• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

  • Lilith
    "Wait really how did I not notice? Guess I got so much on my mind that I'm not taking things in clearly." Lilith says jokingly as to try and cover up her dumb mistake. "Okay maybe I should take this more seriously then I actually am." She says starting to look a little worried. "She will wake up right?"

    TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher (Tifa)

    • Kirby and Balloony
      Kirby and Balloony were still talking to each other as they explore the city until Kirby asked him how he got here, Balloony responded twiddling his thumbs.
      "Well all I remember was that I was playing tik-tak-toe with Leafy until a randomly got sucked up though some sort of portal and ended up here, soon enough those guys over there found me." He says pointing over to the group.
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Meanwhile, as Rocket and Trevor entered the small town, they looked around in mutual disgust.

"Eugh... how'd we go from that Sanctuary place to this trash heap?" Rocket asked, even wrinkling up his nose a bit at the horrible smell of the place. When they got their places to go, Rocket sighed and looked over at Tifa, who was carrying Skye. "I'm goin' to the bar. She wakes up, or anything happens to her at all, you let me know." Rocket said in a stern sounding tone, before walking off in the direction of the bar.

Trevor, meanwhile, kinda just... silently walked over to the fight club. He didn't say anything. He just... kinda did it.

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher
A chorus of voices roared from the courthouse, their combined volume making her flinch. "Her?" Megumin yapped. "Who is 'her'? Is it me?" Well, if it was her, then she simply had to set the record straight!

"Hold everything!" She kicked the courthouse doors open. "Our families shall not be hunted! We didn't ask to be dropped in your world, and we didn't know what your laws are!"

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
As more people came out, being with Rene, eventually it was time for them to start heading to the town they all lived in. Given that it was in the sewers, she wasn't expecting much from it but if it was a town, it had to be sort of big, right? She followed everyone, making sure to stick with Minako and not fall behind. No one wanted to get lost in the sewers, especially Elizabeth.

Eventually, they reached the town and she took the oxygen mask off, feeling as though it was safe enough to take them off. Of course, the smell was still bad, but at least it wasn't toxic fumes. After Rene went over some stuff and left, the Vault Hunters following, they all had choices on what to do now.

While her, Minako, and whoever else wanted to join the two could go and explore the town, a tour was much better. She looked at the one they called Dawn and spoke up. "
Hello. I would like to go on the tour, please. My name is Elizabeth, I heard your name is Dawn. Is that correct?"

It was then that she started hearing yelling coming from the courthouse and was instantly worried by what was being yelled. "
Is anyone going to help whoever's in there?!"

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow , Thepotatogod Thepotatogod , thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

─── ❖ ── ✦ ── ❖ ───
There was honestly so much going on that if she was mad, no one could blame her. But, the weird part was, she wasn't mad so much as a bit stressed from everything. First thing she had to do was address the two spikey haired boys, who reminded her so much of Cloud with the hair alone.

She looked at Sora, who had a friendly smile on his face. "
I'd introduce myself, but you already know my name. But, it's nice to meet you, Sora." Then, she looked at the red haired guy, who listed off places she never even heard of before and said he saw her somewhere before, mentioning that he had a portal bring him here too. He knew Sora, which meant they probably both knew who she was and what those places are.

This was just getting a bit weirder. How did they even know her? And more importantly, what was up with these portals?

She let out a bit of a chuckle once he told her his name and asked if she had it memorized. "
My name's Tifa, it's nice to meet you, Axel. And I'll be sure to 'get it memorized.'" These new people seemed to be better people than those around the town, in which she meant she wasn't getting bad vibes from them.

She then looked at the ghost girl, who was worried for Skye. Seems like she had some friends in this group, which was always good to have. "
Yeah, she'll wake up. Don't worry, she'll be fine."

Looking at Heather, she felt bad. Her parents were gone, making her an orphan, and even though Skye wasn't her real mom, she considered her to be her mom. It really was like Barret and Marlene, Marlene considering Barret to be her new dad.

Tifa looked at Roman, glaring at him. "
She's right, now stop picking on her friend. Unless you want me to beat you with that cane of yours." Yeah, her being stressed was starting to show. Now, she had to turn her attention to what was currently happening.

