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I slowly rubbed my eyes with my paws trying to wipe away any tears that leaked their way out.

“Y-You’re right... he may not love me, but at least I’m still his friend.. I-I hope at least.. watching him and Natasha together is still probably going to make me feel sick though... I wonder... If Natasha never showed up, would things still go the way they are now...? Or would I actually have had a chance with him... I-I probably shouldn’t think about that hehe... Thank you Lucky. This honestly helps a lot. Oh and about the evolving thing. I’m pretty sure I was weaker back then hehe.”

P PopcornPie
Everyone started moving forwards, which she followed of course, staying with Minako. If she stayed behind, not only would she be lost, but if there was anything lurking in the sewers, she didn't have anything to defend herself with. And that would not end well for her, which would be the most obvious outcome.

She looked at Minako, remembering the question she asked on the ride here. At the time, she wasn't sure which team to go with, but now she had made her mind up. "Well, I was going to go with those handling the negotiations in case they wanted to promise them something and I can use my tears as a way to show them what they were going to promise them. After that, I can go on the distraction team." It wasn't a bad idea for her, she'd help two teams out by doing that.

They all stopped, seeing a dead rat. However, what followed definitely spelled danger for them as a bunch of mutants could be heard coming at them from behind. Right now, running would be the best option as she followed the Vault Hunters until they had to stop due to there being so many in front of them.

Right now? They could use a miracle and a miracle they got.

Julia put up two walls of light, separating the mutants in front of them and creating a safe path. "
Thank you, Miss Thani!" She followed them down the path until they reached the end, Minako then telling her to stay behind her. Turning around, she saw there were still mutants coming from behind them.

Once everyone else got to them, she opened a tear that could fit in the middle of the path. This tear, she didn't know where it would lead, but she smelled something was burning through it so it meant good news for them, right? Once the mutants would go through it, hoping that they did go through it at least, they'd find themselves falling into the lava in an active volcano on some random planet in the galaxy.

It wasn't much to help, but at least it was something, right?

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow , LilacMonarch LilacMonarch , Thepotatogod Thepotatogod , everyone else

Seeing Krieg and one of the others distance themselves from her, she could understand why Krieg did it, but the other one? Not sure, but she wasn't gonna pry. Turning around, she was about to start following those that started heading off, but stopped once she heard a voice.

It was Heather coming to join them, and right now, she could feel her heart start to hurt. Which meant the hurt she tried to bottle away was starting to come out, like the bottle was cracking.

She needed help, and the part of her that did care for her like before was about to take control to make her turn around and go help her down, but someone else already did that for her. Quickly, she started following after the others, forcing the hurt to go away as she tried to block out anything Heather said. Just hearing her would only make the hurt try to come out more and more until she'd break down from the sadness and pain she was trying to bottle up and bury just for the sake of this mission and so that the others wouldn't see her being weak like she was being earlier.

This wouldn't be the first time she would do this, but this would be the time where it was proving to be the hardest thing she did at this time.

Eventually, they got to a rat that called out more rats, and soon after that, there were mutants coming from behind them. Taking out her assault rifle, she began to fire at the ones coming up from behind, electrocuting them. It was then time to move forwards, which she followed them and kept shooting at the ones that appeared behind them. And then...

They reached the point where they were trapped.

It wouldn't be for long however, as the purple cat made a path for them with light. As quickly as the path appeared, she took this chance to run down it, keeping her assault rifle ready for when they'd reach the end as the path surely wouldn't go on forever. Plus, she knew that with the Raiders and Vault Hunters luck, there was probably still more at the end of the path.

And that knowlege seemed to be proven correct as they got to the end and saw there were still more. Taking out two of her singularity grenades, she threw one of them into the sewer water and as it hit the water, it'd pull the ones in front of them into the water and after they were pulled it, it went off on them. As for those that didn't get dragged in, she threw it further down the sewer water, pulling the mutants back down the path with half of them going into the water and the other half on the edge of the walkway.

If there was one thing to compliment her on, it was her throwing arm, which was a pretty damn good one.

