IC Chat

"If you wanted to get in, then what made you walk a- oh... that business, right." Nodding a few times, she replied to his question quite quickly, "If I knew other students were in there? Hit it with everything I've got till I pass out, wake up, find a new spot, repeat, until I found the right place. The idea of a barrier is stupid and if its for the safety of the students, who the f*ck had the brilliant idea to not be careful about making sure all students were first secure?" She glances at him sidelong, pursing her lips. "Thought I'd have a different answer than that, I bet. More self-serving? Ignore the barrier all together?" Tilting her head, she asked, "Why, do I look so high and mighty to you that I wouldn't care or question things that could be beneath my notice? If that's the impression I give off, I apologize deeply." Talking too much, she scolded herself.

Paige looked around the ruins never really being there and sighed finally sitting down "I guess there's nothing here." she said looking up at her she was trying to forget that Jackson had just left her there. He didn't ask her to come and she wasn't going to follow him like a puppy she sighed mindlessly scratching at her mark. "Kairi... do you want to try and get off this island?" she asked 

Kairi went with Paige, her eyes looking out for anything that might attack them. She stopped beside Paige looking down at her "I don't really know what I want to do. It's not like I have anything to go back too."
Jackson side glanced at her, a frown on his face, "Everyone has their own answer to that question. I hate to say it, but you look at the smaller picture." He said, "You make it sound like you do it to save one person. I did it because I wanted to find the source of the problem and neutralize it and save everyone in the process. But I all got for trying to help was a cold shoulder." Tears began forming in his eyes, "People just suck!" He shouted and threw his sword into the grass, he turned and ran away towards the barrier, where the hole was, leaving his sword behind only to find it was repaired. He banged on it, "God." He hit it again, "DAMNIT!" He shouted. He fell to his knees, tears going down his face, "What the hell have I done.." He hit it one more time with all he had and wound up breaking his pinky finger, but the adrenaline nullified the pain for now.

AJ'd whirled around as he shouted and ran off. Before going to follow him, she picked up the sword and carried carefully, coming up behind him. Wordlessly, she turned it around to be gingerly holding the blade, the hilt extended toward them. "You didn't cast this barrier, the people in charge of the castle did." Her voice was soft, but not without a certain firmness to it. "Dry your tears. You have the means to do what you did before right beside you. If you wish, I can aid."

Paige nodded "Same here... I left home because i knew i scared my parents. " she said shaking her head "but, I don't like getting messed with even though i don't have many friends here it's like a sanctuary and i'm scared that someone is messing with it or with us..." she said looking at her. "So let's figure it out." she added more determined and stood up. 

"You may not have many friends, bit from my observation those friends you do have really care about you, in my opinion that makes you lucky." She said in a monotone voice. "If you wish to find out what is happening, then I'll stand by your side.."
He got up and grabbed his sword, not drying his tears, "I left her there. I left her there and I didn't even tell her why..." He swung his sword with full force almost as if being fueled by anger but it just collided and stopped it mid track, "I'm so selfish!" He shouted before hitting it again, "Stupid." He hit it again, "Stupid." And again, "Stupid." Just like his finger, the last hit he made, made his sword fling out of his hands, he stood there frozen in disbelief, "This... this was the spot before.. why can't I.." He said as his sword landed in the grass behind them. "What... what happened? Why can't I do it like I did before?"

Paige slightly smiled at Kairi "You're my friend too... you know." she said they were roommates after all. She winced feeling her arm burn. She looked at the mark on her wrist and saw that it had burned through the sleeve of her jacket. Tears fell out down her cheek as she tensed her jaw clenched. She looked up her eyes wide with fear as the figure that she had seen before now stood before her 'Free Us!' It demanded and touched the girl's forehead. Paige instantly collapsed to the ground unconscious. She was running in the forest running from the figure but to no avail. The figure caught her and grabbed her wrist as more markings traced her body. Kairi would only be able to see marking from her wrist trail up the girl's arm and around her entire body intricate markings... and the smell of burning flesh as Paige laid there unconscious. 

