• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.
Seeing the others enter the bar, she had to wonder what exactly happened to them. "
He's right, you guys look like shit. What happened?" She turned to Rocket and Ryuji, addressing Ryuji first.

Well, hoping that we don't get captured by a psychotic bitch, that actually sounds great. And it does sound like a great vacation from all of this." Looking at the Firehawk insignia he drew, part of her became sad as it reminded her who it belonged to. But, she'd knew that if he used it, then Lilith would never really be gone, but known through the insignia. The memory of the Firehawk would live on, keeping the memory of her, in one way or another, alive. "I'm sure they'd like that back on Pandora."

Then, she looked at Rocket, giving him a smile. "
Ain't no rest for the Guardians, huh? Then again, this is saving the galaxy we're talking about. And like hell I'd let some random strangers take the rooms that you guys used to have, it'd be like you guys are still there in a way. Besides, it'd take too long to fix and that time that I'd be fixing up rooms could be used to help out the Raiders. And if you happened to bring the rest of the Guardians with you back here, I wouldn't mind that either."

Sighing, she realized that this would probably be her entire life now. And honestly, she didn't care. "
Guess being with the Crimson Raiders is gonna be the rest of my life and I wouldn't have it any other way. Not like I really had anything else going for me anyways."

quadraxis201 quadraxis201 , thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore , Seventh Heaven gang

─── ❖ ── ✦ ── ❖ ───
The first two, she could answer just fine, but the last one... it would probably mess with the timeline and be a lot for him to handle. But he had a right to know. "
For the first one, like I said, it's been five years after what happened at Nibelheim. After getting out of Nibelheim, I decided that I couldn't rely on Shinra anymore. They took... everything from me and Cloud that day, so after ending up in Midgar, I joined Avalanche, using the training I got from my teacher, Zangan. I had to change my look too so I could fit in with everyone else, what I was wearing wasn't exactly something you'd see in the city."

Continuing on with answering the questions, she kept looking at him. "
As for what happened... it burned to the ground. Sephiroth was declared dead by Shinra after they couldn't find him after the incident." That one was probably the easiest for her to answer as it was just a short and simple answer.

But the thing about the sword... well, she did tell him to sit down for this. "
Zack... you need to sit down for this one." There was really no easy way for her to tell him this, but she had to tell him the truth. Even if it messed up the timeline. After he'd sit down, she'd sigh and look at him. "While it was yours, it's Cloud's now. How he got it... you were gone for five years. Not gone as in you disappeared, no, you were... gone." The implication of that was very obvious, even an idiot could figure it out.

She was interrupted by Red's weapon yelling right outside of the door and opened the door to see him listening. "
You know, I was in the middle of explaining things to Zack, you could've just waited. Go back to your seat, I'll be there in a bit." Regardless of the answer, she closed the door and went back to the wall she was leaning against, looking at Zack as she waited for his reaction.

RedLight RedLight

  • _________________________________________________________________________________
    Heather (But now just a stupid moe nymph baby instead of the awesome force of insanity that should have ascended to become the leg lord.):

    Heather had silently followed the group to Seventh Heaven, having to enter through an air duct on account of the bouncer refusing her entry. She would prove surprisingly flexible, crawling through an air duct seeming far too narrow for her body to squeeze through, and yet, she would be deposited under a table somewhere in the bar. Then, Skye, as she spoke to the others, would feel a familiar tug on her pant-leg.

    "Hewo Miss Skye~!"

