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Fantasy Hybrid, Magic Camp

Sarthiss was going to fall asleep soon. A chilly night breeze sent shivers up his spine, and he pulled his jacket closer. Approaching the bottom of the moantain, he didn't bother climbing. With a sweep of his hand, the underbrush surrounding him burst into flames,and he gathered the ash into a pile. Sighing haggardly, he collapsed with a small thud. He was asleep before the ashes settled.
Eevee's ears perked up as she saw Sarthiss fall onto another pile of ashes, and now was her her chance to actually be alone. She turned and looked over her shoulder to make sure that Sarthiss was asleep before she bolted towards the woods, but quickly stopped, noticing a track that she left behind. She jumped into a tree and ran along the branches so that there was no giving away where she was. When she found a spot to watch the moon, she sat and waited. And the morning came slowly.
Rosalie ran from the rockslide when the boulder was pushed out of the way, her instinct was just like any other animal's. Get out of the vicinity as soon as possible. She jumped through the trees swiftly in fear. The only thing she could think of was what caused that. 'Was it a person, or was it something else?' Her thoughts were jumbled with questions, which didn't benefit her situation. After a while of jumping from branch to branch, she lost her footing. There she passed out until morning due to the height of her fall, and a branch that fell, giving her a concussion.
Eevee had fallen asleep, even though she had slept a while before, but she still felt tired. She slept in the tree without making so much as a purr.
Once again, Sarthiss woke with the sunrise. He sat up, putting his head between his knees, composing himself for the new day. A smile crossed his lips. This is the grin he would wear all day. Standing quickly, he burnt all the ash off his skin and clothes, then felt his chin. A little stubble was growing, he hadn't shaved in awhile. Sarthiss burnt that off too. He headed up to the cave, but nobody was there. He began searching the woods for his comrades.
Eevee was waken by the sun, becoming annoyed by it's persistence to ruin her nap. 'I'm up...I'm up.' She told herself before sitting up, but she heard someone walking and turned invisible to protect herself, just in case it was another hell-hound.
Rosalie stirred, slowly looking around. Everything she could see before was a blur. A massive headache filled her head and throbbed. She groaned and crawled to a tree to lean up against it. All she could do was wait for someone to pass by, but she couldn't hear well or see.

