• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.
Interactions: DerpyCarp DerpyCarp FoolsErin FoolsErin



A mysterious figure has joined the fight club on Fluffington's side only to reveal that he is a man in his late 20s. He bears a physical resemblance to Max Rockatansky and Bruce Lee but he is a different person nonetheless. And he doesn't seem to feel any emotions on what it is currently going on nor would he fear it.

He doesn't like the way Jasper is saying something to her and he wants to address the issue by introducing himself to her as well as to Fluffington since he will be helping her from now on. He is the "Saviour of the Post-Apocalyptic World", Kenshiro.

He approached the creature as a purpose to ask her for support.

"Do you need a hand? That woman doesn't look to be friendly at all. Perhaps, it is best that you probably need someone to support you. I'm Kenshiro by the way." He said.

He then turns his attention towards Jasper. He wants to warn her about her unexpected aggressive behavior.

"If I were you, I would end the fight immediately so you wouldn't have to deal with me unless you want to experience pain and suffering. You see, Hokuto Shinken is invincible and there is nothing that you can do to undo it. Your choice." He said.

Interactions: Chungchangching Chungchangching

Naoto Azuma/Tiger Mask
"What is that all about? Did I do something wrong? Oh well. Oh, what is this place?"

Naoto couldn't understand why the mouse was being bitter to him but it could be that he has made a simple mistake but his curiosity is yet to be found out. He shrugged.

He has arrived in the city as he hasn't seen such a place like this before. The unusual thing is that it is located within the sewers but he has no problem with being dirty as long as they are offering hand sanitizers so he can avoid getting sick.

He looked around the area for a minute before entering the bar that the cat and mouse have went. In his viewpoint, he thought of it as a strange place to be in but unique.

In the meantime, he saw the cat and mouse drinking a beer together.

"What's up, guys. Are you guys enjoying yourselves? Not to mention, it's kinda strange for a city to be in the sewers. Crazy right?" He asked.
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I tensed up as I felt Eric hug me from behind. I wanted to cry, but I tried my best to keep it all. I wasn’t too good at it though. I didn’t turn around to look at him because I just couldn’t bring myself to.
“S-Some guy in a lab coat brought us here... Please let me go Eric.. I don’t belong in this group anymore. It would just cause... problems. I-It’s... for the best..”
I couldn’t really hold it in anymore. Tears began to stream down my face as I sobbed to myself. It wasn’t very loud, but with how badly my throat was hurting from lack of sleep and eating, I couldn’t be loud if I wanted to.
“I-I’m sorry..”

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow
"I'm not kissing up to you, Eric!" Sora replied cheerfully. "I'm just trying to make you feel better after such a tough battle! Why, nobody came to aid you in protecting everyone, huh?" Deep down, "Sora" was a bit worried about his performance, but took comfort in the fact that Eric seemed to be convinced, and that was the bulk of what he needed. Oh, wait...Whoops, Eric wasn't fooled at all. "Oh, well...I am just getting used to these arrangements!" The boy remarked cheerfully, as he slunk back into the shadows, slowly shedding the disguise.

"Hm...Smarter than he seems. Quite observant. I may very well have a rival in this whole 'character study' thing." Double Trouble mused to themselves, their brow wrinkling. "But that hostility towards the rabbit...Clearly, something bad happened between those three." Turning their head back, they noticed Lana's reaction to both Eric's revival and Natasha's existence. She seemed to be embarrassed by just hugging him in front of her. Submissive, shy, but still an unabashed carer...The kind of girl this Etherian mercenary lived for. "So there is a love triangle afoot! Hmhmhm, my role in this tragedy is not done yet!"

"Welcome back to life, Laddie." Lucky laid a paw on Eric's thigh, frowning when the inevitable was asked. "You see, some asshole decided to say the N-word. Force from it must've broken the jade all over again. So now that you two are reunited...I'll just, you know, skedaddle. Better leave before it regenerates. I should probably go follow Sora."

Double Trouble's ears perked in delight as they quickly reassembled the Sora disguise.

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow LilacMonarch LilacMonarch Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara

From her puddle of blood, Megumin watched a strange being with deep violet skin making fast work of the bandits, as did the last who made the deal. Just like the mutants in the sewer, it seemed that these bandits would replenish themselves as quickly as their enemies put them down.

