• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

The fat shopkeeper had successfully gotten a potential customer, much to his delight. He pulled out a crate filled with a variety of aforementioned bombs, and started to tell the pirate about his large variety of explosives.FRRRRREEZE bombs. Mushroom bombs. Dinner bombs. Bob-ombs. Propane bombs. Oxi Clean bombs.” While he named just a few of the many types of explosives that he had, including some very strange ones, Morshu clearly had his voice completely changing upon uttering certain words, much to the shock of everyone around him. However, where he came from, it was absolutely normal to sound like this.

Yamperzzz Yamperzzz and the other people in the Black Market.


(“D-did I do it?! Am I featured on the first post on the 100th page of this whole roleplay thread? ...WHAT DO YOU MEAN THE NEXT CHAPTER OF MY EPIC JOURNEY WAS SHAFTED IN FAVOR OF A YOUTUBE POOP JOKE?! I GOT CUCKED BY A MEME FROM FUCKING 2007! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!”)
Red Hot Pink Fury!

Tifa would respond to Red's little 'cool' pun. (Heheh).

"Blizzara, huh? Oh! Like, Blizzard. Yeah, I get it. That's a nice way to name things, I suppose.", Red replies to Tifa. "Say, would you go ou--"

Before he could even ask her something, she would have already been busy entertaining others. Red scratches his head, and combs his hair with his hand, in annoyance. But it's not something that'll get him down!

"You should let go, Red. You still have, like, 2 other women or so. I don't exactly remember...", Pixxie tells Red.

He shrugs upon hearing her out. Tifa would then ask if anyone wants to join her in Seventh Heaven. And, of course, Red couldn't say no to that.

"Hey! You still owe me that drink, right?!", he shouts at Tifa, who is already meters away, walking. "And you kinda said yes to my date..."

She would barely hear or totally not hear at all that last part though. Pixxie sighs in disappointment, and to a possibly nearing heartbreak.

Interactions: TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher (Tifa)

Zack Fair Dreams and Honor

Zack just stands there, waiting for people to stop approaching Tifa, so they could now head back to the Seventh Heaven. Luckily, it doesn't take her long enough to decide that, as she invites anyone who wishes to come with her to Seventh Heaven.

"Alright", he says. "Finally"

Zack would see Red get left behind, and shakes his head again.

"Boy, oh, boy...", he whispers. "Why does he keep trying?"

Interactions: TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher (Tifa)
(“D-did I do it?! Am I featured on the first post on the 100th page of this whole roleplay thread? ...WHAT DO YOU MEAN THE NEXT CHAPTER OF MY EPIC JOURNEY WAS SHAFTED IN FAVOR OF A YOUTUBE POOP JOKE?! I GOT CUCKED BY A MEME FROM FUCKING 2007! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!”)
Bro, shut the fuck up
Alleyway Group

"No prob," Rene nods to Zack.

Then, Megumin starts spilling all her worries out at the Hunter and his friends. As she goes on about how it was all her fault, Rene tries to get her to stop by raising his hand, doing his best to cut in to no avail. "Kid- hey- kid, calm down!" He sighs as he gets the room to speak. "Look. If what you're saying is true, then... how old are you? Thirteen? Fourteen?" He comes over and places a hand on her head. "Kid... Two-Face isn't someone people think about double-crossing. He knows how to play his cards, so either you listen to him, or you end up like that." He jabs a thumb at the courthouse. "Maybe you were a little stupid by trying to take him down the way you did. But I've been in wars, hunted down relentlessly by ten-foot-tall uglies, and attacked by the worst creatures from your nightmares. And let me tell you a little something I've learned."

He crouches down a little until he's eye level with her.

"Sometimes, being brave also means being stupid. You took down one of the only guys I couldn't touch. And that leaves his gang ripe for the picking." He pats her shoulder, then unloads his gun, flips it around, and hands it to her. "I don't usually give guns to kids, but for some reason, I feel really bad looking at you. You learn to shoot this, you'll grow up knowing how to fix your past mistakes. Try to hide it from your parents. If they ask, don't say where you got it from. 'Kay?"


