• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.
Chres grinned as Biker recognized the electric guitar sounds he emitted from his speakers, and his smile grew bigger at the mention of Biker owning a keytar.

"Hell yeah! Keytars are the way to go! Ya know, I thought you were a weenie before, but you're not so bad. You've been certified as a bonafide badass by the one and only Chres Endo! Remember that."

The walking boombox tilted his shutter shades when Biker talked about other sounds he could make as well as the fact that he was being too loud.

"Of course it's not the only sounds I can make. Plus, I'm supposed to be loud. That's the point! Do you really expect me, a livin', breathin' boombox, to be quiet? Blasphemous!"

He squinted in confusion after hearing Jacket in the distance. The large metal cones on each side of his head were the equivalent of external ears, which were very sensitive and picked up vibrations in the air. He turned back at Biker.

"Hey, I think I'm gonna head for the fighting club. Ya wanna come and watch me kick major ass? It'll be fun!"

Regardless of whether or not Biker chooses to follow him, Chres made his way for the fighting club. Skipping to the part where he practically busted through the entrance, Chres would exclaim very loudly,


Smug Smug thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss 92MilesPrower 92MilesPrower DerpyCarp DerpyCarp FoolsErin FoolsErin CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow @FightClubCrew

(I'm tired aaaaa)​
Anna turns toward the newcomer, wincing at his loud voice, "do you mind?! there's a fight going on right now!"
Zelda would smile warmly at Megumin's cheerful display, even letting out a slight giggle, which she would cover her mouth with. "Well... I myself am not a member of the Multiverse Protection Foundation," Zelda explained as she began to relax in her barstool. "But you are a noble wizard, Megumin. Do not let anyone ever tell you otherwise." She said sweetly, before turning her head to face Sora and Axel as the offered to help Megumin learn similar spells, to which Megumin ended up declining. "Though... perhaps it would be wise of you to allow them to teach you new spells." Zelda said, her warm smile remaining on her face with every word she spoke. "After all, you never know when they'll come in handy."
Megumin held her staff as protectively as though she was being asked to throw it into a woodchipper. "Explosion is the spell for me, it always has been! I know I haven't had much chance to show it, but you said yourself that I am a noble wizard. I swear, I will show you my unfettered power soon!"
Eric can feel his heart climbing up his throat. He huffs. He's not some adventurer or stupid kid anymore; he's a professional and he'll have to act that way, and that means not acting on impulse.

"Just... please, walk away. This doesn't have to get any nastier than idle threats. Don't impersonate my girlfriend or my best friend again, and we'll be cool. Okay?"
"'girlfriend or best friend'? Do you mind clarifying which one is which? Or maybe you should take some time to think about that before you tell me these things." Double giggled. "Never mind. It seems that you have Lana manipulated well enough, anyway." With that, they passed into the darkness, merely saying, "If you change your mind about needing me, darling, just holler."

Okay...now what? The Etherian mercenary immediately hungered for a new victim. There was such a limited roster at their disposal, but they knew that all they needed was the right choice.

As they rounded Seventh Heaven, and heard a recognizable voice shouting about explosions, the worst kind of grin appeared across their face. "Eric said I couldn't impersonate his best friend, or his girlfriend...But he never said anything about impersonating HIMSELF. And I know just who to work with next."

Seconds later, everyone's favorite Typhlosion strutted into Seventh Heaven. "Hello, everyone! Glad to see that you're all feeling better! Especially you, Megumin!"

"Thanks!" The archwizard happily called back.
Sora was at the bar, having a nice conversation with Megumin, telling her he’ll help her train. “You really want to keep showing that in action don’t you? Well, if you’re not gonna be into it, then why did you come to me for help.” [/COLOR]

Dani heard this and decides to throw her hat in the ring. “Y’know, whenever she does want to show it off, most of us are there with her.” She looked over at Megumin. “Is it really ‘high ranking’ if it has a good chance of killing everyone.”

“That and I know how deadly it can be, hence why you shouldn’t abuse it like that.” Zelda also decided to convince Megumin it’s a good idea to learn something knew. “Yeah, Zelda’s right. Why do you think I have so many different things I can do?”

