IC Chat

Meanwhile in all the commotion that was happening away from the raven haired female, she seemed content siting in the forest alone while she sharpened the blade of her katanas. In her head she debated on going back to the school or just stay in the forest, she tried to decided with pro and cons 'Ok, so pro of staying in the forest, The only noise is from the wind and the animals, there are no people here so, if i need to eat i can always hunt and fish and i will always be able to watch the stars at night...So cons of staying in the forest.....' She paused for a moment not being able to come up with any cons.  "Well i guess I'm staying out here." she said out loud though to confirm it with herself 
"I was offered a place here. I said yes. I am Arynoir Canterbury." He cradles his shoulder at looks up nervously at Jacob, he trusted elves naturally as they respected nature and animals. "Why are they are they all so mean to you?" He asks frowning at the other man. He had taunted and mocked Jacob. Does he not understand elves? They were wonderfully understanding and careful a people. He respected Jacob a great deal.

@Crysalisis @Nicholas Waldorth
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"I didn't grow up learning in schools like you, Jackson." He begun. "But I sure as hell am smarter than you. " he said this with a smile before crouching down once more, putting Arynoir's good arm around his neck as he hoisted the boy up. "Anywho, we should get you to the school, that hand of yours isn't gonna hold much blood for long." He said with a warm smile. @TruPrimrose @WeepingAngel525 @Crysalisis @Kairikudo
He nodded sarcastially, "Im not the who shot a crossbow bolt at a person." He scoffed, And you call ME dumb. He thought, "Should've used your head and investigated instead of resorting to fighting." He continued, "Cause if that's how you solve being following then I don't think I want you near Paige." He smirked, "But hey, you shouldn't know any better, cause your an elf."

@Nicholas Waldorth @WeepingAngel525 @TruPrimrose
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"He seems adequate in all things elven to me," Arynior smiles shyly, looking at his bloody shoulder. He wasn't sure he liked the other man. His smile shifts to Jacob, while Jacob had injured him; he hadn't meant to. The regret on his face was immediate once he realised. Jacob was genuine. Arynior liked that. "But yes lets go." He leans heavily on Jacob, he wasn't that heavy so he figured he wouldn't mind.

@Nicholas Waldorth @Crysalisis
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"That so?" He nodded, "Alright, Jacob, only one way to solve this. Spar with me." He said, "No magic. Just plain skill. Let's see if your bite along with all that bark." He said, with a serious look on his face, "Plus, I always wanted to fight you since we met."
@Nicholas Waldorth
A smirk formed in Jacob's face, followed by a snort. He thinks he can beat me in a battle? He thought. "You wish, We need to get... Arynoir was it? To the school. Priority of life, code two of the knight's pamphlet if you've ver even read it." He said, snotty like but meant as a joke. "We can spar after Arynoir's fully healed. The guilt's gonna haunt me if he doesn't." He added as they continued down the rocky path, he looked around again, seeing that same snake he had saw earlier. It had purple eyes, dark scales and a black tongue. He could fully see it now though to the other' sit probably just appeared as a bush. It was about nine metres long and larger than thirty centimetres in width. A fight with something like that could get them killed so he tried his best to keep quiet. @Kairikudo @Crysalisis @WeepingAngel525 @TruPrimrose
Paige was quiet as she watched the talk she was definitely calmer than what she had been earlier. She followed them "honestly you two." she muttered under her breath watching Jacob she looked around as he did and could sense the snake she looked down at her wrist and the mark was burning red. She rubbed it trying to sooth it as she winced in pain. 

@Crysalisis @Nicholas Waldorth @TruPrimrose
This guy... He sighed, "Don't get to cocky. As a knight you should know to never underestimate your opponent." He smiled, "I won't lie. It won't be easy for either of us. But your overconfidence just might be your downfall, friend." He said with certainty as he made sure to adjust his coat so the elf couldn't see his hidden second sword. He turned to Paige, "Heard that." He said turning back around and walking away, "Besides, what's the worst that could happen? It's not like we are actually battling, it's a spar." He noticed her wince in pain, Paige.. He thought.