Obtained Eriana's Vow!

Rene then gets up and looks towards Biker, addressing him and Jacket with his answer. "Okay, first of all, calm down. We're working with these guys-" the Hunter points to those of you who are in the Crimson Raiders "-to find a way to get everyone back to their own universes. Gonna assume you're new here since I haven't seen you around before. So here's the deal. We're infiltrating a supercorporation arms dealer because these guys believe they have info on a relic that'll return you home. You get that info, you'll have a clear destination in mind." The Hunter then takes the knife from his chestpiece and hands it to Biker hilt-first. "Something tells me we'll get along just fine. Little welcoming gift from me to you. Freshly stoned."


Obtained Hunter's Knife!

Rene glances at Tifa as she leaves. "Wish I could've seen you in action, Tifa. See you at the raid. Take care 'till then!" he waves to her.

The Hunter then looks to Marcus and Julia. "Yeah, I see now. Zelda never really seemed the type to do anything without good reason. I'd have done the same thing if I was there... and if my hands weren't tied by Two-Face's gang. So thanks for doing what no one else could do. And that goes for all of you, too. I'm all out of gifts to give, so..." He takes a large handful of something from a pouch on the back of his belt and tosses one of each to all of you. They're green coins, forged with the symbol of two entwined snakes.


Obtained Gambit Tokens!

"Show these to any shopkeep in the underground. Could be here, could be in Promethea, doesn't matter. They'll tell them you're with me. That means free stuff for all of you. Don't lose 'em."

"I apologize for not foreseeing this struggle. This was intended to be a safe haven for you all to rest and buy supplies before the raid," Ian says before turning to Rene. "I do not intend offense, but if it is possible, I would recommend that your gang take charge of clearing these personnel. The encounter with the Mutants, and now, the fugitive known as Two-Face may prove to be too exhausting."

"Yeah, yeah, no prob. I was planning on doing that anyway." Rene looks at you all again. "This'll sound creepy, but my gang's gonna be keeping a close eye for you while you're here. Two-Face's goons are gonna be pissed at what happened here, so you'll be watched by my guys wherever you go. You'll be safe." He then turns to Aloy. "These guys had a dance with Two-Face and lived. Can't say anyone else could've done that. Guess the guy tried to bring down the courthouse on top of 'em." He looks over at Richtofen. "Sounds like you deserve a lot of praise for getting everyone out of there. Don't know what I would've done if you guys bit the dust already. We'll need all the help we can get."

Now, while this is happening, Dawn has been minding his own business, alternating between muttering under his breath angrily and almost vomiting at the sight of splattered brains and charcoal corpses. He continues writing things down on his notepad and is so distracted with it that even if he could somehow figure out that Julia's intruding on his mind, he wouldn't be able to.

And as it turns out, rooting through his brain would provide Julia and, by extension, the rest of you with an absolute goldmine of information. He knows plenty of info adding onto the rumours you heard about back on Sanctuary. He just seems to know them, oddly enough, even without any direct proof. But there the memories are, clear as day, and certainly not forged. All of the following info is therefore true.


There is something creeping beneath the city and the underworld alike. They function as Aegina's big brother, maintaining close observation of the citizens at almost every moment with help of Tediore's devices. Though they don't directly intervene, they push Tediore into taking action for them. You very possibly may end up attracting their attention, no matter how stealthy you are... of course, that doesn't mean stealth can't delay them or Tediore. No one knows exactly who they are, if they're human or aliens or extradimensional beings or what, but one thing's for sure: they're dangerous.


In order to prevent mass Mutant-related disasters, the devices used to mind control them are connected via signal to various server rooms scattered throughout Aegina, each one providing 'service' to a very small area. This ensures that if one of them goes down somehow, the Mutants that would break free from control would number very few. Each of the facilities that house them are heavily guarded. Trying to hit them all individually would be time-consuming and highly ineffective, though perhaps one of you could get better results out of this plan somehow.

