IC Chat

Jackson walked into the nurse's office and pulled Paige out of the room and around the corner, "I saw what happened earlier. The mark, it was burning you wasn't it? I noticed it." He looked at her arm, "Is it stilling hurting?" He asked.

"Just pull through, Soldier." He said, a weary smile on his face. He was tired, he was breathless, he was nervous and he still had to answer the witch nurse who demanded what happend. "A branch." He said. "A branch fell deep into his arm." He said as he finished the lie. The nurse shook her head. "Must've been really pointy and slender to do this much damage." She said as she wrapped the boy's arm. "I know ma'am. Must be coincidental." He replied. @TruPrimrose
"He doesn't want to get me in trouble, I dared him to hit the tree behind me and I jumped as he fired his arrow. Its all my fault, Jacob you don't have to lie for me." Ayrnoir explains looking at Jacob then the disappointed nurse. He looks at his bandaged shoulder. "I was very stupid."

@Nicholas Waldorth
Jacob showed a faint smile to Arynoir before looking back to the nurse. "It's true." He said. "I was stupid to do it in the first place but what he said is the truth." He said, keeping grip on Arynoir's hand. "Kids these days... I made many mistakes as a kid too so I'll let this one slide." The nurse began. "But you're supposed to be a knight, man up alright?" Her voice seemed normal. He nodded as the woman waved her hand Arynoir's wound was instantly healed. "I just take time to make everyone think it's true. You're good to go boys." She said as Jacob smiled to Arynoir. @TruPrimrose
Arynoir sits up and smiles widely. "Thank you." He bows at the nurse and leads Jacob out. "And thank you... I know I am a complete stranger who you shot then carried. I don't care what anyone says you are a true knight and elf." Arynoir blushes deep red.

@Nicholas Waldorth
Jacob blushed though tried not to let the boy know. It felt nice to be appreciated. "So what now? Going to the forest once more?" He asked with a small chuckle. "Or we could go to bed. It's late." He informed. He raised a brow now. "Your choices, your cards here, Arynoir." He asked. @TruPrimrose
Ren walked into the room she'd been assigned and frowned, looking around. The bed to the right was freshly made, not visibly claimed. Also, it had a window above the headboard. She shrugged and picked up her duffel, moving it onto that bed. Looking to the window and down to the forest beyond, she frowned and her fingers lingered on the latch for a few moments before she squeezed her eyes shut and withdrew it. You won't be impressing your family as a pile of remains being sent home in a box. Leaving the other bed for her future roommate, she reached up and pulled off her scarf and jacket and spread them out on the blankets, marking the bed as hers. Once done, Ren went to open the door of her dorm and stepped into the hallway, stretching her arms over her head. Simple solution, defend yourself. You're the most gifted person of the Ren Family. You can handle some creatures in the ruins. She smirked, walking down the hallway.
Paige followed Jackson outside the nurse's office. "Yes it burned." She swigged showing him the mark looked deep and red it was shocking that it didn't bleed. "It doesn't hurt anymore." She told him and sighed "it looks bad... should I show the nurse?" She asked trying to consider what Ren said about telling the teachers. Maybe she should learn to trust him. Paige sighed and shook her head. She yawned and leaned in close to him. I'm so tired but I'm terrified to sleep now." She sighed. 

"Bed sounds nice, I have had more then enough adventuring today thank you!" Arynoir laughs. "Where actually are the beds?" He asks confused.
Jackson looked down then back at her, "Do you think it's of importance?" He asked her, "If you think it is, I'd be glad to accompany you." He smiled as she leaned against him, he blushed a bit, "Uhh, right..." He put an arm around her, "If you really want to sleep.. maybe being close to someone you trust will help alleviate the nightmares." He said reassuringly.

Paige shrugged "I don't know.... it's like something wants to be free and they are using me to do so...." she whispered looking up at him still unsure. "Maybe... that will help.." she said closing her eyes her head leaning on his chest and her body slowly going dead weight. 

Jackson looked at her and smiled, "Something wants to be free, huh?" He slowly felt her getting heavier, Oh god, she's actually going to sleep. I should get her to a bed... He looked at her, She looks so peaceful... and it seems shes warmed up to me. He picked her up and held her, carrying her to the bed in the nurses office where Jacob and the little one still stayed and gently placed her on the bed.

