• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.
Red Hot Pink Fury!

"You're welcome!", Red replied to Zelda's thanks. "Anytime~"

"No-- Fine... Yeah, he's always here to help."
, Pixxie added in.

Our Hero gave the Princess a thumbs up, and a smile that is brighter than any day. But when Red heard about the Twilight-stone-thing, he couldn't help himself from getting interested, much like Chres, or it looks like it. For a short while, like, seconds, he was distracted from it, forgetting about Tifa.

"Okay, you don't need any more power.", Red's sentient weapon whispered.

Interactions: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (Zelda)
Mentions: Yamperzzz Yamperzzz (Chres)

Zack Fair Dreams and Honor

Zack doesn't reply to Zelda's thank you speech, but he did acknowledge it. Anyway... Back to the 'Cloud talk'.

"I know Cloud because Shinra... There's nothing much to explain there.", he tells the group. "What about you Sora and-- Uhh, your name, Red-Hair?"

Tifa would then tell Zack to wait a little longer, and he sighs from his growing impatience.

Interactions: TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher (Tifa), Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts (Sora), LilacMonarch LilacMonarch (Axel)
Mentions: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (Zelda)

"Well, as far as friends go, I don't have many." Rocket replied with a shrug, happy to change topics from depressing backstories to something a bit more lighthearted. The not-raccoon reached into his pocket and began shuffling around a bit, until he managed to fish out a photo, which he soon set down on the bar beside them.


"This is one of the first photos I took with my friends. Specifically, this is our mugshot from the prison we all met each other in." Rocket would pause for a moment. "Well actually, we all met each other a bit beforehand, after I tried to kidnap the douche in the leather jacket for a bunch'a units. Said douchebag's name is Peter Quill. He likes to believe that other people call him Star Lord, but to be honest, no one really does. He has a pretty good taste in music, though." His finger slid over and tapped the girl beside him. "The mean lookin' broad beside him's named Gamora. Used to be a daughter of Thanos, before she realized that the guy ain't exactly father of the year material and betrayed him. Thanos, by the way, is an evil tyrant who's hellbent on wipin' out half of all existence or some crap. Anyways..." Rocket's finger slid over again, this time to the muscular man without a shirt. "The freak without a shirt's name is Drax. He's a loud and mean kinda guy, but overall he's a big softie once ya get to know him. Thanos murdered his wife and daughter through proxy via some asshat named Ronan the Accuser, who we all promptly killed courtesy of a nifty little trinket called an Infinity Stone, which he tried to use to wipe out an entire planet because he was a raging lunatic with daddy issues. So now, Drax is on a personal revenge quest to kill Thanos, and happens to be a part of our screwed up little family now because of said revenge quest."

His finger moved over to the far right, and stayed on the tree-looking individual for a while, slowly tapping him.

"This here is Groot..." Rocket said, a smile curling up on his lips as he looked over him. "Aside from Lilah, he was the first real friend I ever had. I met him shortly after I escaped those scientists, and we became mutual partners in crime, as it were." Rocket took a breath. "More specifically, we were lone bounty hunters with nowhere else to go. We operated that way for a while, until we met Quill and tried to kidnap him. One trip to prison and a subsequent escape later, as well as some other crap, and we all ended up on a burning ship travelin' towards a planet at about a million miles an hour. Had it not been for Groot, we all would'a died." Once more, Rocket paused, and once again, tears formed in his eyes. "He died savin' all our sorry asses. Even though all I did was insult him and call him an idiot..." Before he could start actually crying for real, though, Rocket put the photo away and wiped the tears in his eyes with his arm. "Though, there was a bright side. I re-planted Groot with the remnants of his body that were left behind, and now he's a growin' boy. He's in his teens now, despite only bein' like three years old. He's a little shit, too. But I still love 'im. Him and the rest of those a-holes that make up the Guardians of the Galaxy." With that, Rocket looked up and stretched out a bit, before finally taking one more sip from his coveted mug of scotch.

"As for future plans..." Rocket said with a quiet sigh from the booze as he placed the mug down on the bar. "Probably just continue protectin' the galaxy with my fellow Guardians. Whenever I get home, that is."

TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher quadraxis201 quadraxis201 Riven Riven
Then, Megumin starts spilling all her worries out at the Hunter and his friends. As she goes on about how it was all her fault, Rene tries to get her to stop by raising his hand, doing his best to cut in to no avail. "Kid- hey- kid, calm down!" He sighs as he gets the room to speak. "Look. If what you're saying is true, then... how old are you? Thirteen? Fourteen?" He comes over and places a hand on her head. "Kid... Two-Face isn't someone people think about double-crossing. He knows how to play his cards, so either you listen to him, or you end up like that." He jabs a thumb at the courthouse. "Maybe you were a little stupid by trying to take him down the way you did. But I've been in wars, hunted down relentlessly by ten-foot-tall uglies, and attacked by the worst creatures from your nightmares. And let me tell you a little something I've learned."

He crouches down a little until he's eye level with her.

"Sometimes, being brave also means being stupid. You took down one of the only guys I couldn't touch. And that leaves his gang ripe for the picking." He pats her shoulder, then unloads his gun, flips it around, and hands it to her. "I don't usually give guns to kids, but for some reason, I feel really bad looking at you. You learn to shoot this, you'll grow up knowing how to fix your past mistakes. Try to hide it from your parents. If they ask, don't say where you got it from. 'Kay?"

View attachment 718316

Obtained Eriana's Vow!
Megumin crouched and shivered, letting "Well...First of all, I'm fourteen. I know that is oddly young to you, but I am not a child! In Belzerg, I have all the rights of your average adult." She lifted her hat out of her eyes, and, finally realizing that she never took the mask off, lifted it off her eyes and let it dangle around her neck. "I didn't know that touching his coin would make him so angry. He said it would decide Zelda's fate, so...I stopped it from choosing. I just didn't mean for it to become a brawl." She flicked tears away.

What Rene said next had color and fire rushing back to her eyes. "Yes, I very much agree with that statement!" Megumin exclaimed, clenching both of her fists. "I know my efforts were impulsive, but they still worked out in the end, didn't they? I mean, you're okay, Zelda! And it looks like Julia will be okay..." She smiled at each of her friends, taking notice of their fading wounds, courtesy of Richtofen, and presumably Julia, too. When Rene petted her head, she leaned into his hand, giggling softly.

Caught up in the moment, Megumin didn't see the gun coming, and it bonked her. "Huh?" She blinked twice. "Oh! You don't need to-! I mean, I already have this!" She pulled out the (yet to be officially named) YuiYui's Gift. "And I also have that Zooka I gave to Snake. I wonder if he was ever able to fix it?"

She turned to face the others, both weapons in either hand, and her staff protruding from her back. "I...I feel a little silly." She admitted. "I mean...b3ore I was cast into Blood Gulch, before all of this travel, my Explosion was really the only weapon I ever needed. Not to mention that, if these break, I don't know how I would have them repaired." She stared down the barrel of Eriana's Vow, wondering what kinds of little components were inside.