Rosalie felt someone trying to mend the back of her head, and lazily whacked her hand at them. A hiss escaped her and she groaned from the pain of sound, and from her wound.
Sarthiss knew he wouldn't find Eevee unless she wanted to be found, so he resolved to look for Rosalie instead. He didn't want to call her name, lest he draw unwanted attention. He ended up finding her by the noise of pain she made, she was at the foot of a tree covered in stray leaves and a branch. Sarthess examined her, she had a pretty severe head wound. It wasn't bleeding anymore, but it needed to be cleaned, it had a large vacuole of puss. He warmed his hand and burst the sack, and cleaned the rest out with water from a nearby stream.
Rosalie tried to clear her vision without success, a confused look appeared on her face. "Sarthiss? Eevee? Is that you? I ca... can't see much... Blurry. Stupid headache." She tried to stand up, but ending up falling down on the ground. She groaned in pain and leaned herself back up against the tree.
Sarthiss steadied her. "Hey, shhh, shhh, it's me." He sat her back down. "You have a pretty bad knot on your noggin there, looks like you fell." he chuckled. "I've cleaned it, but it's gonna bleed again. Do you want to try to bandage it or do you want me to burn it shut?"
Rosalie looked where she could see a blob shape, suspecting that it was Sarthiss. "Eh... Burn it but don't you hurt my hair." She chuckled in her groggy state, trying to be positive in the situation. The pain from the back of her head felt worse, and she just wanted the pain to go away.
Sarthiss was concerned. Rosalie's eyes were unfocused, and her head was bobbing. "You probably have a concussion Rose," he warned, "You need to stay awake after this, kay?" Sarthiss pinched the wound shut and ran a burning finger over it, carefull not to touch anywhere except the specified area.
Rosalie nodded as to answer him. Then he began to attempt on healing her wound. She cringed for the moment, then relaxed. Fire burned on her fingers and singed the grass, causing a black spot to appear where her hands were. There were tiny flames in the black grass, but she quickly pat them out, although they did look like blurs of orange in her vision, she could feel it there.
Eevee waited and hid for a couple minuets before she saw a Hell-hound, but it looked weak and injured. she couldn't help but feel pity for the poor animal, climbing down the tree and coming into view, she approached it slowly. The dog just looked at her, and didn't even bark or growl, just watched her. Eevee reached out to it and stroked it's fur and it didn't flinch away. "Huh. Guess I underestimated you guys." She said softly. She looked around for anything that could heal the animal, seeing a water bottle and picking it up. She cleaned the dog's injured leg and hoped that it wouldn't attack her, and sure enough, it didn't.
Sarthiss finished sealing the would in Rosalies head and tred to picke her up. She was stilll wobbly, and her legs shook. "Imma gonna have to carry you till we find Eevee... You aren't holding up too well..." Sarthiss swung an arm around Rosalies waist, moving her to his back. "You need to hang on, can you do that?" he asked.
Eevee sat down in front of the dog as it laid it's head on the ground as a sort of 'thanks'. The Neko smiled at it and the beast picked it's head up, looking at her and whimpered at bit, as if it was trying to tell her something important. It padded the ground and then barked loudly, trying to communicate to the Cat. Eevee covered it's mouth after it had repeatedly barked and yelped to try and tell the girl something. "Shhh! I don't ant anyone around right now!" She whispered to the Hell-hound. It pulled it's ears back as an apology and Eevee stroked it's head, telling it that she forgave the creature.
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Sarthiss heard a loud bark nearby. He cursed under his breath. "Rosalie, I need to put you down. Do not make any noise." He set rosalie down in a bush. "I will be back." Sarthiss dashed in the direction of the noise, coming across Eevee and a hellhound. Flames carced up his arms, reaying himself for a fight.
Eevee stood up, surprised at how Sarthiss had reacted to seeing the dog with her. "Sarthiss, please-" She was interrupted by by the Hell-Hounds loud barks, telling him to back off. She turned and held the dog back, wrapping an arm around it's throat. The mut continued to bark and growl at Sarthiss, as if trying to protect the Neko.
Sarthiss watched the hellhound as Eevee held it back. "Kill it, it will draw others," he warned. "I left rosalie in a bush. She has a pretty bad concussion, she can't hear or see well." seeing she was hoding it back, and the dog made no further moves, he changed his mind. "Ya know what don't kill it," Sarthiss grinned, "We can use it to carry Rosalie. Just keep it quiet."
Eevee smiled and looked at the dog with a happy expression. "Hear that boy?" She said and ruffled it's fur a little, leading it past Sarthiss and made sure that the animal didn't try to attack him. She was right to watch it because the dog growled at him and trotted along side Eevee. When they found the bush, they allowed the hell-hound to carry Rosalie and the dog kept quiet for the walk. Eevee looked at Sarthiss and smiled. "What do you think the name should be? I was thinking Spike."
Sarthiss laughed. "Spike? Seems more of a barney to me. He's a nice lil fluffy." he said, jesting at the dog.The hellhound growled at him. "Err, maybey something a little more threatening." Sarthiss nudged Rosalie so she wouldn't fall asleep. "You need to stay awake. Prevents brain damage. Don't fall asleep."
Eevee looked at the dog and giggled as she heard him growl at Sarthiss. "So we can keep him then?" She examined his appearance and decided on a name quietly. She couldn't think of anything and continued walking. She wished that Sarthiss wasn't so protective when he first saw it because if he just left the thing alone, she wouldn't have to deal with it's constant growling as a threat to him.
Sarthiss cracked his neck, a few sparks flying to the ground. "Seems friendly enough. As long as he doesn't take a bite out of anyone I won't take a bite out of him." Sarthis clicked his teeth at the dog in a friendly smile. "I never got a chance to see a live one up close, hellhounds are usually pretty hostile."
Eevee looked at Sarthiss with a 'You've got to be serious...' face. She watched as the Hell-hound walked faster and stood next to her, nudging her leg for attention. "Hey, boy. Got an idea for a name?" The dog padded the floor and stopped, again trying to tell them something. He turned his head and looked over to the deeper part of the woods, tail sticking straight and snarling a little. Eevee tilted her head in confusion, then turned to Sarthiss and moved Rosalie off of the dog's back. "Stay here with her. I'm gonna go see why he's acting this way." And with those words the hell-hound ran into the trees and Eevee followed close behind.
Sarthiss lowered Rosalie to the ground. She didn't respond. He shook her a little. "Oh no..." he said. Rosalie had fallen asleep. Wether any damage was done to her brain was questionable, but they wouldn't know untill she woke up again. If she woke up. Sarthiss sat down and heldher protectively, waiting for the results of Eevee's exploring.

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