• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.
After the frog was defeated, she closed the tear that was opened for the explosives. The fumes were gone, so they were fine now, but there was the matter of everyone without a mask on. If they breathed in the fumes... they wouldn't last long without any help. Really, all of them needed help after being exposed to the toxic fumes.

That help would soon arrive as she heard someone new come in, Elizabeth going behind Minako as she stared at the newcomer.

Was he here to help? Judging by how his next move was to send people to help take care of their burns, he did seem to be here to help. As one came over to her with a syringe, she allowed them to inject her with it to heal the burns she recieved.

Thank you, Mister Rene. My name is Elizabeth, it's nice to meet you." Realizing that she had heard what sounded like Claptrap earlier and saw him fly into the mouth of the frog, she looked around for any signs of him, being very worried. "Mister Claptrap?! Are you okay?!"

Of course, she did hear Rene mention that it was a test and she turned her attention towards him for a moment. He sent the frog and mutants after them? As she was about to say something, a voice called out from behind Rene.

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow , FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla , Thepotatogod Thepotatogod

─── ❖ ── ✦ ── ❖ ───
"Thank God you guys killed that frog! If it stuck around any longer, we would've lost more people."

A woman's voice sounded from behind Rene, one that belonged to a dark brown haired woman, her hair almost appearing black in this lighting. Footsteps then came from where the voice was coming from, and once someone noticed her, they'd see who the voice belonged to. The outfit choice was... interesting, it gave off that sporty vibe.
Oddly enough, she wasn't wearing an oxygen kit to prevent the smell the sewers was emitting. How she was able to withstand the smell of the sewers was anyone's guess. But, she seemed friendly enough while at the same time, able to beat you into next year.

Getting a good look at everyone once she could see them all better, seeing that they were capable fighters, she then looked over at the unconscious Siren who had... a talking animal with her.

Well, after meeting a talking dog and seeing some animals started talking, it seemed to be the normal for her.

She went over to her, looking at Rocket. "
I'm sure she's fine. At least I hope so." Picking her up, she started shaking her a bit. "Hey, wake up!" The woman seemed to be holding her like she weighed nothing. Her red eyes looked her over, noticing that she was still breathing. Being dead could be ruled out for her, but she still needed treatment.

The woman's attention turned towards the one concerned for the woman she held in her arms. "
She'll be fine, she's still breathing." As she was about to do something, a man with an accent came over with a syringe and injected it into her. If she remembered from when they met at her bar, he preferred to be called Sniper.

There were weirder things to be called.

As the syringe would only get rid of her burns, she figured that it would only partly help. Taking her hand, she laid it on the woman, holding her with only one hand. Two different shades of green energy went through her, relieving her of any toxic fumes that may have gotten in her lungs and taking care of any injuries she may have received. "
She should be fine now, I took care of any injuries she had and any toxic fumes in her lungs she'll wake up eventually. Thanks for taking care of the burns, Sniper."

Looking back at everyone, she stared at them with her red eyes, holding the other woman. "
Sorry, I forgot to introduce myself. My name's Tifa. Who are all of you?"

The woman in the blue dress responded to her question, sounding very polite. And polite was something she missed hearing come from someone. "Hello, Miss Tifa. My name is Elizabeth. It's nice to meet you."

Tifa gave her a smile, one that was friendly. "
It's nice to meet you, Elizabeth." The vibe she was getting from Elizabeth was the same ones she got from Aerith, one of her friends. It was something that ever since ending up here, she missed getting that vibe from someone.

Her attention then turned towards where she heard a gunshot to see the man in the bowler hat, who she recognized as someone who came to the little makeshift bar she had while she was here. If she remembered from the time the two of them met, his name was Roman Torchwick. "
No firing at the new people, Roman. We need their help." When someone took a look at her, she seemed to be defensive around him.

Tifa's attention then looked over to the kid who was extremely angry, kicking something that was sentient. "
Calm down! Whatever happened, it can wait for when we get back to the city!"

It was then that she heard a familiar voice, one that she hadn't heard ever since five years ago. Had it really been five years since then? Turning, she saw...

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore , CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow , Crow Crow , DerpyCarp DerpyCarp , RedLight RedLight , everyone else
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"Pretty sure I heard you say that name a few times before. Anyway- nah, we're heading back to Wolves' Den after this. But don't worry; soon we'll have all the fun we can possibly have killing Tediore bad guys. It'll be awesome. And then maybe you can see that Cloud guy again," Rene 'reassures' him. The Hunter then looks over at Ben. "Wait, that's seriously an alien? Maybe it could look like a Vex construct if I squint hard enough." A second of silence passes by. "...nope."

Dawn glances up at Dr. Coomer nervously. "That wasn't part of the script. Is that a threa- am I being threatened...?"

Sniper nods to Tifa. "Good on ya', mate. Thanks for the help." Sniper lightly backhands Rocket's arm, chuckling. "Nothin' ta' worry about."

Ian comes over to where Claptrap was last seen, just like Elizabeth. "I will run a diagnostic on him. Please give me a moment," he tells her.

Meanwhile, Fish comes over to Megumin, injecting her with a syringe if that hasn't been done already. He says something in his own language- and then, quietly, uncertainly, says something that sounds like... 'do... not... die.'