P PopcornPie thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
"Of course I do, Sora!" Megumin chirped. "During our first adventure together, I never got the chance to show you Explosion's power. But this is a raid we're about to do! Just give me the order, and I will have the entirety of Teridore devoured by the flames of crimson! On the other hand..." She scraped the floor with her foot. "Your concerns are justified. I've tried to make do without Explosion, for your sake, but all I've done so far has amounted to being beat up. I will admit, I am typically used as a last resort."

Dani's voice startled her, making her rotate in her seat until she spotted the ghost. "Yes, exactly!" She waved her arms across the counter. "My spell is so high-ranking because it spares nothing! Everything it touches is silently swallowed, and reduced to mere ashes! It ensures complete, utter defeat! But there is a cost, and it does relate to your main question." She swallowed back saliva, then continued. "You see, Explosion is a very costly spell. It uses up all my mana, leaving me exhausted. That's why I faint after every use, and its mana cost doesn't leave any room for the use of another spell afterward."

  • Julia nods at Dawn's comment. "Wild speech is mostly only used among wild Pokémon, but it's much more instinctual. That's likely why it's hard for you, since you're missing a lot of that. The language we're speaking now, while it's hard to trace so we don't know for sure, but it's thought to have been brought by humans visiting our world over the years."

    "He said he wants out," She summarizes and turns back to the Treecko. "Espe espe-on. (I'll help you out.)"

    "As long as he still gives me something,"
    The Espeon says about Dawn's suggestion, then walks over to Sereth and Abbott and flashes her token.

  • --Minako Arisato--
    Interaction: TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow
    "I'm sure they'll be fine." Minako says, nodding at Elizabeth's concern. "I mean, I'm pretty sure if Nogami-san is really the original Den-O, then he's more or less got this." She smiles in optimism, believing in Kintaros and her new friend. She soon heard something about a person selling pets. Glancing over, she thought she saw awfully familiar. "Yeah, you go check out the bomb guy, I uh...I'm gonna check something else." She says, soon heading for the cloaked, man in blue's stall. There, she saw a familiar face--a familiar grey furred dog with red eyes clad in an also familiar orange hoodie and black collar with blue headphone-like ears on its side... Oh boy this dog just REEKS of familiarity.

    The dog appears to whine, seemingly out of place from the strange beasts he's been lumped with.


    S.E.E.S' Resident Good Boy
"A bonafide badass? Hell yeah! Also, I guess that IS the point.." Biker looked at Chres as he went to the fight club and very loudly exclaim his presence. "Never change, Chres." He followed him, interested on how Chres would fight, if he even did with his fists. Those speakers could possibly damage someone.
As he was walking though, he felt something was off. Biker shrugged it off and continued. "Hey, Chres, if you enter, you better do some sick moves out there."

Jacket on the other hand, he was watching Biker go to the fight club. It wasn't smart to call a truce there, as it would quite literally start a fight. He would put his recorder in his pocket and aimlessly wander around the unfamiliar city. It was dull, like the desert, like something opposite to the bright Miami. He could really go for a pizza right now. Checking his surroundings, he realized there wasn't much to it. Some establishments, sure, but it seemed that was it. He was eager to do something, to kill. He looked at the fight club. Jacket kicked the ground, wondering when the next 'mission' would be. A bandit would do fine.

Yamperzzz Yamperzzz
Black Market

Dawn listens to her intently. "So... it's less of a manner of learning it and more being born with it? Glad most of us speak human, then, or else I'd be having a lot of trouble with the language barrier..."

Sereth's eye is caught by the Gambit Token. "Ah... you are a friend of Rene's. A friend of his is a friend of mine."

"We're with him," Dawn tells the merchant, motioning over to Abbott.

"Then no price shall be paid. The Frizlet and Treecko are yours."

Sereth opens both the cages, allowing the creatures to roam free. The Treecko jumps right out, beaming brightly. "Treecko! Treecko! Treecko tree? (Thank you! Thank you! How can I repay you?)"

The mysterious shopkeeper then turns to Minako. "You are with them as well, are you not?"

"As a matter of fact, yeah," Dawn replies for her, his eyes falling upon Koromaru. He can't help but squeal upon seeing him. "Awwww! He's so cute!"

All the while, Kendall has to resist tailing Double Trouble in case they cause any further trouble with anyone else. Thankfully, Natasha's there to stop him... in the worst way possible. He leans back against the wall, sighing. "She's... someone who desperately needs a friend, Natasha. I spent a while with her... and I guess I... developed feelings for her while I was away from you. I'm... I'm sorry..."

