• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.
The bartender slides Lilith a shot and she responds. "Thanks." She lifts her head up and tries the whole thing, Lilith quickly spat the liquor out afterwards.
"God this tastes awful!"

"I'll have another."

(This would probably go on until Lilith was completely wasted)

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow (Bartender)

As everyone else left to go on the tour, I stayed behind. I didn’t move or get up or anything. I just stayed there on my knees staring at the floor with a pained expression. I don’t even care about going home anymore. I just want things to go back to how they used to be. Even if that meant I never got to go back home. I’d never been in so much emotional pain In my life than right now. Well, I felt something at the back of my head come to kind, but for the life of me I can’t remember. I think it had something to do with Eric too, but I honestly don’t know. Who cares anyway? I’d do anything for things to go back to normal.
I’ve screwed things up enough. Things will never go back to how they used to be. If things can’t go back to normal, then I want to go to the next best thing. I just want Eric to be happy. Even if that means I’m out of the picture.

"How much beer can you handle, kid? I hope you got some money for me before you get wasted," the bartender says as he pours her another shot. "How tha fuck is a ghost drinkin' anyway? This place is fuckin' weird."

ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials

Lana would promptly hear a voice off from the side. The voice of a young man, for sure, soft-spoken and reserved.

"Excuse me. Are you alright?"

Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara

  • Two-Face wants us to defeat his cronies without any weapons or powers in exchange for letting the girl go, and it's kind of a mess. What are you doing? She replies telepathically to Ben.

    soon finds herself being grabbed by Megumin, who in turn had been grabbed by Richtofen and both are taken through the black hole. Unlike their opponents it shredded, it instead worked as a portal for them and warped them outside.

    After getting her bearings, the Espeon turns to Megumin. "Are you kidding? This is nothing. Look at yourself!"
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Dawn had been sort of just hanging around the market, not wishing to interact with any of the potentially dangerous criminals here, when he sees none other than Natasha. And he can tell she's furious.

"H-hey! Natasha, wait!" The Espeon quickly runs up to her. "You're not going to hurt him... are you?"

LilacMonarch LilacMonarch
"I'm uh... just kind of hanging here, waiting to grab her in case she falls," Ben continues, "should I stay here in case someone messes up?"

LilacMonarch LilacMonarch
--Minako Arisato X Kintaros ||Ryotaro Nogami--
Persona In-Use: Orpheus
Interaction: CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow GeorgeTownRaja GeorgeTownRaja TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher

"Bah! I did not do this for you, Decade!" Den-O crossed her arms, "It was all for Arisato-dono's sake, that's all." She said, before gripping the belt. "Are you okay now, Arisato-dono?" She asked, pondering if Kintaros should remain possessed.

Y-yeah...I'm good.

"Very well." Den-O nodded, soon unbuckling the belt, with Kintaros getting out of Minako's body as he sank down to the floor once more, soon unveiling himself as a sandy construct.

As Minako buckled on the Den-O belt again, the gang was approached by a man who goes by the name of Rene along with his crew of misfits from other universes. The spiky haired swordsman named Zack Fair proved this as well as the adult named Tifa who Zack seems to recall differently. Perhaps this means that Minako has a chance of finding one of her friends here? That's the conclusion that both him and Kintaros seems to have come upon as they both joined the Tour. Arriving at the Black Market, a series of comedically sounding bumps and crashes can be heard, as a certain young man came stumbling towards the tour group, soon falling flat on his face, tripping on a tiny pebble.

"Ow ow ow..." The man clad in white wearing a red scarf around his neck mumbled as he got up in a crouch, trying to stand while attempting to ignore most of the pain. "I-I'm sorry for the mess, sir!" He meekly says, bowing to the group. He seems to be covered with bruises all over, as if he has been tripping over his own feet for most of the day.


The REAL Ultimate Unlucky Guy

"I didn't mean to trip over someone's shield while I was helping out with the weapon shop's crates." The man says, soon bowing again, "It won't happen again, sir!" He seems apologetic for some reason...

