• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.
After Josh successfully cleaned Megumin, he would follow alongside Benedict, now making sure he above all else stays clean.....even though they’re both in hazmat suits
Ah.....maybe it’s...self consolidating concrete....or roller compacted concrete....ah, perhaps.
He would speak aloud in thought as he fired at the mutants
As they were finally defeated, Josh would join the group hug like the good little penguin he is.....while Benedict still pondered on the concrete
Have you ever been in a situation where everything you’ve trained for, everything you learned has all come to question in one moment.....as if you were trained your whole life just for this specific scenario? That’s how Josh felt when the sewer monster emerged
Ah! Josh! A sewer monster....so this is the cause of.....this tunnels nastiness....well, you know what we do to nasty people.
Benedict said as pulled out some windex and a wipe
And In a glorious charge, Benedict and Josh would race towards Ballumum, Belgium, Bologna, WHATEVER it was called.....attempting to dodge its attacks with cool hip action movie moves like: Sliding, Sliding, and sliding.....Benedict wasn’t the most athletic of toons, so sliding was mainly his forte of course, Josh meanwhile is the king of sliding on his belly....you know that.
Once they reached the creature....Benedict and Josh would savagely spray and Wipe, hoping to clean this disgusting excuse of a creature
CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow
@sewer team​


A lot PLUS Kassandra's Gifts to Aloy:
1- Firestriker 2- Deathbringer 3- Ravager Cannon 4- Disc Launcher 5- Bow 6- Sling 7- Rattler8- Lance 9- Tearblaster 10- Ropecaster 11- Tripcaster 12- Firespitter 13- Oseram Cannon

Plus BGB weapons:
Sniper Rifle

Health Sachet


Aloy was busy paying attention to Claptrap and Elizabeth and keeping a eye on Trevor for a while. The Nora took priority to protecting Claptrap and Elizabeth while lightly giving the creepy old man a stare that could scare the worse of Aloy's enemies.

"I got it covered, Elizabeth."

Captain Price looked at Aloy and started to talk "It's fine, Captain. I told you guys I'd be on this adventure with you. It's when the bus started to become a uproar and everyone had their eyes on Trevor. As the commotion continued, Captain Price took care of the mess and dragged the creepy old man, Trevor to the back of the bus.

After the whole mess and fight, Aloy dusted herself off looking off at the cash Ribcage held and turned back "I'll take some cash for now."

She was a bit tired but OK for now.

"Are you all alright?"

The ship was waiting, but this ship was very unusual. It was a giant ship programmed to go to.. space? Space? Where the all-mother lived?

She'd never thought she'd be going there in the sky. Even in the mid-future.

---After all the traveling, she found herself pushing her way through a hole with some sort of stench and exploding mutants.

Tesidore was already annoying enough.

Aloy dug out her Shadow arrow and placed a ice arrow on the bow and hoped to All-mother it hit and froze the acid spitting frog.

She'd have to silently thank Eric or ... was it Kendall later. She was too focused on her target, however.

She however started to feel the strange
burning feeling on her skin. She eyed the strange mask in her hand. She never used one of these masks before. Her tribes at home never needed something so strange to cover their faces. But as the burning kept hurting, she bit her tongue and slipped on the mask. Her skin finally stopped the burning. She'd have to use some of her health satchel another time. But the skin burned a bit while she was trying to focus.

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow @Others
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Plasma rifle
Resistance armor
Trenchant Amonisity (Acid Gun)
Other guns


Annoyed at Benedict, he aimed at the bandits and most of the others broke off to check for Ribcage.

The man before named Krieg was a previous Psycho and was about to help them "Let's finish this!"

It was interesting. But nothing completely new.

He'd seen a lot back home, but now here too.

Ribcage came back defeated and he looked over at the cash, and bent down taking on some of the cash.

After other things happened, the man walked toward a ... space ship? This was going to take a hell of a lot to process. He'd never been to space of all things, only heard of it in and out of television and stories before Judgement Day. And now this was happening.. It's going to be a long day.

And right after it was a raid of Teridore. Another raid, another day. He frowned as many other guns were not working against the acid frog and he thought his plasma wouldn't do much either.

Acid came out of the frog's mouth as General Connor held his distance away. No telling how strong said acid would melt things around them.

But the acid around the area would melt the floors or anything it touched. The smell inside the area was more
worrisome. He looked in his hand and slipped the gas mask on over his face. He took a breath and made sure he hadn't breathed in the gas in the room.

Fuck, this was going to make one strange story once he got home.

Wait, Plasma could work since it didn't have bullets.

Hot blasts of Plasma was shot at the acid creature by Connor.

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow

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“No, that’s not great! Showing off isn’t worth it if you’re gonna die or be in constant pain. And what points? This ain’t a video game!” Dani saved Megumin but quickly became frustrated hearing her response, wanting to use explosives very badly, unaware that it may cause the sewer to collapse. “Hey wait.”

