IC Chat

"I know where we can-- Where we should go." He began. "There's an alpha elf in my former clan that may be able to help us. He deals with mystic magics and this sort of thing. If we can get him to help you we're good, but that doesn't mean he works for free." He continued. "Who has any money right now?" He asked. @WeepingAngel525 @Crysalisis @Moolock
Ren raised a hand. "Erm, woods are best place to practice, firstly, secondly we just got here, pretty much, and I'm pretty sure we can't leave. Jacob, how do you propose we can get to your alpha?" She raised an eyebrow, rather skeptical that Paige didn't want a teacher to know. "Also, it's not like the teachers would want the school to get a reputation of students being injured. They're also, y'know, teachers? They know what to do."

@WeepingAngel525 @Nicholas Waldorth
"I'm just agreeing with what Paige says, it was her problem from the start so if we want to do anything, it's up to her." He responded to Ren rather quickly. He glanced around the woods once more, checking for any signs of danger as the woods were home to various predators. He had knowledge of this. @Moolock @WeepingAngel525 @Crysalisis
Kairi woke up from her sleep, looking down at the book. Her eyes widen a bot seeing a familiar image, one she saw on Paige's arm. "well I'll be damned.." she got up and left to go look for the girl. She eventually saw page with Jacob and Ren. Not paying those two any mind she grabbed Paige by the collar of her shirt and started to drag her off "You're coming with me" 
Jacob signed. Why does that girl always have to drag Paige away?! He thought. He looked to Jackson with a frown. "Wake up sleepy-head, there's more to do in the day." He said, walking up to follow Ren and Paige. His feet moved the leaves around him, the musty air of the forest, it all reminded him of his old home. Good to be back. He thought as he followed the two. @Crysalisis @WeepingAngel525 @Moolock
Ren looked between the group of them, not liking the new girl as she took Paige and dragged her off. The elf, she decided, wasn't the best of the group either. With a long sigh, AJ followed behind everyone else, making sparks float around her as she walked, purely out of boredom. 
"The teachers scare me they always interrogate me after I have an episode and i'm not about to give them and tell them now." she told Ren and then looked at Jacob "we are stuck on this island until graduation so unless your alpha is here somehow then we're out of luck." she told him. Here was where perception came in handy as she knew Kairi and could sense her presence as she was grabbed by the collar and dragged she pulled back "Let go of me." she yelled pulling away from her. 

She took a moment to calm down looking at everyone now with both of her black and blue eyes "the figure removed its hood but i didn't recognize the face yet somehow i knew it...." she looked at Ren "tell the teachers and they'll think me crazy." she whispered and shook her head "Let's not make something out of nothing... hmmm...." she finished and looked down "Just leave me be." she whispered starting to walk away from them towards the ruins. 

@Kairikudo @Crysalisis @Nicholas Waldorth @Moolock
Kairi arched a brow looking at her when she yelled at her. "Alright fine, if you don't wish to see what I found then I won't show you." She said with a shrug parting in the opposite direction. 'well that was three days of work for nothing' she thought to herself as she wandered into the woods. She didn't show any emotion to them, not even when she was scolded by the girl. Inside she was a bit pissed about all that work down the drain, oh well. She should have known better then to get interested into someone else life.
Arynoir hops after them, warily staying away from the snake the elf kept looking at. Arynior knew he was more likely to be discovered by the elf but stuck close to him. Staying as hidden as possible he follows at the elves ankles.

@Nicholas Waldorth
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Jackson stopped and saw Paige walk away, What got her upset now?  He proceeded to follow her, breaking off from the group. Isn't this the directions of the old ruins? He asked himself.

Paige turned to see Jackson follow her. She stopped a moment waiting for him to catch up. "I"m sorry, There's just so many people and so much uncertainty." she told him glad to have  him with her at least. 