"I recognize that bumbling luck anywhere." Kintaros turns to Minako, before glancing at the man in front of them. "Good to know he hasn't changed a bit regarding that luck of his."
Lilith just sighed and hung her head low. "I dunno man things just happen but I live in this big mansion that some rich guy used to live in so I'm pretty sure I got some dough on me." It's clear that she's making a bad decision.

Kirby was about to investigate further but then Eric hugged him out of nowhere, he hugs him back in hopes to make him feel better. He didn't even know what was happening but he just wanted to make everyone feel better.

Lilith: CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow (Bartender)
Kirby: CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow (Eric)
Dawn stumbles back simply from being shoved. His heart pounds from trying to get involved. Maybe he shouldn't be doing this...

Much to his own regret, he can't help but continue.

"But that's what Lana is! I mean, I'm pretty sure! P-please don't do anything you'll regret!"

LilacMonarch LilacMonarch

A soft paw touches Lana's shoulder.

"Did something happen? Are you hurt?"

Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara

"Yeah, kid, as long as you've got some money," the bartender says and finishes wiping one of the glasses. "You want a burp notha shot?"

ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials

Eric just hugs Kirby tighter, the only noise he makes being the occasional sob. At this point, he could care less about the world around him and getting back home. Right now... all he wants is someone who can understand.

ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials
I-I don't know..." Eric whispers feebly. "Maybe she doesn't want to let me go, just like I don't want to let her go." The Typhlosion sobs. "...I-I hope that's not the case... that would just make it all worse... please don't be mad with her, Natasha. If you want to be mad with someone... be mad with me. I did this to you again... after I caused you so much pain already..."

Kirby then comes by. Without answering, the Typhlosion wraps his arms around him and hugs him.

Maybe he just needs a friend right now.

"You don't?" Natasha tilted her head. "Then why haven't you been acting like it? Why did you focus on me?" Her ears folded backwards. "My, Lana is not the only one who thought none of this through! You and your tunnel vision!"

Suddenly, her ears picked up on footsteps...no, not footsteps. Pawsteps. Her eyes widened, her tail drooping. She had to act quickly, even though this was so addicting. "I think I hear Lana coming. Hang on, let me scare her off..." The Glaceon would then prance away, slipping into the shadows.


As everyone else left to go on the tour, I stayed behind. I didn’t move or get up or anything. I just stayed there on my knees staring at the floor with a pained expression. I don’t even care about going home anymore. I just want things to go back to how they used to be. Even if that meant I never got to go back home. I’d never been in so much emotional pain In my life than right now. Well, I felt something at the back of my head come to kind, but for the life of me I can’t remember. I think it had something to do with Eric too, but I honestly don’t know. Who cares anyway? I’d do anything for things to go back to normal.
I’ve screwed things up enough. Things will never go back to how they used to be. If things can’t go back to normal, then I want to go to the next best thing. I just want Eric to be happy. Even if that means I’m out of the picture.

Lucky turned to face Lana one more time. "Lana, Lassie...I would like to check this place out, but...You know, if you need me..."
Lana would promptly hear a voice off from the side. The voice of a young man, for sure, soft-spoken and reserved.

"Excuse me. Are you alright?"

"...Oh...Um...Hey, she..." Lucky kicked the ground. "Look, she's going through a lot, all right? And you have me to thank for that." Trusting that she would be all right with the newcomer, who looked friendly, he trudged off towards the others. "It's better a stranger than meself at this point, anyway..."

Dawn's mood seems to worsen upon realizing neither Lana nor Natasha had come with him. Even though he can't read minds like Julia can, he still has his suspicions as to what's going on.

He glances at Voss and Abbott, who've likewise been disheartened by the whole situation. That plunges him further into discouragement.

"Alright, let's just... go to the black market," he says sharply before walking off, leaving Lightning to do his own thing; steal, no steal, it doesn't matter to the Espeon now. It's not like he could stop him if he tried.

