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Fantasy Hybrid, Magic Camp

Eevee looked at Rosealie with a bit of a confused expression. 'How does she manage to sleep that long? And how did it even happen?' She dismissed the thought and just decided to think of nothing for s little.
Rosalie smiled at the two, glad to see that everything seemed normal. What she didn't see, though, was the hellhound that watched them. A small ping of pain flashed into her head, causing her to place her hand to her head. "Silly headache, since I've woken up in the ashes I've had small pain, don't remember much before that either. But, there could only be one person I know that healed me from my concussion. Thanks for helping me, by the way." Her eyes looked towards Sarthiss, smiling while they did so.
"It was actually the person who tried to collapse the mountain down around us." Sarthiss explained, loosening his grip on Eevee, "She felt bad so she made it better. Her name is Steph. Strange little girl." Sarthiss looked into the sun. He didn't blink, his eyes were unaffected by heat or light being a child of fire. "You need to learn how to use the suns energy. Like photosynthesis almost, but for people."
Rosalie nodded, sighing in the process. "I suppose that is true, but I do need to practice actually summoning fire for a start. But, due to the surroundings, I dont know how I'll practice without burning the forest down." She smiled, still unsure about herself and her power. Could she ever control it? This question played in her mind over again. Someday, though, she would figure it out.
Sarthiss gave Eevee one last pat on the shoulder and stood up. "I could teach you. It takes some practice..." he snapped his fingers, a small flame appearing in his palm. "If it's allright with Eevee." Sarthiss turned to her. He was going to ask permission to do things before he did them so he would make sure not to upset Eevee like he did last time.
Rosalie looked next to her to see a girl there. "Oh, hello. You're Stephanie, right?" She couldn't quite remember, but she was sure that Eevee or Sarthiss described this girl to her. A smile spread onto her face in greeting of the newcomer.
Sarthiss nodded in their direction, extinguished the flame he was holding, and snapped his fingers at wolf to stand next to him. 'I still don't trust steph, keep an eye on her please.' This was the first time he'd tried telepathic communication with wolf. He hoped wolf was the only one who'd heard. "Well, now that we're all introduced, Rosalie still needs to know how to control fire. I was about to show her a few things. More like tell her, fire is a tricky affiliation, you have to work it out for yourself most of the time..." He rubbed the back of his neck. "It's strongly connected to emotion, alot like some of the others, but you really need to controll your mindset before you try anything."
Wolf nodded at Sarthiss, for he heard him and walked over, sitting in front of the flame boy. Eevee shrugged and struggled out of Sarthiss's grip, sitting next to wolf and patting his neck. "I'm ok with it. Doesn't bother me. And you didn't have to ask for permission." She states plainly.
Rosalie smiled and nodded towards Steph. "Oui, française." She laughed a little, then turned her head towards Sarthiss. It was finally time to learn how to control her fire power. But, it seemed to be harder then what she had thought. "It is used on emotion? Oh. I think I've sparked it once when I was overwhelmed about..." Rosalie cut herself off, not able to describe what happened."About something." For a second, her smile dropped. But, she quickly picked up a happy expression that showed on her face. One of the things she never wanted to do was show her pain to people she can't fully trust. In her life so far, she could not trust anyone with anything.
Sarthiss smiled. "It's notused ON emotions, it's used to reflect them." Sarthiss cupped hus hands, a small flame in the middle. "Take this between your palms. It'll burn you if you're not careful. You need to give it enough energy so that it doesn't burn out, but not too much or it will get out of hand. If the latter occurs, I'll step in." Sarthiss held out the flame to rosalie
Rosalie obtained the flame, focusing on just that. As she held the flame, the emotions inside her sparked memories of the past. But, she held them out of her mind. Memories could not distract her now, she wouldn't let them. She kept her hands cupped as the flame burned lightly in her hands. Although, a few times it sparked and grew larger, only to die down to it's original state. All the while, Rosalie kept her eyes closed and her senses focused only on the flame. "This feels like... I'm placing my hand near a bonfire... Not scorching, no. But, it feels warm, soothing, almost." She smiled at her description, chuckling to herself a little.