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow , Space Buddha Space Buddha
"Probably would make me sick back in the day, too. Ask Dolores about it sometime." Lucky snarked. "Honestly, you seemed like a good match for him. Innocent and optimistic and whatnot. He's lucky that he got to be your knight in shining fur first." He relaxed. "You know, if you feel like you just can't get rid of that depression, I can probably get Mismakora to get you your own jade. Seriously, you would not believe how good it feels to talk to anyone without breaking d-"

"Hey Lucky, it's been a while. The Neighbors were asking about you. I told em you were on a vision quest and they believed it, so when you get back, you need to spin some yarn about finding some special meaning in the universe or whatever. Also, Lana said Koichi found a recording disk with Duck Dynamite or something like that on it. I thought it might have been that show you were looking for. So hurry back, damnit!"

It was like someone had hit Lucky's "off" button. His voice cut off. He was frozen stiff. His lips hung open. "D...Duck Dynasty? She found it?...She didn't stop...She hasn't stopped...Oh, damn it!" Lucky thrashed his head. "Sorry, Lassie. That was Lealan. That damn walking hedge figured out how to bypass me jade..."

Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara

“Duck Dynasty...? What...?”
I was just really confused at this point, but I shrugged it off and asked one more question...
“Um... about that jade you mentioned... what is it and what does it do..?”

P PopcornPie
"...My God, you are naïve." Lucky sighed wistfully. "Lassie, Duck Dynasty is, like, the best fucking show. Five hundred stars. Fun fact: When I was bein' teleported to Blood Gulch, I was goin' out listening to Uncle Si's beautiful voice. I don't remember which story he was telling, though."

"Now, then, I guess you're the only one willing to really listen..."
Lucky sat in front of the door. "This is the Barrijade spell. It acts as a shield around me heart, keeps it cold and hard. It protects me from getting all lovey-dovey and paranoid. You've already seen how it enhances me strength, heheh. It's real magic! Though, it seems to have its secrets. The fact that it can splinter off is troublin' me, though, because it's been doing that on its own."

Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara

“Uncle Si...? You have an uncle named Si? I don’t even know how to spell that.”

I scratched my head a bit thinking about wether the jade was a good idea or not... it sounded like it would be helpful, but if it caused me to attack people like how Lucky did with me...
“I don’t know.. that Jade thing sounds kinda nice, but what if it makes me do something I don’t want to do..?”

P PopcornPie
"Wait, what? No, Uncle Si is a character on the show. He's all wise and shit. I don't know if I even have an uncle. Me family got killed in the factory."

Now, the other item on the list was addressed much more seriously. "I...That's what I need to figure out. I didn't want to beat you to an inch of your life like that. I think I needed more time to practice with it. That's why I wanted to shoot meself off into space, so I could train."

Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara

Maybe I shouldn’t have mentioned anything about family... after Lucky finished talking about the jade, I shook my head a bit.

“I don’t think I should use it... I don’t want to take any risks..”

P PopcornPie
Sora was going to help the gang light the way in the dark, up until Grey, Eric, Alfa, Moze, and Phoenix Beat him to the punch. “Or, you can do that. That works too.” “At least we’re on something that’s not waste.”

Everyone would continue going on their underground path before Eric hears something in the dark, carcass of a human sized, mutant rat. And it gets worst as more come out of the dead one, half the size of the one that came before them.

“AHHH! Mutant Rats? Agh. I sooo want to get out of here now.” She complained as she fired at the Rats, taking them out in packs. “Never in my life would I think to see mutated rats trying to knock me down a peg.” Sora used Magic Flash to take out his share of the rats.

But it doesn’t stop there, more mutants arrive spawning more and more. Sora used Strike Raid to get rid of as many as he can, and Dani fires more ecto rays to eliminate a good chunk of them, ending with her throwing an ecto ring that’ll explode on contact, albeit a decent sized one to kill some mutants and not harm any teammates. Everybody continues to hold their own till Julia creates a path for them to run through.
“Thanks Julia, you’re a lifesaver.”

The gang takes this chance to get out, but still have more to deal with.

LilacMonarch LilacMonarch (mentioned) CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow
Josh DID NOT care about timing when the future risk of everyones nonsanitization is at an all time high.
Josh would merely instead try to spray down Megumin and wipe her down as she yelled at him, was he a pervert? Possibly, but was he doing his job? Yes
He would honk as he cleaned Megumin
P PopcornPie

  • _________________________________________________________________________________
    Heather (Without brain damage):


    Heather, riding on Nearl's back as they carved a path through the mutants, sometimes managing telekinetic pulses to knock a few out of the way. As Skye would throw a singularity grenade, sucking a number of the mutants out of her path, Heather would poke her head over Nearl's shoulder, waving at Skye and inadvertently adding epic levels of insult to injury.

