• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Jasper laughed at the little Pokemon's threats against her. She walked closer to Trevor, her orange eyes meeting the tiny Eevee's. "Alright then, runt. If you really think you're enough to take on me...


...then fight me." Jasper snarled, grinning eagerly and holding her arms wide open in a patronizing way, as if she'd like the tiny animaloid to try.

DerpyCarp DerpyCarp thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow
Lilith Kirby and Balloony
"Okay I guess I'll take your word for it I guess." Lilith says still sounding a little worried. She leaves to the city and comes across Kirby and Balloony who were still talking to each other. "Oh hey good to see you two again." Balloony heard Lilith behind him and turns around. "Oh Lilith you're just in time, I've got something to give you!" Balloony hands her a remote with a small red button.

"This is the Balloony Recovery Button, every time I die just press the button and I'll get recovered!"
"Huh, this is pretty cool and all but why didn't you just give it to Kirby?"
"Well I would but he doesn't have any fingers."
"Good point." Lilith says as she stores the button for later, she then leaves to the housing area.

(Lilith is in the housing area right now so feel free to interact)

We both ran for a pretty long time. It felt like miles and miles of running. Mainly because it was. I was out of breath and I felt like my legs would give out at any second. I didn’t want to stop... I wanted to catch up and make sure everyone was okay.. especially Eric.. I couldn’t keep myself from collapsing to the floor though as I gasped for air.
“f-fine... we rest for just a few minutes...”
We spent a few minutes sitting on the ground in an attempt to rest and catch our breaths. Suddenly, I noticed something in the distance. I couldn’t tell what it was, but I could tell it was a person and they were coming closer and closer. I began to get a little worried. This place was dangerous. What if this person wanted to kill us...? I’m too weak to protect myself! Lucky could probably do something though.. The man got closer and closer until finally they revealed themselves...
... A guy in a lab coat..?

“Ah, Hello Lana!”

“W-Wait how do you know my name..?”

“I simply downloaded all known data of you from your official Wikipedia fandom page and transferred the data into the chip in my brain! Don’t worry. It’s an official Black Mesa chip given to all scientists! It’s very safe. Mostly.”


“That’s right! Wikipedia! The free encyclopedia that ANYONE can edit!”

“Right... you aren’t going to hurt us are you...?”

“Of course not! In fact, I stayed behind in order to help you reunite you with your friends!”

“Really!? Thank you so much!.... but... you don’t seem to have a vehicle... do we have to walk the rest of the way..?”

“Don’t be silly! I brought a rope!”

“A rope...? How is that supposed to hel-“
Before I could even finish asking my question, the strange scientist pulled something out that seemed to attack to his arm.


“It’s a rope! We can use them to get across big pits! In this case, we will just use them to pull ourselves forward making us go faster!”


The man didn’t seem to listen as he grabbed both me and Lucky with his free arm. The creature on his arm soon shot out what I could only guess was a tongue that attached to the ground several meters in front of us. The scientist then jumped up as the creature on his arm seemed to pull towards where it’s tongue landed dragging us along with it. This process repeated at surprising speeds with me and Lucky just being dragged along by the mad scientist and his “rope”

P PopcornPie


Tifa would join Red, Pixxie, and Zack in facing Two Face, and she tells him to let 'Zelda', the damsel's name, go. Red looks at her, and then back to Two Face.

"Yeah, mate! You better listen to her...", our Hero tells Two Face. "... You don't stand a chance here!"

Red would begin to grow limbs throughout his torso... Arms. He now has a total of 8 arms. ((Power: Cephalopod Physiology)).

Red's sentient weapon decides to remain silent. Sparks of electricity began to release from her star-shaped end, however. And then, our Hero starts mumbling something...

"Ding, ding... This is the Crazy Frog... Ding, ding...", Red is singing something. "Bem bem!"

((Ability: Rage))

"Red... What the f*** are you doing?", Pixxie finally speaks.

Interactions: TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher (Tifa), thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (Two Face, Bandits)
Obligatory Pixxie Tag: FoolsErin FoolsErin

Zack Fair

Zack would look at Red, who is now singing 'Crazy Frog', and not to mention the new set of arms he grew. He loosens from his fighting stance. Zack faces Tifa and...

"Who--", he doesn't know what to say, or act, more or less react. "What is this guy?"