"I m-must..." She lifted herself slowly, like a baby deer. "I must...fight..."

"Hey, bitch! Stay down!" Her attempts were rewarded by an immediate stomping down to the floor.

@Courtroom Brawl
Natasha perks up as Eric finally wakes up. "Eric!"

She was going to hug him but Lana beats her to it, then suddenly gets up and runs away. The Glaceon sighs and looks at 'Sora' as Eric runs after Lana. "So there's a Ditto here too?"

She shakes her head and finally turns to Dawn . "I guess, yeah."

Interactions: Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara (Lana) P PopcornPie (Lucky, DT) CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow (Eric, Dawn)
The fat bartender looks over at Kraken, his mouth turned down in a frown.


"Yeah, sure, whatever, kid. You even got an ID? Eh, fuck it, long as I'm gettin' paid." He gives her a glass and pours some simple beer in. It sure as heck smells strong.

BoltBeam BoltBeam

The man who is apparently the second bouncer at the fight club takes a step forward, noticing things escalating as Kenshiro joins the fray.

"Take. It. Inside. Last fuckin' warning. That goes for you too, Jasper."

FoolsErin FoolsErin DerpyCarp DerpyCarp GeorgeTownRaja GeorgeTownRaja


Eric frowns. He then looks over at Natasha... and suddenly everything clicks.

"Oh, Arceus... what have I done..." He turns back to Lana. His lips are trembling. "Lana, you... you belong. Please never say that..."

The Typhlosion then glances down at Lucky. "No, wait... we need to find a way to keep that jade from regenerating. Somehow. We need to figure it out before it takes you over again..."

Dawn turns to Natasha, looking super embarrassed and nervous. "A-alright, then... maybe we should go visit the black market first. I heard Voss and Abbott talking about that. Feels like a good choice. ...Man, this feels... so weird, seeing you in front of me like this. U-um... oh gosh..."

Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara P PopcornPie LilacMonarch LilacMonarch
Double Trouble had transformed themselves into a puny skink, their lips licking with anticipation. "Lana, the insecure, the dependent...Struggling to break up with Eric, the smart, but equally insecure...Lucky, the one desperate enough to protect himself that he would curse himself...And ice dog. She seems to be the aloof type." It was a buffet of weak hearts laid out in front of them, and they were going to enjoy every bite.

"How?" Lucky huffed. "News flash, Laddie, this is enchanted stuff. You can't just glue a pebble inside this hole. It'll probably just generate over it. Besides...I know this isn't a lost cause. I just need to learn to balance it."

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow

I stopped for a moment. I wiped away the tears that came out and slowly turned my head to his direction slowly. I looked at him with a smile. It was a pained smile but a smile nonetheless.

“Don’t be upset. You have Natasha. I don’t know her very well, but she seems nice enough. Just smile. Smile like your life depends on it. I don’t want to see you frown anymore. Now... just please let me go...”

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow
"News flash for you, Lucky. Enchantments can be broken. I've had my experience with magical items. They can be destroyed. We just need to find a way with yours." He then looks down at the ground, furrowing his brow. "...I just don't know how long it'll take."

Unfortunately... he's blissfully unaware of Double Trouble's plans.

Oh dear.

He glances back at Lana. "Natasha can never replace you. She may be someone close to me, but... but so are you." He stuffs his face into her chest fur. "I love you, Lana..."

P PopcornPie Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara

Inside the courtroom, Megumin would hear a voice behind her.

"Not sure you can."

Mr. Red suddenly leaps in front of her, kicking a Psycho in the face, flipping over and kicking another, then punching a third, all in one swift motion!

"You should stay behind. Let me deal with these assholes instead."

P PopcornPie
Lilith and Balloony
Current location: Bar (Lilith and Balloony)
Lilith enters the bar sitting somewhere next to Rocket trying to think of some sort of apology that could make him forgive her in some way but she couldn't think of something for the life of her, suddenly she came up with something and right when she opened her mouth someone interrupted her almost immediately.
"Oh hey Lilith!" Balloony enters the bar and sits next to Lilith witch seemed to annoy her a little bit. "Balloony what you doing here I'm trying to do something." She tells him under her breath. "What are you talking about, what are trying to do." "It's none of your business!"