    "G-Good throw~! K-Keep it up Ms. S-Skye!"

    She would try to spot megumin from the mass of writhing toxic waste monsters, and if she was there, Heather would yell something to her as well.

    "Y-You're doing g-great! T-Try d-doing the explosion thing again! T-That is really cool!"

    Even if she was basically useless in the fight now, at the very least she could offer (highly ineffectual) emotional support. (that in some cases just makes everyone feel worse.)

Turning around to see the infamous cat and mouse duo behind him, Deadpool stopped firing with his right hand, and saluted back at them, while still blasting with his left. Holding back tears, DP yelled to them, “Tom and Jerry, you two are a goddamn national treasure, as well as the most valuable asset to this entire group here, aside from myself! GODSPEED, YOU TWO!” He then resumed firing with both guns, assured that he had the best of the best to back him up.


Chungchangching Chungchangching
Lilith and Kirby

Lilith and Kirby were still trying to fight off the mutants while trying to escape with everyone else until Kirby accidentally inhaled one of the spirits Lilith was shooting, he then spat the spirit out at them causing an explosion in the distance. Kirby then fell to the ground looking like he was on the verge of falling unconscious with smoke coming out of his mouth, Lilith rushed over and retrieved him before he could get swarmed by the army of mutants, she imminently started to worry about him thinking that she almost killed him. "D-Don't worry we'll get you out of here!" Lilith nervously said.

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow (Mutants)
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[div class=Window][div class=Bar]
[div class=Operative]Reaper Operative S099-6350-7851
[div class=Board][div class=Logo][div class=Sheet]
[div class=title]SERAPH-099 Samael
[/div][div class=Image]
LOCATION: Sewers, Aegina, Argus-27
COLOR: #33CC33
FONT: Verdana

PHYSICAL CONDITION: Missing Half-eaten Hotdog
MENTAL CONDITION: Expectant Hotdog
[div class=tabs][div class=tab]Profile[/div][div class=tab]Combat[/div][/div]

[div class="tabsContent tabs1"]INTERACTIONS: CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher
MENTIONS: LilacMonarch LilacMonarch
The opinions of shareholders and civilians didn’t really matter to Samael-shareholders were not his problem, especially when they aren’t related to Seraph PSC in any way, and civilians aren’t the Seraphs’ target demographic anyways. Samael honestly didn’t think this group was up for such a delicate task, but if it was what they decided on, he wouldn’t waste anymore effort in trying to change their minds. All he could do was make sure these idiots made it out alive.

When the meeting was over, Samael took his leave and returned to his room. He made a note to "forget" Delsausage in the bar, knowing how much of his sanity would degrade if he spent every waking moment in the presence of that incessant hotdog. Though it did not please Samael in any way, he spent the next week avoiding the bar just so that he wouldn’t have to encounter that hot dog. A drink or two would’ve been nice to spend his time, but meeting the cursed Delsausage was not worth it. Instead, Samael found other ways to keep himself busy, such as performing full maintenance on his weapons and SABRE exosuit using whatever tools he managed to scrounge up around Sanctuary III. By the end of the week, Samael had almost forgotten about Delsausage...that is, before he had a stark reminder when they arrived at Argus-27.

"Wakey, wakey, Mr. Sammy. Time for eggs and bakey. Wait, no. There aren’t any good eggs on this ship, and I ate all the bacon. I don’t know how, but I managed to shove 10 pounds of bacon down my throat and not grow a single inch. We’re at Earth! Or at least a planet that looks like Earth. All I know is that everyone is getting ready to kill stuff. So I think the more appropriate term is TIME FOR DEATH AND CRAZIES!" The hotdog just screamed into Samael’s ear until the SERAPH swung his hand to hit the source of the noise. The swipe flung the hotdog across the room and into some dark corner.

Samael rose from his bed staring daggers into the hotdog. He would be staring spears into the sausage if he were able to use his powers on "noncritical targets". On came the techsuit, armor plates, and SABRE exosuit, and with his guns locked and loaded, Samael made his way to the bridge, just in time for the briefing. A landing in the mountain range and then sneaking in via Outrunners. Nice and simple-perfect for a group of untrained professionals.

Turns out that even nice and simple can be screwed up. It took less than an hour for explosions to start ringing out through the once silent mountain range. Apathy spread across the SERAPH’s face as he watched pure stupidity and unrestrained usage of explosive firepower. At the very least, the remainder of the ammunition Samael commissioned from Marcus had arrived and they began handing out "high end" weapons. Though the quality of the weapons was dubious at best, they would be helpful if when things went south. It wasn’t even a question that this group will screw something up prematurely.