Sarthiss smiled. "Yea. You seem to be more of the active fire type. I like passive energy. It enhances your natural abilities. You might be the one who breathes fire or shoots it around in explosions and such." Sarthiss was glad he could share his knowledge with somebody, it felt good to be a teacher.
Eevee watched them, not saying a single word as she pet Wolf with one hand and he laid his head in her lap, sleeping lightly.
Rosalie smiled and looked up at Sarthiss. "Or maybe... This." She lifted her hands towards the night sky, concentrating the flames into a design of swirls that flowed beautifully into the air. Once the fire was in the air, she closed her hands and the fire slowly fell and died out. She was amazed at what she just did, and looked at both of her friends with excitement.
Sarthiss's grin widened. "There ya go!" he chuckled. He was glas one of his friends had managed to find a unique way to express themselves. "Hey, one more trick I gotta show you..." Sarthiss shut his eyes tight. When he opened them, they shone in different shades of red swirling about. "I thought of this one myself. Like how the military uses infared goggles, I can see heat. Just a little enhancement of my natural abilities like I mentioned before." He blinked rapidly and his eyes returned to normal.
Eevee eventually fell asleep as well, laying her head on Wolf's, both sleeping and the Neko purring softly as Wolf stayed half awake to make sure nothing happened.
Rosalie nodded, smiling at his friends in wonder of the power of fire. It was truly amazing to her that the element could have multiple ways of being used. She yawned, sighing afterwards. "Tired, I'll be up in an hour." Soon after her statement, she climbed into a nearby tree and rested.
Sarthiss chuckled as he watched Steph go. Then he sat down next to wolf. Ruffling his ears, his grin widened. "You aren't so bad huh wolf? I think we mightve gotten off on the wrong foot mate, ya know, I don't usually trust things I'm not familiar with." Sarthiss dropped his hand. "I think that's your species problem too. I mean, I do seem pretty unpredictable." Sarthiss folded hs legs.
Once the hour was up, Rosalie rolled out of the tree and came in contact with the ground, landing on her feet. "Good morning-er- afternoon." She smiled and walked over to sit with the others, noticing the wolf that was there. The fur was beautiful, and seemed admirably soft.
Wolf scooted closer to Eevee, feeling a bit uncomfortable with the attention that he seemed to be getting. He lowered his head and nudged the sleeping Neko to try and wake her. He thought about how nice it would be if she just woke up and helped him out.
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Sarthiss laghed at wolf's uncertanty and smiled at rosalie. "Do neko's have a thing where they just spontaneously fall asleep? It seems to be a little bit of a problem..." he waved off the thought. "Ah, whatever. Did you try the trick I taught you?"
Wolf threw a bitter look Sarthiss's way and continued to nudge Eevee to wake her up. 'Eevee, c'mon. Wake up.' Eevee flicked her tail at him and continued to sleep soundly. Wolf became annoyed by the Cat's persistence to sleep rather than pay attention, so he stood up and bit her ear and wouldn't let go until she woke up, and stayed awake. Eevee opened one eye and looked at the Hell-hound that so desperately wished for her attention. She hissed at him for a second and sat up, pulling her fluffy grey ear out of the Dog's mouth. 'I'm up. You happy?' Wolf nodded and wagged his tail happily.
Sarthiss coked his head, amused at the couples reactions to eachother. "Well welcome back to the land of the living sweetheart!" He laughed. "Now that you've slept most of the day, how are we planning to spend the rest of it?"
Eevee shrugged, not sure of an answer. "Honestly, I have no idea. But why not just relax? We've been running around for the last couple of days so, why not?"
Sarthiss shrugged. "I'm all for it, but some of us tend to get a little antsy..." He cast a wary look at steph. "But anyways, whatever you wanna do i'm fine with."

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