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Red, still holding the Pixxie-Buster, looks at the Ballmum dramatically, like it's a God damned anime scene or something. His Kaiju pet-summon-thing is busy distracting her, fighting the frog-like monster toe to toe in the frontlines.


It seems that Red's ink had help blind the Ballmum, as her eyes are now pretty much useless. Not to mention everyone else's efforts.

"Yeah!!!", he cheers out loud, raising his fist up in the air. "We almost got'er!"

Red is ever-so-cheerful.

"Right... You barely did anything.", Pixxie, on his hand, speaks. "Help finish the creature off with your powerful move."

Red nods in agreement. He takes a stance, standing firmly, as if preparing for something... Red's mouth starts to open, slowly.



If the Ballmum were to hear the destructive sound of Red's sentence, she would be damanged emotionally, and mentally, regardless whether or not the frog-like creature understands the English language. She'll have to go to rehab to recover from that. Or just... Die. The Ballmum has been called a word no one dares to use: Orphan.

And, so... Yeah. With the massive help offered by our Hero, Red. Everyone manages to kill the monster. Or dare I say it... The Orphan. That's pretty much it.​

Interactions: CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow @Everyone_Else

Obligatory Pixxie Ping: FoolsErin FoolsErin

Zack Fair
((Just a sneak peek))

Julia stares back. "No..? This is basic stuff. Even wild Pokémon know about it, and they're too oblivious to tell whether someone is attacking them or just walking past them."

DerpyCarp DerpyCarp
Fluffington the Mighty tilts her head. "Wild Pokemon? Like hobo's or something? Never-mind! While I've never had a fancy education in an official school, Battling is what I'm good at! How can you Know a move and not be able to use it?" Clearly there is a difference of culture or something going on here, as Fluffington the Mighty stares at Julia completely missing some vital information.
LilacMonarch LilacMonarch

I sat there for a bit thinking to myself. Eventually, I rose to my feet and made an attempt to open the door Lucky was behind.

“I’m going to try to get you out of here.. I feel bad with you being stuck in there.. so just hold on for a moment while I get this thing open!”
I spent the next few moments trying to open the door... hopefully it worked.

P PopcornPie



In the group of strange looking people, one man stood out among the rest. The man looked very low polygonal like he was a NPC from an early PC game... because he was.
His name is Dr. Coomer. A scientist who used to work at the now destroyed Black Mesa facility. One particular person caught his eye. He pulled out some sort of syringe and walked over to the collapsed Typhlosion on the ground. He injected him with whatever was in the syringe and should have made him start to recover a bit. Before Eric could even finish recovering, Dr. Coomer gave him a nice punch in the arm to assist in waking him up.

“Welcome back to the realm of the living! You took quite a nasty spill with that frog creature. Normally me healing you would cost at least 1 Playcoin, but for the first time I won’t charge anything!”
The scientist paused for a moment and stared off in the direction in front of him. He stood there unmoving and unblinking as he just stared. Suddenly he looked back at Eric again.
“Hello Eric!”

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow

Ballmum was defeated. The efforts of everybody was a success, the mutant would end up exploding into a million pieces from so many explosives, in addition to Heather and Julia taking of the gas long with the rest of the mutant horde.

“We d- did... it. Ow.” “Yeah- Ah.” “I know, let’s just relax for awhile.” “Heal..” Sora used Cure, weakly healing himself, Dani and anyone around him. “Wow. I feel great again, thanks Sora.” Said Dani back at full strength. “No problem. Hope that works for everyone. It’ll take awhile before I can use Magic again. (I can use an Ether, but I rather save it for when I need to magic quickly.)

Eric and the rest of the riders congratulate them and everybody who helped. “You guys aren’t bad yourselves. It means a lot coming from people who do this for a living.” “Uh, thanks. Not sure I would use that word though.” The time to rest seemed to begin, but that’s when an unknown voice speaks to the gang.

“Guess we got more company.” “*Groan.* Let’s get it over with.” The man reveals himself, calling himself Rene, bringing his own team with him. One of them he brought was a Black and Red hedgehog wearing gloves, jet boots, and rings around his shoes and wrist.

“Hello. My name is Shadow. Shadow the Hedgehog, are you need of assistance?” He said holding up a syringe, looking at Sora and Dani. “That’s weird. You don’t look like a hedgehog. And I’m good.” “Looks can often be deceiving. How about you?” He turned to Sora. “No thank you.“

Dani gets up and fly towards. to Rene. “Yeah, I got a complaint for you. Tell your boss the next he wants a revenge plan to fight something that fills the room with toxic gas, tell him if he ever does that again and I’m here, I’ll snap his neck.”