She looked at her a bit surprised. She never had a friend before. Most people stayed away from her because of her attitude. She was about to say something  until she saw her wince. "What's wrong Paige?" Concern filled the tone of her voice. Her eyes widen when she caught the smell of burning flesh and saw her collapse to the ground. Kairi instantly pulled her sleeve up seeing the mark growing. She muttered shit under her breath repeatedly. As she picked her up. She started to run at top speed towards the school. Finding herself by Jackson and Aj. She noticed the barrier closed. She set Paige down gently pulling out her katanas. Her left katana moved over the right one lighting he blades on fire. She began an onslaught of attacks trying to break the barrier down.
Paige suddenly screamed and sat up her eyes wide as she groaned rubbing her head she looked around a bit weirded out. She stood up brushing herself off  and looked at Kairi with a smirk "Kairi... right?" she asked it was Paige's voice but it definitely wasn't her demeanor. "hmm... " She looked at the barrier "What are you doing?" she asked crossing her arms. 

Kairi looked over at Paige. Something sure as hell seemed off. Her eyes narrowed on the girl. "Who the hell are you? Paige wouldn't have to question what my age is and she sure as hell wouldn't ask such an ignorant question. Kairi turned to face Paige. Her katanas in her hand
Jackson looked up and saw Paige in the state she was, he banged his palmed on the barrier, "What the hell happened to her." The barrier making it difficult to hear or be heard his eyes still full of tears.

@Kairikudo @WeepingAngel525 @Moolock
Paige simply chuckled and looked over herself first she observed her hands opening and shutting them and moving her fingers she then grabbed her dress making it swish back and forth. She looked at her shoes and kicked at the ground with her foot. "You can call me Shadow... Not what I had in mind with being free but this will do." She said with a laugh. Her eyes shifted to Jackson who is on the other side of the barrier..."oh.... you're Jackson... she thinks about you a lot... rather sickening if you ask me." She snickered

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A strange man appeared next to Jackson and Moolock, his voice all to familar from the announcements, and his voice easily piercing the barrier so Kairi could hear, "Hmph. As expected." He said to the creature that had taken over Paige, he put his hand on the barrier and dispelled it, he twirled his half-used cigarette in his mouth and removed his hands from his pockets, "Leave her be, you fiend!" He put his hand to Paige's arm and sealed the creature in her body for the time being. "No-one messes with my students and gets away with away with it.

@Kairikudo @Moolock @WeepingAngel525
Kairis attention was caught by the familiar voice as she turned her head to look at him. Her face lacked emotion. As her grip was tight on her katanas as she  watched him seal the mark. Her eyes widen a bit. "The hell...?"
"I will be freed!" Shadow screamed as her arm was grabbed . The markings slipped down from her body back into the mark itself. Paige was now on her knees breathing heavily. She pulled her arm away from the man a bit frightened. Her brown eye still black and the mark still present she was at least Paige again. "Thanks..." she whispered shyly. 



Xavius smiled, as he twirled his cigarette and offered his hand, "Paige, right?" He asked, "I'm sure you know me, I'm Xavius, the School's Guide. That seal won't hold him for long, Your lucky I came around when I did." He looked at Kairi, who had a grip on her katana, "Now, now, that won't be necessary." He said waving dismissively, "I admit, I was the one who put the barrier around the school, but I did it to prevent this very thing from happening." His voice was surprisingly calm and gentle. "Come follow me." He said walking away, "We have much to discuss."


Jackson got up, looking at the sudden appearance of their teacher before getting up and rushing to Paige, "I'm so sorry." He said bowing down, "I... I lost control of myself, I'm sorry." He said, tears falling from his face to the ground.