Now, anyone in Wolves' Den could tell you this... but not this part: beneath Tediore HQ is a master server room. It had been built as a plan B in case all other server rooms were somehow sabotaged or destroyed and is able to take remote control of all Mutants citywide.

Getting in there, however, wouldn't be easy. The master server room may have only four self-resetting codes that are required to get in, but it's also guarded by Tediore's and other supercorporations' best security and locked away in a nuclear bunker. But if you can enter that way... you could create a huge enough distraction that would allow you to waltz right into Tediore HQ, no regards for stealth, and drag the CEO and his brother out by their ears.


The Throne is somewhere near the center of the galaxy. This would mean a fairly long flight unless Sanctuary was pushed to its absolute limits, and further complications would come if you were detected and then followed.


The Throne isn't a relic.

It's a creature. And it will be trying its hardest to defend itself from you all. When you defeat it, you'll be able to harness its immense power once for a single wish...

...but who will make that wish? And will it actually be to bring you all back home?


A certain contact will be joining you all during the raid. He's considered one of the best in the business, but has one very specific request that must be fulfilled in return for his duties and is very forceful in ensuring it's followed...


Moons suck.

The creepy creature in the black robe finishes burning the last body, leaving only the frozen Two-Face. Dawn stops writing, and the creature fades away into nothingness.

"Did you guys say something to me?" the Espeon asks curiously as he snaps out of his trance.

Smug Smug FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla P PopcornPie darkred darkred Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Crow Crow LilacMonarch LilacMonarch Yamperzzz Yamperzzz jigglesworth jigglesworth Space Buddha Space Buddha DerpyCarp DerpyCarp GeorgeTownRaja GeorgeTownRaja RedLight RedLight Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara FoolsErin FoolsErin

Fight Club Group

The inside of the fight club is pure chaos.

People crowd around small arenas fenced off by wooden fences and filled with hay. Two people fight one another in each one. They battle so violently that it would almost appear that it's a duel to the death. There's a bar off to the side; nowhere near as good-looking as Seventh Heaven or the local bar in Wolves' Den, but it's a place to get drinks. Even if they look like they only serve hard liquor...

But the main attraction here appears to be one man surrounded by several others who look like bodybuilders. His face, battered and bruised and riddled with shards of glass, still shows an expression of seething rage you've only seen in Trevor.

He punches two other men, knocking them down instantly, and grabs the throat of a third and throws him down to the ground. He picks him up by the collar and begins punching him until his face is disfigured, all the while yelling swears in a thick Russian accent. He then clasps his hands together and strikes the downed man in the nose, knocking him unconscious.

Slayer of the Russian government and drug addiction

"Anyone else want to make this day worse for both of us?!" he yells at the crowd.

Next to Trevor, the man that got struck whirls around to face him. He looks like a homeless guy, frail and dirty, but he's squaring up! "Hey, ol' man! What was that for?! You wanna go?!"

FoolsErin FoolsErin DerpyCarp DerpyCarp thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

Bar Group

"Yeah, she already paid, she can go. You kids stay out of trouble, y'hear?" The fat bartender burps and turns back to Kraken. "What about you, ya' weird... fish girl, where's your money?"

BoltBeam BoltBeam

Black Market Group

Unfortunately for Abbott, Sereth's appearance would be... fairly intimidating. With his hood that totally obscures his face, leaving only two white orbs for his eyes to peek out from under it.

"Welcome, stranger," he greets the boy in a silky smooth voice. A little too silky smooth...


What are ya' buy- whoops, wrong game

Yamperzzz Yamperzzz
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Red Hot Pink Fury

Red heard Rene's talk about each of them 'returning to their universes'. He wondered what Tifa's universe is like...

"No... I don't like that look on your face, Red.", Pixxie said, as she caught up on Red very quick.

Mentions: CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow (Rene), TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher (Tifa)

Zack Fair Dreams and Honor

Zack nodded to Rene before he left with Tifa and the others who choose to be with them.

