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Fantasy Hybrid, Magic Camp

Eevee wasn't too interested in what he was doing at the time, she was only interested in a tree that a strange presence was coming from. She squinted her eyes a little to get a better look at what could possibly be there.
Sarthiss jumped the last 50 feet and landed with a thud, punching the ground and causing a shower of sparks to fly in all directions. Straightening slowly, as to get a grip on his surroundings, he popped his collar. Smiling, he swept his hands across the foliage. He then proceeded to gather as much of it as possible, burning it in his hands and stuffing the ashes into his many pockets. He hummed the tune "nothing else matters" as he worked, unaware he was being watched.
Rosalie stayed very silent, using the shadows to her advantage. She noticed that the girl named Eevee had looked in her general direction. Ducking a little away from sight, she observed what Eevee would do. Would she stay or investigate? Rosalie was ready to move from her position at any moment. The fear of being caught pounded in her chest. From the sounds she heard earlier, this girl was a tough fighter. She didn't want to take any chances on fighting her, but she was too scared to confront her. While she was thinking of her emotions, her tail swished slowly and ended up hitting a branch from behind her, causing it to rustle. She froze completely, her face going blank as she stayed as still as a statue.
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Sarthiss heard the slight rustle, stopped humming, and whirled around, a handfull of ash still in his hand. His eyes flitted around the forest, up in the trees, down around the underbrush. He did not detect anyone, but ifhe heard a noise, it was more than just nothing. "You know what they say..." he said thinking aloud for the benifit of whatever was nearby, "One pair of eyes may work diligently, but there is always another to keep them in line." Sarthiss's senses were still screaming high alert, but whatever was watching him wasa true master of stealth. Eevee was still up on te mountain, she couldn't get down here so fast... Could she?
Eevee saw the branch rustle in the tree that she was watching. She stood up and jumped into the tree, landing behind the girl with no sound, hoping that the girl hadn't noticed her. Just in case, she turned into a Shadow and hid in plain sight, making sure that the girl was caught by surprise.
Rosalie heard a quiet crunch of the bark behind her, feeling breathing nearby. The girl that was once on the ground was missing. She looked around, flicking her tail slowly behind her to at least come in contact with whatever was there. A whisper escaped her, it was very quiet and could barely be heard, only someone with cat-like hearing would know what she said. "Bonjour..." Quickly she backed up and climbed to a lower branch, holding her position until she heard or saw movement.
Sarthiss had watched Eevee jump down from her perch and land softly in the direction the noise came from. He trekked to her position and heard a small voice in greeting. This wasn't steph, this was someone new. He snapped his head in the angle of the voice and grinned. "Ello there," he chuckled. He knew Eevee was in close proximity, so he tried to direct the attention of the newcomer towards himself.
Eevee stayed in her shadowy state, but heard what the girl had said. Then, speaking in a lower, but soft and gentle voice, Eevee replied. "Hello. I didn't startle you too bad, did I?"