Red seemed to be not all that concerned with the situation, which she would compliment him for being able to do that, if it wasn't for the fact that his weapon was in danger. "
A tool?! She may be a weapon, but she's still a sentient being, thinking of people as tools isn't a good thing! Listen, if you take the syringe, I'll let you have the first two drinks at the bar free." Noting that he wanted juice at the bar, she continued, spinning around to Red. "You really aren't all that concerned about your weapon?!"

Sighing, she put Skye down to the side for a bit and tightened her gloves, turning around to face the one that took the sword. When this happened, one thing was for certain:
She was serious.

As of that moment, she attempted to kick the guy hard in both knees one by one. If it connected, she grabbed the handle of the sword and once again attempted to kick him in the chest, knocking him down to the ground, handing the sword back to Red. If the kicks to the knees didn't work, she'd just try to kick him hard in the chest and rip the sword out of his hand if he landed on the ground, going back to Red and handing him the sword.

Either way, she'd pick up Skye and hearing that it was time to go, walked off to follow the others, but not before stopping next to Zack.

About that... We need to talk. At town, in my bar." With that, she walked off to follow the others.

They all got to the town, and after Rene and the Vault Hunters left, it was just all of them. Before she could head to the bar, a boy came up to her, introducing herself to him. "
Yeah, I can understand that. Nice to meet you, Ryuji, my name's Tifa. And you'd be right about that."

Tifa looked at everyone else, still holding Skye. "
I'm gonna be at my bar, it's called Seventh Heaven. If you want to come to have a drink or be with your friend when she wakes up to fill her in, you guys are welcome to come along. Dawn, you have fun with the tour." Hearing what Skye's talking animal friend said to her, she nodded in response. "Will do." Turning around, she took a few steps towards where she was going before she started hearing yelling from the courthouse, the things being yelled making her very concerned.

Actually, we can have drinks afterwards, we should go see what's going on! I'll take her to Seventh Heaven and meet you guys at the courthouse! If anyone wants to come with me, try to keep up!" Immediately after she said that, she broke out into a sprint and headed down the streets to head to her bar.

After reaching the front door and getting her keys out, she unlocked the front door, and busted into the building. She lifted up the panel heading back behind the bar counter and headed into the door towards the back of the bar, heading into a small room with a bed. Putting Skye down on the bed, she exited the room after closing the door and exited the bar, closing and locking the door once again. Anyone who went with her would have either have the chance to stay with Skye, stay in the bar area to wait till afterwards, or decide to come with her.

Either way, she sprinted towards the courthouse with whoever came with her to Seventh Heaven, eventually reaching the outside of the courthouse. They needed to move fast to help whoever was in there.

Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts , LilacMonarch LilacMonarch , ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials , Space Buddha Space Buddha , thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore , RedLight RedLight , Yamperzzz Yamperzzz , quadraxis201 quadraxis201 , CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow , anyone who comes with Tifa and Skye
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CRB gestures for Fluffington the Mighty to follow, and she does so with a spring in her step. While they are walking they are making light conversation, reminiscing about an apparently shared history.
Upon reaching the slums proper, the Celebi points the little Eevee toward the Fight Club. "Now, I have some business to take care of in the Courthouse, but I know we'll meet up later, ok? So how about you go and watch some battles over there, maybe get involved in one if they let you."
Fluffington the Mighty nods and scampers off, her smile singing a song of joy.
CRB floats over Megumin and into the Courthouse, slapping her head as he passes. "Don't interrupt child. And before you complain, know that I am a God who rules over the timestream, while existing in multiple points of time simultaneously. That means I am more Years old than there has been, and to me everyone is a child. Please calm yourself before you really are the one on Trial."
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow P PopcornPie

I shook my head at Lucky’s suggestion about eating and sleeping.

β€œNo. We need to catch up with the others. There’s no time to do it right now. Besides, I’m not that hungry anyway hehe..”
It was obvious that I was lying, but we did need to catch up to the others. I shrugged a bit still unsure where the place Lucky said was.
β€œI uh... I’ve been sorta avoiding everyone. I have no idea they were even going somewhere honestly. I sorta just got left behind..”

P PopcornPie
"Oh, we're not the ones on trial?" Megumin asked the pink...pixie?...with relief. "Okay, good...but I am not a child!" Her soft voice roughly transitioned into a hiss. "I don't care how much older you are than me, I am not a child!"

"Even though I look young enough to be Rene's daughter, as well as shout and throw tantrums like one!"
Suddenly, a second Megumin appeared behind them, scowling childishly.