@Interactions: CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow (Rene), TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher (Tifa)

  • _________________________________________________________________________________
    Heather (Without brain damage (but still kinda stupid)):

    Heather had been spending this time patting megumin to comfort her, and waiting for the fighting to end. Once it had done so, she would finally have responded to CRB, their conversation previously interrupted by glorious physical combat.

    "Uhm, w-we're safe now though! So I don't have to go anywhere, right?"

    She would then catch the jade token, eyeing it and beaming as she was told what it would do.

    "S-Screw that! Nevermind! I'm g-gonna go buy all the candy!"

    Heather would then take off running towards the nearest candy store. Maybe someone should stop her?
Shadow’s Homing Attack was a success, making TwoFace stumble back. Then the damage kept piling on by countless others, and to top it all off, Zack slices his arm off with the buster sword. Shadow looks at this in shock, he was left quite speechless.
And it ends with him being put in a sort of.. “sand coffin.” Zelda comments on this being overkill, Shadow is left to agree. “Whatever the case, at least you’re safe.” Zelda thanks him and the others for their bravery and kindness yet again. “You’re quite welcome, princess.”

But just when things begin to calm down a little, Rene and his ground show up. He pointing the gun directly at everyone, asking if they did this. ”Will you stop pointing guns at us, we’ve had enough!” Dani angrily shouts at Rene only for him to chuckle and actually sounds kind of glad he’s gone.

After ordering his men to get rid of the bodies, Rene then wanted to know what happened. Shadow was going to tell him, but Zack beat him to the punch. Only for Megumin to tell Rene what Zack just told her, only thing different is that she claims it’s her fault.

Shadow laid his hand on the little girl’s shoulder.
“Clam down. No one is going to lock you up, you’ll be home soon. And as for the courthouse incident, your intentions were well meaning, but you should think before you act. Sometimes, doing so little, could help a lot. Remember that.”

Rene then hands everyone green coins with a snake symbol on them. “Thanks.” “Don’t mind if I do.” Tifa then suggest they go the Seventh Heaven “Good idea, I could use a drink.” “Sure, I’m game.”

Sora then continued listening into the conversation, not having much to say until he saw the returning Lucky talk to Julia, making Sora run over to them. “Lucky? I thought you were in containment, how did you get out here.”

Instead of getting an answer for Lucky, Ben came over to him and said some guy’s looking for him. “Really?” Before he could ask who, he starts to snicker a bit at Ben’s alien. “Why do you look like a crab with a bucket on it’s head?”

Zack walks over to Sora in the middle of this, to see he’s not who he’s looking for. “Oh, I mean we could be friends. Good luck on finding who you’re looking for.” Axel heard Zack say something about Cloud, he turns to Sora, asking him if he’s same Cloud they know. “Yeah. I haven’t seen him since he went after Sephiorth. Hey wait.”

Sora notices something about Zack and goes over to stop him, only to find he has Cloud’s Buster Sword. “That’s Cloud’s sword. Where did you get that, do you know him?”

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore RedLight RedLight P PopcornPie Crow Crow LilacMonarch LilacMonarch CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher
Alley Group

"Wait! We don't have any candy shops down here! Don't go towards any balding men offering to sell you any! KID!" Rene calls after Heather as she runs off.

Space Buddha Space Buddha

Black Market Group

"I already did," Eric smirks at 'Lana.' "We never made that promise to each other. In hindsight, I probably should've." He glares at the impostor. "Just what are you trying to gain from doing this?"

But they'd already run off. Eric sighs, leaning against a nearby building. "I don't suppose that wasn't actually you back in the alley, huh? I'm sorry. I... should've known..." His ears then perk up upon hearing a young voice screaming for help. "Someone's in trouble!"

The shady-looking passerby backs away, raising his arms defensively. "H-hey! What's wrong with you, kid?! What're you talking about?!"

