• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.
It seemed that David was the only one not going down the manhole. So, after some deliberation where he mused that it would be unwise to have all the ducks in one spot like a shooting gallery, he sighed and followed them down. His Air Wall kept the stench at bay, mostly, since he filtered the molecules out after setting it up to do so.

He descended the ladder, floating to the bottom behind everyone else. He sensed the "rat" first as he had mapped out the sewer ahead of time, and heard the scuffling behind them as well. Before he could react, the doctor ( Crow Crow ) tossed a bug-like electronic device to everyone, including him. It apparently concealed you from electronic cameras. Neat. Then, the box grew into a robot that brushed the ceiling of the tunnel. David would be lying if he said he wasn't impressed.

Then, a crimson raider dealt with some of the beasts behind them, but more showed up immediately ( CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow ), causing the group to rush forward in a frenzied escape. The only one that remained was Phoenix-2's Ghost. David turned around and saw the ice wall made by Natasha ( LilacMonarch LilacMonarch ). He reinforced her ice with an Air Wall on both sides of the ice, strong enough to withstand a 120mm tank round. That, coupled with the ice would stop - but shatter from - a direct hit from a Tomahawk missile - literally.

The pressurized-ice barrier encompassed the entirety of the tunnel as he rejoined his comrades, sealing away any monsters - for the next few minutes anyway - that would try and come after them from that direction. He saw that a line of light had cleared the way, pinning most of their adversaries against the wall. He wasted no time in figuring out where it came from, heading past the monstrosities to join his team. He was starting to feel like he was back with his firm, protecting the city again.

Maybe life in this universe wasn't all that bad after all.


Chimera remained calm when the Mutants came. She brought a hand up, palm open as a high powered energy beam flew out to destroy a few of them while the others would put up defenses to hold them back.​
The smell was horrific, but, that's what it seemed to be to everyone else anyways. The Knight had climbed down alongside everyone into the sewers to infiltrate. Sure, the texture of the sewers were... slimy.. but, at least it was quiet.

Well, until this group of mutants apparently had came out from the darkness for an ambush. A bit of the group had done some work the moment they appeared, but Julia decides to wall off any more approaching as she forms a path of Light.

The Kuranta kept her thoughts to herself as she moved through the path of light behind Ryuji, her shield close and Warhammer in her hand. The Espeon better come out after them.

LilacMonarch LilacMonarch

  • _________________________________________________________________________________
    Heather (Without brain damage):

    Meanwhile, Heather had gone directly into the city, now lost in the streets and unsure exactly of where to go. She was, as usual, a lost and confused little girl. At one point, some kind of police officer has asked her where her parents were, to which she replied in her stuttery voice that she had no idea. She had been taken to the station so that the officers could find her hypothetical parents, though they had neglected to lock her in and she had wandered off once more. Heather had found herself in a park, sitting on a bench and eating from a bag of chips that she had shoplifted at one point. Admittedly, she had never been in a city before, much less one populated entirely by humans, which, with her sanity restored along with her innate genetic memory, she was reasonably terrified of. Their reputation in her homeland was that of powerful beings who could squish her kind with relative ease, and more often than not had ill intent towards them. Despite all this, she had begun to long for her home for the first time since arriving, realizing only now all the great things she had lost. A home, a family, a talking badger willing to put up with her despite how crazy she was in those days. On the plus side, she had made a friend, more specifically, a squirrel that was sitting next to her.

    "R-Reginald? W-W-What s-should I do?"

    The squirrel was silent, staring up at her with beady little eyes. She could understand its chirps completely though, given her telepathy.

    "I-I c-could, b-but this i-isn't like a-any of the cities w-where I'm f-from. I-It's all grey a-and shiny a-and n-no one s-seems t-to know w-what I am s-saying when I-I ask for the badgers. P-Plus, h-humans a-are r-really scary..."

