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Fantasy Hybrid, Magic Camp

Sarthiss smiled. "Eevee. How are you feeling? Like, emotions. What emotions are you feeling?" Sarthiss knew if she was thinking positive thoughts, she'd have better controll of her power.
Eevee looked at Sarthiss and the mist cleared, returning her to her former state. "Well a lot of things. Such as the past, Wolf and you guys being here, many things really."
Eevee looked up at Stephanie as she asked the question. "Well...It all really depends on what you mean..." She paused and looked at Wolf, who wasn't allowed in the camp if anything. "If you mean here in the woods instead of camp, then I guess until I can actually control these powers of mine better." She turned and looked at Sarthiss but then looked back at Stephanie. "But if you just mean in this spot, then we can always leave now." Eevee was feeling a bit nervous about answering the question, reaching over and petting Wolf to ease her mind and emotions.
Eevee nodded and pulled out a water bottle that she never touched since they left the camp. She tossed it to Stephanie, and smiled. "If it's action you want, why not have Wolf and Ladon have a sparring battle?" Wolf immediately jumped up and held his head high, as a sort of showy look on his face, wanting to fight the snake.
"Well same with Wolf. I don't have to tell him to fight, he just does." 'Liar.' 'Shut up.' For a split second, Eevee and Wolf had a conversattion, but it quickly passed once they were done.
Eevee nodded to Wolf who jumped in front of her, smirking a little and growling. He flicked his tail and pounced at the snake, running behind it and jumping onto it's back, digging his claws into it's skin. Eevee watched as she stood up, putting her hands in her pockets, and pulling her hood over her head a little.
Sarthiss smiled, but was still wary of the hellhounds close by. He walked in a circle around the group, scattering ash to form a bit of a sound dampener, snapping his fingers as he went. That would work. Making the full circle and relizing Eevee had her hood up, he smiled. "Hey beautiful," he said, "Keep that hood down. You can't see your good side when it's up. But then again, all your sides are good, really." Sarthiss was a terrible flirt. But he was right, Eevee said she was thinking about her past. He thought about the boy in the cave. The past held bad things, and not just for her, him too. Having the wrong mindset while fighting could lead to destruction.
Eevee looked at Sarthiss and pulled her hood down, shaking her head at him with a small smile. She looked back at Wolf who was still fighting the snake, scratching and biting at it's neck. She pulled out the switch from before and wiped the blade off, then looking at the bite from the hell-hound before, covering it with her sleeve. Eevee decided to toss the blade between her fingers, careful not to let the blade cut the shin.
Sarthiss glanced at her injury. "You can heal that you know." he said, "Flare... Uh... did that alot. The shadows mended it. She said it took concentration though." He rubbed the back of his neck. "Don't ask me how to do it, cu, she just did stuff. I dunno."
Eevee looked at him, seemed scared that he saw it. She then looked at the wound, pulling the sleeve up and seeing the bloody gash. She didn't know too much about her powers but she thought about the different ways things could heal and a black shadow-like sting wrapped around her wrist, traveling to the gash and sealing around it. Eevee half freaked out, becoming a little wide eyed and her arm shook a bit. Eventually, the string disappeared and the wound looked almost stitched up, still a couple drops of blood here and there, but it was healed. "How-" 'remember the flame?' 'oh yeah.' Eevee pulled her sleeve back over her arm and sat down by a tree.
Sarthiss saw the fear in Eevee's eyes. "Hey hey hey," he said soothingly, sitting down next to her, "It's allright. Nothing to worry about." Sarthiss took her arm and examined it. "Good job, good job, practice that sometimes. Get the hang of it." Sarthiss smiled.
Eevee pulled her arm out of Sarthiss's grip and pulled her hoodie over her head again, pulling her knees close to her chest. She didn't look at him, and even the way he tried to calm down didn't seem to help. All these knew things were messing with her, and if these powers got out of hand, then there would be no way to fix it afterwards.
Sarthiss looked at her sadly, and decided words would no longer help. He wrapped his arms around her and nuzzled her neck, something he'd seen Neko's who liked eachother do. He hoped that Eevee would get over her fear of others, but he realized the only thing she really feared was herself.
Eevee shook a little and Wolf noticed, leaving the fight to sit in front of her, but saw Sarthiss and decided to leave her alone. He sat in a tree that was close by just in case anything happened. Eevee remembered a quote that her mother always used to say when she wasn't around, but there was the one day when Eevee had heard it as her mother was talking to her father. 'We stopped looking under our beds when we realized that the real monsters were really our selves or our closest friends and family.' It played over and over in her head, and she shook more at the thought of it.