LilacMonarch LilacMonarch P PopcornPie
"Hrng.. that doesn't make too much sense. You're telling me these other guys are from different universes? Not only do they look weird, they're not from this world. Whatever." Biker looks at the knife. "I don't need your knife. I'm fine-" Jacket quickly accepts the knife, then tries to take a little swipe towards Biker. Biker backs up and pushes Jacket away. "Get out of here if you don't want to die! Look, this is between me and him. Don't let anyone get in my way. I have a feeling I won't get a break with him around." Biker got into a more serious tone. "I'll do what I can to help get me and these freaks back home, but can you do something about the chicken man?"

Jacket looked at Biker one last time before walking away. He would find a building not too far and sit on the ground, leaning against it. It was good that there was progress leading to him returning home, but why was Biker here? Why did he have some urge to attack him? When did he even get here? From Rene's comment on him being new, he certainly wasn't here for long. What was he doing before he arrived? Jacket thought of calling a truce, just this once, so the both of them can get home unharmed. He stabbed the ground with the knife and thought long and hard.

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow @thosearoundbiker
She shook her head, looking at Ryuji. "
Well, if I told my story, it'd get even more depressing. So, can't really tell it without making everyone extremely depressed." Really, she'd be right on that, and refrained from telling the story to not make everyone even more depressed than they already are right now.

Then, the suggestion about changing topics was made to something less depressing. Honestly, she had sort of an idea as to what the future held for her. "
Plans for the future... I guess my plans are I stay with the Raiders, as I was always a huge fan of them ever since they started. Come on, there was a Siren in the group starting out and they were badasses that defeated a Vault Monster, how could I not be a fan of them? Plus, since there was a Siren, I didn't feel lonely anymore. It was like I wasn't the only Siren anymore. Well, there was Commadant Steele, but I don't remember much about her other than the fact that she died right after the Vault opened years ago."

Sighing, she looked at them. "
So, guess I'll stay with the Raiders, maybe go see how mom's doing assuming she's... well, that's for another time." Before she could even start talking about her mom, she had to stop herself before continuing any further. Only she knew the reason why she stopped herself when she did.

quadraxis201 quadraxis201 , thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore , Riven Riven

─── ❖ ── ✦ ── ❖ ───
Hearing the little girl, she stopped to look at her, having just stepped outside of the alleyway. "
I don't know what a Neroid is, but I do have water, soda, and juice if you want it." Of course, she didn't stop for just her as Red didn't seem to follow her and she also heard Axel say a familiar name.

Looking at him, she was surprised that he at least heard of him and maybe even met him, Sora then revealing that he knew him too. "
Wait, you two know Cloud?" As Sora asked Zack if he knew Cloud, even noticing his sword, she looked at Sora. "Yeah, he knows him, they're friends." Her eyes widened once he mentioned Sephiroth.

Once the great war hero and now...

The one that destroyed her and Cloud's hometown, causing the Niebleheim incident.

How did he know him? How did he know who Cloud and Sephiroth was? And how did he somehow know about her?

Right now, she had to come back to reality as they needed to get back to the bar so they could talk about this. Rene then tossed them all something, which she caught it and saw it was a Gambit's Token. Well, if she was able to get stuff for the bar with them, they'd prove to be very useful. And if not, she'd probably offer it to Skye or anyone at Seventh Heaven right now. "
Thanks Rene. And you know I can take care of them if they ever tried to jump me, I'll be fine. Zelda needs them more than I do."

A new person then came to see what was wrong and looking, she saw a red haired woman with a bow. There wasn't really that many people carrying around a bow in this world or back on Gaia, so seeing this was a surprise. Tifa could tell just by looking at her that she was a fighter, like herself and all of the other girls was in the new group and Wolves' Den combined that could kick ass.

Finally, she looked at Red who just stood there. "
Hey, Red! You coming? I did promise you a drink!" And then, Heather tried to run out of the alleyway to a candy shop, in which she grabbed her hand right as she tried to run past her. "Heather, don't you wanna see Skye? She's probably awake by now."

After having stopped her and after Heather would reply, either going with her or going off to the candy shop, she continued walking back to Seventh Heaven. Of course, anyone wanting to come with her to be somewhere safer or to come in to have a drink can still follow her. Really, she wouldn't mind it.