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (Rocket Raccoon)
As the pirates stood by Dawn, Voss would find out that Lucky, who had seemingly upset Rocket a week earlier on the ship, was there through Eric's surprised reaction. The sea captain squinted at Lucky, but he decided to stay out of it. He wasn't aware of what was causing Lucky's violent behavior in the past. Besides, it seemed like he was better now for the time being. Abbott pulled out his camera again, ready to take pictures of this place. He rested the camera's strap over his neck, wearing it like a necklace.

"I haven't died yet, so that's good," Abbott said sarcastically. "If I'm lucky, my nose won't fall off before we leave." He pinched his nose and cringed for extra effect. Voss responded by giggling and hitting his first mate a little too hard on his shoulder, startling him.

"Aw, you'll make it out just fine. We're swell, thank ya. We're ready to go when you guys are." The duo then became suddenly aware of the awkward aura within the rest of the tour group. They all seem to know each other, but they all seemed sad. They were all discussing various things, most of which was depressing. Abbott, naturally, would try to eliminate this uncomfortable overall mood after a few moments of awkward silence between the pirates by speaking again. He was careful to talk once it seemed appropriate.

"Yeah! The black market sounds like a great idea! Just imagine what kinds of things we'll find there! Think about it, Voss. We could bring back something from here to prove to everyone back home that we actually went to Pandora! What could be waiting for us? Futuristic machines? Alien pets? --"

"Space drugs? Like, space coke?"

"I... No...?"

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara P PopcornPie LilacMonarch LilacMonarch

(Chres post coming soon, be prepared)​


I was even more tense than before. I was shaking slightly after what Eric said.
“If you don’t mean that word then don’t say it!”
I should have stopped talking there, but for some reason I kept going.
“Also, replace me? HAH! Why would you even want to!? I’m just a whiny, annoying idiot who can’t get over the fact that the person I loved had feelings for someone else the entire time! ...I... I said too much.. I’m sorry.. just let me go already..”

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow

Dawn actually snickers. "Space coke's a pretty funny idea, actually. Someone should pick up that idea... it'd sell really well," he jokes, though his eyes dart around nervously as if he's hiding something. He then looks to Elizabeth. "What about you, Elizabeth?"

Eric's grip loosens on the Braixen. He stares at Lana with teary eyes, shocked at how she had told him... 'no.'

"Lana... please... I-I want you to stay because... I can't live without knowing you're alright. I-I've already done this to you... I couldn't go on if something happened to you..."

Yamperzzz Yamperzzz TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara

“I want to stay.. I really do.. but I can’t. I just can’t handle seeing you and Natasha together.. it just makes me imagine what could have been.. what I wanted... I know I’m just being selfish thinking like that and I’m sorry.. I don’t want to constantly be thinking about that... if I do one day I might snap and say something I regret.. I don’t want to risk that, Eric... It would have been better if I just died after Lucky attacked me..”
I didn’t try to pull away anymore. I didn’t have the strength. I didn’t even have the strength to cry anymore.
“None of this is your fault Eric.. don’t blame yourself..”

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow
As people headed over to the courtroom, she knew that they were capable of handling whatever was going on in there. She looked to Dawn, understanding that he just didn't want to be there. There was just some places people didn't want to be in because they simply didn't wish to be there. "
It's alright, I understand. The others have it handled, I have faith that they can deal with whatever is happening in there. And is that what they call the man that's in there? I doubt that it's his real name."

When asked about joining the tour, she nodded in response. "
Of course, I don't want to get lost here and a tour guide will help us get around here. Plus, I don't want to end up wandering alone around here."

Hearing Eric wake up, she turned around to see him and a few of the others. She also saw 'Sora' which couldn't be right since she saw him head to the courthouse and had yet to come out. Could this be an imposter of some kind? It seemed that was once it got rid of the believable disguise for a few before putting it back on.

She looked towards Eric, deciding to respond to his question. "
Oh, Mister Eric! I'm holding up well, thank you for asking." Elizabeth then turned to Dawn once he suggested that they start with the black market first. To tell the truth, she didn't like the idea of heading there first in case something went wrong, but no one else was suggesting anything else.

If she suggested anything, she'd most likely be outvoted. Still, might as well suggest something at least. "
I'm fine with the black market, but could I make a suggestion? Could we visit the housing section first and then the black market?"