She tries to use the spell again but is quickly interrupted by a man in white and blue moving, Sora, Dani, and everyone towards him. “Huh, where..? Oh. Thanks?” “Oh, I already had this covered but thank you.”

Ryuji then unleashes sixteen rockets in Ballmum’s mouth, making Sora realize something. “Oh no, we stopped Megumin, but Ryuji beat her to it. If that thing explodes we’ll be covered in boiling acid.”

Sora looks over to the man in white. “Hey, I hope you can keep this wind shield up. I got an idea.” “He’s not the only one with a shield.” Dani joins in the shielding fray with her own ecto field, protecting everyone in Reflect and the wind bubble. “Do what you need to do, I doubt a bubble made of wind’ll protect us from acid. Now hurry up I can’t hold this forever.”

Sora nods and runs to the edge of both fields, now using Reflect on Ballmum. “I got it!” Now, Sora can only hope when it explodes, the acid will be self contained, harming no one.

quadraxis201 quadraxis201 (mentioned) P PopcornPie Dragonlord318 Dragonlord318 CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow
"Did we win?!" Deadpool yelled this out to the rest of the group, as they made their way further into the depths of the sewers and away from the mutants that were attacking them. Seeing how they were in the clear, DP was suddenly grabbed by Salvador into a huge group hug, alongside many others, even some that apparently inserted themselves into the hug just to feel special. Gasping for air while being sandwiched by the sheer amount of people, Deadpool weakly informed the group, "You know guys, he clearly doesn't have 4 arms..." Being freed, Wade, able to breathe again, turned his attention to the Giant Enemy Frog that had suddenly appeared, which was doing a fairly decent job at Mongolian Throat Singing, but a horrible job at not destroying concrete with its acid spit. "Oh for fucks sake... I WAS JOKING ABOUT IT SMELLING LIKE ZEITGEIST IN HERE!"

Fortunately, during the whole journey from the ship to down here, Deadpool was always wearing a belt of around 20 grenades on him, which was just merely glossed over earlier and not thrown in for plot convenience by the author. Shrugging as he took two grenades in hand, DP said, "Welp. This is gonna be easy. BOMBS AWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYY!"


With the giant frog's mouth being open, he rapidly threw all of his grenades in, after pulling the pin on each one, like a well-oiled squid throwing snowballs. He then stood proudly, stating, "This surely won't have any repercussions whatsoever!"

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow and everyone else in the sewers, celebrating Fat Fucking Frog Friday.
"Skill points, of course!" Megumin explained greedily. "The more you get, the stronger your skill or magic becomes! I've gotten up to the level 40's!" She bragged, waving her weapon to make it cool, and then firing a couple more rockets. "Oh, how I wish for an opportunity to show you, Sora! Once you have seen the path of Explosion, you might want to learn it for yourself!" The impatient, but proud twinkle in her eyes made a vibrant return.

While they chatted, Deadpool followed up hers and Ryuji's rockets with a stream of grenades. "Oh, those explosions are so weak." She rolled her eyes. "If only there was a way to show you the real thing, without murdering everyone."

Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts (in passing: 92MilesPrower 92MilesPrower )
Looked at Megumin crazy and confused. Maybe this girl really did received head trauma; but whatever the case, allowing her to die or let her recklessly kill others is out of the question. “Skill points? Level for-“ She was going to facepalm herself but quickly remembered she needs to hold the shield in place.

“Y’know what, forget it, but don’t use explosions, we might get toast if you do something wrong.”

Megumin continues to brag to Sora how it’s the best thing in the world, even though it’s the overrated. “I already know how to do that, but it can be dangerous, and there isn’t any other way to use it right now. If you really want to help, think of another spell. If you remember how to use Explosion, then try something else, anything!

Though after what she said, Sora’s beginning to have doubts this may not work out in the end. (Maybe she’s right about one thing. What if those explosives don’t work. Maybe I should let down the field and let Rocket crush it. Hold on! Maybe if it tries to puke up the bombs, he’ll puke it up as acid and it could hurt itself. I just hope the first batch works.)

P PopcornPie
Lilith and Kirby
Kirby was still unconscious until he woke up, the first thing he saw was Lilith trying to wake him up. "Oh my God your'e okay!" Lilith excitedly proclaims hugging him, Kirby seems to feel a lot better now and hugs her back. "Look I'm really sorry about almost killing you back there." Kirby reassured her saying that probably should've been more careful. "Well as long as your'e okay that's all that matters, now come on we gotta take care of that gross frog thing."
Once the two of them got back to the group they started fighting off the frog along with everyone else.

