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Fantasy Hybrid, Magic Camp

Sarthiss looked out at the lake, trying to detect anything. Wolf was still where they left him. "Maybe we should ask wolf, he probably knows." Sarthiss tooke Eevee's hand in his and began walking around the treeline, still out of the moons reach.
Eevee was being pulled by Sarthiss at firs, but eventually got her footing right and walked next to Sarthiss. "I can communicate to him now. We're not that far." She said and then didn't wait for a response from him before talking to Wolf. 'Hey Wolf? Did Rosalie and Steph both go back tot he camp?' It took a little before Wolf heard her and responded. 'Oh, hey. Yeah they left not too long ago. Just me right now.' The Neko thanked Wolf and looked at Sarthiss but didn't say anything.
Sarthiss nodded to wolf then turned back to Eevee. "Wanna go back? You lead, I'll go wherever you want to." Sarthiss glanced at wolf. "We'll need to convince Rou that Wolf is friendly though."
Eevee shrugged and looked at Wolf. "I guess. But I'll convince Rou that he's friendly." Wolf wagged his tail and Eevee started walking back to the camp. Wolf followed close behind and panted happily, seeming as though he was smiling. 'I've always wondered what this camp is like. Sarthiss, what is it like exactly?' Eevee looked at Sarthiss and waited for him to answer the dog's question. She found the camp to be OK, but it was boring there from time to time.
Sarthiss bobbed his head. "Ehh, it's allright. Theres people. Alot of people. But I know some places where people never go, it's nice." he chuckled. "I'll tell ya one thing, it ain't got shit on the woods. Well, aside hellhounds. Non-friendly ones that is." He made an I'm sorry gesture, he didn't want to offend wolf. He seemed to be in a good mood, and Sarthiss didn't want to spoil it.
Wolf ignored Sarthiss's last comment and continued walking. Eevee looked at him and then back to where she was walking.