P PopcornPie , LilacMonarch LilacMonarch , Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts , CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow , darkred darkred , RedLight RedLight , Space Buddha Space Buddha , everyone else in the alleyway
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Red Hot Pink Fury!

Red is whistling something while walking with Tifa and the others. And if anyone would recognize the tune, it is...

"I want to not live-exist.", Pixxie says.

Also the whistling is busted because he doesn't know how to whistle properly. It's mostly just blowing air every now and then. But hey, it's the thought that counts!

Mentions: TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher (Tifa)

Zack Fair Dreams and Honor

"Huh. Alright then.", Zack replied to Sora, who said that the two of them could be friends. "My name is Zack."

He would shake the Cloud-look-alike's hand. And with that... Sora was added to the Digital Mind Wave -- Zack's Limit Break system. Limit Break: Trinity Limit. Axel came up to them asking about a Cloud that they know. And then, the newcomer mentions of a 'Sephiroth'. The SOLDIER 1st class was in shock, speechless. They were talking about the same Cloud, whom Zack has been looking for! And as if those weren't enough...

"W-- What do you mean...", he finally recollects himself and speaks. "... Cloud's sword?"

Zack would then tell them to join Tifa and the others in Seventh Heaven, where they could all talk about this more. Everything is just... Confusing. Lowered emotions affected the DMV (Digital Mind Wave). Right now, they are all walking to Tifa's bar.

Interactions: Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts (Sora, Axel)
Mentions: TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher (Tifa)

  • _________________________________________________________________________________
    Heather (Without brain damage (but still kinda stupid)):

    Heather would stop as Tifa grabbed her arm, now looking even happier than before.

    "Y-Yes! Definitely! B-But I'm getting candy after! I don't care what that lady says! I saw a v-van that says candy on it!"

  • Julia catches the green token Rene tossed to her and pockets it. "Thanks."

    "You could say that," She replies to Dawn and winks, but offers no elaboration on what that's supposed to mean.

    "Huh, now that you mention it...it does look like that..." Axel comments to no one in particular as Sora asks Zack about his sword. It's obvious Sora knows Cloud better than he does.


    He glances between Sora, Tifa and Zack. "You know Cloud too? What is this, some kinda reunion? Sora knew Tifa but Tifa didn't know Sora, and I don't know your name. Ugh, this is a major headache!"
Tifa answers Sora’s question for Zack, saying they’re friends. That explains everything, except the fact he still has Cloud’s sword. He at least introduces himself.

“Oh. That’s cool. And yeah, I’m a friend of Cloud. My name is Sora, good to meet you Zack.” Zack’s then confused as to what Sora means by “Cloud’s sword” and tells him and the others discuss this in the bar.

“Uhh, sure. I could tell you now, but I guess we could wait till we get to the bar.” Then Sora looks at Axel who’s having a headache. “You’re not the only confused. Best just to roll with it.”

TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher RedLight RedLight LilacMonarch LilacMonarch

Chres pouted as Richtofen, Zack, and Ben obliterated Two-Face and his goons. He wanted to kill them all himself and show off his super cool sound-based moves, but no one in the group was having it. Which was probably was for the better, as Chres "The Klutz" Endo would likely hurt everyone in the process of attacking and then himself by mistake. And none of Two-Face and his minions would have been touched.

Shortly after defeating Two-Face, many other criminals including Rene, Dawn, and Ian arrived at the scene. Their lights reflected some off of his metal limbs while blinding him temporarily. He finally got a good look at the remains of who they just fought when the lights were eventually pointed on them. The aftermath was gnarly, but Chres thought it would've been even more gnarly if he ripped Two-Face to shreds with the power of noise.

Pretty much everything from this point forward was, would you guess it, completely ignored by Chres. It's totally something he does all the time and definitely not something I put in just to make controlling three characters easier. Yeah. Anyways, Chres stares into space while everyone was jawing away.

Finally, after several minutes, Chres dragged his palm across his face to show annoyance, complete with an eyelid pull. He groaned loudly before exclaiming,

"Are we allowed to go now? I'm so tired of just standing here. You're all no fun! You guys should've let me kill Two-Face first..."