LilacMonarch LilacMonarch Yamperzzz Yamperzzz Thepotatogod Thepotatogod P PopcornPie (mentioned)

Seventh Heaven

Phoenix-2 takes a glance at Eric as he enters the bar. The two had spent some time together back on Sanctuary sharing their powers and exchanging tips on how to use them. He hadn't come across as some super lighthearted person, nor the type to go to a bar- but he'd only known him for about a week, so he can't assume much. He goes back to relaxing, his Ghost hovering beside him.

P PopcornPie

Fight Club

The crowd inside is cheering so loudly at the fight between Sergei and Trevor that very few even notice Chres as he announces his presence. Although, one drunken man stumbles over and offers him a bottle of whiskey, slurring out a sentence that no one in the entire multiverse could understand apart from the words 'crazy' and 'knife.'

Maybe Chres and Biker should get in on the action... make things a little more chaotic.

Yamperzzz Yamperzzz Smug Smug

City Entrance

Fidget's angry expression quickly fades, being instead replaced with a look of worry. "I think she's really serious about not hurting him, Dust..."

"She's been hurt by one of her best friends, Fidget. It takes a long time for something like that to heal." Dust smiles back at the Braixen, a genuine one to contrasts Lana's fake. "What's your name?"

Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara

Destroyed Courthouse

Ryotaro and Kintaro weren't the only ones who thought to go check out what had happened at the courthouse and search for survivors. Several of the city inhabitants have come down here with guns and flashlights, checking the rubble for anyone that might have been crushed.

"See anything?" one of them calls out.

"Nope. Not here."

"Sector here's clear too."

"No one could've survived that..."

"I heard some crazy German guy saved everyone."

"You think they could've saved themselves?"

"Probably, but that one dude made sure we don't know the answer to that question. Better if it stays that way. I'd buy him a drink or ten if I saw him."

One of the men turns to Ryotaro. "Hey. You here to help with recovery?"

Thepotatogod Thepotatogod
As Kirby was scanning the multiple caged creatures his attention shifted to a small purple box inside on of the cages,
Kirby wondered why a small box was just randomly in a cage for no reason but not a moment later he would soon get his answer.
Suddenly the box magically opened up and revealed a small grey creature, Kirby jumped back in surprise and the creature made a strange gargling noise in return.
For some reason the creature didn't attack him despite Kirby invading it's privacy, maybe it's seems to be friendly.
Kirby turns to the shopkeeper and asks him what it was.

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow (Shopkeeper)
"Oh hoho… Now you're speakin' my language!"

Chres leaned over Biker as he said it, being much taller than pretty much everyone else there. Then he glanced over at Anna.

"Yeah, I can see that! Whatcha gonna do about it?"

He was initially disappointed that pretty much no one other than Anna and some drunk noticed Chres since they were too busy watching the fight. Chres feeds on attention, and he was going to get the attention he craved. The drunken man approached him and gave him a drink whilst mumbling on about… Something. Chres was a baby, so he wasn't going to drink the whiskey. But, he appreciated the gift anyways.

"Heh… Thanks a bunch man… Uh, do want this, Biker? I'm, uh, not much of a drinker…"

Chres asked unusually feebly, as if not consuming alcohol wasn't cool. He looked over at the current battle going on and smirked. Without alerting Biker without so much as a tilt of his head, Chres leapt onto the battleground in a surprise entrance. Without warning, Chres generated a large and incredibly loud sound blast from his speakers, likely causing the fighters to fall backward quite a distance. The large walking boombox, standing at about 10 feet and weighing in almost a ton, laughed as he suddenly joined the fray.


Smug Smug thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss 92MilesPrower 92MilesPrower DerpyCarp DerpyCarp FoolsErin FoolsErin CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow @FightClubCrew​
After paying for a bottle of beer, Deadpool couldn't decide whether to focus his attention to the fight that was about to go down between Trevor and some guy that really reminded him of Colossus, or the one involving Orange She-Hulk and the white cat-fox-dog (and potentially Kenshiro, whose presence only he seemed to be aware of). However, mere moments after lifting the bottle of alcohol to his mouth, it suddenly shattered, thanks to the live Skrillex concert that just entered the fight club. Notably pissed, he turned his attention to Chres, covering his ears and yelling at him, "OW, FUCK, MY EARS! MY DRINK! WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU MAN?! I PAID FOR THAT THING! AND YOU SHOULD BE OLD ENOUGH TO KNOW WHAT 'USE YOUR INDOOR VOICE' MEANS, ASSHOLE!"

