• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.
As Balloony greeted the two of them Tom brought out his claws in an attempt to pop him, Balloony shot back in shock before Tom could pop him. "Whoa be careful with those things, do you realize how delicate my body is?" He says as he turns back to Lilith who was completely hammered. "You've got to me kidding me."

Chungchangching Chungchangching (Tom)
"Yo! Easy on the suit lady!", the male responds as he was yoinked to the side by Skye, standing up as he clears his throat, beginning to flatten out his suit jacket and fix his tie. Nearl remained unmoved with tears poking out of her wincing face, still upset about the encounter as both her ears and tail remained flattened, and just not enjoying the moment of what had gone down. Nearl looks over at whoever had intervened, revealing Skye as the Kuranta looked at her with a widened smile, her ears returning to their usual standing position, "M-miss Skye! You're awake!" She didn't get a full moment to put any words in before Skye had offered her her hand, the knight taking it with a nod as she was whisked away to the table that sat Ryuji and Rocket. "Alright alright alright look! Maybe we all just off on the wrong foot here alright?", Jordi throws out to the table in no one particular.

As Skye had finished giving her piece at Jordi, he simply gets up and makes his way to a nearby table, grabbing a chair from it as he moved to place it at the end of their small table, moving it so it's back was to them and he sat upon it in that manner. "Chill, chill, chill.", he mutters to the group, noticing Nearl's eyes. "Look, I can't even mess around with her? Come on!" With Ryuji hopping in as well, the Knight rubbed her head with a scowl, feeling a bit better.

"I-I'm okay! Thank you all for that..", Nearl responds sheepishly, certainly looking a bit better after Ryuji has asked if she was okay. Jordi remains unmoved from his seat, throwing his arms out, "Alright alright alright! I'm done messing with her, can't even throw a joke without getting hit by something." Nearl's ears and tail remain fully active, returning to their original standby and wagging positions as she grew her grin, so many friends she has to remember and be glad to see.

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--Minako Arisato || Kintaros || Ryotaro Nogami--
Interaction CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher @TourGang

"I'm fine, really!" The man simply nods as he rubs the back of his head. "I-I should really get back to helping out. It's the least I could do for letting me stay here." He soon noticed the newcomers, "Um...If it's alright for me to ask, are they new here?" He asked, curious to see such a group being accompanied by one of the settlers. Perhaps they're on tour?

"He'll be fine." Kintaros simply responds to Elizabeth with crossed arms, "He's a lot tougher than he looks." He says, soon walking towards the young man.

"Ah, you're...!" The man noticed Kintaros as the yellow Imagin waded through the crowd. "Kintaros! How unexpected!" He says cheerfully, glad to see a familiar face.

"It's been a while indeed, Ryotaro, my boy." Kintaros chuckles, patting the man's shoulder. "I see life's treating you the same as usual."

"Yeah...Sorry about that." Ryotaro bitterly chuckles, soon asking. "W-what are you doing here, by the way? I thought you were supposed to be with Momotaros and the others?"

"Ah, even I don't know the answer to that." Kintaros says, "I have been taken here against my will...Much like you, I suppose."

"Hey, Kin-chan, aren't you going to introduce us?" Minako steps beside Kintaros, "Looks like you two are old buddies!"

"Oh, hello there!" Ryotaro greeted, bowing at the two girls, "I think I heard something about some outsiders taking care of the giant frog...I wonder if it's you guys" He asked, letting out a smile.

"Ryotaro and I are more than old buddies, quite frankly." Kintaros turns to the highschooler that was his new contractor. "Minako-dono, Elizabeth-dono, this is my former contractor, Ryotaro Nogami. The Original Kamen Rider Den-O." He introduced, patting Ryotaro's back. This prompted Minako's eyes to sparkle, knowing that she wasn't the first one to weild the mystical belt.

"Woah, really?!" Minako says excitedly, "Then you can also use this, too?!" She unbuckles the belt, presenting it to Ryotaro.

"Kintaros...Gave this to you?" Ryotaro looks quite shocked at the revalation, "Did you two make a contract somehow?" Ryotaro asks, pointing at the two of them before suddenly...An explosion rang from afar, prompting everyone to turn their attention at it. Everyone in the Black Market began to murmur, something about someone breaking the rules of someone and something about a rat being dead. Ryotaro knew a little bit of what they're talking about, prompting him to gulp.

"The Courthouse, eh." Kintaros says in interest, turning to Ryotaro. "Who usually resides there?" He asked, prompting Ryotaro to jolt.

"W-well, that's where the judge Two Face conducts his trials." Ryotaro says, "He's a bit stern regarding the rules of the courthouse, but he's got half the town on his side." He then stares at the rising smoke with worry. "It's weird that it suddenly blew up like that, though..."

"This calls for an investigation, right?" Minako turns to the Imagin and the previous Den-O.

"Right. We have to make sure everyone there's okay..." Ryotaro nods, turning to Kintaros as the Yellow Imagin nods.

