• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.
Collab with LilacMonarch LilacMonarch

As Dani went back to join Axel, Sora went back to focus on healing Julia’s wounds. He was going to heal Megumin until she was sucked up by a black portal which looked to also took the lady they were trying to rescue. “(Huh? But how did? Okay, I can worry about that later, I need to heal Julia. I guess this also means powers are back into play.)”

Sora thinks to himself as he had just finished healing up Julia’s wounds. “There, your leg should feel better. Think you can get back up?”

Julia answers by doing just that. ”Thanks.” “Hmm. No problem.” “You want to finish this.” “Yeah! Let’s go get that guy.” Sora readys his keyblade for battle and prepares to return to the battlefield with Julia.

But as they went back out, Megumin managed to grab Julia just before she went into the portal. “Hey, wait!” “Hold on!” Sora saw Julia be taken by Megumin who was being carried by this weird old man. He tried using Magnet to grab the two girls but was too late, losing them in the process. “Who was that guy? Never mind, I’ve got to help Axel and Dani.” Sora runs back into action as fast as he could.

Back with Dani and crew, they had just witnessed the old man with the black hole take the lady they’d plan to save. “Oh no. That lady just got kidnapped. The guy who took her is probably with TwoFace over there, let’s take of him before he can hurt anyone else. You got a weapon?”

Axel shakes his head. “Aren’t we suppose to be fighting without wea—“ He stops as he sees someone attacking with a gun. “Nevermind. Yeah, like this?” He says and summons his keyblade.

Dani looks in awe as Axel makes what looks to be a sword made of fire. Whoa. I never knew you had fire powers too, how did you make that sword?”

“It’s called a keyblade, haven’t you seen Sora use one?” “Is that what they’re called? The one he uses looks like a giant key. Which is fitting given the name, but yours is WAY much cooler... or hot in Your case.”

“Thunder!” Sora finally made his way back to to the courtroom, and shot lightning out of his keyblade to take out a bandit hiding in the background to take out someone. “Axel! Remember the plan? We need to take him out.” He points to TwoFace in the box.

Dani would have join the boys if she hadn’t noticed Roman relaxing in the background. “Y’know what, you guys go ahead. I got something to take care of. “Wait!” Axel tries to stop her but she flies off too fast. He groans and puts a hand to his head.

Dani ignores Axel and flys over and attempts to punch Roman right in the noise. If it succeeds in landing, it’ll knock him down. “As for you. Way to help out we were risking our necks for an innocent woman who’s scared out of her life!”

“Ugh! Guess it’s just us now.” Sora looks over to Axel and puts his hand on his shoulder. “It’s okay, Axel. We’ve handled worst. Let’s get him out of the box, disarm him, and he’s easy pickings.” “Right,” Axel nods and puts his keyblade over his shoulder. “But first, need to get in there.”

In the middle of all this, Shadow was watching the fight the whole time when he heard gunshots coming from the courthouse. He was going to step in, but decided not to when the other shows up, eventually leading to where they are now.

Shadow warps behind Sora and Axel, giving them a hand. “Do you two need assistance with the box?” “Whoa. Shadow, where did you come from?” He walks past the two and pulls out a green Chaos Emerald. “Let me handle this. Chaos Control!

Shadow used Chaos Control to attempt to gain access into the Box and confront TwoFace. But before he could, he sets off a bomb to blow the whole place sky high. “change of plans.” Shadow was going to use Chaos control to warp Sora and Axel out of here but stops him mid warp.

“Wait. Dani c’mon, this place is gonna blow.” “What? Argg, this isn’t over bowler!” Everyone gathers around and make it out of there. The four would stand there, watching the courthouse in flames.

“We almost had him!” “We’ll get him next time. Least we got out alive.” “Agreed.”

The three looked at the girl they rescued, introduced herself as a princess, Princess Zelda in fact. “Pleased to meet you. I’m Dani.” “Sora, and, it was really no problem.” “Shadow.. Shadow the Hedgehog. Are you okay, princess?”

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
P PopcornPie (mentioned)
FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla (mentioned)
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─── ❖ ── ✦ ── ❖ ───
As she got to the black hole, about to enter it, she started hearing beeping. There were bombs implanted around the courthouse, something that she sort of expected him to do. Looking at the doors of the courthouse, it was now blocked again by rubble, the black hole being the only way out. She looked at where Two-Face and Roman were, seeing that they were gone, and then looked at everyone in the room. "
Everyone, get to the black hole! There are bombs!" Wasting no time, she jumped through the black hole, ending up on the other side.

