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Fantasy Hybrid, Magic Camp

Eevee smiled at him, feeling that she could understand that this was the truth and that no one can hide the truth. She hugged him and closed her eyes, letting a single tear slide down her pale face. "And you're special...To me at least. I don't recall ever having a great friend like your.
Sarthiss held her for a little bit. He started humming the tune yellow. "Ey." he smiled. "You wanted to jump the walls. We could do it. Run away together." Sarthiss knew it might not be the safest thing to do, but it would keep her safe from other people, and keep the other people safe until she had mastered her powers. "We'd come back once you had a good enough grip on your powers. Ain't nobody stopping us."
The neko smiled and started to pull Sarthiss towards where she jumped from. Once they were in a goo enough spot, she ran forward and hoped onto the wall in front of them, motioning for Sarthiss to do the same.
Sarthiss shrugged. "I can't jump that high Eevee, but i can do this..." Sarthiss feet and hands gave off a red hot glow. He stuck his fingers into the wall, melting the rock. His hands dimmed, leaving a solid hold. He repeated the action untill he was at the top of the wall. Sarthiss smiled at Eevee and jumped to the ground, bending his legs to absorb shock. "I've learned from watching you," he said, "I can't get up places stealthily, but I can sure get down!" he laughed.
Eevee followed suit and smiled at the scene. It was beautiful out here and she had always dreamed of leaving. It was even better that she had someone to go with her. "Let's go." And with those words, she jumped up into the trees and hopped from branch to branch, never slowing down.
Sarthiss laughed and strode under the branches Eevee took on her leafy route, a warm breeze stirring the branches casting droplets of sun across the forest floor. Sarthiss smiled and started singing the opening lyrics for Utopiosphere.

"Step through the gate into Utopia

Sink into a world of Melodia

Black lace

Euphoberia hurries away

Tiny legs

Leaves behind a track of cardioid

Twisted creation

Phosphorescent apparition

Heart disorientation


Merry go ‘round and around

Misery go ‘round and around

Quandary go ‘round and around

Merry go ‘round and around


Time doesn’t stop

Prepare your doubts

Eat them up

Quaff down

The pass of thoughts

Red sand flows out

Sweet mouth

The sky is painted in Lunacia

Florets slashed open the rain of tears


There is no escape, my dear

The world undergoes Photosynthesia

Transform endless anger to Ecstasia

Connect your nerves

To the system of Philosophiofantasia"

this was the happiest Sarthiss had felt in a long while.
Eevee came to an opening and stopped jumping in the trees, waiting for Sarthiss with a smile. "You're too slow!" She said jokingly.
Sarthiss beamed up at her. "Hey, stop to smell the flowers! Go with the flow, we aren't in any kinda hurry. Relax a bit." Sarthiss sat with his back against the tree she was sitting in. "The woods are allways a place of tranquility Eevee, get used to it. Listen to what they have to say." He tilted his head back and closed his eyes.
Eevee smiled and swung her legs around a branch and leaned over to hang by the backs of her knees, hitting Sarthiss a little with her hair. She giggled a bit childishly, feeling restless.
Sarthiss brushed her hair out of his eyes. "I heard something from the tree Eevee. It told me something." He stared into her eyes dreamily. "You know what it said?"
Sarthiss stood up and patted the tree. "It said that it knows I like you. Alot. It told me that we're two misfits, and we should hook up." Sarthiss chuckled. "Although, it is a tree, and trees aren't always right. If you wanted to get together or do something like that I'd be fine with it, but if you don't, that'g good too."
Eevee tilted her head a little. "What do you mean 'hook up'? Remember, I'm a cat so there are different kinds of terms for us."
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Sarthiss chuckled. "I'm not sure how to put it in cat terms, but lets just say the tree thinks we should be more than friends. It's a tree, so it doesn't know too much about romance... But whatever, don't think about it." Sarthiss smiled, amused at the Neko's innocence.
Eevee laughed and pulled herslef back onto the branch, sitting while looking down at Sarthiss. "And what do you think about it?" She asked playfully, fixing her heir a little.
Sarthiss shrugged. "I just told you, it could be a good idea, but if we don't want to that's fine too. I mean, we did kinda run away together, so ifwe came back to the camp a couple it would make sense." He shrugged again. "I can be romantic at times, but ya know..." he rubbed the back of his neck shyly.
Eevee laughed a bit at how embarrassed Sarthiss looked. "It doesn't seem strange to me at all. Sure, it would be weird to most but whatever." The cat jumped down from the branch, landing in front of Sarthiss. "We gonna keep adventuring or are we gonna wait out a bit?"
Sarthiss looked at her. The trees opinion turned out to be right. Or maybe it was his opinion, he was feeling crazy. To break the silence, Sarthiss turned on his heel and ran. "I bet I can go faster than you!" he called over his shoulder.
Eevee smiled and ran after him. "I bet you can't!" She felt herself change, not emotionally but physically. The next thing she knew, she seemd smaller and was actually able to run along side Sarthiss. She stopped and tried to say something but all that came out was a mew. She had turned into a black cat. But how?
Sarthiss slowed down then stopped. He cocked his head to the side. "Wut." he laughed, "Is this a neko thing? you just spontaniously change to a cat?"
Eevee shook her head. She knew that other Neko could but she couldn't for the longest time, and then she started to think that she couldn't do it ever. She changed back, still in the same cat pose as when she actually was a full cat.
Sarthiss smiled and hugged her close. "Is something wrong? You got a problem with not being able to keep up?" he chuckled. "Don't forget this. If you need help, or life's going to fast, I'll always slow down to pick you back up."
Eevee was startled by a sudden approach by someone. She looked up at the girl, letting out a small mew before disappearing and bolting towards the mountains. 'I'm not doing this today.' She told herself as she ran.
Eevee broke the hug and ran. Sarthiss turned to the young girl who had just appeared. This was allways happening, whenever he and Eevee were hugging somebody jumped in on them. "Eyyy, nothin' really," He said, changing back to his looney disposition, trying to intimidate the small girl, "We're just tring to get a far as possible from humaity and run off into the wilderness to perfect Eevees powers so she doesn't accidentially change into a raving mad lunatic that thrashes everyone to the ground with her little finger before ruthlessly slaughtering everybody in close proximity and hunts don the rest out of vengence and cold blood." He smiled merrily after his long winded explanation and continued to look at the unknown person. He tried to call out to Eevee to not go far by radiating warm emotions in the direction that she ran, wether it worked or not he didn't know.

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