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    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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─── ❖ ── ✦ ── ❖ ───
After getting done with her bandits, she looked over to see that someone was already helping the girl. She was going to help, but someone else had it, so she'd have to go help someone else out. As she looked to see who needed help, she heard Red behind her yell something before getting interrupted and she turned around.

Immediately, she saw the guy that tried to take Red's weapon away try to kick her feet in an attempt to trip her and moved out of the way. What was he doing?! This wasn't the time to get revenge! At least she thinks he's trying to get revenge for earlier. "
Now isn't the time for this!"

Looking over, she saw a bandit over at Red with a blunt weapon, putting two and two together. "
Red!" She ran over, sliding into the bandit to make him fall. Quickly getting up, she grabbed the bandit's leg right as he was about to hit the ground and threw him into a few bandits dealing with someone else. After dealing with that, she kneeled down and shook Red. "Hey, wake up!"

Of course, she could only focus on Red for so long, as there were still bandits to deal with that were sure to come near them. So, she stopped shaking him and got up to be ready for any bandits that came her way.

RedLight RedLight , P PopcornPie , CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow , Yamperzzz Yamperzzz

  • _________________________________________________________________________________
    Heather (Without brain damage):

    Heather managed to leap at least six feet off of the ground, bounding over CRB as the bandit stops in front of him.

    "You seem like fair game, though."

    The bandit then attempts to club him over the head.

CRB dips a little from the clubbing, his head tilting from the force, and his hat ruffled. "Tony. I'm not a part of the Trial, nor do I care what happens to the blonde. I can use my power all I want. I'mma give ya ten seconds to apologize before i dunk you in that there acid tank." The Psychic threatens.
While he is berating the idiot, CRB sends a mental message to Two-Face. 'Hey. Im probably gonna have to kill this guy, but I wanna let ya know this ain't part of your trial, this is between me and him.'
Space Buddha Space Buddha thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Dr. Coomer

Pretty soon, a good old fashion tussle began In the courthouse. The good scientist did not understand why or what was going on, but he didn’t mind. There was nothing he loved more than hand to hand combat. A few of the two faced man’s goons came up to him with weapons in their hands.

β€œPut up your dukes fellas!”
The goons were cowards who did not want to fight using good old hand to hand combat and chose to keep their weapons in hand. This was no problem for the boxing legend Coomer. Dr. Coomer got into his fighting position.
He screamed out his battle cry and punched one of the goons right in the face. The punch sent the man flying across the room like a ragdoll in the Source engine that is used to run most games produced by Valve. The man hit the wall leaving a large crack and flopped on the floor out cold if not dead. This installed fear into the other goons, but they would not escape from the doctors wrath. He ran around punching each goin he came across sending them all flying smacking into walls as well as other goons.

β€œThis reminds me of the time I was the captain of the boxing team I’m high school!”
Coomer reminisced of his high school days as he beat the daylights out of anyone stupid enough to get in his way. Suddenly,


A gunshot. Dr. Coomer was shot in the head and he collapsed to the ground. The goon who did the crime chuckled to himself as he turned around. He heard something behind him and quickly turned back around to see what it was. It was Dr. Coomer! Well, another Dr. Coomer standing right above the body of the one who was just shot.

β€œIt would only be fair to warn you that I feel everything my clones feel.”
He got closer to the man slowly. The man fumbled around trying to reload his gun. The man was terrified. He should be. Dr. Coomer leaned in very close to the man and whispered.
β€œWhenever one of my clones die, I grow stronger than before.”
The man cowered I’m fear as he knew what was about to come next, but nothing happened. Dr. Coomer stood there motionless for a moment confusing the man. Suddenly, Coomer snapped back into action staring at the man.

β€œHELLO GOR-β€œ

Before he even finished his sentence, he punched the goon knocking him out instantly as he flew through the air.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

Red, still knocked out cold, would hear a woman's voice calling out his name. Everything is dark and empty, though, feeling as if it were a dream. He'd hear the woman's voice telling him to wake up. The voice was heavenly.

"M-- Mom?", Red thought. "Is this... Heaven?"

((It's like from this scene...))

However, he would suddenly feel a familiar touch, making him stumble from his words. Red wakes up, like...

Sadly, Tifa had already left him to fight the incoming bandits. He gets up from the courtroom floor psyched. Her touch woke Red up from oblivion, and greatly raised his morale.

"Alright!", he cheers. "Now I'm pumped!"

Red starts looking for the nearest bandit to him, and heads for it. Once in close distance, while the bandit's back is turned away from him, he pulls the poor bandit's pants down, revealing a micro 'peen'. The bandit pulls his pants back up, and runs from embarrassment, while crying. That unfortunate soul might need therapy after this, indeed.

A bandit would see Red, and goes after him. Luckily, our Hero hears his footsteps, because the bandit has a limp. Red dodges the bandit's attack, but doesn't do anything back. However, upon seeing the bandit's limp, he laughs as hard as he can, unable to conceal his laughter. Much like the previous bandit, this one also ran away, limping, from embarrassment, while crying. Therapists will be flooded with patients this season, it seems.