Lucky hopped in front of her. "Lassie, you look like you could actually kill something without killing us!" He chuckled, looking at Rene with a bright smile. "Hey, do I get a free weapon, too?"
"Yeah, yeah, no prob. I was planning on doing that anyway." Rene looks at you all again. "This'll sound creepy, but my gang's gonna be keeping a close eye for you while you're here. Two-Face's goons are gonna be pissed at what happened here, so you'll be watched by my guys wherever you go. You'll be safe." He then turns to Aloy. "These guys had a dance with Two-Face and lived. Can't say anyone else could've done that. Guess the guy tried to bring down the courthouse on top of 'em." He looks over at Richtofen. "Sounds like you deserve a lot of praise for getting everyone out of there. Don't know what I would've done if you guys bit the dust already. We'll need all the help we can get."
Lucky stared at the group with a rather warm, mischievous scowl. "Damn, I wish I could have helped you lads! For far too fuckin' long, I've only been able to daydream about causin' ruckus of that caliber!"

Megumin's cheeks had gone from rosy to tomato red. "G-gosh...Kazuma will be happy to hear that I made so many people happy!"
The Hunter then looks to Marcus and Julia. "Yeah, I see now. Zelda never really seemed the type to do anything without good reason. I'd have done the same thing if I was there... and if my hands weren't tied by Two-Face's gang. So thanks for doing what no one else could do. And that goes for all of you, too. I'm all out of gifts to give, so..." He takes a large handful of something from a pouch on the back of his belt and tosses one of each to all of you. They're green coins, forged with the symbol of two entwined snakes.


Obtained Gambit Tokens!

"Show these to any shopkeep in the underground. Could be here, could be in Promethea, doesn't matter. They'll tell them you're with me. That means free stuff for all of you. Don't lose 'em."
"Heh! Thanks, Laddie. This is just as good as a free weapon!" Lucky took his token in both paws, staring at it like some long lost family heirloom. "But I could go for a free cold one first."

Megumin was a lot more graceful. "It's so...lovely! I doubt such an artifact would work in Belzerg, so I'll have to make the most of its power here!...Starting with getting myself some kind of purse..." The two weapons kept sliding out of her arms, causing her to teeter-totter as she tried to recollect them. "And then, Tifa, I'll accept your offer of a drink."
Shadow laid his hand on the little girl’s shoulder. “Clam down. No one is going to lock you up, you’ll be home soon. And as for the courthouse incident, your intentions were well meaning, but you should think before you act. Sometimes, doing so little, could help a lot. Remember that.”
"Um...Do you think I'll go home?" Megumin's eyes paled a bit as she turned to face Shadow. "You see...when the Me-I mean, Blood Gulch recruiters-kidnapped me, I had no means of contacting my party. We managed to make them send us home, but it was too late by then. Kazuma and the others...They must have gone on to the next dungeon without me." She blinked slowly, turning to face the floor. "The next thing I knew, due to the condition I was left in, I was helpless against monsters. I was rescued by Mao Mao and brought to-" She glanced at Sora. "...Um, his arena, where I met Samus, and was taught what I know about hand-to-hand combat. We were back at my universe, looking for my friends, when I was sucked here. What I'm getting at is..." She sniveled. "...what if I go home, and Mao Mao and Samus are gone, too?"

"Shit. That rough, huh?" Lucky's ears dropped. "Actually...Uh, I kinda moved into another dimension with a friend, so if you could just, y'know, modify that portal so I land back at her place instead of the burnt out remains of me old one, that'd be great. Wait, no..." His jade had a little flicker of life. "...Maybe it should take me back to the Forbidden Havens instead."
Sora then continued listening into the conversation, not having much to say until he saw the returning Lucky talk to Julia, making Sora run over to them. “Lucky? I thought you were in containment, how did you get out here.”
"Oh, yeah! Lana freed me. We had a chat about Eric, and...Ugh..." Lucky, too, looked down at the ground. "...Well, I put some thoughts in her head, but they didn't pan out. She's a cryin' wreck somewhere."
Hearing the little girl, she stopped to look at her, having just stepped outside of the alleyway. "I don't know what a Neroid is, but I do have water, soda, and juice if you want it." Of course, she didn't stop for just her as Red didn't seem to follow her and she also heard Axel say a familiar name
"Yes, please! Zelda, would you like to share a drink?" Megumin chirped. But, first, Zelda wanted to speak.
Zelda tilted her head slightly when she watched Megumin's tearful fit, seeming a bit confused. "Why would anyone incarcerate you for protecting the innocent?" Zelda pondered aloud, clearly perplexed by the young witch's behavior. She was snapped out of her confusion, however, when Tifa asked what Zelda had stolen specifically. "Oh...well..." She lowered her head and reached into her dress, pulling out a small, black orb.


"This..." Zelda said as she held the orb up for everyone around you to see. It was a glass ball, and inside the glass, you could all very clearly make out a dark substance swirling around inside it. "A ball of Twilight. It's a corrosive substance from another realm... one which is parallel to the different universes across the Multiverse..." Zelda explained, trying to keep her description as brief as possible. "It grants its wielder unfathomable strength, though often at the cost of their own lives. I myself can only wield it because of the power the great Goddesses of Hyrule bestowed upon me..." She spoke softly, as if she was trying to keep prying ears from listening. "Somehow through some... divine prank, this ended up here in this realm shortly after my arrival. I kept it safe for a while.. though Two-Face eventually found out of its existence. I tried to keep it from him, but once he found out of its true nature, he wasted no time in stealing it from my possession." Zelda paused, taking a breath. "When I attempted to steal it back from him... well, I believe you witnessed firsthand how things played out from there." She said with a nod, before putting the ball of Twilight away from sight.


Looking back over at all of you now, Zelda managed a small smile and took a slight bow. "I must thank you all again for your efforts. Although your methods in my rescue were a bit questionable, had it not been for you, Two-Face would have gotten his hands on the Twilight once more. And, assuming it didn't kill him first, he would have unleashed unspeakable horrors across this realm."

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher P PopcornPie FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla Smug Smug Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts DerpyCarp DerpyCarp Space Buddha Space Buddha RedLight RedLight Yamperzzz Yamperzzz LilacMonarch LilacMonarch @alleyway​
"Ooohhh...Just because of the whole 'interrupted a court and turned it into a brawl' ordeal." Megumin grinned and scratched her head nervously. "I was just so angry, because you were being punished so heavily for petty theft. And you looked so scared, I just had to swoop in! So, you really did take something? What is it? It must be big!"

Indeed, it was pretty darn big! Well, in terms of power. Size-wise, Megumin could easily fit twenty of them in her hat. She listened to its story, but it had her tilting her wrinkled forehead. "So...Wait, does this Twilight spread across the Multiverse, if it's given the chance? More importantly, 'divine prank'? Are there gods messing with us?" She gasped, pulling her hat down to obscure her eyes. "Maybe it's those creepy interdimensional beings I dreamed about!"
Last edited:
Princess Anna/ Anti-Anna

Nearly two weeks later in real life ....

Anna has been on many adventures and doesn't remember half of them, everything was in a haze for so long she was sure she was going to die. The only thing she remembered was Anti-Anna and a man with a half-burnt face and the group was fighting him, but for some reason her insane side didn't join in.

That's because we've been in limbo for a LONG time sister,
came the voice, the now familiar insane voice in her head, come on, let's go to the fight club.

Anna sighs and heads to the fight club.

