IC Chat

Kairi looked at him from the corner of her eyes as he asked that "Yes I have heard the tales." She admitted "what does this have to do with anything?"
Jackson shrugged, "I've heard it before but never paid attention to it." He added,grabbing his sword as they walked towards the school.


"He helped win the batt--" He was interrupted by Paige when she spoke up about the legend, "That's right," He looked at Kairi, "It's important, because not even the public copies of that legend mention this next part." He sighed, twirling his cigarette, "Al'ar told the three that he helped there would an evil that even he couldn't or the Four Horsemen of legend. Something far greater than the owner of the castle. He prophesied that this being would take the body of a young girl, and lay dormant in the host till they got more mature." He looked upon the group of kids.

"Kind of like a parasite, feeding off the hosts' dreams, turning them into all-to-real nightmares, although these nightmares were projected, they weren't real, they never could be real." He said as his current cigarette was almost half done. "Paige, we believe this entity has taken over your body. You didn't know you had an entity in you, so we kept an eye on you." He smiled, "Trust me, you were never in any real danger from the start." His face went serious, "This entity... it's prophesied to be the spirit of the Headless Horseman himself. That's what concerns me."

@Kairikudo @WeepingAngel525
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"so the headless horseman is now possessing page? What next, the horseman posses the other students?" She looked at him arching a brow. Things just seem to keep getting complicated at this school.
Paige froze as he talked about the nightmares and now he called her out. She tensed and looked down "that's why the teachers would practically interrogate me about my dreams?" She asked and looked down "I didn't have any last night." She said hopeful. 


Xavius and Jackson

Xavius looked at Kairi, "Not so much possessed but he was forced in there." He said, "The horseman is a being who is cursed to forever walk this world, the best we can do is hope, he hasn't been trapped inside her." He looked at Paige, "Yes, I'm sorry, it was for your own safety." He said, "Say Jackson, thank you."

Jackson looked up and his eyes widened a bit, "Wh-Why?" He said being put on the spot like this.

"For looking after Paige, we never expected someone to actually care about her, you and Kairi helped out a lot, so thank you too, Kairi." Looking between them.

Paige glared "wait a minute? What's that suppose to me?" She asked wincing some as she rubbed at the mark "you actually expected people to hate me? If you were looking out for me the why wait until now to tell me I have a parasite inside me." She snapped and shook her head. "You might think you've been trying to help but don't pretend to actually know me." She cried and simply turned and walked away clutching her wrist as it burned again. 

@Crysalisis @Kairikudo
"I didn't help out with anything so if you want to thank someone then give the thanks to Jackson." She stated bluntly. Facing forward so they wouldn't see a small shade of pink on her cheeks.


Xavius became annoyed with Paige's response, "And what? Have you live fear for the rest of life? Which would be worse? Live in uncertainty or fear?" He said in an obviously annoyed toone but calmed himself  down, "Everything we did was for your safety." He stopped walking and used his telekinesis to make Paige stand still then he lifted her in the air, his eyes glowing a bright baby blue, "You don't even anything about yourself and your lecture me on you?" He made sure to keep Kairi and Jackson in place with telekinesis so they wont interrupt. He turned to her face him, "That mark, when did it show up?" He asked.


Jackson tried to move but couldn't, "Hey what the hell are you doing?" He struggled to even move his body a centimeter.

@Kairikudo @WeepingAngel525
Kairi noticed she was unable to move further. A sigh passed her lips "Don't waste your energy Jackson. You won't be able to move with this magic.." her eyes narrowed on the headmaster
Paige gasped as she was suddenly lifted into the air. She sighed "I always lived in fear you don't understand what these nightmares do to me." She cried although the tears were more of pain from her arm than her emotions. "It showed up..." she started to say but fell silent as the marks again lined her skin. She remained silent. 

Xavius narrowed his eyes, They're back. He released the two to focus his telekinesis on Paige, hoping to restrain her the best he could, The Seal can only work once on the same soul... Right now, this is my only option. He gritted his teeth, "I knew it wouldn't last long..."

@WeepingAngel525 @Kairikudo
Kairi now able to move noticed the sudden change as she spoke up, her eyes locked on Paige. "You need to keep her contained right?"


Hmm, she's able to control it some now? He looked at Kairi, "Yes.. there's no telling when it'll break out.." Turning his attention back to Paige, "That's it.. keep talking, focus on us, Paige." He tried to have her counteract the mark by focus on her friends, he turned to Kairi, "Look at her mark, it's stopped. It indicates she can control it some... probably by focusing on her friends and loved ones." He stated.


Jackson was finally able to moved and noticed the sudden change, Come on Paige, Fight it! He said, "Fight it!" He yelled at her, "Paige! Don't you dare give in to it! Fight it! You can't win if you don't fight!" Xavius looked at Jackson, Jackson... I had no idea... He thought.

@Kairikudo @WeepingAngel525
Kairi listened to Jackson as he called out to her finally she spoke. Her eyes met Paige's as she spoke "If you let that thing take you from me, I will never forgive you..."
Paige looked at them confused but gathered that something happened. "It burns..." she said holding her arm. "So is there anyway to stop it?" She asked her eyes looking to Jackson and then snapped to Kairi "I won't." She promised solemnly 

Xavius let her go, Hmm, she seems to have control of herself now.. He looked at Jackson and Kairi, "See? You both helped/." He said before looking at Paige, "Well one way is to kill the host." He joked, but given the situation he knew wasn't appropriate but there was truth behind it. "Ahem, The other way would be to kill the entity itself, but since it's made itself apart of you, that could prove to be hard." He said with regret.
Paige moved over closer to her friends a little scared of Xavius. She tensed when he said to kill the host "I would like to live." She muttered and looked down there was no easy solution. "I'm kind of tired." She whispered feeling a little dizzy. 


Jackson and Xavius

Xavius looked ahead, "Well... might be our only option." He said in a serious tone, he knew Paige was a bit scared of him and he understood. "Well, you kids have fun, I will back in a short little bit!" He walked off.

Jackson looked at Paige, she was scared then over to Kairi, "What the hell do we do?" He asked them both.

@Kairikudo @WeepingAngel525
Paige watched Xavius leave and waited until he was out of ear shot. She tensed and looked at them "We get the hell away from this stupid place..." She said quietly "I'm not going to let them kill me just because i'm the host of some headless horseman." she mumbled and shook her head "maybe it'll leave me the further I am away from the school." she told them. "Don't let them kill me." she said shaking her head tears falling down her cheeks. 

@Crysalisis @Kairikudo
Kairi looked over at Jackson "Can you take her to our room so she can get some rest? I have some business to take care of." And with that she bolted after Xavious. There was no way she was going to let him get away from her so easily.


He looked down then back at her and to Kairi, he nodded, "Right, okay, come on Paige, lets head back." He said, picking her up and cradling her, for a woman she was surprisingly light. As he ran back to the dorm area with Paige in his arms, It might be the only way... He shook head, "Stop thinking about, Jackson" He said aloud, forgetting Paige was there.


Xavius heard her footsteps but made nothing of it, he continued walking, twirling his cigarette in his mouth.

@Kairikudo @WeepingAngel525
It hadn't taken Kairi long to catch up to the headmaster. She was now walking alongside him her eyes forward as she spoke "don't think I am going to let you skip out on out discussion"

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