Interactions: TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher (Tifa)
The two ran, and ran, and ran. Everything was a blur. They didn't pack, or tell anyone on Sanctuary where they were. It was them alone, following a vague scent. Being a rabbit, Lucky could last a little bit longer than his foxy friend. Soon, however, his lungs felt like they were caving in. As such, he openly welcomed an opportunity to rest. "Told ya, Lassie...should have...fueled up...Whew..." He panted, falling on his tummy. He kept his eyes firmly planted on the grass ahead. So, just how close were they to everyone else? He could still smell car exhaust ahead, a little oil...But nobody was there.

Wait...there was somebody. A humanoid, not looking like anyone they recognized. He had a beard, a lab coat, and glasses and shit. Knowing that he was the more likely one to do it, he cooked up a little extra strength, and padded forward. "Hey, you. Laddie, have you seen a bunch of idiots ridin' around on glorified go-karts? They left us behind on their school bus."

To their surprise, this man knew Lana, presumably him, too, from Wikipedia. "Hold the fuckin' phone, someone's written Wikipedia articles about us?! Don't they only do that for musicians and shit?" He folded his ears, shaking his head with a creeped-out grimace. Suddenly, he was happy to return to Sanctuary and curl up in the corner of his room. Alas, he would not have this luxury; Dr. Coomer grabbed them both with one hand, producing some kind of living grappling hook with the other.

"What the hell are you gonna do, swing us ov-AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" His tongue was forced out of his mouth by the horrific velocity!

Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara
"What!?" Two-Face shouted through grit teeth when his coin was knocked away by Megumin. The man screamed and leaped outwards, though he managed to catch it just before it fell into the acid vat below poor Zelda. He was on the ground now, flat on his stomach. Two-Face turned on his side, glaring up at Megumin angrily. "Just who the HELL do you think you are!? This is a sovereign assembly!" Two-Face asked while he stood back up to his feet. His voice was growing angier by the second... more unhinged. It was as if the fucked up side of him had completely taken over, leaving the other side of him... the "normal" side, in the dark. "This bitch doesn't GET the right to an attorney!" Two-Face shouted as he held out his gun, aiming it towards Zelda. Without hesitation, he shot her in the leg. She cried out in pain, her muffled screams echoing throughout the courthouse.


"Fate is the only deciding factor in this damn world, don't you see!?" With a growl, Two-Face placed the gun against Zelda's head, and the blonde girl began to silently sob. "Now sit the hell down, all of you! Before my next shot goes through this bitch's face, and I charge you all with contempt!" As Two-Face spoke, the group of Bandits that surrounded all of you began to crack their knuckles, and their grips tightened on whatever weapons they were holding.


"I'd do what the man says!" Torchwick laughed from the back as he leaned up against the wall. "You'd hate what he does to people who act up in his courtroom!"

RedLight RedLight P PopcornPie TruthHurts_22 TruthHurts_22 TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher DerpyCarp DerpyCarp FoolsErin FoolsErin Yamperzzz Yamperzzz @Courthouse​

  • Julia smiles innocently at Dawn and nods at Megumin's comment. "I'm not saying that to make you feel bad. I'd be happy to give you some pointers if we ever have time."

    She goes with the group when they head out, but doesn't use the ladder or elevator, instead simply jumping down and landing at the bottom unharmed.

    The Espeon turns back to Dawn after they reach the town. "So, how about that tour?"

    She stops and glances toward the courthouse, hearing the sounds from inside. "Actually, I'll be back in a moment. It looks like we've got trouble."

    trots inside and watches the others who came to Zelda's aid before her. She walks over to Phoenix Wright and nudges his leg. "Need some help? Things might work a little differently in my world, but I know a thing or two about defending the wrongly accused."

    She turns sharply at the gunshot and glares at Two-Face. "I don't think so."

    What looks like a box made of light appears around Zelda, protecting her from any further gunshots as well as from being dropped in the acid.
Megumin sucked back her fear, smiling gratefully at those who had come to aid her. "I am Megumin! An archwizard who bears the deadliest Crimson Demon magic! Mess with me, and I will blow you to kingdom come!" Her heart pounded as Two-Face roared at her like a dragon, but she knew she couldn't escape.

