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Fantasy Hybrid, Magic Camp

Sarthiss beamed. "You're cure when you sneeze." He stayed that way, staring at her a bit. But in a charming way. The sun was halfway below the horizon now, and a warm breeze came in from the lake. "One moment, this is one of my favorite things to do." Sarthiss scattered the remaining ash he had into a circle around him and set it ablaze. He turned to smoke, floating up on the hot air current about two hundred feet, then half materializing, smoke still trailing from his limbs. He began to slowly float back down when the breeze died. He did see the camp from here, but only the walls and some of the cabins, campfires already dotting its landscape. Sarthiss glided down a bit more, twirling as he did, and materialized about fifteen feet above ground. He landed back on the circle of ash he had made which was now almost gone. He got a dreamy look on his face as the sun set for good, it's light dying, the first of the stars starting to peep out from the blanket of the sky. "Something else I've learned," he explained, turning to Eevee, "It's the closest I can get to flying. I'm the only one who can do it in our camp." Brushing the last wisps of smoke off of his jacket and turning up the collar, he jerked his head at Eevee. "I should take you sometime. I'm sure we could make it work with your shadow power. Anyways, enough talk," He stretched and yawned. "I'm getting tired."
(God I've been gone for so long :( ( )

Riley watched the other members practicing their magic. Her gaze was disturbed until she saw a disk slicing through the air right above her. Because she got startled, a blast of frost emitted from the tips of her fingers and froze all those in her path. Her eyes winced as the trees broke off and withered with fragility with her ice. "Oh god, I'm sorry," she apologized.
Rosalie sighed, practicing heat vision was a difficult trick, and somehow it made her hungry. Her stomach growled lightly as she practiced. "I haven't eaten for a while, have I?" She eyed down a bird in the sky, thinking to herself, 'If I can land my fire on the bird, I can kill it and also earn breakfast, while practicing my power.' The thought made her smile. It was a good idea, after all. She stood up and climbed up slowly and silently into the trees, grasping the limbs as she climbed. Once she was at a height closest to the bird, she waited. It took at least 5 minutes of patience before the bird calmed down, and landed on the branch across from her. She quickly shot a ball of fire at the bird, scorching its wings and making it fall down to the ground. Rosalie smiled and crawled down to eat what she caught.
Eevee smiled at Sarthiss. It seemed to be a really cool idea to her, and of she could find a way for her shadow abilities to work alongside his, they could probably fly if they wanted to. When she noticed Sarthiss mention that he was tired, she laid down, curled into a ball and her tal wrapping around herself, watching the moon for a little as it rose above them. The last couple of nights, it wasn't full, but now it was and she smiled a little at it, laying her head down on the ground and looking up at the stars next to it. It was true that night was the best time of day for her.

Riley whistled as she walked away from the stream where she had just released a burst of ice. She wondered around only to find a member she hasn't quite seen around the camp ever so recently. He had the tail of a feline too. She tilted her head as a tiny snowflake emitted from her breath and landed on the guy's shoulder.

Damn I should learn to control my powers....

"Hey you look new, are you new here?" she jumped out of the bushes she was hiding from and approached him.
@DranboltSAS97 @Lynx

Rosalie grew bored, and knew that Sarthiss and Eevee didn't have any intentions of coming back soon. They were probably cuddling. 'Ah, adore~ Sweet when in it, harmful when out of it.' Her mind wandered as she took a walk back towards the camp. If they wondered where she was, their wolf might tell them. It didn't matter to her.