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow , P PopcornPie
Fluffington aborts her attack, stopping withing an inch of contact, before she looks at the man yelling at her and Jasper. "Oh. So we HAVE to use the arena? Will there be drinks, or does my world only do that?" A beat passes before she realizes someone else talked, so she turns around to talk to him, giving Jasper a look at her fabulous tail. "I appreciate what you are trying to do, sir, but I can fight for myself! I am Fluffington the Mighty!"
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow FoolsErin FoolsErin
Chres chuckled at Red but stopped once Tifa began attacking him. Now, as stated before, Chres was large, standing in at about 10 feet without his shoulder speakers. This would've added an extra 5 feet or so into the mix. On top of that, his arms and legs were plated with an organic material similar to that of steel. Consequently, the blows to the knees did little, as Chres just stood there, grimacing at Tifa's behavior.

However, what would work was a kick to his chest, which hosted five little speakers like the ones on his shoulder. They were what allowed him to create sound, so likewise, they are sensitive and must be protected if he wanted to stay as a walking boombox. The kick didn't knock him over, but it sure did hurt like hell. He exclaimed as he walked backward defensively. Ultimately, Chres dropped Pixxie, being more concerned about having his speakers ruptured.

"Yo yo yo! Quit it! Okay, okay! Uncle! You can have her! Frick!"

Afterward, Chres would leave them behind for the time being, because screw them, that's why. Chres was going to go to the courtroom and have fun without them! Surely Harvey is hosting a good trial today...


Of course, Chres arrived late. He usually did, since like most trials, it took forever to get to the best part, which usually involves a gruesome death. Chres walked inside the courtroom once the brawl began, whistling at the chaos in front of him.

"Whoa! Who pissed off Two-Face this time? Ohohoho! I wanna join, pretty please?"

Chres' voice boomed through the courtroom thanks to his many speakers, being very audible to everyone inside, or even outside. Before anyone could reply, Chres rudely joined in the brawl by leaping over a rail and landing into the fray. He would land on a bandit or two, killing them almost instantly. Stepping off, he removed his shutter shades and stored it within one of his chest speakers, which briefly migrated further behind his chest, revealing a personal storage place within his chest. Without his glasses, you could see his green and yellow ringed eyes, which regularly alternated the order of the colors.

From this point forward, Chres would indirectly help out by punching, kicking, and throwing some of the bandits. Although, he was currently unaware about why everyone was fighting, as Chres was only fighting for fun. It was unknown if the talking boombox was aware of the rules set in place either, but he didn't use his sound attacks as of yet. He did seem like he was actually enjoying himself until he saw Red, Pixxie, and Tifa. More specifically Tifa. He snuck over to Tifa amidst the brawl and, whenever she wasn't paying attention, Chres would attempt to trip her by kicking her feet. This was his way of getting back on her.

TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher FoolsErin FoolsErin Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch DerpyCarp DerpyCarp P PopcornPie TruthHurts_22 TruthHurts_22 RedLight RedLight @CourtroomDrama​
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"How is it not?! You think you have any right to blame yourself after I made you feel this way?!" Eric shouts, tears streaming down his face. "I never wanted to have to choose... I thought maybe I could... keep you as a friend. But I didn't realize how much that'd still hurt... I didn't have the foresight to put myself in your shoes. It was me who did this. Not you. Not Natasha. I was the one who put you two in this situation... I... I'm sorry... I-I should go..."

Eric turns around and runs off into the streets of Wolves' Den, disappearing among the crowd.

Dawn frowns and sighs at seeing the Typhlosion flee. He looks... pained, as if he feels some sort of mutual feeling with him. Regardless, he looks at Elizabeth, his tone now low and sulky. "...Yeah... good idea. Might help us avoid the crowd in the black market. Less chance of getting your wallet stolen..."

The Espeon goes and floats himself over to the housing area. Should you'd choose to follow him, you'd find that, as Lightning had already found out, they're all made out of storage containers and scrap metal, plus some extra decorations to spice up the otherwise depressing look.

"Here are the apartments. It's, uh..." He looks like he wants to say something, but stops. "...Anyway, you can move into one of the vacant ones for really low rent. Though, I'm not sure if you'd need to. You guys might be departing today anyway." He lowers his voice. "I hope I can go with you guys."