She winced as the bullet went through Zelda's leg, whimpering as though she were the one being shot. "Don't worry, I'm at your service!" She called to the blonde, hugging her staff and masking her fear. They were now surrounded by bandits, and they did not look charmed in any way by her bravery. "Fine. I will sit." With a cheeky smile, she simply sat down right where she was.

When Julia came to the rescue, Megumin could fully relax. "Thanks for your aid, Julia...I didn't know how I would get her down." She whispered to the Espeon.

Double Trouble was absolutely thrilled with this change of events. "Look at that. By giving into her need to be the group hero, she's caused Two-Face to lose that gentle demeanor." Their eyes narrowed, but the smile did not falter. "As though that calmness was never just a mask." As per usual, they would sit by the wayside, seeing who would come out on top before making their own move. At the moment, it was the persecution they laid their money on...

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore LilacMonarch LilacMonarch RedLight RedLight TruthHurts_22 TruthHurts_22
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"Nah," Rocket replied to Ryuji, shaking his head. "I've just been charged with thirteen counts of theft, twenty-three counts of escape from incarceration, seven counts of mercenary activity, and fifteen counts of arson. All before half my lifespan, I might add." Rocket listed off his charges on his fingers all too calmly, before taking another shot from his glass. He then glanced up to Ryuji. "What about you?" He asked. "You got any crazy court stories?"

quadraxis201 quadraxis201
Dr. Coomer

As the three of them fly through the air using the power of ropes, Coomer turns his head to Lucky in order to talk about the wonders of Wikipedia.

“Wikipedia is truly a magical place. There is information about almost anything! If there is information you believe is missing, you can just add it in! Ah, that’s why it was so wonderful to go into the Wikipedia server room and destroy everything in there.”
He turned his head forward again going back to his unblinking state as they rocketed forward with amazing speeds from the rope. Eventually, they had reached their destination. They came to a stop and Coomer put the Braixen and rabbit down. The Braixen thanked the Doctor and made a dash through the place presumably to search for her friend. Dr. Coomer looked around before eventually walking towards a courthouse. He opened the doors and entered in uninvited just like everyone else.
“There is nothing better than a party you weren’t invited to!”

He walked in and looked at everyone as well as all the commotion going on.


He seemed to cut himself off as he stopped talking and stood there motionless and unblinking.

P PopcornPie thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore


I ran through the streets as fast as I could. I had no idea where he was, and I had no idea if he was okay. I just had to find Eric. I called out for him not really caring who heard or if my loud yelling bothered anyone. Normally it would since I don’t like being a pest, but finding Eric was more important.


CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow


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́̅̋̈́̔̔̐̀͊͐͗̓͛̔̄͐͐͐̄̀̔͗̋́͊̔̈́̋̿́̅̈̉̎͋̋̓̏͊̅̄̆͗̇̄̒͊͒̍̐̑̋̈́́͐͛̍̏͋́̎̋͆͐͌͒̆̒͛̋̄̾̌̾͐͂͂̾̌͊̈́́̏̄͐̏͒͆͋͑̾͊̎̿̾̓̈́̀̿͗͌͗̆̀̈́̑̐̆͐́̐̉͛̀̍̎̑̂̑̑̿̉̋̄̈́͛̿̊̋͒͋̄͒̈́͒̍̋̄̉̏͑̊̈́͋͑͂̈́̏͗͊͋̏̄̒͂͆̋̍̇̋̽̒̄͌̾̌͂̔́̋̏̽͒̏̄̒̓̔́̊͗̿̊̀̎͛͗̈͑̈́̊͆́͘͘̕̕͘̕̕̕̕̚͘̕͝͝͠͠͝͠͠͠͝͝͠͝͝͠͠͝ͅ", Red suddenly screams something incomprehensible after witnessing Two Face shoot Zelda's leg. "WHAT DID YOU DO?!"

His voice was way too deep and distorted for anyone to understand. And for a split second, if anyone would look at Red, they would see him as something else entirely. Their visions would get blurred so badly that they could only catch a glimpse of grotesque elongated limbs of various species, attached into one disembodied heap covered with, what it seems to be, eyeballs. However, the blinding darkness that takes over their eyes would make everything hard to see, or even identify it. Not to mention, that it only lasted for a SPLIT SECOND. After that, Red shouted at Megumin, who caused Zelda to get shot. If it hadn't been for her impulsive choice of action, Zelda would still be unhurt... Or at least, by a bullet.