Shadow steps in to stop Dani in the middle of her little rant before this causes a scene and everyone eventually dies. “It’d be wise not to start a fight after you just barely survived one. Best to just unwind and prepare for what’s to come. Believe me.”

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow
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The Espeon sighs. "Normally, a Pokémon is limited to only 4 moves that they can use at one time. Those moves are its moveset. If you want to learn a new move or use one you previously learned, you have to choose a move to replace with it. For you though, it seems like you have a special ability that allows you to bypass that limit."

DerpyCarp DerpyCarp
Fluffington the Mighty tilts her head the other way. "Uh... Nooooo. Everyone can use their moves whenever! It's like that all over the archep- Are- Archelap-.... Islands. All of the Islands...." She looks down after flubbing the word before looking back at Julia. "So I gotta use Sunny Day is what you are saying, because you and apparently everyone you know are.... uh.... limited." She asks.
LilacMonarch LilacMonarch
Lilith and Kirby
With the help of Kirby's bombs and a bunch of other explosives Ballmum has finally been defeated, along with the other mutants, Lilith and Kirby take a sigh of relief as they let their guard down with Kirby unequipping his ability and Lilith putting her shield away. "I swear this is why I don't like sewers."
Among the group a sentient balloon with limbs introduces himself.

(He's from Battle for BFDI for those who don't know.)
"Hello everyone, my name's Balloony!"

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow (Ballmum)
Anyone who want's to talk with Balloony
As the beast was defeated, Rocket and Trevor breathed heavily, smiling at their respective contributions to the fight.

"That was one hell of a fight..." Rocket said as he glanced across the room at his companions, who, for the most part, were relishing in their victory just as he and the psychopath were. Though, as the small experiments eyes darted around the room, he noticed one particular person missing. One of the few people here, hell probably the only person, that he could call a genuine friend. "Skye...?" He asked, his eyes darting across the room as he searched for her. Within seconds, he'd found her, unconscious against a wall, and his triumphant expression soon turned into that of a worried one. "Skye!" He shouted suddenly, running over to her side. He frantically rested his paws on her arm, shaking her as hard as he could, which was pretty light considering the fact that he was about three feet tall. "Come on Skye... don't you frickin' die on me!" Rocket shouted, desperation in his voice as the shaking of her arm got more and more frantic. Loss was nothing new to Rocket. Groot... Yondu... among others.

But that didn't make it any less painful any time it happened. And he sure as hell wasn't about to lose the one friend he'd made during this hellish rollercoaster ride.

"Welp! Show's over!" Trevor shouted, completely missing Rocket's entire sorta-breakdown as he casually strolled on outside of the sewer alongside everyone else. Rocket, meanwhile, simply stayed on his knees by Skye's side, not moving an inch as he waited for her to wake up.

As Trevor and the others made their way outside of the tunnel, they were met with the man behind the almost slaughter. And what a man he was. But, instead of getting angry with him over the Mutants, Trevor seemed to be angry over an entirely different subject as he lifted his arms and attempted to shove Rene. "Old man!? OLD MAN!?" He screamed, getting real up close with Rene. Even though his rage mode had worn off, that did not mean that Trevor's rage itself did. With his fists clenched by his side, Trevor kept his teeth grit tighter than the Walt Disney vault itself. "I'll show you a fuckin' old man when I--"


Suddenly, Trevor's rants and any subsequent conversations you all appeared to be having were interrupted by a loud gunshot ringing out in the nearby area. The bullet itself landed right in front of Trevor's foot, and as you looked over to find the source of said gunshot, you would find no weapon at all.


"Now now, my unhinged, balding friend..." Came the sudden smooth sounding voice of an individual. The individual in question was wearing a white coat that looked more expensive than anything you'd seen on this entire trip, and an equally expensive-looking hat to match. He was leaning on a cane with his elbow while lighting a large cigar with his hands. After lighting said cigar, he took a large drag from it and tucked the lighter away in his pocket. The man smiled as he looked over at Trevor, and by extension, the rest of you.


"Although kind Mister Renee here asked you to take out all your violent urges on him, let's not start out our relationship by being too handsy with each other, hm?" The fancy looking man asked, tilting his head a bit as he really got a good look at all of you. "After all... I'd hate for you all to get on my bad side on our first meeting!"