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Sarthiss felt Eevee shiver and he pulled her hood down. "Eevee." he said. There was no smile on his face now. "Calm down. Look, I felt scared the first time I realized the full extent of my powers. When I realized I could do this." Sarthiss snapped his fingers and a flame appeared at the end of his first finger. He held up the first two, motioning towards a blank area in the woods. "They told me I was dangerous. Yea, I was dangerous. I'm the strongest child of fire I know. But you know what I said to them?" Sarthiss put down his first finger, leaving the other one still up, the flame still burning. He cracked a half smile and extinguished it. "Eevee, the reason I wanted you to run away with me was so I could help you controll your powers. I guess it was halfway there that I realized I loved you." Sarthiss traced his finger down Eevee's neck.
Eevee looked at him, still not a smile. She didn't say a word and looked at Stephanie, who seemed mad and upset. She pulled the hood back over her head, not making eye contact with anyone. Wolf was mad at how Sarthiss kept bothering the poor Neko, so in reaction, he jumped down from the branch and stood between them, knocking Sarthiss back a little as his paws met his chest. 'Eevee, are you OK?' 'I don't wanna talk about it, Wolf.' The hell-hound nodded and growled at Sarthiss, throwing his ears back as he did.
Sarthiiss got the message and stood up. He walked away and leaned against a tree, Thunder boomed in the distance. It was going to rain. He shook his head, and the ash he had thrown up to block sound earlyer burned to vapors.
Wolf stopped growling and nodded once, knowing that Sarthiss wasn't coming over. He walked over to Eevee and nudged her arm, whining and trying to comfort her. 'Just leave me alone Wolf.' The Hell-Hound kept nudging her but just gave up and layed next to her, curled into a ball and keeping an eye out.
The first of the tears of the sky came down. Sarthiss stayed as close to the tree as possible. He hated being wet. It was a light drizzle yet, but he knew it would pick up volume soon. "Here it comes guys." he said. Sarthiss did not have even a small trace of a smile on his face anymore, whatever was bothering Eevee was bothering him as well. He hated seeing her like this, it reminded him of when the air boy was throwing pinecones at her. Except now, there was nobody to burn. He clenched his fists, a slight flame skipping up his arm. Sarthiss began to sing the song 'Utopia'. Quietly at first, then building up volume as the rain pounded down. He sighed, and stopped mid-song. Taking off his jacket revealing a slightly defined torso that showed through his white undershirt, he crouched down next to Eevee. Wolf growled, so Sarthiss growled back, Flames flashing behind his eyes and at the base of his neck. Sarthiss threw his jaket around Eevee to protec her from the rain, then went back to his tree. The rain sizzled as it hit his skin since he didn't have his jacket anymore, so he heated himself. Small clouds of steam billowed off of him with each drop.
Wolf looked at the scared Neko that sat by the tree. She crossed her arms over her chest and looked at Wolf with a scared expression. Wolf tried to comfort her but he could do nothing but stare into her silver eyes, seeing what looked like a faint clip of her past. She looked down and away from him. wolf walked over towards Sarthiss and nodded his head at him.
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Sarthiss grunted at Wolf an de-heated his hand. He held it out, palm down for him to sniff. "Damn dog," he mumbled, "Make up your mind on wether you're comfortable with me or not. Your mood swings faster than the pendulum of the clock in Rou's office."
Wolf shook his head at Sarthiss's ignorance. He decided to see if he could communicate to Sarthiss through thought. 'I don't know if you can hear me or not, but I saw something in Eevee's eyes. A clip of her past.'
Sarthiss jerked his head up. "The hell?" He looked around. Flames danced up his spine and his bare forearms. "Who's there?" The rain hissed and sputtered, not hitting his skin it was so hot. He got nervous when people talked to him, letalone a voice he had never heard before. This one was different though, kind of echo-ish, bu that made it all the more dangerous.
Wolf noticed Sarthiss' bewilderment and barked at him. 'It's me genius! Wolf!' Wolf growled a little and motioned towards Eevee, who shook a little in the rain. 'Right now is not the time to question either. I can't seem to calm her down, but you on the other hand...maybe...'
Sarthiss looked at Wolf, the flames on his arms extinguishing. "We got a talkin' dog. Thats just great." he shook his head. "Well wolf, what exactly do you want me to do? I get where you're coming from, some people need time to think, but too much time alone is dangerous."

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