She climbed into the trees, jumping from branch to branch until she was close to the camp. There were two teens interacting, which made her smile. When seeing interaction, her light red eyes would soften, along with her white tail and ears lowering. Her short, black hair flowed in the light breeze, touching her pale face. It was a beautiful day, especially for socializing. Of course, though, the shy neko Rosalie was, she kept quiet and hidden.
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Sarthiss sat down next to eevee, the light of the moon showing on his face. His skin began to sizzle, Sarthiss cried out a bit and retreated to the 'shade' of a tree. The moon burned him after he smoke-dashed, the night was fine, but the moon's light affected all the children of fire in some way shape or form. For sarthiss, it's light diminished his powers significantly. The stars, being faraway suns, usually conflicted with its light, but on a night like tonight with a full moon that was pretty big, it hurt him a bit.
Eevee looked over at Sarthiss, picking her head up as she noticed he sat out of the moon's light. She became concerned and sat next to him, putting a hand on his shoulder. "You OK? I noticed you in pain." She asked. Her eye color seemed different in the moon light, looking almost blue, if not a turquoise.
Sarthiss smiled. "Ehh, it's not that much of a problem. I can't have too much of the moon's light on me. The moon usually affects most children of fire, but I'm a bit more intolerant than others." He rubbed the back of his neck. "It's just that... It's not usually a problem but tonight... It's so big..." His voice trailed off
Eevee laid her head on Sarthiss's shoulder, her tail wrapping around her ankles. "No wonder my people had strange suspicions about the moon." She paused and looked at him before she looked back at the moon and continued. "Most of them thought that the moon came out during the night because it symbolized the evil and that evil lurks at night. Then, the fact that I've heard of some fire oriented people getting burned by it kinda made my parents pull me inside every night." When the mention of her parents came to mind, she gritted her teeth but almost cried at it. She hid her feelings and looked at Sarthiss again, waiting for his response.
Sarthiss began to doze off a bit, but he could still babble before he was completely unconscious from fatigue. "Yea. those people forgot to put on their sunscreen... or moonscreen." he chuckled. "The only time we actually can get burned is when it's full and absolutely no stars are out." he began to nod
Eevee giggled a little because he was really tired , and she wasn't in the mood for games so she just rested. However, she stayed awake and listened to the sounds that surrounded her. Then, a howl startled her and she jumped, hitting Sarthiss's chin with her head. She freaked out a bit and hid behind him, shaking a little and holding on to his jacket. 'I really need to stop freaking out when I hear a wolf howl.' She thought to herself.
Sarthiss jerked awake as she hit his chin. Rubbing his jaw a bit, he turned to her. "What?" he asked. He blinked hard, looking for sources of heat. He saw one, it looked like a dog. He assumed it was wolf. "Ah. is he trying to sneak up on us?" He asked eevee
Rosalie felt the moonlight touch her skin, burning it a little. She bit her lip at the slight pain, keeping silent. The branches reflected some of the light back to the sky, but the parts left were the ones that burned her. 'What is this? This never happened in France...' She looked at the skin that was burned, and it seemed just fine. No signs of injury was on her pale skin. 'What the hell?' All she could do for the moment was shield herself from the light.
Sarthiss stood up slowly, scanning the area. He detected two more, three more. He cursed under his breath. "Hellhounds." He took eevee's hand and warmed it a little. "I need you to find a way to keep the moonlight off me if we get into a fight. Without my powers I can fend one off, but there's three of them. My bad, four." The spots were moving closer now, it was a matter of time before they saw the couple. One thing he was sure of, the hellhounds could certainly smell them.
Eevee nodded and the string appearsed around her arm again, but this time it was more misty then solid. She looked at it and then looked at Sarthiss. "Hold on." She pulled his hood over his head and then the string wrapped around his hands. "I'm not sure if I could keep that up, but i'll try" she said with a smile.
The first of the hellhounds showed itself, sarthiss blinked hard and returned his vision to normal. This hellhound was big. really big. "Eevee," he said softly, "Try to communicate with this one like yoyu do with wolf. It might not want to hurt us, but that situation is unlikely." Sarthiss cracked his knuckles and rolled his shoulders, showing the hellhound he wasn't planning to attack, but was on his guard.
Eevee nodded once and turned to the dog, keeping her tail still as to not seem as a threat, for dogs can mistaken a simple tail wag as a fighting threat. 'Why are you here? If this is about territory then you're mistaken.' The hellhound said nothing and starred at her, barring it's teeth and pulling its ears back. Eevee did the same which finally got the dog to speak. 'You are foolish to test me, girl. Just because you're of a feline desent didn't inquire you to be on this land.' The Neko was tired of the animal's attitude already, and by the looks of it, the dog seemed male.
Sarthiss Looked at the dog and Eevee, who had assumed a hostile attitude. Flames licked up his spine, rand down his arms. He grinned, showing his teeth, which had little shadows of flame dancing across them as well. "You can tell your friends that making a circle around us won't help," Sarthiss said out loud to the hellhound, "The blood of many of your kind has stained my hands, I'm giving you a chance to run away like frightened pups."
The wolf stood his ground and mocked Sarthiss by starring him down with black and red eyes. Eevee hissed and growled a little, her hands folding into fists and they lit with a shadowy mist. She watched as other dogs came from the forest and circle her and Sarthiss. She became more hostile then she already was and pulled the switch out from her pocket, clicking it open and holding it at her side.
Sarthiss Cocked his head, the first wolf was still not in the moons light. The other two were though. Sarthiss moved forwards with a single step, it didn't even look like he had moved his feet it was so fast. Grabbing the wolf by the snout, he held it shut. The hellhound tried to struggle away with a whine, but sarthiss kept his fingers clenched tight. He burnt off a few of the creatures whiskers with his palm to prove his dominance. "Listen here mutt," he cooed, smiling dangerously, "You can stay here. But it wouldn't be in your best interests." his hand glowed hot, scarring the hellhounds nose to prove his point. "If you really want to stay... well that's your choice. But I would highly reccomend telling your friends to leave. You can follow them If you're a good boy, but my mind changes... Quickly..." Sarthiss did not like his dangerous side, but he would use it. And he had once to protect eevee, like the last time he ripped the hellhounds voicebox out who had entered the camp.
The wolf struggled out of his grip and ran off, whimpering and the others followed. Eevee turned to Sarthiss and returned to her normal demenor, ears held up and a strait face. "I hate most dogs..." She said and crossed her arms.
Sarthiss shook his head a few times, the flames dying down. "Yea. I'm more of a cat person." he said dreamily, rubbing one of Eevee's ears. "How long did I sleep, four hours? five? The moon is gone down a bit, that's how I'm judging time..." He still felt a bit tired, but he would be better as soon as the sun came up. Sarthiss stretched, cracking his back. Checking around looking for heat signals, he noticed Rosalie and steph were gone. "Did they go back to camp?" He asked.

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