"Minako-dono, the belt and the pass, please." Kintaros asks, stretching his hand towards the highschooler. With a nod, Minako handed the yellow Imagin the Den-O belt and Rider Pass, who then hands it to Ryotaro. "Here, take this for a while." He says as Ryotaro takes the belt and pass. He stares at the pass for a while. "Let us do this like old times...Ryotaro!" Kintaros encouraged, prompting Ryotaro to let out a nod before shoving it onto his pocket. The Rider and the Imagin soon headed for the Courthouse to investigate what's happening while Minako stays by Elizabeth's side, opting to keep her company for a while longer.
Deadpool's jaw immediately dropped at the sight of the incredibly buff man who had offered to fight in the stead of the white fox-dog-cat. In awe, he turned his attention to the readers. "HOLY SHIT, ARE YOU GUYS SEEING WHAT I'M SEEING? IT'S FUCKING KENSHIRO! OH MAN, SOMEBODY'S EITHER GONNA DIE OR GET THEIR ASS SERVED TO THEM A LA MODE! EITHER WAY, I'M ALL FOR IT!" Heeding the suggestion of Mr. Clean, who was inside of the fight club, Deadpool headed inside, while singing "Ai Wo Torimodose" to himself. "You wa SHOCK! Ai de sora ga ochite kuru~ You wa SHOCK! Ore no mune ni ochite kuru~..."

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore FoolsErin FoolsErin GeorgeTownRaja GeorgeTownRaja DerpyCarp DerpyCarp and anyone else at Fight Club

A notably rotund man, sporting an orange shirt, brown vest, and a green hat, had just opened up shop in the Black Market part of town. Noticing a group of strangers, including most notably two pirates, who he believed to be the perfect kind of customers for him, he attempted to grab their attention by loudly clearing his throat and bellowing:

Unsure whether or not either pirate or anyone else within this group of travelers had the aforementioned currency of Rubees, Morshu primarily just wanted some form of business, especially if he could somehow manage to rip them off with the horrible conversion rate of regular cash to Rubees. Hopefully, by the end of the day, he'd become a little, MMMMMM... richer.

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Yamperzzz Yamperzzz P PopcornPie darkred darkred and the others in the Black Market, waiting to get scammed new items and weapons.
Rocket nodded in response to Skye and shrugged. "Yeah, well... crap like that happens, I guess," He said, his voice sounding almost cold and emotionless, before he listened to Ryuji's other story. Rocket simply nodded quietly and listened to his other story, sipping out of his mug when all the while. When he was finally finished, the not-raccoon finally set his mug down on the bar beside them and held up his hands slightly. "Look dude, I ain't here to compare tragic pasts or whatever. This whole conversation's startin' to bum me out." Rocket said honestly, though he smiled a little when the topic shifted to Ryuji's age, and whether or not Moxxi would let him drink if they ever were to wind up here again. "Well, I sure as hell hope we never end up in this hellhole again..." The experimented commented with a shake of his head, before taking another sip from his drink, and then tipping the mug upwards toward Ryuji. "But if we do... I'll keep you in mind if I ever feel the need to stop by any of these shithole bars."

Their conversation was, of course, cut short by some jackass coming in and trying to pick a fight with that blonde chick with the tail. Rocket was about to intervene, though it seemed like Skye had it handled from the looks of things. And, just as he had figured, Skye's overall intimidating demeanor worked wonders with the man, who quickly backed off of Nearl when threatened. "You sure as hell have a weird way of havin' fun..." Rocket commented, though regardless, he gestured to the empty seat beside him. "Feel free to join us when you're done bein' a friggin' asshat, though."

TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher quadraxis201 quadraxis201 Riven Riven
Following Kintaros, she stayed next to Minako and looked at the man Kintaros seemed to know pretty well. "
Hello there. And yeah, we did take care of the giant frog in the sewers." It was then that Kintaros introduced both parties and it was confirmed that they did know each other pretty well. In fact, he was the former contractor for Kintaros, so of course they'd know each other pretty well.

It's nice to meet you, Mister Nogami." She gave him a friendly smile, seeing no harm in it. After all, he didn't seem to want to hurt them and he probably didn't want to. Ryotaro was just a friendly guy, that was all.

The two men decided to go investigate, leaving her and Minako with each other to keep each other company. She turned to Minako, worried about them and the people that went to the courthouse. "
Will they be alright, Minako?" Right after, she started to hear someone start bellowing something and looked at the source of it.

Looking, she found a man that was just selling his wares. But she had to wonder where was he brought here from considering the ears and the fact that he mentioned something called rupees. Elizabeth turned to look at Minako and Aloy, who she just now notice was with them. "
Should we go see what he's selling?"

Thepotatogod Thepotatogod , 92MilesPrower 92MilesPrower , darkred darkred

Nodding, she looked at Nearl. "
Yeah, I'm awake. And I see that I woke up to a jackass in a suit picking on someone completely different than him." She looked towards the man in the suit, rolling her eyes. "So your suit was a bit messed up, so what? It's just a suit."

Now, she was about to get back to what she was about to say, but then she heard the man say that it was a joke and got even more pissed off. "
I'm sorry, a joke? What kind of a fucking joke involves calling someone a different race from a different universe a freak? Yeah sure, it's a joke to you and only you, but that kind of shit only hurts the other party while you laugh it off. Give me a fucking break..."

From the sound of her voice, she sounded genuinely angry and upset with this. If there was one thing she wasn't going to stand for, it was shit like this.

She stopped herself there as if she got any angrier, she'd say things that she might regret later. Besides, it wasn't going to do her any good if she kept sitting here getting angry at some guy in a suit. Suits only meant either rich people, people who worked for secret agencies or had high profile government positions, or people who wanted to boost their ego with a fancy suit. And seeing as how if he ended up here and didn't seem to make an effort to get to a nicer part of town with money and that he didn't seem to act professional like those working for secret agencies or high profile government positions, it was the last one.