    The squirrel nodded, and squealed again. Heather seemed surprised by whatever it was saying.

    "W-Well t-there was m-megumin... a-and... m-m... S-Skye. B-But t-they went into t-that gross place a-and I c-couldn't find t-them."

    The squirrel shook its tail and ran off. Heather got up and gave chase, to eventually find the squirrel circling a manhole cover. From it, the sound of gunfire and chittering mutants could be heard.

    "D-Down there?"

    The squirrel nodded, and the nymph girl attempted using her telekinesis to move the cover to the side, she was only able to get it halfway, as while in her previous state she could endure pain that would put down any man, as she was now, her sensitivity to pain had been heightened far above human levels, and moving such an object was taxing at best. The cover was moved just enough for her to see into the sewer, the smell making her wretch, but she was still able to see what was going on below.

    "H-Hey! N-Need any uh, h-help down there?"

    Passersby had not yet taken notice of the little girl with her head in a manhole, though someone likely would eventually.

Cleanliness is godliness.....yes, that’s not what Josh was thinking as he was thrown onto the ground by Eric
He would scream as he was slammed down, hoping that Benedict would notice him in need, but the Sir was too busy trying to guess the type of concrete this tunnel was made of
But luckily enough, Eric is actually NICE, and apologized after picking the penguin servant up and dusting him off
He would honk in satisfaction after he asked if Josh was okay before waddling off to a man with a flare, who gave him warning that the flare shouldn’t touch the chemicals, so Josh naturally sprayed and wiped everywhere away from that area.
Man, Josh was on a roll, hopefully he would earn his long overdue ten cent raise after this
Then.....Julia and the angry glacion.....typical of most Pokémon to want to reside in filth and muck, but Julia did point him in the direction of Megumin, who looked quite ghastly
This was the big one, the big kahuna, Josh would grab his chemical spray in one hand, and his wipes in another, before waddling aggressively to Megumin
He would honk in rage as he attempted to clean off every last germ and piece of muck on her, even if she ran away from the mutants, he would still chase her down, spraying and sanitizing like no tomorrow

Meanwhile, Benedict would run away from the mutants as well, shooting his pistol behind him and eventually in front of him as he was directed to clear a path
Ah! Let me guess......polymer concrete....no, no wait.....ah, pervious concrete.....yes, it’s pervious.
CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow
quadraxis201 quadraxis201
LilacMonarch LilacMonarch
P PopcornPie
@sewer team​
Fluffington the Mighty is saved from a potentially smelly fate. She's had enough of those on Pandora, honestly. The shiny Eevee nods to Julia in thanks, as is polite, and focuses on the area around them. When the swarm Mutants begin to arrive, she sighs and mutters to herself. "Just like Poison Isle."
Fluffington the Mighy steps up to Julia, ethereal hands forming above her as she places a paw on her fellow Pokemon, boosting the Espeon's power with her own.
Fluffington the Mighty used Helping Hand!
"Heh... I wish. All I have are these rinky-dink rubber gloves." Voss waved his hands, showing off his white gloves that could be worn by a cartoon character. Well, that would make sense, considering the pirate duo aren't exactly as realistic as someone like Ryuji. And Voss was aware of this. "Oi, I y'am what I y'am, aren't I? Ah, ga ga ga!" This impression immediately caught the attention of Abbott, who swung around to face Voss just to say, "Popeye didn't wear no gloves!"

Voss responded by squinting at his first mate and make a threatening motion with his fist. "Just let me have this!" Shortly afterward, Josh the penguin startled Abbott by spraying him, making him shriek and consequently making Voss chortle. As Josh came by to spray Voss too, the sea captain said, "Thank ya, little thing. Much appreciated. Abbott, ya need to stop bein' such a scaredy-cat! We're about to conduct our most dangerous mission yet, and yer already terrified of a lil' tuxedo bird. I'm not lookin' forward to how you'll react to real soldiers, boy."