Ending up on the other side, she looked to see that the courthouse was starting to go up in flames. Well, if Rene didn't suspect anything went down there, he will now. But, that wasn't her main concern right now, Zelda was who she turned to look at. "
Zelda!" Tifa ran to her, clearly concerned for her friend, putting a hand on her arm.
Are you okay? I knew I should've stayed behind, you didn't deserve this. Don't worry, we'll head to Seventh Heaven and be safe there."

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore , everyone else in the courthouse

Red is still pumped from Tifa's touch, also her show of concern. Not to mention he would see her every now and then during the fight. Each new glimpse of Tifa is better than the last. But Red has to focus.

"Who needs more ass slappin' from daddy?!", he taunts the enemies around them all. "I can do this all day!"

"Ugh... I'm getting bored!"
, Pixxie, still flying high above them, exlaims.

Red continues to fight off more bandits. However, when it seems as if they had all finished off their enemies, Two Face's men, something new happens. They would all hear beeping noises around them.

"What the--", he stops, immediately realizing what is going on. "TIFA!!!"

It happened all too fast. There was a huge explosion, completely destroying the entire Courthouse. Luckily, someone called Richtofen had an escape 'plan'. Or was it just luck? They would all escape the explosion, and live for another day (unless someone is crazy enough to stay and die). Pixxie managed to escape as well, as she is in the alleyway along with everyone else. She is saying something, but Red couldn't just hear her voice. Everyone sounds so distant. Is he in a state of shock? All that Red knows is that he tried to reach for Tifa. He looks at his side... She's here, with all of them.

"You're alright.", is all that Red could say. "Huh."

He still couldn't focus at anything else. Whatever Pixxie is saying right now, Red still couldn't hear it. All he knows is that Tifa's safe, along with everyone else. Red's hand is still gripped onto her arm.

Interactions: TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher (Tifa)
Rocket would merely glance to the side as more and more people entered the bar, but otherwise kept his focus on Ryuji and his story for the most part. Before he could tell his story, though, he heard a familiar voice from the doorframe. Rocket proceeded to smile at the sight and tilt his head upwards, and found none other than Skye, who seemed pretty chipper, all things considered. "Oh hey, you're awake." Rocket said, trying to play things cool. He tilted his head a bit, motioning to Ryuji. "Me and this guy were just sharin' old stories from back home. Wanna join?" He asked. He then cocked a brow as Lilith sat next to him, and then some talking balloon guy came up to her out of seemingly nowhere and they began to converse.

Rocket then listened to Ryuji's story, his face not altering at all as he heard what he had to say. He winced a little when he explained the tortures, sure, but for the most part he remained pensive. Even as he showed Rocket his ominous expression, the experiment didn't seem to really be all too phased by what Ryuji was saying to him. When he was finally finished with his story, though, Rocket simply turned around, facing forward. "Geez, that's some story..." Rocket said, before taking a sip from his own beverage. "Though, I gotta ask somethin'..." He said, before turning in his chair to face Ryuji. His expression remained calm as he began to speak.

"Do you know what it feels like to have those tortures inflicted on yourself?" He asked as he turned his whole body in the boy's direction next. "No, seriously, indulge me a bit here. Because, from where I'm standin', it sounds like you only watched all your friends die horrific deaths." Rocket shrugged and smirked. "I did that too. For years. Curtesy of a bunch'a asshole scientists. We were all their little experiments in their lab. Every day, there was a new experiment. Sometimes, they'd cut into my scalp with a buzzsaw just to see if my pain receptors were functioning properly. Other times, they'd just remove a leg and reattach it a bit later, leavin' me on that operating table for hours on end. I was picked apart so many times that I started keepin' a friggin' tally." Rocket shook his head a bit. "Hell, I don't even know what I'm supposed to be. I had a friend in there, though. Her name was Lila. Nice enough girl. We were gonna escape together... maybe even start a family. And one night, we finally did. We made it right to the damn doors too. I could see the outside in all its glory, beggin' to be explored in all its glory..."

Rocket took in a breath and looked up at Ryuji. And for the first time, he wasn't angry, or screaming, or even cynical. There were actual, real tears in his eyes. He even appeared to choke on his words a bit as he started to speak.

"She shoved me outside... and I watched 'em kill her. Euthanized." He turned back around now, facing forward once again. "Bastards only did it to spite me." Rocket poured himself yet another glass, this time filling up a tall mug with pure alcohol. He took several large gulps from the scotch, before slamming it down on the bar. "Then, I met Groot, did some bounty hunting for a bit, blah blah blah, saved the galaxy twice, and now I'm here drinkin' scotch at a rundown bar with a kid in grade school."

He then glanced up to Skye as she sat next to him.

"Who friggin' knows... probably savin' some damsel or some crap." Rocket replied, before taking yet another large gulp from his mug.

TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher quadraxis201 quadraxis201 ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials Chungchangching Chungchangching
Dawn and everyone else in the black market stop what they're doing instantly and look towards the courtroom as it explodes. Murmurs go up among the crowd; questions like if Two-Face is really dead and if 'somebody was stupid enough to break his rules.' Others sound kind of thankful that the 'rat bastard bit the dust.'

Regardless, Dawn is in shock.

Tour Group

"Your first day here... and you guys already blew up the courthouse?! I mean, I didn't really... know anything about the place, but still! They blew up the courthouse!" Dawn sighs, lowering himself down to the ground to sit but quickly pulling back upon realizing he's still in the sewer. "What am I gonna do with you guys..." he mumbles, distraught.

LilacMonarch LilacMonarch TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Thepotatogod Thepotatogod Yamperzzz Yamperzzz

City Entrance

"That's... horrible..." the little voice says solemnly.

"...Why don't I accompany you so we can talk to your so-called best friend together?" the voice offers, taking on a tone of seriousness and even a slight hint of anger.

Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara

Byeah Bar

"Hey, kid, I asked for a 15... eh, fuck it, whatevah. Thanks, kid. Byeah." The bartender pockets the money and gives her the whole bottle of beer in thanks.

ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials
Trevor, who kind of just observed Jasper and Fluffington's antics (as well as Deadpool's), showed substantially more interest in the fight club itself when the bouncer opened the doors. He smiled and walked right on inside, giving off a quick, "You kids have fun out here!" as he did so. And then, upon entering the loud house of screaming men, Trevor swung his beer bottle over the nearest guy's head as hard as he could.

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow FoolsErin FoolsErin DerpyCarp DerpyCarp 92MilesPrower 92MilesPrower

I shook my head slightly but just barley.

“I don’t see the point.. I made him cry.. it’s not like he’ll ever forgive me.. I don’t even know where he went anyway... I just know it was somewhere that way...”

I slowly rose my arm and pointed in a direction, but without even looking up still.

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow
"Heh cool." She says as the bartender slides her the whole bottle and not before long she chugs the whole thing down without a second thought. At this point Lilith was completely hammered to the point were she couldn't even properly form sentences, not to mention the fact that she didn't even respond to Kraken not long before. Soon enough Lilith would finally notice her and say something. "O-Oh hey didn't hic see you there, I was j-just too busy hating myself."
(Meanwhile Balloony was facepalming and sighing heavily as he was watching)

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow (Bartender)
BoltBeam BoltBeam (Kraken)
  • Lightning, the Light Ignis

    Seize It

    Well, as one would expect from a poorly maintained home, there isn't that many valuables to get your hands on. The TV's old and dirty, everything looks like they're from the dollar store, and the gun safe in the corner...

    ...wait, gun safe in the corner?

    Lightning would notice the gun safe in the corner - obviously, that's the most valuable thing in here, but the problem is, if it would be filled or not... Obviously using one of his minions to open the lock would prove obvious and draw more attention to the fact it was him, so the Ignis opted for something else. What is this 'something else'? He split from the Duel Disk temporarily to try and open the gun safe, and if successful, would look to see what there 'is' in the safe and return to the Duel Disk regardless of result.
    Character Information
    Link to CS: Here!
    Hex Code: #F7DA64
    Status (physically): Fine​
    Status (mentally/emotionally): Fine​
    Powers: A.I abilities, monster summoning/spell card magic/trap card magic​
    Items: Duel Disk (grants monster summoning, spell card magic and trap card magic), an SMG (being held), $350 (stored in Duel Disk), Hyperion sniper rifle (ammo included), "Pot of Greed" (sniper rifle)​
    This is where all of Lightning's obtained cards are! For more information, refer to his original CS!

    He will be granted more cards each passing chapter, as implied above - but by the end, he will have 'everything' at his disposal.

    Listed 'per chapter' as to what he has - the most recent one will always be at the top.

    As of Chapter 3's posting, this is COMPLETE! Lightning has every card at his disposal from here on out. As a result, this section will no longer see any future changes in the future chapters.
    Chapter 3

    Main Deck Monsters

    Armatos Legio Galea
    Armatos Legio Gladius
    Armatos Legio Magica Alcum
    Armatos Legio Scutum
    Armatos Legio Sica
    Armatos Legio Segmentata
    Armatos Legio Speculata
    Armatos Colosseum
    Armatos Lex
    Armatos Fulgur
    Armatos Replacement
    Judgmenet Arrows
    Judgment Sword
    Armatos Gloria
    Extra Deck
    Armatos Legio Centurion
    Armatos Legio Decurion
    Armatos Legio Eques Flamma
    Armatos Legio Legatus Legionis
    Armatos Legio Magnus Dux
    Armatos Legio Pilus Prior
    Armatos Legio Primi Ordines
    Armatos Legio Tribinus Militum
    Chapter 2
    Main Deck Monsters