"I AM NOT!" Megumin got right in her impostor's face. "I simply don't wish to be called a child!"

"Everyone around me thinks I'm a child! Whatever will I do?"
The false Megumin struck a crestfallen pose, her hand over her closed and teary eyes. "Perhaps I just need to..." She opened one eye, staring straight at the real archwizard. "...grow up."

With her rage beyond boiling, Megumin attempted to jump and strange the clone, but the latter just ran away, leaving the former laying on the ground. "'Grow up'. Hmph!" Megumin snapped. "A child would have broken down within seconds of bring stranded in another world. I, Megumin, do not!" Then she stomped back to the courthouse, her mood officially soured.

Back in the shadows, the fake Megumin fell apart, revealing Double Trouble, who quickly made a mental note of their experiences. "Quick to violence, quick to defend herself. Sounds like the darling has been called a child by just about everyone." They smirked. "It also sounds like she is used to life in the lap of respect. A perfect personality to match that little puff of hers. Perhaps, if I can just rewrite her parts in this script a skosh, we can both be happy."

DerpyCarp DerpyCarp

"Well, that sucks." Lucky put his paw to his hip. "I'd think that these guys would need whatever help they could get. Oh, fuck, what if they make the portals home without us..." He pressed his paw to his head. "Surely, you went to those meetings they were having, right, Lassie?"

Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara

I began to sweat a bit nervously. Maybe I should have been paying more attention to the things going on around me instead of sulking all the time.

β€œW-Wait, Meetings? There were meetings...?”
Although it wasn’t a direct answer, it certainly would have answered Lucky’s question.

P PopcornPie
And with Rene's announcement, the pirate duo follow his group towards this city in the sewers. Gross. Who would wanna live here anyway, given that you weren't a dumb, bloodthirsty mutant? Abbott made a mental note not to breathe in through his nose for the time that they're down here. But that won't stop him from gagging and cringing at everything having to do with being in the sewers. Honestly, I think everyone should be surprised that Abbott hasn't vomited yet since arriving in Pandora. But he's reaching his limit, that's for sure. Watch out, folks.

Upon arrival at the Wolf's Den, the two came across the courtroom, hearing cheering and screaming from inside. Voss put his hand on Abbott's shoulder and redirected him towards Dawn. "Yeah... I don't think this place is the best for ya..." Abbott swiftly nodded. "Agreed."

They walked up to dawn, waiting for the tour. They were interested in a more detailed look at the place, although they were both chatting about the black market quite frequently.

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow


Before everyone had left to go to the Wolf's Den, Chres was still harassing Red and his Pixxie-Buster. He tried reaching for her but was interrupted by Tifa, who stated that taking someone else's sword, especially one that had a soul, without permission was rude. Chres laughed loudly as he emitted some static from his speakers.

"That thing has a soul? Damn, I feel sorry for it. I'd be depressed if I looked like I came from a Toys-R-Us. Ha! ... Heh, I miss that place."

He then directed his attention towards Red.

"What does it look like I'm doing? That think is yours? Wow, that's the girly-est thing I've ever seen."

However, the walking boombox's attitude would suddenly change once he heard Pixxie speak to him.

"Er-- How does it know my name...?"

Chres was hoping that the talking weapon wasn't actually an eldritch being in disguise preparing to eliminate him for all that he said to her. It seemed like Pixxie was already upset at Red for some reason, but he wasn't around at the time to see what caused it. Eventually, Red ditches Pixxie, letting Chres take her. Much to his surprise. He tried picking her up again, who was a little over half his size, and he spoke to her again. This time with a teensy bit more respect.

"Um... Hi? Uh, that guy sounds like a weenie. I'm a lot cooler, of course. Heh. What's your name, Butterfly Dudette? Where do you wanna go? The courthouse? Harvey's scheduled to ruin someone's life!"

Chres lowered his shutter shades as he winked at Pixxie. If Pixxie decides to stay along, they'll make their way to the courthouse once they arrive at the city. He wasn't sure what he was supposed to do with her from this point forward, but since it has a conscience, he supposed it would be a good idea not to get her mad. Chres was stupid, but not that stupid.

RedLight RedLight ( FoolsErin FoolsErin ) TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Lucky's ears drooped. "Meetings! Sora would keep coming to me and talking to me about the meetings they were holding at the bridge! Ah, shit...If you don't know where Teridore is, and I don't know, we're pretty much fucked. Unless one of us can track, that is."

Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara
As all of you entered the makeshift courthouse that had been set up, it was quite clear that it was not you who had been on trial. Your protests couldn't be heard over the large, cheering crowd that had been gathered before the show at the front of the courthouse. Atop a small, platform, next to a vat of bubbling, green, pure acid, stood a man. This man did not look like any normal man. Well... half of him didn't, at least.


One side of the prosecutor’s face was handsome and well-groomed like he was prepared for the case he was apparently hosting. The other was the sharpest of contrasts. Horribly burnt, missing eyelids and lips, and you were pretty sure you could see small craters in that side of his face.

It was clear why they called him Two-Face.

Meanwhile, over the vat of acid, a girl was tied up, having been bound upside down from a wooden pole.


The girl was blonde and was wearing a blue dress, and some shiny black pants to match. She had a makeshift cloth wrapped around her mouth so she couldn't speak, but it was clear from her constant struggling that she did not want to be there.

β€œBrothers… friends…” Two-Face said, his voice oddly calming as he strolled along the stage. In his hand was his signature coin. β€œWe are gathered here today for one reason…”

β€œTo make that bitch pay for betraying us!” He suddenly snapped, his voice turning dark and disgusting, like it was more animal than man. He looked back up at the crowd of organized Bandits, who began cheering at his words.

β€œOrder in the court!” He shouted in his normal voice, though of course, they didn’t listen. Sighing, he aimed his pistol skywards and fired off a round

β€œI said ORDER!” He shouted, the sinister voice returning. This got the Bandit’s attention. It was clear that they feared him… or at the very least, they respected him.

β€œThat’s better,” He said after clearing his throat. β€œWe have gathered here today to demonstrate the one thing that binds us all together…” Two-Face paused and held up his coin in the air, showing it off for the crowd. β€œFate.” He said simply. β€œFate is the one thing that holds this sick, twisted world together. Fate decides which children are born with progeria. Fate decides who dies in an accidental house fire. Fate decides if a baby dies shortly after birth, or the mother.” He paused again, seeming to twitch a bit.

β€œFATE is what decided to burn half our DAMN face off!” Two-Face shouted, the insane, animalistic voice returning once more. He took in a sharp inhale and stared upwards, before turning to the crowd of Bandits again.

β€œFate is a cruel mistress… but she is fair. She is the only thing we can rely on, in fact…” He held up his coin again, letting it remain high in the air for everyone to see. "Today, fate will decide whether or not our friend here lives…” Two-Face paused as the coin was held on its β€œhead” side. He turned the coin around, revealing another head. Though this one was badly burned, much like half his face.

β€œOr dies.” Two-Face said again, speaking in his more sickening voice with those last two words.

β€œAnd do you, my friends, accept this court’s jurisdiction?” He asked, returning to the calm voice like the flip of his own coin. The crowd gave a unanimous cheer. Two-Face smirked. β€œVery well, then…”


β€œThis court is now in session.”

P PopcornPie Yamperzzz Yamperzzz RedLight RedLight TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher DerpyCarp DerpyCarp @Courthouse
Ryuji Kazan

Ryuji followed Tifa into her bar, a kind of cozy place named "Seventh Heaven". There, he seated himself and waited for Tifa to put Skye into a bed. When she mentioned going to the courthouse in order to check out what was happening, Ryuji shook his head. "You can go on ahead. I'll just wait here, take in the atmosphere, maybe clean myself up. Considering my face was almost melted off by frog gas, I think I need a bit of a breather. Plus... let's just say I've seen enough courthouses for a long, long while. Brings back some not-so-good memories."

TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher

(Open for Interactions)

My ears began to droop a little as I began to realize just how bad things were. I had no idea how to track.. honestly I don’t know how to do much. You never know how useless you are until the time to be useful shows up..

β€œP-Please tell me you know how to track... If not then we are just going to have to go a random direction and hope for the best...”

P PopcornPie
The judge was one of the scariest looking people Megumin had ever seen. His face...What in the Demon King's name had happened to it?! Half was normal, the other half looked like a spar with Ballmum went south!

She couldn't bear to look at it, so she looked at the persecuted instead. A girl, looking about Megumin's height, clearly terrified. And that acid pit did not look like a fun way to go. "Betrayed?" She whispered. "This isn't right. He hasn't explained the charges, or-Agh!" A coin was flipped, a coin which was clearly stated to be the key to the prisoner's life or death...