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow GeorgeTownRaja GeorgeTownRaja PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Yamperzzz Yamperzzz Smug Smug FoolsErin FoolsErin DerpyCarp DerpyCarp and all of the others in that one place you don't talk about.

Hearing Voss ask about what each of the explosives that he sold did, Morshu happily started to explain. "Hi, M̛̟̩̃̎͢o͖̤͌͌r̭͋sh̢̧͍̑̕͝ú͓̙̝̏̔ here, and I'm here to tell you all about these bombs! Here is the Dinner Bomb. When it goes KABOOM, your t̲̩̖͒̿͠a͚̟̼͎̓̇̔̉ȑ͜ǵ̘̦̎̕͢ė͇̟̗̤͎̈́̉̈̂ṯ͈̂͌͢͞ will be covered in lotsa spaghetti and meatballs! Here is the Mushroom Bomb. When it blows up, there will be super d̤̱̆͞e͈̯̘͓͉̓̓̈͘̕s̟͞t̢̥͍̔̊͆r̦̗͓̓͂͝ù̢͍̦̿͞c̡͖͍̐̒͞ẗ̨͙̗͙͒͌̂͢͠i̡̠͇̙̐̇̌̕͢͞ǒ̬̤̻̆͂͊͢n ..." He proceeded to talk about his various bombs, including others that weren't previously mentioned, such as the Toaster Bomb, which has explosions that pretty much make others yell "IT BURNS!", as well as the Ship Bomb, which would be perfect for Voss if he did have a ship, and even the PINGAS Bomb, which is something that shall not be explained in any way, shape, or form whatsoever.

Yamperzzz Yamperzzz
"You've just made it worse!" Anna yelled at the man, trying to be heard over the large crowd.

Nope. He just made it BETTER! In her mind Anna can suddenly see her anti-self smiling wickedly. Ohhhh I would join if we weren't so bloody weak! Which of course we wouldn't be! IF YOU JUST LET ME TAKE CONTOL!


Ugh! You are sooooo stubborn!

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Yamperzzz Yamperzzz CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow
"Uh, not from some random drunk. But, there should be a bar in here.." Biker flinched from Chres' sudden jump into the ring. "What the hell?! Chres, you-" Biker grabbed the drunk's shirt with a hand. "Tell me where the bar is! I'm gonna have to look after the big guy! With a drink, first off." Biker let go and dropped him on the ground, looking at Chres again, shouting at him. "HEY, CHRES! I'M COMING WITH YOU! AFTER I GET A DRINK!"

Jacket had his mask off, smoking a cigarette. This couldn't really affect him, since no one knew him except Biker. The only thing that could affect him was if someone just took his mask and ran off. He had his knife in hand ready if such an act was attempted.

Yamperzzz Yamperzzz CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow @fightclubiforgotnames
Seeing as how Aloy left without giving her an answer or even acknowledging her, she looked to Minako. If he had worked Kintaros before, the both of them knowing each other well, then he was fine, right? So, she took her word and nodded. "
You're probably right, they can handle themselves." Noticing that Minako noticed something, she went to go investigate, leaving her with the one vendor that was saying something about bombs.

She walked up to the man's booth, looking at him. "
Um, excuse me? You were saying something about bombs?"

Thepotatogod Thepotatogod , 92MilesPrower 92MilesPrower , anyone at Morshu's booth

Well, after some internal fighting, she had to make the decision. And as much as she knew this was probably a bad idea, most things she did were probably bad ideas. So, she used her Siren telepathy, contacting Heather. '
Heather... we'll talk after the mission. For now, be careful. If you want, you can go hang out around Megumin or you can stay here on one of the stools.' She then cut the connection, burying the feelings down even deeper before talking to Phoenix-2.

Turning, she looked at the man and his little robot. The man finally spoke to her just to ask her a simple question, breaking his silence. So he wasn't mute, there goes that speculation. "
Yeah, that's my name. And that's what happened? Sounds about right after seeing the others." One could tell if they were good with people that she was trying to bury something inside of her.

Her attention turned towards who entered the bar, which was Eric. But something wasn't right about him, it was just a feeling she had. She couldn't figure out what it was, but she felt it. "
Oh, hey Eric."