RedLight RedLight Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher P PopcornPie
From the back Rene's group emerges a pink, Grass/Psychic Pokemon. It's wearing a Fedora on it's head and twirling a card. One half has an intricate design based on a clocks inner workings, the other has C R B written in all caps.
"Yeah Kevin. Eye's on the Prize." As he says this, his eyes glow an ominous blue. "Anyway, anybody here need more extensive healing? My Heal Bell and Life Dew should take care of the leftover Poison and a good chunk of the Damage." CRB floats closer to the group arms held up peacefully as his eyes returned to their normal green.
LilacMonarch LilacMonarch CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara Crow Crow thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore P PopcornPie
Dr. Coomer

Dr. Coomer stares at Dawn some more with a smile on his face. His voice got noticeably more ominous for a second.

β€œThere is no script In the real world, and I want to go there.”
After saying this, Dr. Coomer stared off into space yet again before quickly jolting back into Dawn’s direction.
β€œHello Dawn!”

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow
As Shadow was stopping Dani from potentially starting a fight, Trevor also makes his way towards Rene and tries to attack him for calling him old man, but is stopped by a well dressed man smoking a cigar.

β€œYou’re already getting on my bad side for shooting someone.” She replied with a cold face as a response to the dressed man, telling everyone to behave themselves.

But things get worst as this kid in black clothing and lock around his neck, started to be trouble as soon as he showed up, aiming for Ben. Before Sora, or Shadow could step in, Rene and the fancy stopped him before he could do some real damage.

Then this pink fairy? Comes up to Dani and Sora, asking if they need any healing.
β€œOh no, thank you.” β€œNo, I’m good. Wait is that... Tifa?” Sora recognizes the long haired woman as a friend he had not seen in awhile. He happily runs over to say hi. β€œTifa! It’s great to see you, what are you doing here?”

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher
CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow
Crow Crow (mentioned)
Zack Fair

"Wolves' Den, huh?", Zack wonders after hearing Rene's explanation. "Alright, I'm coming with you, people. Even if it means I have to fight."

He's just so focused with finding Cloud.

"Perhaps these 'Tedoire bad guys' know where my friend is.", Zack continues. "They'll pay if they're involved with this abduction. But, anyway, thank you."

However, suddenly, he hears a strangely familiar voice that said his name. It surely wasn't from Cloud though, as this voice is feminine. Zack looks at the direction where it came from, and he sees...


He rushes towards Tifa, someone whom he had met RECENTLY, before Sephiroth had lost his mind.

"I-- Is that you?! Tifa!", Zack asks her in surprise. "What happened?! You look different-- Much different! What's going on?!"

He just couldn't contain himself. At least there's someone here who Zack knows. And then...

Interactions: CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow (Rene), TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher (@Tifa)


"Hello", Red walks up to Tifa and Zack, greeting only the latter, as well as interrupting the SOLDIER 1st class.

"Red...", Pixxie speaks. "What are you doing?"

"Name's Red"
, our Hero introduces himself to Tifa, and to her only, while reaching out for a handshake.

Interactions: TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher (Tifa)

Obligatory Pixxie Tag: FoolsErin FoolsErin
Rocket turned and looked up from his almost (but not really) cries once the Pokemon and the Australian appeared behind him. He stood up and stepped back away from Skye, crossing his arms as he glanced down, still giving off a worried glance. "And you're sure this'll work?" He asked, tilting his head upwards to look at The Sniper. "Like, one-hundred-ten friggin' percent kinda sure?" Rocket would ask to every new person who had come around and engaged with them.

Back outside, Roman, as the man was apparently called, would glance over to Rene, an annoyed frown turning down on his face as he glared at the masked individual.


"It's Roman."

Roman would then watch as Rene stepped in to scold Kevin, to which the angry black-haired kid finally decided to take a step down. The thief sighed and tipped his bowler hat downwards, while he himself stared down at the ground tiredly. "The least you dolts could do is try to act professional..." He muttered, shaking his head. He glanced back up when Dani made her little comment towards him, rolling his eyes a bit. "It was a warning shot, Snow White." Roman said sarcastically. He took a long drag from his cigar and blew out a stream of smoke from his lips, and then looked over to Rene. "So are we done here, or are we gonna sit here playing babysitter with these children all day?" He asked, leaning on his cane a bit.

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher P PopcornPie Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara LilacMonarch LilacMonarch DerpyCarp DerpyCarp Crow Crow RedLight RedLight ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials
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─── ❖ ── ✦ ── ❖ ───
The last time she had seen Zack, it was during the Nibelheim incident five years ago. He didn't look like he changed all that much, but sometimes people can barely change appearance wise. Still... for him to be here of all places. And he was looking for Cloud? Last time she saw him was in the inn they stopped at right before she was taken here.

Yeah, it's me. You barely look like you've changed at all. What happened to you? Last time I saw you was five years ago after what happened in Nibelheim." Her attention then turned towards a new person, who seemed to notice her and only her, holding out a hand for him to shake.

Didn't he know it was rude to ignore the other person in a conversation?

Taking his hand, she shook it. "
It's nice to meet you, Red. My name's Tifa." It wasn't long until someone else came over, recognizing her.

Looking at the new person, it was a kid. Not just any kid, this one had spiky hair, kind of like Cloud's hair. He seemed to know her too, but she didn't know him as she would've recognized him from the Sector 7 Slums or Nibelheim. So, who was he? "
Sorry, but who are you?"

Hearing the woman's friend who was understandably worried, she looked down at him. "
Yeah, it'll work. Trust us, she'll wake up soon enough."

RedLight RedLight , Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts , thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Lightning, the Light Ignis

Crew United

Well, shit, the tide of this battle sure turned quickly.