    Armatos Legio Galea
    Armatos Legio Gladius
    Armatos Legio Magica Alcum
    Armatos Legio Scutum
    Armatos Legio Sica
    Armatos Legio Speculata
    Armatos Colosseum
    Armatos Lex
    Armatos Fulgur
    Armatos Replacement
    Judgmenet Arrows
    Extra Deck
    Armatos Legio Centurion
    Armatos Legio Decurion
    Armatos Legio Eques Flamma
    Armatos Legio Legatus Legionis
    Armatos Legio Pilus Prior
    Armatos Legio Primi Ordines
    Chapter 1
    Main Deck Monsters

    Armatos Legio Galea
    Armatos Legio Magica Alcum
    Armatos Legio Scutum
    Armatos Legio Sica
    Armatos Lex
    Armatos Fulgur
    Armatos Replacement
    Judgmenet Arrows
    Extra Deck
    Armatos Legio Centurion
    Armatos Legio Decurion
    Armatos Legio Eques Flamma
    Armatos Legio Legatus Legionis
    Armatos Legio Pilus Prior
    Armatos Legio Plumbum Trident
    Armatos Legio Primi Ordines
    Main Deck Monsters

    Armatos Legio Galea
    Armatos Legio Scutum
    Armatos Legio Sica
    Armatos Fulgur
    Armatos Lex
    Extra Deck
    Armatos Legio Decurion
    Armatos Legio Eques Flamma
    Skills/Abilities: Mastermind, technology wizard​
    Course of action: The plot thickens...​
    RP Information
    Location: Argus-27, Criminal Underworld Base (Housing area)​
    Interactions: CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow
    Mentions: None​
    Nearby/In Group: Nobody​

  • _________________________________________________________________________________
    Heather (Without brain damage):

    Heather just sat there hugging megumin, burying her face in her shoulder and at one point licking her ear. That got a little strange, too strange for Megumin, but it must be normal for whatever Heather is. Neither had time to think much of this, as the explosion seemed to wake Zelda up. The princess would see a pointy-eared head poke out of the archwizard's cape, staring up at her with big purple eyes. She looked quite a bit like a young Hylian girl, though with her eyes and red markings running down her body being the obvious distinctions.

    "Oh~! A princess! T-That's s-so cool! I-I'm h-heather! W-What a-are y-you a p-princess of? c-can y-you make m-me a knight? P-Please!"

    Heather, who by her face alone looked no more than ten, seemed genuinely excited by the presence of royalty. Her high-pitched voice was far more cute than annoying, although it would likely get old quick.
As the courthouse itself exploded and others came out, the two raised their arms in front of them for protection. Biker ignored his surroundings and quickly got up, pointing his meat cleaver to Jacket. "WHY are you here?! I could've sworn I killed you..." Jacket got up as well, picking up a broken piece of the bars from the entrance. He stayed quiet. Biker stayed still. "Looks like history repeats itself. You know what?" He put his cleaver down.

"I'm gonna find out what or who fucking brought me here and why. And if you try anything funny, you're dead meat.."

Jacket still kept quiet. It would be awkward if he started using his recorder, talking at all even to Biker. He decided not to talk whenever Biker was around. The two angrily looked at each other, gripping their weapons tightly if one would start something.

FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla
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Julia sighs in exasperation and shakes Megumin's shoulder. "Get ahold of yourself! You're panicking again. Try to use your head for once."

The Espeon turns and walks back towards the now-broken-open entrance. "Since the deal's out the window now, I'm going back in."
"Now you're forgetting to use your head!" Megumin used what little strength was left to pull Julia back. "They have guns and knives! We don't! Try as we might, we are viciously underleveled!"

In about three minutes, Megumin would see that she may or may not have saved Julia's life.
Natasha rolls her eyes at Dawn. "Yeah, sure."

She looks at 'Lana' as she pops out and snorts. "Oh, that's how you wanna play, huh?"

DT may have picked a bad person to fight physically. The Glaceon ducks to the side as 'Lana' jumpkicks at her and flips around to put an Iron Tail right in front of her face, which would cause her to fly right into it, and simultaneously smashing her into the ground with it. She follows this up with an Ice Beam to freeze her to the ground.