As a response to Dawn, who had spoken before Chres had rudely interjected, he shrugged and stated,

"Huh? I wasn't listening..."

Smug Smug FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla P PopcornPie darkred darkred Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Crow Crow LilacMonarch LilacMonarch jigglesworth jigglesworth Space Buddha Space Buddha DerpyCarp DerpyCarp GeorgeTownRaja GeorgeTownRaja RedLight RedLight Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara FoolsErin FoolsErin
Abbott slowly approached Sereth in his booth, unnerved by his mysterious appearance. The sailor's eyes were glued to Sereth's as he just stood there. He remained silent until the vendor spoke. Then he tried to speak, but Abbott instead studdered like a broken record. After a few seconds, Abbott cleared his throat and tried again,

"... Um. Hi? I, uh, heard you sell animals...?" Abbott clasped his hands together, trying to seem as polite as possible.

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow


The sea captain winced every time Morshu changed his voice as he listed off different bombs he had in stock. He was also curious as to why these bombs are so strange and what their properties were. Other than blowing up, of course.

"Uhh... And what do they all do, exactly?" He squinted as he eyed some of the bombs, particularly the Bob-ombs, Dinner, and... Oxi Clean bombs? What?

92MilesPrower 92MilesPrower
Red Hot Pink Fury!

"Well, this walking is talking a while.", Red speaks. "I'm pretty sure it was faster last time."

Pixxie remains silent, however. He's getting bored now, so he looks at Tifa to see what she's doing. She seems to be talking with Zack and a couple of others he could barely recognize. Red decides to join in them.

"What's up, y'all?", he greets them. "Name's Red. Particularly talking to the two 'Spiky-Hairs'."

Red introduces himself to Sora and Axel.

"Yeah, Red's just here for the lady. Don't worry about him.", his weapon companion says.

Interactions: TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher (Tifa), Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts (Sora), LilacMonarch LilacMonarch (Axel)

Zack Fair Dreams and Honor

While Tifa and the others are walking to Seventh Heaven, Zack is starting to look impatient.

"You know what?", he speaks. "We can start talking about everything now! What's going on, exactly?!"

Zack unclips the Buster Sword from his back to show it to Tifa, Sora, and Axel, and also, to take a better look at it.

"This is the Buster Sword! There's nothing like it, as far as I know.", Zack tells Axel. "Only me and... Angeal have ever wielded it."

He gets reminded of his old friend and mentor.

"Cloud's a friend of mine! He's part of Shinra's infantrymen...", Zack explains to all of them. "... But soon, he'll join SOLDIER!"

(This is where Red decides to join in their conversation).

"What about you-- Uhh... Red, was it?", he asks Red. "Do you, by any chance, know Cloud as well?"

"Is that supposed to be a name?"
, he clearly doesn't know who they're talking about.

"Yes, Red. They are talking about someone only they know.", Pixxie speaks.

"Alright, that settles it.", Zack says. "Knows-Cloud-Only Club right now. Get out."

Red shrugs, smiling, and leaves them be.

"You deserve that."

Interactions: TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher (Tifa), Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts (Sora), LilacMonarch LilacMonarch (Axel)
CRB shakes his head in the negative. "Oh, it was never about that in the first place. As I said before, Two-Face and his gang never bothered me, because what we need to do isn't about that. Plus, there is a chance, theat if you come with me I could scrounge up something sweet for you. Maybe not real candy, but nothing drug laced or dangerous, at least. If it makes you comfortable, you can bring someone with you, seeing as you clearly don't trust me." CRB offers a hand to Heather.
Space Buddha Space Buddha

Fluffington the Mighty looks around, before determining who must be in charge is clearly the super strong looking guy~! She hops over to Sergei and raises a paw and her voice to be heard over the din. "Hello there My good sir. I would like to request an arena for an official bout me me and the angry Orange Lady." Fluffington the Mighty gestures a paw to Jasper as she says this. "And If you arn't the one in charge fo fights, can you send me to whoever is?"
CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow @
Zelda tilted her head slightly when she watched Megumin's tearful fit, seeming a bit confused. "Why would anyone incarcerate you for protecting the innocent?" Zelda pondered aloud, clearly perplexed by the young witch's behavior. She was snapped out of her confusion, however, when Tifa asked what Zelda had stolen specifically. "Oh...well..." She lowered her head and reached into her dress, pulling out a small, black orb.


