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Fantasy Hybrid, Magic Camp

Eevee glared at Sarthiss and hissed at him, throwing her ears back in annoyance. "Why are you being so complicated? Is it really that hard to just stand at the god damn edge?" She didn't wait for an answer and walked off, wolf following close behind, glancing at Sarthiss every once in awhile until they were out of sight.
Sarthiss laughed bitterly. "she's callin' ME complicated..." he mumbled. Looking to steph for support, he nodded. "You realize where I'm coming from right? Would you like to be powerless for the duration of time you were in the water?"
Eevee turned and faced Wolf and handed him the switch from insider her boot, Wolf took it and put it on the ground in front of him. "You. Stay." She said and began to walk off, but wolf walked up to her and nudged her side, whining. Eevee turned to him and scowled at him. "Stay!" Wolf sat down and pulled his ears back, looking down in respect but also in sadness. Eevee walked off and disappeared, laying down, and then closed his eyes and wished her good luck.
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Sarthiss shook steph. "Ey, you gonna answer? What did I do wrong?" Sarthiss was legitamently confused about what had angered Eevee.
Sarthiss turned to the dragon, a little wary. "Heyyy, man, sorry for uhh, earlyer. You have a very strong... Knockback radius." Sarthiss was referring to the sparring match he and steph had earlyer.
Sarthiss rubbed his neck. "Well, If you were listening, I seem to have upset Eevee and I don't know what pissed her off."
"Umm, nooo..." Sarthiss was Even more confused now. "I dunno. Let's just wait for her to come back." Sarthiss took off his shoes and socks and dangled his feet in the water.
Wolf laid by himself, sighing in sadness as he noticed that Eevee wasn't returning. He stood up and grabbed the Switch in his mouth and ran back towards were Sarthiss and Steph were. He saw them and walked over to Sarthiss, nudging his side and placing the switchblade on the ground next to him. He whined and pawed it, looking back at the weapon and Sarthiss.
Sarthiss stopped moving his legs in the water. He looked at the switch then back at Wolf. "What is this? Where's Eevee?" Sarthiss stood up, burning the water off his legs and getting his footwear back on. "What's she doing?" Picking up the switch he examined it. It didn't have any blood on it, or anything really. What had happened?
Wolf didn't know what to say, he padded the ground again and looked at the fire boy. 'I honestly have no idea. She left and told me to stay. She left this with me however.'
"You left her alone because she told you to STAY?" Sarthiss asked. "Dammit, why did you let her go alone? Couldn't you allready tell she was in a fragile state since this morning?" Sarthiss pocketed the switch and wiped his face. "Son of a bitch wolf, bad dog. BAD DOG." Sarthiss jerked his head at steph. "Steph, we have to find her. She's not safe alone, no telling what she could be thinking. Or what her powers could be doing..." Sarthiss shook his head and glared at wolf once more before following in the direction he had last seen Eevee go.
wolf felt bad and dipped his head down, knowing that there was no use in apologizing. He followed Sarthiss, tail between his legs and ears down.