Natasha continues on walking as if nothing happened. "You suck at this, Ditto."
Of course, Natasha didn't realize that she had just walked into Double Trouble's new trap. This Etherian worked quickly, and even though their characters seemed to be quite off today, they knew that Eric was the type to rush in for the rescue, no matter what. "And you suck at hiding things, darling. Look at you. Tough, cocky on the outside. Uncaring and brooding on the inside. You weren't even aware that Eric and Lana were as close as you are to him." They spat, narrowing their eyes. With their fingertips, they wiped blood off their muzzle, and examined it. "Such anger in this beating, darling. Because you saw through my disguise, or because you now know that you are simply a leg in a secret love triangle? You're so much fun to study. Now, let's have fun watching you defending yourself."

They howled, tears of desperation flooding their eyes as they struggled to escape the ice puddle. "ERIC, HELP! NATASHA HURT ME! OOOOOOOW!"
Natasha, wait! No! We can all talk about this! Please don't!" The Typhlosion gives chase, carrying Kirby in his arms.

Back with the tour group...

"That's the truth! That's the reason why Lana was depressed in the first place! If Eric didn't regard her as 'just a friend,' this wouldn't have-"

The Espeon freezes as soon as he sees Double Trouble disguised as Natasha.


It seems those of you who had gone with him on this tour would desperately need to get his attention now. He'll be sulking for a while after this...

He glances over at Lucky halfheartedly. "I... think Banshee might be able to help you with that. Maybe. He's... more of a gunsmith, not a maintenance guy, but... you can try it..." He then turns to Ryotaro. "Hi... are you, uh, alright?"

Other people in the marketplace are less forgiving for Ryotaro's antics and give him a few nasty side glances. Poor guy.
"Oh, thanks...Uh, you gonna be okay?" Lucky pressed his lips together, his eyes clouded with uncertainty. Shit, he had soured everyone's mood, didn't he? Fuck it, he was going to distract himself.

"Hey, Banshee! Laddie!" Lucky hopped around, looking for this "Banshee". Perhaps he should have asked for a physical description, but he didn't want to keep talking to anyone.
All of you ended up not too far from the courthouse. In fact, you just ended up in an alleyway right behind it! Well, it was behind a building that was next to it, but you were still close enough to watch the courthouse go up in flames. An enormous ball of flame erupted from the roof as you heard the loud cracks of the various bombs detonating at once. The roof caved in on itself as you heard the insane screams of the Bandits who were trapped inside. However, all of you (unless you decided to just not hop through Richtofen's portal) made it out alive, and that was all that mattered.


Zelda, aka the girl you had just spent so much time saving, watched the courthouse burn down with a slight gasp. Her horrified eyes said it all, though. She clearly didn't want any of this to happen. She turned around slowly and looked at all of you, her expression relaxing a bit. "I thank you for your troubles..." She said, her voice a soft British accent. "I am Princess Zelda. I... suppose you are the group of heroes Renee has been speaking about?" The girl asked as she gave each one of you a weary lookover.
Megumin was unfazed by the explosion itself, it was just another cheap imitation. What got to her was the screams. Suppose none of her friends escaped. Suppose those were their screams.

Her eyes floated towards Zelda. At least she was okay, albeit very tired. But with the amount of casualties, not to mention the collateral damage, made this a phyrric victory.

"Megumin." The archwizard struggled to make a pose. "An archwizard who controls Explosion magic. Raised in the Crimson Demon Clan, questing to defeat the Demon King." Maybe Zelda would be interested in that, maybe not. Looking at her now, the clothing wouldn't be too out of place in Axel. The ears were pointed, too. "Might I ask what species you are? Are you an elf?"
Dawn and everyone else in the black market stop what they're doing instantly and look towards the courtroom as it explodes. Murmurs go up among the crowd; questions like if Two-Face is really dead and if 'somebody was stupid enough to break his rules.' Others sound kind of thankful that the 'rat bastard bit the dust.'

Regardless, Dawn is in shock.
Lucky's fur shot up straight, and he instinctively ducked and covered. "Jesus Christ, tough crowd..." He mused, watching the carcass of justice burn to the ground. "Who the fuck did they try, Satan himself?"
"Your first day here... and you guys already blew up the courthouse?! I mean, I didn't really... know anything about the place, but still! They blew up the courthouse!" Dawn sighs, lowering himself down to the ground to sit but quickly pulling back upon realizing he's still in the sewer. "What am I gonna do with you guys..." he mumbles, distraught.
"Hey, I did not do shit." Lucky snapped. "That was probably...Megumin, I think. She did keep bellyaching about losing her 'Explosion' magic, and I doubt it's anything but what it sounds like." Not to mention just how in character that would be for her reckless ass. Lucky planted his face in his paw. "How much you wanna bet she is gonna have the whole law system after her ass?"