Eventually, they came to the wall and noticed that the hole that Sarthiss made was gone. Eevee looked around and saw that the tops of the wall was covered in barbwire. She sighed angrily and told wolf to sat put for a little. She began to climb the tree by the wall, getting high enough to look over it. She noticed that there was only barbwire on the one side. She tilted her head and stepped back, looking at it and concentrating on jumping over it. She bolted forward and jumped from the tree branch to the top of the brick boundary, but her pant leg got caught, causing her to fall forward and hang off of the side, her tail falling back and her ears up. she sighed and tried to free herself from the wire trap.
Sarthiss giggled a bit and used his climbing technique he used on the mountain and made his way up to Eevee. Grasping the wire in either side of her leg, he melted it, careful not to tought Eevee. She was free. "I'm gonna throw wolf over the wall. can you catch him?" he asked.
Eevee stood up on the top of the wall and shot Sarthiss and 'are you serious?' face. "I can't catch him, but he could catch me.He's like twice my weight.'' She stated and Wolf barked up at them, digging under the wall and appearing on the other side. Eevee looked at him as she heard another Bark come from behind her, seeing Wolf sitting by a hole in the ground at the edge of the brick. "Well that answers that." She jumped down and stood next to Wolf and waited on Sarthiss.
Sarthiss shook his head with a smile on his face and dropped down, landing as he always did, powerfuly, yeat steadily with a knee and a fist to steady himself. He stood up and blinked hard, looking around. Most of the heat signatures he saw were in their cabins, but he did see rosalie's familiar outline in a tree, along with two other unknowns. "I've found rosalie," he said, "Can't see steph, she's somewhere sleeping or underground. Now there's two other people by rosalie... Should we meet up with them or just sneak up with Rosalie?"
Eevee just stretched and began to walk towards her cabin. "I think we should get some sleep. Tomorrow starts the first day of actual training you know." She called for Wolf to follow and they walked towards the cabins, Wolf wagging his tail and prancing beside her. Eevee patted his head and rubbed his ears a bit, smiling at him.
Sarthiss shrugged, he decided to go get Rosalie and let her know they were back. Smoke dashing towards her position, he materialized quietly. She was shading herself from the moons light. "It hurts you too?" he asked quietly, cocking his head. "It makes my skin sizzle, I didn't know other people had the exact same problem as me." He noticed she was watching two individuals. "Who are they?" he whispered, jerking his head at the unknowns.
Eevee walked into her cabin and Wolf ran in, almost knocking her over. He ran around and made noises that she had no idea a dog could make. He acted like a pup now, which he probably still was considering his size or at least a young Hell-hound. He jumped up onto her bed and wagged his tail happily. Hopefully, those air children didn't notice and then she could at least keep him hidden for the night. Most of the air boys didn't sleep until late at night, and often stirred trouble, especially around her cabin. They seemed to try everything that would get her into trouble and now that Wolf was here, they could definitely warn Rou and say that she was a threat to the camp. She pushed the thought out of her mind and sat down next to Wolf, stroking his fur and smiling at him.
Rosalie looked at Sarthiss, who seemed to climb fairly well. "Huh?" She whispered. "Oh, yeah. I don't know why that happens. And uhm, I don't know, really... This is just a habit of mine. You know, to hide..." Her voice trailed off as she looked over at Sarthiss. "Wait, why'd you guys come back to the camp? Thought you didn't want to come back." She asked, still whispering. The moonlight slowly faded, and she slowly set her tail down behind her, as well as set her arm down next to her.
Sarthiss nodded. "Yea, well Eevee wanted to come back. And you know me, I follow her everywhere. Where she goes, I go." He scratched his neck thoughtfully. "The only problem is wether Rou is gonna like Eevee having a hellhound in the camp..." He listened to what the two people were talking about. "Well, it'll be morning soon. I was planning on catching a bit of sleep, but I dunno. I'm just gonna head to my meadow." Sarthiss swung down from the tree, snapping his fingers. "I'll see you in the morning." he called to rosalie. But he did it vaguely so the two unknowns didn't know who he was talking to. He gave them a mock salute with two fingers before sticking up his collar and trudging off to his meadow where he could get a lond deserved rest.
Eevee lay down on her bed, Wolf running around and acting like a pup all night. She thought she couldn't sleep already, but now that Wolf wouldn't stop jumping onto her bed from excitement, it was almost impossible. She sat up and death stared Wolf as he made another lap around the room. He stopped once he noticed her glare and pulled his ears back. "A cat needs her sleep..." She said quietly and Wolf just stared. Eevee laid back down and closed her eyes, her tail rapping around her. The sun came up slowly, and time seemed to go by almost too slow. She tossed and turned, trying to rest but it was no use. Wolf continued to jump around and Eevee's ear twitched in annoyance before she walked outside, telling wolf to stay and wait till she got back. She walked out and was ore annoyed to see that there was an air child standing outside. She threw her ears back and walked passed them, but was stopped when they grabbed her arm. She threw them the same glare as she gave wolf. "And where have you been?" They asked. Eevee's ear twitched again. 'I don't have time for this!' She thought and pulled her arm out of their grip. "None of your business." She retorted before storming off to the stream.
Sarthiss awoke once again with the sun. He rolled over, out from under his ash pile that was forever present at the side of his meadow. He remembered stumbling there and collapsing. "Bloody hell..." he rubbed his eyes, smearing soot all over his face. Grunting, he sat up, then stood, flames billowing up around him to get rid of all the ash. It fell back into the pile he had. Sarthiss swung his arms around a little, then looked up at the sun. It was still early morning, so he wandered around towards the dining hall, looking for something to eat. Maybe some greens, some bread. He did just that, and finished the greens. He began walking around outside, looking for Eevee. He hoped nobody had noticed wolf, so he kept an eye out for Rou as well.
Eevee was pissed! She sat by the stream and crossed her arm, testing out her powers to find new things about it. She tried to think about a way to help convince Rou that Wolf was friendly, but that would be hard. She pushed the thought out of her mind and summoned the String again, moving it around and watching as it wrapped around her wrist. Eventually, she had gotten it to disappear in different spots, making it seem like it was just flouting, but really, it was just invisible. She sighed and was still a bit mad at Woof for costing her sleep, and at the air boy who had questioned her once she stepped out of her own cabin.
Sarthisswas halfway done with his bread when he saw Eevee running out of her cabin. Sarthisssaw one of the children of the air grab her arm as she left. Sarthiss watched her head towards the stream. He decided to 'talk' some sence into the air boy. Snapping his fingers and smiling dangerously, he knew the air boy saw him coming. The air boy tried to slip away, so Sarthiss called out, "Where the hell do you think you're going?" Some of the more attractive girls from the air cabin were here, so he knew the child of the air wouldn't turn tail and run. "Look at this guy, what's this guys name, somebody help me out." he motioned to the girls. A few giggled, and a few respondedwith the name 'leroy.' "Leroy! That's it, look over here, lemmie see ya." The fear in leroys eyes was evident but he stood his ground. Sarthiss cracked his knuckles, sparks flying with each loud pop. "You really need to learn to keep your hands to yourself buddy." Sarthiss shoved him into the gathering croud that formed a ring around them, so the crowd shoved leroy up. A fight was imminent. "Come on bruh, you're messin with my girlfriend!" Sarthiss spread his arms wide. "You take the first shot. Fight like a man, don't use your powers or I'll use mine." Flames tingled up his spine.
Wolf peeked out the window of Eevee's cabin. seeing that Sarthiss and some air boy were fighting. 'Wow.' He thought. 'Someone really hates having people touch his girl.' Wolf laughed to himself and noticed that Eevee had headed into the woods. Wolf wanted to help out and join in the fun of kicking this kid's ass, but he obeyed Eevee's orders to stay put and just watched, making sure no one noticed him.
Leroy was uncertain of himself, but didn't see any other way out of this. He swung half heartedly at Sarthiss. Sarthiss grabbed his arm and spun him into the surrounding crowd towards the other children of the air. They pulled him back up, giving him words of encouragement. A couple of the fire people knew sarthiss. They knew he was a good fighter, and Sarthiss hadn't ever picked a fight that he would loose. Leroy came at him again, so sarthiss ducked and swept his legs out from under him with a powerful sweep of his arm. Leroy fell on his back, stunned. "Get up man, there's girls watching!" He bellowed, loud enough for everyone to hear. Leroy turned red after some 'oooo's' were heard from the crowd and scrabbled to his feet. "Now Leroy, was it? I'm only going to hit you once, but that one hit is going to keep you down and out for a real good fuckin' time. Got it? So get ready." Sarthiss wiggled his fingers, a few flames licking at his elbows.
Wolf held back a bark of excitement as he saw that Sarthiss was winning by a long shot. This other boy stood no chance. As the words Sarthiss let out hit his ears, he almost barked at him, trying to tell him that he was good, but he kept his mouth shut and didn't.

