IC Chat

Paige felt a little better being warm "I know." she whispered to her and sighed "It doesn't want to die... and doesn't want me dead... so it can't be out on its own... maybe there's a spell or something that can pull it from me... without a host it would die?" she thought out loud. 

Jackson happened outside and saw Kairi and Paige, What is going on? He walked up to the two, "Hey guys, what happened? I just got here." He looked at Kairi then to Paige noticing she was trapped in a block of ice, he blinked a few times before realizing, "Wait, why is Paige in a block of ice?" He asked.

@Kairikudo @WeepingAngel525
"I will research if there are any spells or seals. Maybe I can find something in the history books about the headless horseman." Her attention then turned to Jackson "Paige was possessed again, do I froze her limbs in a block of ice to keep her from escaping "
Paige smiled suddenly "I think we can keep it sealed if you just have ice around the mark itself. I feel less agitated... like it can't get inside my head." she said looking at the two 
Xavius walked from the Castle's very top, were the doors were locked via powerful spells and mirrors and looked at AJ, "How long have you been there?" He asked her.
 He didn't expect anyone to be this high in the castle.

A chinese dragon made of fire no longer than her forearm flickered out mid-spiral as AJ looked to the headmaster. "I haven't seen any clocks since the fourth floor so I really can't tell you," she replies calmly. "I expect it took me maybe ten minutes to get up here? Less? I walk fast," she adds flatly. Pushing off from her spot against the wall, she turns to face the headmaster, her posture relaxed but with an air of confidence. "Don't worry," she waves a hand to his office door, "I haven't taken a peek, yet.- no, no, I'm kidding, I wouldn't. I have a few questions, some things I'd like to discuss, if you have the time."

Kairi thought for a moment "Fine. But the moment you start to lose control us the moment I freeze you again." She broke the ice around everything. Leaving ice wrapped around the mark itself
Xavius rubbed his chin, "I can spare a few minutes... but no more. Got it?" He clapped his hands, "Okay, out with it." He said, his cigarette flickering before running out. He reached into his pocket and pulled out another one and lit it.

Paige moved around  little and nodded to her. "Okay... so we have some research to do but how, they are going to watch me now that they know i have the mark..." she said looking at Jackson and Kairi.

@Kairikudo @Crysalisis
"I can get books from the library to do the research. I left the book open on my desk in our room that I wanted to show you that talked about the mark and the headless horseman. Why not try reading that first and see what we can get from it." She suggested watching Paige as she moved around.
Paige nodded "okay." she said and started walking back to the school. She was quiet which wasn't abnormal for her but there was a lot going through her head. 
She slides her hands into her pockets. "Why would the castle have picked someone clearly a threat to be within its walls? I refer to Miss Paige, honestly I don't understand why if it'll cause such disturbance. The barrier broadcast to be defense against werewolves was really to keep this second entity from awaking? If so, then why was not more care taken into making sure she would be restrained by the barrier? Instead, she was sealed out of the forest, as I recall." AJ spreads her hands, "You can see my issue with this and the lack of safety of this institution, I hope?"

"Secondly," AJ continued, "I wish to further my studies. I've seen the school's impressive library, however what I'm looking for isn't the sort of information available to general students. I was wondering if I could be given clearance to the restricted stacks. If there's a test or anything I must take to first prove responsibility in the face of greater magic, then I will."

Xavius smiled at her observations, "You ask all the wrong questions, my dear. I didn't willingly choose anyone, everyone here is handpicked by the Grandmaster himself. Whether he knew or not Miss Paige would be such a disturbance, I have no idea." He paced forward, his hands behind his back, "Also, that barrier wasn't broadcast to be a defense against the werewolves, I would never waste precious resources on a threat so little to me, the plan was to trap her within the school so she would be more easier to deal with if the entity decided to show itself so soon." He looked ahead, down the hall at the students moving classes since the bell just rang, "Regarding your issue with safety, no I do not see it, the Grandmaster takes great care to make sure the safety of the students is his top priority."

He snapped his head back to AJ when she mentioned the restricted area, "No. There's a reason that stuff is restricted. The stuff contained in those books and tomes have precious material only available to a select few teachers, me and the Grandmaster. No test of power or strength will EVER grant you clearance to that knowledge... got it?" He said sternly.

AJ stands there silently for a few moments before smirking. Digging a hand into her pocket, she withdrew a trinket with a tag dangling from it, a professor's name and their access to the restricted stacks visible in pen on the tag. As she tossed it to the Headmaster, she muttered, "Tell your select teachers to guard their access more carefully then. If another student were to have found this, I doubt it would've been returned." Turning away, the dragon appeared at her heels, behaving much like a dog as it trailed down the stairs after her. "Don't worry," she repeated, "I haven't taken a peek."

Nearly into the hallway with the other students, she stopped and called looked to the top where the Headmaster stood, giving a broad smile and a wave, "Thank you, sir! I look forward to more discussions in the future." Lowering her head, AJ continued on her way to class. Offensive practicing was next, out in the training field of the school grounds.

Kairi walked along side Paige. She didn't say anything to her as they made there way back to the school and towards there room. Once there Kairi took the book off her desk and sat down on her bed offering Paige a seat next to her.
Xavius caught the key and read it, "Wait... this teacher hasn't taught here for 15 years... how did she..." He raised an eyebrow, "Odd.." He put the key into his pocket and walked on, whistling a tune.
Xavius noticed the kids from before in the library, "Hmm..I should tell them the good news." He walked up on them, unnoticed and looked over Kairi's shoulder. Not speaking or talking to see how long it took her to notice him.
It didn't take her long due to the strong smell of cigarettes. Her face still towards the book but the tip of her katanas at his neck. "If you are trying to sneak up on someone, then  you should stop smoking. The scent gives you away"
Xavius smiled and with a simple wave of his hand, the katana went flying out her hand and dug straight into a book shelf, "You should know to better than then to threaten your Headmaster like that." He used his other hand to slide her other katana out of it's sheath, "The great thing about telekinesis, is you can use it to turn your oppnents weapons against them." He spun it in the air before sending it flying in another direction, "Now then, I came to give you good news. Turns out the Grandmaster knows of a way to extract the demon from Paige." He said.
@Kairikudo @WeepingAngel525
"If I had the intent to kill you headmaster than I would have done so already. Now give me back my katanas that you threw." She said looking over her shoulder at him. "Would this method prevent her from dying?" She asked arching a brow
"And if I had the intent to survive, you would have a harder time killing me the simply thrusting your rusty katanas in my asphogus." He retorted, "If you count extreme pain as death, then no it wouldn't." He said, "We can get it out of her but she would be in extreme pain for the process." He said in a more serious tone.

@Kairikudo @WeepingAngel525
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Paige looked up from the book and looked st Xavius carefully "I can handle pain." She said trying to sound brave after all she did just have marks burned into her skin. 'Oh really? You can handle the pain... then how about watching them all die.' Shadow told Paige. It had continued talking to her for a long while and the ice wasn't really doing anything but it let her believe it was. There Xavius came showing off his power. "It's time." Paige said out loud as the room grew pitch black. "Mmm much better. I love the dark." It chuckled moving from the table they were sitting at very quietly. Suddenly the glass began to shatter all around them from the windows to anything in the room. 

@Kairikudo @Crysalisis

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