Megumin would not let it make the choice.

"OBJECTION!" She shouted, whacking the coin away with her staff. She took a brave stand, fixing Harvey with a determined, albeit trembling glare. "Sir, look at her shuddering! She looks completely innocent! I know I am merely an archwizard lost in an unfamiliar world, but I will not let someone die in the claws of injustice! Someone's guilt or innocence cannot be proven by chance alone! If you want us to decide, you need to give us evidence of her betrayal! Until then..." She stepped backwards, towards Zelda. "...I'm sticking to her."

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

Lucky sighed annoyedly. "Well, I'm no bloodhound, but me nose is pretty on point. We'll just have to see what we can find. Hold this."

After giving Lana the disembodied paw, Lucky found his way outside Sanctuary, and started smelling the grass.

Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara
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"Yeah, I'll stay here too," Rocket said, raising a paw as he sat up at a barstool after Skye was tucked in bed. "The judicial system and I don't particularly have the best relationship. You guys have fun dealing with whatever freak'a nature's in there, though." Rocket said, before turning around and taking a shot from his shot glass.

TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher quadraxis201 quadraxis201

I did as I was asked and held the the paw in my paws. It felt weird and I didn’t enjoy it I’m the slightest... especially with it being disembodied, but the least I could do was hold it while Lucky tried to track down where everyone went.
β€œGood luck...”

P PopcornPie

"Well-- You sound as if you didn't like it when I called her a 'tool'...", Red replies to Tifa, as well as referring to Pixxie. "... So, I guess, I won't call her a tool."

, Pixxie, while on the clutches of Chres, tells our Hero.

Red would also accept to be injected by Sniper, upon hearing Tifa's proposal. Hell, he'd do anything to spend time with her at the so-called 'Seventh Heaven' bar that she owns. And, of course, Pixxie would continue ranting off about our Hero abandoning her.

"Oh, I'm concerned about my weapon, alright.", Red continues. "But only because you told me to. Would you look at that, you're making me a better person."


Chres would talk to Pixxie, which he now holds.

"YEAH, RED IS A WEENIE!", she agrees to the walking boombox. "I WANT TO GO ANYWHERE ELSE, AS LONG AS IT'S AWAY FROM HIM"

"Okay, now that's just rude."
, Red tells Pixxie after hearing what she had to say.

As of that moment, she attempted to kick the guy hard in both knees one by one. If it connected, she grabbed the handle of the sword and once again attempted to kick him in the chest, knocking him down to the ground, handing the sword back to Red. If the kicks to the knees didn't work, she'd just try to kick him hard in the chest and rip the sword out of his hand if he landed on the ground, going back to Red and handing him the sword.

Tifa continues to amaze Red. Pixxie, on the other hand, is in shock with what happened. Tifa was too quick, and her movements were fluid. The overall execution was flawless, and one could see it on our Hero's astounded eyes. With Tifa's help, Red gets Pixxie back.

"Are you alright?", he asks the sentient weapon. "Did the bad guy hurt you?"

"Oh, please... Don't act as if you care.", Pixxie replies, but calmly this time.

She is still clearly pissed from Red's words and actions. But he knows that Pixxie will start feeling okay soon enough. After all, something like this isn't enough to separate the 'unstoppable duo'. ((I wanna say Double Trouble, but there's a character named like that here))

Anyway, Red watches Tifa walk closer to Zack, and then tells him something.

Interactions: TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher (Tifa), Yamperzzz Yamperzzz (Chres)
Obligatory Pixxie Tag: FoolsErin FoolsErin

Zack Fair

"Huh", is all that Zack could say after Tifa tells him to talk about it in Seventh Heaven.

Still very much confused with what's going on, and especially Tifa's sudden change in appearance, he's starting to look more worried. Zack wants to ask her about Cloud and Sephiroth, as well as Nibelheim and its people, but he decides that he'll just ask her in the bar.

"Cloud... What's going on?", he whispers on his head.

Zack then notices Red just staring at them.

"What?", he asks, still slightly annoyed with Red.

Interactions: TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher (Tifa)


Red watched Tifa approach and talk to Zack in a different manner. He wonders if they know each other, and if they have something going on between them. Red approaches him. Also, Pixxie is still angry.

"Nice sword, bro.", he tells Zack. "So, are you and Tifa... Y'know."

"When will this end..."
, Pixxie sighs.