Not only do you blind Ballmum with your combined efforts... you straight up obliterate her eyes. Seriously. The only thing left after your assault is glowing red liquid that pours down her face. She bucks around wildly, trying to shake you all off, spraying more and more acid everywhere- but it's not enough. She's in very, very clear pain. Even Tsukasa's kick and follow-up sword strikes combined with Den-O's attack leaves her reeling; she's weak.

As for the rest of her, I can't even begin to describe what happens. You cram so many explosives down her throat that it makes any gory, heinous method of killing used by a Bandit look like a Sesame Street skit. Long story short: Lightning and Red's electricity burns her outside, Aloy's arrow freezes her, all of your explosives blow her apart, sending tiny little shards of her frozen body hurtling through the air, and before they can even so much as pelt you pathetically, Richtofen's device sucks up all her remains, leaving nothing. No evidence at all that anything had taken place. The last thing she had heard was the emotion-destroying bomb Fluffington had dropped on her.

But then the acidic gas would kill you, right?

No. You're way better than that. Heather and Julia together gather all the gas up before the Espeon pushes the fumes through Eric's barrier and towards the other attacking Mutants Nearl had been helping to hold off. Samael then causes the sewer ceiling on that side of the barrier to collapse. Eric stumbles back as the Mutants are sealed off permanently, and the last thing you hear of the bastards are their zombie-like screams of suffering as their skin is melted like butter, and their explosive friends blow the rest of them apart.

You're safe. You finally killed them all.

Eric falls flat on his back, panting hard. "I... owe you guys..." he tells Samael, Julia, and Nearl. "Thanks for... helping..." He groans and closes his eyes, falling unconscious.

Grey comes over to Fluffington and picks her up. His shield had helped him come out of the battle unharmed, but left him drained, the visor over his face having disappeared.

View attachment 716184

"Fluff... we really need to talk about your language..."

If Ian could, he'd smile. "Now that I have been a firsthand witness of your capabilities, I can now state with utmost certainty that you far exceed the Crimson Raiders' greatest Vault Hunters."

"No shite. Haven't seen so much good work since my time with me old team!" Zane grins at all of you, burnt all over but still as chipper as ever.

"You guys... are the biggest badasses I've ever met," Moze tells you as she comes over in her impressively intimidating mech. Yes, its guns are pointed right at you. No, she isn't going to shoot you. "But first, let's make sure we get things sorted out. Everyone tend to the wounded. And Zer0? You didn't warn us about any huge swarms this far out in the sewage system."

"A surprise for us. / Mutants do not gather here. / We have been ambushed."

From far off in the darkness of the tunnel, you hear clapping.

"Load your guns. We have more company," Phoenix-2 tells you. His voice sounds surprisingly soft for the trained killer he is.

"To engage in our weakened state is ill-advised. However, this team is still fully capable of the complete obliteration of any organic entity that might appear," Ian deduces.

All of the Vault Hunters, though tired, raise their weapons. Grey forces his visor and sword to appear, though they flash weakly.

Moze takes the spot up front. "If it's green and ugly, kill it."

From out of the darkness...

...comes a lean young man in full body armor and a cloak, surrounded by several other gruff looking misfits that look like Trevor's next of kin. Their presumed leader wears a mask over his face, but you can just tell he's wearing the smuggest of smiles under it.

"FINALLY! That thing was giving us so much trouble! I've heard the stories about you guys. Wanted to give you all a little test, welcoming party, AND get revenge on the freak that was murdering all of my guys. Reaaaaally sorry about the injuries, though... didn't think they'd really bring old men and a little kid along. You guys really are crazier than we are down here." He snaps his fingers. "Go tend to them," he tells his team. Most of them come forward and take out those magic syringes to inject you with, promptly doing so and healing your chemical burns right up... if you'd allow them.

Their leader raises his arm once again.

"Alright, I'm sensing a lot of you are kinda mad with me, and believe me, I get it. So before I take you to our cool city underground, feel free to take your anger out on me. Name's Rene. Remember that if you ever want to complain to the big boss and make my life hell."

View attachment 716198
Shock and awe

With that, you're free to take a moment to breathe, talk to Rene or one of the people with him, speak with each other or the Vault Hunters, try to kill each other again... sky's the limit, people, but you need to get going to this city he's talking about soon, so make it fast!​
With the completely crushed Ballmum out of the picture, Lightning recalled Magnus Dux to whence it came and would reload his weapon as this 'Rene' would begin speaking, and a whole host of other individuals coming on in to heal the wounds of the group, to which Lightning had no right to accept as one does not simply 'heal' an AI without the proper means to! Regardless, it seems that thing being gone worked both ways - to test the group, and get a load off of Rene's back? Lightning thought about it and would clap in approval yet he would say nothing whilst he did so, until he ceased and glanced to the group in question - the group Rene had amassed and brought along - it was sizeable, but there may or may not be more or less than the already existing group... "I would like to pose a question - what 'are' you doing in these parts?" Lightning asked. "Or is it you who should be asking us that?"
Character Information
Link to CS: Here!
Hex Code: #F7DA64
Status (physically): Fine​
Status (mentally/emotionally): Fine​
Powers: A.I abilities, monster summoning/spell card magic/trap card magic​
Items: Duel Disk (grants monster summoning, spell card magic and trap card magic), an SMG (being held), $350 (stored in Duel Disk), Hyperion sniper rifle (ammo included), "Pot of Greed" (sniper rifle)​
This is where all of Lightning's obtained cards are! For more information, refer to his original CS!

He will be granted more cards each passing chapter, as implied above - but by the end, he will have 'everything' at his disposal.

Listed 'per chapter' as to what he has - the most recent one will always be at the top.