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (Finally posted.)
"Twilight? Sounds like more other universe bullshit." He said in a mockingly tone. Biker crossed his arms. "I just got here, but... you're welcome, I guess." He would then look at Chres, who was considerably loud.
"Hey buddy, shut up! You know what-"
Biker walked up to him, pointing at the things as Biker called them behind Chres. "What are those, speakers? Looks pretty neat."

Yamperzzz Yamperzzz
"Old man?" Trevor asked as the homeless man began to square up against him, the former returning the challenge as he stepped closer to him. "Old man!?" Trevor asked again, this time in the form of a shout. Without giving the homeless man any time to react, Trevor attempted to grab him by the collar and headbutt him in the nose. Assuming that worked, Trevor would then shove the man over. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry... where were we, huh? You got anything else to say, you fucking junkie!?" Trevor shouted, before attempting to deliver one last swift kick to the man's lower jaw.

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss FoolsErin FoolsErin 92MilesPrower 92MilesPrower DerpyCarp DerpyCarp
"If given the chance in the world of light, it theoretically could, yes." Zelda replied to Megumin with a nod. "If it were to spread on a Multiversal scale, it would no doubt spell an end for life as we know it. Though light cannot exist without the dark, it is preferred that they remain as separate as humanly possible. Mixing the two forebodes nothing but disaster for everyone involved." She explained to the young witch in a somber tone. "Though I cannot say for certain whom is behind the Twilight appearing in this realm... I do have my theories." It was then that Tifa offered up a place for them to stay over at Seventh Heaven. Zelda would nod in response to her request. "Yes... I think it would be best if we discussed this more privately, anyways." Zelda said, before looking down at Megumin. "Megumin, was it?" Zelda asked as she put on a warm smile. "If you wouldn't mind, could you describe these... interdimensional beings in more detail on our way back to Tifa's safehouse?"

P PopcornPie TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow Smug Smug Yamperzzz Yamperzzz FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla FoolsErin FoolsErin RedLight RedLight darkred darkred LilacMonarch LilacMonarch Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts @whoever​
Alley Group

Rene looks between Jacket and Biker for a moment. The masked man clearly wanted the knife more, but he looks far less predictable... and would apparently like to kill Biker.

His gut tells him that it's a bad idea to let him keep his knife. It also tells him that it'd be fun letting him keep it. Smiling behind his mask because he knows full well he doesn't think things through, he decides to listen to the latter. "Don't worry," he says to Biker. "I'll put in word to keep extra surveillance on your 'friend.' Last thing we'd want is a psycho running around stabbing people to death down here while we're trying to undertake the most dangerous mission of our lives." Despite saying this, Rene had the feeling that Jacket wouldn't do such a thing without good reason. The stories of Skull's Settlement and Steele's Holdout as told by Bandits wouldn't have included a horrifying description of him if he was on the wrong side.

Rene watches Tifa as she leaves, then disappears from sight. He chuckles to himself. "Gangsters are just pure fodder for her," he tells you. "Though that probably goes for the rest of you, too. But I'd rather be safe than sorry."

Dawn, meanwhile, frowns at Julia. "What does that mean...?" he asks. "You could just tell me." He'll be bugged by her vagueness for a while, but he'd be too afraid to pester her about it. For now, he goes back to half-sulking.

Rene turns to Zelda. "You mean to tell me that Two-Face was really trying to steal something with that much power? Forget what I said about you guys just saving the city. You saved the whole multiverse's rear end. I'll have to increase the payout for you all. Maybe even adopt you into my gang."

Dawn comes up to the orb, floating himself up to it to take a closer look. "This is... does anyone else feel unsafe keeping something of this much power in a city like this? I'm, uh, sorry if that caused any offense, Rene."

"None taken. No denying that we live in sewage."

"Well, thanks. But, um, back on the topic of this Twilight thing. It kinda feels like a disaster waiting to happen. Is there any chance we can just... destroy it? Make sure it doesn't fall into the wrong hands? You don't like, need it to survive, right? Sorry if this sounds ridiculous. I don't know much about you," he apologizes to Zelda.

Regardless of her answer, Rene turns to you all.

"Sorry about keeping you. I know it was probably boring. 'specially to you, Chres. Just needed to know the details of what happened here. Had to make sure it wasn't a plot against us. But I knew from the moment I saw you guys after killing Ballmum that you'd be saving us, not blowing up buildings. We have a few minutes until one of our guys wants us to meet so we can get this show on the road. I'll use 'em to show the rest of you who didn't have the time to go on a tour to the black market. You might find stuff that catches your eye there."

"Hey, Rene..." Dawn starts quietly. "...do you think I can lead the tour again?"


Dawn repeats his request.

"Ten minutes ago, you were too nervous to do it, and now you're- man, I really don't get you. But alright. I'll stick around so I can tell you guys when we gotta go. That fine?"

"Yeah." The Espeon then addresses you all. "Remember to use those green Gambit Tokens Rene gave you. I mean... you already know it's like a free pass since Rene just told you like a minut- er, you get what I mean." With that, he walks off, leaving you to follow him to the black market or go off on your own to try to entertain yourself off by going to the Wolves' Den bar, Seventh Heaven, fight club, or just wandering around. If you follow him to the black market, you'd see the sights the others have already seen: a packed market with some notable shopkeepers, those being Banshee-44 for his guns, Dragtrap for drugs (not for the kids!), Sereth for items and animals/pets, and Morshu for lamp oil, rope, and bombs. Dawn is sure to introduce you to each, his voice blooming with a hint of more confidence now.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore P PopcornPie TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Smug Smug Yamperzzz Yamperzzz FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla FoolsErin FoolsErin RedLight RedLight darkred darkred LilacMonarch LilacMonarch Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts

Black Market Group

Eric's brow furrows as he takes Natasha's words to heart. "Yeah... you've got a point." He closes his eyes, clearly pained by this entire predicament. "If what you're saying is true, then this would be one of the lowest things I've ever seen someone do. Pretending to be a little girl in trouble just to frame someone and make lives miserable by playing with guilty consciences..." The Typhlosion shudders, subconsciously taking a step in Double Trouble's direction. "Staying back and assuming it's a trick feels wrong, but on the other hand... I have no idea what they're getting us to do... what should we do, Natasha?"

Meanwhile, Sereth continues speaking with Abbott. "You were not misled, stranger. These animals are docile. They will listen to your commands... if you gain their trust."

The cages next to Sereth and his display of items shake as some of the captured animals inside bound around the inside of their confinement, happy to be visited by another potential owner. They range from small and cute to human-sized horrors. All of them, however, don't look all that aggressive at being contained, though they naturally would prefer to be bought off and released.

If you wish to get a pet from Sereth, you are free to choose any animal/creature from any fandom. My only rules are that they can't be too big (larger than an average human) and they can't be incredibly powerful. One per each player, please!

Yamperzzz Yamperzzz Anyone Anyone else going to the black market

Fight Club Group

Trevor's string of attacks connect, resulting in a pathetic, dirty young man on the floor with a broken nose and a dislocated jar. "Y-you freaking psycho! N-nevermind, I don't want any part of this! Get away! S-someone! Help!" His screaming attracts the crowd inside the fight club and causes them to come towards Trevor, filled with drunk curiosity.

"Make him fight Sergei!"

