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Fantasy Hybrid, Magic Camp

Sarthiss nodded. "Yea. I... I'm sorry. It seemed you were implying..." He rubbed the back of his neck. "I should just... Stop. And uh, here." he handed Eevee back her switch. "You still shouldn't run off alone. Being alone is dangerous, especially for you."
Eevee looked at the blade then to Sarthiss. She took it and put it into the pocket of her jacket. "It's fine. But I'm still dangerous either way." She pulled her ears back up, showing that she really did accept the apology.
Getting back to the lake, Sarthiss cracked his knuckles. "Stephanie left," he explained, "She got bored." He still felt ashamed about apologising.
Wolf walked along side Eevee, both of them looking at each other and discussing different things that has happened. 'Well, what a happy little group this is.' 'Oh stop. It's not like he's gonna say something like he wishes you were dead.' 'You never know that.' 'Just calm down and live in this moment and in this time period.' Eevee scowled and the hell-hound and then turned to Sarthiss, shaking her head a little. "We're not gonna swim if you don't want to."
Sarthiss sighed with releif. Realizing this might be offensive, he straightened his posture. "I... I don't mind. If you want to, we can, but I doubt you do..."
Sarthiss sat down on the bank. "Allrighty, well... When you left we were talking about being comfortable in any environment. Wanna elaborate or?"
Eevee shrugged and looked at Wolf, who threw his ears back for some reason that she didn't know. The Neko sat down by a tree close to the bank of the lake and didn't respond, pulling her hood over her head and falling asleep.
Sarthiss sighed and followed suit, not next to Eevee but across from her. He wasn't sure how she would react to him trying to be friendly, people hold grudges somethimes. "Don't run away again. Please?" He asked Eevee. The sun wasn't out to keep him warm, so he was going to get sluggish sooner or later. He saw a few ripples on the pond, but disregarded them. He warmed his hands a bit and stuck them under his armpits. He threw one last glance at wolf before tilting his head back and dozing off a bit.
Wolf lay awake and watched the sun rise after a while, laying next to the sleeping Neko. It was hard for him to fall asleep but then Eevee woke up and patted his back. He looked at her and she smiled a little, which confused him. He tilted his head but quickly dismissed the thought. Eevee pulled out the switch and tossed it in the air, catching it between her fingers.
Sarthiss was up the moment the sun's light touched his face. Eevee was still sleeping, but she quickly woke. Sarthiss smiled at her, watching her play with her knife. "What was the significance of giving it to wolf when you left?" He asked, "What did you think you would achieve?"
Eevee turned to look at Sarthiss, catching the knife in her hands before she spoke. "I gave it to him to remember me by, since he's my dog." She looked at Wolf and the dog wagged his tail.
Sarthiss sat up quickly. "Wait, you were legitamately leaving? Like, everything? Do you realize how dangerous that would be?" Sarthiss rubbed the back of his head, he had hit his head on a limb of the tree he was leaning against.
Eevee looked back to Sarthiss, hearing his words. She threw her ears back and narrowed her eyes in anger. "Really? Are you freaking serious? You constantly tell me this."
Sarthiss dropped it. "I'm sorry. It's true... I'm sorry. I just... I know I worry too much, but it's only because I care about you." He made an apologetic gesture. He hung his head.
Eevee leaned back against the tree and sighed. "It's ok." She replied. She smiled a little bit it faded as she saw him look down. Reaching over to him, she put a hand on his shoulder. "I'm serious. It's ok."
Sarthiss grasped her hand. "No, it's not okay. I made you mad, and that shouldn't happen. When you want me o do something or you need some time alone, tell me allright? None of this cloak and dagger shit." He looked at wolf. "This guy knows. He's got that 'honor of the pack' sense or something all wolves have."
Eevee looked at Sarthiss's hand that had grabbed hers, then faced him, looking straight into his eyes. She smiled and hugged him. Wolf stood up and walked over to another tree to leave them alone and to finally get some sleep.
Sarthiss returned the embrace. He decided words couldn't make this situation any better, so he didn't use them. Instead he made his skin a little warmer than usual. He knew Neko's liked warm things much like cats did. So sitting by the lake with his arms around the person he cared about most was all he could ask for at the moment.
Eevee felt the heat coming from Sarthiss and relaxed. She closed her eyes and let her mind wander into a state of nothingness, having no thoughts and just living in the moment of the present.
Sarthiss was glad Eevee was happy. If she was happy, he was happy. He was still worried about her though. Sarthiss rubbed the top of her head in between her ears lovingly. "Know this Eevee, the day someone decides to try and hurt you is the day the hospitals have a bunch of brand new patients. You're safe wherever you choose to go, because I'll follow you."
Eevee giggled at his sentence. "Stalker much?" She questioned jokingly. She purred after a little while Sarthiss rubbed the spot between her ears.
Rosalie slowly woke up, not knowing where she was. When she looked around, or tried to, all she saw was warm ambers and ashes around her. She brushed the hot ambers off of her skin, and looked around. A headache had slowly been decaying from her head, ever since she passed out. Rosalie got up, and went on a search for Eevee and Sarthiss, surely they would know what had happened.

Her ears carefully positioned in every direction until she could find a source of noise, then followed the source. It sounded like her friends. They were talking, having fun, resting. Everything Rosalie felt that was the opposite of her situation. The small headache in her head pinged as she heard crickets chirp in a high pitch. She hissed at the noise, then slowly got use to it. After a while it didn't seem to bother her. On her walk, she finally found the source of the voices and slowly entered into view of the others. She smiled at them and spoke softly, yet casually. "Hey."
Sarthiss noticed that the couple was free of wolf's watchful eye. 'Hellhounds must not care much for romance,' he thought. Looking out upon the sun shimmering across the lake, throwing up dashes of light, Sarthiss thought about the first time they had spent at the stream together. Now that he thought about it, he hadn't eaten in awhile. Rosalie appeared next to them. "Ey, you're up," Sarthiss noted verbally, still unmoving. "You were out about a day, you really smacked your noggin there."
Rosalie looked at him in a slightly amused way. "One day? That's a record. Place that in the genius book for longest nap." The small joke made her chuckle, it was good to laugh. "I've still got a small headache. I'll just get a drink of water to treat that, though." She laid down in the grass, tired of being in pain for a bit. Then, after a couple minutes, she walked over to the closest water supply and drank as much as she could, feeling temporarily full.

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