IC Chat

Paige didn't protest being picked up as he carried her to her dorm room. "think about what?" she asked hearing him speak out loud. When they got to the room she collapsed on her bed with a sigh looking at the mark on her arm. She wasn't tired anymore, in fact she felt energized. She looked at Jackson "let's leave the school." she said simply "maybe that's all that I need to do." 



Jackson looked at Paige, "Nothing just thinking aloud." He had just placed his hand on the door handle when she told him they should leave. He yielded no response and stood there in silence.


Xavius looked at Kairi, "There's nothing to discuss further." He said, "Besides, you should check on Paige, she could use both her friends in a time like this. "He stated, completely avoiding what she is trying to ask him.

@Kairikudo @WeepingAngel525
"Paige had survived without me before and she will survive with out me for a few hours. And we have plenty to discuss." She said narrowing her eyes on him. She wasn't going to let this go.


Jackson tightened his grip on the handle to the point of almost crushing it, his hand began bleeding from the sharp metal but it didn't bother him, "And what? Live in fear for the rest of your life?" He let go of the handle and put his hand to his side, blood dripping from his hand and landing on the floor, "Sorry, but I can't let you live that way... we'll find another way.. I promise." He opened the door, blood stained the handle as he left.



Xavius twirled his cigarette in his mouth an sighed, "And what would that be? What could possibly be more important then the matters at hand?" He asked, "If it's concerning you not being able to leave this place, then here's your answer, I don't why either. You think I came here by my own free will?" He said, looking straight ahead.

She gave him an annoyed look "At this point I don't give a damn about that. The matter at hand is what my concern is. There has to be another way then to kill her."
Paige watched as he left and saw the handle nearly crushed and blood on it. She turned over so unsure as she looked at the mark again "I'll get you out myself." she muttered closing her eyes. Sleep over took her faster than she thought and her dreams she was falling down a hole until she hit what seemed a battlefield. she walked around trying to figure out where she was and what was going on until she heard a cold laughter that made her shudder. 
Xavius stopped and picked Kairi up with his Telekinesis and moved her close to him, "Don't you think, if there was another way, I would know it? Hmm?" He said, "Did that ever, at one point, cross that mind of yours?" He gently placed her on the ground, "Listen, we are trying best to figure this out, what happens next between me and the head of the Castle is of none of your concern." He continued walking.

Her eyes widen for a moment as she was suddenly pulled close with the telekinesis. Her expression turned back to her usual "I know it would have popped in your head but you don't know everything. It'll take research but I'm sure there is another away..." Her expression uncaring. She watched him walk off before she started following after again.
Paige didn't sleep long as her eyes shot open. She sighed nothing too terrible happened but she was still a little frightened of the fact that people at the school wanted to kill her. She stood up and carefully opened the door not caring about the dried blood she was more concerned of the metal shards. Poking her head out she saw the coast was clear and took her chance. She ran with all her might and with all her speed. She got to the forest when she finally stopped to catch her breath 'they're going to kill you' the voice kept saying to her darkly. She shook her head as she aimlessly wandered the forest. 
Xavius suddenly stopped, "Someone crossed my line." Little did they know, Xavius had set up an undetectable barrier that sent a signal to Xavius should anything pass through it. He looked towards the forest, "Hmm." His eyes narrowed, he stopped Kairi, "Shhh."

Kairi came to a stop looking abut confused. She didn't bother to ask what it was. She just stood there and stared at him
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'say goodbye Paige...' the voice finally said as the mark carved its way up her body. However she felt numb and didn't scream from the pain. She finally collapsed breathing heavily there had to be something from her previous dreams to give her answers as she tried to recall anything of use. Her hands trembled "I won't die." she whispered 'no you won't die... let me help you.' it finally said. the girl paused considering a moment "no" she finally stated. 'silly Paige...' was all the voice said 
AJ continued her long stroll around the school, taking the last bite of her apple as she rounded the corner to find herself by the door to the Headmaster's office. She tossed the core into the air, zapping it with a bolt of fire to disintegrate it before it hit the ground. As black ashes fluttered to the ground, she glanced both ways, then leaned on the adjacent wall, staring at the doors.


"Kairi, go look in that direction." He pointed to the area where he felt the ripple come from, "I fear the worst, unfortunately, using my telekinesis that much took its toll, I need rest." He said.



Jackson had found the cafeteria and since then washed the blood from his hands, though looking suspicious having just walked out the girls dorm with blood on his hands, it was his own, I swear... He thought holding back finishing his thought.

Paige got to the ruins and sighed sitting down breathing heavy as she tensed up 'stop fighting, they are going to kill you anyways.' Shadow told her. Tears fell down her cheeks "no, I will fight to my very last breath... I promised." She cried. And continued walking she had to find a way out. Even if it meant staying alone.
Kairi gave a nod as she went to see what it was that he felt, her katanas drawn as she prepared for the worsr
'Someone is coming' Shadow told Paige and she stopped for a moment and looked around 'let me out paige. you can't do this on your own.' it told her the marking slowly going up her arm again making her grimace. "no" she hissed but she was fighting a losing battle and it soon over took her. "Much better." Shadow said taking in a deep breath "now then... let's go see who is bothering us, hmm?" It chuckled and walked towards where it had sensed the aura and smirked "Kairi..." it said darkly standing there arms crossed. 

Kairi noticed the dark tone in Paige's voice. An annoyed look painting her face "Damn it Paige! You promised that you wouldn't let it take you from me!" She said still running towards page. She hadn't sheathed her katanas as she slide the right katanas over the left, a blue aura around the blades as she slashed in the air, sending a wave of ice at her. It would trap page with the ice, her hole body beside her head.
Paige watched Kairi come towards her and didn't try to run as ice swept over her body 'silly she thinks she can beat us.' it thought. "Unfortunately she is very present right now. Rather annoying if you ask me..." Shadow said shaking her head. "we are trying to leave the school seeing how Paige doens't want to die... and i don't particularly want her to die either, oh and let's face it i'm stronger than her so of course she'll let me out." it chuckled. 

Kairi said nothing to shadow as she gave an uncaring look, she slammed the hilt of her katana into a knock out point on Paige. She wasn't going to let Paige die, Paige should have known that for herself.
Shadow was able to see the move barely before it happened and sent a barrier that would push Kairi back when she hit it. "Fine if you won't talk to me then talk to Paige." It hissed falling silent. The girl screamed more out of anger than fear. "Kairi... i'm sorry..." she said quickly hoping she was okay as she struggle against the ice. "please..." she whispered.

Kairi said back as her git was blocked. Her eyes narrowed on page before she spoke "Sorry Paige, but you can't leave until we figure out a way to get the headless horseman out of you without it resulting in your death."
"they're going to kill me. you heard Xavius he didn't seem so fond in finding another way." she whispered shaking her head shivering some "can you let me out of the ice... it's freezing." she said. 

"Do you really think I would let him kill you? Do you think I wouldn't spend day and night myself searching for another way?" She slide her left katana over the right as flames engulf the blade. She put it towards the ice melting it from her torso but leaving her hands and feet trapped "I can't release you fully. I don't want it taking over again to attack.

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