his bowl of cereal along with a large sturdy mug and a delicate, petite cup, both filled with espresso.

With tray in hand, Rod carefully wandered over to the table Cece was sitting at. Luckily they would be the only occupants. He gently placed the tray down and handed Cece the smaller cup. “H-here you go…a strong, powerful cup of coffee for a strong, powerful girl.” He said with a genuine smile of happiness before sitting down and getting to work on devouring the cereal. He’d forgotten how fun it was using one of those espresso makers and he was sitting next to the hottest girl in the whole school. It couldn’t get any better.
Alex jokingly give a perverted face to Key "I see... so how old is see, by the way?" It's rarely seen Alex gave an intentional jokes for his friends."Then it's settled to the music room it is but before that..." Alex whispered to Key telling him to look at Rod "Hey Key, I think Rod's making a move to Cece, should we have some 'fun' first before going to the music room?" Alex slightly look at blushed Rod with Cece and giggled.Alex sudden change of personality indicate that he's comfortable with his surroundings.
Yuki opened his box of cereal and poured the contents into his bowl. He then began systematically removing all the 'charms' and placing the colorful pieces on one of the unused napkins. He had never really fancied sweet things since the traumatizing event that occurred in his childhood. He held back a shudder at the unpleasant memory before poring his milk onto the now bland looking cereal bowl. He looked up when Key asked about what they were going to do after breakfast. "The director had mentioned meeting in the General Room. There is someone she had said we were going to meet but had not made it clear who" He stated, remembering Rune's words. He glanced at the clock when Alex suggested they visit the music room first and could see that they had some significant time left before class would start. It was then that the boy also suggested on having some 'fun' with Rod and Cece before they take their leave. Yuki sighed as he looked in between Alex and Key. It seemed that the blonde haired boy's antics were infectious. "We have the time but I don't know if it would be wise..." He explained, recalling the memory of an enraged Rod.
Krystal gave Angel a shy smile when the other girl patted her hair. It felt nice to receive an older-sibling like affection. She was always the one to give them back home, since she was the oldest. She sat down beside Angel, and started eating her cereal. It was delicious~ or maybe she was just hungry.

She gave Angel a sidelong glance. Tidying the beds? Oh! Angel noticed? "Mm, it was no big deal," Krystal replied, giving Angel another small smile.
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Angel felt the soft blonde hair under her fingers and smiled softly as she saw Krystal enjoying the pat n the head. Looking at her, Angel felt like she should try and and protect the girl as best as she could. Causing her to think again of the otter. She didn't understand why Krystal reminded her of an Otter of all things but she just did. Her day dreaming was interrupted as Krystal shrugged off the compliment.

"It is a big deal... Looking after others apart from yourself is a large task. I will be in your care from now on."

She is strong for a shy girl like herself...

Celestia smiled as Roderick returned and received her cup and took a small scoop out of her cereal with a smile as she hadn't eaten cereal in her entire life. She hadn't even poured in the milk, but she had no idea that was necessary. It was nice to see Roderick smile and open up a bit, as she was a bit nervous if she was perhaps being a bit too pushy on him, but it seemed as they were getting along without any problems. prepared for her. Celestica giggled to Roderick's comment. "I'm not that powerful," she said followed by a short laugh.

She took a sip out of the warm coffee that Roderick had. It was delicious! Even better than the one her butler usually made for her! How could people make such delicious things out of their hands? First Alex and Key, now Roderick! She was getting more and more jealous by the second. "It tastes great! You're really good at making coffee!" Celestia praised him and ruffled his hair with her hand now that they were almost on the same height level.
Alex looked back to Mr.Pink with a vile smirk "come on Mr Pink, it would fun right Key?" Alex seems to be infected by Key's playfulness. "So what's the plan Key?" Alex ask Key since this was the first time he making a commotion and learning from the master seems to be the ideal start.
It was soon after Rod finished eating his breakfast that Cece complimented him on his coffee-making skills. "It's no problem!" he said, with half a mouthful of cereal in this mouth. He almost choked on it when Cece ruffled his hair again. An all too familiar sensation of blushing raced to make its presence known, embarrassing an already anxious Rod. He swallowed the last of his cereal and continued, "I-it takes a while to master one of-of those machines, but I-I-I think you you could do it.". He took a deep gulp of his coffee, hoping that the big mug would hide his red cheeks from the one next to him.
Krystal's cheeks turned slightly pink at Angel's words. "A-ah, okay," she replied, ducking her head. Was she really capable of taking care of others? Well, she has always taken care of her younger siblings back home, but that was different.. right?

Krystal quickly finished her cereal, and she glanced at her watch. It was 7:15. She lifted her gaze to look at Angel. "Rune said something about heading to the 'general room' after breakfast, right? Should we go there now?" she asked quietly.
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Key barely registered Yuki's warning (and seriously all together wise) words as he turned to glance over at Rod and Cece, mischief written all over his face. He remembered that he still hadn't gotten the chance to take his revenge on the guy yet and what seemed like a better time then now? His face lit up with all sort of hilarious ideas but drooped into a frown when he realized that it could possibly end in Cece being embarrassed as well. Key was usually the type to take risks without a second thought but if it pulled others with him he would never do it. He reluctantly shook his head, knowing the best chance to strike was when Rod would be alone. "It looks like old man pink heres kinda got a point..." He grumbled but when he saw the same twinkling shine of a beginning prankster flash across Lex's eyes he couldn't help but not turn down the request. He thought long and hard about something that would get under Rod's skin but not affect Cece when he seemed to strike gold once again. "Okay, this is going to be a small little thing since its your first time..." Key whispered, with a wink "But before we get started you don't mind getting a bit wet do you?"
Angel finished her bowl and watched as someone grabbed her and Krystal's bowl and walk off towards the kitchen. thinking that it must have been one of the staff, Angel got up and dusted her skirt. Looking at Celestia and Rod she giggled as she watched the two of them turn red in turns. Turning back to face Krystal and nodded. Clearing her throat she looked at everyone.

"Everyone~! We should all head towards the general room now~!"

I wonder where the staff were yesterday...?


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