Another bandit comes at Red, and actually lands an attack on him! However, of course, there's a twist. The bandit is a midget. Our Hero picks the midget bandit up, and throws the poor thing like a basketball.

"For 3!!!", Red shouts, while doing the shooting move-thing ((I don't do basketball)). "I don't even play basketball, but that entered the hoop."

But when he gets distracted, again, as usual, three bandits comes charging behind him, and altogether tackles him down. Red, now being pinned down by three bandits, is struggling to free himself.

"C'mon!", he cries. "The girl of my dreams is literally right there!!! Why y'all gotta embarrass a homie?!"


"Sorry, king."


The three bandits understood Red's situation, and leaves him be, running away.

Interactions: TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher (Tifa)

CRB dips a little from the clubbing, his head tilting from the force, and his hat ruffled. "Tony. I'm not a part of the Trial, nor do I care what happens to the blonde. I can use my power all I want. I'mma give ya ten seconds to apologize before i dunk you in that there acid tank." The Psychic threatens.
While he is berating the idiot, CRB sends a mental message to Two-Face. 'Hey. Im probably gonna have to kill this guy, but I wanna let ya know this ain't part of your trial, this is between me and him.'
Space Buddha Space Buddha thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

"Oh, sorry sir, won't happen again."

The bandit politely tips his hat and starts chasing after Heather again.​

  • "NEIN!"
    Richtofen's mortified shout echoed through the smelly sewers as the German put his gloved hands on top of his hat in horror. Instead of only ripping part of the frog apart, his Gersch Device had completely dissipated any trace of the toxic monster- and with it, any hopes of him retrieving samples for experimentation! To make matters worse, the pink kitty didn't listen to him, using every last bit of the poisonous gas to kill off the last mutants.

    Thus his chances of getting any souvenirs whatsoever went down the drain.​

    He didn't even seem to care about the newcomers, as a frown plastered his face for once. He only listened half-heartedly, internally lamenting the possible experiments he just missed out on. Only when everyone began shuffling off in the shitty river did the sociopath wade off in their direction a few seconds later, too depressed (for the time being) to even make a remark about the sewers smelling like Dempsey.

    Thankfully, that depression would quickly be offered at the prospect of ultraviolence and bloodshed.​

    Edward had kind of shuffled away to do his own bidding, but the unmistakable screams for death was something he could detect from a mile away. Of course, it just so happened the nut job stumbled upon the front of the courthouse, warranting a quick scrutiny from him.

    "Ugh. I wouldn't be surprised if Dempsey had made this pigsty..." The zombie hunter remarked disdainfully, though the exterior appearance didn't stop him from going inside anyways after someone screamed to rip the bones off a "her". The interior wasn't any better, with some pig-dogs swarming a disgusting-looking man. Honestly, even the American idiot looked more handsome than that moron. Either way, they were obviously looking for blood, with a pretty girl hanging upside down over a pit of acid.

    "Ooh. She looks like a fine-looking shpecimen!" Normally Edward would certainly be down for killing whoever, but his magic "Important People/Things" sense was going off. It was something you had to hone when you're in the middle of nowhere and need to whip something up to fend yourself against zombies; he needed this sixth sense to find random "junk" for his grand scheme. Besides, it helped that the girl was pretty. The two-faced man prattled on and on about fate, warranting a yawn from Richtofen. Boooooring; vhy do I even bother-


    That annoying little girl had tried to fend up for the pretty specimen, warranting a shot to the latter's leg. Normally a cry of agony would make Richtofen feel good, but it didn't now because 1) he wasn't the one inflicting the pain, and 2) he felt captivated by the girl like he needed to help out thanks to his Richtofen Senses. Either way, this gunshot only made the German angry, his brows furrowing into a disapproving look. And the Doctor did not like being angered.

    Of course, everything went downhill from here. The pink kitty makes a barrier around the helpless defendant, warranting a bullet at the animal. That, and the uncolored weirdo sprayed the three-pronged judge, jury, and executioner, further pissing him off. Finally, some random chick was smart enough to suggest fighting for the girl's life. Too bad the coin-lover added a catch; fists only. That, and the man's cronies could use weapons. That was a huge insult! Richtofen couldn't use his Wonder Weapons?!?!


    He certainly wouldn't take this lightly. The scowl on his face deepened as he watched various bandits come out with pitiful excuses for weapons. He was getting madder und madder und madder by the second. Half the "Hunters" who came into the courthouse obviously couldn't handle themselves; within seconds, the magic girl had been hacked to near-death, and some clown had been knocked out trying to get to Tifa. There was even some abomination sabotaging the one competent girl- the one who actually suggested the fight- and Richtofen doubted anyone knew how to kill with their bare hands.

    Of course, being The Doctor, Edward knew how to "perform" with just his ten fingers.​
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Voss' quip did seem to lighten up the mood for a moment, but it was very short term. Before they knew it, Eric suddenly began to yell at Lara while sobbing. He began to beat himself up and blaming himself for something the pirates were also clueless about. In the end, Eric ran off, making the duo even more uncomfortable than before.