"Okay. Let's all settle down... Especially you, twerp.", he tells his Party, as well as Megumin, and signals them to back off and join the crowd.

"Red, you almost lost it!", Pixxie whispers to Red.

"Go on, people!", he continues to tell his Party to be with the crowd, following Two Face's orders. "Settle down."

Interactions: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (Two Face), TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher (Tifa), P PopcornPie (Megumin)
Obligatory Pixxie Tag: FoolsErin FoolsErin

Zack Fair

Zack wouldn't be able to see Red's... Well, whatever had happen to him. The SOLDIER 1st class is too focused, and angered, to what Two Face did. He also wasn't happy with Megumin's actions. Zack was about to charge, but Two Face threatens to shoot Zelda on the head if they do not follow him.

"You better not do it!", he tells Two Face. "Or you'll pay for it!"

Zack clips back the Buster Sword onto his back, and does as Red told. He begins walking towards the crowd to take a spot among them. While Zack was walking, he was thinking to himself...

"Where's the honor in this?"

And once among the crowd, he glares at Two Face, who is still pointing the gun on Zelda's head.

Interactions: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (Two Face)
Mentions: P PopcornPie (Megumin)
13675-phoenix-wright-ace-attorney-full.png thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore LilacMonarch LilacMonarch P PopcornPie @other court friends

The gunshot snapped Phoenix out of his cool-guy mode. He honestly expected a different response, or at least a less angry one from Two-Face's not-so-mean side, so this took the wind out of his sails.

"Ah! Y-Yessir!" Phoenix raised his hands up, glancing around at the bandits surrounding him, and sat himself right down on the floor. He didn't want to make things any more awkward by trying to pick out a seat.

"I'm sorry, are you talking to me?" Trevor asked as he turned around to face Jasper upon entering the fight club. He then watched as the buff chick and Fluffington, who had apparently hopped up onto his shoulder at some point, got into some sort of altercation, which resulted in Jasper challenging Fluffington to a fight, to which Fluffington soon accepted with glee. "Well... this will be interesting," Trevor said simply as he brought up the bottle of beer he had in his hand to his lips and took a sip, while he watched the two and their altercation that was soon to come.

FoolsErin FoolsErin DerpyCarp DerpyCarp
A trial.....possibly the most notorious place for any human to be.....especially with masked villains and princesses roaming about.....well, on such a day, today! The court room would be met with the king of criminal stopping! The. Sir.
As Two-Face spoke, a buzzing noise could be heard as a large, sharp object cut out of the ground, spinning for a little bit until....he came.
Ah! Josh! I believe we found our way back.....but it had to be done....I found it out.....it’s....regular concrete!
Benedict would say as he emerged out of the newly formed hole in the ground, shaking the dust off.
Benedict would then look around the room, noticing Two-Face immediately
He would scream as he saw the two-faced criminals burnt other half, storming up to him with his cleaning spray
Ah! You dear Sir.....are a breeding ground for infection.....and I shall stop this....nasty breeding.
Benedict would say as he attempted to spray and wipe two-faces face.
Meanwhile Josh would attempt to clean all the other people in the courtroom.
Benedict would say again as he tried to clean that ghastly face.
CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Last edited:
"...Okay, sir, you officially creep me the fuck out." Lucky tried to put his face as far away from Coomer's as possible, to little avail thanks to his lack of a neck.

The rope zipped them through the most wretched sewers, carrying them over the corpse of some kind of frog. Globs of its guts created footprints. "We're going the right way, but..." A quick whiff of the air in this area was a whiff he quickly regretted. "Ugh, they decided to roll in that thing's shit, apparently."

Finally, the two were set down in an underground city which smelled slightly better. "All right, I've been in dingier warrens. Hold on, Lassie!" Lucky galloped after Lana...Not knowing that Double Trouble had detected them.

"Eric?...The one who was unconscious...?" Suddenly, the Etherian got the ugliest smile, and slithered in the shadows the two hapless animals left behind. "I suppose I can leave the court scene for a little while..."

Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara

Megumin looked a little shamed. "I just wanted to help..."

RedLight RedLight
“The portals. I knew it. Don’t worry Axel, we’ll be back before you know not. With you here, taking down these guys, and finding who’s behind the portals together is gonna be a piece of cake.” Said Sora, optimistic to see an old friend and fight alongside him.

