IC Chat

Alright. Kairi had gotten enough information from the group, though still curious about this  'Dark energy' the young girl spoke about. She finished her eggs and stood up, walking past the table to dispose of her plate.

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Paige looked at Jackson and nodded but then Jacob spoke and she scanned the room again, she had been wrong a few times before about a dark energy here, nothing ever came of it. Maybe it's just the school it can be dark being trapped here until graduation. She thought and shook her head. "You know, Jacob He has a point." she said looking at his crossbow, "It's energy not a force, it's something that is here but hasn't fully manifested itself and I'm not sure it ever will." She said and lost interest in the rest of her food as she pushed her plate away from her she leaned her elbows on the table and rested her head on her arms. She closed her eyes and for a split moment was drifting to sleep. After all she hadn't gotten much for being awake the past 3 days. 

@Crysalisis @Nicholas Waldorth @Kairikudo
Jacob sighed. He released hold of his crossbow, resting his back on the chair. He's stared up. He loved doing it as a kid. He still loved doing it now. He closed his eyes, allowing him to sense the presence in the room at a greater rate. He liked it. Did I tell you he liked it? @WeepingAngel525 @Crysalisis
After disposing of the plate she moved her way over to the table, more specifically where the sleeping Paige was. Without a word to the two men she picked the girl up throwing her over her shoulder before turning to walk away and towards their room. She had simply assumed hearing the name Paige that she had to be the same one that shared a room with her.
By that time she was asleep and unaware of the world around her as she entered into a completely different world. 

It was the school... wasn't it? Yes there's the forest but there are no buildings. Paige wandered the area a long while and seemed to be going nowhere. "hello" She finally called but all she heard was the deafening sound of silence. When she turned around there was a cloaked figure standing there a scythe in hand. "Free us." Was all it said to her before grabbing her wrist burning an exact image of the scythe in its hand but it didn't hurt. Just like that it was gone and Paige was left staring at her wrist before continuing her walk around the woods. 

As she dreamed she tossed and turned a little and when the mark was burned into her wrist the smell of burned flesh filled their room. 

"H-Hey... where are going with her?" He said to the girl that took her, however he couldn't moved, Come on body... why now... It was like he froze at the sight of another person, Downside of being shy... Damnit. He sighed then shook his head and followed them, "Get back here!" he shouted knowing she probably couldn't hear him let alone care about him.

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It's not that the fact that Kairi hadn't heard the boys question, she was just simply ignoring him as she carried Paige off towards their room, not bothering to look back at the male chasing insurer them, she didn't stop nor did she quicken her pace. She walked as if she was simply carrying a bag on her shoulder. The scent of burning flesh hot Kairi nose as she glanced over at the mark on Paige's wrist. Curiosity filled the girls mind, but she would have to wait to check on that later.
He groaned, Damnit. Just as bad as the elf. Not even two day of the new year an he's already made a couple enemies. "And just what do you think your doing? She's not your property." His hand unknowingly made its way onto the hilt of his sword that lay across his lower back, "Put her down now!" He yelled at her, still in pursuit. Determination filled him, that and anger that his friend was being taken from him, "You...." He couldn't controlled the words that came from his mouth, "Bitch!!!" He shouted at her.

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How cute. He thinks that is the first time she has been called a bitch. she was refereed to as a bitch so many times that people had begun to believe that bitch was her actual name. she could hear the small movement of metal when he grabbed onto the hilt of his sword, but this didn't stop her from walking in the direction of their room. her free hand resting on the handle of one of the two katanas latched at her side, just in case she would have to defend herself. She said nothing in response to the male. 

@Crysalisis @WeepingAngel525
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The walk in the woods was a bit serial for the blue and brown eyed girl it even started to snow making her smile. It was a dream she was waiting for a calm peaceful dream where nothing bad seemed to happen. The sound fell upon her eardrums it sounded like yelling. She tried to go towards it curious to who or what was yelling. There it was again the figure from before "Free us!" it yelled with such force knocking her over. "How?!" She yelled back slightly annoyed that this was ruining her peaceful dream. The figure came close to her its eyes beneath the cloak black and haunting it locked eyes with Paige and stared into her brown eye. The girl was lost in the figure's eyes as darkness was seen and felt all around her, So much so she forgot to breathe. She wasn't sure if she could even breathe anymore as she stared into the eyes of the figure unable to look away. 

Only Kairi would realize if she cared that the girl wasn't breathing anymore and her heart racing as her entire body tensed but still she did not wake. 

Arynior pulls his long, heavy coat closer to himself after accepting his place. It dwarfed his small form, reflecting his current mental state. Small in a large place unknown to him. Adventuring had always been a love of his but this place was intimidating in its utter ginormous beauty and elegance. His instincts screamed he didn't belong here. Why was Arynior doing this? Quite simply. There was nothing else to do.
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Kairis eyes widen a bit as she felt the small movements of the girls chest stop, indicating she was breathing anymore. Her hand moved off the hilt of her swords as she quickly set the girl down and tried to wake her up,before she would start to preform CPR "Kid wake up already! Paige!" she yelled in a bit of an annoyed tone. though secretly she was concerned 
There it was the yelling again, the girl looked away from the figure and around the woods again feeling the cold tile her body was now laying on. Her breathing began again a bit more rapid. 

The figure hissed as she looked away "Free Us!" It yelled again. Paige backed away afraid now "No." She told the figure. The figure moved closer to her fire erupted around the forest. Paige turned to run but everywhere she turned were flames. She backed away from the flames and into the figure and as she turned the hood was removed but it was a face she didn't recognize but scared her somehow she knew who it was and it was bad... very bad. She screamed and all went dark. 