Wow, what a show. To think that there is absolutely so much going on right now, that some more characters were just gonna hop into the picture! Well! Screw that! BACK TO THE REAL STORY! Returning back to our regularly scheduled programming of the crew that remained at Tifa's lovely establishment known as, "Seventh Heaven", Jordi had been sitting at the bar, playing and sharpening his butterfly knife, as Nearl remained two seats away, bouncing joyfully on her bar stool. Ironically enough, the both of them had been wanting some sort of drink, but, plot twist, seems they were locked in for the matter.

The hitman still flipped his knife around to glance at the others who were here, let's see now.. a teenage boy, a fairly older woman, a.. raccoon..? And this... horse woman..? Wait, what? Jordi would grow an extremely puzzled look on his face, turning to the readers of the 4th dimension as an imaginary laugh track played in his mind. "What the fuck am I in, Looney Toons?", he muttered to his audience before shaking his head and turning on the seat back to the bar, tapping the table with his knife's sheathe.

Nearl continued to playfully bounce and spin on the barstool, remembering of the lovely relaxation rooms of Rhodes Island. Her times in dream land however, were disturbed by the sounds of metallic tapping from a few inches to the right of her. The Kuranta's ear flicked as she followed her head to the sound, seeing a male tapping a metal stick like device at the table, giving a friendly grin as her tail wagged.

Jordi is now completely confused as this lady's ears and tail actually moved, giving a clearing of his throat before speaking. "So uh, I'm Jordi, Jordi Chin, may I ask, what exactly the fuck are you supposed to be?", he asks with the same manner of the hands waving around, clearly just not giving a shit about personal space as a hand or two occasionally almost practically whacks Nearl's face. The question, brought a bit of a frown, a scowl, and a perked eyebrow from the Kuranta, her friendly tail now no longer moving side to side. "Hello! My name is Nearl, Margar-What.. what are you talking about.. What do you mean..?", the female, to say she was uncomfortable, was an understatement as she narrowly avoided this man's continuously dancing hands.

"I mean, I've met some weird people alright? Wh-what is it.. furries..? FURRIES! Yeah that's right! You got these people dressed up as these full on animals and shit, its certainly.. interesting..", Jordi has had his fair share of scouting through people's internet search and browse history, so he for sure isn't new to this sort of thing, "But, usually, you can tell what a furry is supposed to be dressed like so, I gotta ask ya, what the fuck are you supposed to be?" Nearl's uncomfortable face takes a more of an offended or insulted shape and turn, remembering of being called a freak once before. "I, I still don't, understand..", she says once more, slowly moving her right hand to her hip where her Warhammer's handle was sitting.

"Now now now look here I'll show you!", Jordi exclaims as he hops from his barstool to the next, now directly beside Nearl as he reaches towards her head, pulling it down to take a closer look as he takes a gander at her ears and hair, unable to tell if it's actually human hair or fur as he dug around her mass of hair for a particular little device, maybe she doesn't know or remember if she's wearing a suit. "Aaaah Hah! Now this is definitely, one, interesting, costume! Really really life like! Tell me, how much did this cost ya?!" "AAAAH HELP!", the Kuranta shrieks throughout the bar, unsure of whether or not to strike the man down as he hasn't seemed to shown any violent intentions yet, but still, this was starting to really hurt her ears! "Nahnahnahnah hold on hold still let me see! Where's the fuckin' zipper on this thing!?", Jordi responds as he just holds her down to see her head, still causing some more unhappy sounds and shrieks from the Kuranta as she flails her armored arms about trying to stop this strange man.

These two are practically about to slam themselves into the bar table, not to mention might break something.

quadraxis201 quadraxis201 thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher
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Hearing the explosion, she looked to see the courthouse was now up in flames. Some part of her was really hoping that they weren't the ones that caused what happened to the courthouse and that it was the ones they went to stop. But given their track record, it could've been them.

She looked at Dawn, worried for what just happened. "
...Maybe it wasn't because of us? Maybe, it was caused due to whoever this Two-Face is."

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow

Noticing the smile he had once he saw that she was awake, she can't help but think that he did really like her. They were friends after all, so if he didn't like her, she'd seriously question the friendship. Luckily, that didn't have to happen. Looking at Rocket, she thought about it for a minute before giving an answer. "
Sure, I'll join in."

The entire time Rocket told his story, her eyes widened, the combination of both their stories truly shocked her. What with having to kill your friends thanks to some psycho bitch forcing you to, telling you it's all just a game and being forced to be an experiment for years, finding some semblance of love only for it to be taken away as soon as you both found freedom... It sounded like hell for the both of them.

Holy shit..." No one deserved any of that, truly. Well, except if you were complete scum or Handsome Jack, but those were exceptions. "I... guess it's my turn. You both were forced into that pain, but me? Well, life played a bad hand for one half of it and the other... you could say that I chose it in a way."