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher LilacMonarch LilacMonarch ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts DerpyCarp DerpyCarp Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara
"Archipelago," Julia nods. "So it's not just you. Things do sometimes work differently between worlds...but yes. Please do."

She then uses her Morning Sun after Fluffington uses Sunny Day (if she does), causing a mystical light to shine above them and restoring a significant amount of health to everyone the light touched. It's even more effective than usual thanks to the artificial sunlight boosting its power.

DerpyCarp DerpyCarp @everyonethere​

"Ugh, I can't believe I have to do all this lame dweeb stuff. I should be kicking butt, not being a nurse! Better than being trapped in the Null Void, I guess."

A young boy, only about a year older than Ben, walks towards the group, helping them out.

"Stay still, yup, there we go. Try not to move too much."

He looks towards the floating cube that turned away every time he tried to glance at it. Having enough, he rushed towards it and turned it around, the green emblem on it now visible.

"Don't play dumb with me, Tennyson!"

He gives a heavy punch to the levitating cube, knocking it back a few metres before it spun about to reorient itself.


"You're gonna PAY for what you put me through!"

"Beep booooop... WOMPWOMPWOMP???t"

Whoever this guy was, he was out for the blood of Ben Tennyson.

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher LilacMonarch LilacMonarch ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts DerpyCarp DerpyCarp Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Crow Crow P PopcornPie
Fluffington the Mighty does, in fact, use Sunny day.
Fluffington the Mighty used Sunny Day
The Sunlight grew harsh!

The sewers would light up to the equivalent of a bright, cloudless summer day, the temperature rising to a fine 85F. Fluffington the Mighty's coat shimmers even brighter from the light of an artificial sun of her energy floating above her, near the ceiling.
LilacMonarch LilacMonarch CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara Crow Crow thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore P PopcornPie


Red, as well as Pixxie, still on his hand, notice Rene and his men coming over. This bunch is a completely new set of weird. After Rene had given his introduction, our Hero and his colorful companion sense that there's something amiss with these new folks.

"Red... There's something wrong.", Pixxie speaks to Red. "I can tell it..."

, he replies. "Do you want me to do something or--"

"No", she interrupts quickly. "Just... Continue blending in."

After all, Red is 200 IQ measured, and confirmed. If he knows something is wrong, then something is DEFINITELY wrong.

Interactions: @Looking_for_interactions

Obligatory Pixxie Tag: FoolsErin FoolsErin

((Okay, FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, I'm gonna post as Zack now))

Zack Fair


"Clooouud?", someone calls out, shouting, looking for someone. "Cloud?!"

A tall, and well-built man, in Shinra's SOLDIER 1st class attire, walking with Rene's men. He also has an enormous broadsword, being 6 feet in length, from tip to handle. The Buster Sword is clipped onto the man's back.

"Heeelloo!", Zack shouts out to everyone, waving his right hand in the air. "Has anyone seen a guy like me? Blonde, spiky hair and everything?"

However, no one would respond to him. Zack looks worried for his friend, named Cloud. Not too long ago, he was just in a mission with his blonde friend, as well as Sephiroth, in Niebleheim. And then, everything went wrong, with Sephiroth suddenly changing. Last thing Zack knows is that he's here in this place... Wherever this is.

"Hey, uhh... Rene, right?", he approaches the so-called 'Leader'. "Are we going anywhere else? I don't think my friend is here..."

Interactions: CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow (Rene), @Everyone_Nearby
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Before the boy could take any more steps towards Ben, the orange-haired man's cane would be held out in front of his abdomen.

"The same goes for you, Kevin. These are our guests, and I think it's only fair that we treat them as such, no?" The man in the bowler hat would ask, his genuine smile turning to what resembled more of a cocky, almost fiendish looking smirk as he looked down at the boy.

Crow Crow
"You call this defeat?" Rene casually asks Megumin with a hand on his hip. "I'm not sure I wanna know what failure looks like for you guys. Let's keep it that way, yeah?" He then looks over at Julia. "Wow, you're taking the attack from Ballmum pretty lightly. If I were you, I'd be trying to kill me. Hard."

"The temptation is rising," Phoenix-2 snarks.

"Phoenix? You and your bad humor are here too, huh? Ah, well... didn't really expect those rumors to be true." Rene comes over and shoulder bumps his fellow Guardian, to which Phoenix-2 obliges. "Nice seeing you and your little buddy again. Glad you made it without screwing everyone over this time."

One of the men tries to heal up Natasha, but stops and shrugs at her denial. He then moves onto healing the others.

