IC Chat

Jackson heard Paige scream and looked at her, "Why did you follow me? I thought I scared you too much." He said referring back to when she moved away from him, "I do don't I?" He said releasing the grip on his sword then noticing Jacob arrive, "And now you?" He groaned and sat on the wall arms across his legs and head in his lap, "What really happened? Why did you move away from me, Paige?" He asked quietly, hoping she would hear him.
@WeepingAngel525 @Nicholas Waldorth
Jacob just stood there. He wasn't big on talking so he just leaned on a nearby tree. He bent down, picking a stone from the floor before picking an arrow out from his quiver. He began to sharpen the iron tip, looking up to the two he waited. Waited for someone to talk. It looked odd though, he looked up while sharpening an arrow. Who does that? What does he ever say than argue and whine? Jacob thought about Jackson. @WeepingAngel525 @Crysalisis
At the scent of a newcomer, Arynior sits up and shifts into a hare. He follows the scent determined to see who it had come from. Female, mature, he was unsure on age. His nose twitches and guides him following the scent.
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Ren kept walking through the forest, reaching for her lighter to create a small flame, which she spilled into her hand to hold there. Little magic, why not. Should always have one ready. She found a clearing and stood in the middle of it, gently blowing on the flame. Willing it to leave her hand, the fire grew and flowed like a river of petal-shaped sparks around her. Parlor tricks. Her concentration wavered for a moment and the petal-shapes began to dissolve, causing AJ to narrow her eyes and force them back into the peaceful shape. "That's better..." After some time, the sparks went out and fluttered to the forest floor as ash. She stretched a little, taking in her surroundings once again.
Paige looked at Jackson and frowned "I wasn't scared of you." she said truth was she didn't even know she moved back away from him. "Something bad is happening... I don't think my dream was just a dream." she said looking at hte mark on her wrist. "No, Jacob, it doesn't hurt." she said softly. 

@Crysalisis @Nicholas Waldorth
The hare hops closer. Fire, Arynior thinks. Arynior suppresses the hare's instinct to ran and gets closer to the smokey smell. He plops into a bush and examines the girl. The hare's ears move independently to listen to her breathing.
Jackson got up, "Right." He looked at her, his dark red eyes turned a pale red instead, "Then why?" He asked once more. He remained silent untill she answered him with a straight answer, "Can you atleast tell me that?" He said after a few seconds.

"Magic." He said staring off into the woods, He was still sharpening the blade. He really could multitask. "Something... Someone magical is trying to get to you. Doing physical damage while remaining untouchable... Invisible to everyone besides you. I know someone who can fix it though, if you just follow me. " He said in somewhat a stern voice, the most serious thing he'd ever said to them. @Crysalisis @WeepingAngel525
Paige was getting slightly annoyed with Jackson "Oh I don't know! maybe because there's something wanting me to free it and i said no and nearly burned alive... or maybe the fact that this mark means danger and it's on me!" She snapped and looked at both of them "No, i'll figure it out on my own, I'll stop what's coming." she said tears in her eyes she definitely was not herself. She turned and walked away from them heading into the woods. 

@Crysalisis @Nicholas Waldorth
Jacob sighed, he stuck the arrow back into the quiver, dropping the stone before walking back after her silently. A snake rolled up unto his leg, he shook it off but it felt weird. Not like one he'd seen before. He continued forward, keeping a distance though still keeping his sight on Paige. He knew he could help her and as castle knight, help he would do. @Crysalisis @WeepingAngel525

[COLOR= rgb(255, 140, 0)]Beginning of Chapter 1;[/COLOR]

[SIZE= 36px]Basic story;[/SIZE]

It's been two days since the start of the new school year, many newcomers and second years made an appearance whilst others were found dead due to the pressure that this school gave. The few that didn't take their lives, attended this hell of a school and began plotting amoungst themselves a plan to escape. Will you team up with others to try and escape?


Effects on the Roleplay right now;




Ren nudged a clump of grass with the toe of her boot for a minute or so before losing interest in favor of beginning to pace the clearing. "Alistair, Gwyn, and Quinn have all been here and they said the school was hard... but they all wrote home they got top grades. That's my standard," she mused quietly. She broke off as a girl entered the clearing and the fire-focused mage turned to face her, amber eyes narrowing slightly. "Who're you?"

Jackson's eyes returned to normal and he snapped back to reality. He looked down then chased after Paige, Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. "Out of my way, elf." He ran after Paige, I'm sorry, Paige... I'm so stupid.. He thought to himself after finally catching up with Paige panting and heavily out of breath, "Pa..ige... I...m.... Sorry.." He said before stumbling back and landing on his ass in front of a tree, "Just... give me.... a moment... to catch my... breath." He said in breathed intervals.