As he waited for the others to get their weapons and screw around, Samael took the liberty of taking several ammo boxes worth of bullets for himself, securing the boxes to his armor’s hardpoints. He was now literally carrying an additional two hundred pounds of ammunition on top of what was already loaded into his weapons and magazines. He wouldn’t be running dry on ammunition any time soon. By the time the line was cleared, it didn’t appear that there were any weapons left. Shame. Samael didn’t think too much of it as he took an Outrunner for himself.

Of course, the SABRE exosuit was way too large to fit into the driver’s seat, and Samael didn’t think running 150 miles would be particularly enjoyable or time efficient. So Samael got creative. It required tearing off the roll cage and roof off the Outrunner and looking stupid, but Samael managed to make the vehicle operable. To distribute the weight evenly on the vehicle, the SABRE exosuit was placed in a way where it looked its loader arms were hugging the buggy from the top. Samael’s real arms were stuck into the cockpit, just enough so that he could reach the steering wheel. As for the pedals, Samael used the fingers of the Loader arm to punch holes into the side of the car and press down the pedals.

The convoy proceeded without incident, which was a good sign. However, Samael wasn’t particularly optimistic about the group as a whole. When they reached the rendezvous 12 miles from the city’s edge, the SERAPH was glad to dismount from the buggy and proceed on foot. The route of choice was the sewers, which was not optimal for Samael’s SABRE. With a pressurized and airtight suit meant for EVA operations, the smell was the least of his worries, unlike everyone else, but rather, it was maneuvering the tight tunnels.

After some "creative maneuvering" Samael squeezed himself into the sewers. No sooner had Samael entered did the first shouts and gunshots begin to ring out through the sewers’ claustrophobic tunnels. The reason for which made itself apparent as the hordes of assorted mutants approaching fast. Without hesitation, Samael brought up his assault cannon and his assault rifle.

The incoming torrent of mutants was met with a wall of bullets as Samael began unloading his newly acquired ammunition. It was nowhere near as good as the custom-made rounds he usually used, but a 25mm bullet was still more than enough to tear through anything short of several feet of solid concrete. However, his barrage was soon unnecessary, as a blue fox-like creature created a barrier of ice to hold back the waves of enemies, while a similar looking purple fox cleared a way for the group.

It didn’t take a genius to know that the only clear path was the way to move forward, but Samael hung back until the others advanced to cover their retreat with his heavy firepower. Hoping that the people in front were clearing the mutants as they were supposed to, Samael backpedaled slowly, unleashing round after round into the mutants. It was a deadly song: a shot rings out, a grotesque creature’s dying squeal comes out as gore erupts from its carcass, another shot thunders through the tunnel, a creature explodes violently with a pop and takes out several of its friends with it. And so it goes, on and on, interrupted only by the clink of a new belt being fed into the GE-25 and the clack of the cannon’s bolt being charged. All the meanwhile, Samael’s steps kept the beat steady as it cracked the stone where they landed.

Samael would've continued his song of death, but two grenades were flung over Samael's shoulder and into the water before him. He looked back to see that it was from Skye. A warning would have been nice, but Samael withheld less pleasant thoughts when he got a good look at her face. There was something wrong, but Samael didn't know what was wrong. As terrible as most SERAPHs are at social interaction, Samael was surprisingly adept at handling people...for a SERAPH. He was far from a social butterfly, but he had enough experience to talk to know what to do...if he wanted to. While the morale of the team wasn't his responsibility among the long list of things he wasn't paid to do, he'd seen Skye's capabilities and decided that if she was operating below her maximum potential or had some underlying issue, it would be a waste of an excellent fighter. "Skye, is there something wrong? Your vitals are indicating distress."

[/div][div class="tabsContent tabs2" style="display: none;"]ABILITIES: Samael is a SERAPH, purpose bred to be the best supersoldiers in the galaxy. Aside from the endless list of augmentations, and enough combat and firearms training to make special forces operators feel like kindergarteners, Samael excels at tracking, explosives, artillery operation, combat engineering, and setting traps. Among the private military sector, he and his team are renowned as the best trackers money can afford, with no terrain too difficult for him to navigate and operate in. Samael also happens to be well studied in basic surgery and forensic pathology, two sides of the same coin. With his training as a Segadores, Samael has also been introduced to strategies used to destroy dangerous ideas and silence people too eager to talk. All of this combined with a mind enhanced by Artificial Intelligence means that it is near impossible to overwhelm Samael physically, intellectually, or creatively.