    She had a lollipop in her hand, courtesy of that nice man in the van. None of the others, however, would have any idea where she got it.
"Oripathy is a dangerous disease that was mainly caused by the discovery of an element known as Originium, basically turning your flesh into the same material from the inside out..", The Kuranta scratches her arm uncomfortably, shifting a little in her seat, "There's no cure.. and healing just slows it down.. There's different side effects and different starting locations for each person..It's been starting off in my lungs.." Jordi winces as the idea, the thought of your lungs turning to stone, perking an eyebrow as he listened to her tell her story. Nearl listened to Ryuji and nods slowly, "The Knights of Kazimierz is an order that is used to defend Kazimierz from all threats, Quarantining sounds like a truthful response, but, is it quarantining when they send you out there to die..? This barren wasteland of a desert where you're forced to just walk to your death..? If it wasn't for me running into Shining and Nightingale and finding Rhodes Island together, we all would've died out there.. " She let's out another sigh, wiping her eyes, "My own Family, my own brothers and sisters... threw me out.. like I was a monster.."

The sounds of doors opening immediately caught Jordi's attention as he suddenly swung off his feet from the table, shoving the knife in his pocket as he practically danced his way over, "Ooooh boy! Sounds like the bar's finally open!" The moment Tifa had stepped in and told them to get comfortable, Nearl nods as she wipes her eyes once more, Jordi taking a happy go lucky seat on yet another bar stool. Jordi's face frowns at the mention of his name, but shakes his head with a shrug, remaining on the bar stand tapping his fingers like before. "I'll take a glass of scotch on the rocks when you're done sweetheart!", he calls out in Tifa's direction as she left.

The warrior remains at her seat beside the other group, clearly a bit reluctant at staying here, but, relaxes after tensing up. "A glass of red wine would be nice..", Nearl mutters with a soft smile, unsure if anyone was able to hear it as she notices the music from the jukebox, her grin growing slightly brighter.

"Well, like I said, if I ever get sucked through some weird portal and end up in this shitheap again, I'll keep your offer in mind." Rocket replied to Skye as he slowly lifted the mug up once more and took a sip out of it. Even though he was turned away, though, Skye would no doubt notice the corners of his mouth curling upwards to form a slight grin. Truth be told, just knowing he was accepted by people here, much like how he was accepted with his fellow Guardians of the Galaxy back home, made Rocket happy. This feeling that he wasn't alone... that there were people there for him... he liked it. And perhaps even more so that it was now happening outside his usual circle of friends. That feeling that complete strangers would accept him and bring him in, regardless of how he acted, or regardless of his predilection for gratuitous violence... it made him happy.

And that was alright, Rocket thought.

Then that good mood was immediately shattered when Heather showed back up out of nowhere. "How the hell did you find this place?" Rocket groaned audibly. Much how he relished in some of the others' presence here, like Skye, he felt the opposite effect towards this... insane, psychic... girl thing. While he was lowkey brooding on how to ship her to the deepest depths of the universe without anyone nodding, he overheard Nearl talking about how her family treated her like a freak and threw her out on her ass. He pursed his lips and tried not to frown imagining that. Being treated like a freak, and especially feeling like one, was something that Rocket could sympathize with greatly. He lowered his head, and his ears lowered as a result, before finally muttering, "Welcome to the frikkin' club, pal..." And tipping his glass up for another mighty swig from his beverage.

TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Riven Riven Space Buddha Space Buddha quadraxis201 quadraxis201 Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow P PopcornPie Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch @7thheaven​
Abbott timidly walked along the sides of the cages, examining each and every one of them. They were all relatively docile, thankfully, but they all were nothing like the sailor had ever seen. Most of them were obviously aliens who were abstract in anatomy and therefore Abbott couldn't compare them to any animal he was familiar with back home. What would he even feed them if they're aliens? Do they eat normal food like, I don't know, dog food or something? Or would he have to feed them something super specific and hard to find like uranium or the souls of the damned?

As Abbott looked about, one of the creatures extended their long antennae from out of their cage to touch Abbott's shoulder as he walked by. Once contact was made, Abbott felt a shock on his skin. The electrocution wasn't lethal, it was the equivalent of a static shock, but it did scare the living daylights out of Abbott. He jumped in fear before whipping his head around to see who it was that touched him.


