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Fantasy Hybrid, Magic Camp

Sarthiss followed Eevee, and eventually was able to run up next to her, but he thought better of it. He was content to just plod along the path she took, The hellhound wasn't far behind. If Eevee got too ahead, he'd follow wolf. He began breathing harder than normal, not too noticable, but Rosalie was holding him back, weighing him down. He tried not to show that she was, it was a weakness, and he knew that Steph would make fun of him. Wolf he wasn't too concerned about, 'He's pretty chill,' sarthiss thought. He shook his head to clear his thoughts and continued forwards
Eevee eventually stopped and looked around. Wolf ran up next to her and almost dropped his jaw when he saw what they found. It was a whole hoard of Hell-Hounds, asleep and some not minding the rest of the world, caring for their young. Eevee looked at Wolf and they both Jumped into the tree next to them, quietly jumping from branch to branch.
Sarthiss saw it too. He swore under his breath. Maybe they were friendly? Probably not. He decided he'd need to leave Rosalie with steph then follow Eevee. He wasn't as limber as her, so the trees weren't an option. "Steph," he whispered, "Take Rosalie. Can you follow Eevee underground?" The hellhounds stretched pretty far, so there was no way he could fight his way through. "Let's do this. Bitches can't catch smoke..." He began to dissapate, the carbon of his body colliding with the oxygen in the air. He fell on one knee like a sprinter would and shot forward, completely composed of the black, whispy substance, along with the occasional ember. He floated along the hellhounds, passing over them undetected. He could only do this for short amounts of time or else he would just be scattered to ashes, so he let the air currents pick him up and he reappeared upon a branch next to Eevee. "Nice." he whispered, "what's the next move?"
Eevee was startled by Sarthiss, having him pop out of nowhere. She yelped and fell out of the tree onto a Hell-Hound below. It howled in a little pain and growled at the Neko on it's back. Wolf jumped down and attacked the dog as it lunged at Eevee. The girl shot Sarthiss an angry look. "Asshole! Don't do that!" She grabbed Wolf and bolted away and she ran with him at her side, leading the muts away from the others.
Sarthiss didn't mean to scare Eevee. He cursed himself for his carelessness, he though she knew where he was. 'Dang,' he thought, 'Neko's have rapid mood swings.' Sarthiss decided to follow Eevee in smoke form, keep her safe if neccicerry. A couple of hellhounds were chasing her, so he wouldn't interfere unless if she absolutely needed it. Wiping his face stressed, he dissipated again as a nice cool breeze blew by. It pushed him down, and his essence clung to one of the hellhounds. All he needed to do now was to sit and wait to see what unfolded..
Eevee turned and held the switch in her hands from before. She waited till a dog pounced at her, then slashed at it, slitting it's throat clean open. Wolf took on one by himself, protecting her as best as he could. Eevee saw another dog jump at her, but she was too late in reaction as it sank it's teeth through her jacket and into her skin. She hissed and stabbed it's nose, then the back of it's neck, throwing it off. Wolf killed off one of the last ones and sat in front of Eevee as she put the weapon away and sat down. She reached over and petted Wolf with her uninjured hand.
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Sarthiss materialized out of the coat of Wolf. His smoke and embers had been transfered there by the scuffel. "Ey. Sorry Eevee. I didn't mean to scare you..." he wiped his nose and swayed a bit, smoke-dashing had always made him dizzy.
Eevee looked at him and sighed. "It...It's fine." She managed, looking back at Wolf, stroking his hair lightly. She noticed Sarthiss's dizzy look in his eyes and payed no mind to it. She stood up and faced the human, walking past him to look back at the horde and luckily, they weren't looking around and it seemed that they never even noticed the whole thing. She jumped up into one of the trees and laid down on the branch.
"I should've told you," he said in a hushed tone, crouching by the tree she was in, "There's more than one way to use fire. Transfer of heat, ahh, fusion, controlling of other objects with flames is alot harder, setting things on fire of course, and... like you just experienced, smoke, and products of heat..." He looked up at her. "I know it's not allright, I'll let you know when I decide to do something else..." Damn, he was really making a fool of himself now.
Eevee didn't pay much attention and fell into a dream, ignoring the rest of the noises around her. Wolf was angered by how Sarthiss had gotten Eevee almost killed, growling at him and shooting him a deadly look. If he could speak to him, he would.