Before she could continue however, she started hearing some talking before it turned into yelling coming from the side where Nearl and some asshole in a suit was. He started calling her a freak, thought that her horse features was a costume, and then proceeded to pull on them. "
I'll be right back." Immediately, she got up and walked over to them.

Hey!" She quickly grabbed the man's arm and roughly threw him to the side. "What the hell are you doing to my friend?! She is not a freak, just because she's vastly different from you and me means that she's a freak wearing a costume?!" Skye turned to Nearl, worried for her. "You okay? Come sit with us." Grabbing her hand, she led Nearl to the side where her, Rocket, and Ryuji was, sitting back down next to Rocket.

Her ice blue eyes looked back towards the man, staring daggers at him. "
Don't fucking talk to her again unless you absolutely need to, is that clear?"

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore , Riven Riven , quadraxis201 quadraxis201

  • Julia shakes her head. "Like I just said, the deal's off now. There's no reason not to use our weapons and powers this time."

    But Megumin stopped her for long enough that the courthouse explodes before she reaches it. "Oh."

    "I knew that guy was crazy, but...wow." The Espeon says as she walks back and then looks at Zelda. "Yeah, that's us. I'm Julia."

    Axel nods. "Name's Axel. Got it memorized?"

    Julia sighs and turns to go. "Anyway, I guess that's that. See ya around, Princess."

    With that, she walks back to Dawn's group. "Well, that was a mess."
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"Faker?!" Lana yowled. "You mean...you don't trust me?" Her eyes watered. "I guess it makes sense...I tried so hard to hide my feelings towards Eric, even though I knew I would never belong anyway. I shouldn't have believed that he would break up with you, and come back to me." She laid flat against the ground. "I couldn't stop feeling jealous of you..."

LilacMonarch LilacMonarch CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow
"Yes... I'm fine, thank you." Zelda replied to Shadow and Tifa, nodding slowly. When Tifa offered to let her rest at Seventh Heaven, Zelda would shake her head. "You needn't worry yourself on my behalf, Tifa. It was my fault for getting wrapped up with Two-Face in the first place." She said, though as she attempted to walk, the pain receptors from that bullet wound in her leg kicked in at full force. She winced in pain and fell over, and her hand immediately moved down to cover up the nasty wound. Though, even through the pain, she couldn't help but smile a little at Heather's words. "Yes... angh..." She winced again as she felt another jolt of pain from the wound. "I'll make sure to appoint you as soon as.. nnghh... possible... for your bravery..."

Megumin's words, however, made Zelda perk up a bit. "Demon King...?" She asked quietly, though before she could ask Megumin to elaborate further, the girl asked her if she was in elf. That made Zelda chuckle a little. "No... I'm not an elf, silly..." She said, shaking her head with a warm smile. "I'm Hylian."

The pleasant conversation was cut short, however, as Julia and Axel attempted to leave the alleyway.


"Not so fast, kitty cat..." Came a familiar husky, haggard, diabolical sounding voice. Before Julia could reach the end of the alleyway, she would find her path blocked by none other than Two-Face, who appeared to have a much more... meatier weapon in his hands now. Said weapon appeared to be a mini-RPG, with three holes for three different rounds. Behind Two-Face stood a gang of what could only be assumed to be Bandits, except they were all wearing matching outfits.


All of them had similar outfits to Two-Face's. One side was normal and white, and the other was burnt to a crisp. However, this only extended as far as their outfits, as you could tell from the little skin that was shown of them that they were in fact, not horribly burned. They all wore rubber masks that were similar to Two-Face's own... well, face as well. One side was normal, and the other was burned. All the masks were frowning, too. Each of the men (about ten in total) stood behind Two-Face, and they were all holding assault rifles. The guns were trained on all of you, while Two-Face stood in front.

"Here's the deal..." Two-Face began as he ran his trademark coin through his fingers in one hand, and held up the mini-RPG with the other. "You hand that bitch over, and you all go free..." He said, staring down at all of you angrily.

"Or, you can keep the guilty and continue harboring a fugitive..." Two-Face said, his normal voice returning for only a fleeting moment. Harvey then proceeded to take aim at all of you with his mini-RPG.


"In which case, I'll blow every last one of you to hell."

FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts P PopcornPie Smug Smug LilacMonarch LilacMonarch Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara Yamperzzz Yamperzzz Crow Crow TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher DerpyCarp DerpyCarp RedLight RedLight FoolsErin FoolsErin Space Buddha Space Buddha GeorgeTownRaja GeorgeTownRaja darkred darkred
"Th...that does it..." Megumin snarled quietly, slowly getting up. "I will not...perish..." She glanced back at the others. "Medic, sir...I need my staff. Once you have given it to me...All of you must run." She had avoided using it for long enough; This was a situation that called for Explosion more than any other.

FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts Crow Crow Smug Smug LilacMonarch LilacMonarch Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara Yamperzzz Yamperzzz Crow Crow TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher DerpyCarp DerpyCarp RedLight RedLight FoolsErin FoolsErin Space Buddha Space Buddha GeorgeTownRaja GeorgeTownRaja darkred darkred thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
─── ❖ ── ✦ ── ❖ ───
Feeling someone touch her arm, she looked to see it was Red and not really knowing what to say, she looked back at Zelda. "
You're my friend, Zelda, of course I'm worried. Especially in a town like this with people like Two-Face and Roman, I have a right to be worried about you."

Tifa stayed right by her side as she tried to walk, looking at her. "
We really need to get to Seventh Heaven, it's the only safe place for you right now. And we can talk safely there." It was then that Axel and the purple cat tried to leave, but unfortunately, they all heard a familiar voice.

Immediately, she got in front of Zelda as she saw Two-Face and his goons block the exit out of the alleyway. Her eyes caught sight of the weapons he and his boys had, knowing full well that they'd all die then and there when they'd fire their weapons. Thankfully, they weren't limited on what they could do anymore and she had her Materia.

She listened to the deal he tried to make, in which she just stared at him. "
About that deal... how about no deal?" It was then that one of the orbs on the glove on her left fist started glowing blue, enveloping her entire left fist, casting Blizzara on the barrels of all of their weapons, making them unusable. She, of course, stayed in front of Zelda in case any of them tried anything.

Now would be the best time to attack them before they attacked them.

RedLight RedLight , thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore , alleyway gang


Taking a good look at the fellow thug from the fight club, the man who had threatened her, Trevor heading to go into said fight club, and the little Eevee who had stopped attacking her, the gem gave an amused snort. Pulling Fluffington off her, she uneventfully dropped the Pokémon onto the ground. “Alright then, guess we can save it for the ring. But don’t expect me to go easy on you, runt.”

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow DerpyCarp DerpyCarp GeorgeTownRaja GeorgeTownRaja



”Nobody is getting left behind. If anything, you should be fighting from the back. You’re in no shape to take on these goons.” Garnet shouted at Megumin, summoning her visor back onto her face, “We’ll take on them together!” Summoning her gauntlets, she gave a firm nod to Tifa and grinned confidently at Two-Face. ”If you want a fight, then so be it.” She declared, clanging her weapons together.

P PopcornPie TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Crow Crow Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts Smug Smug LilacMonarch LilacMonarch Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara Yamperzzz Yamperzzz DerpyCarp DerpyCarp RedLight RedLight Space Buddha Space Buddha GeorgeTownRaja GeorgeTownRaja darkred darkred
Before the group set off for the black market, Lucky had complimented on Abbott's camera. The comment had taken the sailor off guard in the middle of the dampened atmosphere. He was slightly intimidated by Lucky, but unlike Voss, Abbott hadn't directly spoken to the rabbit until now, let alone met him. Abbott waited for a few seconds before returning the smile. "... Um... Thanks."

Eventually, Dawn would guide the pirates as well as anyone else who was interested in the black market. As they expected, little vendors thrived in the marketplace, selling various illegal contrabands including guns, exotic animals, and yes, even space coke. "No thanks, actually. I'm, uh, good." Voss, meanwhile, stood by the group and squinted at the booth without saying anything. He was still wearing his bone helmet, so who knows what he was thinking.

The two listened carefully as Dawn began to list off different things you could buy here. Voss was interested in visiting Banshee-44 to get a cool gun. Maybe he could finally get a cool rifle. Oh, and maybe some space drugs. Just for shits and giggles, of course. Or not, hehe. Abbott, in particular, was very interested in the animals. Just think about it, what if Abbott brought home a cool or cute alien pet that could scare away any other rival pirates before they could even step aboard their ship? The little sailor's eyes widened with excitement.

And with that, the pirates decided to split up their total money amongst themselves ($9,365 each, wowza) and branch off from each other to go to their vendors of choice. Voss would go to Banshee-44 and maybe Dragtrap if no one's looking, and Abbott would go to Sereth. However, before they left, Voss and Abbott would stop in their tracks as they heard an explosion coming from the courtroom. Based on Dawn's exclamation as well as the chattering amongst the marketplace, the pirates' group blew it up.

"Whoa, the courthouse? Damn, and that must be a new record too."

"Record for what?"

"Whoever can stir up the most trouble fastest, I bet. I thought that incident in Sanctuary III happened quickly, but wow! What a bunch of warmongers..."

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher P PopcornPie

(Another Chres post soon, stay tuned)

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