The alien creature that had touched him was known as Frizlet, an interstellar species of alien found all over the WildStar universe. Its antennae had retreated back inside the cage, but it approached the front of the cage to get a better look at Abbott. To show that it was friendly, the alien began to trill as it sat and crossed its hind legs. It slowly reached out its antennae once more towards the sailor, this time without electricity pulsing from it. It shook them, implying that Abbott should touch them.

Abbott stood for a second before carefully grabbing and shaking one of the antennae up and down, trusting Sereth on his statement about his docile animals. It paid off, as the creature continued to sing as it rewarded Abbott with the sight of electricity jumping between his antennae after he let go. Finally, Abbott turned towards Sereth.

"Um... This guy's cool... What is he?"

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow

  • Julia chuckles and smiles at Dawn. "You won't be upset when I do?"

    The Espeon listens to Zelda's explanation about the orb of Twilight she had stolen back from Two-Face. The same thing that had given Bowser his power in their adventure after the Star Festival. If it was here too...well, that seemed like a bad omen.

    She follows her fellow Espeon as he finally resumes his tour, which was now visiting the black market. Rene had given them tokens which supposedly would let them get something for free. But what should she get..?

    Julia looks over at Sereth and his animals for sale. Much to her discomfort, she spotted a few Pokémon among them. Although there was something different about them, and it wasn't just the wild speech. They acted differently and appeared to have come from an entirely different world. But, still...

    "It's been a while since I've done this, but it's worth a try..." She thinks aloud before stopping in front of a cage containing a Treecko and taking a deep breath. "Es espeon eon espe? (Do you want out of here?)"
Black Market

Eric glares at Double Trouble and steps between them and Natasha. "Don't touch her. We're not characters, and we're not here for your entertainment," he tells her sternly, his paws twitching. "You're not making any deals here. I am. And my offer is that you leave us both alone for free. Take it or I'll make sure you're fed through a straw for the rest of your life."

...On a lighter note!

Dawn floats over to Sereth's booth, staring at the caged Treecko. "Wait, so Pokemo- I mean, we do have two separate languages... huh."

"Tree. Treecko treecko treecko tree (Please. I always wondered what a real home is like,)" the Treecko replies casually. He seems well kept and fed, but one could imagine what living in a cage and only being let out periodically would be like.

"Sooo... what'd he say?" Dawn asks in confusion, apparently unable to talk Pokemon despite being an Espeon. Much like Eric, he's a former human, so that makes it much harder...

Sereth calmly replies to Abbott, "He is called a Frizlet. It would appear that he has forged a bond with you already. Will he be your choice?"

All the while, Dawn thinks back on what Zelda had said to him. So by getting rid of Twilight, we'd destroy the universe. But by keeping Twilight, we'd risk people using it wrongly, which means we'd destroy the universe. This darn multiverse and its rules...

LilacMonarch LilacMonarch P PopcornPie Yamperzzz Yamperzzz thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (mentioned)

Seventh Heaven

Phoenix-2 quietly walks into the bar, his gun upon his back. Without taking off his helmet, he sits down, apparently not very interested in having a drink of his own. His Ghost appears next to him, glancing around at everyone curiously.

"Diiiid something happen to you all while we were away?"

TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Riven Riven Space Buddha Space Buddha quadraxis201 quadraxis201 Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow P PopcornPie Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch

Fight Club

Sergei continues fighting his way through the crowd until they part themselves for him, providing a clear view between him and Trevor. "You wanna do this shit?! Make this shit even harder than it's gotta be?! Alright, fucker! Come on and get it!" he yells as another man from the crowd tries to grab him. Sergei punches him in the nose, sending him literally flying back before the Russian man angrily sprints at Trevor at full speed and throwing a punch across his temple.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss 92MilesPrower 92MilesPrower DerpyCarp DerpyCarp FoolsErin FoolsErin

Byeah Bar

The man's huge belly covers the money Kraken had put down. He looks around at the counter, only to find absolutely nothing. "Yeah, kid, who do ya'... who do ya' think you're tryin' to scam, y'know, I could kick your ass if ya' try to scam me out of mah money for mah own beer and a burgah."