"Yeah! Make 'em fight!"

"Bring him into the ring!"

"This is gonna be good!"

The Russian man himself looks a little surprised to see Fluffington request a turn in the ring with Jasper. "You? Fight Jasper? Kid, you're just a talking puppy. But I'm tired of these assholes. At least you'll give me an excuse to leave. So, you know what? Have at her." The man climbs over the fence and walks away, leaving the crowd to boo him and shove him towards Trevor. He retaliates by throwing a few more punches. A brawl between him and the crowd soon breaks out, and it's beginning to grow worse by the second...

One of you might need to step in.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore DerpyCarp DerpyCarp FoolsErin FoolsErin @whoever else was in the fight club​
"Huh? Who said that? Nobody can tell me what to do! I can be as loud as I want!"

Chres yelled much louder than before, ending his exclamation with a sort of static-y growl. If he wasn't heard before, he definitely could be now. He was cross despite not knowing who just told him to shut up.

He finally found out it was Biker who said it, and he turned to face him just as he began to comment on his speakers. When Biker complimented them, however, the walking boombox started to smirk as all the anger on his face suddenly washed away. Wouldn't you know, Chres loves getting his ego pet whenever he can. What a surprise.

After a few seconds spent registering what the Biker had said, Chres chuckled and returned to his flamboyant self. He pointed at the speakers on his chest and shoulders with his thumb. He returned to his regular but still loud voice.

"Heh… Thanks, I made them myself! Five on my chest, two on each of my shoulder pads. They produce the clearest, LOUDEST, and deadliest sounds you'll ever hear!"

To prove his point, Chres blasted audio of an electric guitar from all his speakers. He gestured like he was playing one, too. He laughed at anyone nearby who may find his loud noises obnoxious and irritating. However, people began to leave, so it may not be as much as he hoped to annoy.

Smug Smug thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore P PopcornPie TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla FoolsErin FoolsErin RedLight RedLight darkred darkred LilacMonarch LilacMonarch Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow
While talking to Zack and Tifa, a person by the name of Red joins in the conversation. “Uhh, hi Red. I’m So-“

Sora didn’t get a chance to finish introducing himself when Zack interrupted him, wanting to clear the confusion in the air. “Oh. (But that can’t be right, I saw Cloud using that exact same sword.. unless he gave it back to Zack, but why would he do that? Did something happen?)”

It was then Tifa decided to tell everyone to wait until they get to the bar to talk things out. “Y’know, I was gonna tell you, but I promise, I’ll tell you what I know when we get to the bar.”

So while telling Zack that he’ll wait to tell him how he knows Cloud, Sora and the others listen in on Zelda, revealing what she took from TwoFace. A ball capable of endangering the multiverse. “(Whoa. I mean I know I joined a multi universe protection team, but... still.)” Sora thought to himself.

Lucky also explains how he got out.
“*Sigh.* As long as you don’t cause any trouble or hurt anyone, I guess I can let you stay, but don’t try nothing funny or else they’re gonna try to kill you again. But what happened to Lana, I’m not sure it was a good idea leaving her to cry on her lonesome. You think she needed some time alone?”

Dani then decided to speak up.“So first off, that guy’s name was actually TwoFace? I was just using it as an insult. But, you’re telling us if we didn’t save you, the entire multiverse would have been in trouble? Wow..”

Dani put her hand on her head, thinking what would have happened if th didn’t step in. What would have happened to trillions of people and their homes. “(What would have happen to Danny, if I didn’t step in..?) Okay, now I really need to lay down or have a drink, because this is too much to take in. Hey, lady.” She says to Tifa. “How much longer till we get to that bar?”

Shadow was walking with the group, minding his own business, but Megumin came up to him, telling what happened to her. “I believe you will, if you stick with the group you’re in now.” She tells Shadow about the Blood Gulch, which was part of the reason he’s here. He then wonders about this “arena” she mentioned, but what gave it away was that Samus & Mao Mao were there. People he may or may not have met in person, but does know about. Shadow gains a grin on his face, but loses it when he turns to Megumin.

“These people you speak of sound tough. I don’t think they’ll be taken so easily, but if you want to learn hand-to-hand combat, I could help you. Or maybe Sora could help you learn a thing or two. He seemed to have a lot of tricks I saw when you fought that frog.”

RedLight RedLight TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher P PopcornPie thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow
Current location: Black Market
(Look I literally have no idea what to post so bare with me)
Kirby was currently with the group in the black market listening to the their conversation when his eyes laid on a bunch of caged creatures, some looked cute and cuddly and others looked like they could eat a small child whole. Kirby decided to check out the more harmless creatures so there wouldn't be a chance for him to get eaten like a pack of bubble gum.

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow (Whatever small cuddly he might come across)
The Kuranta simply listened to everyone's origins stories after the whole fiasco with Jordi, though, it seemed Miss Skye was very confidential for the most part, that she can respect. "I was banished from my home for getting the disease of Oripathy..", the warrior replied, drooped ears with a sigh, "I used to be a famous healer and warrior for the Knights of Kazimierz, but, they found a single trace of the disease within my body and blood and I was immediately casted out.." She grows a small frown, "I met up with two others who were like myself and we began a group to save those infected, until we ran into Rhodes Island and the Doctor that is!" Her frown vanished rather quickly, returned to her normal smile, "I've been fighting and saving people still!"

Jordi had taken the seat beside Rocket, lounging back with his feet over the other on the table as he continued to play with the knife, flipping between both of his hands. He kept his eyes on this group, not really finding any discernable information worth noting. Why would he? These people and all these freaks wouldn't be seen again for the most part after this mess, what's the worst that can happen.

"I got nothin' ", Jordi simply mutters, the clicks and clacks of metal from his flipping butterfly knife echoing through the bar. "It's simple for me, pay me to hurt someone, or uh people, and I'll do it, without making it look like I did it. It's my job, and I'm good at my job, that's the simple gist."

Once again, the lovely habit of the hand waving and motions, thankfully wasn't hitting anyone for the most part.

TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher
quadraxis201 quadraxis201
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Zelda shook her head. "No... I'm afraid not," She said. "Twilight cannot be destroyed. It is a part of our lives..." She pursed her lips as she pondered on a way to explain it. Twilight was a foreign concept to them, after all. After a few moments of silence, she managed to find the correct words for it in her head, and said, "Think of Twilight as a two-way mirror. On our side, we have the light. On the other side of the mirror, exists the Twilight." There was a pause as she continued walking. "When dusk falls every day, that is when our realms meet. It is very brief and practically unnoticeable, but for the briefest of moments, we coincide with each other." She inhaled slightly and looked away from the group, her green eyes instead gazing up at the night sky. "Twilight co-exists with our world without us really knowing it... or thinking about it, really. But there is a delicate balance to things. And like anything that's balanced... if you put too much on one side, or the other... everything collapses."

With her lawn explanation out of the way, Zelda looked back down at Dawn and smiled. "I hope that was a suitable enough answer for your question!" She then found herself laughing a little at Dani's words about Two-Face. "No... his name isn't actually Two-Face." Zelda said, her eyes glancing downwards and meeting Dani's. "His name is Harvey Dent. He's just called Two-Face because of his... well..." She made a swiping motion across half of her face with her hand.