Walking down another street, this one far more packed and filled with street vendors selling all sorts of illegal stuff to people of all sizes and shapes. One of the booths is even advertising a nice few grams of this white-ish powder. "...Hey, Abbott, look," Dawn tries to joke. "Space coke really does exist, if you wanna get some."

He then faces the rest of you. "This is the, uhh, black market. You can buy things you're not supposed to here for..." he needs a few moments to come up with something to say. "...uhh, the prices fluctuate a lot, so... I mean, they differ. You know what I mean, right? Over there's Banshee-44," he says and motions towards a robotic looking fellow with blue and yellow metal skin holding a gun. "He'll sell you weapons from all over the multiverse, not just from this universe. He's bought a lot off of other people down here. Go take a look if you want. Next one over's one of the rebuilt Claptrap units, we call him Dragtrap. He sells you all sorts of drugs. Could give you a good advantage in a fight. One on the left's named Sereth. He can sell you contraband and animals not meant to be domesticated. Don't worry, he treats them with respect." He turns back to you all. "That's all the ones I can name off the top of my head. Feel free to look around."

The Espeon then glances at the crowd, hoping to find Lana or Natasha in there somewhere.
Lucky sniffed the air, his excitement growing with every shop he spotted. "Jesus, weapons as far as me eyes can see!...But first, you think I can find a guy who can reattach this?" He showed Dawn the disembodied paw, which Lana dropped when she hugged Eric. "It's nice havin' all four of these again."

After getting her bearings, the Espeon turns to Megumin. "Are you kidding? This is nothing. Look at yourself!"
"No, forget me! I am the one who caused you to be injured!" Megumin tried to wipe Julia's blood away with her cape. "I keep forgetting that I am a one-trick archmage! And what if it was all for nothing? What if that girl really is guilty?" She didn't care if Zelda could hear her outburst.
Natasha shoves past Dawn. "I'm just gonna have a talk with him about why he shouldn't fucking lie to me. 'Just a friend', my ass!"

"Hello, Natasha." Natasha would find not Eric, but Lana, sneaking out from her peripheral. "I'm glad Lucky got me to let it out. Oh, my, you look so angry about it, though..." She folded her ears back, looking at the Glaceon innocently. Then the innocence melted off. "Well, I am angry, too! There can only be one of us going home with Eric, and Lucky has taught me that I cannot stand here and let you take him away from me!"

Suddenly, the Braixen would perform a flying kick on Natasha, moving all around her. These nimble fox legs were so fun to operate!
  • Lightning, the Light Ignis

    Behind-The-Lines Stealing

    Inside the few houses that are empty and do NOT have metal sheets covering their windows, it's possible to see living rooms in varying states. Some are dirty, others are pretty well kept for a sewer house. Most of them have TVs, some have tall safes that could fit a gun or two. There's small kitchens, too, which would be a great place to find a knife or ten.

    No one's in the streets right now. If you wanna pillage some people, you're free to do it. The question is... would it be a wise idea?
    Noting the surroundings were clear, Lightning decided to hatch something of a small plot to maybe get his AI hands on some goods - though truth be told, he wasn't thinking too much of the consequences. He would opt to silently make his move, deciding to go into some of the worse conditioned rooms - and just caaarefully take what they 'may not' need. And then bail out as soon as he can after taking such.
    Character Information
    Link to CS: Here!
    Hex Code: #F7DA64
    Status (physically): Fine​
    Status (mentally/emotionally): Fine​
    Powers: A.I abilities, monster summoning/spell card magic/trap card magic​
    Items: Duel Disk (grants monster summoning, spell card magic and trap card magic), an SMG (being held), $350 (stored in Duel Disk), Hyperion sniper rifle (ammo included), "Pot of Greed" (sniper rifle)​
    This is where all of Lightning's obtained cards are! For more information, refer to his original CS!

    He will be granted more cards each passing chapter, as implied above - but by the end, he will have 'everything' at his disposal.

    Listed 'per chapter' as to what he has - the most recent one will always be at the top.