@WeepingAngel525 @Kairikudo @Moolock @TruPrimrose
AJ had watched this and turned, walking away from the dissolving barrier. So that mark is worse than the others thought. She brushed past the announcer, who she assumed was the headmaster has he referred to them as "his students". This was confirmed as the man introduced himself. She couldn't say she was surprised. Candle-sized fires flickered in her wake. So Jackson's run back to his princess Paige. After a few paces, she stopped short, glancing back to the headmaster, then to Jackson and his magically unstable princess. "Don't forget my offer, Jackson," she called over her shoulder, continuing toward the castle. It irked her somewhat that he hadn't reacted at all when she included her last name. Must've been living under a rock to not know one of the great families of magic. "Also, Xavius, sir, when you're done with them, I have a few questions." Shrugging, she rationalized, If Jackson'd rather stick around possession-girl, if the headmaster would rather pay attention to those two, let him. God, now he's crying over her? Over himself for doing something to her?

Paige nodded "yeah." She said taking his hand slowly standing up. She looked at the mark on her arm and sighed "it came in my dreams... it's never happened before." She sighed and then smiled seeing Jackson. She hugged him tight, "hey it's okay." She said and then paused looking at Xavius. They had just been talking about him suspecting him to be behind the barrier and of course he just showed up. She wasn't sure if following him was the safest... then again he did just seal whatever took over her. "Discuss?" She questioned following him. 



Xavius looked at AJ, "Don't recall I've ever seen you here before, what is it you need miss?" He reached into his vest pocket and pulled out a new cigarette, he snapped his fingers and a small fire sparked on his pointer finger lighting the cigarette and waving his hand, dispersing the small fire, he twirled the cigarette in his mouth and looking back at Paige, "Yes," He said looking at the seal on her arm, "Infact, it's about all of you." His tone was serious, this issue obviously concerned even the school headmaster. Second strongest wizard on campus, the first being the actual owner of the castle, the head of the Tamaki family, Darrian Tamaki.

@Kairikudo @WeepingAngel525 @Moolock


Jackson looked at AJ, his eyes wandered down then back to her, he walked over to her, wiping his eyes, "Yes." He simply responded.
Paige instinctively out her hand over the mark as he looked at it. "We haven't done anything..." she muttered I mean they really hadn't done anything and it wasn't her fault she couldn't control her dreams.... could she? She looked at AJ and watched as Jackson walked over to her. 

AJ waves a hand, not stopping as the Headmaster addresses her. "It can wait. I'd rather speak in private. Besides," she flashes a smile, "I'm sure Miss Paige's matters are far more pressing, hm?" She picked up the pace as she walked, entering the school far before the Paige and her concerned posse could arrive. From there on, it was just wandering the inside of the castle, eventually finding the cafeteria. With a shrug, she went and got a pair of apples this time, one for now and one for later. The second went into her jacket pocket. As she continued to stroll, she slowly at the first apple. It was sour, a little more so than what she was accustomed to. Not ripe. AJ shrugged, continuing to eat it nonetheless. Next time, she'd spend a few seconds longer picking her apple.

Kairi sheathed the flaming blades and walked along side Paige. Her eyes looking at her from their corners. She then walked a bit slower, now behind her so she was walking beside Jackson. Her eyes forward as she spoke "I'm sorry for being a bitch...." It was all she said before increasing her speed to catch up to the head master. Her expression was calm as she spoke "So you're the headmaster? Then we have a lot to talk about later.." her tone low and hinted that she wasn't happy with him. "We will discuss those matters later." 


Xavius watched as the student continued, "Hmm?" He was confused, "Huh... what was that about?" He said watching the girl walk away before turning his attention to Kairi, he recognized the tone that she wasn't happy with him. "Hmm.. Say, you ever heard the legend of Al'ar the Phoenix God of the Sun?" He asked out of curiosity as he removed one hand from his pocket to removed the cigarette from his mouth, exhaling a puff of smoke placing the cigarette back in his mouth and putting his hand back in his pocket.


Jackson's eyes widen as she apologized for being a bitch, he glanced at her as she walked away, "Uh.." He was speechless.

@Kairikudo @WeepingAngel525
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