Promptly, the Psychic-type notices Lightning. His eyes go wide, and he quickly turns away.

"Didn't see anything. You guys, uh, ready to go on?"

Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Yamperzzz Yamperzzz LilacMonarch LilacMonarch

"Be mighty in here," the bouncer shoots back. "And, yeah, you get drinks. Free if you win, too. So hurry up and get inside so you can entertain these drunk assholes."

DerpyCarp DerpyCarp

I stopped for a moment. I wiped away the tears that came out and slowly turned my head to his direction slowly. I looked at him with a smile. It was a pained smile but a smile nonetheless.

“Don’t be upset. You have Natasha. I don’t know her very well, but she seems nice enough. Just smile. Smile like your life depends on it. I don’t want to see you frown anymore. Now... just please let me go...”

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow
"News flash for you, Lucky. Enchantments can be broken. I've had my experience with magical items. They can be destroyed. We just need to find a way with yours." He then looks down at the ground, furrowing his brow. "...I just don't know how long it'll take."

Unfortunately... he's blissfully unaware of Double Trouble's plans.

Oh dear.

He glances back at Lana. "Natasha can never replace you. She may be someone close to me, but... but so are you." He stuffs his face into her chest fur. "I love you, Lana..."

P PopcornPie Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara

Inside the courtroom, Megumin would hear a voice behind her.

"Not sure you can."

Mr. Red suddenly leaps in front of her, kicking a Psycho in the face, flipping over and kicking another, then punching a third, all in one swift motion!

"You should stay behind. Let me deal with these assholes instead."

P PopcornPie
"N-no...I can't stay..." Megumin begged, despite being within two feet of death. "I started this...I must finish it...for the prisoner..." She reached out to swipe at a bandit, shivering from the fright alone.
As the pirates stood by Dawn, Voss would find out that Lucky, who had seemingly upset Rocket a week earlier on the ship, was there through Eric's surprised reaction. The sea captain squinted at Lucky, but he decided to stay out of it. He wasn't aware of what was causing Lucky's violent behavior in the past. Besides, it seemed like he was better now for the time being. Abbott pulled out his camera again, ready to take pictures of this place. He rested the camera's strap over his neck, wearing it like a necklace.

"I haven't died yet, so that's good," Abbott said sarcastically. "If I'm lucky, my nose won't fall off before we leave." He pinched his nose and cringed for extra effect. Voss responded by giggling and hitting his first mate a little too hard on his shoulder, startling him.

"Aw, you'll make it out just fine. We're swell, thank ya. We're ready to go when you guys are." The duo then became suddenly aware of the awkward aura within the rest of the tour group. They all seem to know each other, but they all seemed sad. They were all discussing various things, most of which was depressing. Abbott, naturally, would try to eliminate this uncomfortable overall mood after a few moments of awkward silence between the pirates by speaking again. He was careful to talk once it seemed appropriate.

"Yeah! The black market sounds like a great idea! Just imagine what kinds of things we'll find there! Think about it, Voss. We could bring back something from here to prove to everyone back home that we actually went to Pandora! What could be waiting for us? Futuristic machines? Alien pets? --"

"Space drugs? Like, space coke?"

"I... No...?"

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara P PopcornPie LilacMonarch LilacMonarch

(Chres post coming soon, be prepared)​
Sensing the tension, Lucky padded backwards towards these two, his ears falling. "Not a good time for drug jokes, Laddie..."


I was even more tense than before. I was shaking slightly after what Eric said.
“If you don’t mean that word then don’t say it!”
I should have stopped talking there, but for some reason I kept going.
“Also, replace me? HAH! Why would you even want to!? I’m just a whiny, annoying idiot who can’t get over the fact that the person I loved had feelings for someone else the entire time! ...I... I said too much.. I’m sorry.. just let me go already..”

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow

Dawn actually snickers. "Space coke's a pretty funny idea, actually. Someone should pick up that idea... it'd sell really well," he jokes, though his eyes dart around nervously as if he's hiding something. He then looks to Elizabeth. "What about you, Elizabeth?"

Eric's grip loosens on the Braixen. He stares at Lana with teary eyes, shocked at how she had told him... 'no.'