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow (Ballmum)
"Skill points, of course!" Megumin explained greedily. "The more you get, the stronger your skill or magic becomes! I've gotten up to the level 40's!" She bragged, waving her weapon to make it cool, and then firing a couple more rockets. "Oh, how I wish for an opportunity to show you, Sora! Once you have seen the path of Explosion, you might want to learn it for yourself!" The impatient, but proud twinkle in her eyes made a vibrant return.

While they chatted, Deadpool followed up hers and Ryuji's rockets with a stream of grenades. "Oh, those explosions are so weak." She rolled her eyes. "If only there was a way to show you the real thing, without murdering everyone."

Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts (in passing: 92MilesPrower 92MilesPrower )



In response, the strange cube, having changed back from its earlier spider tanker form, stretches its body into a fortified wall, creating a strong, bulky barrier shielding Ballmum from the rest of the group. There was one hole - a spot on it that was much like a place to insert a rifle.

The red hexagons on the wall flashed frequently.

"Beep boop!" it said to Megumin, then directs its beeping to Sora. "WOMP WOMP WOMP?"

Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts
"I'm not giving making any mistakes! I gave you time to run away, did I not?" Megumin waved her staff towards the tunnel from which they just came...Only to remember that they were between a Bellmum and another calvary of mutants. "Oh, right...No real way to escape..."

It was then that the archwizard turned sheepish. "Sora, I have explained this!" She moaned. "I used all my skill points to level up my Explosion! And I am especially unable to learn any new magics down here!" She bit her bottom lip, throwing her head around at her friends. Each of them had a backup power: Eric and Julia with their force field, Shaw with her hose, Sora with his various abilities, Dani with her Overshadow, Rocket and Trevor with their deadeye aim...and here she was, an archwizard with one ability that she couldn't even use without feeling guilty about it instantly after-assuming she would live to feel guilt. Oh, what was an archwizard to do?

She clutched her staff, then squinted. Right before her eyes, she could see her friends' shadows lining up, then forming Mao Mao's shape. The bipedal feline galloped towards Bellmum with Geraldine firmly gripped in his hands, taking a hop, a skip...and then pouncing Bellmum, digging his blade into her throat repeatedly, ultimately making the mutant frog fall on her belly with a look of painful defeat.

tenor (13).gif

Atop her slimy scalp, he kept staring at the floor, purely for dramatic effect. Then he smiled up at Megumin, shouting, "Another monster slaughtered with ease. Now you try it, apprentice!"

She blinked. Bellmum was still there, and kicking, but Mao Mao was not. At last, it came clear. She had to be Mao Mao of this party. Megumin snorted, scraping her boot against the ground like a bull. "You're right, Sora. This is no time to be a one trick pony. I must do what Mao Mao would have done!"


The glow in her eyes would not die. She wound up, one foot in front of the other. "I must go for the throat! Staff?" She hugged her beloved staff for luck. "I know this isn't your intended purpose, but don't fail me now!" With a shrill battle cry, she dashed right towards Bellmum, holding her staff just like how Mao Mao held Geraldine. And then she leaped high into the air, aiming for whacks across the ugly brute's scalp.

Right after her leave, the cube thing formed a wall. She gasped, her heart leaping. Then she nodded, a look of determination rushing back to her face. This all came down to her.

Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts Crow Crow @BellmumHunters


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"WEEE WOOO! WEEEE WOOO! WEEE WOOO!" the cube - now a fortified wall - creates a claw arm from its body, aiming to grab Megumin and return her to the group.


Creating a second claw arm, it points to the sniper rifle hole on it.

Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts P PopcornPie
"Here, boyo!" Zane offers Captain Falcon a few mags, his tone a little sarcastic. "Feel free to waste some ammo on this bastard!" Ballmum then spits a huge wad of acid at the two. Zane would try to grab Falcon and dodge; hopefully he'd have the sense to let him do that. At the same time, Grey hops in front of Abbott with his bubble shield around him to protect the boy.

Some of the Raiders wince as Megumin yells out that the frog is unable to open its mouth. She had decided to stand right inside its mouth, too... where a bunch of the acid that it had been spitting at them was bubbling and dripping out of. Whether or not that would have long term repercussions would be up to PopcornPie, but, really, the likely result is that she really, really badly burnt herself. And that's being merciful.

Thankfully, for the rest of you guys, the acid itself is pushed aside by Shaw and Julia. It hits the wall, once again melting the concrete. But unfortunately, dodging the acid is just one problem; the oozing liquid, just like you had seen with Eric, is creating a toxic gas that is slowly beginning to fill the sewer. Not only is it deadly to breathe in, but it easily burns skin- you'd quickly be finding any part of your body that isn't heavily protected by an ability or clothing stinging and burning, and the pain would be pretty intense to boot. Even more complications would follow if you're not already wearing a gas mask; your eyes would be burning and tearing up, and your lungs would be filling with poison, resulting in a slow and painful death as you're burned alive from the inside. Thankfully, all of the Vault Hunters put on theirs; let's hope you put on yours. Lilith, however, would be immune to the effects.