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher P PopcornPie FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla LilacMonarch LilacMonarch DerpyCarp DerpyCarp FoolsErin FoolsErin Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara GeorgeTownRaja GeorgeTownRaja Yamperzzz Yamperzzz Smug Smug @alleypeeps​
Looking at the picture that Rocket put on the bar, she looked at all the people in the picture. Well, people and tree person, but it was still a person. Out of all of them, the one he said was named Peter Quill reminded her the most of one member of the gang she ran with a few years ago looks wise.

As he told them about each person in the group, she listened and felt bad for Gamora and Drax. She could understand the part about a parent not being parent of the year material, her mom basically became that when dad was out of the picture, but she couldn't sympathize with Drax's situation due to not experiencing what he did.

Gamora did look like a badass though, they all did in their own way.

When he got to Groot, she saw the smile on his face and saw just how happy Groot made him just by being his friend. He really cared for the guy, they were probably best friends, so it hurt to see how sad he was when he talked about Groot's death. Thankfully, there was a way to bring him back, a luxury not everyone could have. "
They're like your family, huh? A family like that is one you don't want to lose. I had one just like it before..." As soon as she brought it up, she could feel the memories coming back but quickly tried to put them away. "But like we agreed on, we aren't gonna tell any of those depressing stories right now."

Hearing that he would go back to helping his friends protect the galaxy once he got back home, she looked at him. "
You guys better go kick anyone's asses who tries to mess with the galaxy. I'll miss most of you guys when this entire thing is over, but as cheesy as it sounds, we'll still remember each other. And if you guys ever come back, I'll be sure to keep the rooms the same and make sure no one's taken them for themselves."

Hearing both Nearl and the man in the suit, she first looked at Nearl. "Well, at least you bounced back from it. What exactly is Oripathy? I know it's a disease, that much you've said, but what does it do?" She then looked at the man. "
So, you're a hitman or an assassin. Sounds simple enough, nothing special there."

It was then that she heard the door to the bar unlock and she quickly turned around, having a hand on her pistol just in case. The door opened and...

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore , quadraxis201 quadraxis201 , Riven Riven

─── ❖ ── ✦ ── ❖ ───
Hearing Zack sigh due to being impatient and a girl ask how much longer until the bar, she looked back to them for a second. "
Not that long, we're almost there." Eventually, after another corner turn, they got to the front of the bar. "Well, here we are. Welcome to Seventh Heaven."

What everyone would see when coming up to the bar would be this. Minus the stairs of course.
Taking out the keys, she walked to the door and unlocked it. Once she opened the girl, she saw those she left and Skye, who was now awake and had her hand on her gun. She was a bit of a jumpy one, wasn't she? And then, she removed her hand from the gun, most likely putting two and two together.

Oh, you're finally awake. My name's Tifa, I own the place."

Huh... so you're Tifa. Ryuji mentioned you, nice to finally see the owner. Name's Skye, nice to meet you."

Likewise." Tifa turned around to the others, stepping back to let them in while also showing them the place.
Sit anywhere you like, I'll do your drinks after I have a talk with Zack. In the meantime, get comfortable and don't do or say anything to Zelda that would make her hate you, please, she's gone through enough. That applies to you too, Jordi. Zelda, we'll talk after get everyone's drinks done." Tifa headed to the jukebox to turn it on and then to the wooden panel that acted as a little door separating the front of the bar and the back of the building, keeping it open for Zack. Once he would get through it, she'd close it and head to the back room she put Skye in, opening the door and letting him go in before closing it behind her.
Turning around, she looked at Zack. "
So... I know you must have a ton of questions. Let me get the one you want to know out of the way first before you start asking me all these different questions: Cloud's fine, last time I saw him, we were in an inn. Now, what do you want to know? You may want to sit down on the bed just in case." As she talked to him, she went over to the wall next to the door and leaned back against it with two hands behind her back.
As for those in the bar while waiting, there were some seats still available at the bar and there were tables on both the left and right side, mainly towards the front. There was also a old style jukebox with colorful lights on it, starting to play a nice song.

Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts , thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore , RedLight RedLight , quadraxis201 quadraxis201 , Riven Riven , Space Buddha Space Buddha , LilacMonarch LilacMonarch , P PopcornPie , anyone else that followed Tifa


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Biker tried giving Rene a thumbs up to show his thanks, but Chres was really loud! Biker held his helmet. "geez, you're loud.. An electric guitar? Not bad! I have a keytar at home." Biker paused for a bit, missing his apartment and Miami. "I doubt that's the only sound you can make. But dude, don't yell when I'm right next to you. I might get hearing problems or some shit." He gestured random sign language, which wasn't really sign language. Not that Biker would know.

Jacket grabbed the knife from the ground and got up. He could really go for some pizza right now. Walking around the city, he played with his recorder for a bit.
"PellPellPellPellPellPell." Jacket chuckled to himself at the nonsense the line was.

Yamperzzz Yamperzzz
"Yeah, you'd better run, you fucking little weasel!" Trevor shouted to the defenseless homeless man as he ran off. He then watched as the crowd began to gather around him and the others, raising a brow in question. "The fuck are you all staring at!?!?!" Trevor exclaimed as they cheered him on. The psychopath wasn't exactly the biggest fan of large crowds, so this wasn't exactly the most welcoming atmosphere for a man like him. Still, his adrenaline was pumping, and apparently they wanted him to fight some guy called Serge-ay? What kind of name was that?

Apparently Russian, judging by the man's accent.

He watched as the man himself attempted to walk away, only for the overwhelming crowd to shove him back in. This, in turn, caused the crowd to retaliate with their own attacks, which inevitably resulted in an all out brawl. Not wanting to keep his fans waiting, Trevor stepped up. "Hey, asshole!" Trevor shouted in an attempt to get the man's attention. "They said to fight me, not them!"

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss 92MilesPrower 92MilesPrower DerpyCarp DerpyCarp FoolsErin FoolsErin
"I already did," Eric smirks at 'Lana.' "We never made that promise to each other. In hindsight, I probably should've." He glares at the impostor. "Just what are you trying to gain from doing this?"

But they'd already run off. Eric sighs, leaning against a nearby building. "I don't suppose that wasn't actually you back in the alley, huh? I'm sorry. I... should've known..." His ears then perk up upon hearing a young voice screaming for help. "Someone's in trouble!"

The shady-looking passerby backs away, raising his arms defensively. "H-hey! What's wrong with you, kid?! What're you talking about?!"
"Ssssssh! Work with me!" Flutterina hissed, then continued to cry. "You know exactly what you're talking about! You were trying to pluck my wings!" She backed away herself, pressing herself against the opposite wall.

"Oh, thank goodness! Rescuers! Hello! Hello!" She waved to Eric and Natasha, then ran to hug the former. "My name is Flutterina! I got stuck here. Just like you!"
"If given the chance in the world of light, it theoretically could, yes." Zelda replied to Megumin with a nod. "If it were to spread on a Multiversal scale, it would no doubt spell an end for life as we know it. Though light cannot exist without the dark, it is preferred that they remain as separate as humanly possible. Mixing the two forebodes nothing but disaster for everyone involved." She explained to the young witch in a somber tone. "Though I cannot say for certain whom is behind the Twilight appearing in this realm... I do have my theories." It was then that Tifa offered up a place for them to stay over at Seventh Heaven. Zelda would nod in response to her request. "Yes... I think it would be best if we discussed this more privately, anyways." Zelda said, before looking down at Megumin. "Megumin, was it?" Zelda asked as she put on a warm smile. "If you wouldn't mind, could you describe these... interdimensional beings in more detail on our way back to Tifa's safehouse?"