Eevee walked through the foggy forest, crossing her arms, and shivering at the cold every once in a while. She looked back to where she had left Wolf, but snapped her head back to face forward, telling herself that he would be fine. The Neko didn't stop walking for anything, not even for the strange rustling in the bushes every now and then. Again, she thought about what Sarthiss, Steph, Rosalie, and Wolf could all be thinking...Wolf would have definately gone back to warn them of her leaving like she did. She growled to herself and cursed at the dog quietly. She trusted him to hold the freaking blade, and he goes off and tells everyone else. Then she thought about why Sarthiss had been so ignorant earlier. Many thoughts flowed through her mind as the darkness of the night fell onto the land.
Eevee's trail ended. Or at least as much as Sarthiss could tell, he couldn't see. He couldn't use his powers either, the fog was little droplets of moisture that seeped into his skin. Again, he couldn't do anything except heat his skin in the fog. "Wolf, steph, you got anything?" Sarthiss called, looking around. He felt helpless. He was, but at least he could still move.
Wolf shook his head in apology. 'I'm sorry. The air throws the scent off course. I can't do anything.' The hell-hound looked around for anything that could have led to where Eevee was, but there was nothing.
Eevee walked through more of the woods, contemplating the things that have been happening. 'Why did I even like him? He's so...difficult.' She thought to herself. Then there was Wolf who constantly tried to protect her just like Sarthiss, and it seems the only one who had common sense was Stephanie. She at least understood her and left her alone. Eevee surfed through her thoughts again but in the end, it didn't even matter. She was pissed off and if they were going to find her, so be it. She ran into the trees and deeper into the heart of the fog that covered the tall trees towering over her.
Sarthiss looked at he green orb. "Well shit..." He stuck it in one of the bigger parts of his jacket for safekeeping. "Wolf?" he inquired, "I'm sorry for snapping at you. It's just... Do you know what Eevee is capable of when she is angry?" Sarthiss shook his head. "I had a friend like her. Her name was Flare. She found out about her powers in a bad way... She couldn't control them." He was still going straight, Steph said to go straight. "Flare kind of... imploded. She accidentially burnt down our school. I survived because, ya know..." He snapped his fingers, sending a few sparks showering from his fingertips. "Anyways, Flare was secluded at the end, and she was usually open with me. I became socially impared after that, I can't really tell what people are feeling..." Sarthiss looked at wolf again. "That's why we need to find Eevee. I don't want her to end up like flare."
Wolf nodded and walked forwards along side the flame child. 'I can't say I understand. I barely know what it's like to lose a friend.' The hell-hound looked at him sadly.
Sarthiss shook his head. "We... Dammit I hate girls. They're so... Moody." Sarthiss stopped and brushed a hand down wolf's back. Not exactly a petting gesture, but a sign of thanks. "Can you smell her? Anything?" Sarthiss did a 360, searching for signs she had been here. He still couldn't see anything in the fog. "Her power... It's linked to some dark forces, I dunno what happens... But it can consume you. I don't want that to happen."
Wolf looked at Sarthiss like 'WTF?' He wasn't making any sense anymore. Of he hated girls, then why does he care about Eevee? Wolf pushed the thought out of his head and sniffed the ground, the bushes, trees, and even the twigs to find a scent. He caught a quick whiff and picked his head up, facing in the direction he though she was before trotting that way.

Eevee knew that she wasn't going to be alone for much longer if she didn't change her course. She turned a sharp turn around a tree and hid behind it, catching her breath.
Sarthiss followed along behind wolf. He seemed to have had an idea of where she was. Sarthiss began to formulate in his head what he would say to Eevee. He wwould apologise first, then explain why he was worried for her. Then, if it really meant that much to her, he would go swimming. He should take his own advice and trust her a little, some water wouldn't hurt that much. Just about one to two HUNDRED gallons spread before him in the expance of a lake. Sarthiss shuddered, and stopped thinking about it. 'You'll be fine,' he thought, 'if she can do it, I will too.'
Wolf barked at Sarthiss, looking at him with a confused expression. 'The scent stops here. At least, that's all I can detect. But I'll keep looking.' He sniffed the different surroundings again and decided to keep his mind on one thing at a time.

The Neko heard the bark and noticed that Wolf was right there! She tried not to growl and backed away slowly, then bolted away. She wasn't a fan of this whole hunt thing that they have going on.
Sarthiss heard somebody running. He assumed it was Eevee. "Eevee!" he called. "Eevee, I'm sorry!" Not an apropriate apology for the timebeing, but maybe enough to get her to stop and listen. Sarthiss followed in the direction of the footsteps, hoping to hear them stop. A few flames licked at his heels, then were put out by the dampness of the mist.
Eevee kept running, throwing a look over her shoulder that wasn't too friendly. She turned back to face where she was going, trying to gain some speed. But then, she decided that he wouldn't stop chasing her so she stopped with a small skid as she stopped herself in her tracks, turning her attention to Sarthiss and crossing her arms.
Sarthiss saw Eevee standing out in the fog looking very hostile. "Hey, look. I didn't want to go swimming. But I will If you want me to. Okay?" Sarthiss stopped, a little ways away. "I was kinda loud when I called wolf a bitch, and I think you might've thought that was at you. It wasn't. I would never be that disrespectful to you." Sarthiss rubbed the back of his neck. "I, uh, I'm sorry. I'm like an actual tounge of fire when it comes to water. My sparks can get wet, but if you submerge me, you've got a problem..." Sarthiss was babbling now, and he noticed, so he turned about 5 shades of red. "Just... In the future, If you want me to do something, let me know straightfowardly and I will."
Eevee want too keen on his words, throwing her ears back. "Key word: that disrespectful." She watched as Wolf walked up behind Sarthiss and calmed down a little. "And don't call my dog a bitch." She said sternly then continued with a single sentence. "I never said we had to swim. I was saying that it was better to be in a place that's more comfortable."

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