Two days had passed since she arrived at this school. Sharing a room with Paige. One who she rarely spoke too, hell she rarely spoke to anyone.she stayed up late going through a massive amount in the library, keeping to herself as to what it was she was desperately searching for. She was now sound asleep in her and pages room, passed out on her desk on top of a book she had been reading.
Arynior watches the strange new people arrive. Unsure about them, he stays as hidden as possible in his bush with his long ears perked up to listen to their conversation.
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Paige looked at Ren carefully before deciding it was safe "Paige, and you are?" she asked with a bit of confidence she never had before. She wasn't sure where this part of her was coming from, perhaps adrenaline. Her eyes turned to Jackson as she stifled a laugh seeing him fall and try and catch his breath. "I'm sorry too. when you got close to me it reminded me of the figure in my dream and it scared me." she said shaking her head "I didn't realize it was you." she added. 

@Moolock @Crysalisis
"Anna Jane Ren," she replied, stepping forward as she extended a hand. Ren's cold gaze flicked from the girl- apparently named Paige- to the new arrival shouting after her. "And you. Who are you. Students here, I assume, but names are more important than occupation." She ran her thumb nail under the other fingernails, cleaning them with a rather confident and bored expression. Show some dignity. Collapsing by a tree, dangerous first impressions.

@WeepingAngel525 @Crysalisis
Jackson tried to say a few words but he was too out of breath. He collapsed and passed out, he never ran so fast or hard in his life.

@WeepingAngel525 @Moolock

(Sorry for the one liner.. not much to passing out xD)
"Yes we are students." she said and looked over at Jackson going over to him making sure he was okay she shook him a little but then thought about that and how that was probably a bad idea. "This is Jackson, and Jacob is here somewhere..." she said looking around and there he was still following her, she pointed to the elf "That's Jacob." she said. Paige stood up and sighed looking down at Jackson when she looked back at Ren she screamed seeing the figure again she held up her arms in a cross the mark of the scythe showing and it glowed red as though something had impacted it and knocked her over but nothing could be seen. 

@Nicholas Waldorth @Moolock @Crysalisis
Ren curled her lip at the display and abrupt end. "Well then... I guess his name will have to- oh... Jackson." Turning back to Paige, she drew her hand back to slide it into her coat pocket as she looked to the elf as well, dipping her head, "And Jacob... an elf, a knight, and a Paige. Quite a team of students." The scream, the mark, and the girl flying back- it all happened so fast and Ren jumped backward, whirling around to where she'd been looking when she'd screamed. Instantly, her hand was at her side and a spitting ball of flame was ready. "Elf- Jackson- no, Jacob! See what happened to her! Is she alright?"

@WeepingAngel525 @Nicholas Waldorth
Jacob just stood there, holding his crossbow in his right hand, his left hand behind his back. He listened to the conversation intently, he hadn't known what to say at the time. The same snake from earlier wiggled nearer the group, it was odd. He looked to it raising a brow as the creature slid back with speed. Coincidence. He thought. He looked back to the three. "So what now? Are we going after this evil or what? That mark on your wrist? It's a sign of something.. Grim Reaper maybe. I know it's a sign." He said, He was familiar with curses and such, he knew what to do. @WeepingAngel525 @Crysalisis @Moolock
Two days had passed since she arrived at this school. Sharing a room with Paige. One who she rarely spoke too, hell she rarely spoke to anyone.she stayed up late going through a massive amount in the library, keeping to herself as to what it was she was desperately searching for. She was now sound asleep in her and pages room, passed out on her desk on top of a book she had been reading.
Ren glanced to Paige, giving her a look that could be silently asking if the girl needed help up. The ball of fire in her hand went out with a hiss. "If evil or the Reaper, we're going to need a ward for her, and a pretty damn strong one." She let a small scowl show through the warm smile left over from introductions. I came here to learn magic and graduate the most prestigious school there is, not figure out mysteries as to why students are being injured. "Has this happened more than once? If so, has anyone thought of telling a teacher yet?"

@Nicholas Waldorth @WeepingAngel525
Jacob sighed. "I'll inform the teacher then, you lot can head back to the school if that' sweat you're implying." He said with a land expression. He was looking forward to bloodshed, guess he had to wait. Wait. What a word. He moved forward, holding out a hand infront of Jackson. "Get up, head back to the school." He said. @Crysalisis @WeepingAngel525 @Moolock
"It's not reaper." She said looking at them and stood up "NO we can't tell the teachers" she told them and sighed "It wants to be free..." she whispered looking down at her wrist and then at them "It was in my dream... always my dreams. If it's true then we shouldn't be in the woods" she added. 

@Nicholas Waldorth @Moolock

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