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Fantasy Hybrid, Magic Camp

Eevee stood by the ashes that Sarthiss had brought in and as soon as Rosalie got close enough, she stuck her hand in the ashes and tossed them at her. It burned a little and she did but then she had to hold in a laugh so that Rosalie didn't know where she was.
Rosalie turned towards the ashes, knowing the direction of where she was but not the exact spot. She threw ashes into the air, waiting for it to catch on her. Then she had a plan. "Don't laugh, I know you will!" Rosalie said in a funny voice. "Against the rules to laugh, don't dooo it!" Making herself giggle a little, she stopped and waited to see if Eevee would laugh or not. It depended how long she could hold her ground.
Eevee had to hold her mouth to not laugh at Rosalie's remark. But she had managed not to. The Neko walked up behind her without a sound, then pushed her into the ashes, running out to where Sarthiss was and hiding behind him, sticking her tongue out like a kitten.
Sarthiss smiled, still retaining some of his swagger as he followed Rosalie. "Ey, that's where i was sleeping!" he laughed. He shot his arm out and caught Eevee by her arm, pulling her close and spinning her in a circle. "You guys get rowdy at night, don't you?"
Eevee got dizzy after a little, but after a bit she refocused and remembered Sarthiss's remark about his little ash pile. She waited till he was close enough before she pushed him into the pile and then put her hands behind her back like she was completely innocent.
  • "So you wake me up, now you're telling me to go to bed?" He shook himself, as floating off in little bits. "make up your mind!"
"No. I just like pushing you." Eevee told him plainly. She stuck her tongue out at him and sat down by the pile, looking at Sarthiss, showing no expression. But then she felt something, and earthquake? It couldn't be, it was a mountain. She looked around and then stood up quickly, wondering what was going on.
Sarthiss felt the ground tremble. He thought fast, running his hand in a trail from the mouth of the cave to the back of it. "Rockslide," he warned, "It'll be safe at the back of the cave. C'mon." He melted some more rock from the back of the cave and it ran down the trail he had made, he was trying to make more room for everyone.
Eevee looked back at the mouth of the cave, tempted to figure out what was causing it. She looked to make sure Sarthiss wasn't paying attention and bolted out, looking around for anything, before seeing a girl. Eevee ran towards her, dodging rocks and boulders.
Sarthiss cursed, looking around for eevee. He pushed Roseali to the back of the cave just as a large boulder blocked the entrance. "Well we're done fucked now," he muttered under his breath. "we can wait until it stops, than i can melt a way out of here."
Sarthiss felt like he was on an elevator. He realized finally this was no rockslide, it was the work of one of the children of the earth. He hadn't made any enemies with them so this was... An accident? Shaking his head, he turned to Rosalie. "I can't use my powers now," he explained, "If I do, It'll burn off all the oxygen, and we will die. Maybey if I found some iron i could rust it then we could gain a couple minutes..." Sarthiss stomped his foot, this sucked. "Well, let's try to melt our way to the surface... But no flames. That'll kill us." He carefully transfered some heat to the celing, the molten rock dripping down his arms.
Sarthiss's stomach shot down to his feet. "Ok, this is getting annoying." He gritted his teeth. "I'm gonna try moving the boulder." He wound his arm back, and slammed his fist forward, sending sparks everywhere. The rock became dislodged, and he pushed it. The hge rock slowly rolled down the mountain and picked up speed. Sarthiss stepped out into the cool night air and located Eevee rushing the assailant. It was Steph. Popping his collar, flames licked at his joints. "Stay here," he called to Rosali.
Eevee noticed that the mountain was now collapsing on itself, she looked behind to see Sarthiss who looked extremely pissed . She looked back at the girl and before she could say anything or do anything, she was hit by a large rock and blacked out, falling to her knees, then to her side.
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Eevee's eyes fluttered open, before she finally realized what she what was happening, she saw Stephanie, but had no idea what was going on. She jumped up in surprise. She got out of the chair that she was sitting in and stepped back away from the girl that stood before her.
Eevee relaxed a bit, seeing that this girl must have no intentions to hurt her. She tilted her head and looked around a bit, confused. "D-Did you do this?"
Eevee wasn't phased by her actions at all for some reason. "I'm Eevee. But you already know that." Before Eevee knew what she was saying, she spoke using words that she would never have expected. "I'm guessing that you're probably dangerous, just like me?"
Sarthiss saw Eevee get hit by a rock. He slid down the mountain, legs in front, his hand trailing sparks behind him for stability and controll on the rocky surface. Steph picked her up and set her down gently, and she seemed to heal her. They began talking. Sarthiss slid In front of Eevee, flipping off of one of the chairs. "You realize the world doesn't belong to you, little one," he smiled dangerously. Flames licked up his spine and around his collar.
Eevee looked back between Sarthiss and Stephanie, having no clue what to do or how to interfere without hurting herself, or someone else. She watched as Stephanie motioned for him to sit down, her heart pounding in her ears, Eevee remained standing and hoped that he wouldn't do anything stupid.
Sarthiss wearily eyed the earthen chair, then the 13 year old girl that was brimming with bravado. The flames spread to his shoulders, and ran down his arms in rivlets of light. "I'll sit when I feel like it. Everyone's a wandering soul, etcetera." Eevee hadn't sat down, so he reasoned she knew best.
"Yeh bloody well trapped me in a mountain, sure as hell I do," sarthiss retorted. He didn't like this cocky little girl. First she followed him and Eevee into the woods and wouldn't leave them alone, now she trapped him and Rose in a mountain and knocked out his girlfriend. She had also healed her, but that was besides the point. "You're the one who's following us, so you'd better have an explanation." Sarthiss continued to smile, some flames forming behind his eyes, but just for a second.
Eevee wanted desperately to leave and just be done with this stupid conversation, still looking back between the two. She was about to just leave by herself and leave it to them to sort it out, but this girl had too much nerves to talk to Sarthiss like she did, and Sarthiss wasn't interested in non-confrontation.
Sarthiss turned on his heel an the flames continued to burn. it was late at night, and he was tired. He jerked his head at Eevee to follow him. "Better not wake me up again steph," he said, generating a burst of fire to burn off the bits of earth that still clung to him.
Eevee wasn't too happy with how lowly Sarthiss was treating Stephanie. She turned to look at the girl and shook her head, then spoke softly. "Sorry about him. He's just being a jerk today for some reason. I'll see ya around." Eevee turned back to look at where Sarthiss had gone and was about to follow him but decided against it. "Actually. Before I go." She looked back at the 13-year old. "Try to control your anger. I'll help you on that if you want. There are many different ways to take care of it."
"Girl trapps me in a mountain, no big deal..." Sarthiss muttered, jamming his flaming hands into his pockets to extinguish them. "Nothing wrong with that. 'Hey, have a seat...' bullshit." Sarthiss was tired. It was late, and he'd had enough excitement for one day. He had only had one hour of sleep too. Seeing that Eevee was still following him, he made his way back to the hole he'd made in the mountain.
Eevee stopped walking and looked at Sarthiss with a slightly angered expression. He was muttering to himself and he wasn't even trying to be reasonable with the girl. 'That's pathetic...' She thought to herself, crossing her arms.

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