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[div class=accord]Seraph HK-N720-G “Nakir” 7.20x50mm Rifle
The HK-N720-H is the grenadier configuration of the standard issue Nakir assault rifle produced by Seraph Manufacturing. It is chambered in 7.20x50mm FMJ fed from a 40 round drum mag. It's advanced recoil compensation system and electronic firing system makes it one of the most accurate and reliable rifles in production with a considerable fire rate of 800 rounds/minute. Underslung is a three-round revolver-style 20mm grenade launcher that fires high-explosive grenades. On the top top rail is a VCOG smartscope while a secondary red dot sight sits at a 45 degree angle on the side along with an LED flashlight and laser sight combo. (hk-n720_nakir__baseconfig20.jpg)
[div class=accord]Seraph GE-S25 "Samael" 25mm Autocannon
A chain driven autocannon designed to be wielded by an mechanized suit or mounted to a vehicle. It fires 25x85mm depleted uranium armor-piercing discarding sabot rounds out of belt-fed 100-round drum mag at up to 600 rounds per minute. The rounds this weapon fires are sufficient to punch through armored vehicles and any cover short of 2 feet of concrete with ease. The amount of firepower this weapon packs is offset by an impossible amount of recoil for a human to control and incredible weight, such that most SERAPHs can only practically wield it with the loader arms of his SABRE exosuit. The only exception is Samael, who is capable of wielding this monstrosity with his bare hands for short periods of time. Attached to the weapon is a red dot sight, compensator, smart targeting system, and floodlight. (ge-s25_samael_35.jpg)
[div class=accord]Smart AI “Psychopomp”
Psychopomp, otherwise known as “Psycho” is Samael’s assigned Smart AI. It was originally a standard AI optimized for running combat simulations and proposing optimized tactics real-time. After Samael’s recruitment into the Segadores, Psycho has been altered to serve the Segadors, informing Samael on the targets assigned to him by the Segadors and leading him to complete objectives in ways that complete objectives of the Segadores.
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[div class=accord]-Foresight of the Reaper
A relatively basic and stereotypical ability of Reapers, but mistakenly attributed to all Reapers. Samael is able to see the True Name and remaining life force of a person, as well as instantly recognized targets marked by the Segadores. A person's remaining life force can be used to approximate how much longer they have to live, but is by no means an exact science. This ability will not work on immortals. If Samael or a person in his vision would die or sustain a lethal blow within the next six seconds there is a slim chance that Samael will be able to foresee it and react accordingly.
[div class=accord]-Hindsight of the Reaper
When faced with a being that has killed within the last 24 hours, Samael is able to determine the cause of death and the instigator of said cause of death if no unnatural cause obstructs it. This ability will not work on beings he has killed himself or on those who have died as the result of non-human causes.
[div class=accord]-Glare of the Reaper
Anyone whom Samael intentionally stares at will feel an overwhelming sense of dread and imminent death. If they do not freeze in fear, they will run away blindly, rendering them vulnerable. A person can only break free if their will is greater than Samael's or if Samael looks away.
[div class=accord]-Piercing Gaze of the Reaper
Arguably the most powerful ability from the Reaper’s Eye, Samael can fire “spears” of invisible energy towards anything in his vision, punching through anything short of three inches of titanium. This requires no physical movement on his part, allowing him to kill without moving a muscle. However, beings not marked for death cannot be directly affected by this power, so Samael often has to be creative with its use.
[div class=accord]SERAPH Augmentations
All SERAPHs are provided extensive and invasive augmentations to ensure their combat superiority. These augmentations can be divided into three broad categories: Hardware, Wetware, and Manaware. Hardware includes cybernetic and implanted enhancements, Wetware includes genetic biological enhancements and will only list the effects of the modifications, and Manaware includes any form of magical enhancement.
[div class=accord]Hardware
-Spinal Neural Interfaces
-Direct Neural Interface
-Auxiliary Neural Interfaces
-Titanium-Tungsten Skeletal Implants
-Integrated AI Matrix Suite
-Superconductor Nervous System Package
-Cardiovascular Regulator
-Hormonal Regulator
[div class=accord]Wetware
-Greatly Enhanced Muscular Density/Regeneration/Recovery
-Enhanced Stem Cell Production
-Enhanced Immune System
-Enhanced Metabolism
-Enhanced Vestibulo-Ocular Reflex
-Enhanced Pain Threshold
-Enhanced Cardiovascular System
-Retinal-Inversion Stabilizer
-Robust DNA Replication
[div class=accord]Manaware
-Oculus Aquilae - Eagle Eye
-Obscuras Animae - Covered Soul
-Magistri Tempus - Master of Time
-Loricatorum Pellis - Armored Skin
-Ut Obscurum - To Make Obscure
-Sanitatem - Healing
-Si Metus - Intimidation