Rene turns back to Julia. "Hey, you look almost exactly like Dawn. Speaking of- Dawn, get out here, make yourself useful!"

A nervous looking Espeon floats- yeah, floats, with his own psychic powers- out from behind the group of underground people. He's particularly fluffy on the top of his head and his chest, and he's carrying a syringe with Psychic. Actually experienced psychics might be able to tell that he sucks as one; his mind's more vulnerable than an open window.

"I don't know how to use this..."

In over his head

"It's not bloody rocket science, mate," a man in red get-up and a nice pair of sunglasses says in an Australian accent as he takes the syringe from the Pokemon and goes to inject Skye with it. He glances at Rocket as he does so. "Try not to lose your head, lad. She'll be walkin' with her feet on right soon."

Be polite. Be efficient.

As this happens, Rene puts his hand on Roman's chest. "Hey, try not to get too creepy with the new guys, Rome. I could take this guy on my own." He then lightly jabs Trevor on the chest. "Like your spunk, by the way. Hope we can get to know each other without a bullet exchange." He turns to Zack. "...when'd we pick you up? Uhh... well, you're in the sewers beneath Aegina city. Wolves' Den. Try not to get wrapped up in the smell." He looks at an invisible watch on his wrist, tapping his foot. "Aaaaalright, we should set out soon. Any other people wanna shoot me before we go?"

Dawn steps up beside Dr. Coomer. "I don't think he's awake, Mr. Coomer."

True enough, Eric is out cold.

P PopcornPie LilacMonarch LilacMonarch TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara RedLight RedLight
Balloony quickly notices that the young kid seems to be acting a little ruthless, he soon connects the dots and runs to Ben nudging him a bit. "Hey I don't know about you but you should probably keep an eye out for him." He says pointing to the young boy.

Crow Crow (Ben Tennyson)
The boy flared up.

"How often do you see guests that turn you into ugly freaks? How often do you see guests that lock you in an interdimensional alien prison for more than a year, only for the one guy you actually respect in there to sacrifice himself for you to escape?"

He points towards the hovering, hexagon-patterned cube.

"That guy sent my life to the dumps, and I'm gonna take every opportunity I can to give him the payback he deserves!"

"Beep boop beep?"


CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher LilacMonarch LilacMonarch ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts DerpyCarp DerpyCarp Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Crow Crow P PopcornPie ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials
"Hey, Kev. Enough. These guys are with us for now." Rene urges the boy going after Ben. "You can take out your anger on him after we raid Tediore. For now, we'll probably need him."

Crow Crow
Dr. Coomer

“I would just like to let you know that this is quite rude. I inject him with a syringe that has an unknown substance in it and he doesn’t even bother to say thank you. Well I still forgive him for being so rude!”
Dr. Coomer looked directly at Dawn now with his usual blank stare.
“Hello Dawn! At this rate I’d say we will make it to the Lambda lab in about two hundred and fifty seven days!”

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow
Dawn actually chuckles.

"Every time you go to sleep, I feel my body torn apart, atom by atom. snrrrkt"

Eric's brow furrows as he shifts around in his sleep uncomfortably. "Ghhh... Lana... I-I'm sorry..."

Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara
Dr. Coomer

“Now Dawn, I feel like it’s only fair to warn you. When you killed those clones of mine I felt everything they felt. Also, the pain I feel when Mr. Freeman goes to sleep is no laughing matter my dear boy.”

Dr. Coomer placed his low polygonal fist onto Dawns back. It would just be his hand, but he isn’t capable of opening it for several reasons, but mainly because his lack of polygons prevents it.

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow
Zack Fair

"I--", Zack tries to ask one more question to Rene, as his previous one wasn't clearly answered.

However, he just decides to keep it to himself.

"What's going on?", Zack asks himself through his head.

He then decides to follow the others, wherever they go. Zack doesn't know this place at all, so he thinks that he'd have a better chance of finding Cloud if he sticks with the others. Otherwise, he'll probably get lost as well. And then, Rene decides that it's time for them to move out.

"Don't worry, Cloud...", Zack looks up above him. "Just wait for me!"

Interactions: CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow (Rene)
The boy, referred to as 'Kev', sighs as he droops his head off. "I guess you're right. I'll save the buttkicking for later then."

He turned to the hovering cube.

"You hear that, Tennyson? You're off the hook for now. I'll help you and your little circus party, since you guys were gonna help us. But after that, we're back to our usual schedule."

"Beep beep."

"Can you turn that off, what is that alien anyways?"

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow

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