@WeepingAngel525 @Nicholas Waldorth
He looked to the boy on his shoulder, sighing as he seemed droopier than usual. He moved his free hand with the crossbow into the quiver, dropping the end of the bow into the pouch as he bent down, giving the boy a second to flop. He moved swiftly so that the boy's leg's wrapped around his shoulder as he held onto his legs and let him hang on his head. Arynoir still probably felt something poking his bum. "The snake is an elf soldier. We're known to train animals us elves and some of them watch the area. That's one of them... Probably..." He informed the boy on his shoulders. "You also shouldn't talk anymore, only makes you weaker." He said as they cleared out of the forest, the school grounds in sight. @WeepingAngel525 @TruPrimrose @Crysalisis
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"...Sure..." He said worriedly. He didn't want to lose his job but priority came first. "You two go, if something fishy happens to Paige, Jackson you handle it... If something fishy happens to Jackson? Vice versa." He said was he pulled the boy along. He could run faster but he was afraid it would only make the boy less comfortable and speed up the blood loss process. @Crysalisis @WeepingAngel525 @TruPrimrose
Jackson's eye starting twitching, You son of a... His thoughts stopped when Paige offered to go get help, "Just don't hurt yourself anymore." He didn't know if she picked up on what he referring to but he being genuine. "The better we get him help, the better. Although I'm guessing Mr. High-and-Mighty over there knew that already." He said.

@WeepingAngel525 @Nicholas Waldorth @TruPrimrose
Arynoir nods his head resting on Jacob's. No more talking okay. "I am so tired." He whispers and his injured arm goes limp, the other plays with Jacob's loose hair to distract himself from the pain. He was glad to see them working together not fighting, and happy he found people who cared. He smiles weakly.

@Nicholas Waldorth
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Jacob's eyes narrowed at Jackson, there always seemed to have been something he had done wrong. He began to feel a feeling of his hair being pulled back, peeking his eyes up he formed a warm smile on his face. "We'll be there soon, bud." He rp felt guilty... The truth is he didn't know if this kid would even survive. He just hoped. Hope.  @WeepingAngel525 @Crysalisis @TruPrimrose
Kairi heard the announcement, still in the forest. She listened carefully and came to the conclusion, she didn't care about werewolves, she stood up and climbed up the tree taking rest on a top branch
"I'll be fine." she said smiling at them and ran off, she was surprisingly quick. She slowed as she got to the building going inside she ran to the nurse's station out of breath. "Student.... shot... bow..." she gasped in between "bleeding..." she said still trying to catch her breath 
Jackson looked around, "It's getting late. We should head inside. We won't wanna be stuck out here... Like Xavius said, the werewolves here are.... let's just say... unforgiving." He had a worried look on his face before walking off. "If you don't wanna die... well get indoors." He called back, "Our fight can wait." He added, turning his walk into a run.

@Nicholas Waldorth @TruPrimrose
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Jacob sighed, he'd probably regret this. "Kid, just scream if it hurts." He said this before running at a vast speed, though not superhuman he easily passed Jackson, taking small huffs of air as he ran. In a matter of seconds he ran into the school, pushing his way in he slipped into the nurses office, placing the boy on the bed. "He was shot by a bow and he's bleeding... Bad. Help him." He said worriedly. @TruPrimrose @Crysalisis @WeepingAngel525
The nurse starts to work on him and Arynoir starts to cry loudly. He grabs Jacob's wrist. "Please... Don't go.." He gasps out pleading. "Please.." His vision was blurring with tears, pain and fear. He was more scared then he had ever been in the whole of his life.

@Nicholas Waldorth
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Jacob let the boy squeeze his hands though the boy was bound to soon stop his blood flow. "I'll be here with you bud. All the way." He said now. "Just think of frolicking through trees in the forest with the other... What are you? Human? Elvish? Orcish? Doesn't matter, picture doing something with your people." He added. "How did this even happen?" The nurse questioned. She appeared with black hair with hints of grey, a long pointed nose with a wart on it. "Err..." Jacob barely spoke, eyes darting around the room. @TruPrimrose @Crysalisis @WeepingAngel525

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