BoltBeam BoltBeam

City Outskirts

"Then we can find him together," Dust reiterates.

"Yeah! Come on, get up! We'll kick his butt again if he tries to hurt you!" the smaller voice agrees.

Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara

Kraken would listen to the bartender - did this man not see the money she put down, at all? She was a bit more than upset - mildly infuriated is the best way to put it. "Alright, maybe you'll see 'this' instead, hm?" She said seriously all of a sudden, grabbing the money and slapping him across the face with it before she put it down, actually 100% in his sight this time, and 'then' slapped him again with the same, now empty hand and began to leave the bar, re-adjusting her hat and sighing. "Words cannot currently express the amount of not-physical pain I just felt in less than ten seconds, 'within' ten seconds." Kraken quipped angrily as she had risen to her feet and then just... walked out of the bar, to find something else to do.​
In-Character Information
Hex Code:
Status (physically): Fine
Status (mentally/emotionally): Semi-drunk, a little angered
Course of action: Time to find something else to do!
Location: Argus-27, Criminal Underworld Base (nowhere)
Interactions: CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow
Mentions: None
In Group/Nearby: (I don't know...?)
Byeah Bar

"Ey kid, what... what the fu- burp BYEAH" the man gapes after getting slapped across his large face with the money. He then takes it. "Yeah, and don't come back unless you wanna burp get slugged in the face, kid..."

He probably wouldn't be able to do that.

BoltBeam BoltBeam
When Rocket turned around, she could see the corners of his mouth becoming a grin. She liked seeing him happy, even before hearing the hell he went through. After he told his story, he deserved a chance to smile at any point no matter if it was a slight, small, normal, or big. The guy had problems that were rooted from trauma, some of them she could understand herself. "When that day comes, I'll be waiting on Sanctuary."

Then, she turned to Nearl, hearing how the disease worked and what happened with Nearl. Honestly, she felt bad for her. The disease sounded very nasty, and she really hoped that one day, there would a cure for it. Organs slowly turning into stone sounded like it was extremely painful and she hoped that she would never get it, but Nearl... there wasn't a cure, so if she stopped getting healed, she wouldn't live anymore.

And the Knights she mentioned, yeah they were family, but one disease was all it took to make them turn on her. They treated her and each other like family and instead of helping her, they threw her out. What kind of family would throw out one of their own once they caught a disease? Yeah, it was called quarantining, but couldn't they had locked her in a room instead of abandoning her?

She looked at Nearl, holding back the memory when she was abandoned by the group of people she once called a family after they did what they did to her. "
You know damn well we are never going to do that to you. That disease only showed their true colors, willing to abandon the sick even if it was one of their own, and if I was you, I'd say fuck them. You don't owe them anything anymore, the only ones you can own anything to are your friends and Rhodes Island." The way she spoke, it definitely sounded like it came from a place of hurt and anger. Like she had been abandoned once before.

It was then that someone came into the bar, recognizing him as the guy that was apparently called Phoenix-2. Well, this one was a talker, but she appreciated the silent types. Sometimes, actions did speak louder than words. Luckily, the little floating robot that appeared next to him did the talking for him. When asked what happened, she shrugged. "
I have no clue, ask the ones that don't look like shit. Pretty sure Tifa could tell you want happened but she's busy talking to her friend in the back room. It's probably about something important too, and hopefully she's out of there in a bit."

Then... she heard a familiar voice and for the entire time up to this point after she woke up, she had ignored it as there wasn't any need for her to keep the feelings held back. Now, hearing the voice, it was starting to crack from hearing Heather and from the sadness of the memories she tried to push back every time she made a mention to her past.