The only thing she hated that could equal her hate for the rich people were those that had egos and chose to wore fancier clothes like suits to boost said ego.

So, she turned back around and listened to Ryuji's other story and gotta be honest...? It hurt her to hear that. From how he talked about this girl, she was probably the only good thing in that hellhole and when she broke, she ended up taking her own life. That girl didn't deserve that shit, and she certainly didn't deserve to die.

There were people in this universe and in other universes that deserved that hell much more than high school students and so much more than that girl. Really, she'd ask why them, but she already knew the answer: life just dealt them a bad hand and gave them a psychotic bitch to boot.

When Rocket said the conversation was starting to bum him out, he had to agree. "
Yeah..." She'd share her story, but in all honesty, it would probably bum them all out even more. But now, she didn't even know what to do.

Riven Riven , quadraxis201 quadraxis201 , thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

Kraken leaned back in surprise - she didn't quite expect Lilith's response altogether - literally far from what she had in mind. And then, Lilith would go on to fly around briefly and then... drop just as fast. Kraken sighed, rested a hand on her head and shook her head in disappointment. "That is... not what I had in mind..." Kraken would say sternly in response to Lilith's statement - though true, Kraken was more just trying to understand and settle her down rather than pry into her life. "Though, I guess I can't really do much or anything if I'm given a lack of things to help 'with', so... I guess it's your choice, in the end." She posed a shrug and downed some more of the drink she had, rubbing her eyes as she tried to resist the strong taste settling in some more. She modestly can't blame Lilith for shutting her out so simply and efficiently, but what probably hurts a 'little' more is the obvious disinterest and... moderately spiteful tone that may have just came from the ghost in question.​
In-Character Information
Hex Code:
Status (physically): Fine
Status (mentally/emotionally): Serious (trying to remain calm)
Course of action: Conversing and chilling in the bar (mainly trying to talk Lilith down)
Location: Argus-27, Criminal Underworld Base (the bar)
Interactions: ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials
Mentions: None
In Group/Nearby: @TheBarPeople (I don't even know anymore)
Lilith and Balloony
"Okay that does it." Balloony says in an annoyed tone while he gets up from his seat and walks over to the two of them, "I'm so sorry about this, I'm pretty sure she normally acts like this." He says as he stands over the half continuous ghost girl, suddenly Lilith lifts her head up and looks to Balloony. "Heh...yo-hic-you look like a green thumb." Lilith says as she starts to laugh more. "Okay we're getting you out of here." Balloony says as he grabs Lilith by the arm and slowly drags her out of the bar, not a moment later she rushes over to a near by trash can and pukes in it.

After a while Lilith starts to fall asleep on the ground, Balloony would quickly notice this and sigh lightly before going to the housing area to get something. A minute later he comes out with a pillow and walks to her, placing the pillow under her head before smiling a bit. "Sleep well little one." He then sits next to her to make sure she's okay

BoltBeam BoltBeam (Kraken)
COLLAB POST WITH: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

“She stole from us!” Two-Face retorted to Ben.

“It wasn’t even yours to begin with!” Zelda shouted back, before recoiling in pain once more from the gunshot wound.

“Enough of this talk!” Two-Face shouted in return as he brought up the RPG yet again. His finger was curled right over the trigger, and just as he pulled it, Tifa shot her ice beam power, causing the barrels to freeze over. This, in turn, caused the rocket to explode in Two-Face’s hand when he pulled the trigger, sending him reeling back. “AGH!! DAMN YOU!” He screamed, now bleeding from his bad side. He snarled and pulled out his pistol, taking aim at all of you.

Meanwhile, Zelda screamed in pain as Richtofen shoved the syringe in her bullet wound, but she could already tell that he was healing her, so she stayed still for the most part. However, moments later, her pain subsided and she stood back up to her feet. “Thank you…” Zelda said to Richtofen with a nod.

However, Richtofen’s gun did do its trick… on Two-Face’s goons, at least. All of the goons proceeded to have their heads blown up one by one, resulting in some yucky, gunky, bloody messes… though oddly enough, Two-Face… didn’t die instantly. The high voltage travelled directly to his head and caused him to drop his revolver on the ground, yes, and the man did indeed scream like a banshee as he fell to his knees and gripped both sides of his skull…

But his head didn’t explode for some reason.

Once the attack was over, Two-Face began to chuckle out loud to himself. Smoke was rising from his body, and even as he slowly began to climb to his feet and pick up his gun off the ground, it was clear that it would take more than that to keep him down. Shadow’s homing attack/kick combo sent him stumbling back a bit, sure, but for the most part Harvey still remained standing.

“You kids are quite somethin’...” He said, wiping away the blood from the entire left side of his face with his sleeve. Though, holding out his arm like that was a mistake, because it left it open for Zack’s buster sword! Due to the power of a sword of that magnitude, the evil man’s poor arm stood no chance against it, and Zack sliced the entire thing off in one quick move!

“AAAAAAGGGGGH!! Y-YOU LITTLE BASTARD!” Two-Face screamed as he looked down at his now disembodied arm, which just kinda sat on the ground lifelessly. Two-Face screamed and raised his gun again with his remaining arm, only for Ben to (quite literally) seal the deal when he covered him in sand and encased him soon after.

Zelda (who had buried herself in Price’s shoulder to avoid watching such a gruesome fight) glanced up as she looked at the now solidified Two-Face stand before you all, frozen in place.