As Josh walked away, likely to get body-slammed by Eric, Voss added onto his statement. "I know ya haven't been all that familiarized with warfare and ya hate it, but ya need to fight tonight. This whole operation depends on it! I need ya to defend yerself and be brave..." Abbott sighed before replying defeatedly, "...I'll... I'll try..." However, that would all go out the window once someone exclaimed in the group. Abbott almost jumped 5 feet into the air. "AAH!! There's a rat?!"

The duo watched as Phoenix-2 seemingly killed the rats, which were larger than any rodent they'd ever seen. Uglier, too. A short time afterward, noises could be heard from behind the group, prompting Abbott to try to jump onto Voss' shoulders in an attempt to protect himself. Voss elbowed him until he got off, just as the other mutants were approaching. "See what I mean? Now would be a great time to finally let ya shoot somethin'! Go on, pull out your Jakobs, Abbott!"

Abbott followed orders and hastily pulled out his gun. Voss unsheathed his saber and was about to charge headfirst into the group of mutants until he saw the red mutants explode. There was another group of mutants waiting behind the last, outnumbering the Vault Hunters. Voss put up his sword in exchange for his own Jakobs revolver. The sea captain threw the gun at the group, causing a grand explosion to erupt in the crowd of mutants as the Jakobs reconstructed in his hand.

"Look at that, Abbott! Yer gun can do that, too! Do ya hear me, Abbott? Abbott?" Voss' first mate had left his side. Instead, Abbott retreated and ran his way through their group with his gun in hand, weaving around Josh and Megumin, Natasha's ice wall, and around Ben's new thicc mechanical legs. Eventually, the sailor decided make a mad dash towards Julia's pathway alongside anyone else who may have gone too. He wouldn't attack anybody, only sliding and dodging past mutants. Any mutants that couldn't be avoided were rammed by Abbott's shield, which he would apologize profusely later.

quadraxis201 quadraxis201 CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch LilacMonarch LilacMonarch P PopcornPie Crow Crow
Last edited:
Lightning, the Light Ignis

It Does That(?)


Pot of Greed
Damage: 1200
Accuracy: 99.3

Fire Rate: 5/sec
Reload Speed: 3.2 sec
Magazine Size: 18

What's this do again?
3x & 10.5x Weapon Zoom
Swaps between 3 Shot Burst and Semi-Auto.

Enemies hit in their critical spot (usually the head) return a bullet to the magazine. Chained critical hits also increase damage with all weapons. Effect stacks infinitely until user misses a critical shot.
As Lighting would receive his specialised weapon, he would look down to it to see a sniper rifle in green, purple, and with this eerily powerful 'grin' at the end of the barrel. The Ignis was at first stunned, confused and had no idea what to make of this - but alas, a gun was a gun. Thankfully he knows how to wield one, but he has absolutely no idea what the deal with this thing is, though he feels like he's seen it before... A lot.
Once you're all in the sewers, you see... nothing, honestly. The darkness around is so intense that it's pretty difficult to see anything unless you have really sharp eyes or a special ability that allows you to see. Various people step up to help you- Grey and Eric make fire appear in their paws, the hilt of Alfa's sword spews out purple flame, Moze turns on a flashlight attached to her helmet, and Phoenix-2's Ghost appears and shines brightly, lighting up the area.

Thankfully, you didn't land in any waste. You're currently standing on a fairly narrow walkway, the concrete walls of the tunnel rising around you, providing decent space for walking but not much else. Beside you is a river of... stuff best left unspoken.

When Josh comes around, sanitizing everyone and inevitably spraying the Typhlosion, Eric instinctively grabs him and throws him to the ground, keeping an iron grip of his flipper. Upon realizing who he just attacked, his eyes widen and he helps the penguin back to his feet. "O-oh, sorry, Josh. Reflexes," he apologizes as he dusts him off. "You okay?"

