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Fantasy Hybrid, Magic Camp

Sarthiss stared at Steph. "Back again?" he smiled and cocked his head. "Here to drown us in a sea of racks again are you?" Sarthiss knew he was coming across as an ass, but he still wasn't sure of her. "We seem to be in a bit of a predicament. I have a defenceless neko who is incapacitated," he motioned to Rosalie, still in his arms, "and i still am not sure what to think of you. Are you friendly? are you an enemy? are you crazy?" he asked, "But then again, if it is the latter, Aren't we all mad?" Sarthiss broke down laughing.
Eevee was led by the hell-hound to what looked like an abandoned mansion. It was rusty and worn down, bu the dog ran in quickly. She followed it and saw that there looked to be no one there and it seemed that no one had lived there in almost a decade. Spider webs hung from the corners of the ceiling, dust covered everything including the floor and windows, and the darkness was unnerving. The creature she had followed barked quietly and padded the floor, calling her to follow through. She saw that there was a faint light coming from a room that the dog ran into and opened the door, hearing the creaking that almost froze her dead. She saw the mut sit by a concentrated flame and it looked dark and mysterious. The dog stuck a paw to it and motioned for Eevee to take it. "Wait, what? Why?" She remembered that the dog couldn't speak and just decided to trust it, reaching out and touching the flame. It rippled up her arm, but nothing seemed to happen. She looked at the dog and shrugged. "Didn't do much." The dog shook it's head, seeming to understand the hybrid girl and walked out of the mansion and led Eevee back to the others. She saw that the girl from before and waved to her. "Hey Steph." The dog barked lowly as a sort of greeting and sat next to Eevee.
"He doesn't have a name. I'm thinking of just calling him wolf since that's what he really looks like." She patted the dog who she now called Wolf, earning the dogs happy yip of approval. She looked back at Sarthiss, he looked pissed as normal. But if he bothered to ask about what the dog shoed her, she wouldn't have anything to say because nothing really happened, but it was very mysterious. She had no idea how to reply so she hoped that he wouldn't ask.
Sarthiss softened up a bit. If eevee was comfortable around steph, then he was. "Allrighty." he said, propping Rosalie up and leaning her against a nearby tree. "You don't know me. I'm Sarthiss." he smiled, sticking out his hand to steph.
Eevee looked over at Wolf with a smile. 'He doesn't introduce himself till now.' She thought. 'Indeed. he is stubborn.' A voice echoed inside her ears. 'How are you-' 'That flame that you touched allows you to speak to our kind. I'm not going to spoil the rest for you but you'll see later.' Eevee's jaw dropped as she heard this voice. Wolf can now communicate to her, and it was cool, but also scary. Sure, she can now understand him but she cannot tell anyone that they can speak through thought.

(Here's what Wolf looks like BTW. I finally found a picture for him.)