“Don’t you think that was a bit overkill?” She asked all of you, before sighing and shaking her head. “Regardless, I thank all of you for your help.” She said sincerely.

Meanwhile, back with the tour group…

Eric glances between Natasha and ‘Lana.’ Something had been off when he had talked to Natasha minutes before. The same feeling lingers here. Less so, but still…

“Lana…? Do you remember, back in Blood Gulch… when I got shot by The Meta, we told each other… not to hide anything from each other anymore?” He starts carefully. The Typhlosion’s eyes well with tears that threaten to start flowing again if he sees them fight with his own eyes. For now, he’d just have to rely on his hunch and hope it’s true.

Dawn turns around and faces everyone else in his group, looking a little tense himself. “Alright, we should get going before-”

An alarm sounds in the black market. Another, over by the housing area. The two are joined by another on the other side of the city, then another, then another, until the whole city is plunged into the same rhythmic blaring of a siren, a metallic roar that lasts for a second, silencing itself and then, sounding again every other second.

The people of the black market draw guns from their clothing. Only a few of them run for shelter. The first droid Dawn had introduced you to- Banshee-44- casually hands out a couple of weapons to people next to him that don’t have any.

“-that happens.”

Rene runs by, a large revolver in one hand and a notepad and pencil in the other, Ian in tow with his own rifle. Before the Espeon can question him, he tosses the notepad and pencil to the Psychic-type. The two objects fall to the ground, leaving Dawn to quickly pick them up with his powers and shake them in disgust.

“Sorry to cut in on your little tour, but I need you to come with me. We’re running a sweep of the courthouse, see who might’ve died there,” the Hunter informs him.

Still trying to clean off the two things, Dawn glances up at him, apparently a little excited. “Finally. Should’ve joined in earlier.”

“Eric,” Ian calls to the Typhlosion before handing him another pistol to go along with his corrosive one. “We will need your assistance as well.”

Eric’s brow furrows as he reluctantly accepts the weapon. He glances once at ‘Lana’ and Natasha before holstering it. “I’d rather stay here right now.”

“You will not comply?”

“Sorry, Ian. Take Dawn and the others if you have to. I need to stay here and protect these two.”

“That is… understandable. Then we will proceed without you. We must depart now, Rene.”

“Got it.” He turns to face the tour group. “Stay here if you can’t handle the heat. But, just a warning, we might shoot a terrorist in the next few minutes and you might miss it. It’s fun, trust me!”

Rene, Ian, and Dawn all go off to the courthouse, joined by a handful of others from the black market.

LilacMonarch LilacMonarch P PopcornPie Yamperzzz Yamperzzz Thepotatogod Thepotatogod TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher darkred darkred

Down in Wolves’ Den, there is no real law enforcement. That would soon become apparent to you all as normal cityfolk from all over town comes rushing towards the courthouse, armed with guns, grenades, shields, knives, and every other weapon in between. It seemed as if there was a whole small citizen-run army investigating this disturbance.

Once he sees the destroyed courthouse, Rene immediately gets to shouting out orders.

“Your group, your group, and your group, search for any survivors. Kneecap ‘em at worst. We need them alive. You, you, you, and you guys, scan the perimeter. We’re establishing a line to cut off anyone from escaping! Hurry it up, people!”

And so, the criminals of the underworld move out, shining flashlights down alleyways, checking their corners, shouting at each other and asking each other if they see anyone.

After a minute of searching, the three-man (or possibly more if you decided to join the fray with them) squad of Ian, Dawn, and Rene, backed up by several other criminals come across the alleyway where you are, storming it like trained killers ready to shoot anything on sight. The blinding lights they carry shine directly into your eyes, then shine down on the corpses of Two-Face’s goons, then at the man himself’s sand-encased body.

Dawn’s face turns green. “M-Maybe… joining the action really isn’t such a good idea…”

Rene then points his gun directly at you, his hand on the trigger.

“This… is your doing?”

He chuckles and spins his gun, pointing it skyward when he catches it.

“Always knew him and his loaded justice system would bite the dust one day.” He glances over at Two-Face. “Fitting way to go.” The Hunter then looks back at his group. “Double tap the bodies. Dawn, dispose of them.”


“You wanted in. Don’t complain.”

The other criminals and Ian go to work shooting the corpses of Two-Face’s goons. Apparently, having your head destroyed isn’t enough down here.

“Apologies, Renee,” Zelda spoke as she stepped forward, ahead of the group. She bowed her head down a bit, lowering it to the ground. “This is my fault. Had I not attempted to take back the item in which Two-Face stole, none of this would have happened.” Zelda said, sounding almost ashamed of her actions.

“It’s all good, Zelda. No such thing as stealing things that are rightfully someone else’s. Between us all down here, at least.”

All the while, Dawn takes his pencil and notepad and writes something down. A human-sized creature wearing robes appears next to him from out of thin air, its worryingly frail arms carrying a disproportionately large flamethrower. Its hollowed, jagged breaths hiss from underneath its mask.


After being given an all-clear, Dawn writes down something else, and the creature begins to burn what remains of the goons.

The Espeon and Ian then step up beside Rene as the Hunter sets his sights on all of you. The others watch Two-Face carefully… even though it’s almost assured he’s not going anywhere. Or if he’s even alive.

“Alright, first thing’s first. Anyone mind telling me what’s going on?”