    As of Chapter 3's posting, this is COMPLETE! Lightning has every card at his disposal from here on out. As a result, this section will no longer see any future changes in the future chapters.
    Chapter 3

    Main Deck Monsters

    Armatos Legio Galea
    Armatos Legio Gladius
    Armatos Legio Magica Alcum
    Armatos Legio Scutum
    Armatos Legio Sica
    Armatos Legio Segmentata
    Armatos Legio Speculata
    Armatos Colosseum
    Armatos Lex
    Armatos Fulgur
    Armatos Replacement
    Judgmenet Arrows
    Judgment Sword
    Armatos Gloria
    Extra Deck
    Armatos Legio Centurion
    Armatos Legio Decurion
    Armatos Legio Eques Flamma
    Armatos Legio Legatus Legionis
    Armatos Legio Magnus Dux
    Armatos Legio Pilus Prior
    Armatos Legio Primi Ordines
    Armatos Legio Tribinus Militum
    Chapter 2
    Main Deck Monsters

    Armatos Legio Galea
    Armatos Legio Gladius
    Armatos Legio Magica Alcum
    Armatos Legio Scutum
    Armatos Legio Sica
    Armatos Legio Speculata
    Armatos Colosseum
    Armatos Lex
    Armatos Fulgur
    Armatos Replacement
    Judgmenet Arrows
    Extra Deck
    Armatos Legio Centurion
    Armatos Legio Decurion
    Armatos Legio Eques Flamma
    Armatos Legio Legatus Legionis
    Armatos Legio Pilus Prior
    Armatos Legio Primi Ordines
    Chapter 1
    Main Deck Monsters

    Armatos Legio Galea
    Armatos Legio Magica Alcum
    Armatos Legio Scutum
    Armatos Legio Sica
    Armatos Lex
    Armatos Fulgur
    Armatos Replacement
    Judgmenet Arrows
    Extra Deck
    Armatos Legio Centurion
    Armatos Legio Decurion
    Armatos Legio Eques Flamma
    Armatos Legio Legatus Legionis
    Armatos Legio Pilus Prior
    Armatos Legio Plumbum Trident
    Armatos Legio Primi Ordines
    Main Deck Monsters

    Armatos Legio Galea
    Armatos Legio Scutum
    Armatos Legio Sica
    Armatos Fulgur
    Armatos Lex
    Extra Deck
    Armatos Legio Decurion
    Armatos Legio Eques Flamma
    Skills/Abilities: Mastermind, technology wizard​
    Course of action: The plot thickens...​
    RP Information
    Location: Argus-27, Criminal Underworld Base (Housing area)​
    Interactions: CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow
    Mentions: None​
    Nearby/In Group: Nobody​
"I'm coming right away!"

A creature quite literally punctures a hole in the bottom of the vat, draining its acid away as the floor beneath was eaten and corroded, before whizzing across, hovering to join the others through the black hole.


"Without powers huh? I'll do just that!" the hovering battalion said, they realised something. "Oh, right."

He no longer hovered, now walking on his two legs.

Crow Crow FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla P PopcornPie thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Lilith yawns and whips out her wallet. "Yeah sure just lay it on me or something."

As Balloony was sitting by himself he glances over to Lilith who was waiting her money on shots, he just sighs and puts on an annoyed expression.
"I knew I shouldn't have given her that button."

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow (Bartender)

  • Julia sighs in exasperation and shakes Megumin's shoulder. "Get ahold of yourself! You're panicking again. Try to use your head for once."

    The Espeon turns and walks back towards the now-broken-open entrance. "Since the deal's out the window now, I'm going back in."

    Crow Crow
Black Market

"Natasha, wait! No! We can all talk about this! Please don't!" The Typhlosion gives chase, carrying Kirby in his arms.

Back with the tour group...

"That's the truth! That's the reason why Lana was depressed in the first place! If Eric didn't regard her as 'just a friend,' this wouldn't have-"

The Espeon freezes as soon as he sees Double Trouble disguised as Natasha.