Eevee heard a few voices coming from where she had came from, but she ignored them and continued with her powers. She had gotten the hang of the thread that emerged from her wrists, but she wasn't too keen on using them. She tried something different, moving her wrist in a circular motion, and a small black flame-like thing lay in her palm. she tossed it around and it had the same effects as fire did. It amused her but thought about what Sarthiss said about a week ago about not doing that kind of magic around him. So she made sure to keep a watch fro him.
Leroy backed up a bit, lowering his guard. That was his mistake. Sarthiss lunged forwards, slamming his fist into his face. The loud crunch of his nose breaking was audible as he fell to the ground. Sarthiss smiled, licking the blood off of his still closed fist. "Yeh done?" Sarthiss asked the unconscious Leroy. Cupping a finger to his ear and bending down towards the body, he laughed, a chilling, throaty laugh. Sarthiss turned to the remaining people. "See this guy? This guy done fucked up. Don't do what he did." Sarthiss chuckled, and went to leave. The crowed parted, and he begans snapping his fingers and singing 'bad to the bone.' Sarthiss loved a good fight, but this one wasn't a challenge. Rou would probably tell him off again, but that was almost a daily occurrence. Sarthiss decided to find Eevee, and inform her that the child of the air was no longer a problem.
Wolf freaked out, jumping down from the window sill and ran around a bit. 'Holy shit!' He thought to himself. 'This guys a mad man when he's pissed!' Wolf was concerned now, but didn't leave the cabin.

Eevee continued to play with the black flame, tossing it between her hands and allowing it to flow between her fingers. She smiled a little and set it on her tail that lay next to her, allowing it to grow and it flicked every once in a while.
Sarthiss walked calmly towards the stream, still singing. "B-b-b-b-bad... B-b-b-b-bad... B-b-b-b-bad... BAD TO THE BONE!" He spotted Eevee, playing with shadow fire. He assumed she knew what she was doing, and since she was by a source of water he didn't feel too worried about it. "Hey sweetie," he chirped, sitting down next to her and giving her a quick peck on the cheek, "That one cheeky air kid, Leroy's his name, I don't think you'll get any trouble from him anymore." He rocked back and forth, taking off his shoes and dangling his toes in the fast running water, kicking up some loose pebbles at the bottom of the stream.
Eevee looked at him and laughed a little. "You didn't kill him now did you." She smiled and the flame on her tail disappeared. "Cuz then I might as well just call you 'killer.''' She looked at his feet in the water, seeing the rocks move as he moved his toes. Hopefully, he go the joke, but she was ready with an explanation if he didn't.

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