IC Chat

"It was about the mark yes.." she said watching as the girl moved towards the ruins, she ignored Jackson as he begged for the two to kiss and make up
Paige stopped and looked at her long and hard before lifting the sleeve of her jacket revealing the mark still burned into her skin, for a split second her entire demeanor changed and she noticeably cringed, she was unsure if it was from the pain or from the fear it instilled in her. "What do you know of it?" she whispered growing shy again as tears threatened her eyes. Her cheerful mood was gone in an instance just by one glance of the filthy mark, that's what she felt filthy. She didn't even know what purpose it served and that made it worse. "Please Kairi... tell me.." she pleaded looking at her intently. Her electric blue eye glossy and even more blue from the tears that threatened and her black eye dull. It was an odd thing to look at. (( you know i'm going to keep mentioning her eyes until someone notices that it changed from brown to black lol)) 

A sigh passed her lips as she noticed the girl almost in tears because of that Mark her arms folded under her chest "I found a passage about the history of that Mark. I left the book on my desk in our room. Read that to see if there is anything in there that would help you.." Kairi glanced away, for some reason it bothered her to see Paige cry, even if she could give two craps about other people when they cry.
Jackson noticed her demeanor change, Mmmm He looked at her carefully, "Ah... wait... Your eye... "He said, remembering it was brown when they first met, "It's... changed color.." He said, "Wh-why is that? Paige.. are you okay?" He asked, a concerned look on his face.

(I think Jackson would be better equip to notice that xD)

Paige listened to Kairi and pulled down her sleeve to hid the mark. She paused hearing Jackson's comment about her eye "I don't know I noticed it this morning when I was doing my hair..." she muttered and shook her head "maybe it's just the light." she said trying not to think about it and trying to get into a good mood again. "come on!" She said forcing a smile and trying to sound bright and cheery almost trying too hard. She walked in a fast pace hoping they would follow whatever was leading her to the ruins she didn't know for sure but she felt like they needed to be there.

@Crysalisis @Kairikudo
Kairi sighed even more but she followed Paige reluctantly catching up to her. "You don't have to force yourself to be happy when you're not. They care about you, you shouldn't hide how you really feel." She said glancing at her from the corner of her eyes
Jackson stood there for a second then ran up behind Paige and hugged her, "Your in denial. In pain. I can sense that you are. Aren't you?" He whispered in her ear, "Please... tell me, I hate seeing you carry all that pain." He whispered, ignoring Kairi was even there.

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Paige looked at Kairi "I dont' want to to let it effect me..." she sighed and gasped feeling Jackson's sudden hug from behind. She blushed slightly and listened to him "i'm fine... I just I guess I forgot what the mark looked like or maybe that it was even there." she muttered and shook her head "it'll be okay." she said trying to sound brave. She had to be brave. She stopped walking when they got to the ruins and looked around there was something strong there she could feel it.

@Crysalisis @Kairikudo
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Jackson looked at Paige, "Hmm, maybe your right. Maybe there was a reason they sealed use from the Ruins." He said looking around, "Maybe Xavius did it because he sensed something was wrong. And that's why he did it on a whim like he did.".

@Kairikudo @WeepingAngel525
"If that's the case then it's best you two go back to the school." Kairi said looking down at Paige, ignoring Jackson's presence
Jackson glanced back at Kairi, "And what'll you do?" He said bluntly, "Like you have any power over what's going on here." His monotonic voice and blunt words wasn't right for him, "Why do you always pick going alone, it's gonna get you killed." He looked back ahead of him, "Fine, if that's how you want to die, alone, die then. I don't care. I'm done trying to be nice." He glanced back at her then turned and walked away, "I knew you were trouble the moment you showed your face around here." He said as he walked away. Not bothering with Paige, not that he was mad at her, just annoyed with Kairi and her self-centered attitude.
@WeepingAngel525 @Kairikudo
Paige was slightly surprised of Jackson's words and she watched as he started to walk away "Jackson... don't we want to figure out what's going on?" she called to him not ready to go back yet she wanted answers. 

Jackson stopped in his tracks, "Why bother, If little miss know-it-all over there wants to try and figure this out on her own, I say let her." He looked down, "Like I said..." He pulled his coat collar together to cover his mouth, "I'm done trying to be nice." He began walking away after saying that.

AJ had watched what just went down and as Jackson turned to leave, she hopped through the hole in the barrier and caught up with him, the heels of her boots clicking on the ground quietly. "Hey there, Jackson, right?" Once caught up, she slipped a hand into her pocket, slowing down as she continued working her way through the apple. "Have we formally met?"

Kairis eyes narrowed on Jackson before he left "I never said there was anything I could do you asshole. I'm telling you to take her back so that she is safe." An annoyed look was plastered on her face "And why the hell should it matter to you if I die? It's not like you gave a shit to begin with." She stated bluntly. She watched him leave. She then looked back down at Paige "Paige I don't want you getting hurt, and the reaction you gave when we got here doesn't give me a good feeling.

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Having heard what Kairi said he gritted his teeth, "I did care." He muttered, not knowing AJ caught up with him, "You bitch... I did care. And the thanks I get is the cold shoulder and talked down upon." He then heard AJ, quickly wiping away the tears that streamed down his face, "No we haven't." He said pulling his collar to cover his mouth and attempting to cover his tear stained cheeks, "Why do you care if we did anyways? It's not like I--" He interrupted himself, before looking down and away, "Anyways, what do you want?" He asked.

AJ pretended not to hear what he'd said to the other girl and looked the other way as he got a hold of himself, respecting that she wasn't meant to hear or see either of those. "AJ Ren, it's a pleasure- and thanks for getting me out of the bubble." She kicked a pebble ahead of them, muttering, "I wouldn't call it something I want." Turning up the collar of her jacket as well, she continued, "Friendship, perhaps?"

Paige frowned and looked at Kairi "thanks but I'm okay," she told her with a smiled "come on help me search for some clues" she said now back to her perky self. 

His eyes widened then went back to normal, "The last thing I need right now is your pity." He said bluntly, "No-one in this god forsaken school ever wanted to be my friend besides one. So why should I start wanting them now, the only thing i'll expect is... is... is..." He trailed off, "Why did you decide to introduce yourself now of all times? Why not before when it actually mattered?" He said, glancing over at AJ.

A sigh passed her lips. She knew there was no way to convince her not to go, it was best she just went with her "alright, but please stay close. I don't want you to get hurt." She said a bit worried
"I don't pity you," AJ replies flatly, glancing over to him with a flash of ice in her eyes. "And I apologize for not being here when it actually mattered." She softens, taking the last bite of her apple before holding the core in her palm to let flames lick at it until she's holding ashes. They get tossed over her shoulder and she claps her hands together, brushing off the remainder. "Now of all times because I like to be friendly towards those who help me. Also, this school and its students are new to me. I'd rather not spend the remainder of my education with acquaintances at best."

Jackson remembered the barrier, "I didn't break the barrier because I wanted to help you. I did it because we needed to get in there, You just happened to be a bonus, like the jackpot, we just got lucky the weak spot happened to be where you were." He said, "What would have done?" He asked, putting here on the spot.


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