Grey suddenly narrows his eyes at the darkness beyond all the light. "Eric, you seeing what I'm seeing?"

Eric narrows his eyes in the same direction. Before he can agree, Grey lets out a fireball from his paw and hits something in the darkness. You hear a squeal and then a thump. Phoenix-2's Ghost shines its light over at what he hit.


There lies the corpse of a giant green rat, as big as a person, half of its body stripped of flesh entirely and its ribcage showing. Its body twitches as something appears to be rising from its torso.


"And it's just about to make some more. Fire at the rats that come out!" Moze orders, but Phoenix-2 is quick on the draw. He pulls the rifle off his back and shoots the rat's body, the bullets penetrating and hitting whatever's inside. With more squeals of anguish, the Mutant rat's body stops twitching. If you're to go over and investigate, you'd see smaller green rats inside, though they're still as big as half a human's body.


So these are the Mutants... judging by the lack of any Tediore-labeled devices on them, they must be wild. It's possible that these things thrive down here, which makes it worrying about what else you might encounter in the dark. At least these are the only ones here for now...

You hear a distant scurrying from behind. Like a colony of creatures, accompanied by sounds of dripping.

"EVERYONE MOVE, GO GO GO!" Moze yells at all of you.

Phoenix-2's Ghost whirls around and shines his light behind you as his Guardian makes a break for it and the other Vault Hunters do the same. And that's when you see them.



Green Mutants with several eyes. Three-legged Mutants dripping with red liquid, huge pustules growing from their faces. Grey throws another fireball at one of the three-legged Mutants, and it explodes, causing a chain reaction that sets off the other three-legged Mutants and killing several of them. Apparently, those three-legged can detonate themselves- best to not let them get close. But another colony comes up from behind the last, replacing them much faster than you might be able to kill.

If you follow the Vault Hunters, you'd see more colonies come up from the direction you're running. Zane, FL4K, Zer0, Moze, Grey, Fish, Horror, and Phoenix-2 shoot at the huge crowd furiously, destroying as many as they can. Yung Venuz is just calmly pulling his insanely fast trigger finger at the incoming Mutants as he counts a stack of money in his other hand, with Yung Cuz happily bouncing up and down as he fires an SMG at the Mutants.

"CLEAR A PATH!" Moze yells.
And then all hell broke loose. At the command of clearing a path, Lightning decided to take his new weapon out for a spin and also put some of his minions to work again - they'll need all the help they can get! Lightning loaded up his new rifle and threw two cards out before him, which promptly sprung to life and out of them, like the several times beforehand, there were monsters!

"Armatos Legio Centurion!"

Two of the same monster appeared side by side, promptly making a 'gate' with their weapons meeting one another and beginning to hold a defensive line as best they could while protecting themselves and each other. Lightning, safe and protected by his monsters, took up aim with his new weapon and began to fire in the direction of the opponents, shot by shot, and trying to aim carefully. Except each time as he shot it, three shots were launched. Pleasantly surprised, an amused and intrigued chuckle was heard from the Ignis as he kept firing.
Character Information
Link to CS: Here!
Hex Code: #F7DA64
Status (physically): Fine​
Status (mentally/emotionally): Battle mode​
Powers: A.I abilities, monster summoning/spell card magic/trap card magic​
Items: Duel Disk (grants monster summoning, spell card magic and trap card magic), an SMG (being held), $350 (stored in Duel Disk), Hyperion sniper rifle (ammo included), "Pot of Greed" (sniper rifle)​
This is where all of Lightning's obtained cards are! For more information, refer to his original CS!

He will be granted more cards each passing chapter, as implied above - but by the end, he will have 'everything' at his disposal.

Listed 'per chapter' as to what he has - the most recent one will always be at the top.