P PopcornPie TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow Smug Smug Yamperzzz Yamperzzz FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla FoolsErin FoolsErin RedLight RedLight darkred darkred LilacMonarch LilacMonarch Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts @whoever​
Megumin shuddered, becoming noticeably paler. "...So that's twice now I've heard of the multiverse almost being destroyed..." She swallowed. "Oh, so I have a tale to tell you...Confidentially." She whispered in agreement.

For the interdimensional beings, she was much less secretive. "Oh, don't worry about that. It was just a silly nightmare I had on the way here. You see, I had a nightmare that the ship was going down in flames, and interdimensional beings were messaging each other about our incoming deaths." She giggled sweetly. "Just a silly little dream...It had been, what, weeks since I had a full meal, or night's sleep? Doesn't deprivation do the worst things to your brain?"

Rene turns to Zelda. "You mean to tell me that Two-Face was really trying to steal something with that much power? Forget what I said about you guys just saving the city. You saved the whole multiverse's rear end. I'll have to increase the payout for you all. Maybe even adopt you into my gang."
"I'll say...Sounds just like what Meta wanted to accomplish." Lucky uttered, circling the Twilight. "A pretty lil' bringer of death to all life as we know it, I'll give it that."
Eric's brow furrows as he takes Natasha's words to heart. "Yeah... you've got a point." He closes his eyes, clearly pained by this entire predicament. "If what you're saying is true, then this would be one of the lowest things I've ever seen someone do. Pretending to be a little girl in trouble just to frame someone and make lives miserable by playing with guilty consciences..." The Typhlosion shudders, subconsciously taking a step in Double Trouble's direction. "Staying back and assuming it's a trick feels wrong, but on the other hand... I have no idea what they're getting us to do... what should we do, Natasha?"
Flutterina's brow creased. Her smile straightened, then cracked, becoming all curved and discordant between her dimples. If you looked close enough, you could see Eric and Natasha being burned in effigy within her eyes. Her shoulders hunched, while her hips trembled. Her lips peeled back, revealing sharp reptilian teeth. Then, when she realized that the mask was slipping, she relaxed, closing her eyes.

"All right, all right. You got me..." Flutterina finally came undone, revealing Double Trouble, who nonchalantly shrugged. "My, my. I have met plenty of hecklers in my time, but you are two of the smartest I have ever encountered." They sat in front of them, crossing their legs all pretty. "It's never about what I want from you, it's usually what you want from me. Double Trouble's my name, acting's my game. I seem to be off my game, however, because I'm usually not discovered so quickly."

Upon noticing a speck of dust on Natasha's headcrest thingy, or at least pretending to, they licked their fingers and wiped them on her forehead. "I hope you two don't find malice in my actions. I just love to watch others' characters in play. Of course, if you'd like to watch me work without being on the receiving end, I'll do it...For a price. But I'll make it a small price, since you two...'impress' me so."

Lucky also explains how he got out. “*Sigh.* As long as you don’t cause any trouble or hurt anyone, I guess I can let you stay, but don’t try nothing funny or else they’re gonna try to kill you again. But what happened to Lana, I’m not sure it was a good idea leaving her to cry on her lonesome. You think she needed some time alone?”
"I'm worried about that." Lucky frowned, his eyes clouding. "For all I know, there's zero way to stop this from regenerating." The jade crinkled, making his fur shoot up. "See?!...I-I think it's rejuvenating even faster than last time...Fuck it!" With the speed of lightning, he shoved a pebble into the hole in his jade. "There. I don't know how long it's gonna hold, but here's hopin' that I'll have it under control by the time it gives out."

His jade moaned as it tried to regenerate over the pebble, but its growth was effectively slowed, if not outright stopped.
Shadow was walking with the group, minding his own business, but Megumin came up to him, telling what happened to her. “I believe you will, if you stick with the group you’re in now.” She tells Shadow about the Blood Gulch, which was part of the reason he’s here. He then wonders about this “arena” she mentioned, but what gave it away was that Samus & Mao Mao were there. People he may or may not have met in person, but does know about. Shadow gains a grin on his face, but loses it when he turns to Megumin.

“These people you speak of sound tough. I don’t think they’ll be taken so easily, but if you want to learn hand-to-hand combat, I could help you. Or maybe Sora could help you learn a thing or two. He seemed to have a lot of tricks I saw when you fought that frog.”
"They sure are! Mao Mao took out those White Wolves like it was nothing!" With Eriana's Vow, she mimicked Mao Mao's katana swings. "And Samus is so agile! Together, I bet they're a nightmare to fight! I know I didn't last very long in the courthouse, but I really was using the few techniques they were able to teach me on such short notice." Then she rolled on her back and pretended to repeat the "be pinned to the ground and then roll your way out" stunt.

"Oh, I forgot that Sora offered to teach me some more! Sorry, Sora...Hey, now that we have relaxation time, I can learn from you both!" She tapped her tongue against her palate. "But, first...I could really, really go for a drink. Come on!"
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Benedict would merely stay still as he pressed himself against the glass, to which Two Face would scream slurs at him and shoot his hat, which would still not make him move, for he had another hat underneath. It was only with the quick wit and clever thinking of Josh the penguin to rip him off the glass and toss both he and his master into a black hole.....even he would regret such interruption later in Federal Court.
Ah.....witch.....fear not, for I have saved you from that slimy lawyer man with the stinky face.....indeed, see Josh, nasty people.....never win.
Benedict would say as Josh vigorously took notes on his notepad. Meanwhile Benedict would continue to walk alongside Zelda
Ah, if I recall you were in a deal with him, ah.....this goes to show you can only trust one kind of business......my business.
He would say as he handed Zelda a “Them” catalogue, it would be black with the normal gold emblem, and a picture on the front of Benedict sitting in a pool of diamonds....interesting. If she cared to open it she would see many items such as luxury beauty, healthcare, furniture, fast-food, construction, fashion, yachts, spelunking accessories, weapons, big weapons, bigger weapons and more.
Ah.....the rusty nail is my favorite this week.....it’s.....half off.
He would say with glee as Josh nodded.
I placed an order for ten thousand of them yesterday.....beat that.
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
@ heaven seven thingymajig group​
"Well, we've already saved the galaxy twice, so a third time is probably likely at some point." Rocket replied to Skye with a shrug as he lifted the glass mug back up and tipped it back towards his lips. He took in another sip of his scotch, before slowly setting the mug back down on the bar. "I doubt I'll ever be back here, though. But on the off chance I am, I'll take you up on that offer." Rocket replied to Skye. Despite his words... he would miss a few people here too, when this was all over. He wouldn't admit it, of course, but he would. Deep down.

It was then that the others entered the bar, which caused Rocket to turn around and face them as well.


"Welcome back. You all look like shit." Rocket said in a light-hearted tone as he lifted a hand slightly in greeting towards those who entered.