Smug Smug FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla P PopcornPie darkred darkred Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Crow Crow LilacMonarch LilacMonarch Yamperzzz Yamperzzz jigglesworth jigglesworth Space Buddha Space Buddha DerpyCarp DerpyCarp GeorgeTownRaja GeorgeTownRaja RedLight RedLight Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara FoolsErin FoolsErin
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Red Hot Pink Fury!

Once they have all taken down both of Two Face's men, and immobilized Two Face himself -- thanks to Ben... The Pixxie-Buster flies back to Red's hand.

"You did a great job.", he compliments her. "A great job, indeed."

"And you didn't do anything!"
, Pixxie replies, sarcastically.

And then, suddenly, Red sees a flashing light coming from behind, accompanied by a few footsteps. There's a familiar feeling in the air, as if this had happened before. He looks behind him, only to be blinded by a flashlight.

"Oh, it's these guys.", Red says. "Late again to the party, huh?"

"I still don't like these people..."
, his sentient-weapon-companion says.

Behind the 'Zelda Protection Squad' is Rene and two others. No wonder why something had felt familiar. Rene asks them for information, especially about what went on, and why is Two Face in such a state. Red walks towards him and...

"First of all... It's absolutely his fault!", he explains hurriedly, pointing at Two Face. "... That's pretty much all I've got. Anyone else?"

"Way to look good in the eyes of your 'lady'.", Pixxie teases him about Tifa.

Interactions: CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow (Rene)
Mentions: Crow Crow (Ben), TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher (Tifa)

Zack Fair Dreams and Honor

"Excuse me..."
, Zack Fair tells Red to step aside for a bit. "Let me do the explaining in behalf of this particular one over here."

"Huh?! The name's Red!"
, the annoying one responds.

"I don't know, Red... 'Particular one' is already too nice.", Pixxie tells Red.

"We went over to the Courthouse after hearing someone crying for help. It was her...", the SOLDIER 1st class points at Zelda while explaining. "Apparently, she had betrayed Mr. Freak Show over there, or something like that. Things got a little rough, thanks to my friend. One thing led to another, bing-bada-boom, Courthouse gone, and we're now here."

Red wears a deadpan face beside Zack.

"How. Is. That. Better. Than. My. Explanation", he tells him word by word.

"It is", the sentient weapon butts in.

Zack just shakes his head, and doesn't respond to Red. He shifts his attention back to Rene.

"Anyway...", Zack speaks. "Have you seen my friend yet? You know... Blonde hair. Spiky. Wears an infantry uniform."

Interactions: CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow (Rene), thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (Zelda)
Literally Mentioned: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (Two Face), TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher (Tifa)

((Will this post hit the 100 page milestone?! Edit: It did not))
Dawn just kind of... glares at Red. "Yeah. Late."

"Seriously, dude, chill. Do you wanna be here burning bodies or not?"

That gets the Espeon to shut his mouth. The creature next to him hisses and prods the next body before cremating it.

"Things tend to go wrong in Two-Face's court cases. It was only a matter of time until someone stepped up. You guys are to thank for that," says Rene. "I would've done it myself, but there's... some stuff you guys don't know about that'd keep me from it." He turns to Zack. "I'd love to say 'yes' after the community service you did for us, but... nah, I haven't seen him. I'll keep an eye out, though."

RedLight RedLight
Red Hot Pink Fury!

Red smiles from Dawn and Rene's short interaction.

"Yeah... Saving the world's kind of my thing.", he replies to Rene. "You're welcome by the way."

"E-- excuse you?! Saving the wor-- YOU DO THE COMPLETE OPPOSITE"
, Pixxie begins to shout at Red.

"Don't listen to her.", he says. "She forgot to take her meds today."

His sentient-weapon-compadre would make grumbling noises upon hearing his remarks. Red then remembers Tifa, and looks at her. She's out of this world, he thought. You can tell by Red's eyes that he's way too hooked. He comes to Tifa's side, but first, passing by Zelda. Red pats Zelda's shoulders as a way to comfort her. He looks at Tifa again, and of course, he only did so to make himself look better, and make her think that he cares for her friend. Well, Red does care by the way. Finally, he's at his crush's side.

"Hey. So... That ice-thingy that you did.", Red attempts to initiate a conversation with her. "That's cool."

And Pixxie is just...

Interactions: CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow (Dawn, Rene), TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher (Tifa), thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (Zelda)

Zack Fair Dreams and Honor

Zack would roll his eyes after hearing Red's little brag. But, anyway...

"I see...", he replies to Rene's news of not finding Cloud yet, sad and worried. "Thank you."

Zack would then follow the 'particular one' (Red) by looking at him. He sighs from disappointment upon seeing Red making a move at Tifa. Speaking of her, Zack wonders what she was talking about before, about Nibelheim. He's growing impatient, and cannot wait any longer to hear Tifa's explanation.

"Cloud... Hang in there a little longer."

Interactions: CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow (Rene)
Mentions: TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher (Tifa)
Zack Fair Dreams and Honor

Someone -- or something -- would come up to Zack. It's Ben, as a Metang. The Pokemon-Alien-thing would apparently answer the SOLDIER 1st class' question.

"Sora?", Zack questions Ben back. "Oh. No, that's not my friend."

He looks at Sora, who kind of resembles Cloud a little bit. Sadly, it's not him.

"Thanks...", Zack tells the Metang. "I guess I'll keep searching."