Minako's, or more accurately Moh Shuuvu's flames actually do seem to affect Ballmum; they do burn her and push her back a little more than other efforts. Still, she holds strong, and quickly turns to the offender- the Persona herself- and spits more acid at her. Kintaros' ax slash also does a surprising amount of damage and actually manages to create a gash in Ballmum's skin. But, now quite angry at that, Ballmum turns to Kintaros and unleashes a whole stream of acid at him. That, even if it misses, creates even more toxic fumes; some of your clothes may begin to degrade as they're burnt through as well.

"Shite, lass! Maybe a knife will work!" Zane laughs, apparently having the time of his life fighting this thing. Mr. Red races around as a blur, doing his best to rescue people in harm's way.

Lightning's minions have a similar effect to Minako's fire. His bullets and Scott's fire, on the other hand, may not do much, but for a moment they take the heat off everyone else. With Ballmum already pissed from taking an ax to the head, she turns to the two as well as the AI's minions and lets loose another torrent of acid. By now, every wall of the sewer is coated in green liquid; this place might come down soon!

Just when Ballmum is about to attack Natasha and Abbott, David's cannons push Ballmum back some more, but surprisingly, they don't do all that much damage; and when he rushes forwards to grab its heart, it tenses up as its very, very vital organ begins to be crushed. From its mouth pours a dangerous amount of toxic fumes; the whole tunnel is filled with its green tinge. She moves forward much faster than you'd expect (or maybe you do expect it, iunno!) and slams into David with all two tons of her fat body.

Fish backs up as his unprotected body is burnt all over, though he powers through with his resistant Mutant body. Mr. Red and Alfa fare similarly, their bodies burning but still powering through, but aren't able to do much at close range to help. Krieg and Salvador laugh uproariously at the excruciating feeling as the former throws a disembodied Mutant head that he recently obtained at the huge frog and the latter continues trying to distract Ballmum. The other human Vault Hunters are grunting, some of them powering through the pain with a battle cry. FL4K and Ian take center stage, seeing Ryuji and Deadpool's plans and taking a page from their books. They use their heavier weapons to throw multiple explosives inside Ballmum's mouth whenever she opens it.

And when she 'eats' them all, she closes her mouth. Her body expands for a moment as a large muffled BANG can be heard inside of her. She opens her mouth, blowing out a steam of smoke and more green gas, and she cries out in a deep voice, angered, confused, and most importantly... damaged. But now, from her mouth leaks even more acid, even more of the gas.

"Yes! YES! The inside of her mouth is her weak point! Attack when she opens it!" FL4K orders you all.

"Warning. Environmental toxicity levels are critical. I advise immediate escape," Ian tells you.

Then, Natasha freezes the poo water around Ballmum. The weakened frog struggles to break through, and manages to shatter the ice... only for the roof to collapse on her, courtesy of Rocket and his powerful weapon. The rubble buries the frog, and she disappears under the destruction.

"That bought us some time! Nice job, you two!" Moze yells from her mech at Rocket and Natasha. "Go! We need to get past!"

But just as the Vault Hunters make a break for it, the concrete rubble begins to turn green and melt faster than butter put to flame. Ballmum erupts from the rubbish pile, absolutely livid, and spews a stream of acid everywhere. At you. At the walls. At everything that isn't you. Ben's newly formed wall might be able to protect you, but he might be heavily damaged in the process... best get behind Sora's magic or David's bubble.

"Shit! This thing recovers fast! Hit it with everything you got! Aim for the mouth!"

A flash from Abbott's camera causes Ballmum to stumble around and lash out blindly.


Yung Venuz helps by looking through the hole in the hexagonal wall and shooting Ballmum in the eye when she opens it. Again, she lashes out angrily. Eric's strength falters behind you as more and more scuttling Mutants pile up against his psychic walls, scratching or exploding. He's trying his hardest to ignore the sensation of his whole body burning in the midst of this toxic gas.

"N-ngh... I-I can't hold it much... longer..."

Finish it, before the fumes finish you.

