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Fantasy Hybrid, Magic Camp

"Well not to offend any of our companions," Sarthiss said, "But I wouldn't mind spending a little alone time with you. There are some matters we need to discuss." Sarthiss stood up and snapped his fingers, a flame or two tingling up his spine. "Perhaps a walk around the lake?"
Eevee stood up and held her hands behind her back innocently. "Sounds good to me." Wolf sat down and knew that he was supposed to stay, and decided to get some sleep. He laid down and began to snooze.
Sarthiss began walking around the lake. He swung his arms, his jacket slightly billowing behind him in the fair breeze. "Well, there is a problem." He started, "You have a power. Aaaaaand you don't know the entirety of it. So how about we explore a little? Like the trick I showed Rosalie, what can you do with shadows and minipulation aside from turn invisible?" He held up a hand. "Don't start yet, try to think. Use your imagination."
Eevee thought a little and thought about the way she was able to use her ability to change into a smoke-like cloud of grey. She thought about what if she was able to use that to do like a water or even metal like aspect. Of course, to her it seemed impossible, but she thought about it anyways. She was about to tell him, but something on her fingers behind her back caught her attention. She pulled one hand out from behind her back and looked at it, and was surprised to see that there was a black line that traveled around her hands and fingers. "I didn't do this on purpose...' She said quickly, looking up at Sarthiss. "I only thought about it, that's it."
Sarthiss regaurded it curiously. "May I?" He took her hand and examined it. A smile broke his curious expression. He laughed a bit. "Can you make it grow? Make it thicken, try to shape it. Just a fist enhancing weapon, brass knuckles maybe, nothing big, just a little bit..." His voice trailed off. He was rambling. He did that when he got excited.\
Eevee looked at her hands again and focused on the black thread, thinking about different ways she could use it. She thought about how it could possibly split into different strands, and that's what it did. The black string split and it wrapped up her arm. She watched as it tightened around her wrist, then spreading up to her elbow, but it wasn't enough to hurt her. She was enjoying this little experiment and thought about it being used like a rope. It recoiled and grew thinker. She eventually lost focus when she heard a bush rustle and looked in that direction a the string disappeared.
Sarthiss smiled as he watched Eevee, but she lost focus and the black thread dissapeared. "Good job, good job," he said, rubbing his chin, flames licking at his elbows unconsciously. "It seems like you've got the hang of one thing, but you need to be able to tune out the world around you. You're cautious, and that's good, but being too cautious disables your ability to focus."
Eevee turned back to Sarthiss and nodded once in understanding. She smiled and looked around for a little. "How about we just hang out here for a while?'' She asked. "It couldn't hurt to see what kind of interactions can affect our powers. Rou told me that can also be a big part in it."
Sarthiss cocked his head. "Eevee, I can't understand cryptic social wording. You know that." Sarthiss thought Evee meant something like sitting and talking, but he rerally didn't know. Girls were weird, but when they also had a tail and an extra set of ears was even more confusing.
Eevee had to try not to facepalm from what she had just heard, but left it alone. She sat down and tried the new black string out a little, thinking of different ways to use it.
Sarthiss watched Eevee. She seemed dissapointed. He shrugged and blinked hard. Looking around, the only heat signatures he could see were those of his friends, wolf, and Eevee. He sat down next to her and looked at her heart, it was easily visible because it was hotter than the rest of her body. It beat steadily. He blinked hard again, returning his vision to normal. While she was playing with the black string, a bit whipped Sarthiss's way. He caught it, examining it. "One moment..." He took her hand and wound it around her palm. "Try making little patches of roughness appear on the underside of this." He said, "Like velcrow, but smaller."
Eevee wasn't sure why he wanted her to, but she thought about it anyways. When she thought about it, the more she was able to picture it in her mind. The Neko looked at the string which was slowly curling up her arm and her wrists, then splitting as it passed over her fingers. She tilted her head at this, but kept her mind on the task at hand.
Sarthiss smiled. "This is amazing... Flare never did anything like this..." He took her hand with the rough shadow thread and stuck it to a nearby tree. He tugged a bit on her wrist. It held. Sarthiss was delighted. "Oh man, you know what you can do now?" He clapped his hands, "You can hang upside down! Like, you're good at climbing, but now you can literally stick to walls!" Sarthiss was elated he had found a way to improve Eevee's natural abilities with her powers.
Eevee smiled a little and decided that it wasn't that bad. "Not only that, Sarthiss." She said and a strand swung out from the floor near her and tripped him, causing him to fall on the soft ground below. "Kinda acts like a whip if you know how to use it." She said, standing at his side, leaning over to tower over him. She closed her eyes and tilted her head to the side a little, smiling at this.
Sarthiss sat up, rubbing his neck, flames dancing up the sides. "It's not the first time I've fallen for you," he chuckled. Coming a bit closer he took her hand and kissed it. "Eevee, this is great. It's good that you're learning the utilities of your abilities before you learn about your offensive powers. This is the best way to learn." Looking into her eyes that still showed signs of laughter, he put a hand on her cheek. "When wolf asked me why I liked you... I meant what I said. All of it. You've got a great sense of humor."
Eevee continued to smile and made this a game. "It's funny that you never saw that coming." She giggled and sat down next to him, her legs crossed and her tail wagging slightly, hitting the ground softly.
Sarthiss sat behind her and wrapped his arms arond her waist, resting his head on her shoulder. "You know what else is funny?" He whispered in her ear, "The fact that hope can be found in a person who was very unwilling to accept help before." He kissed her neck lightly. "I knew you were a good person. You just had to open up a bit."
Eevee rolled her eyes playfully, turning her head to look at him on her shoulder. "Like I didn't know that already." She said, flicking Sarthiss's nose lightly and sticking her tongue out at him, being the playful Neko she is.
Sarthiss's grin widened. "You know everything, don't you?" He said. "You really should keep your tounge in your mouth, if you don't I might be tempted to put it in mine instead." Sarthiss kissed her, then stuck his tounge out back at her. "Told you," He chuckled.
Eevee blushed at his words, then shook her head a little and continued with her happy demeanor. "It's a cat thing." She got curious and leaned back a little, putting all her wight on him. Even though she didn't weigh much, she still felt that it was enough to push him back.
Sarthiss fell backwards, a little startled, but still having a good time. It was good that they were both in a playful mood. He just sat there awhile, saying nothing and doing nothing, but glad to be spending some quality time with his significant other. He thought back to what led them here. 'We could do it, you know. Run away together.' Those were his words. They had done just that. He was glad they had chosen to go rouge a bit, and that was as apparent as the warmth coming from the Neko laying on top of him right now.
Eevee giggled at him and crossed her arms. "You know, for someone who tells me I need to keep my guard down, you need to keep your up. You never know the things a sneaky Neko can do." She sat back up and looked at him lay on the floor.
Sarthiss stayed in his position. "I am. Nothing's walking around exept wolf, steph, and rosalie, and those guys are on the other side of the lake." He blinked hard again, and seeing that their heat signatures still hadn't moved, he blinked hard once again and looked at Eevee. "Why, are you insinuating that you're a bad girl? Because I knew that when we first kissed on the mountain, and I accepted the risks. They're worth it."
Eevee tilted her head. "What? No. I'm just testing you." She replied, then looked around for a little bit. She stretched and laid down next to him, laying on her side to face him.

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