Ryuji Kazan

Ryuji decided to return Megumin's snark with some of his own. "Well, at least my explosions don't cause me to double over in pain."

With that, he ran over to join Minako and Elizabeth. "Just tell me where to point this, and I'll put on a-- man, I really do need to find other ways of phrasing that... the point is, I'll blast 'em to kingdom come. There we go, already found one."

P PopcornPie
Thepotatogod Thepotatogod
TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher
(Open for Interactions)

Maybe I shouldn’t have mentioned anything about family... after Lucky finished talking about the jade, I shook my head a bit.

“I don’t think I should use it... I don’t want to take any risks..”

P PopcornPie
"Who knows. You're much better at holding yourself back." Lucky assured. "I want everyone to see the benefits. There's so much more you can do when you've had your weaker aspects sealed away. Think about it! You could be the strong fox you were before you lost your memory!"
"...Hello? Who the fuck are you?"
Josh DID NOT care about timing when the future risk of everyones nonsanitization is at an all time high.
Josh would merely instead try to spray down Megumin and wipe her down as she yelled at him, was he a pervert? Possibly, but was he doing his job? Yes
He would honk as he cleaned Megumin
P PopcornPie
"I don't care! Save the baths for later! Please let me get up!" The combined body heat of the circling mutants made Megumin sweat. They started to grab at them both, effortlessly dragging Megumin out from beneath Josh like a towel. "See what you've done?" She growled.

  • _________________________________________________________________________________
    Heather (Without brain damage):


    Heather, riding on Nearl's back as they carved a path through the mutants, sometimes managing telekinetic pulses to knock a few out of the way. As Skye would throw a singularity grenade, sucking a number of the mutants out of her path, Heather would poke her head over Nearl's shoulder, waving at Skye and inadvertently adding epic levels of insult to injury.

    "G-Good throw~! K-Keep it up Ms. S-Skye!"

    She would try to spot megumin from the mass of writhing toxic waste monsters, and if she was there, Heather would yell something to her as well.

    "Y-You're doing g-great! T-Try d-doing the explosion thing again! T-That is really cool!"

    Even if she was basically useless in the fight now, at the very least she could offer (highly ineffectual) emotional support. (that in some cases just makes everyone feel worse.)
"You want to see my Explosion?" Megumin gasped with devilish delight, but the claws of these mutants bounced her back to reality. This was a sewer, in a crowded city. Not only would Explosion kill most of them, but it would probably expose the survivors to the authorities. "When we're in a more open area, Heather." The archwizard called back, with disappointment. Instead, she let loose with her rocket launcher.
Ryuji Kazan

Ryuji decided to return Megumin's snark with some of his own. "Well, at least my explosions don't cause me to double over in pain."

With that, he ran over to join Minako and Elizabeth. "Just tell me where to point this, and I'll put on a-- man, I really do need to find other ways of phrasing that... the point is, I'll blast 'em to kingdom come. There we go, already found one."

P PopcornPie
Thepotatogod Thepotatogod
TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher
(Open for Interactions)
"Hey! Explosion is a very costly spell. I can't control how much mana it needs!" Even in the grip of the enemy, Megumin was completely willing to defend her magic. "It is the strongest of all Crimson Demon magics! I have ended many a battle using Explosion!"

Red would just watch Lana and Lucky interact with each other, talking about lost memories. As he waits for one of them to notice he's there, he takes an UNWRAPPED lollipop from his pocket, and begins to suck on it like a retarded kid. Suck, suck, suck, it went.
And then, the red-kinda-angry rabbit finally notices Red.

"I'm Red!", he answers with a smile.

Oh, and, uhh, Red's lollipop has a shape similar to a fetus.

P PopcornPie Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara
"Makes sense that 'Crimson Raiders' would have a member named 'Red'." Lucky joshed. "Where's agent Maroon? Brick? Ladybug?" He snickered, trying to see Red through the crack underneath the door. "You here to free me, or what?"