As of Chapter 3's posting, this is COMPLETE! Lightning has every card at his disposal from here on out. As a result, this section will no longer see any future changes in the future chapters.
Chapter 3

Main Deck Monsters

Armatos Legio Galea
Armatos Legio Gladius
Armatos Legio Magica Alcum
Armatos Legio Scutum
Armatos Legio Sica
Armatos Legio Segmentata
Armatos Legio Speculata
Armatos Colosseum
Armatos Lex
Armatos Fulgur
Armatos Replacement
Judgmenet Arrows
Judgment Sword
Armatos Gloria
Extra Deck
Armatos Legio Centurion
Armatos Legio Decurion
Armatos Legio Eques Flamma
Armatos Legio Legatus Legionis
Armatos Legio Magnus Dux
Armatos Legio Pilus Prior
Armatos Legio Primi Ordines
Armatos Legio Tribinus Militum
Chapter 2
Main Deck Monsters

Armatos Legio Galea
Armatos Legio Gladius
Armatos Legio Magica Alcum
Armatos Legio Scutum
Armatos Legio Sica
Armatos Legio Speculata
Armatos Colosseum
Armatos Lex
Armatos Fulgur
Armatos Replacement
Judgmenet Arrows
Extra Deck
Armatos Legio Centurion
Armatos Legio Decurion
Armatos Legio Eques Flamma
Armatos Legio Legatus Legionis
Armatos Legio Pilus Prior
Armatos Legio Primi Ordines
Chapter 1
Main Deck Monsters

Armatos Legio Galea
Armatos Legio Magica Alcum
Armatos Legio Scutum
Armatos Legio Sica
Armatos Lex
Armatos Fulgur
Armatos Replacement
Judgmenet Arrows
Extra Deck
Armatos Legio Centurion
Armatos Legio Decurion
Armatos Legio Eques Flamma
Armatos Legio Legatus Legionis
Armatos Legio Pilus Prior
Armatos Legio Plumbum Trident
Armatos Legio Primi Ordines
Main Deck Monsters

Armatos Legio Galea
Armatos Legio Scutum
Armatos Legio Sica
Armatos Fulgur
Armatos Lex
Extra Deck
Armatos Legio Decurion
Armatos Legio Eques Flamma
Skills/Abilities: Mastermind, technology wizard​
Course of action: Chill time!​
RP Information
Location: Argus-27, Sewers​
Interactions: CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow
Mentions: None​
Nearby/In Group: (Everyone?)​
Rene nods to Red. "No problem, man." He then holds up a hand at Roman's question. "Hold on, I'm talking to the cool electric AI thing." He steps up to Lightning. "I live here. Me and my gang." He motions to the people around him with his head. "Some of these guys aren't with me, though. They're just here for the ride. You must be Lightning, right? Legend has it you actually became one with an Outrunner of Ellie's. That true?"

Dawn stares at Dr. Coomer. "...this is getting way too meta for me."

RedLight RedLight thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore BoltBeam BoltBeam Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara
Lilith Kirby and Balloony
"Oh dear, I better get out of here before things get out of hand." Balloony quickly leaves the group and comes across Lilith who wasn't really doing much right now.

"Oh...uh, hey there." She didn't really expect anyone to greet her judging from what she said. "Hi there my name's Balloony, it's nice to meet you!" Lilith smiles a bit as he waves to her. "You to I guess, I'm surprised that your'e not scared of me considering that I'm a ghost and all." "Well it just seems like your'e more friendly then most of the others around here." "Yeah I guess I can understand that, my name's Lilith by the way."

Suddenly Balloony turns towards Kirby while Lilith looks towards Skye looking a little worried. "Hey who's that?" Balloony asks her. "Oh him? That's Kirby, we've been hitting it of recently so I suggest you go talk with him, I've got something to take care of." She says as she leaves goes over to Skye. "Okay see you later!"
Balloony and Kirby have a small conversation while Lilith tries to apologize for what she did earlier.

"Hey Skye, can I tell you something?"

TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher (Skye)

β€œI assure you Dawn, things could always get even more meta.”
The Doctor only spoke words of wisdom. His amazing intellect was only matched with his own strength.
β€œDawn, if we keep messing around we won’t be able to find your passport. We both know what happens then.”

β€œHello Dawn!”

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow

As the monster had been defeated, the gore definitely making the Kuranta choke slightly through the ordeal, she remains strong and still, hanging onto Heather atop her back. Upon witnessing Eric fall over and thank them, the knight simply shakes her head, "Duty is as it is, owe nothing." Through the compliments of the Crimson Raiders and the arrival of this other group, the team is shown to be taken care of as they are tended to their wounds. Nearl remains still, allowing their work to be done as she had injections put in to deal with her own injuries and burns.

"I am more than grateful for your assistance Mr. Rene", the Kuranta replies, a nod and a wag of the tail as she reaffirmed herself. During this moment of clarity, Nearl proceeds to search for Skye, moving the unconscious Heather to her arms in front as in a cradle fashion. During this whole thing however, it seemed that multiple different colorful characters had seemed to make an appearance, presumably the other men and women that were alongside Rene. As she made her way to look for Skye, she kept her ears flickering around, intrigued by the arrivals of this group.

As Nearl: Space Buddha Space Buddha TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow

Amongst the voices of Tifa, Rene, Zach, and Roman, came a very distinct bit of sounds from one of the dark side of the rooms.
The sounds of the clicks and clacks of the heels of leather boots were definitely unique as the sounds of the steps began to turn into the tap of a dance in the steps. Followed by the wave of a hand, the swing of a butterfly knife smoothly swinging from side to side and up and down without a moment of hesitation as it returns to its sheathe in the blink of an eye.