Sarthiss mimicked Wolfs growl and bared his teeth. "Before you decide to bark at me again, I'd reccomend working on your bite." Sarthiss chuckled to himself, settling down against the tree. "Look at me, so crazy I'm talking to a dog..."
Wolf tried to communicate to Sarthiss through thought just like he could with Eevee. 'I've considered ripping your throat out for almost getting her killed or possibly badly injured.' Wolf growled at Sarthiss again, barring his teeth and snapping them threateningly.
Sarthiss laughed at Wolf's reaction and kindled a small flame in his hands. He decided to stay awake in case any more hellhounds came this way. He began to play with the flame like a coin, rolling it over his knuckles, tossing it back and forth, twisting it around his wrists. He continued fidgeting, still wary of the other hellhounds closeby.
Wolf noticed that Sarthiss was playing games, but noticed Eevee's tail fall off of the branch and smacked Sarthiss in the face. Wolf smiled and laid down, falling asleep as he knew that Sarthiss wouldn't kill him since Eevee would be mad.
Sarthiss sheltered the flame so it wouldn't burn Eevee's tail. He knew Neko's didn't usually like their tails being touched, much like normal cats, so he moved his head. He sighed, extinguishing his flame. After what had transpired over the past few days, sneaking out of the camp, his tender moment with Eevee on the mountain, almost being crushed under the mountain, his skrimish with steph, accidentially pissing Eevee off... Sarthiss cleared his mind and just thought of nothing. Doing this is particularly hard, but not for sarthiss. His mind was organized in boxes, every box had its specific place, and no box touched another. A box that most people didn't know he had ws the nothing box. Sarthiss would go into his mind, take the nothing box, and sit in it. That made him the most patient peron in the world. And right now, he wasn't waiting for anything in particular, so this only prolonged his patience.
Eevee was waken by the morning light, her eyes fluttering open and Wolf wagging his tail as he noticed the Neko wake up. Eevee smiled and yawned, cracking her neck a little and jumping down from the tree. She patted his head and looked around for a bit, seeing Sarthiss and walking over to him. "Hey." She said in her normal tone of voice.
Sartbiss smiled and stood up. "Mornin' gorgeous," he chirped. Despite spending the entire night awake, Sarthiss was as cheeky as ever. The sun was up, the sun meant heat. As long as there was heat, he could run. Sarthiss couldn't stand the cold. "Your tail flicks around alot when you sleep, so I moved over here. It kept hitting my face." Sarthiss smiled.
"It's fine, I think it's cute..." his voice trailed off as steph came out of the ground next to them along with ladon and Rosalie. Sarthiss reddened, sticking his hands in his pockets and kicked at the dirt.
Eevee smiled at Steph, then seeing Ladon and Rosalie. "Glad you guys could join in.'' Eevee looked at Sarthiss who kicked at the dirt below him. "Well, Me and Wolf are gonna go hunting for a little. See you guys later." And with those words, Wolf jumped up and walked with Eevee towards a stream nearby, ready to catch some fish.
"Fine, fine." sarthiss waved her off, "Just sitting around, waiting for shit to happen." He stared after Eevee, watching her leave. Standing akwardly, he started humming 'sunset in july'. Then again, being akward wasnt a problem for Sarthiss, just the people around him. That's why he liked Eevee so much, she accepted him for who he was.
Eevee had finished gutting a fish that Wolf caught, making three different fillets out of it. Wolf wagged his tail happily and panted, giving her puppy eyes to get a piece. She giggled and tossed him a tiny piece of the meat, taking it back to Sarthiss and the others. "Hope you guys don't mind fish." She said and handed a fillet to Sarthiss, then to Steph.
Sarthiss offered the fillet back to Eevee. "I'm not that hungry," he said, "and I wouldn't be able to keep it down anyways, Im still a bit queasy from smoke-dashing twice in a row. Sorry." he looked at wolf. "if you won't eat it, he certanly will."
Eevee took the fillet and handed it to Wolf, who took it with a happy look plastered on his face. Eevee sat down and decided to try out something new regarding to her powers. She didn't use them too much, and the only one that seemed useful was the invisibility. She concentrated and eventually got her hands to to do the black smoke-like thing from before they left the camp. She looked at them and she smiled a little. Eventually, the efffect traveled up her arms and engulfed her entire body.

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