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Fantasy Hybrid, Magic Camp

Eevee looked at Sarthiss with an angered look. "I'd suggest you move, Sarthiss." Eevee threatened, looking past him at Jack. Jack took a step back and Eevee smiled creepily, which probably scared him. "I'm serious."
Sarthiss blushed, his first instinct was to protect eevee, but she obviously could handle herself. Sarthiss had underestimated the girl yet again. Sidestepping, but not moving back, he got out of her way. "You know these people?" he laughed, flames rippling up his forearms.
Eevee watched Sarthiss stepped to the side, holding the hilt of the switch blade tighter in her hands, knuckles cracking. "You're dead" She said before Jack got the hint. "Shit!" He said, but before he could do anything, Eevee pounced and tackled him. Jack and Eevee were now in a full war, except there was a disadvantage for Jack because he didn't have a blade.
Sarthiss did nothing, this boy didn't know how to fight. He was surprised that Eevee didnt use her claws. he was shocked that she was so ferocious, but so were all felines.
Jack eventually got away from Eevee, a far enough distance so that he couldn't get injured. Eevee stood without a single injury, walked past Jack from behind, slicing his arm open and walking over to Sarthiss. "Bastard. Next time, I'll slice open your neck..." Eevee said as she looked over her shoulder at Jack.
Sarthiss, who was still seing things in infared, watched as something hot came out of jacks arm and onto the ground. Blood, he realized. "Well, uh, Eevee? Off to burn a hole in the moauntain?"
"Well, I'd rather gut Jack like the fish I did earlier...but I'm just gonna go outside for a little." Eevee said, Jack gulping as he preyed for his life.
"You ahh... Want me to stay with him?" Sarthiss said, cracking his knuckles. "You need to be alone? or..." his voice trailed off. he didn't like complicated social situations.
Sarthiss shrugged at the boy and followed Eevee. He blinked forcefully when he got outside and his vision returned to normal. "Hey," he said, using his fire oriented method of rock climbing after Eevee, "I don't know what the heck that was about, but I don't care. Just remember, it's not good to carry your load everywhere by yourself, you'll wear yourself out. You're strong, you can make it far, but if you ever get bogged down, I can help carry it for you." He slid his hands into the rock faster, working to get ahead. With a small exertion of strength, he swung himself up and to the other side of Eevee, giving her a quick kiss on the cheek as he did so.
"Yeah...ok..." Eevee seemed to be distant now, the only thing on her mind was why Jack would sit back and watch her father attempt to drown her, without even thinking about trying to help. She sighed angrily and Jumped up onto some of the ledges, finally sitting on one and looking at the land below.
The sun was setting. The few clouds in the sky were unerlined wih red, and the yellow orb cast streaks of orange across the horizon. Sarthiss sat beside Eevee, dangling his legs off the ledge. "I like to lay in my medow and watch as the sun sets." He reflected, "In june, july, all throughout august, torchbugs usualy rise and fall. Just floating, ya know, drftin' along without worrying about anything." He set his had on the top of Eevee's head and rubbed the area behind her ears gently. "You aren't cool when you're angry," he said, "Get outta your funk and live in the moment."
Eevee's ear twitched and her neck cracked a little, but she sighed and decided that Sarthiss was right. She curled up into a ball and closed her eyes, feeling that now was a good time to fall asleep.
Rosalie sighed and left the girl in her own cabin, alone. She returned to the head of the camp and asked for a test on her element. He/she obliged, but said that the only way was through her mind. The head of the camp gave her a sample of medicine, and told her to rest for five minutes. Apparently this was the quickest way to find the element. She leaned back, and rested her eyes. In her mind, a dream sparked to life. It felt very real, but the setting was off. Fire was around her, burning buildings. This then sent her back to the real world when five minutes were up. The head camp leader then examined her, and told her the element. "Fire," he said. "The element you contain is fire. Although it may be hard to master, and dangerous, you will unlock it through your mind. Unlock it, and training begins." Rosalie sat up, trying to test out her ability. "Rosalie, you will find it in due time. Go to your cabin now, it is late." She nodded her head and left. Although she didn't go to her cabin. 'A walk through the forest would be nice.' She thought while slowly going towards the forest.

As she walked through the night, she heard sounds of others. In fact, they seemed to be fighting something, or someone. Rosalie climbed into the trees to investigate, hoping from each branch until she was nearby. It was a neko named Eevee, and the human's name was unrecognized from hearing. She covered her ears in the branches and hid her tail from sight since they were white, they would show in the darkness. Her position was hidden and she stayed there in the tree, being very silent. Even her breathing was not audible

((Okay now she is nearby, but not showing herself @Eevee Shadow :P ))
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Eevee picked her head up and looked at him, then at the sunset. She sat up and looked out at the horizon, ears perked up.
"See? Much better. Look at all the trees, they look like broccoli. We're prtty high up." Sarthiss grinned, but Eevee looked a bit less relaxed. "Something wrong?"
Eevee was pulled out of her thoughts as she heard Sarthiss's voice. "Huh? oh...no..." She said, not once facing him, just looking out at the trees and the walls of the camp that looked like a line of red running between the green of the tree tops.
Rosalie hid her face as they looked in the trees, now crouching on the branch she was on, a small breath escaped as she exhaled lightly, repositioning herself. She didn't want to be seen, so she kept her ears back and tail very still. Although, she couldn't help but watch the sunset as well, even though she was hidden.
Sarthiss sighed happily and layed back. He watched Eevees tail flick back and forth. "I'll get to work on our shelter for tonight, you keep watching that." With that, he stuck his hands into the rock, melting it down. He made a moat to channel it around Eevee so it wouldn't burn her. He ended up pressing himself against the mountainside and melting it more. It lazily slipped don the channel he made, drpping down the mountain in rivlets. In time, he had made a nice little overhang bi enough for at least four people to sleep in. He figured Eevee would want some space.
Eevee watched the trees, ears moving back and forth however, she focused on one tree in particular. She heard something but dismissed it quickly and continued scanning the trees.
Sarthiss flicked bits of molten rock from his jacket. "This good Eevee? Any modification requests?" seeing that she was spaced out a little he sat down next to her again and took her hand in his. "It's good to think sometimes. Just... ya know... loose yourself in your own little world. That's why I sing."
Rosalie noticed Eevee's ears twitch, and stayed very still, exhaling softly. Trying her best to stay hidden, she moved from that tree, very slowly to another one. A branch ruffled a little as though the wind brushed it, then froze in the other branch she left to, a little bit higher off of the ground and (a little) farther away from the neko and human.
Eevee's ear twitched again and she looked into the trees a little longer before she finally looked at Sarthiss. "Wha-oh..yeah..." She said, then looked at the cave he had made. "No. I don't think I have anything else to add. It's fine."
Sarthiss smiled, pleased that she liked his work. "Allrighty. I'm gonna climb down a bit, get something to burn. I sleep in a pile of ashes, keeps your body heat in." He melted a Sarthiss-sized rivlet in the ground and scooped the yellow-orange sludge out. "I'll be back," he chirped, and slid down the mountainside.

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