Now with the group more depressed than ever, Dawn tried to show off the apartments in the Wolf's Den to everyone... But it was clear that Voss and Abbott weren't all that interested. The awkward atmosphere the pirates felt between them and the others made them feel bad for just being around. Voss hung his head after hearing Lucky's comment. He was right, maybe that joke wasn't appropriate for the time being.

"...I don't know if I actually wanna take pictures now..." Abbott was beginning to put away his camera before he could even use it. He quiet and timid. Voss stopped him halfway.

"Nah, Abbott, I'm sure everyone will feel better once we get movin'." Voss was quiet as well. The sea captain sighed before replying to Dawn solemnly, "Yeah, ready when you are..."

As Abbott was putting his camera back around his neck, he noticed Lana on her knees in the distance, looking defeated. Abbott began to feel worse than he ever did, probably worse than he ever felt during the entire time he was here. He felt the worse fear and witnessed the most gruesome bloodshed in his entire life here. But this feeling of awkwardness and depression... He hadn't even felt this down in a long time. He desperately wanted to help... But he wasn't sure what to do.

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara P PopcornPie LilacMonarch LilacMonarch

As it turns out, the horror show in the courthouse could be heard from the entire other side of the underground city. And needless to say, a certain American shopkeeper was definitely not happy at the sounds of Two-Face taking control of this fine town's jurisdiction. Since this fine place was starting to be overrun with bandit scum that made Jews look like saints, it was up to him to keep the peace now.

Whilst the Hunters continued brawling in the courthouse, someone outside could be seen fiddling around with the bars that were supposed to keep spectators out of the fray. Eagle-eyed viewers would probably note the glint of a pair of glasses behind the partially-obscured face, or perhaps a bit of smoke. Only after a few moments did a loud HISS emit from the bars, as did another. A couple seconds later, each bar seemed to be individually hissing angrily, almost warning bystanders to keep away from them. Seconds later, the rusty, useless bars exploded into shrapnel, eviscerating a handful of bandits stupid enough to guard the exit. Smoke covered the entrance just as a silhouette formed in the doorway, holding a shotgun. A few seconds later, it became obvious just who the new threat was...


Proud American​

"Your days of ruining this fine town are over, Two-Face! I ain't gonna let no circus freak-slash-monkey run our jurisdiction no more, especially not your gang of idiots! I already saw America ruined by the likes of you, and that won't happen twice under the watch of Herbert Moon!" The old man declared, pointing his Double-Barrel Shotgun in the face of one of the downed bandits who'd been lucky enough to survive the exploding bars. A quick pull of the trigger was enough to make the bandit's brains explode before the western shopkeeper fired another shell into a bandit who was smart enough to rush Herbert, the buckshot ripping through his victim's chest like it was made of paper. Of course, since he was now out, he threw the shotgun away in favor of a repeater, beginning to fire wildly at any bandit unlucky enough to be near the dissatisfied foreigner.


  • (collab with Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts )

    Julia reflexively shields herself with a barrier, but after the fight with Ballmum at this point she was too tired to make it properly and maintain the one protecting Zelda at the same time. Her botched shield only succeeds in deflecting the would-be deadly bullet into her shoulder, which it cuts right through.

    "Agh!" The Espeon yelps and clutches her now-bleeding shoulder. That makes her lose concentration for a moment and the barrier protecting Zelda cracks, but holds for now.

    Dani and Axel wanted to act, but Sora decided to let Tifa make a deal with TowFace, the deal being she and the rest in the courthouse have to fight the bandits with any weapons they choose, while Tifa and crew have to do this with no weapons or powers. If they defeat them, they save Zelda. If they lose, Zelda dies, may also include some in the fight.

    β€œNo weapons or powers? You’ve gotta be kidding me.” Axel complains. β€œUgh, fine. Let’s do this stupid thing.”

    β€œShoot! Okay, I’m decent at this. Let’s hope all the fighting with those soldiers pay off.” Sora brings Dani & Axel in for a group whisper before it Tifa makes a choice. β€œI don’t trust him.” β€œWe’ve got to at least try. Listen Dani, if we win or lose I need you to fly her out of here.” β€œWay ahead of you.” Sora turns to Axel. β€œAxel, you and me will go over that guy if things get worst” he refers to TwoFace.

    β€œRight…” Axel nods. β€œGive me a signal or something if you’re gonna attack him.” β€œGot it. Alright guys. Get ready.”

    Tifa accepts the deal and the fight begins. The bandits begin shooting everywhere, but Sora, Axel and Dani managed to find some cover. Sora: β€œThey’ve got us pinned. I don’t know how we’re gonna get out of this. Wait where’s Dani?”

    Dani managed to carefully sneak around the bandits targeting Sora and Axel, before they have a chance to shoot them, Dani jumps out and blows them a raspberry and they begin shooting at her. Dani: β€œGuys go!” Dani gives them the signal to take them out before they notice. Sora and Axel take this chance to turn them around and punch them square in the face, following up with them bashing their heads together and ending with a kick to the chest.