As of Chapter 3's posting, this is COMPLETE! Lightning has every card at his disposal from here on out. As a result, this section will no longer see any future changes in the future chapters.
Chapter 3

Main Deck Monsters

Armatos Legio Galea
Armatos Legio Gladius
Armatos Legio Magica Alcum
Armatos Legio Scutum
Armatos Legio Sica
Armatos Legio Segmentata
Armatos Legio Speculata
Armatos Colosseum
Armatos Lex
Armatos Fulgur
Armatos Replacement
Judgmenet Arrows
Judgment Sword
Armatos Gloria
Extra Deck
Armatos Legio Centurion
Armatos Legio Decurion
Armatos Legio Eques Flamma
Armatos Legio Legatus Legionis
Armatos Legio Magnus Dux
Armatos Legio Pilus Prior
Armatos Legio Primi Ordines
Armatos Legio Tribinus Militum
Chapter 2
Main Deck Monsters

Armatos Legio Galea
Armatos Legio Gladius
Armatos Legio Magica Alcum
Armatos Legio Scutum
Armatos Legio Sica
Armatos Legio Speculata
Armatos Colosseum
Armatos Lex
Armatos Fulgur
Armatos Replacement
Judgmenet Arrows
Extra Deck
Armatos Legio Centurion
Armatos Legio Decurion
Armatos Legio Eques Flamma
Armatos Legio Legatus Legionis
Armatos Legio Pilus Prior
Armatos Legio Primi Ordines
Chapter 1
Main Deck Monsters

Armatos Legio Galea
Armatos Legio Magica Alcum
Armatos Legio Scutum
Armatos Legio Sica
Armatos Lex
Armatos Fulgur
Armatos Replacement
Judgmenet Arrows
Extra Deck
Armatos Legio Centurion
Armatos Legio Decurion
Armatos Legio Eques Flamma
Armatos Legio Legatus Legionis
Armatos Legio Pilus Prior
Armatos Legio Plumbum Trident
Armatos Legio Primi Ordines
Main Deck Monsters

Armatos Legio Galea
Armatos Legio Scutum
Armatos Legio Sica
Armatos Fulgur
Armatos Lex
Extra Deck
Armatos Legio Decurion
Armatos Legio Eques Flamma
Skills/Abilities: Mastermind, technology wizard​
Course of action: Crush them all!​
RP Information
Location: Argus-27, Sewers​
Interactions: CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow
Mentions: None​
Nearby/In Group: (Everyone?)​
"Well, I didn't think it was that bad..." Rocket murmured, before beginning to descend down the latter with everyone else. As they descended into the pitch-black sewer, both Rocket and Trevor remained mostly silent as they began their trek through the yuck and muck. Or, rather, alongside it, since they were on a narrow walkway. Of course, it wasn't long before the group as a whole was attacked. On this round of rootin' tootin' shootin', they were attacked by none other than the Goddamn mutants themselves. Both Rocket and Trevor were already armed to the teeth, and they had already drawn their weapons upon the arrival of the first shithead. So, they were pretty much ready for the inevitable ambush that soon came their way.

"Goin' down the sewer full'a crap and undead freaks was really the smartest idea, huh?" Rocket asked as he shot up the mutants with his plasma rifle, taking out each one with ease.

"Quit your bitching!" Trevor replied as he drew his pump-action shotgun and began shooting each mutant. Despite their grotesque appearances, they proved to be no match for Trevor's state of the art shotgun shells. Soon enough, Heather's familiar voice rang out from the top of the sewer, asking if the group needed help. Rocket, who was honestly mostly fed up with the little girl at this point, rolled his eyes and groaned at her sudden reappearance. But, of course, they did need all the help that they could get down here, and Heather had been pretty powerful in the fights before...



CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow Space Buddha Space Buddha Crow Crow Yamperzzz Yamperzzz Gundam Watcher 27 Gundam Watcher 27 LilacMonarch LilacMonarch quadraxis201 quadraxis201 BoltBeam BoltBeam DerpyCarp DerpyCarp Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch Riven Riven Dragonlord318 Dragonlord318

  • _________________________________________________________________________________
    Heather (Without brain damage):

    "Eeep! O-Okay!"