Interactions: Crow Crow (Ben), Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts (Sora)
Biker and Jacket looked at Rene. "That's what I'M saying! First I get fucking taken to here, then I meet this guy!" He points his cleaver to Jacket, in which Jacket looks away. "I know you aren't telling me everything... I want out! And you're gonna tell me how!" Jacket played a line. "Requesting new directive." Biker turned his attention to Jacket. "What? You use that to speak? Ok then."

"Hey, is there anything else to do, while I'm asking? I'm pretty bored." Both Biker and Jacket missed their homes. Why were they transported here, with one meeting the other? Biker didn't like it, something was fishy. Jacket was fine until Biker showed up. He had some suspicions as well. Why did Biker show up after he regained consciousness? Jacket clenched his fist. Biker had to have some connection with it.

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow
Eric glances between Natasha and ‘Lana.’ Something had been off when he had talked to Natasha minutes before. The same feeling lingers here. Less so, but still…

“Lana…? Do you remember, back in Blood Gulch… when I got shot by The Meta, we told each other… not to hide anything from each other anymore?” He starts carefully. The Typhlosion’s eyes well with tears that threaten to start flowing again if he sees them fight with his own eyes. For now, he’d just have to rely on his hunch and hope it’s true.
Ooooh, a new memory to work off! Double Trouble expertly hid their joy behind the tearful Lana mask.

"I-I..." Lana's jaw faltered. "I know that. But I was selfish, Eric. I thought I could stand seeing you with Natasha. I thought that after all we went through together, you would notice my affections towards you. Blood Gulch made me realize that we could lose each other at a moment's notice, so I told myself, 'Lana, you have to tell him before it's a fatal shot!' But then...when I saw Natasha again, I knew that if I came out with it, it would complicate things. And that's exactly what happened! Because I'm so stupid!" She wailed, hiding her bawling face in her hands.
An alarm sounds in the black market. Another, over by the housing area. The two are joined by another on the other side of the city, then another, then another, until the whole city is plunged into the same rhythmic blaring of a siren, a metallic roar that lasts for a second, silencing itself and then, sounding again every other second.

The people of the black market draw guns from their clothing. Only a few of them run for shelter. The first droid Dawn had introduced you to- Banshee-44- casually hands out a couple of weapons to people next to him that don’t have any.

“-that happens.”

Rene runs by, a large revolver in one hand and a notepad and pencil in the other, Ian in tow with his own rifle. Before the Espeon can question him, he tosses the notepad and pencil to the Psychic-type. The two objects fall to the ground, leaving Dawn to quickly pick them up with his powers and shake them in disgust.

“Sorry to cut in on your little tour, but I need you to come with me. We’re running a sweep of the courthouse, see who might’ve died there,” the Hunter informs him.

Still trying to clean off the two things, Dawn glances up at him, apparently a little excited. “Finally. Should’ve joined in earlier.”

“Eric,” Ian calls to the Typhlosion before handing him another pistol to go along with his corrosive one. “We will need your assistance as well.”

Eric’s brow furrows as he reluctantly accepts the weapon. He glances once at ‘Lana’ and Natasha before holstering it. “I’d rather stay here right now.”

“You will not comply?”

“Sorry, Ian. Take Dawn and the others if you have to. I need to stay here and protect these two.”

“That is… understandable. Then we will proceed without you. We must depart now, Rene.”

“Got it.” He turns to face the tour group. “Stay here if you can’t handle the heat. But, just a warning, we might shoot a terrorist in the next few minutes and you might miss it. It’s fun, trust me!”

Rene, Ian, and Dawn all go off to the courthouse, joined by a handful of others from the black market.
It was only a matter of time before the shitshow in the courtyard drew out the authorities, wasn't it? The alarms all around them had Lucky plugging his ears, but he was only around thirty percent annoyed, and seventy percent excited.

"Oh, sweet, we get to watch assholes be put on death row!" Lucky sported the grin of Satan himself as he dropped his current activity, and bounded towards the investigation party. "Hopefully I didn't fuck up your camera's settings too much, Laddie, you're about to take some pictures you might never have the chance to take again!"

Lana whimpered. "No, Eric, you and Natasha should take care of it. Leave me here, I'll get over it all eventually." Such soft, flowery language coming out of Lana's mouth...What was going on inside of Double Trouble's head?

"That fucking stupid ass witch! I am finally getting the hang of this bitch's character, and here she goes with that fucking stick of hers! That jackass is going to be dragged down the street by her breasts when I find her! Nobody interrupts my performances to this degree and gets off with unscathed breasts!"
Always knew him and his loaded justice system would bite the dust one day.” He glances over at Two-Face. “Fitting way to go.” The Hunter then looks back at his group. “Double tap the bodies. Dawn, dispose of them.”


“You wanted in. Don’t complain.”

The other criminals and Ian go to work shooting the corpses of Two-Face’s goons. Apparently, having your head destroyed isn’t enough down here.