To be fair, this wasn't the usual contract. But, the work was good, and definitely fun.

Sight for sore eyes compared to bland ol' Chicago.

The man didn't even wait till Roman was done talking about being polite as he stepped out of the shadows amongst the group, THAT, was his specialty.




Jordi continued to swing and flip his knife a few more times around, enjoying the satisfying clicking of the metal before shoving it back into his pocket. With a shrug of his gloved hands, the uh.. "Professional Janitor" walks towards Rene. "Jesus man, back there was one bloody hell of a FUCKIN mess!", the handyman exclaimed with laughter, clearly unable to hold it in, "I uh, HAHA, I don't know if any of you all were there but.. MAN it looked like some.. lunatic went off on his own in there with a chainsaw! Looks like I tried to cover up my own mess with a bigger one!

Chin was definitely full of himself as he plopped a hand on Torchwick's shoulder, bending over and laughing trying to catch a breath as he gave a moment to clear his laughter up, before regaining his senses and standing back up, giving his iconic, yet stylish grey suit jacket a nice straightening out of wrinkles with his hands, before putting both of them on his hips.

"Starting to get kinda bored now", Jordi ever so nonchalantly blabbed by Rene, placing his former hand on Roman, now on Rene's shoulder. "When will we get back into having some fu-"

His words were cut short as he turns towards Sora, and Dani with a mouth agape and a perked eyebrow.


As Jordi: Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher RedLight RedLight thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow

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Zack Fair

"Wha-- What do you mean 5 years ago in Nibelheim? We were just there?", Zack gets confused upon hearing Tifa's response. "What do you mean what happened? Sephiroth lost his mind, and Nibelheim is in danger!"

He has no idea that this Tifa is someone from HIS future, and she doesn't know that this Zack is someone from HER past. Tifa survived the Nibelheim incident, whereas Zack WOULDN'T survive... Long enough. ((It's weird trying to explain it lmao))

Unfortunately, someone decided to interrupt the two...

Interactions: TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher (Tifa)


((I doodle'd Red. Time to simp on Tifa))

"Tifa...", Red does a fine grip with their handshake, but he feels as if Tifa isn't someone to give a soft one, "Well met. Nice grip you got there. A fighter."

"Red, why are you acting strange?"
, Pixxie notices and points out our Hero's sudden change in character.

She asks who he is. Red looks at Zack, who's looking both confused, from Tifa, and annoyed, from Red.

"You seem to have a lot of friends with long, black hair. Massive weapons.", he replies to Tifa's following question. "Probably not as fun as I am, but there's nothing much you need to know."

"Please stop"
, his weapon is asking for him to stop with... Whatever he's doing.

"I'm badly injured-- Not as much as the rest of them though. I handled the fight easily, no sweat.", Red continues talking to her. "Say, what if you give me one of those injections, and you can tell me more about yourself, Tifa?"

"This is making me uncomfortable"

Interactions: TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher (Tifa)

Obligatory Pixxie Tag: FoolsErin FoolsErin
β€œWhaat? C’mon, enough with the jokes. It’s me, Sora.” Sora looked at Tifa more confused as she is. She claims she doesn’t know Sora but he thinks this is a joke, however the look on her face tells that she may be serious.

β€œUnless you really don’t remember. What’s going on?β€œ Sora put his hand up to his chin and begin to think about the situation. β€œ(This is weird, I think she’s serious about not knowing me. Did something happen with everyone’s memories again?)”

Dani would roll her eyes as well as her head back in displeasure, hearing the man who’s apparently named, Roman’s tired child jokes. β€œOh.. babysitting jokes, very smooth, criminal. Your grandma help you with that remark?”

Shadow silently steps in and pulls Dani way from Roman and sits her down, putting out another fire before it grows. β€œIgnore her Roman. The sooner we get this over with, the sooner we can leave. I’m not gonna tell you again, try not to start an unnecessary fight if you want to go home.” Shadow gave a serious look, he needed this girl to cooperate, even if she was working with people she didn’t like.

β€œFine. As long as I’m eighteen feet away from bowler-head I’ll be fine. I guess I should thank you Shadow. You’re one of the only few people I’ve meet in this adventure who’s not a jerk.” β€œWhat’s your name?” β€œDani, with an i.” β€œIt’ll be over soon Dani. Just hold on for a little longer.”


Shadow gave her a smile and a pat on the head. Dani returns the favor by smiling back.

Shadow walks away while Jordi gives Dani & Sora.... a shocked face to say the least.
β€œCan I help you?” Sora who was lost in his thoughts, sees Jordi and tries to break the silence. β€œHey there.” He waved.

Shadow makes his way to Rene and ask when can they leave?
β€œSo Rene, when do we get this show on the road?”

TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow Riven Riven
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    Heather (Without brain damage):

    No longer needing to maintain the forcefield that kept the fumes away, Heather lazily woke up, sliding off of Nearl's back and taking a look around.

    "O-Oh! W-We won! Hey who's all the new people?"

    She would look around at a few people she hadn't seen before, namely Shadow, Balloony, Zack, Tika, Pixxie, the strange polygonal man, and many others. From the ground, she tugged on Nearl's leg, trying to get her attention, as she was only about waist height.