Cast List
Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- as Captain Falcon (F-Zero) and The Tom Tom Gang (Blinx)
2Bornot2B 2Bornot2B as Tanya Degurechaff (The Saga of Tanya the Evil)
DapperDogman DapperDogman as Jason "Blast Radius" Cooper (OC)
GeorgeTownRaja GeorgeTownRaja as Tsukasa Kadoya (Kamen Rider Decade) and Naoto "Tiger Mask" Azuma (Tiger Mask W)
RedLight RedLight as Oswald the Lucky Rabbit (Oswald the Lucky Rabbit)
TruthHurts_22 TruthHurts_22 as Phoenix Wright (Ace Attorney) and Zora (Epithet Erased)
Gundam Watcher 27 Gundam Watcher 27 as Chimera (A Certain Scientific Railgun/Accelerator OC)
SpaceRavens03 SpaceRavens03 as GN-001 Exia (Gundam Extreme VS OC) and Kazuto "Kirito" Kirigaya (Sword Art Online)
Ineptitude Ineptitude as Shaw (Arknights)
TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher as Elizabeth (Bioshock: Infinite) and Sky Rose (Borderlands OC)
P PopcornPie as Lucky O'Chopper (Whacked!) and Megumin (Konosuba)
DerpyCarp DerpyCarp as Fluffington the Mighty (Pokemon OC)
Yamperzzz Yamperzzz as Voss Eierkuchen and Abbott Calderon (Tembo the Badass Elephant OCs)
Critic Ham Critic Ham as Olivia Silence and Saria (Arknights)
Riven Riven as Nearl (Arknights)
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore as Rocket Raccoon (Guardians of the Galaxy) and Trevor Philips (Grand Theft Auto V)
ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials as Lilith (OC) and Kirby (Kirby's Dreamland)
Thepotatogod Thepotatogod as Minako Arisato (Persona 3 Portable) and Kintaros (Kamen Rider Den-O)
Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara as Lana (Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon OC)
LilacMonarch LilacMonarch as Julia Thani and Natasha Thani (Pokémon Mystery Dungeon OCs)
Chungchangching Chungchangching as Tom (Tom & Jerry) and Jerry (Tom & Jerry)
BoltBeam BoltBeam as Lightning AKA Light Ignis (Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS)
quadraxis201 quadraxis201 as Ryuji Kazan (Danganronpa OC)
Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch as himself
PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss as Anna (Once Upon A Time OC) and Ripper (Jurassic World)
Dragonlord318 Dragonlord318 as David Listman (My Hero Academia OC)
darkred darkred as Aloy (Horizon Dawn Zero) and John "Bear" Connor (Terminator Genisys)
FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla as Edward "The Doctor" Richtofen (Call of Duty: Black Ops Zombies) and Claptrap/Fragtrap (Borderlands, NPC)
GearBlade654 GearBlade654 as Festung-17 (Destiny 2 OC)
FactionParadox FactionParadox as Yoshikage Kira (JJBA Part 4: Diamond is Unbreakable)
@Son of Horus as Mrakus Malicius (Horus Heresy OC)
Martydi Martydi as Scott Baker (Planetside OC)
Sir Skrubbins Sir Skrubbins as The Medic (Team Fortress 2)
QizPizza QizPizza as Delsausa SERAPH-099 Samael (OC)
StaidFoal StaidFoal as Vera "Granny Rags" Moray (Dishonored)
Crow Crow as Benjamin Kirby "Ben" Tennyson (Ben 10) and "Doctor" (Arknights)
Smug Smug as Jacket (Hotline Miami/Payday 2)
Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun as Pahw'lip Stiwyll (OC)
Stikes Stikes as Izabela Dybas and『KAWAII RAZOR BLADES』(JoJo's Bizarre Adventure OC)
92MilesPrower 92MilesPrower as Deadpool (Marvel)
Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts as Danielle Fenton (Danny Phantom) and Sora (Kingdom Hearts)
Venom Snake Venom Snake as Solid Snake (Metal Gear)
ManyFaces ManyFaces as The Son and The Henchman (Hotline Miami 2)
jigglesworth jigglesworth as Captain John Price (Call of Duty: Modern Warfare)
Space Buddha Space Buddha as Heather Sagewind (OC)
Hundesteak :3 Hundesteak :3 as Nagisa Shiota (Assassination Classroom)
FoolsErin FoolsErin as Garnet (Steven Universe)
Realm of the B A N N E D

((A sneak peek into... Nothingness))

Everything is just black; there is no light. There are occasional electric noises, but just tiny sparks. And then, you would hear sighing.

"Fuck... What did you do this time?", a girl's voice echoes within the darkness, sounding slightly irritated.

"Hmmm... I said the N-word.", a familiar voice, Red's, replies. "The 'Hard R'."

"Oh, my-- That's just wro-- Red, you can't do that!", the girl continues, now sounding COMPLETELY irritated.

"I needed to get 'B A N N E D'.", Red, now confirmed to be him, replies.

"Well, you're gonna have to wait to get out of here... And you can't persuade me!", the girl says, before sighing.

"Are you sure about th-- Hrrrkk!", Red inhales in pain. "I almost died..."

"... A God of Chaos can't die from a heart attack, idiot.", the girl says, and then there would be a sound similar to a face palm's.

