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Fantasy Hybrid, Magic Camp

Eevee never stopped running till she knew that no one was around. She only ran because it pissed her off that people constantly snuck up on her, and she didn't want to say something stupid or possibly hurt the girl out of anger. She reached the bottom of the mountains and looked around to find a way to climb it. There were ledges that hung off to the side. She jumped up and got as high as possible but not too far from the ground. She sat down and tried to relax.
Sarthiss cracked his neck and a few sparks flew down his spine. Flames started licking at the back of his neck. "If you aren't feeling lucky, I would reccomend turning back now," He said dangerously, but still smiling. Flames danced across his knuckles as he wiggled his fingrs. "My buisness is mine and my own. Eevee needs so get used to people, and she hasn't yet." Running in front of Steph and sweeping his leg around, he caused a wall of fire to appear between the two. "So if you don't mind..."
Eevee had calmed down but still didn't want to have anything to do with the girl that had interrupted them. For all she care, that girl could run back to camp, complain to the Headmaster and send a search party out for the two ''warriors''. The Neko laid on her side, eventually closing her eyes and waiting there 'til nightfall or the next morning, even though it was hard to sleep.
Rosalie walked into the camp, backpack hanging from her shoulders. It had been at least a day or two since she was around people. Immediately though, she walked to a cabin which contained the head of the camp, and addressed herself. "Hello, I'm a new student here. My name is Rosalie Bellamy. Do you have any open cabins that I may live in, or borrow?" The kind human entered her in the system, and gave her a key to an empty cabin. "Merci- er - thank you." She exited the cabin and walked around, admiring the place set up so neatly near the woods. Her rose colored eyes were set on the woods, perking her ears up to listen to the sounds of the forest. Birds chirped, foot steps crunched on the ground, 'Must be people in training,' she thought. The white fur on her tail shone compared to her black sweater and dark blue skinny jeans, as well her pale skin and short, black hair. She walked through the camp, looking for her cabin. People stared, but she completely ignored them. Whispers were starting to swarm around her. "Who's she? Is that a new girl? What's up with her eyes? Why does she look like a cat?" Very few people questioned, but still 5 people questioning her appearance was quite enough. Rosalie walked quickly to her cabin, which was alone and close to the forest away from all the selected groups of powers. She didn't know it yet, but she held the power of fire within her.
The Neko had managed to relax enough to lightly sleep, even though it was still light out. It was hard to fully fall into a deep sleep but she at least managed to get some rest. She played a few memories that were actually good but they would always cme back to the same one. Drowning, it was the worst of them all. The struggling and the pain. Her eyes snapped open, quickly sitting bolt upright as she saw what had happened in her mind. 'Why?' She thought to herself.
Sarthiss waited untill Steph left and shuddered. The flames went out, but his hands were still hot. He trudged around, tracking Eevees path. If she was going to run away more often, she'd have to try harder to be stealthy. a bit of bent grass here, a footprint in the dirt there, her trail was easy to follow. He found her sitting up, looking sleepy. "Hey." he made sure she saw him. Sarthiss sat down and put his arm around her. "I took care of it." He sighed, and smiled warmly. "You need to work on not leaving a traceable path."
Eevee looked down a bit, not making eyes contact. "It's not my fault. Being a shadow and everything has it's downsides..."
"Ey. No." Sarthiss said firmly, "This is a gift, not a curse. It can be a dangerous gift, like a backwards facing shotgun, but you just need to learn to ah, 'shoot over your shoulder,' so to speak. Look at me Eevee, what i'm saying is important." Sarthiss knew Eevee was feeling insecure, and he wanted to make her know that while he was around, she was as safe as possible.
"Other people might not like you. And that's ok, cuz look at me. The children of the air don't like me that much and I don't give a shit, do I?" Sarthiss put his hand on the back of her neck. "A few people care about you though. Like me." he moved his face a little closer. "I think you're beautiful. And I love you."
Eevee had no idea what to say. She was speechless. She opened her mouth to speak but quickly shut it, for words never came to her. She was stuck looking into his eyes, no thoughts ever crossed her mind.
Sarthiss figured that words would not get anyone any farther, so he leaned in to kiss her and express his feelings directly.
Sarthiss broke the kiss and smiled. "Hey, we have to run some more. It's gonna be dark soon, we need to make a shelter or find a cave or a rock to sleep under, haha."
Eevee smiled back and jumped up to another ledge in the mountain, looking around for anything that they could use for shelter. However, there was another hell-hound when she got to a wide ledge. It snarled at her and was about to charge her. She hissed at it and when it lunged at her, she jumped over it and it almost fell off of the edge. She turned invisible and waled up behind it, kicking the dog off. She watched it fall to the ground.
Sarthiss laughed. "THAT'S how you use your power." He smirked, listening to the dogs startled yelps and finally a thud. "If we can't find a place, I can always just burn a hole in the side of the mountain and we could take watches while the other sleeps."
Eevee shrugged. "It's the dog's fault. Anyways, I already found a small cave." She walked towards the cave entrance and then called down for Sarthiss to come and see it for himself.
Eevee began to walk around inside the cave, keeping her guard up so that nothing could get to her. She reached into her boot and pulled out a switch blade, clicking it open just in case there were more Hell-hounds.
Sarthiss followed Eevee into the cave. He kindled some flmes on his fingertips and held them above his head to illuminate the space. The other hand was clenched tightly, flames dancing around his knuckles.
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As they continued to walk into the cave, a voice in the shadows caused the Neko to stop in her tracks. "Eevee?" She turned to the left to see a boy that was human, wearing almost all black except for his blue shirt hidden under his black hoodie. Eevee hissed at him, telling him to back off.
Rosalie saw the girl in her anger, and walked towards her. Worry came over her emotions for the girl. "Are you alright?" Her French accent cut into her words. The tips of her ears bent down a little with her emotion, so that her ears were behind her head, her tail swayed slowly behind her.
Eevee took a step back, She hissed and her ears flew back in anger, holding the switch at her side but a little in front of her, showing that she didn't want to be messed with. "Jack. I swear to God. You touch me." "I'm not going too, and I'm sorry-" "Sorry?! You watched our dad attempt to drown me!" Jack didn't say anything after that, seeing that Eevee was not in a happy mood. She growled at him, her eye twitching a little and her eyes changing from a silver to a deep red.
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Sarthiss extinguished his flames quickly and put himself between th stranger and Eevee. His teeth shone brightly in the minimal light coming from the entrance, his eyes glittered. Remembering that Neko's could see in the dark, he closed his eyes, trying to sense their movements by heat instead of light. His eyes opened again, and they gave off a red tint. "What have we here," he said smiling dangerously, "A neko and two humans in tight quarters. How will this play out?"
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