Feeling a tug on the leg of her pants, she didn't even need to look as she knew that Heather was there. From what she said, did she start trying to warm up to her again? Why? What changed? How did she view her now?

But now, among the pain and sadness, she felt... conflicted. Yeah, she wasn't her mother and Heather knew that, every part of her was telling her that she should just leave her and let someone else take over as her temporary parent. However, there was some part of her deep down, probably her caring and motherly side, that screamed at her to let the girl in again. To care for her once again.

What she would do would have to remain to be seen.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore , Riven Riven , CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow , Space Buddha Space Buddha
"I wonder if it had anything to do with the coincidentally-timed explosion at the courthouse..." the Ghost says sarcastically and then glances around at you all again. He looks a little worried- this was supposed to be a safe haven, but as one would think, having such expectations for a place literally made out of criminals and lowlifes is a foolish standard to hold it to. And if they were attacked... or for some reason were the ones who blew up the courthouse... then they could have a lot more problems on their hands. Thankfully, Ghost has no idea that Rene and his gang would have that handled.

A few moments pass by before Phoenix-2 speaks.

"...Skye, right?"

TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher
Zelda would listen to Megumin's story carefully, slowly nodding occasionally throughout. When she was done, Zelda was silent for a few moments, though her expression was normal. One might describe it as pensive, though it didn't appear as if Zelda was in any form of deep thought. Instead she was just... quiet and almost expressionless for the most part. After a good few seconds, her mouth finally opened.

"It sounds as if you have been through a lot, Megumin," The Hylian Princess finally said, offering her a warm smile. Slowly, the blonde walked over to a barstool and sat down, before looking back over to Megumin. "You're a very strong and courageous person for enduring such hardships. And I'm sure that, with enough practice and dedication, your power will reawaken. It took almost a century for mine to awaken for the first time, after all." She said, hoping to offer the young archwizard some advice. Of course, Zelda was stretching the truth a bit there, but it did actually take her pretty much her entire adult life to get her own power to work.

"And I am already aware of the Foundation, as well as the Tesseract. They are good people, and you are lucky to have the opportunity to work under their guidance. Do not take it for granted." Zelda said, trying to offer Megumin as much good advice as she possibly could.

P PopcornPie
"Sure was...When I realized my Explosion was gone, I thought it would be my last day alive! You see, if I don't cast Explosion once a day, I will die!" Megumin shivered, protectively feeling her heartbeat. There were times when she felt it faltering, and worried that it would stop...Well, technically, it did stop a couple times. But what mattered was living to cast her magic another day.

Zelda's praise had her cheeks heating up again. "The Director was very proud of us!" She yapped. "Even though I didn't get to use my Explosion, there, either, we all made our best efforts!" She stood up on her bar seat. "Julia has helped me reawaken my power, but that's not enough! I will continue to nuture its strength until the last breath escapes from my lips!" After slipping off the bar seat and landing on her back, Megumin shyly climbed back onto it like nothing happened.

"So, you're aware?" Megumin bit her bottom lip, letting sweat roll down her forehead as she rubbed her arm. "Um...You see, I haven't even told the MPF about what happened, because the Director asked us not to...It was the least I could do, after his efforts to keep us safe from the Meta." But her voice still had a determined tone. "Now that my Explosion has been restored, I will help them liberate the Multiverse! They plucked me from death, I must serve them in return!" In fact, even as they spoke, she thought of Kazuma, Aqua, and Darkness. Explosion had a history of getting them out of tough spots...How were they faring without it?
Megumin apparently took this as an opportunity (and perfect timing on her part) to talk to Sora, asking if he could teach her a few pointers. “Uh sure, I could teach you a few things. I think magic would be a good place to start considering you only know one spell.”
"I doubt I'll be as into it." Megumin hugged her staff. "I am madly in love with my Explosion, you see!" She waved the staff around. "If I can just get the opportunity to use it, you'll see just how deadly it truly is! It is the highest ranking of all offensive magics!"
Sora took a sit, and Dani would stand up at the Jukebox listening to the music. Shadow however would enjoy the music too, but he barely payed attention to it; instead, he would mainly listen to Megumin telling the events of the Blood Gulch, he would keep pretending to listen to the music as his ears did most of the work for him.