@WeepingAngel525 @Nicholas Waldorth @TruPrimrose
Jacob looked down the school corridor, pulling Arynoir's arm towards the dorm chamber. "Here." He said, dropping his bow by his bed he stripped into his leaf fabricated underwear. He kicked his pile of clothes beside his bed, falling back he went into a star fish position, quickly falling asleep as his head hit the pillow.

 @TruPrimrose @Crysalisis @WeepingAngel525
Jackson watched the elf and saw his leaf underwear, "Hm... true man of nature." He joked, he looked back down at Paige then proceeded to leave the room for a bit, he was hungry so he went to see if the cafeteria was still open and serving food... he also hoped they had Pineapples. After reaching the cafeteria he noticed they were still open and the fruit basket was full, he spotted a pineapple and ran there and appeared in an instant, "Mmmmm pineapples." He chopped it up and a took a bite and nearly fainted from the taste, "Yessss~." He turned around and took the pineapple with him back to Jacob and offered it to him, "Mmm, want some?" He asked.

@Nicholas Waldorth
Jacob arched a brow on his bed before pushing his barbarian like body up into a sitting position on his bed. He then sniffed the air... Pineapples! He jumped up before slowing down, he tried to act cool. He scratched the back of his head before moving his hand towards Jackson with a faint smile. "Yes... Please." He said. @Crysalisis
That was almost too inconspicuous.... "Wait... do you like pineapples?" He asked him, almost sure of his answer, He took another bite and looked at Jacob, Wait are we bonding over a pineapple? His thought expressed over a facial emotion when his face deadpanned.

@Nicholas Waldorth
Jacob grunted, scratching his bum with his other hand for a second. "Pineapples were rarely eaten in the forests." He began. "You had to be really rich to eat one. Saved up for one and it lit my day." He said still holding his hand out for the fruit. Why can't he just give me the damn fruit! He thought. @Crysalisis
Jackson sliced the fruit in half and gave the bottom half to Jacob, "Well there are plenty in the cafeteria.." He said pointing to the cafeteria, Really? 'Lit your day'? Pineapples were really that rare? Man, I feel bad for him. He realized what he thought and his eyes widened, Why am I feeling sorry for him?!

@Nicholas Waldorth
Meanwhile in the forest Kairi had gone from tree to tree silently in the forest, setting traps for the werewolves. Once she finished she sat down on a branch, both katanas out. She tilted her head to look up at the starry night. A smile painted her lips as she looked up at the beautiful star filled sky. She loved the view, she loved the peace she got when she was alone.
Jacob smiled, taking the fruit he dug his teeth into it, ripping out a piece of the fruit he munched on it before perking his head up. "Whoops shank khchou." He said his mouth filled with the fruit. @Crysalisis
After some wandering, AJ finds herself at the doors to the cafeteria and glances around as she steps inside. She could grab something now rather than deal with the rush for breakfast tomorrow morning and after weighing the options, steps over toward one of the shelves and picks up a deep red apple, looking it over. "This'll do." Quickly making her way out, AJ steps into the night air, jogging toward the forest. "Ah, never thought the sky would look so different from a few thousand feet higher." She stops short at the forest edge, sliding the apple into her coat pocket as she conjures a flame. Walking by the light of that, she makes her way toward the ruins, ready for a little night time excitement. 

Some wandering, some narrow escapes from traps, and AJ found herself in a small clearing where the stars were visible. She extinguishes the flame hovering at her side and turns her face to the stars. "You've made it, Alex. You've made it to the castle in the sky," she mutters, the smallest of smiles gracing her lips.

Paige stayed peacefully asleep as she dreamt about her new friends. It was the first good dream in a long time and she didn't want to wake up. If she remained in thisnkinda of sleep she could end up sleeping for days to catch up on the lack of sleep she received previously. At some point the nurse transported Paige to her room knowing it would be more comfortable for her. 
Jacob gulped down the pineapple, looking to the nurse from earlier as she entered. He nodded, walking to his bed now he kisses Paige's forehead as well as wave to Jackson before walking to his bed. The minute his head touched the pillow he was out col. Zzzzzz

@WeepingAngel525 @Crysalisis
"Were you trying to say thank you?" He said before waving back and stretching, I should go to sleep. After making his way to his dorm and laying in his bed and falling asleep.

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