"Lana... please... I-I want you to stay because... I can't live without knowing you're alright. I-I've already done this to you... I couldn't go on if something happened to you..."

Yamperzzz Yamperzzz TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara

“I want to stay.. I really do.. but I can’t. I just can’t handle seeing you and Natasha together.. it just makes me imagine what could have been.. what I wanted... I know I’m just being selfish thinking like that and I’m sorry.. I don’t want to constantly be thinking about that... if I do one day I might snap and say something I regret.. I don’t want to risk that, Eric... It would have been better if I just died after Lucky attacked me..”
I didn’t try to pull away anymore. I didn’t have the strength. I didn’t even have the strength to cry anymore.
“None of this is your fault Eric.. don’t blame yourself..”

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow
"How is it not?! You think you have any right to blame yourself after I made you feel this way?!" Eric shouts, tears streaming down his face. "I never wanted to have to choose... I thought maybe I could... keep you as a friend. But I didn't realize how much that'd still hurt... I didn't have the foresight to put myself in your shoes. It was me who did this. Not you. Not Natasha. I was the one who put you two in this situation... I... I'm sorry... I-I should go..."

Eric turns around and runs off into the streets of Wolves' Den, disappearing among the crowd.

Dawn frowns and sighs at seeing the Typhlosion flee. He looks... pained, as if he feels some sort of mutual feeling with him. Regardless, he looks at Elizabeth, his tone now low and sulky. "...Yeah... good idea. Might help us avoid the crowd in the black market. Less chance of getting your wallet stolen..."

The Espeon goes and floats himself over to the housing area. Should you'd choose to follow him, you'd find that, as Lightning had already found out, they're all made out of storage containers and scrap metal, plus some extra decorations to spice up the otherwise depressing look.

"Here are the apartments. It's, uh..." He looks like he wants to say something, but stops. "...Anyway, you can move into one of the vacant ones for really low rent. Though, I'm not sure if you'd need to. You guys might be departing today anyway." He lowers his voice. "I hope I can go with you guys."

Promptly, the Psychic-type notices Lightning. His eyes go wide, and he quickly turns away.

"Didn't see anything. You guys, uh, ready to go on?"
Lucky watched all of this with his lips pressed together. When Eric was gone, he simply padded towards the girls. "Shit...Lana, Natasha..." He sighed. "That was me own fault. I figured I was helpin' Lana out with this love triangle." He stared down at his jade. "And this is why I went to you, Mismakora..." He whispered.

In the silence, everyone still there could hear clattering, as if someone had just dipped out of the picture.

Meanwhile, no sooner had Eric lost sight of the bunch did Natasha show up. "Eric, will you be okay?" Natasha asked him sweetly, but then growled. "The nerve of that girl, making you feel this way! I ought to freeze-dry her! Not to mention freeing the guy who beat her up, and bringing him right to us, no less!"

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara LilacMonarch LilacMonarch
Eric had just ducked into an alleyway and propped himself up against the wall, wiping his eyes. He sniffs. After all that time with Elise... training for every single damn situation under the sun... the last thing he was prepared for was hurting people he cared for like this.

The Typhlosion stays silent after 'Natasha' had worded her anger towards Lana. With tears still dripping down the side of his face, he seems entranced in his own thoughts, blocked off from the rest of the world. It's possible he didn't even hear half of what 'Natasha' had said.

"...I didn't want you two to fight like this..." He takes a deep breath. "I... I love you both... maybe that love's different and all, b-but it's still love. 'Least, that's what I told myself when I saw you two in the same place... now I'm reminded how some love feels less valuable than others. I felt that before in my life. I lost sight of those experiences, and... now look at what I've done... Arceus, Natasha... how can I even fix this...?"