“(So that’s what happened over at the Gulch. I’ll be sure to report this to the higher ups there.)”
And, just like that, everyone who participated in Blood Gulch Blues had their secret adventure exposed to one of, if not THE highest multiversal authorities. Way to do your one job, Megumin. 😒
Natasha hesitates at Eric's question. As confident as she was that it was a trick, what if it wasn't? There was that possibility...

But fortunately, Double Trouble accidentally blows her cover before Natasha has to make a decision. "Knew it."


She recoils as the reptilian touches her. "I think I'll pass."
Eric glares at Double Trouble and steps between them and Natasha. "Don't touch her. We're not characters, and we're not here for your entertainment," he tells her sternly, his paws twitching. "You're not making any deals here. I am. And my offer is that you leave us both alone for free. Take it or I'll make sure you're fed through a straw for the rest of your life."
Double tilted their head playfully. "You'd regret passing me up, darling. I know all about your little raid on Teridore, and I think I could be a key player."

Then they transformed into Megumin, who started to dance around. "Lalala! Look at me! I'm going to deliberately throw myself into danger so everyone else can actually play a useful part in our mission!"

Then the form shifted again, into Sora. "We'll win this, for all the boys back home! Let's go, Lucky!"

The next impersonation was Lucky. "Fuck yes, Laddies! Let's blow some shit sky high!"

Believing their point to be made, Double reverted to normal. "You see? I'm not just an actor, darling. I can be your distraction, your spy, and I'm even willing to get some blood on my hands. But if you'd rather I left you to your unstable relationships with the girls you failed to be honest with, that works, too." They looked away, pushing out their bottom lip. "I will say, Eric, don't feel too badly about it. I'm terrible at maintaining a love life, too."
Rocket nodded to Skye with her words, before turning to the Ghost as he enters alongside Phoenix-2. He listened to Skye's explanation, and then the Ghost's subsequent response. "Yeah, that'd explain why everyone looks like hell." Rocket said to the Ghost. "Where the hell were you two all this time?" He asked, lifting a brow.

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher @thosearound​
Despite the Russian man's more than intimidating physique, Trevor showed not even the smallest hint of fear as he charged at him. Instead, the psychopath stood firm with his feet planted in the ground. When Sergei finally threw a punch, Trevor swiftly managed to dodge it right before it made contact with his temple. Trevor proceeded to scream like a wild animal as he reached for a knife, and attempted to jab it right in the back of the man's neck!

Yeah, Trevor played dirty.

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow DerpyCarp DerpyCarp FoolsErin FoolsErin PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss @fightclub​
Ryuji Kazan

"Oh, she's dead. The Academy was destroyed, and she was crushed under the debris after first getting a taste of her own medicine. Junko Enoshima, the 'Ultimate Despair', is no more. I'd imagine things are gonna go back to normal before long. Monokuma said there wasn't much left of the world, but I've seen it for myself, and he's full of more bullshit than a cattle farm. Besides..." Ryuji shrugged. "...even if someone wanted to put on another Killing Game, people ain't gonna be lured so easily anymore. The metaphorical cat's out of the bag. It'd be fine." He said, responding to Skye when she expressed her concerns about not wanting to be captured and forced into another Killing Game. "Still, there's plenty to see back home besides the summer festivals, of course."

Ryuji pressed a hand to his temples when Nearl described what Oripathy was. "Jeez... that's horrifying. Imagine your lungs turning to stone and you suddenly lose the ability to breathe... that's practically one of Monokuma's 'punishments' in and of itself. Thank God you're still among the living."