    Heather would lean into the manhole, using her telekinesis to throw the mutants out of the path of the others, though not outright causing them to explode. After all, that could hurt them, and more importantly Heather would probably pass out from exerting herself that much at the moment. Despite her weakened psychic abilities, her magical knowledge remained, and so she would project that power out and preform a number of necromantic rituals at once, returning some of the mutants to life which would then begin attacking their former allies. Doing this, however, required Heather to utilize her astral projection, which left her somewhat distracted when a particularly strong gust of wind pushed her feather-weight body into the manhole completely. Her mind would immediately return to her body, and she would loudly scream as she fell.


    Maybe someone should save her?
Heather would, luckily, feel the powerful grasp of a particular metallic brace over one particular man’s hand catch her as she neared her inevitable death at the hand of the hard concrete ground. Looking up, she would see that the man behind the saving was none other than Joe Baker, who caught her on her back like an upside down turtle.

“You need to learn to be more careful, now. Ya hear?” Joe asked in a serious, almost father-like tone as he set her down onto her feet gently.

Space Buddha Space Buddha

  • _________________________________________________________________________________
    Heather (Without brain damage):

    Had Heather actually been falling at terminal velocity, she would have splattered into a mass of pink blood, bone and other assorted nymph parts all over Joe. Fortunately, however, her gravity-reducing aura caused her to simply drift down to the surface at the speed of a feather, screaming all the while as she had no idea she was in no danger. Fortunately, her screaming stopped as she gently landed on the cold metal hand, though she winced in pain as it grabbed hold of her and set her down.

    "O-Ow, t-thanks though..."

    Heather would promptly find the largest leg among her allies and proceed to hide behind it.

The Radiant Knight kept her gaze to the path of Light, before noticing the small child Heather hiding. Her ears flicked slightly, concerned that now she was here among this mess was going on as a child and not of the persona she was earlier. How was she going to be able to deal with the rest of what was going on.

The Kuranta sheathed her Warhammer onto her hip as she moved to the small child, kneeling with an open arm and hand to her as she kept a small genuinely caring smile. "Hello there", she spoke with a soft voice, "Are you scared?" She kept herself kneeled as she pointed to her own back and shoulder, and returned her armored hand out to Heather, offering it to climb up.

"You like Piggyback rides? I'll protect you and you won't have to be scared, just watch us hurt the bad guys."

Space Buddha Space Buddha
--Minako Arisato--
OST: Mass Destruction
Status: Good
Money: $8500
Gun 1- Evoker Mk. II (Persona In Use: Eligor)
Gun 2- The Buttplug
Shield - Mr. Caffeine
Interaction: CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow @TheElenaFisher 2Bornot2B 2Bornot2B (Mentioned)

While they were walking through the sewers, Minako was handed a new LMG--one that closely resembles a silver and gold SAW-86 with as axeblade below its barrel. Its round mags(are they called mags?) are labelled with the letters S.E.E.S engraved on them, painted red in the middle in a large stripe. Upon closer of the bullets, they appear to be mostly glass with a strange, familiar blue mist inside it, akin to the ones she uses when she summons her Personas. How did they managed to collect these mist, she had no idea. Ponedering if this could perhaps channel the use of Personas as bullets, Minako had taken to calling this the Evoker Mk. II. If she ever returned back to her home universe, she would like to showcase this to Mitsuru. Holstering her new LMG on her back, the group then encountered what appears to be...A rat.

Cute as it was, she clearly saw that it had the metallic branding that mutants supposedly have. The rat CLEARLY spotted them, and is probably calling Sewer Security; more rats.

The gang then ran, and was soon faced with a horde of mutants!

"Stay behind me, Elizabeth!" Minako glanced at Elizabeth, who Minako doesn't want to get hurt too bad due to the gunfire.