    β€œFeeling a little, nostalgic?” Sora asked with a smile.


    β€œYou could say that. Feels nice to fight with a friend at my back again.”

    A different group of bandits charges at the injured Julia in the center of the courthouse, brandishing pipes and rusty knives. One of them mockingly calls out, β€œC’mere kitty kitty!”

    They jump at her weapons swinging, and despite her bad leg manages to dodge most of them, until one with a pipe lands a hit on her hind leg and knocks her over. The Espeon already wasn’t much of a physical fighter and the injuries were not helping. Usually she’d easily take them out with her powers, but using those would ruin the deal Tifa had made. She tries to get up but the same bandit hits her again, this time making her completely lose concentration and the box protecting Zelda fades away. (there ya go Faction)

    Axel sees this happening out of the corner of his eye and nudges Sora. β€œGo help her. I’ll handle these guys.” β€œOkay.” Axel jumps to one of the bandits going after Julia and grabs him by the arm, then swings him painfully (for the bandit) into his comrades, knocking them over like bowling pins and giving Sora an opening.

    Sora runs over and grabs Julia while avoiding more bandits with guns. Sora has to find some cover before he and Julia become Swiss Cheese. Sora continued running in circles doing his best to keep himself and Julia safe. β€œThere’s a bench.” He said to himself. He’s gonna go to slide under and over, but two bandits stand in the way. β€œ Axel!” He calls over to Axel, hoping to give him a little hand again.

    Axel grabs one of the dazed bandits on the ground and holds him up in front of him. β€œC’mere, I’ll make it all stop.” He faces the bandits with guns, who carelessly start shooting their own comrade. Axel glances back at Sora. β€œWhat are you doing? Get her out of here!”

    β€œAlright!” Sora cancels the bench idea and tries to take her to a bathroom, Dani sees this and decides to follow him. Sora was almost there until a hidden bandit showed up behind him and had a gun at his head β€œDon’t move or I’ll your head off kid. Get back in there and do the deal fair and squa-β€œ His speech was interrupted by a kick in the crotch from Dani.

    β€œY’know it’s rude intrude on people’s private time?” β€œYou lit-β€œ Sora gets a cheap shot in the face before he could finish, giving Dani the giggles.. β€œHe’ll feel that later on.” β€œGo help Axel and the others. I’ll take care of her.” β€œDon’t worry, I got your back.”

    Once Dani runs back in to help with the others, they all heard a scream, coming from the shot Megumin. β€œWhat was that?” Sora looked from the side only to see Dani going after the guys who shot Megumin. Dani was strong, but one of the them managed to grab her by the arms. β€œOoo wee. We got ourselves another one.” β€œI think you watch too much tv to try pull a stunt like this.” β€œAnd you don’t watch enough tv to get better insults.” β€œAlright now she’s- Oof!”

    Sora comes in saving Dani and Megumin, taking out one with a shoulder charge. Dani uses this chance to kick the one holding her in the stomach, ending with a upwards jump kick. Three more had their sights on Sora but Dani stops them with a sweep kick, they try to get up but Dani knocks two of them out and Sora kicks one while he’s down.


    β€œI got this. Just go help the others.” β€œOkay.” Sora returns to the bathroom now with a bleeding Megumin, looming after both, her and Julia. "Thanks, I owe you one."

    Dani jumps up to another bandit and grabs him in a chokehold. β€œHey, get off me!” β€œAxel!” Axel runs over to the guy Dani has and gives him rapid jabs to the chest, finishing with Axel pushing him over an extended leg of Dani’s. β€œNot bad. Name’s Dani, with an i. Sora tells me he knows you.”

    β€œYeah, we go way back. My name’s Axel.” He replies and then kicks another bandit in the stomach and elbows his head into the ground. β€œNow let’s show these guys they picked the wrong fight!” β€œLet’s!”
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  • _________________________________________________________________________________
    Heather (Without brain damage):


    Heather screams as Richtofen scoops her up, though she does close her eyes as he commands. By the time they were open, she would find herself with Megumin, and a strange girl she had never seen before. Though, her focus would be far more on Megumin, whose wounds she noticed as she attempted to thank the doktor.

    "Oh t-thank y-you-Ah! Meg! Y-You're hurt! W-What h-happened!"

    As Heather said this, she would place her hands on her friend's wounds, attempting to transfer psychic energy into her to boost her regeneration. This would, however, make her pretty woozy.

Marcus Wright


Marcus took the long and mostly wet trip through the sewers only to stare at a elevator lightly that lead to a black market. He picked through the words only thinking of those that made sense. The guy was talking about the black market. Usually criminals dug through things like that. Depending on what wares the place carried did it matter what little the half terminator-cyborg carried with him.

But the courthouse instead was there. A man with two sides on his face, literally named "Two-Face." was sending endless bandits and literally forced everyone to fist fight instead of using weapons and/or powers.


Bandits began to fight the crowd inside. The half terminator slammed his fist into a bandit's head and picked the man up using him as a "target" as the bandit actually shot his own man. Marcus almost casually stalked the bandits instead and kept slamming fist after fist into bandit's bodies and/or head.