─── ❖ ── ✦ ── ❖ ───
As she spoke with them, she spotted a girl come over. This wasn't any girl, she was see through, and the only things that were human and see through that she knew of were ghosts. And Tifa didn't really like ghosts, especially like in the Train Graveyard. But, she seemed to be with the group and she knew the woman she was holding in her arms, so she wasn't going to attack her or trick her.

The girl didn't seem to notice that the woman, who seemed to be called Skye, was unconscious. "
Uh, I don't think she's going to respond to you. She's knocked out, but when she wakes up, you can talk to her." Then, she heard a man walk from out of the shadows, holding a knife that was pointed at all of them.

As it seemed to be the case with the bar, she knew who he was as he came in once or twice. People just really loved coming to the bar, and this got her to know people. If she remembered, his name was Jordi, and from what she knew of him, he was a talker. The man could talk circles around people, which sounded like a few people she knew. "
Jordi, put the knife down, we'll get back to the city soon."

Her red eyes looked towards Red, who she was starting to get a feeling that he was starting to have some sort of crush on her just within their first meeting. "
Nice to meet you too. Yeah, I'm a fighter, I'm not just a pretty face." The weapon then started talking, which surprised her. First, talking animals, and now talking weapons? "You have a talking weapon?" It was pleading with him to stop... whatever he was doing. But, he didn't seem to be listening, being only focused on her.

From his words, she started to get an idea as to what he was starting to do. He seemed to be trying to impress her, and she was used to guys trying to do the same thing he was doing. "
Well, how about my friend here, Sniper, injects you with it, we get back to town and then we can head over to my bar? Everyone here that can drink looks like they need one."

Tifa then looked at Zack, who surprised her by saying that Nibelheim was in danger and that they were just there. This didn't line up with her memories, as it was only five years ago. Did he time travel? "
Zack... it's been five years since Nibelheim. You've been gone for those five years." She wasn't going to get an answer as to what happened, as he seemed to have been brought here during the incident, so she wasn't going to keep asking.

She then looked at the spikey haired boy, who was adamant on them knowing each other. "
Sorry, but this is the first time we've met. You know me, but I don't know you. And remember what?" Just how does he know her? Was he from the future or something, like the Whispers?

Hearing what sounded like a child, she looked to see a little girl and her eyes widened. They brought a little girl down her? "
Oh, hello. Don't be afraid, we're going to a city. My name's Tifa." She would've held a hand out to her, but currently, she was still holding a knocked out Skye.

Ever since they left Midgar, she had started to miss Marlene and children in general, so seeing this one made her smile. Plus, she sounded really adorable. Now, they had to get to town, the sewers weren't a great place for her to be in right now. But if she came with them, either she didn't listen to those that were trying to protect her or she could already fight and hold her own. Either way didn't matter, the sewers were still not a great place for her to be in right now.

ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials , Riven Riven , RedLight RedLight , CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow , Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts , Space Buddha Space Buddha
CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow

David was more than a little angry that the men here had unleashed the beasts upon them. But, if he had been in a similar position as them with their mindset, he would've done the same thing. He accepted the healing serum, the blood trailing from his nose drying up quickly. He stepped forward and breathed in and out once deeply, as he really wanted to sock Rene straight in the gut for doing what he did. However, it seemed that all were healed and/or in stable condition, so that helped ease his irritation.

P PopcornPie Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara
He glanced at the Typhlosion, noting that his heart beat was strong, and that he'd make it. He walked over to the crying Megumin and placed a hand on her shoulder. "He's just sleeping. His heart is strong. I can hear it." He watched as the new doctor injected him with the syringe and slapped him on the shoulder, then gently - but firmly - pushed the doctor aside. He gently lifted the Pokemon Crimson Raider in a Bubble, and walked over to Moze. "Captain," he nodded. "I'll take care of our chef until he can fend for himself." He saw Rene going about, asking for people to shoot him, and just shook his head. His anger had passed now.
Interactions: Thepotatogod Thepotatogod TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher

Tsukasa Kadoya/Kamen Rider Decade
Tsukasa has finally defeated the giant frog and everything seems to go back to where things were before. But there is one problem, Den-O has been helping him the whole time and Tsukasa is not happy about it.

He wonders if he is trying to be supportive but his evil side could be the boiling point of betrayal and getting all the attention that he deserves. Again, Tsukasa doesn't need Den-O's help as he is better off on his own. He scolded him as a result.

"I appreciate your help but I think that I am better off on my own. Besides, I don't appreciate anyone who is going for the kill before me. So I will say this, do not get in my way." He said angrily.

Interactions: Chungchangching Chungchangching

Naoto Azuma/Tiger Mask
It seems like everything is back to normal as the giant frog has been killed. However, he has no idea what is currently going on around him as the chaos has soon turned into something important.

However, he decides to get back together with the cat and the mouse since they are no longer in danger unless they are still trying to fight in which he is unaware of.

"I'm glad that is over with. Are you guys alright? There is nothing to fear now. We're pretty much safe for a while." He said.
Roman rolled his eyes. "You can talk and walk at the same time, you know? It's called multi-tasking." He deadpanned in response to Renee, though he chose not to press further, instead shaking his head. That disappointment only worsened when Jordi decided to make his presence known to the group at large. When he put his hand on his shoulder, Roman tensed up a bit, though before he could protest, his hand was quickly removed in favor of Renee's shoulder. Not-so-discreetly, Roman wiped his shoulder off with his gloved hand as he stared the obnoxious man down. "Can you go five minutes without being a nuisance?" Roman scoffed.