It seems those of you who had gone with him on this tour would desperately need to get his attention now. He'll be sulking for a while after this...

He glances over at Lucky halfheartedly. "I... think Banshee might be able to help you with that. Maybe. He's... more of a gunsmith, not a maintenance guy, but... you can try it..." He then turns to Ryotaro. "Hi... are you, uh, alright?"

Other people in the marketplace are less forgiving for Ryotaro's antics and give him a few nasty side glances. Poor guy.

ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials LilacMonarch LilacMonarch P PopcornPie Thepotatogod Thepotatogod

City Entrance

"I heard shouting coming from over this way... was that an argument you were a part of?" the voice asks cautiously, treading on rocky ground simply by continuing to ask Lana what had happened.

Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara


"Just, ah, gimme 15 dollahs. That'll be enough for a burgah meal later," the bartender tells Lilith. He then glances over at Kraken. "You got some fuckin'... fish in your hair or somethin'? You should keep 'em in a... box or somethin', byeah."

ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials BoltBeam BoltBeam


Well, as one would expect from a poorly maintained home, there isn't that many valuables to get your hands on. The TV's old and dirty, everything looks like they're from the dollar store, and the gun safe in the corner...

...wait, gun safe in the corner?


BoltBeam BoltBeam

Once again, I didn’t turn around as whoever spoke to me tried to ask their questions. I didn’t answer them. Instead, I said something about else quietly. It was more of a mumble really.

“I just wanted what was the best for him. I just wanted to make him happy.”

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow

I still didn’t turn around or move at all really. From what the other voice said, the guy talking seemed to be named Dust. I may not have turned around, but I did at least keep talking.

“Relationship...? We were never dating. I loved him though. Maybe even too much. That’s why it hurt so bad to find out he already had someone else he loved. I tried to ignore it. Just tried to act like it wasn’t a thing so it wouldn’t get in the way of our friendship, but I couldn’t take it. Seeing them together made my heart feel like it was being stabbed with needles. I thought that I would just start causing problems and decided I’d get out of his life. That’s when the ‘argument’ started. I regret it. I regret it all. I just want everything back to normal... I just want my best friend back... I know now that is ever being together romantically is just a pipe dream... I still want it even though it’ll never happen, but I mostly just want him back. I don’t want to feel hurt every time I see him near that girl. I just want us to be best friends again... Even then... I never really was his best friend I guess... he was just mine..”

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow
Elizabeth followed Dawn as the tour started. She did her best to stay near Minako, which wasn't that hard. While her body didn't wander, her mind sure did when she couldn't stop thinking about what happened with Eric and Lana.

There wasn't much she could do to help, she felt bad for what had happened and the feeling intensified a bit as she was not able to help. The entire time, she couldn't stop thinking about how she wasn't able to help that when they got to the housing area, she didn't hear anything about what Dawn said regarding the housing situation.

She snapped out of it, not wanting to stay in those thoughts for long as if she did, she'd probably miss out on something important. Hearing Dawn mention how he hoped to go with them, she looked at him. "
Maybe you will be able to come with us."

Really, she should've gone after Eric, but that would put her at risk of getting lost and in this town, getting lost just asked for trouble. Noticing that his friends weren't around, she only hoped that they took care of the situation. Looking back, she saw that Lana and one of Eric's friends just stand there, hopefully trying to decide if they want to go help their friend. The more she looked at Lana, the more she saw that she seemed like she was just dead.

She really loved him, something that she couldn't relate to.

Looking back at the group, they started walking off and she hurried to follow them. It was then that they got to the black market, where she stayed very close to Minako. There was nothing on her that anyone there could steal, but stealing people was a thing and she really didn't want to be taken by some stranger.

Dawn explained everything about the black market before going after one of Eric's friends, leaving Elizabeth to just look around. Really, she didn't like being there one bit on account of how someone like her didn't belong in a black market. If someone took her, all she could do was knee them or try to hit them to make them let her go, which would work a few times but they'd have the advantage.