Eevee shook her head a little, turning away from Wolf to look at Steph. "Oh...Yeah. Sure." Eevee walked over and motioned for Wolf to follow, using him as an example. "Have you ever tried making connections with animals?" She Waited for Wolf to sit next to her and rubbed his head. "It's a good start of controlling your anger. If you can interact with animals well enough, then you can easily find a place of peace." Wolf looked at Steph with a tongue out like any normal dog. Eevee patted his head again and continued to explain it. "Pets can serve wonderful purposes too. If you have a loyal animal by your side, then it's way easier." Eevee took Steph hand and placed it on Wolf's fur on his neck, letting her get the idea and trying to make a connection with the Hell-hound.
Sarthiss smied and began to play with fire. He still didn't completely trust the hellhound. He traced his hands in the dirt, making a rivlet that he placed blades of grass in. He se his lilttle trail on fire, creating a burning heart. He st back and smiled at eevee.
Wolf looked over at Sarthiss as he heard the crack of flames. He growled lowly and turned his attention back to Eevee. 'Excuse me, Eevee. But why can't I warn the human to stay back. I have a bad feeling about him.' 'Because, Wolf. We're a tea. Everyone right now is part of our team.' Eevee replied as Wolf's voice rang in her ears again, turning to him and then back to Steph. "Uhh...Steph. I'm not saying you need a pet. But if you think that you would want to do that then go ahead."
Sarthiss got up. "Imma wander around the woods, i'll be back in about ten minutes." Smiling, he went back into his dream state singing feel good inc, snapping his fingers as he went.
Wandering through the woods, Sarthiss felt heavier than before. Something had changed. Something important. He thought of flare, and how things had changed when she mentioned her powers. It felt that way now. Singing sunset in july, Sarthiss continued on his zig zag path, deep in thought.
Wolf nodded his head in approval, glad that Sarthiss had left. Eevee patted his head and sat down next to him, stroking his soft fur. 'Alright, now that he's gone, tell me about the flame.' Eevee demanded. Wolf nodded once and started explaining. 'To start off, let me just say that You can now communicate to any hell-hound that bothers to come your way. Next, it enhanced your powers, so now you can do more. But don't. Tell. Anyone. It's extrememly important an-' Wolf stopped when he noticed that Steph was still there, waiting for a response to her question. Eevee noticed it too and looked at Steph with a smile. "Sorry." She apologized. "I was lost in thought thinking about what kind of pet would be good for you." She lied, smiling and rubbing the back of her neck in embarrassment.
Sarthiss was pounced upon. It was a hellhound. He rolled backwards and shot his feet into its stomach, throwing it over his head. "Bitch can't take me down that easy," he smirked, flames coursing up his legs and arms. He heard a louder growling as three more came into view, surrounding him. Sarthiss cracked his neck and flames surounded his chest, his abdomen, his fists. He noticed Steph a ways away, and jerked his head to let her know he was fine. The first one charged, so sarthiss nimbly danced to the side, running his buning fingers across its side. He laughed as it limped to join the others waiting at what they thought was a safe range.
Wolf felt a strange presence, picking his head up high and looking in the direction that Sarthiss had gone. Eevee could sense it too, but this puzzled her, knowing that she didn't notice the other hell-hound that charged her. They both stood and ran towards the sensation. When they arrived, they noticed three other dogs that stood, growling at both Sarthiss and Stephanie. Wolf Bark and the other muts turned to face him, standing there as if they were talking.
Eevee talked to the dogs, knowing that she could after Wolf had explained it to her not too long ago. 'The hell do you want?' The dogs turned to her and Wolf, growling back and leaning forward a bit, trying to intimidate her. 'oh, I'm sorry.' A scratchy voice said, must have been the closest one. 'But I'm afraid that you cannot say anything in the matter. Just because HE showed you the flame, doesn't incline you to stop us.' Eevee noticed that the hell-hound had cocked it's head to Wolf, emphasizing the word. Wolf growled and lunged forwards, biting and scratching at the strongest dog there.
Sarthiss smiled as the eevees hellhound attacked another. he wasnt too bad, he thought. Laughing, he went on the offensive, grabbing one that lunged at him in mid air and snapping its neck. He wheeled around to another and shouted in its face, intimidating it not to attack untill he was ready for it. He swung around to the one he had burned earlyer and sntched it up by the tail, stabbing his hand into its chest and ripping out its heart. The other hellhound shrank back in fear and ran.
Sarthiss waked over to the two remaining hellhounds fighting. The stronger one had the upper hand over Eevees, so he pulled it off, scratching and growling. Sarthiss placed his hands on either sie of the hellhounds head and melted itsskin, then its skull. The helhound fell dead. Sarthiss nodded at wolf charmingly then turned to steph. "Sure, why not," he chuckled.
Eevee noticed that Stephanie didn't look happy, seeming annoyed as she tapped her foot. Wolf noticed the same thing. Eevee laughed a little and walked over to where the other wolf ran off to, peeking around the trees to see if it was still in sight. Sarthiss had replied to Stephanie and Wolf walked over to Eevee, nudging her side for attention.
Sarthiss cracked his knuckles. "Where you goin' Eevee?" he called after her, flames running up his spine, "You don't wanna see me show off?" He tuned to steph, smiling widly. "Let's start with some ranged attacks." He launched a ball of fire with his hands at her feet.
Eevee looked at Sarthiss and rolled her eyes at him. 'Wanna go on another adventure, Wolf?' she asked the hell-hound next to her. Wolf modded but before they were about to run off, they thought better of it and stayed instead. Eevee sat down next to Wolf who sat next to her. They watched as the two started their sparring competition.
Sarthiss smiled and opened his arms wide. The lava washed over him in a wave. "Haha, are you allright in the head?" he laughed, "That was colder than the showers I take!" Shaking himself off like a dog, he spun around and shot another fireball with his foot in a roundhouse kick, then two more as he whipped his leg back and spun around with the other, flipping sideways and landing nimbly on his feet as he did so.
Sarthiss felt the ground soften under him. He tried to move but his feet were stuck. He chuckled. Things were getting interesting. Sand, sand, sand... SAND. Sarthiss allowed himself to sing up to his waist, then heated his skin to thousand degree temperatures. The sand around him boiled, the water evaporating and the small granules turning to glass. With a triumphant whoop, he shattered the grass around him and stood in place, grinding his heel into the crushed bits. "Ya done?" he smiled dangerously.
Sarthiss smiled. My, this was interesting. Digging his heels into the ground, tounges of fire scorched up his arms. He faced the serpent head on, Thrusting his hands to block its two huge fangs. The impact drove him back a good 50 feet, the serpents stony head smashing against his chest. Sarthiss was winded, but he was for the most part unharmed. "Hey hey, watch it!" he wheezed, "We aren't the only ones out here. There's hellhounds, bandits, other stuff... and the camp might see, we're trying to get away from that for awhile." Shaking his head, he extinguished his flames. "That's enough for now, we've probably drawn too much attention."
Sarthiss was amazed at the girls arrogance. "Ey, you didn't win here," he said, "We can't go all out because others will find us. Right now, Eevee and I don't want to be found." he walked over to where rosalie still lay and picked her up, slinging her across his shoulders. He jerked his head to the two. "We need to leave. As in now. No telling what heard Steph."
Sarthiss didn't entirely trust Steph yet, letalone the earth serpent. He didn't think Rosalie would either, she hadn't met the girl yet. "I can carry her, I'm good." Sarthiss replied, flexing his arms, showing some moderately defined biceps. "Eevee, where we headed? Anywhere in particular or just away from here?" Sarthiss cocked his head. Anywhere Eevee was was fine with him, but if she had a preferance to where she was going he'd make sure she got there safely.
Wolf looked at Eevee and she returned his gaze. 'This will definitely attract unwanted attention.' Eevee nodded in agreement and stood up quietly, motioning for Wolf to do the same. Wolf had an idea about what they were gonna do. When Eevee turned invisible however, he was alarmed and didn't know where she had gone. Eevee forgot that Hell-hounds couldn't always see things like magic so she changed back and she bolted into the woods and quietly as possible, careful not to make a trail or a sound.

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