Paige screamed and sat up in a panic her heart racing as she gasped for breath. She looked around confused seeing she was in the hallway and seeing Kairi and then Jackson following behind. She wasn't sure what happened or that she wanted to know. She groaned pushing back her hair as cold sweat beaded down her forehead her brown eye was black. 

@Kairikudo @Crysalisis
Jackson let go of his hilt an exhaled deeply, he seems to have gotten control of himself now, "Paige, are you alright?" He knelt down next to her, "Was it another dream?" He asked her, not even noticing the new girl, his coat flowed behind him as he sat down, revealing a hidden second sword by his side. He didn't dual wield much but he liked to have it as a backup, his dark red eyes pearled as he scanned Paige for any injuries still not even caring or noticing the new girl, he was far more concerned aboht Paige right now.
@WeepingAngel525 @Kairikudo
Kairis eyes moved from the girl who was now sitting up and down to the wrist where she saw the scythe like burn in her wrist. Kairi grabbed Paiges hand and showed her the mark "What is the meaning of this mark on your wrist." she demanded to know. 
"Was I dreaming...." Paige whispered a bit confused "It felt so real," she said now able to breathe normal again. As Jackson looked at her and was close it reminded her of the figure and she instinctively slid back away from him. Is he the figure? She wondered before she could ponder that thought her hands were grabbed and she saw the mark on her wrist "The scythe" she whispered looking at it "But it was just a dream." she said fearfully looking at the two with her now black eye her other eye still electric blue. She remained silent not about to share one of her dreams with her or even Jackson. 

@Crysalisis @Kairikudo
Jackson leaned back when she slid away from him, "I see.." He got up and looked at Kairis, bowed his head before turning around and walking away, his hands were in his coat pocket. He made his way back to the school's training grounds and found a training dummy, unsheathing the sword on his back, he empowered the sword with fire and sliced the dummy in half. Why did she do that. What did do? His attacks becoming more and more furious. A few minutes passed and he found himself in a field of cut in half target dummies, some on fire and some charred completely, he was breathing heavy.

@WeepingAngel525 @Kairikudo
Paige watched as Jackson got up and left before she could stop him. She looked at Kairi a bit nervous her perception was off and she just couldn't seem to focus. She took her time but followed after Jackson eventually finding him at the training grounds. She stayed out of the way watching attack the dummies. She looked at the mark of the scythe on her wrist it was clear it had been burned into her skin but it was odd that it didn't hurt her. She rubbed over it with a sigh wanting to know what it meant. As she did that she saw the figure again in front of her swinging the scythe towards her. She yelled and tripped falling backwards she shut and covered her eyes with her hands. Only she could see the figure. 

@Crysalisis @Kairikudo

((so emotional.. i'm already feeling sad today... lol))
Arynior awkwardly wanders back outside into the vast, expansive gardens. He sits on the grass then lays all the way down and stares up at the sky. There were few clouds, it was warm but breezy. He wondered if there were any animals on his floating castle.
Jacob's eyes opened. The elf had mistakenly fallen asleep while sensing the area. Rookie move. He thought. He looked around, no one was there. He had Paige's scent down and was still working on tracking Jackson's. Paige smelled like dandelions in a field of olives. She smelled great, easy to follow. He pushed himself up, examining the area before picking up his cross bow. He trekked off , glancing around before finding her. "Hey!" He said as he ran over. "I fell asleep, I'm back now. " he said sternly, in almost a soldier,s stance. @Kairikudo @WeepingAngel525 @Crysalisis
She opened her eyes again removing her hands form her face as she looked up at Jacob "It appears i had done the same." she said quite curious to who the girl was and how she ended up in the hallway. She stood up next to Jacob still looking at the scythe burned into her wrist. When she looked back up she screamed covering her head and ducking as she saw the figure again swinging the scythe at her. "Free us!" it yelled. "NO!" Paige screamed and started to run towards the forest unaware that that was where she was at in her dream. 

@Nicholas Waldorth @Crysalisis
Jacob was stunned, looking around for what was supposedly attacking her. His grip tight on his crossbow he raced after her, his speed farely advanced he caught up to her easily, raising a brow as he ran backwards. "Paige? There's nothing there, what's going on?" He sniffed the air a bit, trying to see if there was someone he couldn't see, there wasn't. Odd. He thought. @WeepingAngel525 @Crysalisis
She had to stop as she was out of breath. She looked at Jacob and then around. Is he right is there really nothing? She thought to herself and looked around one more time before focusing on Jacob. Her hair was pushed back and tangled revealing her black colored eye that was once a hazel brown and her electric blue one. "I'm fine." she whispered more to herself than him but she wasn't convinced. She sighed and showed him her wrist with the burned scythe mark. "This just happened when I was dreaming." she explained. 

@Nicholas Waldorth
He looked to the mark, it was odd but that didn't mean he couldn't do anything about it. "You need to come with me." He began. "There's someone that can help you but that's your choice. " He added. "Does it even hurt? You got burned right?" What an oddly shaped burn mark. He thought. As he continued to talk, his shiny blue eyes shimmered as he talk, as if he truly cared. He did, but now it was a bit more obvious. @WeepingAngel525
Anna Jane Ren finished checking in with the school and turned to face the grand doors to the outside. Her amber eyes took in everything, every detail, every crevice and feature of her surroundings. "The magnificent castle in the sky... this'll be a piece of cake." She slid her hands into her pockets and with no classes yet to get to, she returned outside and began to make her way to the forest, stopping at the edge of it by a fairly large tree. "Let's see what the students are like, shall we?" Stepping into the trees, Ren held herself with an air of confidence and to anyone nearby, would carry the scent of fire, ash, and pine. 

(Anyone who wants to find her is free to do so.)

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