“Apologies, Renee,” Zelda spoke as she stepped forward, ahead of the group. She bowed her head down a bit, lowering it to the ground. “This is my fault. Had I not attempted to take back the item in which Two-Face stole, none of this would have happened.” Zelda said, sounding almost ashamed of her actions.
"You stole something...?" Needless to say, Zelda was not the only one ashamed. As soon as the alarms went off, Megumin was hiding her tear-striped face in her hat. While she never bothered to remove the gas mask, smoke still floated in front of the visor. "That doesn't compare to what I caused..." She tried to conjure up the mood to hear Zelda's story, but was too distracted by her pure "oh, shit" feeling. "They're going to lock me up, aren't they? They can't! If they do, I'll never be able to find the throne, and get home!" She took a deep breath. "No, no, this is fine, Megumin. You have at least a dozen others around you. This was a team effort. The punishment will be divided among a team, will it not? Besides, you can pawn the fact that you started it off on someone else. Just be cool...Just be cool..."
“Alright, first thing’s first. Anyone mind telling me what’s going on?”
She wasn't cool.
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"This was all my doing!" She screamed, on her knees. "I rushed in to defend Zelda without thinking! It made the judge really angry, so he made us fistfight his jury. Then the medic over there made a black hole to suck us in. I guess the judge became so enraged, he too used Explosion. But somehow, he didn't faint afterwards, and he almost had us all shot...I was almost about to use my Explosion, but our medic and everyone else beat me to it." She continued to whine. "There must have been more peaceful ways to resolve the conflict! Forgive me! I have only made things worse again!" She laid down, holding her hands over her eyes.

During the whole confession, Lucky just grinned playfully at the anti-Two-Face group. "You're in trou-ble...You're in trou-ble...You're in trou-ble..." It wasn't malice, of course; He just loved watching others get scolded, after getting scolded himself all his life.
"Things tend to go wrong in Two-Face's court cases. It was only a matter of time until someone stepped up. You guys are to thank for that," says Rene. "I would've done it myself, but there's... some stuff you guys don't know about that'd keep me from it." He turns to Zack. "I'd love to say 'yes' after the community service you did for us, but... nah, I haven't seen him. I'll keep an eye out, though."
"...So they're not really in that much trouble?" Lucky tilted his head. "That's good, I guess. Hey, Julia. If you have me paw, I can help with the Two-Face chase. You don't have to worry about me jade at the moment, thanks to somebody with a racist mouth."
─── ❖ ── ✦ ── ❖ ───
With Two-Face now encased in sand and his boys taken care of, she turned around to Zelda who was shielded from what just happened by a man. The feeling she was getting from him was the same as a Shinra grunt or even a SOLDIER. "
Zelda, it's fine now."

She turned around once she started hearing Rene yelling orders to people and heard footsteps coming towards the alleyway they were in. Looking back, she only saw a wall at the end of the alleyway, there being no paths or anything. So escaping before they could get there wasn't a option, and so Tifa still stayed in front of Zelda as the footsteps got closer.

Eventually, a light was shined on all of them and she covered her eyes using her arm before the lights went somewhere else, the sight of Rene, Dawn, and some other people having their guns and weapons trained on them. "
Yeah, it was." The weapons were then lowered, surprising her a bit, but some part of her had a feeling Rene didn't exactly like his type of justice which was something the two of them could agree on.

When asked what happened, she was about to speak up, but Zack explained the situation well. "
He's right, Rene. We couldn't just let him kill Zelda, we had to step in." She then looked at Zelda, wondering what exactly she took from the guy. "What exactly did you take from Two-Face, Zelda?" Zack then asked him about Cloud, which then started to get her to think about how to explain it to him.

How do you just tell someone who disappeared five years ago in the middle of the incident that just popped up in front of you who was dead in your time?

She had to continue thinking about it on the way back to Seventh Heaven as Red then came over to her and told her the ice thing she did was cool (no pun intended). "
Oh, you mean Blizzara? It's nothing really, it's just standard Ice Materia." The robot there then asked if the guy Zack was looking was Sora and she shook her head. "No, the guy he's looking for has blond hair, not brown."

When the girl started freaking out and explaining what happened, blaming herself, she went over and put a hand on her shoulder, kneeling down to her. "
Hey, it's fine. Everything's fine now, it's over."

Tifa looked at everyone before looking back at Zelda. "
We should get to Seventh Heaven." She looked towards Rene, getting up and walking towards the exit of the alleyway. "If you need me and anyone else that decides to come with me, we'll be at my bar." With that, she walked past him and the others that were with them, heading towards Seventh Heaven.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore , CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow , RedLight RedLight , Crow Crow , P PopcornPie , alleyway gang
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"No, it isn't! A building has been destroyed!" Megumin wiped her eyes.

"And it was badass." Lucky chimed.

Megumin ignored him. "So, now what do we do? Can we rebuild the courthouse?"

Tifa answered first, offering everyone a seat in Seventh Heaven. Well...Being drunk wasn't a good idea for an adventure, but she was thirsty after all that near death. On the other hand, while she was at the appropriate drinking age back home, she doubted that she was at the appropriate drinking age here. Even still, she would feel a lot safer. "Do you have anything with Neroid fluids? They're very good in drinks."

"I want some of that shit, too!" Lucky began to trot behind Tifa, his eyes bright. Beer! Who wouldn't need a beer after all this?

TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher

  • 1588195036799.png


    Aloy turned with the others at the black market. Others came out with weapons suddenly as everyone was in a hurry to see what happened at the courthouse.

    She saw the courthouse go up in flames.

    Aloy became serious "What happened to the Courthouse exactly?!"

    CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher P PopcornPie Yamperzzz Yamperzzz darkred darkred


  • Julia nods along with the explanations the others gave. "I couldn't just sit by while she suffered an undeserved death."

    She glances at Lucky and shakes her head, pointing at the man encased in sand. "Chase? The guy's right here."

    Also while everyone was talking, the Espeon took the opportunity to discretely search through Dawn's head.