Ryuji then turned to the Ghost when he spoke to everyone. "Tifa mentioned going to the Den's Courthouse, she returned with an entourage, and she looks freakin' exhausted. Whatever's happened there, I don't know..." He reclined in his seat, the back of his head pressed against his gloved palms. "...and frankly, I don't want to know. At this point, I'm waiting on her to be finished with what's she's doing so she can politely get me a soda."

TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher
Riven Riven
CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow
(Open for Interactions)
Zelda would smile warmly at Megumin's cheerful display, even letting out a slight giggle, which she would cover her mouth with. "Well... I myself am not a member of the Multiverse Protection Foundation," Zelda explained as she began to relax in her barstool. "But you are a noble wizard, Megumin. Do not let anyone ever tell you otherwise." She said sweetly, before turning her head to face Sora and Axel as the offered to help Megumin learn similar spells, to which Megumin ended up declining. "Though... perhaps it would be wise of you to allow them to teach you new spells." Zelda said, her warm smile remaining on her face with every word she spoke. "After all, you never know when they'll come in handy."

P PopcornPie Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts LilacMonarch LilacMonarch
Seventh Heaven

"We had to catch up with an old friend at the black market," the Ghost replies to Rocket. "Though maaaaaybe it would've been a better idea to go towards where all the explosions were."

As if to hint at what the Ghost was referring to, Phoenix-2 takes a large revolver out of his robe, unloads it, and lays it down flat on the bar counter.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher

Black Market

Eric can feel his heart climbing up his throat. He huffs. He's not some adventurer or stupid kid anymore; he's a professional and he'll have to act that way, and that means not acting on impulse.

"Just... please, walk away. This doesn't have to get any nastier than idle threats. Don't impersonate my girlfriend or my best friend again, and we'll be cool. Okay?"

P PopcornPie LilacMonarch LilacMonarch

Fight Club

Sergei twists in such a way that the knife goes right through his shoulder instead of his neck. With an angry yell as he begins to bleed from the puncture, he throws a vicious uppercut at Trevor's gut.

"With a knife?!" shouts a man from the crowd in pleasure.

"Kick his ass, weird dude!"

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

City Entrance

As it is revealed, the male's voice belongs to a strange turquoise creature with similarly colored tattered clothing and a hat covering his face. He holds an impressive sword in his hand, and a tiny orange creature with big eyes flies beside him.


An amnesiac, a fairy, and a talking sword

"Don't worry. We won't hurt him unless he tries to hurt you," the tall one reassures Lana.

His fairy-looking friend looks quite angry. "Yeah! And then I'd bite his face off!"

Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara

fluffKevlar on Inkbunny
Abbott admired the strange alien as it sat patiently in its cage. The creature seemed very docile and friendly and it acted almost like a dog. Other than several lifeless eyes, the young Frizlet had no other facial features. But, it's excitable behavior made up for it. Putting his trust in the creature once again, Abbott reached a hand into the Frizlet's cage and scratched it behind its ear -- er, behind one of its antennae.

The alien began to scratch its side with a hind leg. More electricity traveled up to its antennae like a Jacob's Ladder. After the sailor learned that the creature was not to be feared, Abbott smiled and turned to Sereth.

"...You know what? ... I think this one might be the one... Yeah, I want this one!"

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow
Black Market

Sereth reaches over and carefully sets the cage between himself and Abbott. He rests his dark hand on it in order to ensure it doesn't get stolen. "This one comes with a... fair cost, stranger. Seven-hundred."

"Hey, Julia," Dawn whispers. "Why don't you show him your Gambit Token? Abbott might be able to get it for free if he sees you're associated with him."

Yamperzzz Yamperzzz LilacMonarch LilacMonarch
Sora was at the bar, having a nice conversation with Megumin, telling her he’ll help her train. “You really want to Keep showing that in action don’t you? Well, if you’re not gonna be into it, then why did you come to me for help.”