The man appeared to be no normal man, as his fists hurt more than usual and he slammed his head into another bandit, making him drop his weapon. This terminator wouldn't be stopped at least for a while.

Where were the damn fighters?!"

Space Buddha Space Buddha , CRB DerpyCarp DerpyCarp , Julia LilacMonarch LilacMonarch , Megumin P PopcornPie , Tifa TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher , Benedict Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch , Red RedLight RedLight FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla @Courthouse people​
Jacket abruptly awoke.

He held his head, sighing heavily. Did he have another coma? He didn't remember much if he did have one. The only vivid memory was that of him kicking a bandit's head in with ease, then supposedly blacking out? He had a lot of questions, but he had to focus. He wasn't where he 'blacked out'. He was in some city, that looked really dirty. Looks like a pattern. It had a lot of pipes around and Jacket assumed it was some dump town. Sucks. He patted his jeans pockets for his recorder, which was still in his pocket. He got a little more comfortable and prepped himself.

He was interrupted by some explosion nearby, which made him quickly hide behind a building, and peeking. He saw a courthouse and a guy standing in front of the doorway, with smoke and shrapnel surrounding him. With nothing else do to (literally,) Jacket walked up and tried to approach from the side, to not surprise the man, until suddenly...

A rather slim but muscular guy with a pink vest and t-shirt, most noticeably his teal biker helmet bumped into Jacket, making them both fall back.
They both looked up at eath other, their gazes piercing the other.
It was none other than Biker! "No.. how are you here?!"

FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla
Eric had just ducked into an alleyway and propped himself up against the wall, wiping his eyes. He sniffs. After all that time with Elise... training for every single damn situation under the sun... the last thing he was prepared for was hurting people he cared for like this.

The Typhlosion stays silent after 'Natasha' had worded her anger towards Lana. With tears still dripping down the side of his face, he seems entranced in his own thoughts, blocked off from the rest of the world. It's possible he didn't even hear half of what 'Natasha' had said.

"...I didn't want you two to fight like this..." He takes a deep breath. "I... I love you both... maybe that love's different and all, b-but it's still love. 'Least, that's what I told myself when I saw you two in the same place... now I'm reminded how some love feels less valuable than others. I felt that before in my life. I lost sight of those experiences, and... now look at what I've done... Arceus, Natasha... how can I even fix this...?"

P PopcornPie
"Eric. Look at me." Natasha went on. "You couldn't help it. That Lana is so clingy, always was. She isn't the right one for you. You've got places to be! You can't have her clinging to you all the time." She sat straight beside him. "Weren't you paying attention? She was guilt tripping you. She probably hoped you and I would never be together again. Calling herself selfish, to make you believe that you're the selfish one, is such a conniving move! What in the name of this planet did you ever see in her?"

When she saw the tears flowing down her "boyfriend"'s eyes, she softened, wiping them off his smooth, warm cheeks with her paw. "Now, see how effective she was! We're just trying to get home, and she just has to make you all upset. She has the rabbit, why doesn't she go with him, if they think so alike?" She snorted an icy snort.

Before I even realized what was happening, Eric ran off crying. I tried to reach out to him and call for him as he ran, but it was no use. I dropped to my knees not listening to anyone else around me.
β€œwhat have I done..?”
My selfishness. My idiocy. Everything wrong with me. It all cane clashing together to cause this. My heart ached. It felt like it was being pulled apart slowly and painfully. It was excruciating. I wanted Eric to let go, but I didn’t want this... what was I thinking would happen...? Did I think that after pouring my heart out he’d just break up with Natasha and hook up with me...? Probably... I’m selfish like that even though I try not to be.. I should have known this would be what happened though. I ruined it. I ruined the only thing that ever kept me going. I ruined the relationship I had with my best friend. My breathing became choppy. Each breath I took burned my lungs more and more. I wish I would have died. No. I needed to have died when Lucky beat me to near death. I wouldn’t be feeling how I’m feeling. I wouldn’t have done this to Eric. I know you can’t hear me Eric, but I’m sorry. I’m sorry for everything. I never meant for any of this. I just wanted us to be happy. I just wanted to spend my life with the person who made me feel like I was worth something.
I’m sorry.
I’m so sorry.

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow
"Lassie...Lassie..." Lucky didn't even glance at Lana, but he did pat her hip. "At least we can say that it's out. If Eric is who we think he is, then he'll come around to talk to ya about this." He sighed, shaking his head, letting his ears cover his eyes.

He passed by Natasha, noticing that she had become too upset to speak. Somehow, that cut even worse. Lucky laid down, hiding his face in his paws, mumbling.

"What the fuck was I thinkin'...Why didn't you stop me?"

"I am your guide, not your decision maker." Mismakora replied grumpily. "It seems to me that you have only made it clearer why you need my magic."

"Lucky, don't listen to her. You just wanted to help a friend."
LupΓ© called sadly. "Maybe you didn't know how, but-"

"Exactly!" The rabbit hissed. "I tried to put some heart into it, and now look. Three miserable friends!"