Reme then tells everyone it’s time to go to where his pack lives. They all make it to a place called The Wolves Den. Safe to say, Sora and Dani didn’t quite like it here. “Hmm. This place is full of thieves. How long do we have to stay here?” “Don’t get me wrong Sora, I don’t like the fact they steal either, but I understand why they do it. They’re poor, they’ve got no homes, nothing to eat, they probably don’t even have families, all they have are themselves.”

Dani looked a bit saddened, knowing she went through this herself for awhile too, and she was trying not to turn into a melted popsicle. Sora looks at her surprised, and feels sorry for her and everyone else that has to live here.

“Dani.. I didn’t know. I didn’t mean to judge like that. Maybe they are dealing with hardships that some others may not experience. Some of which you mentioned. But one I still don’t like is when they steal just for the sake of stealing.” “Yeah. That I can agree on. It only makes things harder for the well meaningful.”

With that, Reme and the main members of the riders go on to talk business, leaving the rest of the group to do whatever. Parts of Reme’s team split up to do their own thing; which then leads to Dani and Sora following Tifa. Before Sora can go with the rest, he feels a tap on his shoulder, he turns around to see no one, only for Shadow to sneak a syringe in his pocket in case an.. accident happens. (If you know what I mean.) “What was that? Uh? Why is my pocket unzipped?”

Sora zips his pocket back and catches up with the others and they make it to the courthouse only to see a man that looks to have half his face blown off but still alive somehow and seems to be in the middle of an unfair court session, torturing a poor woman.

Sora and Dani were gonna let things play out and let Tifa handle this until Megumin decided to make things worst. Then Phoenix comes back, Zelda gets shot in the leg, Julia’s here, a lot of crazy stuff happening right now. Dani leans into Sora’s hear.

Rommy over taking this as a joke, and this isn’t looking good. I’m thinking of overshadowing.” “Not yet, if you take her away while still in court, it’ll just get worst. If everyone starts shooting at us or her, then you can overshadow. Let’s just how this ends.”

The two stand back and waiting to act until the right moment, and hope things turn for the better.

LilacMonarch LilacMonarch (Axel. Julia mentioned) P PopcornPie (Mentioned)
TruthHurts_22 TruthHurts_22 (mentioned)
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (mentioned)
Tom and Jerry friends.png
I looked back at the buff man talking to us and we both nodded at the same time. Jerry was a bit irritated that the man didn't do as he said. Sure, he might have wanted to survive and not get himself killed by attacking the creature but the mouse clearly doesn't care about that. He desperately tried to reach for the gun but I was there to give him a helping hand by making a bridge for him to walk through using my arm. He took it from him and blew a raspberry at the buff man who's name I still don't know.

Jeez, Jerry. Why are you such a cruel jerk to humans?
The bartender passed me a glass of beer with Jerry casually sitting on my shoulder. The mouse rubbed his hands together in excitement and attempted to dive into my drink but I moved it to the right leaving Jerry to land into the solid wooden counter. I laughed at his suffering before drinking the beer. This act of disrespect only made the orange mouse angry as he stink-eyed me, pulling out a hammer from his fur pocket and hitting the bottom of the beer glass so hard while I was still drinking that it got sent to my throat. I accidentally swallowed it.

GeorgeTownRaja GeorgeTownRaja

I noticed that Lucky seemed to be joining me on finding Eric. I slowed down a bit so he could catch up, but my ears perked up as I heard a noise.

“Hey... did you hear something Lucky..? I thought I heard something following us...”

P PopcornPie

  • Julia nods to Megumin. "I can't just stand by while an innocent girl is about to get lynched.

    She glances at Phoenix for a moment as he runs off, but makes no attempt to stop him. Instead she keeps her eyes on Two-Face, watching him warily.

I quickly turned when I heard Natasha’s voice. I saw Eric unconscious on the floor and almost immediately began to tear up a little. I ran over to him while almost tripping a few times. When I reached him, I fell to my knees and placed my paws on him.

“E-Eric! I-Is he okay!? P-Please tell me he is okay!”
I looked up at Natasha with tears streaming down my face. I don’t know what I would do if he wasn’t okay...

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow LilacMonarch LilacMonarch P PopcornPie

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