"I'll make em' cry!" Kintaros' voice came out of Minako's mouth as her eyes glowed yellow, gaining a ponytail in the process.

Come on, is now really the time to take over, Kin-Chan?!

Kintaros didn't really listen to Minako's pouty expression as he took out Minako's new Evoker Mk. 2 and began to hack and slash at the horde of mutants.

"Hark, Minako-dono! Defeating Monsters is my specialty!" Kintaros let out a smile as he pun and sliced a couple of the several eyed mutants' limbs with ease. However, he did not account for a red one being near him.

Kin-chan, switch!

Minako asked and in response, Kintaros sighed and had Minako took over, who immediately twirled her Evoker Mk. 1 from its holster onto her temple as the red mutant is near bursting.

"Eligor!" Minako called out, and above her appeared a red knight riding on a horse appeared above her just as it exploded, the red knight barely taking damage as Minako was left unharmed. Holstering her Evoker, she raised the Mark 2 and pointed it at the several red, three legged mutants in the distance, covered mostly by the green ones. "Here's hoping Tanya-chan's lessons were worth it..." She muttered before properly holding her gun and aiming, pulling the trigger she fired off a hailstorm of bullets as if it was a shotgun, Eligor raised his spear. The bullets were apparently armor piercing, able to pierce through any armored surface including walls. Fleshy mutants are easy picking as the bullets went right through the wall of green mutants, reaching a gaggle of red ones, causing a massive explosion!

"I think I got a few!" Minako lowered her gun, proceeding to reload as she backed away, Kintaros forming behind her to watch her six.
Running to the front of the group on the pathway that was created, Deadpool cheerfully yelled as he went ham with his new gun, blasting away at every mutant that was headed towards him. "BANG! BANG-BANG-BANG! BANG-BANG-BANG! BANG-BANG-BANG!" Eventually, Wade heard only the sound of his gun, as the cries of dying mutants stopped. "...Shit! Change of plans!" Quickly holstering his new weapon, DP pulled out his usual handguns and went to town on what was coming, as he continued running, clearing more of the path ahead for the group.


CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow LilacMonarch LilacMonarch and pretty much everyone else.
FL4K glances down at Rocket and narrows his eye.

View attachment 714391

"That may be the least sensible suggestion I have ever had the displeasure of hearing. If Death decides to claim my life instead of Tediore's on this mission, I will accept her with open arms and hope her purgatory allows me to forget every word you just spoke."

The robot climbs down.

View attachment 714392

"Someone needs a sense of humor." Grey proceeds to go down after him, having had his sense of smell nulled by Julia, to which he's very thankful for. "Let's go, Rocket. Into the... ugh... sewers..."

Mr. Red glances over at Nearl. "Yo. Everyone needs to go in. Unless you don't want in on this mission. No prob if you don't."

Moze takes a mask from David, as do some of the other Vault Hunters. "If Julia's psychic powers fail or we come across toxic fumes, I'll be sure to use this. Thanks. And don't worry about the map. Recon team's already got it covered."

Another smiley face appears on the front of Zer0's helmet.

Eric and Krieg, all the while, seem to keep some distance from Skye for different reasons.

Once you're all in the sewers, you see... nothing, honestly. The darkness around is so intense that it's pretty difficult to see anything unless you have really sharp eyes or a special ability that allows you to see. Various people step up to help you- Grey and Eric make fire appear in their paws, the hilt of Alfa's sword spews out purple flame, Moze turns on a flashlight attached to her helmet, and Phoenix-2's Ghost appears and shines brightly, lighting up the area.

Thankfully, you didn't land in any waste. You're currently standing on a fairly narrow walkway, the concrete walls of the tunnel rising around you, providing decent space for walking but not much else. Beside you is a river of... stuff best left unspoken.