"This..." Zelda said as she held the orb up for everyone around you to see. It was a glass ball, and inside the glass, you could all very clearly make out a dark substance swirling around inside it. "A ball of Twilight. It's a corrosive substance from another realm... one which is parallel to the different universes across the Multiverse..." Zelda explained, trying to keep her description as brief as possible. "It grants its wielder unfathomable strength, though often at the cost of their own lives. I myself can only wield it because of the power the great Goddesses of Hyrule bestowed upon me..." She spoke softly, as if she was trying to keep prying ears from listening. "Somehow through some... divine prank, this ended up here in this realm shortly after my arrival. I kept it safe for a while.. though Two-Face eventually found out of its existence. I tried to keep it from him, but once he found out of its true nature, he wasted no time in stealing it from my possession." Zelda paused, taking a breath. "When I attempted to steal it back from him... well, I believe you witnessed firsthand how things played out from there." She said with a nod, before putting the ball of Twilight away from sight.


Looking back over at all of you now, Zelda managed a small smile and took a slight bow. "I must thank you all again for your efforts. Although your methods in my rescue were a bit questionable, had it not been for you, Two-Face would have gotten his hands on the Twilight once more. And, assuming it didn't kill him first, he would have unleashed unspeakable horrors across this realm."

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher P PopcornPie FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla Smug Smug Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts DerpyCarp DerpyCarp Space Buddha Space Buddha RedLight RedLight Yamperzzz Yamperzzz LilacMonarch LilacMonarch @alleyway​
CRB shakes his head in the negative. "Oh, it was never about that in the first place. As I said before, Two-Face and his gang never bothered me, because what we need to do isn't about that. Plus, there is a chance, theat if you come with me I could scrounge up something sweet for you. Maybe not real candy, but nothing drug laced or dangerous, at least. If it makes you comfortable, you can bring someone with you, seeing as you clearly don't trust me." CRB offers a hand to Heather.
Space Buddha Space Buddha

Fluffington the Mighty looks around, before determining who must be in charge is clearly the super strong looking guy~! She hops over to Sergei and raises a paw and her voice to be heard over the din. "Hello there My good sir. I would like to request an arena for an official bout me me and the angry Orange Lady." Fluffington the Mighty gestures a paw to Jasper as she says this. "And If you arn't the one in charge fo fights, can you send me to whoever is?"
CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow @

Heather was already gone, having run off to find a candy store and having been intercepted by Tifa.​
─── ❖ ── ✦ ── ❖ ───

"Well, come on then!" She looked at Heather, walking a bit, before stopping once again to see what Zelda took from Two-Face. From the sound of it, she never betrayed him, he just stole something of hers. And speaking of Two-Face, she looked at her after looking at the ball of Twilight.

You're welcome, Zelda. Hey, Zelda, you should come with us. Like Rene said, his boys are going to try to get revenge on us for taking him out, and that means you too. So at least come with us to Seventh Heaven, we can talk more there. Okay?"

Whether she'd follow them or not, that was up to Zelda, but they really had to get back to Seventh Heaven. So she'd go back to walking down the path, slowing a bit for Zelda to catch up if she wishes to join them. Otherwise, she started walking a bit faster.

On the way there, Zack grew impatient and started wanting answers then and there. "
Of course I know Cloud, Axel, we grew up together in the same town. And Zack, just hold on a bit longer, then I'll tell you everything."

Seventh Heaven wasn't that far away now, Zack and the others would have to hold on just a little bit longer.

Space Buddha Space Buddha , thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore , LilacMonarch LilacMonarch , Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts , anyone else following Tifa

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