RedLight RedLight

Red would snicker to Lucky's remarks, joyfully.

"I don't know what those mean!"

His lollipop, then, would start to cry. Like, it starts producing crying baby noises, just silent ones. Anyway...

"Okay, I will bust you out.", Red replies to the rabbit.

He would first look at Lana, and smile. R̸̹̺͚̔̾̈ḛ̷̢̆̓d̸̲̎'̵̝̫̀͜s̷̨̖̍ ̸͕̠̾̃͝ṭ̷̓e̷̙̝͑͘e̸̢̗͓̋t̵̛̤̾́h̶̲̆̎̂ ̵̨̛̪͓̍̕a̶̙̱͑r̷͓̼͘ẹ̸̗̝̒͐ ̷͚͇͎̓́l̶̺̱͌͛ͅḯ̴̪̉͑ḱ̵̼̹̰͋̊e̴̗̘̎ ̸̩̔͊s̵͍̱̥̔͝e̵̳͑̂̉r̸̥̙͈͛͠r̸̩̪͈̅â̴̧̒͠t̷̩̉̐ę̷̯̍̀̄d̷̠͍̮͊̉ ̵͚̈k̷̡͑͌̎n̴̟̕͠í̸̹ṿ̵̳̀ḙ̷̱̠̓̚͠s̵̩͖̓̾.̶́͘ͅ ̷̖̻͝Ȩ̷̜͛v̸̢͕̫̕e̷̡͆́̂ŕ̵͇̬̪y̶̡͖͌̊t̶͕̠̮̅̉h̴̥͇̰͂͆̃i̴͍̊̓ͅn̸͓͊͊̇g̶̲̠̹͒ ̴̢̱̹́͗͒î̶̥͕͈̿̓s̸̡̟̩͗͂ ̴̱̦͉̋b̵͕̺͝l̵͓̽o̷̦̓o̵̗͛̽d̴̮̻͂͝i̵̧̗͚͑̓̌ě̶̼̃͜͠ḓ̴̾̈́.̴̧̡̦̓̒ ̴̩̘̅̋A̶͈̭̗̽̂n̴̘̹̂d̷̮̖͓̀ ̸̫̒̾ỵ̷̛͗o̸̲͎̻̾̚u̵͔̰͂ ̴͉̿c̵̻̞̓o̷̮̭̿ṳ̴̜͛̉l̷̲̿d̴̖̳̙̋̃́ ̷̨̢̹̈͘ṡ̵̯͠w̷̗̮̙̃e̶͓̻̩̐́a̵̢͇͐ř̷̨̭̳ ̷͂̀̇͜y̸̗̓o̵̡̥͍̓́͐u̴͖̟͒ ̷̝́̅ŝ̴̳ā̵͖w̸̫̫͒͝ ̵̟́̄a̶̢̲̠͛̾͋ ̷͇̣̐̚c̴͙̝͇͛h̴̼́̚i̶̡̐l̶̞͈̩̾d̸̻̯̋̏͜͝ ̸͕̩̈́d̸̻͑͗ȩ̶͔̎͌e̸͎̹̮͝p̴̟̒ ̷̫͉̕d̴̳̞͗̒̆ȏ̴̝͎͐w̵͎͗ͅṋ̵͓̾̕ͅ,̸̲̚ ̸̗̖̕b̴͍̅̒͑͜ḛ̴͔̓̈h̷͖̍i̸̦̋̾n̸̢̪̜̒̿̽d̴͍͂ ̵̲̮͕̏̆h̶̗̏î̶̆̋ͅş̴̧̬́ ̴͔̟̅͊͠u̴͎͊̍̒͜v̸̥͇̘͑͝ú̶̱͛̎l̸̛̟͈͠a̶̢͕̱͝.̷̪͆̆̕ ((The Braixen would only catch a glimpse of this for half a second.))

Red, then, looks at whoever is nearby; whether it be Timmy's Dad, Tonio, some Blue Lizard Guy, or the soldiers.

"There's someone trapped in here!", he shouts, pointing at Lucky's room.

P PopcornPie Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara @Anyone_Nearby​

  • _________________________________________________________________________________
    Heather (Without brain damage):


    Heather, riding on Nearl's back as they carved a path through the mutants, sometimes managing telekinetic pulses to knock a few out of the way. As Skye would throw a singularity grenade, sucking a number of the mutants out of her path, Heather would poke her head over Nearl's shoulder, waving at Skye and inadvertently adding epic levels of insult to injury.