P PopcornPie

Before I even realized what was happening, Eric ran off crying. I tried to reach out to him and call for him as he ran, but it was no use. I dropped to my knees not listening to anyone else around me.
“what have I done..?”
My selfishness. My idiocy. Everything wrong with me. It all cane clashing together to cause this. My heart ached. It felt like it was being pulled apart slowly and painfully. It was excruciating. I wanted Eric to let go, but I didn’t want this... what was I thinking would happen...? Did I think that after pouring my heart out he’d just break up with Natasha and hook up with me...? Probably... I’m selfish like that even though I try not to be.. I should have known this would be what happened though. I ruined it. I ruined the only thing that ever kept me going. I ruined the relationship I had with my best friend. My breathing became choppy. Each breath I took burned my lungs more and more. I wish I would have died. No. I needed to have died when Lucky beat me to near death. I wouldn’t be feeling how I’m feeling. I wouldn’t have done this to Eric. I know you can’t hear me Eric, but I’m sorry. I’m sorry for everything. I never meant for any of this. I just wanted us to be happy. I just wanted to spend my life with the person who made me feel like I was worth something.
I’m sorry.
I’m so sorry.

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow

"Woah!", Red cries, upon being pushed by Tifa. "Sh**!"

, Pixxie would be caught by the surprise as well.

While it was certainly unexpected, her touch meant something to him. In that short time, Red had imagined all of the possible romantic scenarios. And his sentient-weapon-companion knew that. Pixxie groans from the possibilities. Anyway, Red wasn't actually going to dodge the bullet. If Tifa hadn't pushed him, he might be laying on the courtroom floor, silent and motionless, by now.

Interactions: TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher (Tifa), thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (Two Face)

Zack Fair

Zack would watch Tifa push Red. He thought that it all happened to fast. Zack rushes to Red's side.

"Hey!", he calls out for our Hero. "Are you okay?"

, Red answers, still trying to remember how Tifa's touch had felt.

"For f***'s sake!", Pixxie reacts.

Zack's facial expression turns sour. He looks at Two Face.

"Enough of this.", Zack says. "I'm taking action."

Zack takes on a fighting stance. His heightened emotions affect the DMV (Digital Mind Wave). To put it in simpler terms, expect stronger Limit Breaks. Sadly... they are only allowed to use their fists, according to Two Face. But before Zack could even charge towards Two Face, like Benedict did, everything had gone to Hell. Two Face had agreed to Tifa's proposal, with a few limitations here and there, and a massive brawl against his men had already erupted. A bandit, while holding a sharp weapon, jumps behind Zack. He easily dodges this, and then proceeds to elbow the bandit's face. Teeth went flying, and blood gushed. Another bandit wanted to attack Zack, but this time, the enemy has a close-ranged firearm. Upon firing, the SOLDIER 1st class jumps high into the air. The bandit's face then meets a strong punch, coming from up above. However, another bandit manages to sneak behind Zack, and hits his back with a blunt weapon. It wouldn't hurt him, though, and the bandit gets uppercut into oblivion. If Zack could only use the DMV, Rush Assault would've been a great help. And then, he would see another bandit coming up to someone (Garnet). Zack rushes in, very fast. The unfortunate bandit's abdomen meets a bone-breaking punch, and it was obvious by how much drool and blood the bandit spat. If Garnet chooses to look at Zack, she would see him nodding.

, he says, cracking his knuckles. "Who's next?!"

Interactions: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (Two Face), FoolsErin FoolsErin (Garnet)
Mentions: Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch , TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher (Tifa)


Even though Red is still distracted from what had just happened, he knows it's time for him to take action as well. Pixxie is still annoyed, however. After all, she believes that beings like him shouldn't get attached to mortal businesses. Red shrinks back his extra arms, returning to the original pair.

"Alright", Red speaks. "You sit down here. That freak said no weapons."

"Wow, YOU'RE calling him a freak?"
, Pixxie grumbles.

The sentient weapon decides to just hover high above them, not getting into the fight as Two Face had said. Red looks for Tifa so he could join her side by side. He then rushes to her, and the surrounding bandits.

"Get off my wif--", Red tries to shout, but something cuts him off.

As he rushes towards Tifa, he didn't see a bandit coming right up to him, who then hits his head with a blunt weapon, knocking him cold.


Interactions: TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher (Tifa)
Kirby was by himself napping when he woke up to find that mostly everyone was gone, It seems like they all went to different buildings but Kirby's attention mainly shifted towards the people near the entrance so he got up and walked over to them. When he was with the group he noticed that Eric ran of crying, this got him to worry a little and ask what was going on. "Poyo?"

P PopcornPie (Lucky)
Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara (Lana)
Ryuji Kazan

If Ryuji smoked cigarettes, this is where he would have plucked it from his mouth and held it between two fingers. But, since he did not, he instead did so with his match. "I'm gonna want something something nice and fizzy when Tifa gets back." Ryuji took a deep breath.