"What? No!", the SOLDIER 1st class replies to Red's unneeded question.

"Alright, good talk.", he says back, patting Zack's shoulder piece twice before leaving to follow Tifa.

Red's sentient-weapon-companion remains silent in irritation and disgust, whereas Zack looks at him leave, and then shakes his head, probably thinking 'Oh, boy'.

Our Hero hurriedly comes to Tifa's side, making sure that no one else gets the spot before him.

"So, to your bar, huh?", Red talks to her.

Pixxie makes incoherent grumbling noises. Behind all of them, the people who chooses to follow Tifa, is Zack.

Upon reaching Seventh Heaven, our Hero being one of the first people to see it, he watches Tifa open the bar. Red even wanted to come walk up with her when she helped Skye go to bed, but he decided to wait in the actual bar. Pixxie is still in her mood (perhaps she needs a mango juice as well). Zack decides to wait outside.

Anyway, they would all hear someone crying for help, coming from the Courthouse. Zack is the first one to hear it. He looks at the direction where the cry came from. Pixxie becomes slightly alert, and Red looks at the bar's door. After seeing Tifa sprint outside, headed towards the Courthouse, he decides to follow her, sprinting as well.

"Tifa, did you hear that?!", Zack asks Tifa while he also follows her lead.

"Hey, guys!", Red calls out from behind them. "Wait for me!"

"You just want the woman to wait for you!"
, Pixxie butts in.

Upon reaching the bandit-filled Courthouse, the Party (Tifa, Red, Pixxie, and Zack) enters the courtroom. Red jumps in, while holding the Pixxie-Buster with both hands, landing on a fighting stance.

"RELEASE THE DAMSEL IN DISTRESS", our Hero shouts at Two Face, as well as the bandits surrounding them. "OR FACE THE CONSEQUENCES"

"Don't tell me you've somehow fallen head over heels to another one!", the vibrant sentient weapon reacts.

Zack unclips his Buster Sword from his back, and steps in.

"What's going on?!"

Two black-haired men, with massive broadswords, stand side by side. It's about to go down!

Interactions: TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher (Tifa), thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (Two Face, Bandits)
Obligatory Pixxie Tag: FoolsErin FoolsErin




The visored figure with an unusual hue to her skin and square-shaped hair stood at the back of the crowd, looking clearly frustrated with the situation. It seemed as if she wanted to intervene in the clearly outrageous court case, but was holding back for whatever reason. Noticing the newcoming witnesses to the court case, she turned around and adjusted her visor.

"Ah, about time you got here." She calmly greeted, examining them and smiling,

Yamperzzz Yamperzzz TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher DerpyCarp DerpyCarp @courthouse (i was going to include red and popcorn in the tags, but they went ahead and sprung to action sooooo)

(i finally posted as garnet, get off my back now)

(and as a special treat and because it is chapter 3 and the time of temporary bonus characters, have something extra)



The tall gem stood, partially cloaked and arms crossed in front of the fight club, examining the people heading towards it. When her eyes landed on Trevor, she smirked maliciously and chuckled to herself. "If everyone here's as pathetic as that human, these fights will be nothing." She sneered to herself, clearly not considering if or if not he could hear her.

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

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"Well, I definitely recognize Megumin's scent, after all those times she hugged me...Have no idea how long she's been around, though. What, did she follow me here?" Lucky muttered, as he sniffed his way down the path. "Shit...Looks...well, smells like they boarded vehicles right around here. You think they went straight?"

Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara
Ryuji Kazan

The Ultimate Pyrotechnician briefly entered the bar's bathroom, scrubbed his gloves of any residue they might have picked up along the way, and sat back down at his booth seat. He noticed the not-raccoon from earlier had joined Tifa in coming to the bar and briefly turned his head toward him. When Rocket commented about how he also had troubles of his own with courts, Ryuji raised an eyebrow and reclined, the back of his head resting in his palms. "You too, huh? Let me think... 'Rocket', was it? Yeah, I remember you from when we were in that Technical together. Anyway, while we're waiting for Tifa to return, pray tell, what's your 'I hate courthouses' story? Did the jury get bribed, or something? As for me... I've seen things an 18-year-old guy like me ought not to see, things that would scar most folks for life."