It would be quiet for a while, in this ocean of darkness. Suddenly, growing louder, and louder, is an unpleasant noise. As if something is growing... Something 'fleshy'. If that sound had an appearance, it would definitely be grotesque. And then, it stops, only to be followed by a beast's roar, similar to those dinosaur movies that you watch in the television.

"Hey, Pixxie, get me Thai food.", Red's voice re-emerges.

P PopcornPie Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara FoolsErin FoolsErin

this actually happened by the way

this is based on an actual fucking conversation we had while playing roblox

why do i defend red

i question this every day

and with every passing hour i find the answer to be

i have unfortunately made a friendship with chaos incarnate

and there is nothing i can do about this

goodnight garnet's first post is maybe never

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow RedLight RedLight thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

  • _________________________________________________________________________________
    Heather (Without brain damage):

    Heather had been "Vibin'", so to speak, on Nearl's back as the group finished off the mutant horde, and even as the giant hopping frog monster appeared, mostly disregarding the fight up until she began to cough, being far more sensitive to the fumes than the others.

    "O-Ow! *Cough* w-what is this misty stuff? M-My head feels all light and weird... uh... s-should I d-do something?"

    Heather would use her telekinesis to blow the fumes back at the creature, keeping it away from herself and the others and enshrouding the beast in a cloud of its own toxic fog. She would, however, pass out from this, as well as the fumes she had already inhaled. Fortunately, the gas shouldn't be a problem anymore.

The wall opened more holes for others to mount and fire, while at the same time generating a door for the melee attackers, all while creating rocket launcher gatling turrets on its top and bottom. These rocket launcher gatling turrets were as the name implied - they were rocket launchers launching homing missiles that shot at the rate of a gatling gun! Its many missiles homed in on Ballmum, each creating their own small explosions that blasted the big frog's body apart!

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow
--Minako Arisato--
OST: Bloody Danger Zone
Status: Good
Money: $8500
Gun 1- Evoker Mk. II (Persona In Use: Moh Shuuvu)
Gun 2- The Buttplug
Shield - Mr. Caffeine
Interaction: CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher GeorgeTownRaja GeorgeTownRaja

"Kya!" Minako shrieked in pain as her Persona was hit with the acid, causing the Persona to fritz out and shatter in glass pieces as she is downed, clutching her head in pain as tried to wait out the burning sensation on her skin.

"Arisato-dono!" Kintaros turned to Minako, immediately going incorporeal in order to possess her. Her eyes glowing yellow as Kintaros made her move to the side, pressing the yellow button on the Den-O Belt she was wearing the entire time. "Leave this to me, Arisato-dono. Henshin!" Kintaros told Minako as he then swiped the Rider Pass in front of the Belt's emblem, allowing him to don the mask of Kamen Rider Den-O once more!


Minako's entire body was engulfed in a yellow glow, soon dimming down to reveal Kamen Rider Den-O, holding the Ax she calls her weapon. Gripping it tightly in her hands, rushing towards the frog and tossing the ax up high, leaping after it and catching it, striking down at its eye!
Suddenly, Megumin had her cape torn off by a robotic arm. The momentum threw her to the floor, rolling head over heels. "Ouch! Thanks, whoever thought that would be funny!" She yowled. Okay, Megumin, focus. Focus. Fo-

BAM! In a moment of pure foolishness, the frog decided to swallow all the explosives, and the obvious ensued. As she exploded, the toxic gasses she once controlled were now running wild. Then it all went south for both the frog and the archwizard; The ceiling collapsed on them both, everybody was opening fire on them with reckless abandon, and the entire sewer looked ready to fall apart. And Megumin's burns intensified. So much so that her brain was starting to shut down...

"No, I can't give up! We must...I can still finish this for everyone!" Over the ringing of her ears, she could hear the Vault Hunters yelling at their recruits to stab Ballmum in the eyes. "Eyes?..." She croaked. "Eyes...You got it..." Her skin was completely, painfully red now, but she was still, miraculously, standing. She sauntered closer. "Listen, you fiend. I may be...not as strong as I was...before I was sent to Blood Gulch...But I...am still...the renowned mage...of the Crimson Demons! And even when all is stacked against me, I do not...go down..." She could hear her heart beating. There was no time to monologue. With all her remaining might, she drove the pointed end of her staff into Ballmum's right eye, which had already been bruised by the rubble. Blood blasted her like a fireman's hose, the force of which was enough to make her weak knees finally buckle in. "...A fight..." She finished her monologue, while her vision continued to blur. Ben's missiles flying overhead was all she could really focus on-Well, alongside her own searing pain. She tried to get up, but her heart aches returned sharply enough to send her back to the ground. Shock clouded her now pale red eyes as she realized that she had done all the damage her body could afford. "I cannot fight any longer...Good luck, everyone...And I'm sorry I cannot serve you further." The last words escaped her mouth like a winter breeze as she fell unconscious.