"I was... part of a 'Killing Game'. There were sixteen of us 'Ultimates', as we were called-- high school students that possessed extraordinary talent in a particular subject matter, hobby, you name it. We were scouted to attend a school called 'Hope's Peak Academy', become future world leaders, public inspirations... you get the drill. It was a dream come true to just about all of us, but..." He paused, and placed his rocket launcher on the table, showing a crest that had been engraved into it:


"That dream was quick to become a nightmare."
Ryuji's eyes narrowed beneath his goggles. "You might have seen me with what looked like the head of a black-and-white bear, with a grin upon half of its face. That bear was the self-proclaimed headmaster of the Academy, and even if it seemed like a joke, the bear, named 'Monokuma', was not shy about reminding us why he was the one in charge. If we were to take even one step outta line, we could kiss our lives goodbye. Now, the 'court part' of this story involves the only way one of us were allowed to leave... we had to kill one of our fellow Ultimates and get away with it. My classmates and I had to work together to figure out who the killer was for each of our five 'Class Trials'. Should we successfully vote for the correct person, they would be 'punished', and our lives in the Academy would resume. Should we fail to do so, Monokuma would kill everyone else, and the real killer would be allowed to leave." Ryuji then made a shrugging gesture. "Considering how I'm here talking with you, I'm sure you can tell how well we all did."

Ryuji's tone darkened a bit. "Our victories did not come without a cost, however. You've evidently had a lot of charges under your belt, Rocket, but..."

"Have you ever been forced to watch a teenager be viciously stung to death by tarantula hawks until their heart stopped beating before your very eyes? What about hearing someone get vertically sawed in half, leaving behind nought but crimson when the curtain rises? These and more were the evils I was subjected to. If I didn't have the fortitude I did, and the determination to fight all the way to the end, I would have surely lost my mind. The worst part of all, though? The whole affair was televised, meaning..."

It was then that Ryuji did something that he would absolutely never do.

He pulled up his goggles and showed his eyes, orange like a setting sun, with red decorative eyeliner around them. The look on his face was ominous, and he seemed to stare directly into Rocket's soul as he leaned in a bit closer.


(This is technically Ryoma from V3, but I'm borrowing this image for the sake of showing the "ominous expression".)

"The whole world saw what transpired. Every man... woman... and child."

Ryuji then cleared his throat, pulled his (acid-damaged) goggles back down, and resumed his normal seating position as if nothing had ever happened. "So... that's it. There are only a few of us that made it out of the Academy once we defeated the Mastermind, and let me just say... she was the psycho bitch to end all psycho bitches."

Skye had woken up, and when she asked where she was, Ryuji turned to her and responded with, "Oh, you're awake. Good to see you're okay. This is 'Seventh Heaven', a bar in the 'Wolves' Den'. You were brought here by its owner, Tifa, after you passed out during the fight against the mutant frog. She went off to the Den's courthouse after she heard some commotion happening there. If you want to, you might as well sit down and take a load off. I don't imagine her being gone much longer."

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher
(Open for Interactions)

(The Hope's Peak logo and Ryoma sprite were both borrowed from the Danganronpa wiki.)​

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  • _________________________________________________________________________________
    Heather (Without brain damage):

    "Hey what's g-going o-on in h-here..?"

    Heather, having apparently gotten lost and spent some time aimlessly wandering the town, or hiding somewhere, or curled up next to Skye crying when she had been unconscious, or something of that sort, would stumble into the courtroom as the lethal brawl continued, and as she observed with confusion a bandit attempted to convert her head into a neat little stain with a baseball bat. Rather than simply turn him inside out as she had done many times before, Heather screamed and took off running, now being chased by a bandit. Maybe someone should help her?

CRB would watch the proceedings with an uncaring eye. He tried to warn them. He yawns loudly, before he spies someone that shouldnt be there. He moves to catch the running child and tell the bandit off. "Oi, Tony. Not this one. She aint involved. Are we gonna have a problem?" He tries to hold Heather protectively. While keeping the now stalled bandit in his sight. "Go fight the babe in the tube top if ya wanna throw hands."
Space Buddha Space Buddha CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow

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