She looked at Ryuji, relieved that if someone tried that again where he was from, no one would buy it. No more kids needed to die, especially if they were good people. "
Well, that's good, at least people won't fall for it. No one else deserves to die." Looking back at Phoenix, he put a revolver on the bar counter. She was going to ask where the two had been, but Rocket did beat her to it. Did they really go to the black market just for a revolver? Must've been pretty special. "Huh, so you got a new gun. Anything special about it?"

Space Buddha Space Buddha , CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow , P PopcornPie , quadraxis201 quadraxis201 , thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

─── ❖ ── ✦ ── ❖ ───
At first, he thought she was joking, in which she shook her head. "
Zack, I'm not joking. That was five years ago, I remember hearing people screaming in town. Cloud's mom, Claudia, she... Both her and my dad were killed by Sephiroth..." There were tears starting to fall down her face, beginning to remember that day.

But the tears would be temporary as she had to wipe them away, needing to do her job after this conversation and she didn't wanna be crying on the job in front of all those people. When asked if he could be left alone, she nodded. "
Sure, Zack." Getting off of the wall, she went to the door and she swore she heard him say Aerith's name. Then, she remembered that during the conversation she had with Aerith before she was brought here that she said that he used to date someone who was a SOLDIER First Class. When she asked his name, it then clicked in her head.

This was Aerith's first love.

Before she opened the door, her eyes looked to the left at Zack. "
It's no problem. And yeah... it was. Zack... I was talking to Aerith before I came here. She mentioned you and said that she loved you. Aerith misses you a lot and she continued to sell flowers, she said you gave her that idea. Anyways, when you're ready to come out, you can come out if you want." Tifa opened the door, closing it behind her after she stepped out.

She turned to Red, nodding at both things he said. "
Yeah... He deserved to know what happened. Right now, he just needs some time to process it."

But now wasn't the time to think about the past or the conversation with Zack, now it was time to do her job. Heading over to the bar counter, she nodded at Red's request. "
I'll get yours last, let me take care of everyone else."

First, she took care of Jordi as she prepared his drink: the scotch on the rocks and slid it over to him and then proceeded to take care of those that didn't drink alcohol. Reaching underneath the counter, she took out a soda can and filled up a glass she grabbed from underneath the counter, filling it up with ice and the soda, sliding it over to the one that asked for it. Grabbing another glass from underneath the counter, she grabbed a carton of juice, it being whatever flavor Megumin liked considering she would have all different kinds of juices, and filled it up. Going through the wooden panel after lifting it up, she brought it to the little girl before heading back behind the counter and lowering the panel.

Now, she was going to make the two drinks Red asked for, looking at him. The ones that asked for something were taken care of, so now she could do his order. Of course, she'd ask everyone else if they wanted something, but for right now, she had to focus on his order.
So, you want two drinks of something really good?" Grabbing a bottle from behind her, she looked at him once she turned around, she gave him a bit of a smile before reaching underneath the counter and grabbing two glasses.
Consider it done." She then got to work on the drink, working her bartending magic. Also, pretend the color of the liquid in two of these GIFs and the last one is red and not yellow.
Once she was done with both glasses, she took both and went over to Red, putting them in front of him.
"It's our house special: the Cosmo Canyon." The drink was red, almost like she same shade of red as her eyes. If one complimented the color of the drink, it would almost be like complimenting her eyes.

Noticing Heather was just standing there, pulling on the leg of Skye's pants, she looked at her. There was something wrong with Skye, but she didn't know what. "
Hey, Heather, why don't you go and talk with your friends?"

She then called out to everyone else in the bar, looking at everyone. "
Anyone else want anything?"

RedLight RedLight , Riven Riven , quadraxis201 quadraxis201 , P PopcornPie , Space Buddha Space Buddha , anyone else in Seventh Heavem

  • _________________________________________________________________________________
    Heather (But she's fucking useless):


    Heather waddled away from the two women, looking for Megumin and eventually finding her, making her presence known by painstakingly climbing onto a barstool next to her and Sora.

    "H-Hey meg! Oh are we talking about explosions and magic and stuff? T-The only spells I know are like, necromancy stuff, w-w-wait... oh I p-probably s-shouldn't have s-said that out loud."
Zack Fair Dreams and Honor

Before Tifa left the room, and Zack in it, she mentioned Aerith, and about her selling flowers. Yes, he was the one who gave the mentioned lady the idea of selling flowers. But Zack was speechless. He already figured out that she came from the future, or at least, HIS future. But it was sort of a relief when Zack found out that Aerith is doing alright. After that, Tifa left him be.