    Axel glances at Sora. "Cloud? Hey, wasn't that the guy that you fought along with at Radiant Garden back when it was still Hollow Bastion, against all those heartless? He had a big 'ol sword like Lexaeus?"
"Wait..." Lucky padded towards the petrified Two-Face. "Fuckin' Christ, that's him? I've never seen such a disfigured face before, and I've been to actual Hell! The fuck happened?! Did he try to give that one toxic blob in Paris a blowjob?" He bristled, while anything he ate slowly crawled back up his throat.

Meanwhile, Lana realized that it was time to retreat. She stood up in a flash, staring Natasha down with bittersweet rage. "First you try to kill me, and then you try to turn him on me! Fine! Have him! You're more valuable to him anyway!" With a kick at the ground, the Braixen ran away, sobbing.

It was only when she'd lost the duo did Lana revert to normal. "She's right...Clearly, this story is just another part in a bigger arc, and I wasn't here for the first few." Double Trouble brushed their lips with their fingertips. "How can I possibly outwit these folks, if I don't know everything they've been through?...Oh, I know."

A few minutes' silence, and then...

"HELP! SOMEONE SAVE ME, PLEASE!" A young girl with skin the color of a young rose, and butterfly wings, cried out, hoping to rope their visitors in with her anguished voice. For bonus points, she had framed a shady-looking passerby for threatening her life.

LilacMonarch LilacMonarch CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow

Kraken listened to this living balloon that promptly approached and apologised, to which Kraken would shrug. "Don't worry about it, I can't say I didn't try either. Hopefully, you get more luck calming her down." Kraken would say as Balloony would take the drunken ghost girl away, Kraken would claw at her drink and opt to finish it off, savouring what taste there was left and then just burying her head between her arms and head against the table. Seems like the strength of that which she got was finally kicking in and wearing her energy down, but it 'will' still keep her going as she wanted it to! As if to verify, she would let out a somewhat muffled belch and then look back up, her eyes half-closed and then her gaze travelled the bar to realise the 'life' there once was seemed to have left as soon as it had came. "Going... so soon...?" She said aloud and aimlessly to nobody in particular.​
In-Character Information
Hex Code:
Status (physically): Fine
Status (mentally/emotionally): Semi-drunk
Course of action: Conversing and chilling in the bar (mainly trying to talk Lilith down)
Location: Argus-27, Criminal Underworld Base (the bar)
Interactions: ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials
Mentions: None
In Group/Nearby: @TheBarPeople (I don't even know anymore)
Because of how hard he was pulling on the camera when Lucky released it, Abbott stumbled backward a short distance before regaining his balance. He was surprised to say the least, as he was afraid that he would lose that camera today. He watched Lucky intently as he retreated away to spy over him. Did he know what the camera held? Did he want the camera specifically for that? It did seem like Lucky just wanted to use it to take pictures initially, but had the rabbit become suspicious?

Thankfully, Dawn and Ian would approach them, requesting for assistance over at the courthouse. Lucky eagerly accepted and apologized to Abbott for messing up any settings on his camera he may have before hopping away. Abbott didn't say anything back to Lucky, but he did say something to Ian. "Um, yeah, I'm good. I'll just stay here, thank you." He tried to stay cool and look like he didn't just try to wrestle his camera back from Lucky. He wouldn't want to go to watch people get murdered horrifically, but he was glad that Lucky had left.

Once he was alone again, Voss' first mate sighed with relief. "I hope Voss didn't see that... He'd hang me," He mumbled to himself. Voss was bent on finding the PHANTOM stone before anyone else, so if Abbott were to lose or break the camera somehow before they returned home... Well, Abbott doesn't like to think about it. But the camera was safe now, so Abbott decided to take a proper photo of the burning courthouse before he departed, likely going to Sereth's booth.

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow P PopcornPie


Meanwhile, Voss is also still wondering about, oblivious to what happened to Abbott on the opposite side of the market. Eventually, Voss came across Morshu's booth while on his search for Banshee-44 and Dragtrap's booths. He heard the larger man holler something about bombs and Rubees. The sea captain didn't know what the heck Rubees were, but bombs were definitely up his alley. He walked up to the vendor to say, "That's a random assortment of goods ya got there. What kind of bombs do ya have?" The pirate chuckled, unaware he was probably going to be scammed.

92MilesPrower 92MilesPrower

(Chres post soon)​
Ryuji Kazan

Ryuji let out a sarcastic "tch" when Jordi claimed he was "messing with" Nearl. "Yeah, okay... grabbing someone by their ears and forcefully pulling on them until they cry in pain is totally 'just joking around'. A joke's only a joke if both sides wind up laughing, I say. I'll leave it there." Having chastised Jordi, Ryuji then focused his attention back on Nearl. "As long as you're okay. That's what matters. We'll need everyone fighting fit if we're gonna take on Tediore and get home."

Rocket had clearly expressed how depressed he seemed to have become with how he and Ryuji had gone into such detail about their past wounds, and Ryuji let out a soft sigh as he turned to both Rocket and Skye. "I'm starting to feel kinda down, myself. You have a point, Rocket-- sad stories like these shouldn't seem like pissing contests. As for you, Skye, you don't need to go into detail like we did if you don't want to. Here, what do all of you propose we talk about instead to help lighten the mood? Let's come up with a topic together, alright? How about... our plans for the future? Our friends, perhaps?"

Riven Riven
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher
(Open for Interactons)

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