It wad then that she heard a bunch of bumps and crashes, looking over to see a man start apologizing profusely. He looked like he didn't belong there either, especially with how he seemed to act and the people didn't seem to like him alk that much judging by the nasty side glances she saw them give him. She looked at Minako and Kintaros, hearing Kintaros mention something that implied that he knew the man. "
You know him? More importantly, should we try to help him?"

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow , Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara , LilacMonarch LilacMonarch , Thepotatogod Thepotatogod

Well, the bar name sounded interesting, she had to give this 'Tifa' that. Sucks that she wasn't here right now, but she probably would've gone to the courthouse too. With nothing else to really do, she hopped over the little wooden half wall that separated the main bar area from the back of the bar and came over to an empty seat next to Rocket, sitting down.

Looking out the windows of the bar, she could see a bit of the town and for a town in the sewers, they were doing sort of well here. Honestly, she could see herself living here, but she was now a Crimson Raiders and Sanctuary was leagues better than living here. "
For a town in the sewers, they aren't doing that bad for themselves. So, where's everyone else?"

quadraxis201 quadraxis201 , thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

─── ❖ ── ✦ ── ❖ ───
Seeing that just by her touching Red made him able to wake up. If her touch could do that, he was most likely head over heels for her. This wasn't all that new for her as there were two or three guys that she knew were head over heels for her and didn't try to hide it. But right now, this wasn't the time to think about it as they still had some more bandits to deal with.

It was then that she noticed Heather was in there with them, getting chased by a bandit. Wasting no time, she started trying to cut him off, but a man dressed like a doctor took care of it and proceeded to solve all of their problems. He saved Zelda, got those that needed to get out of the courthouse out of said courthouse, and gave them a way out via a black hole while at the same time, nullifying the terms Two-Face set for them.

Then, she heard hissing coming from the bars that kept people from entering and exiting the building only for it to explode to reveal a person that she had mixed feelings on in this town: Herbert Moon. Really, she still hadn't formed an opinion on him, only going to talk to him for buisness as she had a bar to run. But, she got the gist from the few times she visited him that he really didn't like a certain group of people that existed back in his world as she had never heard of "Jewish" people on Gaia before which she didn't like hearing him talk about a group of people like that who probably had done nothing wrong.

Still, they both shared a dislike for most of the people in this town and she was relieved that her, Zelda, and Herbert were among the only people in the town who weren't like everyone else. They weren't bad people, Zelda most of all. The girl really didn't deserve any of this and afterwards, she'd have to try to get Zelda to stay with her so that this wouldn't happen again.

Feeling someone bump into her from behind, she quickly turned around and stepped back to see someone that was with the new group. When asked about Elizabeth, she looked at him. "
Elizabeth is probably with the tour group. Introductions can wait until after this, right now, we can get out of here!"

Looking over at the vat of acid, she saw it was gone after some robot punched a hole in it and drained it. They all needed to move now, and after roundhouse kicking a bandit she heard try to rush her on her right, she yelled to everyone. "
Everyone! We can go now!" She looked at Two-Face and Roman, giving them a glare, before starting to head to the black hole.

Leaving them there wouldn't exactly be the best idea as eventually, they'd get the word to Rene that she came in and stopped a court case that, to them, was deserving. She'd have to pay the price later, but they needed to get out fast.

RedLight RedLight , Space Buddha Space Buddha , FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla , GeorgeTownRaja GeorgeTownRaja , Crow Crow , thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore , everyone else in the courthouse
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"Yeah sure just let me...uh." As Lilith was fishing for some money she grabs a twenty dollar bill out of her wallet hands it to him but suddenly she got her guard up. "Hold on..." She then takes a fifty dollar bill out of her wallet and hands it to him as well.
"This should be juuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuust enough."