@Crysalisis (sorry for the one line i'm drawing a blank).
Jacob continued down, he could smell something different in the air. A different scent. As he followed Paige and Jackson he took glances behind himself, the snake moving away so he couldn't see it though he didn't see anyone else. That's odd. I swear I smelled something new. He thought. He still had his cross bow in his right hand, he was prepared for any danger. He was actually a bit excited. As he caught up with Paige, Ren and Jackson he sighed a bit. "Someone's following us." He said sternly. "I dunno much else but someone's for sure following us."  @Crysalisis @WeepingAngel525 @Kairikudo @TruPrimrose
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Paige stopped walking and looked at Jacob and then around "They're good at hiding..." she said as she tried to focus on their energy but it was hard to focus on something she couldn't see. "Think it's something dangerous?" She asked looking at Jacob. 

@Nicholas Waldorth
Kairi separated from the group as she made her way towards a dead end. She sat down on the ground under one of the many large trees in the forest. She took the sheath of her katanas off her side placing then gently on the ground before digging around in her pockets pulling out a small bag which was placed beside the Sheathed swords. She looked down at them thinking to herself 'Heh. How foolish of me to trust other people. Well I don't need them as long as I have these, at least these can't leave without my say so..' a small smile painted her lips as she grabbed a  smoothed stone from her pocket and unsheathed one of the katanas. She put some powder from the small bag onto the blade before running the smooth stone along the sharp end of the sword, making the blade sharper and buffing out the scratches and rust that would start to form.
"I see." He said, before realizing Jacob said they were being followed, "Oh? Then why don't you reveal their location to us then?" He said mockingly. "Instead of being so secretive about it, show us that 'elven skill' that your people have." He said in sort of a challenging tone, though he knew full well he could easily locate the thing following them.

@WeepingAngel525 @Nicholas Waldorth
Jacob snorted, he hated being taunted, so to prove it he pulled an arrow from the quiver on his back, loading it into the crossbow as they walked. In a sudden movement his whole body turned around, moving his hand to the grass where Arynoir was hiding, the arrow was shot. It swirled midair, not catching much air do to her being so close to him but it had impaled her shoulder, about a quarter into her body now. "Good enough for ya?" He asked before walking to the object he had fired the arrow at. He fully much knew he had caught something. @Crysalisis @WeepingAngel525 @Kairikudo @TruPrimrose
Jacob smiled, he felt he had to do that to at least show he was good at something. He got down on one knee, moving the pile of leaves he was faced to face with this (character sex) in agony. It was hard to look at, the one good deed he had done wasted an innocent. "I-- I'm gonna help you all right?" He said, his voice shaky. He moved his left hand to hold Arynoir's shoulder in place  slowly pulling the arrow out. @Kairikudo @Crysalisis @WeepingAngel525 @TruPrimrose
Arynior had reverted back to being a human in the shock and pain. Thanks to years of practice, he now turned back with clothes on. He gives a muffled scream when Jacob touches his shoulder but once the arrow is pulled out he cries with anguish. Hot tears rushed forth as Arynior covers the wound with his bony hand. The shape shifter says nothing while he cradles his injured shoulder. He changed his mind. This was definitely not fun!

@Nicholas Waldorth @Crysalisis

(Arynior is a guy xD The name is quite feminine sorry)
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Paige had walked over in time to see the hare change into a human "Way to go." she said looking at Jacob. "that looks bad." she whispered to Jackson. The girl walked over to Arynior and bent down in front of him. She reached out to help him with his injured shoulder thankful to the books she read on it. "What are you doing out here?" she asked trying to get his mind off of the pain. 

@TruPrimrose @Nicholas Waldorth @Crysalisis 
Jackson sarcastically clapped at Jacob, "Good job... you injured a shapeshifter." He said walking to them then sighing. "Who smelt trustworthy?" He pointed to the elf, "Him? If so... that was your first mistake, my friend." He laughed.

@WeepingAngel525 @TruPrimrose @Nicholas Waldorth
Jacob sighed, he had messed up big time. He had a sad expression before pushing himself up from the ground. "Are you okay? You stalked us cause you thought it was fun?" He begun. "He took the arrow he had used on the shapeshifter, putting it into his quiver. He had heated the blood of shape shifters could temporarily heal wounds. "So what do you want? You have a home kid?" He said with a deep voice though his facial expression remained sadistic. @Crysalisis @TruPrimrose @WeepingAngel525 @Kairikudo

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