    "G-Good throw~! K-Keep it up Ms. S-Skye!"

    She would try to spot megumin from the mass of writhing toxic waste monsters, and if she was there, Heather would yell something to her as well.

    "Y-You're doing g-great! T-Try d-doing the explosion thing again! T-That is really cool!"

    Even if she was basically useless in the fight now, at the very least she could offer (highly ineffectual) emotional support. (that in some cases just makes everyone feel worse.)

  • Nearl had a grin as the little girl hopped atop her back, she made sure she was secure before moving on with the rest of the group, hanging onto her tightly as she made big strides to stay with the group through the path. The sound of "Whees" from Heather, released a few giggles from the Kuranta, her ears flicking and her tail wagging excitedly as she ran through the mass of mutants. As Nearl had slammed and bashed a few with the lovely face of her Warhammer's steel, she took notice of Heather's telekinetic pulses, a few of the horde pushing back from her.

    "Just hang on tight now~!", Nearl yelled over her shoulder to Heather, her left arm's shield covering Heather's side and back as she hung onto her leg tightly, "We're gonna have some fun, it's almost over!" The Kuranta continues to joyfully giggle as she hops and bounces in her steps, occasionally giving a few of them a nice face pummeling smash with her shield alongside a nice couple of skull battering swings of her warhammer. In the midst of battle, Nearl began to glow.

    Heather can notice as well as everyone around her, watch as Nearl glows and becomes enveloped in a bright gold aura of light in the shape of a running pegasus during her sprint carry through the path. Nearl's grinning face and her form, as well as Heather on her back, underneath of the see through crystal like glowing beast. Her Warhammer's head brightens as well, becoming like a lantern in the dark along the trail as it leaves behind a trail of bright light like dust. To any mutants in front, there's a glowing pegasus running straight to them, with a lovely Warhammer turning it into a spear headed unicorn!

    To all of those running behind, or in a close proximity of Nearl and her glowing dust, feel instantly rejuvenated!

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"I'm supposed to be trapped in here, stupid." Lucky climbed onto his bed. "They want me in solitary for what I did to Lana. I guess I don't really mind. This room grows on you after a while."

RedLight RedLight
Abbott darted his way through the pathway Julia had opened up, frantically eluded most of the mutants he encountered along the way. Swerving, ducking, sliding, Voss' first mate had almost as much agility as the sea captain himself whether he realized it or not. When he's not slipping up, of course. Unfortunately, instead of utilizing that evasiveness in battle and helping everyone out, jumpy Abbott instead chose to flee the scene.

Like Voss had said, Abbott was a conscientious objector who hated warfare, but he also generally hated the idea of killing any living being. Even the aggressive mutants attacking his friends. This was seen when, while he was running through the pathway and an unavoidable mutant blocked the way, Abbott used his shield instead of his Jakobs revolver to (carefully) ram the mutant out of the way. This made him feel bad, he felt that this was better than killing them.

A few mutants dodged and rammed later, Abbott had made an impressive distance through the pathway. Voss is surely going to be pissed when he finds out that he ran off, but Abbott certainly wasn't going to stay around and fight. He was planning to desert them and wait for them to come back. If they happened to not die, that is. However, his run was cut short when he encountered another mutant blocking the way. One that was red and had a knack for explosives.

The sailor blindly pulled out his shield and foolishly collided with the mutant in question. Nearly instantaneously, the mutant detonated and destroyed Abbott's shield. Even worse, the force of the explosion had launched poor Abbott backward high through the air and back towards the group. He screamed the entire trip back to earth, or Argus-27 for that matter, leaving a trail of smoke behind him.

Ultimately, Abbott returned to the ground, landing right back at the beginning of Julia's pathway. He toppled a couple of times before he eventually stopped, resting face down on the sewer floor. He was still smoking, with parts of his clothes now smoldering. He was hardly moving, only slowly moving his arms while trying to recover.

LilacMonarch LilacMonarch @AnyoneNearAbbott​

Red would look back at Lucky's direction, as the rabbit reacts to his attempt to bust him out. Red squints a little in confusion, but still smiling regardless. He begins to walk towards the rabbit's room.

"What did you do to Lana?", Red asks Lucky.

As to why he knows the Braixen's name, no one knows... Regardless of how creeped out they'd feel.

P PopcornPie Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara

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