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow (Bartender)

"Grrrr.... GET OFF THE DAMN GLASS!" Two-Face shouted to Benedict as he lifted his gun at the smudged one and fired two bullets towards him and his stupid little top hat. Roman, meanwhile, stood from the back watching the show with a shit-eating grin stretched across his lips. Truth be told, watching these morons rip each other apart beat any sort of so-called "crime syndicate" back in Vale. At least here, he didn't have to worry about not calling the shots and being bossed around by some angry flame-girl with severe, underlying issues. Sure, there was that Renee guy, but Roman barely even listened to him.

Play by their rules, and you get something in return. That's what Roman had been doing for as long as he could remember, and so far it had worked pretty damn well in his favor. When Chres joined in, Roman quirked a brow at him apparently aiding the gallant fighters who wanted to take on Two-Face. Though he remained quiet, and his silence was rewarded when he saw him attempt to trip up Tifa. He smiled at that and took a long, drawn-out drag of his cigar, and simply continued enjoying the show.

Two-Face also just kind of ignored CRB's message, so it was probably okay for him to do what he wanted to the Bandit. Besides, he was far too distracted by that German guy randomly appeared and throwing some weird device at Zelda, causing her to randomly disappear out of thin air. After witnessing such a sight, Harvey kicked open the door and screamed, "THE DEAL'S OFF!"

With all the Bandits pretty much defeated, and Two-Face's captive hostage gone from sight, the man grit his teeth as his grip on his revolver appeared to tighten. "I tried to take your deal.... to play fair..." Two-Face sighed, his normal voice returning as he reached into the pocket of his suit. Moments later, he held what looked like a small switch in his hand, and he held it up for everyone to see. "This is what happens when you try to CHANGE fate!" And with that, Two-Face flicked the switch with his thumb, and suddenly you all began to hear loud beeping noises from around the courthouse. It didn't take a genius to denote that the beeping was coming from several bombs that had been wired into the walls themselves!


"Well, looks like you all did a wonderful job in pissing the man off!" Torchwick cheered from the back as he kicked open the doors to the courthouse, which had been opened back up curtesy of Herbert Moon. Roman smiled and gave and tipped his hat, giving a smug little bow. "Though, I'm afraid that I have other arrangements in this hellhole, ones that are just too important for me to miss! So, as the French say, I must bid you adieu!" With that, Torchwick stood back up and casually strolled out the exit. If any of you attempted to follow him, you would be met by the loud cracking of an explosion above the doorframe, followed by a large chunk of rubble that even the strongest of you would have trouble lifting blocking the doorway. You could probably get it eventually, but chances were that the courthouse would long be gone by then.

Two-Face, on the other hand, appeared to have escaped as well. The nearby broken window made it clear how he'd escaped, but just like the doorway, more pieces of rubble would close off the remaining windows, making the only possible escape route Richtofen's black hole! Without much of a choice (unless you really just wanted to die for some reason), you jumped through the black hole.

All of you ended up not too far from the courthouse. In fact, you just ended up in an alleyway right behind it! Well, it was behind a building that was next to it, but you were still close enough to watch the courthouse go up in flames. An enormous ball of flame erupted from the roof as you heard the loud cracks of the various bombs detonating at once. The roof caved in on itself as you heard the insane screams of the Bandits who were trapped inside. However, all of you (unless you decided to just not hop through Richtofen's portal) made it out alive, and that was all that mattered.


Zelda, aka the girl you had just spent so much time saving, watched the courthouse burn down with a slight gasp. Her horrified eyes said it all, though. She clearly didn't want any of this to happen. She turned around slowly and looked at all of you, her expression relaxing a bit. "I thank you for your troubles..." She said, her voice a soft British accent. "I am Princess Zelda. I... suppose you are the group of heroes Renee has been speaking about?" The girl asked as she gave each one of you a weary lookover.

FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla Crow Crow TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts P PopcornPie LilacMonarch LilacMonarch GeorgeTownRaja GeorgeTownRaja DerpyCarp DerpyCarp Smug Smug RedLight RedLight darkred darkred Yamperzzz Yamperzzz Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara Space Buddha Space Buddha FoolsErin FoolsErin
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