Interactions: TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher (Tifa)

Red Hot Pink Fury!

Tifa tells Red that she'll be serving the others first. Saving the best for last, he thinks.

"Alright!", Red tells her, slapping counter. "Use their drinks as a warm up."

He begins to humor her, of course. That would be a Red-thing to do. He watches Tifa give everyone their drinks. She is flawless when it comes to this! Red begins singing something, though, quietly, as if whispering.

"Nice place you got here.", he tells Tifa, complimenting Seventh Heaven. "Cozy. It's got nice vibes and all."

And then, it is time to make Red's order. He watches her do it, and he is just, like...

Red is too focused on Tifa blending his orders and... Stuff. Cool stuff.

"Y-- Yes. Two drinks of something... Really good.", he stutters. "Yeah!"

She's just too amazing! Tifa's movements is as smooth as a water stream. Red can't take his eyes off.

The way he just looks at her is, like...

Red doesn't want this to end, that he may as well just become an alcoholic so that Tifa would keep serving him. Also, it's worth mentioning that he's weak when it comes to alcohol, but he's not telling her that. Finally, Tifa serves Red his order.

"Ah... A red drink for Red.", he says, and then looks at her eyes. "But I think I'd get drunk faster staring into those eyes."

And with that compliment, Red slides the other glass of Cosmo Canyon to Tifa.

"The other one's for you actually.", he tells her. "Now, Tifa... Tell me how interesting you are."

Red takes a sip on his drink. After letting the taste explore his tongue's buds, smiles.

"Of course...", Red speaks. "It's perfect."

After complimenting the drink as well, he leans closer to Tifa, looking at her in the eyes, still cracking a little lip smile. Red has a rough look on his face, and is nowhere near to being a 'pretty boy'. But he makes it up through confidence. HUGE confidence.

Interactions: TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher (Tifa)
As he watched Tifa serve everyone, Lucky's pupils dilated, while drool pooled at the tip of his tongue. It even smelled like it would clear all his troubles! "Hey, Lassie! Got anything that'll...alleviate guilt?" His voice became soft as Eric entered. Well, at least he looked like he was all right. "He must've talked things out with Natasha and Lana. Good. Now I can wash me hands clean of that whole fight."

Eric wasted no time in claiming a seat as close to Megumin as possible. "Megumin, you look well!"

"I am, Eric, thank you." Megumin purred, quickly accepting the drink from Tifa.

"I was worried that you'd be badly injured after your encounters with both Ballmum and Two-Face. I wish I was there to see you be so brave!"


"Yes!" The Typhlosion nudged Eriana's Vow with his toes.
"It was a very brave thing to do, trusting your instincts when nobody else would! Despite having these two perfectly good weapons, you challenged Two-Face with your bare hands!"

"But it didn't work out. Everyone else ended up doing the brunt work." Megumin stared guiltily at her friends.

"Nobody would have been pushed to do anything if it weren't for you rushing into danger!" Eric patted her shoulder. "And the fact that you're still alive after all of that says a lot about how sturdy you really are!"

"More like 'how stupid'." Lucky's snide interjection briefly had Eric's attention. "Come on, even I wouldn't have rushed into a horde of bloodthirsty loons without me weapons."

"I suppose..." Megumin drooped, only for Eric to hold her head.

"Don't listen to them. They just think it's stupid because it was unexpected." He smiled.

TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher
--Minako Arisato || Koromaru--
Interaction: CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher

"Woof Woof!(Hello, I'm Koromaru!)" Koromaru barked at the strange, pink, quadrupedal cat-like creature, letting its tongue out in greeting. If Dawn understands DOG via telepathy, then she would hear what he is saying. "Woof woof!(There's a lot of strange and scary animals in here.)" The dog seemingly observed in his barks, that much is understood if one can understand animals.

"Yeah, I'm with the Captain." Minako nodded, "About that dog...I believe he belongs to a friend of mine." She pointed at Koromaru, who in turn, wagged his tail in delight.

"Woof!(You know masters???)" Koromaru sat, turning to Minako as he panted a bit faster, sniffing the air before barking again. "Woof!(Oh! Someone smells familiar!)"