"Lucky, Lucky..." Mismakora shook her head. "It is not your fault. They are soft and weak, just like you used to be."

"''Friendship troubles', does not correlate to 'weak'!"
Shouted the rat. "Lucky, it may have been damaged, but you are trusted by all three of them! It's up to you to help them!"

"WITH WHAT?!" Lucky shouted. "I'm no cupid! I don't know how any of this shit works!"

"So get them to see YOUR side instead." Mismakora lifted her head. "You made me realize how much I have missed having guests. Instead of getting yourself ensnared in a puzzle you cannot solve, you must convince them to come to me. I will give them the strength they need to work through it on their own."

"All you will do is turn them into killers!"
LupΓ© despaired. "Lucky, there is another way! There was always another way, a way without a stupid horse standing on it!"


"Oh, what ever! The damage is done, and I shouldn't even bother trying to fix it, because my dipshit will just break it further!" Lucky roared, then ran out of stored anger at the sound of reforming jade. "Whatever...Let's just take that damn tour." He started after Dawn, but kept stopping and looking back at the others.
The intelligent Doctor then rushed over to the downed Megumin, sweeping the witch up like a football in his left arm and grabbing her wand in the other before pocketing the latter. If he was lucky maybe she'd forget about it; otherwise, he'd hand it back later. But for now, he only cared about getting out of the place with his true patients! Luckily for him, there was a bandit standing next to Zelda's acid pool, though camping out with a sub-machine gun nonetheless. Without thinking, Edward shoulder-charged the bandit, using his already-wounded right side to shield the little girls. Of course, this meant his arm was peppered with small-arms fire, but that was nothing that Juggernog and (if necessary later) Quick Revive couldn't fix.

"How DARE you shoot Zhe Doctor!" Edward's insane side quickly came out to play once more, as when the nut-job closed in on the bandit he jabbed his fingers right into the man's eyeballs, though as the bandit reeled backwards, Richtofen grabbed the bandit before hurling him into the vat of acid, the gunner letting off a wail of agony as his body was eaten up by the toxic liquid. This put him in the perfect spot to carry out his plan. Hopefully those monkeys didn't have enough brains to realize what was going on before it was too late.

"Ha! You zhink your pitiful addiction to 'fate' will stop me?" Edward declared, seemingly putting a show on for Two-Face. However, his free hand slowly reached for a Gersch Device located on his back, quietly priming the singularity grenade as he let his calculating, beady eyes stare right into Harvey Dent- almost like he was searching for the (likely nonexistent) soul in that half-charred corpse.

"Vell, lemme tell you something: I'm zhe original bad boy!" Richtofen cackled as he swiftly threw the Gersch Device; the instant it touched Zelda, the black hole singularity would form, teleporting the Hyrulean Princess away and out of danger. Without hesitating, Edward leapt up at the singularity, teleporting himself, the critically injured Megumin, and Heather away all in one fell swoop! Sure, he didn't know where the Gersch Device would spit the quartet out, but anywhere was better than there! Plus, it would still function as a black hole; anyone who could remotely be considered Edward's foe in the room would be sucked towards the black hole with a powerful force, and if they were unlucky enough to touch it? Well, they'd get shredded into pieces.
She had no idea who it was, but Megumin was being rescued! "W-wait..." Her protest was almost nonexistent. "I can still...use Explosion..." Though her condition was screaming otherwise. Unfortunately for her, the Medic took her staff. Then she was lugged around like a toy as he participated in the combat. "Please, at least be careful with me!" She cautioned softly, before taking a few bullets to the already bleeding foreleg.

She had no idea what the Medic was planning, only that she should be scared. It involved a technology she'd never seen before which he tossed directly at Zelda, making...a black hole?! "Are you insane?!" Megumin tried to squirm away, but her efforts were as strong as a caterpillar's. "It'll tear us to shreds!" Despite her qualms, she, Heather, and whoever else, were pulled through.
Voss' quip did seem to lighten up the mood for a moment, but it was very short term. Before they knew it, Eric suddenly began to yell at Lara while sobbing. He began to beat himself up and blaming himself for something the pirates were also clueless about. In the end, Eric ran off, making the duo even more uncomfortable than before.

Now with the group more depressed than ever, Dawn tried to show off the apartments in the Wolf's Den to everyone... But it was clear that Voss and Abbott weren't all that interested. The awkward atmosphere the pirates felt between them and the others made them feel bad for just being around. Voss hung his head after hearing Lucky's comment. He was right, maybe that joke wasn't appropriate for the time being.

"...I don't know if I actually wanna take pictures now..." Abbott was beginning to put away his camera before he could even use it. He quiet and timid. Voss stopped him halfway.

"Nah, Abbott, I'm sure everyone will feel better once we get movin'." Voss was quiet as well. The sea captain sighed before replying to Dawn solemnly, "Yeah, ready when you are..."