Dani heard this and decides to throw her hat in the ring. “Y’know, whenever she does want to show it off, most of us are there with her.” She looked over at Megumin. “Is it really ‘high ranking’ if it has a good chance of killing everyone.”

“That and I know how deadly it can be, hence why you shouldn’t abuse it like that.” Zelda also decided to convince Megumin it’s a good idea to learn something knew. “Yeah, Zelda’s right. Why do you think I have so many different things I can do?”

P PopcornPie thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Chres grinned as Biker recognized the electric guitar sounds he emitted from his speakers, and his smile grew bigger at the mention of Biker owning a keytar.

"Hell yeah! Keytars are the way to go! Ya know, I thought you were a weenie before, but you're not so bad. You've been certified as a bonafide badass by the one and only Chres Endo! Remember that."

The walking boombox tilted his shutter shades when Biker talked about other sounds he could make as well as the fact that he was being too loud.

"Of course it's not the only sounds I can make. Plus, I'm supposed to be loud. That's the point! Do you really expect me, a livin', breathin' boombox, to be quiet? Blasphemous!"

He squinted in confusion after hearing Jacket in the distance. The large metal cones on each side of his head were the equivalent of external ears, which were very sensitive and picked up vibrations in the air. He turned back at Biker.

"Hey, I think I'm gonna head for the fighting club. Ya wanna come and watch me kick major ass? It'll be fun!"

Regardless of whether or not Biker chooses to follow him, Chres made his way for the fighting club. Skipping to the part where he practically busted through the entrance, Chres would exclaim very loudly,


Smug Smug thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss 92MilesPrower 92MilesPrower DerpyCarp DerpyCarp FoolsErin FoolsErin CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow @FightClubCrew

(I'm tired aaaaa)​

Zack Fair Dreams and Honor

"Fi-- What do you mean 'five years'?! We were just in Nibelheim a few days ago!", Zack had already reacted to what Tifa said, but she continued on. "Come on, Tifa... This isn't the time to joke."

"Burned to the ground... Five years--", he stumbles from his words, because he just couldn't take this all in. "We couldn't save Nibelheim, huh? ........ "

Instead of looking at Tifa in the eyes while she explained, Zack was just facing his head downwards. Confusion, sadness, grief, disappointment, such emotions took over him, but worse, as words aren't enough to explain. Zack remained quiet for the rest of their conversation. [Lowered emotions has severely affected the DMV]. And then, Tifa answered Zack's last question. He didn't sit down as she offered. He merely shook his head in response. Zack remained standing as he listened to Tifa. He was quiet for a while, but he definitely understood what she was trying to say.

"Aerith", Zack finally spoke again, but it was more of a whisper. "I need to see Aerith."

He doesn't know that Tifa had met, and knows Aerith.

"Hey, Tifa.", Zack speaks to her. "Can I be-- I want to be left alone for a while."

And if Tifa would choose to leave him be, he'd say...

"Thank you for telling me. It must've been... Difficult."

Interactions: TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher (Tifa)

Red Hot Pink Fury!

When Tifa leaves Zack alone, she would see Red leaning on the wall beside the door. He looks... Sad.

"I know you said to sit down and wait. But I just couldn't help it.", he tells her. "I sensed emotions-- painful ones, yet that's still an understatement. It feels like someone needs saving."

Pixxie wouldn't even interrupt Red, and she wouldn't say any harsh remarks about him either. She would just remain quiet.

"So, uhh... He's--", he doesn't say the next word that he thought of. "I understood what you meant. Gone, huh."

"Red, I wanna go out for a walk."
, Pixxie tells Red.

He releases her from his grip, and she flies outside of the bar. Red, on the other hand, walks to the counter. He looks at Tifa again.

"Alright...", Red says. "Two drinks please! Your finest alcoholic beverage."

His smile isn't real. You would know that Red's just trying to look cheerful, perhaps to lighten the atmosphere a little bit.

Interactions: TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher (Tifa)

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