Zelda, meanwhile, smiled when Tifa immediately started telling people not to piss her off. She snickered at that slightly, too, clearly finding amusement in that. "Tifa, I'm fine." Zelda said, holding up a hand to signal her to calm down her words, if even just a bit. With that out of the way, Zelda turned around to find Megumin, only to find Benedict in her place. A brow was quirked in question as she was forcefully handed the catalogue, to which Zelda began to flip through it quizzically. After a few moments of looking through each item, the Hylian Princess merely closed the catalogue and handed it back to Benedict. "While I'm sure this is a.... lovely business you're running, I'm afraid I'm not in the mood to make any purchases at the moment. Perhaps another time." She said in as polite a voice as she could muster.

When she was done talking to Benedict, Zelda turned around and looked towards wherever Megumin was standing. After making her way over to the wizard, Zelda looked down at her. "Now... what is it you wanted to tell me?" She asked.

P PopcornPie Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch Riven Riven TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts quadraxis201 quadraxis201 CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow @seventheavenpeeps​
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─── ❖ ── ✦ ── ❖ ───
Hearing Zack sigh due to being impatient and a girl ask how much longer until the bar, she looked back to them for a second. "
Not that long, we're almost there." Eventually, after another corner turn, they got to the front of the bar. "Well, here we are. Welcome to Seventh Heaven."

What everyone would see when coming up to the bar would be this. Minus the stairs of course.
View attachment 718535
Taking out the keys, she walked to the door and unlocked it. Once she opened the girl, she saw those she left and Skye, who was now awake and had her hand on her gun. She was a bit of a jumpy one, wasn't she? And then, she removed her hand from the gun, most likely putting two and two together.

Oh, you're finally awake. My name's Tifa, I own the place."

Huh... so you're Tifa. Ryuji mentioned you, nice to finally see the owner. Name's Skye, nice to meet you."

Likewise." Tifa turned around to the others, stepping back to let them in while also showing them the place.
View attachment 718540
Sit anywhere you like, I'll do your drinks after I have a talk with Zack. In the meantime, get comfortable and don't do or say anything to Zelda that would make her hate you, please, she's gone through enough. That applies to you too, Jordi. Zelda, we'll talk after get everyone's drinks done." Tifa headed to the jukebox to turn it on and then to the wooden panel that acted as a little door separating the front of the bar and the back of the building, keeping it open for Zack. Once he would get through it, she'd close it and head to the back room she put Skye in, opening the door and letting him go in before closing it behind her.
View attachment 718547
Turning around, she looked at Zack. "
So... I know you must have a ton of questions. Let me get the one you want to know out of the way first before you start asking me all these different questions: Cloud's fine, last time I saw him, we were in an inn. Now, what do you want to know? You may want to sit down on the bed just in case." As she talked to him, she went over to the wall next to the door and leaned back against it with two hands behind her back.
View attachment 718551
As for those in the bar while waiting, there were some seats still available at the bar and there were tables on both the left and right side, mainly towards the front. There was also a old style jukebox with colorful lights on it, starting to play a nice song.

Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts , thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore , RedLight RedLight , quadraxis201 quadraxis201 , Riven Riven , Space Buddha Space Buddha , LilacMonarch LilacMonarch , P PopcornPie , anyone else that followed Tifa

"We're here!" Megumin held the door open for Lucky, and both giddily claimed a seat. Their dried palates compelled them to stare at the rows of bottles, making futile attempts at moisturizing them with their tongues.

"Well...Here we are. A bar. In the middle of the multiverse." Lucky looked around, without much to say. "So...I bet that Two-Face guy was pretty terrifying, huh, Lassie?"

"Sure was!" Megumin replied with a shudder. "I've never had anyone get so hostile towards me before. I thought I would lose my life!...But it was worth it." She smiled towards Zelda, then turned her head back to Lucky. "How about you, Chomusuke...? You still have that curse."

"It's not a curse, Lassie." Lucky retorted. "It's a blessing."

"You still call it a blessing, after it made you beat on Lana?"

"Lana is fine! They healed her!" Lucky snapped, then laid flat on the counter. "I'll gonna take care of it, okay...?"

Megumin turned away from Lucky, her eyes clouded. Poor Chomusuke...What could she do for a bunny who didn't think he needed help? Fortunately, Zelda was there to pluck her out of that stew.

"You see...There was this AI called 'The Meta'. To be honest, my head was foggy during this explanation, but the bulk of it is: Meta was trying to conquer the multiverse, so he hijacked multiverse technology from a group known as Project Freelancer. He ended up kidnapping me, Chomusuke, Sora, a whole bunch of people, and transporting them to Blood Gulch. To keep us safe, we were intercepted by the Freelancers and cloned, and our consciousnesses were stored in these powerless clone bodies. Only when the clone bodies were destroyed were we allowed to have our original ones back, and then we defeated Meta. After that, a man named the Director made a portal to send us home, asking us to keep it secret. And then I discovered that this cloning process messed up my brain, and my powers by extension, so I couldn't use Explosion even after I got it back, and this left me at death's door. Fortunately, I was rescued by Mao Mao, and brought to a place known as the Cape. The people there call themselves the Multiverse Protection Foundation, and they have something called the Tesseract, which seems to have been able to make portals, too..."

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Ryuji Kazan

Ryuji listened as Rocket spoke of his fellow Guardians one by one, aided by a mugshot that he had produced. "So, you're protectors of the galaxy. I'm sure I don't need to say how badass that sounds. You're almost like superheroes you might see in a comic book, as I see it. A bit more rough 'round the edges, sure... but, still. Not every hero's gonna be unicorns and rainbows." On any other day, claiming to be a "Guardian of the Galaxy" would likely earn you a one-way trip to a mental hospital for delusions of grandeur, but Ryuji saw the proof that Rocket had, and so he believed every second of it. "We'll get ourselves home, don't you worry about that, Rocket." When Skye told Rocket to keep guarding the galaxy, Ryuji thumbed to her. "What Skye said. Knowing that the cosmos'll be safer with Guardians with you around does make me feel just a bit better."

When Skye mentioned how she would miss everyone and how she would try to keep the rooms in order, Ryuji softly chuckled. "It has been a helluva thing, hasn't it? It's not every day I meet people, animals, whatever... from other worlds like I have. It's also not every day that an 18-year-old guy like me is given a friggin' rocket launcher to play with. Of course, when I get back home, I'll have to... ahem... decommission it. Both my family and the police department would surely not be the least bit pleased to see me carrying a loaded weapon like this around. I mean, sure, I have fireworks, but I use 'em for entertainment. Like I might've said, the fireworks my family makes, they bring joy to entire crowds of people during festivities. If all of you happened to be brought to where I'm from, you can bet I'd show you how Nippon celebrates summer. Those festivals are something to behold, alright. And you know, that's the thing... how long's a firework in the sky for before its sparks vanish into the darkness of the night? They're up there for so short a time, and still they make people cheer. Sometimes... even the littlest things bring smiles, joy, and hope."

Nearl was next to explain her story. "Sounds like harsh quarantining to me. I can't say I know what 'Oripathy' is, but... if they're willing to go that far, then it can't be anything fun." She had also mentioned the "Doctor", and Ryuji felt like he knew who that was. "You mean that weird guy with the telepathic link? Didn't realize you were with him. The more you know, I guess."