"Mind if I take him with me or do I need to pay you for him?" Minako asked, preparing to spend her earnings if she has to, considering the fact that Koromaru may had been trapped for hours on end...

--Ryotaro Nogami || Kintaros--
Interaction: CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow

"Yes, we are." Ryotaro nodded as Kintaros follows closely behind him, "I hope you don't mind." Ryotaro turned to Kintaros as the Imagin simply nodded.

"Hah! Our little band of misfits will be staying in this underground town for a little while anyway!" Kintaros says as he began to pop his joints--especially his neck, can't forget that. "It's the least we could do." Kintaros says as he picked up one of the more larger debris with ease. "Where do these go?"

As Kintaros carries a large debris, Ryotaro decides to try and carry the broken chairs and other wooden furniture out of the broken courthouse so they be brought to the black market for repairs.

The way he just looks at her is, like...
(Red be simping o'er here)
Trevor took the uppercut in stride, only slightly reeling over in pain from it. He kneeled forward, clutching his stomach as he winced painfully. "Ooooh.... you sure pack a fuckin' punch..." Trevor replied with a grin, but in his time of (hopefully) distracting Sergei, Trevor quickly moved his hands forward to grab him by the collar of his shirt, before bringing his knee up in an attempt to knee him directly in the nose or jaw! All the while, Trevor seemed one-hundred percent invested in the fight at hand. Not even Chres' shouting was enough to catch him off guard!

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow Yamperzzz Yamperzzz FoolsErin FoolsErin DerpyCarp DerpyCarp PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss 92MilesPrower 92MilesPrower

  • Julia chuckles at Dawn's assessment. "Yup, lucky you."

    She nods to Sereth and the token disappears back into her pocket, then she turns to the Treecko after he gets out. "Espeon. Espe espeon, eon espeon espe. (No need. But if you insist, you can just by being a good friend.)"

    The Espeon also reaches out to Koromaru telepathically, regardless of whether Dawn does as well. Her message would be interpreted by the dog's brain as whatever combinations of woofs communicated the same idea. They might look scary, but that doesn't mean they can't still be friendly.
Jordi had taken the glass cheerfully in his hand, gladly raising it up to take a sip of the drink with a sigh of joyful relief, a nod as he placed it back down still in his hand, it was a simple drink, but it didn't mean it was bad, "Fantastic work babe! I'll make sure to toss ya a tip!" Nearl had kept to herself for the time being as the another new soldier warrior had come to the table. Truth be told, she appreciated everyone's company, but right now, she just wanted something to relax for.

She looked over st Skye as Rocket was talking to Phoenix, a small bow with a soft "Pardon me" was all she said as she moved out of her seat. She took the nice slow walk around to avoid the eyes of Jordi as he enjoyed his drink, taking a stand beside the counter as she looked at Tifa with a small grin, her ears and tail drooping slightly as she asked politely in a smaller voice.

"You.. have any red wine..? A glass would be nice."

TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
quadraxis201 quadraxis201
"Well, talking down to her certainly won't do any good," Zelda said to Sora and Dani as they chimed in about Megumin's main attraction. She turned back to face Megumin, her smile returning. "After all, I'm sure that her... 'Explosion' has its uses. I was merely suggesting alternative spells she can learn. There's no good nor bad." Though, as Megumin continued to speak about her power, even Zelda began to have very small doubts. Not in her ability or anything, more so in the fact that Zelda simply wanted to avoid as few casualties as possible. "Well, keep in mind, Megumin, that there are good people in Tediore too. Perhaps smaller spells would be more beneficial to learn for combat in such a crowded area?" The Hylian Princess suggested politely. She then turned to Tifa and raised her hand slowly. "I'll have a water, please."

It was then that "Eric" entered the bar and made his presence known, and began conversing with the colorful cast of characters that were present. Zelda internally rolled her eyes at the sight, though on the outside her smile remained, unwavering. Not only could she see through the illusion due to her multitude of powers and abilities, but she had been here long enough to know just who was causing the disguise, as well. "Why don't you join us as your regular self, Double Trouble?" Zelda asked, making sure to keep that soft smile on her face as she spoke. "After all," She began, as that smile, for the faintest of moments, turned into more of a smirk as her eyebrows relaxed and her mouth stretched out just a bit further than it already was, before her face returned to its normal smile.


"Don't you want people to know the real you?"