Then, he turned to Dani, who seemed very keen on continuing to run her mouth. "Maybe I wouldn't have to make those kinds of comments if you weren't so young." He replied, watching as Shadow pulled her away and scolded her. The thief held up his hands when Shadow told him to ignore her. "By all means..." Was all he said as he turned and strolled away in the opposite direction, cane in hand. When Heather asked who they were, Roman turned to face the little girl and offered a smile and a bow.


"Name's Roman. Roman Torchwick. And who might you be, little one?"

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts Space Buddha Space Buddha Riven Riven Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara P PopcornPie TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher GeorgeTownRaja GeorgeTownRaja Chungchangching Chungchangching RedLight RedLight ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials BoltBeam BoltBeam LilacMonarch LilacMonarch DerpyCarp DerpyCarp Crow Crow

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    Heather (Without brain damage):

    "O-Oh Hi! M-My name is H-Heather... I-I think... I-I don't really remember much I'm sorry that might b-be w-wrong."

    Heather rubbed her head, and looked down at Skye.

    "H-Hey, w-what happened to S-Skye..?"

    She would lean over and gently push against skye. She was far too weak to actually roll her over, so it was more just of a gentle shaking.

    "I-Is s-she okay?"

Natasha was finally healed by the Morning Sun, her acid burns fading away and her fur quickly regrowing like magic.

Julia watches Dawn with her brow furrowed.

"Oh dear...Arceus, that's embarrassing." She says under her breath before speaking louder to actually talk to him. "You...seriously need some training, kid."

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow
"Aw, what's wrong?" Roman asked with a smirk as he leaned on his cane with both hands, having almost outright slammed the end of said cane into the dirt ground. "Hit your head too hard on the monkey bars, kiddo?"

Rocket, who was still standing by Skye's side and mostly ignoring everything around them, looked up to Heather when she asked what was wrong with her. "She took a hell of a friggin' beating in that fight against that frog thing..." Rocket explained, his head lowered and his voice more of a low mutter than anything else. He sighed, and glanced up to The Sniper and Tifa. "Dude in the hat and shades injected her with something, and the chick in the tank top did some weird voodoo crap on her. Both of 'em said she'll be fine." Rocket explained, though his voice sounded less like he trusted it to be true, and more that he just wanted it to be.

Space Buddha Space Buddha TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow
Fluffington the Mighty blows a raspberry at Grey and wriggles her way out of his grasp.
"I am Fluffington the Mighty and you would do well to Remember that Mister Grey. As the strongest and last member of the Gym of the Mighty, I will NOT be responding to you if you refuse to address me properly." She bites out at the male, her fur lacking it's usual luster, even more so at her feet where shadows dance and play. When the footsteps approach, she separates from Grey and takes a defensive stance. The armored being and his colony of creeps show up and reveal themselves to be no threat, Fluffington the Mighty relaxes, and makes a looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong inhale. Apparently she hadn't breathed in the entire boss fight. When one of the strangers approach with a needle, she growls loudly, hackles raised. "Back off, I can heal my self." She pops a Lum Berry into her mouth and then collapses.
Fluffington the Mighty used Rest!
Fluffington the Mighty slept and restored health!
Fluffington the Mighty ate a Berry!
Fluffington the Mighty woke up!

When she rested, Fluffington the Mighty's fur visibly brightened and shined, like a dulled silver plate after being expertly polished. She shakes herself, her coat puffing out to its usual voluminous style. Then she rounds on the Crimson Mage. "And you! What do you mean Defeat? We completely defeated the enemy, and nobody has fainted...." She spies Skye out of the corner of her eye. "Nobody important.... ANYWAY! Stop the Pity Party! If you can't use Explosion as well as you used to, then you gotta Practice more! Heck, I'll train with you! I've Tanked Explosions from everthing from Electrodes to Golems to REGI-FUCKING-STEEL, So I"ll be perfect for it! Now Chin the Fuck up and Chill the Fuck Out!!" Fluffington the Mighty talks at Megumin, her tone light and happy, like a friend giving a pep talk to another friend, completely different from her vocabulary. Her usual simple smile shining as well. Maybe someone she actually respects should talk to her about the speaking habit's she's picked up.
CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow P PopcornPie
Megumin gazed at Fluffington miserably. "We came down here underleveled, and now look at us. Everybody is hurt. Eric overexerted himself to save us. Our path has been blocked by that carcass, with no safe way to remove it. If those people were hostile, we would have been done for." She laid across Eric's chest, sighing. "Kazuma is smarter than this. He would have figured out what to do." She felt as though she was stuck in a frying pan, with the now fresh skin all over her slowly dissolving.

Julia frowns as Eric faints and then looks around at everyone else's wounds. Not even Natasha had been spared from it, though hers were comparatively minor thanks to her ice armor. "If I had some sunlight..."

The Espeon was practically unscathed since she had kept the gas away from herself with her personal barrier, so she was fine apart from being a little tired from the battle. So of course she waves off the newcomers and points them to those who really needed healing like Eric and Megumin.

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She turns to their leader and watches him warily. "I'm certainly not happy about what you did, but I won't attack you. I doubt everyone here will do the same, though."

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Natasha shakes the ice off her, exposing a few light acid burns. Really, her fur looked worse than she did. But she shakes her head at those tending to the wounded, obviously not exactly trusting their syringes. "I'll be fine."

Julia glances at Fluffington. "I don't think you realize the connotations of that word, Fluffington...the Mighty, if you insist on being called that..."

"But she's right," She continues, looking at Megumin. "We won the battle. Even if you didn't get to use Explosion, you still helped. So don't start moping about it."