Ryuji rolled his eyes when Jordi briefly described his job. "Oh, you're a hitman. Alright. Duly noted."

"Guess I should answer my own questions, then. About my friends, I made it out of Hope's Peak with a few classmates of mine. Two of 'em stood out the most to me. The first one was Karen Yomigawa, called herself the 'Ultimate Mortician'. Not exactly the most chipper of 'Ultimate Talents', to be sure. She was weeeeird. Real polite, though, and I'd say she did a good job of helping the lot of us cope with our emotions. However brutal the deaths were, she did her best to respectfully talk about them in her post-Trial speeches. Monokuma got kinda pissed, but it's not like he could stop her. Karen wasn't breaking any rules doing so." Ryuji explained.

"The second one... oh, man. Mitsuko Kunizake, the 'Utimate Lucky Student'. See, the way that Hope's Peak worked was, fifteen of the sixteen of us were 'actual Ultimates', and what happened with Mitsuko was, she won a raffle of sorts run by the Academy. She was a normal high schooler, no real Talent to speak of. But, since she was the one to be picked out of presumably tens of thousands of other students, she obtained the title of 'Ultimate Lucky Student'. For a normal student, good lord was she good at guiding us through the Class Trials. Hell, I even joked about her being the 'Ultimate Lawyer', myself." He added with a smirk and a raised eyebrow.

"As for what I wanna do when this little dimensional trip is over... I wanna go back home and see my family again, and continue the family business. Matter of fact, this was supposed to kind of be a secret project, but..." Ryuji fished through his coat, and produced a slip of paper. On the paper was his sketch of the Firehawk insignia. "I think I could make something real cool with this. The folks back home would seriously dig a fresh, new design, and maybe the residents of Pandora would appreciate the homage, too."

Then, Tifa walked in, accompanied by a group of people, some of which Ryuji recognized, and some he didn't. "Hey, everyone." He said, greeting everyone with a simple two-finger salute before turning to Tifa. "I'm going to say this in advance, Tifa..." Ryuji said to her with a double-point. "Please don't give me anything alcoholic. Instead, some soda would be quite nice, if you have it. No need to rush, though. The others and I've been enjoying some nice conversation in the meanwhile."

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher
Riven Riven
(Open for Interactions)
Zelda would listen to Megumin's story carefully, slowly nodding occasionally throughout. When she was done, Zelda was silent for a few moments, though her expression was normal. One might describe it as pensive, though it didn't appear as if Zelda was in any form of deep thought. Instead she was just... quiet and almost expressionless for the most part. After a good few seconds, her mouth finally opened.

"It sounds as if you have been through a lot, Megumin," The Hylian Princess finally said, offering her a warm smile. Slowly, the blonde walked over to a barstool and sat down, before looking back over to Megumin. "You're a very strong and courageous person for enduring such hardships. And I'm sure that, with enough practice and dedication, your power will reawaken. It took almost a century for mine to awaken for the first time, after all." She said, hoping to offer the young archwizard some advice. Of course, Zelda was stretching the truth a bit there, but it did actually take her pretty much her entire adult life to get her own power to work.

"And I am already aware of the Foundation, as well as the Tesseract. They are good people, and you are lucky to have the opportunity to work under their guidance. Do not take it for granted." Zelda said, trying to offer Megumin as much good advice as she possibly could.

P PopcornPie
“Oh.. that makes sense. well hey, at least I could make you laugh.” She smiled at Zelda. “Hey we’re here.”

By that time, they all made it to Seventh Heaven at last. “This is interesting.” “I like the look of this place already.” Before Tifa would serve everyone their drinks, she heads into a private room for her and Zack to talk in. “Aw man. Guess I’m gonna be waiting awhile for them to come out.”

Megumin apparently took this as an opportunity (and perfect timing on her part) to talk to Sora, asking if he could teach her a few pointers. “Uh sure, I could teach you a few things. I think magic would be a good place to start considering you only know one spell.”

Sora took a sit, and Dani would stand up at the Jukebox listening to the music. Shadow however would enjoy the music too, but he barely payed attention to it; instead, he would mainly listen to Megumin telling the events of the Blood Gulch, he would keep pretending to listen to the music as his ears did most of the work for him.

“(So that’s what happened over at the Gulch. I’ll be sure to report this to the higher ups there.)”

TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher P PopcornPie thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
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Kraken looked back up as she heard the bartender speak up - and when pressed about the money, she just pointed to the money she had previously put out in front of her to pay for her drink, which had been there the whole time and was for some reason not taken. "It's right there, officer." Kraken drunkenly joked, mustering a laugh at her own joke before she would next be glancing around - while that was nice, was it safe to wander anywhere else? Probably not, not while she's got a bit of a mood on her from the drinking - or may have a mood on her... Kraken opted to stay in the bar for the time being, with that in mind, though it is highly unlikely she'll be buying a second drink any time soon (at least mid-recovery she won't).​
In-Character Information
Hex Code:
Status (physically): Fine
Status (mentally/emotionally): Semi-drunk
Course of action: Conversing and chilling in the bar
Location: Argus-27, Criminal Underworld Base (the bar)
Interactions: CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow
Mentions: None
In Group/Nearby: @TheBarPeople (I don't even know anymore)
Red Hot Pink Fury!

During their walk to Seventh Heaven, Red was like...
tenor (2).gif
... While thinking about Tifa.

Mentions: TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher (Tifa)

Zack Fair Dreams and Honor

Zack looked at HIS Buster Sword a little bit longer, before clipping it onto his back again. It's his, given by his old friend and mentor, Angeal. Why would Sora and Axel it is Cloud's. There's just something missing here... There are missing pieces to form a whole picture. Finally, they reach Seventh Heaven. Zack was growing extremely impatient that he almost started asking questions right where they are. Upon entering Seventh Heaven, Zack familiarizes himself with this bar, as well as its atmosphere. He looks at Tifa turning on the jukebox, until she enters a backroom. Zack follows her there.

Meanwhile, Red does what Tifa told them, which is to take a sit and behave while she talks with Zack. He sits on one of the chairs at the counter, thinking it'd be the best spot to talk to her. Red watches Zack follow Tifa into the bar's backroom. His jealous soul shows through his eyes.

"It'll be okay. There, there.", Pixxie comforts Red.

When Tifa finally talks about Cloud, Zack begins to ask her the questions he's been meaning to ask.

"Yeah... First of all. Why do you suddenly look so different? I don't want to say 'older', but you certainly aren't as young compared to when I saw you literally a few days ago. Second. What happened to Nibelheim? Is everyone safe? You said Clown is fine... What about Sephiroth?", he asks her one question after another, not going easy at all. "Third... Sora and Axel kept on saying the Buster Sword is Cloud's weapon. That one has to be the most confusing so far. And trust me, I have more questions to ask... But answering these would at least give me a little bit of peace."

Red, outside the backroom's door, is eavesdropping at the two right now, placing his ear as close to the door as possible.

"I can't hear them.", he whispers. "What're they talking about?"

"Tifa! Red is listening outside!"
, Pixxie begins to scream, so that Red would get caught.

Interactions: TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher (Tifa)

((Sorry, I'm tired today. I'll get back on my feet tomorrow :coolshades: ))

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