As Abbott was putting his camera back around his neck, he noticed Lana on her knees in the distance, looking defeated. Abbott began to feel worse than he ever did, probably worse than he ever felt during the entire time he was here. He felt the worse fear and witnessed the most gruesome bloodshed in his entire life here. But this feeling of awkwardness and depression... He hadn't even felt this down in a long time. He desperately wanted to help... But he wasn't sure what to do.

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara P PopcornPie LilacMonarch LilacMonarch
"Heh...Nice camera." Lucky tilted his head with a slight smile. He almost wanted to take it...but what would he take pictures of?
Once Dani runs back in to help with the others, they all heard a scream, coming from the shot Megumin. β€œWhat was that?” Sora looked from the side only to see Dani going after the guys who shot Megumin. Dani was strong, but one of the them managed to grab her by the arms. β€œOoo wee. We got ourselves another one.” β€œI think you watch too much tv to try pull a stunt like this.” β€œAnd you don’t watch enough tv to get better insults.” β€œAlright now she’s- Oof!”

Sora comes in saving Dani and Megumin, taking out one with a shoulder charge. Dani uses this chance to kick the one holding her in the stomach, ending with a upwards jump kick. Three more had their sights on Sora but Dani stops them with a sweep kick, they try to get up but Dani knocks two of them out and Sora kicks one while he’s down.


β€œI got this. Just go help the others.” β€œOkay.” Sora returns to the bathroom now with a bleeding Megumin, looming after both, her and Julia. "Thanks, I owe you one."
Right before the Medic's intervention, Megumin was rescued by Sora, and dropped before Julia.

And then she saw it.

The wound.

The horrible, gaping wound across Julia's shoulder.

For the first time, the Espeon was in actual, legitimate pain. And it was no coincidence, or accident on Two-Face's part. Just look at it bleeding...She looked like she was at death's door herself. "Julia, th-this was my fault, wasn't it?!" Megumin pulled her hat down over her face, tears running down her cheeks.

Then, when Medic grabbed her, she would attempt to snatch Julia away with them.
Heather screams as Richtofen scoops her up, though she does close her eyes as he commands. By the time they were open, she would find herself with Megumin, and a strange girl she had never seen before. Though, her focus would be far more on Megumin, whose wounds she noticed as she attempted to thank the doctor.

"Oh t-thank y-you-Ah! Meg! Y-You're hurt! W-What h-happened!"

As Heather said this, she would place her hands on her friend's wounds, attempting to transfer psychic energy into her to boost her regeneration. This would, however, make her pretty woozy.
Regardless of whether or not Megumin succeeded in turning the quartet into a quintet, she stared longingly at her arms. They were absolutely soaked in blood, their hue indistinguishable from her cloak. "I...I don't know what I did, Heather!" She collapsed into a huge sobbing fit. "First I do this to you, and then I just want to help a prisoner, and now look! Our friends are being maimed by bandits, and Julia's hurt, a-and friends are probably going to be killed, and it's all my fault!" She smacked Heather's arms away. "Don't waste your powers on me! I don't deserve it..."

  • _________________________________________________________________________________
    Heather (Without brain damage):

    Heather yelps as Megumin slaps her arm away, leaving a visible bruise but not discouraging the girl from attempting to repair the damage again.

    "D-Don't say that! Y-You d-didn't do anything to me! Y-You m-made me like, b-better! I-I u-used to have a b-bunch of these bad drugs in me t-that made me all scary and evil, b-but I'm better now a-and you fixed me! A-And j-just b-because you can't punch people d-doesn't mean you are useless! L-Look at me! If one of you so much as look at me t-the wrong way I'll splatter into a bunch of pink goop! S-So if y-your this bad, then s-so am I! W-We'll be useless together!"

    She hugged megumin, transferring in more of her healing power and crying a bit as well. More from her arm hurting than anything, but adding to the ambience.
"Julia, it's me..."

Julia would sense a telepathic message from Ben, whose signal would originate from inside the vat of acid Zelda was hovering above.

"What's happening out there? I'm not using an alien with X-ray vision right now, so..."

LilacMonarch LilacMonarch
Interactions: TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher

Tsukasa Kadoya/Kamen Rider Decade
After Tsukasa has defeated the giant frog, he has arrived at the city that is located within the sewers. There, he finds it really interesting considering that there is a lot of places to go to.

Unfortunately, he has to set his focus on finding Elizabeth as he hasn't seen her for a while. He is starting to worry about her and he couldn't stop thinking about it. He wonders if she has gone missing and that she is nowhere to be found. However, he saw what appears to be a courthouse where she must have went there. Could it be that she had committed a crime? He isn't sure.

He hurried to the courthouse where there are a lot of people at the courthouse, most of them he hadn't seen before. There are people who are good and evil but he prefers to be on the side of good, so long is that he doesn't want to meet someone who is cruel. Still, he couldn't find Elizabeth anywhere.

Meanwhile, a group of bandits has appeared from the scene and there are certainly a lot of them.

To no avail, Tsukasa is powerful enough to take them on and there shouldn't be a problem with taking care of the bandits. He pulls out his sword to fight them. He performs several slashes where sparks of light could tell that they have been hit in the process as opposed to blood and guts.