Interactions: CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow (Eric, Rene) P PopcornPie (Megumin) DerpyCarp DerpyCarp (Fluffington)
"Neither of you understand." Megumin shook her head. "Explosion is all I let myself know. And it's all I was known for, too. Everybody knows me as the bearer of the most lethal of Crimson Demon magic. There is no other magic for me! Yet, I am left vulnerable after it is cast." She tried in vain to rub the blood off her staff. "Kazuma still very much likes me this way, but it's apparent that I need other skills out here. Yet I don't have any. My attacks were reckless and without strategy."

I sat there for a bit thinking to myself. Eventually, I rose to my feet and made an attempt to open the door Lucky was behind.

β€œI’m going to try to get you out of here.. I feel bad with you being stuck in there.. so just hold on for a moment while I get this thing open!”
I spent the next few moments trying to open the door... hopefully it worked.

"Heh! Good! Please do!" Lucky hopped backwards, his tail wagging in anticipation.
"You call this defeat?" Rene casually asks Megumin with a hand on his hip. "I'm not sure I wanna know what failure looks like for you guys. Let's keep it that way, yeah?" He then looks over at Julia. "Wow, you're taking the attack from Ballmum pretty lightly. If I were you, I'd be trying to kill me. Hard."
"I guess we did win, but Ballmum almost killed us..." Megumin mewled. "If this was a test, then by all means, I should have given you my best Explosion. But I...I chickened out. And now I can feel myself slowly falling unconscious with every passing second." She just couldn't shake it. Kazuma would be so disappointed in her. She should have just done it!

Rene kept joking about the bunch killing him, which had Megumin quite confused. "...Would you like me to use Explosion on you?" She offered shyly. "After what we did to your pet, you really want us to destroy you? You're as masochistic as Darkness. It's not like me to kill healers, but as I already said, please warn us the next time you throw such a challenge at us! For poor Eric's sake alone!"
A nervous looking Espeon floats- yeah, floats, with his own psychic powers- out from behind the group of underground people. He's particularly fluffy on the top of his head and his chest, and he's carrying a syringe with Psychic. Actually experienced psychics might be able to tell that he sucks as one; his mind's more vulnerable than an open window.

"I don't know how to use this..."


In over his head
Megumin's head shot up. "Oh, my! Look, Julia! He looks just like you! Same powers, too!" Her eyes washed over with curiosity. "Are you related?"
"So are we done here, are we gonna sit here playing babysitter with these children all day?"
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"...Listen, you." Megumin snapped. "I. Am not. A child."
He glanced at the Typhlosion, noting that his heart beat was strong, and that he'd make it. He walked over to the crying Megumin and placed a hand on her shoulder. "He's just sleeping. His heart is strong. I can hear it." He watched as the new doctor injected him with the syringe and slapped him on the shoulder, then gently - but firmly - pushed the doctor aside. He gently lifted the Pokemon Crimson Raider in a Bubble, and walked over to Moze. "Captain," he nodded. "I'll take care of our chef until he can fend for himself." He saw Rene going about, asking for people to shoot him, and just shook his head. His anger had passed now.
Then David came forward, once and for all reassuring Megumin. "He's still alive! Oh, thank Heavens!" With a dimmed smile, she pressed her head into Eric's chest cavity. Sure enough, when she stopped moping, she could hear his heartbeat returning to normal. "We must have him healed, right away. Especially if there is more than one Ballmum!"
Meanwhile, Fish comes over to Megumin, injecting her with a syringe if that hasn't been done already. He says something in his own language- and then, quietly, uncertainly, says something that sounds like... 'do... not... die.'
"Ow!" The archwizard winced as the needle dug into her already sore hide. "Ouch! Owww!" It felt like the stinger of a bullet ant digging into her already achy flesh! She tensed up all over, squeezing tears out of her eyes with an expression of pure, unfiltered pain. It was agony so severe, she felt her calves tingling, ready to make her leap high into the air. She would rather have been sunburned all over!

Fortunately, as the medicine worked its magic, the fresh skin slowly turned pale and firm, ultimately becoming a new layer of epidermis, meaning that she could now move her body without wincing in agony. Her eyes twinkled gratefully. "What is that stuff? It's like a health potion, but you usually drink those..."


More Mongolian throat singing echoed in the hallway, chasing a humongous, lumpy shadow.


The beast made a big splash upon landing, launching away Ballmum's remains in all directions. It looked like a giant toad, its flesh all covered in purple lumps...Oh, God, was Megumin right!? Was there more than one?! Was this the end????

Nah, it was another member of the arriving group, just fucking with ya'll!

"AIIIYYYEEEE!" The monster suddenly stood on its hind legs, one hand clutching its heart, the other reaching for the light. "I believed I would forever rule these sewers, but alas! I have been put to pasture by the most unlikely of heroes! BLEEEEEEEAAAAACH!" The creature then let itself fall into the sludge, and sink.

Then the actor kept themselves beneath the water for dramatic effect. And...End scene.

Crawling out of the stream, and shaking themselves off like it was nothing, was some kind of green reptile, with sleek jumpsuit-like attire and pale, slitted yellow eyes. They had pointed ears and a long tail, and bore a crown of equally pale, long, blind hair.

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"My apologies, I just had to!" The reptile strutted towards everybody, then took a bow. "My name is Double Trouble, and your performance was just...Mmmm! Five stars, easily!...I just wish I could say the same about your outfits, darlings."

Megumin, who was paralyzed with fear, scowled murderously. "'Trouble' is right! Don't you know not to tease people like that?!"

"Not really." They answered cheekily.

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