P PopcornPie TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher LilacMonarch LilacMonarch Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts @peoplearound​
─── ❖ ── ✦ ── ❖ ───
When Red said that the other glass was for you, part of her knew that this would be true. After all, who was he going to give it to, his sword? "
Thanks. I turned it into how my bar back home looked like before it was destroyed and I think I did a pretty good job."

The compliment about it being perfect as he looked into her eyes, made her blush a bit and looked away. He then asked her to tell him something interesting about herself. "
Something interesting about myself? And thanks."
She then looked back at him, the drink next to her. "
Well..." Before she could even continue, the others then spoke up with their orders. Most of them she could do, but the one Axel asked for would probably be the hardest. Regardless, the conversation'll have to wait. "Wait just a moment."

Getting the easy ones out of the way, she reached underneath the counter for two glasses, grabbing a bottle of red wine and filling one glass up. She then grabbed the other and filled it with a bottle of sparkling water as she didn't want to give Zelda basic tap water, she didn't deserve that. With that done, she slid the glass of red wine over to the girl that had horse features and grabbed the glass of water, going to lift the wooden panel and brought the water to Zelda. Setting it on the table, she went back behind the counter, closing the panel, and started working on the next one.

Something that alleviates pain... yeah, she could make something for that. After grabbing a glass from, surprise, underneath the counter, she grabbed three ingredients: whiskey, ginger ale, and some lime. And then, she worked her magic, making the drink and then brought it to him after doing what she always does to get over to the other side.
This has a simple sounding name, but I prefer to call it..." After looking at the color of it, she came up with a name for it, the color reminding her of something. A flower. "Lover's Reunion." Yeah, it sounded cheesy, but it reminded her of the flowers Aerith sold, especially with what they symbolized. Going back behind the counter, now she had to handle Axel's order.

From his request, she only had one problem: she's never even heard of that kind of ice cream and never tasted it. But, the name alone gave her some ideas thanks to the "sea" part. Eventually one came to her and she began to make it.

Saving everyone all of the details and how she made it, she finished making Axel's drink and took it over to him. She set it down in front of him.

(Just look up Jack Frost)

Now this is called something different, but let's just call it Sea Salt Ice Cream for right now until I come up with a better name for it." After that, she went back behind the counter, closing the wooden panel behind her. Looking at everyone else who had yet to order something, she called out.

Any more orders?"

RedLight RedLight , Riven Riven , thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore , P PopcornPie , LilacMonarch LilacMonarch , anyone else who didn't order
Red Hot Pink Fury!

"Huh.", Red listens to Tifa's little backstory for her bar. "Looks like you've been here for a while."

, he smiles upon noticing her blush. "Something interesting about you, which is, like... Anything, really."

Red is just... This happy...

"Of course.", he tells Tifa after more people place their orders. "Don't get too distracted thinking about me, otherwise you'll mess up their orders."

Red starts whistling the same tune he was whistling during their walk earlier.

It's still busted and full of ear-piercing air. But hey! It's the thought that counts. Red doesn't care anyway. He's happy right now. Red would watch her make and serve their orders. He would also glance around the bar, enjoying the vibe it has. Red takes a sip on his drink, before glancing around again, looking at Tifa's customers as well. He would also tap his fingers in beat with his whistling. For once, Red is actually behaving.


How long is this going to take? He watches Tifa mix and blend the whiskey, ginger ale, and lime. Watching her work is just a sight to see. Red may as well pick this up as a new hobby.

"You should teach me that sometime--", he disturbs attempts to talk to her. "But go on."

Red then returns to watching Tifa work, as well as continue his whistling. Suddenly, however, she serves Lucky a drink called Lover's Reunion. Red looks at him, like...

He thinks of telling Tifa, "How about you make the two of us a nice drink, and call it something with 'Lover' in it?", but decides not to, knowing that it means going too much on her. Red has to remain cool and reserved, and besides, there's still going to be more dates with her after this. He would then spend the rest of his 'waiting time' distracting himself with thoughts of them dating more.

Interactions: TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher (Tifa)
Last edited:

  • _________________________________________________________________________________
    Heather (But she's a goddamn toddler):

    Heather nods, hanging her head in shame before Axel.

    "Y-Yeah s-sort of. I can make, like, monsters and stuff out of dead things. I-It's really g-gross."

    Seeing Tifa mixing drinks, Heather would ask for one herself.

    "H-Hey! Can I get a lemonade?"

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