The resulting blasts sent her rolling into the waste water. This left her staff lodged in Ballmum's eye, for anyone to take. Perhaps Explosion could be honed by someone else, while its real owner was counting sheep?

Lilith quickly notices the toxic gas around the arena so she forms a large shield around herself "Everyone over here!" she shouts to everyone, a few people would probably get inside the shield to be protected by the gas.

(I'm too lazy to make a longer post rn)

Almost everyone
CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow (Idk someone)
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Once she heard that it might have a chance at killing the frog, she put her pistol away and took out the knife she had. Bullets didn't seem to be working, but explosives worked and maybe the knife would work too. All that she had to do was wait for the right moment, which would hopefully be soon.

And then, fumes started filling the place. Judging by what the frog's deal was, it was probably something toxic as calling it acid fumes was a bit stupid sounding. Immediately, she held her breath once she saw the green mist come from it to make sure she wasn't going to breathe the fumes in and she put the knife away to put her jacket tied around her waist on, taking the knife back out once she was done.

A bubble was put up by one of their guys and she ran behind it, using it for cover while waiting for the right moment. It was then that it went down and the fumes increased, her eyes starting to hurt. Quickly, she shut them, getting a good view of where the frog was.

Whether or not her memory would be good today as it had a habit of being either decent or good would probably show itself in a bit.

Unfortunately, it seemed to be gone as the ceiling fell but at least this meant that they could go now. She took a few steps forward before it came back out of the rubble, pretty fucking pissed off. It just didn't wanna lay down and die, and really, most things didn't wanna lay down and die.

Running back to where she hopefully remembered where the bubble was, the frog was probably where she remembered it being as it was a big frog and would much rather stay there hurting them all with the gas. Plus, it was in a fairly good position. Once she heard that it yelled in pain from a camera flash, she knew where to go stab it.

Skye ran out from behind the bubble, wallrunning a bit on the wall near the frog if she remembered correctly, before kicking off of it and getting on the frog. The memory seemed to serve her well, but the part about there being some liquid on the walls that she felt burning through the bottom of her boots was something she found out a few seconds after running on the walls. Climbing a bit over to where she remembered it's eyes being, feeling where the top of the head was and then feeling where the eyes were probably at, she took her knife and stabbed it a few times in the eyes. She'd try to hold onto the frog of course, but maybe that wouldn't do her any good as frogs were kind of slippery. If it turned out she couldn't, she'd jump off of it and try to return to the bubble.

And this entire time, she was holding back screams of pain as the fumes were burning her skin, feeling some parts of her clothes burning from the fumes.

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow
Ryuji Kazan

The Ultimate Pyrotechnician fist-pumped with a quiet "Yesss!" when he saw that the idea of striking Ballmum in her mouth with explosives seemed to be the right idea. Of course, that was not to discredit the other plans in play, which seemed to be helping, too. Even still, Ryuji couldn't celebrate for long, as the obese, acidic frog seemed to be getting increasingly enraged. When Ballmum spat acid straight at Ryuji, he leaped behind Sora's protective magic to avoid getting hit.

That said, the acidic gas was starting to cause Ryuji's face, the only exposed skin he had, to redden and burn. There was also the matter of a certain... loosening sensation that he was feeling around his ocular region.

"Oh... no. No, no, no..."
Ryuji gritted his teeth. "Alright, we've gotta make this frog croak, and fast. This sewer's not gonna be holding for too much longer. Whatever you've got, let 'er have it. You heard FL4K and Moze. Mouth, eyes, whatever it takes." He said to everyone. "I am not gonna become frog chow, and more importantly..." Ryuji paused for a few seconds, but then decided to dismiss it with an "...actually, never mind. Might as well... tell you later."

With the metaphorical clock ticking on the sewer's integrity, Ryuji had to act fast. He could reload his launcher again, but he felt like that would take much too long. He had to act fast. Thinking quickly, he pulled out an Emerald Dragon rocket and tried to light a match in order to set it off. It took him a few tries due to him genuinely starting to get nervous, but eventually he did it, and aimed the rocket at Ballmum. He lit the fuse, and the rocket flew into Ballmum's throat. Ballistic ordinance was a good option, but something like this definitely had a better chance of playing havoc with the frog's innards.

Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts (Unspoken Interaction)
CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow (Mentions)
(Open for Interactions)
"You failed to retrieve her?"

The Doctor examines Megumin's ripped cape as the robotic arm extends to the opposite side of the wall.

"Does that mean that Megumin is a casualty in this?"
“What are you talking about, this isn’t the time for skill point ta-“ Megumin interrupted Sora, telling him she’s finally gonna try and do something. A smile grows on the boy’s face and flashes it towards Megumin. “Alright! Good luck. AH.”