Eevee decided that it wasn't worth trying to find out right away, so she jumped back to the mountain, sitting down in her original spot from before and laying down, trying to sleep.
Rosalie looked at both of them. "N-no." She spoke clearly to Eevee, then looked towards the boy. "Hello." She jumped down from the tree, landing on her feet. Her tail swished behind her as her ears perked up. There was still a tense feeling in the air, but she relaxed a little. Crossing her arms, she showed very little emotion on her face. A small smirk, though, did approach her face. "I believe I haven't introduced myself... My name is Rosalie Bellamy." The accent she grew up with from France stuck to her words like glue, flowing through it in a fancy sort of way.
Sarthiss smiled. "Another neko. And this one's friendly Eevee!" he shouted in her direction. Eevee didn't like most humans, but she might react positively to a member of her own kind. "I'm Sarthiss." He beamed, realizing his hand was still holding the ash from the underbrush, he stuck the ash in his pocket and held out a dusty hand for Rosalie to shake. "Sorry about Eevee, she gets moody around people."
Rosalie smiled and blushed a little with embarrassment. "Nice to meet you, Eevee and Sarthiss." She shook the human's hand, it felt rough and gritty from the ash on his hands. When they finished shaking hands, she saw ashes on her hands and laughed a little. She murmured to herself, "Oh no, my hand est(is).." She stopped herself from crossing into French. "is dirty." Looking at her hand made her chuckle to herself. Then, she looked up at the two with a smile. "I see, Sarthiss, that you're magic is fire, oui(yes)? Mine is fire as well, but uhm, I have not learned how to use it." She awkwardly shrugged, holding her right arm with her left hand. Her ears were perked a little down in disappointment in herself, but perked back up in a minute or so.
Sarthiss laughed. "Ehh, you'll learn soon enough. Just don't go burning everything you see eh?" Sarthiss looked at the rapidly setting sun. "Ey, uhh, Eevee and I made a little place to sleep. A shelter, more of a hole in the wall really. It's getting dark, and the forest can be a dangerous place at night." Sarthiss turned back towards the mountain, using his climbing technique. "I made it big on purpose, You want to join us?"
Rosalie was hesitant, but gladly accepted the invitation. "If you don't mind, I'll be staying closer to the doorway once we get up there." Still she felt uncomfortable, but didn't want to come off as rude. Why should she? They seemed trusting enough, at least for now. "Which way to 'le grand un trou' or should I say, the big hole?" She chuckled to herself, seeing that maybe a joke would lift the mood a little. It wasn't much of a joke, but then again, she was not much of a comedian. Rosalie waited for Sarthiss to walk to the 'shelter', since he knee the way.
Sarthiss smiled. "I figured out how to climb using my powers," he said, demonstrating by melting his hands into the rock making useable footholds. "You can follow along in my steps, since you're fire oriented it won't burn you. Hopefully." He smiled and trekked up to their shelter. "This is it," he said nodding to eevee, "You can sleep where you want, but that little groove I made is mine." He dumped the contents of his many bulging pockets into the hole. "I don't think we'll have to take watches, but if you want to you can." With that, he nuzzled himself into his pile of ash, leaving only parts of his face and the tips of his shoes poking out of the sooty place.
Eevee watched Sarthiss settle into his ash-bed. She looked around, unable to sleep. She had slept multiple times throughout the day so sleep would be rather hard for her. She sat at the mouth of the cave that Sarthiss made, watching the moon rise, her eyes sparkling at the beauty of it. She liked the night better than the day, maybe because she could disguise herself better or it was just that it seemed more at her pace. The way almost nothing moved except for some nocturnal animals like most cats. That's what really stuck out to her.
Rosalie sat outside of the cave, watching the moonlight in a peaceful state. Owls hooted, and wolves howled. She sighed, feeling relaxed under the night sky. She saw Eevee sitting at the edge of the cave, and smiled to her. "The night, it's beautiful. Just like the creatures under the moon. Don't you think?" A questioning tone came with her question, her right ear tilted in a curious motion, leaving her left ear pointing up, her tail laid still on the rocks of the mountain.
Sarthiss giggled in his sleep and rolled over, causing a little bit of ash to fly and lazily float around the cave. He was dreaming of the air boy he had thrown, and the look on his face. "Scared shitless..." he mumbled. Sarthiss sighed happilly and continued to sleep peacefully.
Eevee looked at Rosalie, cracking a small smile. "Yeah." She agreed. "I've always found the night to fell...home." She paused as she said the last word, it was nice to have someone to agree with her, but it's a bit sad that she could never really find a perfect home. She heard Sarthiss mumble something and looked over at him. She looked back at Rosalie and smiled mischievously. "Watch this." With those words, Eevee picked up a tiny rock, and gathered a little bit of the ash that had floated around, covering the small stone. She looked at Sarthiss, took aim, and threw the stone at him, hitting his arm. Eevee looked back at the moon, acting like she didn't do anything.
Sarthiss snorted, inhailing some ash. He sat up, sneezing fire and sparks. He looked around puzzled. He threw a glance at Eevee and Rosalie, but they didn't seem to be doing anything but talking. Sarthiss laid back down, but kept his face hidden, pretending to be asleep.
Eevee looked back after she heard Sarthiss and couldn't help but fall over laughing. She covered her mouth but it didn't muffle the laugh enough to not be noticeable.
Sarthiss stood up and brushed himself off a little, but kept some ash in his hands. Smiling, he sat down next to Eevee and hugged her, making sure to sear some on her back. He broke the embrace. "Just because you can't sleep doesn't mean you can't tell me you want attention." he chuckled booping her nose with his finger getting a bit of ash on her tip.
Eevee looked at the tip of nose at some black and ash. She then looked at her back and saw a little ash on her favorite jacket. Her tail also had some of it too. She brushed the ash off and looked back at Sarthiss with a playfully evil smirk.
Rosalie laughed a little at what happened, smiling all the while. It was good to see two friends having a good time. Or rather, to see another one of her kind. For all her life she had lived as the only neko she knew of in France, being hidden away in her house because her parents warned her of the hunters out near the forest. It felt good to be away from it all, and to be free. She sighed happily and looked up to the moon and whispered a thought to herself. "Thank you for safety.." Then, she turned to Eevee and Sarthiss. Why not have a little fun? She took some of the ashes on the ground and dropped it on both of their hair, then jumped back and laughed a little.
Eevee was blind-sighted a second time when Rosalie poured ashes on top of her head. She shook her head a little, then rubbed the rest of it off. She watched the other neko girl laugh. If Eevee wasn't mistaken, her hair was probably stained that same black color for the rest of the night. She didn't mind, it made it easier t hide. She decided to get both of them back, running into the cave, she turned into a shadow and waited to see if they would follow her.
Rosalie smiled and took that her racing into the cave was a challenge, she run in there, looking around for movement once more. "Où êtes-vous(Where are you)?" She asked in a playful voice, her tail whipped behind her occasionally as she looked around into the cave.

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