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
(Open for Interactions)

I followed Lucky as he kept sniffing around trying to follow the scent of Megumin. Sadly, the scent seemed to go away from him a certain point. According to him, they got on vehicles.
β€œWell I sure hope they went straight... we have no other options though! Let’s go!”
I ran off in front of Lucky heading straight forward hoping it was the right way. I turned around every know and then to make sure Lucky was right behind me.

P PopcornPie
Fluffington the Mighty hopped up to Trevor, then leapt into his shoulder. "Pardon me. Someone is talking smack." She apologized to the Canadian. Then she turns her attention to the orange woman.
"You wanna say that to my Face you Oversized Accessory? I bet I could turn you into a Fucking Ornament for Sancuarys den!" Fluffington the Mighty loudly challenged Japser.
FoolsErin FoolsErin thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
"Woah! Geez, Lassie!" Lucky was nearly toppled over by Lana's sudden change in speed. "Shorter legs! Three shorter legs! God damn it, woman, wait up!" Though he couldn't say he blamed her; Getting over someone was probably a much slower process for her, and she wasn't the type to stop worrying at the drop of a hat. Lucky himself was quite concerned about where everyone went, too. Especially since their ticket home was on the line.

Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara
─── ❖ ── ✦ ── ❖ ───
Now, she was going to wait for everyone that wanted to come help her outside of the courtyard, but then one of the children from the group already went in. Well, there goes the stealth way of getting in. As she was about to step in, she looked over at Zack and Red. "
Someone's about to die, that's what's going on!" With that, not wanting to leave the girl alone, she headed inside and what she saw angered her.

This was a court case after all, but for someone that didn't deserve it. The only person in this town that she actually liked and never got a bad feeling from was the one on trial, a girl named Zelda. Throughout the various times she interacted with the girl, the more she was reminded of Aerith. Especially with her personality. Looking at who was in charge, she quickly saw a familiar face. Or well, two halves of two familiar faces.

Recently, a new guy had joined Rene's gang, someone she really didn't like from the first meeting. While she was technically in his gang, really, she didn't like anyone there but she had to be forced to work together with them. This guy was the recent addition to the gang, and went by the name of Two-Face. Of course, that wasn't his real name, but he preferred to be called that due to one half of his face being normal and the other half being completely burned.

The little girl with a staff went over and started yelling at him, so she ran forwards, standing in the entryway to the main area. "
Hey! I object! Two-Face, do you have any proof that she betrayed you? I know Zelda, she wouldn't just betray you without a good reason to!" She looked at the little girl that was currently making things worse for herself. "Stop, it's only going to make him angrier!"

Her attention turned towards the giant woman with an accent. She was definitely new, and she'd ask who she was, but now wasn't the time. The woman definitely was here to help, as she didn't look to be part of Rene's gang.

Stepping forwards, she looked at Two-Face, clenching her fists. "
Let her go, Two-Face! Zelda's done nothing wrong!"

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore , RedLight RedLight , P PopcornPie , FoolsErin FoolsErin
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore The The Courthouse Crew

The courthouse was a din of noise as the blood-thirsty crowd cheered, desiring the girl's death. Between them and Two-Face's warped self - both physically and mentally - it definitely seemed like the only way to save her life was to charge in for a fight. Yet as the assembled parties did just that (the ones that weren't just sitting around, of course), a voice cried out, breaking through the cacophony as clear as day...


Standing at the entrance to the courthouse, the direction of the shout, was the blue-suited, spiky-haired man himself: Phoenix Wright. In spite of the ravenous crowd and his own lack of effectiveness thus far on Pandora, Phoenix stood proud, meeting Two-Face's eyes with a fierce look of his own. He had no weapons, his fists at his sides, leaving even the dullest Psycho in the crowd wondering, does this guy have a death wish?
13675-phoenix-wright-ace-attorney-full.png"As a member of my home's own court, I can't allow you to pass down that verdict!"

Phoenix stepped forward, walking further into the courthouse - and further into the lion's den - trailing what looked like a long piece of toilet paper on the heel of his shoe. If he noticed, he didn't make it clear.

"Mr. Two-Face," Phoenix continued, his voice hitching slightly as he stumbled on the deformed man's name, "isn't this a courthouse? This universe works on its own rules, but you have to agree that in a place like this, it's the law that decides people's fate, not a flip of a coin. Even if you have no intention of giving this girl a fair trial..." Phoenix stopped walking, now only a couple of feet between him and Two-Face, eyes still locked on the man in front of him.

"I, as an attorney, will still defend her as my client!"

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