Soon after, a mysterious red and black block appears from nowhere forming a wall and....beeps, at Sora. He instantly recognizes the voice as Ben. “Ben, is that you? Enough with the robot sounds, we got to take out the frog before we’re dead. Ow. What’s?” “Does anyone feel what I’m feeling? Cause if it’s pain, then that’s not good.”

As Ballmum continue to spit more and more acid, the fumes in the area begin to hurt everyone. Toxic gas. And it kept getting worst. No matter what they do with the acid, as long as that thing lives, all of them will eventually die. Moze informs the group that the mouth and eyes are the best weak points; thus, Sora and Dani take note of it.

“Good to know. I think I know what to do. I’m gonna try and burn it from the inside.” “Leave that to me!” “Right, I’ll go for the eyes.” “Let’s take him down fast!”

Sora goes in with a Strike Raid to the eyes, leaving Dani enough time to throw a barrage of ecto rings down it’s stomach which’ll explode on contact.

“EAT THESE!” The monster roars in pain, giving Sora a chance to run in for a Ripple Dive, pushing it back while Dani flys over it for three more quick ecto rings down the mouth. The two begin to slow down a bit as their eyes were getting teary.

”I can barely see... Burning up, everywhere.... Can’t give up. S-s..stop!” Sora fired another ripple and used Stop to halt the beast mid stun, leaving its mouth open for attack. Dani takes this chances to throw as many Ecto balls as she can, giving it her all. “Good, *cough, cough, cough, cough.* Easy target.”

Now it would be best to get your shots in while you can.

@BallmumBoss. P PopcornPie
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Nearl had been amongst the group running as her pegasus as this massive frog like creature had made its appearance, the sound of its singing causing what seemed to be either brethren or offspring to come at them. As she was carrying a passenger, Nearl chose to sit back during the groups major assault, choosing to fight off and back off the smaller assailants. Ah yes, the sounds of squishing and splattering was satisfying for the Kuranta as she went about killing as much of the little creatures as she could, while trying her best to make sure she could keep Heather away from any attackers.

The gas, this mist, wasn't seen ahead of time. This mist began to actually make the Knight cough in repulsion, what was this stuff.. Thankfully for her armor, her skin was protected from the danger of this gas, but the other parts of her clothes, the cloth, and her tail, began to slightly burn as she winced in pain slightly, beginning to slow her assault as she tried to get out of the approaching mist.

Heather spoke, Nearl's ears flicking to her as she listened to her speak and took notice of the gas being pushed away from the pair. Nearl's coughing began to slight seize as she took the time to fall back further, feeling the weight on her back of Heather slumping against her. The little girl is definitely out, either from exhaustion or from the gas, when they get out, she'll have to see if she will be alright.

Status: Rather Bothered
Actions: Opening Fire!
"Y'know, in my entire life, I always sort of expected that I was going to be fighting things not human."
A voice with a faint Italian accent was heard. If anyone looked, they would see Festung-17, seemingly gone for the most part, suddenly... back? How the hell did the Titan even get here?
Well, at the very least he wasn't wasting time. Festung-17's hands were glowing... purple?
Almost instantly it was clear what the Exo Titan was doing as he lobbed a ball of purple energy at the beast's mouth. A Magnetic Grenade.
"Got a present for ya, now here's some confetti to go with it, you loudmouthed freak!"
Foggy Notions immediately began spraying bolt after bolt of Arc energy at the beast, blue light reflecting off Festung.
"Oi! I got a Ward of Dawn ready! Bubble shield around me, should buy us some time if the gas gets to be too much!"
(Festung-17 is open for interaction.)​
Julia nods to Ryuji and steers his rockets like the previous one into Ballmum's mouth.

Natasha rolls her eyes at Megumin's question. "I'm not 'breathing ice', it's a beam!"

The Glaceon glances down as she feels stinging and notices the toxic air eating away at her beautiful fur! "Aah!"

She quickly swallows her Ice Beam, causing her fur to spike up, covered in ice. "Whew.."

Once Natasha was done with that, she moves to a hole in the wall and tries to launch a razor-sharp spike of ice into one of Ballmum's eyes.

Julia was much quicker in protecting herself, making her own personal form-fitting shield. She glances around at the toxic gas surrounding them. Making shields for so many would be too difficult. But maybe...

The Espeon spreads out a psychic force to affect all of the fumes in their area and pulls it into a pressurized ball above her.

After gathering it all, she moves the ball through Eric's barrier and releases it. The pressure would cause it to explode and with the barrier blocking one direction, it would only have one place left to go - straight through the horde of mutants.

For the team fighting Ballmum, that would at least give a reprieve from getting burned constantly. Maybe not long, but hopefully it will also be not long until the battle is finished.

Interactions: quadraxis201 quadraxis201 (Ryuji) CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow (Eric) P PopcornPie (Megumin) @battlesquad​
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