While not looking while still fighting, he accidentally bumped into a woman back-to-back as he is trying to fend them off. It was not Elizabeth but a different woman. It was Tifa.

"Oh, sorry about that! Wait a minute, you're not Elizabeth. Who are you? Where's Elizabeth?" He asked.
Megumin's mood remained unchanged. "I kept telling them...Explosion is all I know...So why did I keep acting like I could be any help?" She wrapped herself tightly in her cape. "In my vapid attempts to be the heroine, I just keep making everything worse. I keep trying to be Kazuma, but I'm not!" She accepted the hug, enveloping the smaller female in her cape. "At least you don't become vulnerable after using your powers once. That is why I had such a hard time finding a party. I can only use Explosion once, and then I faint. And now I see why I was called 'Crazy-Headed Girl', too..."

Space Buddha Space Buddha
Tom and Jerry friends.png

Oh. . . Oh God, that was awful. I couldn't breathe. My brain damage probably would have worsened if it was stuck there longer. I launched the glass into the table, it tumbled a little before setting on the counter. It took me a few moments of panting before I could give the bartender a thumbs up of approval and after that, my arm went limp. Jerry looked at me, worried as he pats me on the cheek. I suddenly popped back to life, about to grab him until the buff man talked to us.

Jerry and I waved at him. The mouse nodded while I shrugged when he said we were enjoying ourselves but when he said this place was crazy, we both looked at each other before shaking our heads. We've seen crazier stuff! The mouse thought that the buff man should give him a drink as an apology gift for not doing what he ordered him to do but then again he couldn't talk so there's no clear way for them to communicate.

Jerry pointed at the drink behind the bartender while looking at the buff man.

GeorgeTownRaja GeorgeTownRaja CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow
Dawn's mood seems to worsen upon realizing neither Lana nor Natasha had come with him. Even though he can't read minds like Julia can, he still has his suspicions as to what's going on.

He glances at Voss and Abbott, who've likewise been disheartened by the whole situation. That plunges him further into discouragement.

"Alright, let's just... go to the black market," he says sharply before walking off, leaving Lightning to do his own thing; steal, no steal, it doesn't matter to the Espeon now. It's not like he could stop him if he tried.

Walking down another street, this one far more packed and filled with street vendors selling all sorts of illegal stuff to people of all sizes and shapes. One of the booths is even advertising a nice few grams of this white-ish powder. "...Hey, Abbott, look," Dawn tries to joke. "Space coke really does exist, if you wanna get some."

He then faces the rest of you. "This is the, uhh, black market. You can buy things you're not supposed to here for..." he needs a few moments to come up with something to say. "...uhh, the prices fluctuate a lot, so... I mean, they differ. You know what I mean, right? Over there's Banshee-44," he says and motions towards a robotic looking fellow with blue and yellow metal skin holding a gun. "He'll sell you weapons from all over the multiverse, not just from this universe. He's bought a lot off of other people down here. Go take a look if you want. Next one over's one of the rebuilt Claptrap units, we call him Dragtrap. He sells you all sorts of drugs. Could give you a good advantage in a fight. One on the left's named Sereth. He can sell you contraband and animals not meant to be domesticated. Don't worry, he treats them with respect." He turns back to you all. "That's all the ones I can name off the top of my head. Feel free to look around."

The Espeon then glances at the crowd, hoping to find Lana or Natasha in there somewhere.

Yamperzzz Yamperzzz TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher

"I-I don't know..." Eric whispers feebly. "Maybe she doesn't want to let me go, just like I don't want to let her go." The Typhlosion sobs. "...I-I hope that's not the case... that would just make it all worse... please don't be mad with her, Natasha. If you want to be mad with someone... be mad with me. I did this to you again... after I caused you so much pain already..."

Kirby then comes by. Without answering, the Typhlosion wraps his arms around him and hugs him.

Maybe he just needs a friend right now.

P PopcornPie ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials

The bartender nods and starts cleaning a glass. "Byeah," he replies to Tom's thank-you thumbs-up. Guess that means 'no problem.'

Naoto would need to order something to get his attention.

Chungchangching Chungchangching GeorgeTownRaja GeorgeTownRaja
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Thankfully Balloony understood what she meant and left to sit somewhere else. "Good thing he's gone." Lilith thought to herself as he left, she was about to get back to trying to apologize but she forgot what she was going to say. "Great that balloon guy got me completely sidetracked." She quietly says to herself facepalming, Lilith was completely silent for a minute until she finally spoke up. "Alright, what type of stuff you got?"
"Um...okay I guess I'll leave you to yourself then." Balloony gets up from his seat and leaves to sit somewhere else. He takes a seat next to the cat and mouse duo and just decides to have some water just in case someone he'd had to be the designated driver or something. A moment later he turns towards the cat and mouse to say hi to them. "So what brings you two here?"

Lilith: CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow (Bartender) thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore sortof (Rocket Raccoon)
Balloony: Chungchangching Chungchangching (Tom and Jerry)

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