When Josh comes around, sanitizing everyone and inevitably spraying the Typhlosion, Eric instinctively grabs him and throws him to the ground, keeping an iron grip of his flipper. Upon realizing who he just attacked, his eyes widen and he helps the penguin back to his feet. "O-oh, sorry, Josh. Reflexes," he apologizes as he dusts him off. "You okay?"

Grey suddenly narrows his eyes at the darkness beyond all the light. "Eric, you seeing what I'm seeing?"

Eric narrows his eyes in the same direction. Before he can agree, Grey lets out a fireball from his paw and hits something in the darkness. You hear a squeal and then a thump. Phoenix-2's Ghost shines its light over at what he hit.

View attachment 714387

There lies the corpse of a giant green rat, as big as a person, half of its body stripped of flesh entirely and its ribcage showing. Its body twitches as something appears to be rising from its torso.


"And it's just about to make some more. Fire at the rats that come out!" Moze orders, but Phoenix-2 is quick on the draw. He pulls the rifle off his back and shoots the rat's body, the bullets penetrating and hitting whatever's inside. With more squeals of anguish, the Mutant rat's body stops twitching. If you're to go over and investigate, you'd see smaller green rats inside, though they're still as big as half a human's body.

View attachment 714388

So these are the Mutants... judging by the lack of any Tediore-labeled devices on them, they must be wild. It's possible that these things thrive down here, which makes it worrying about what else you might encounter in the dark. At least these are the only ones here for now...

You hear a distant scurrying from behind. Like a colony of creatures, accompanied by sounds of dripping.

"EVERYONE MOVE, GO GO GO!" Moze yells at all of you.

Phoenix-2's Ghost whirls around and shines his light behind you as his Guardian makes a break for it and the other Vault Hunters do the same. And that's when you see them.

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View attachment 714390

Green Mutants with several eyes. Three-legged Mutants dripping with red liquid, huge pustules growing from their faces. Grey throws another fireball at one of the three-legged Mutants, and it explodes, causing a chain reaction that sets off the other three-legged Mutants and killing several of them. Apparently, those three-legged can detonate themselves- best to not let them get close. But another colony comes up from behind the last, replacing them much faster than you might be able to kill.

If you follow the Vault Hunters, you'd see more colonies come up from the direction you're running. Zane, FL4K, Zer0, Moze, Grey, Fish, Horror, and Phoenix-2 shoot at the huge crowd furiously, destroying as many as they can. Yung Venuz is just calmly pulling his insanely fast trigger finger at the incoming Mutants as he counts a stack of money in his other hand, with Yung Cuz happily bouncing up and down as he fires an SMG at the Mutants.

"CLEAR A PATH!" Moze yells.

Now this, this, was the dungeon experience! Not even five minutes in, they were surrounded by creatures just waiting to be destroyed! "Let us see how I will get us through this one.~" Megumin chirped sweetly, before blasting mutants with her gun. She watched with a devious smile as rockets came flying out of the barrels, exploding them into delicious bits. "HAHAHAHAHA! AHAHAHAHA!...Oh, you're still number one, don't worry." She paused to nuzzle her staff with her cheek.

Unfortunately, it quickly became apparent that they were outnumbered. Entire rows of mutants came up after whichever ones Megumin managed to blow apart. She had to gallop behind the others, while simultaneously keeping her aim steady. Easier said than done.

"Attention all."

The Doctor walks forward with a sizy cube in his arms.

"As always, I will be on the lookout, even if I am moving. I will be using this control unit to observe you."


Oh gee, wonder what this inconspicuous box is?

Small cubes began to pinch off this bigger cube, swarm by swarm, each turning into a tiny scarab-shaped item with the same hexagonal patterns as the source. Five of them each approach our various cast members.

"In simple terms, these are the control unit's drones. Put one by your side and they - by extenesion I - will observe the area alongside you. Julia will be able to fool guards via telepathy, but these drones can identify and freeze the footage of security cameras. In dire circumstances, use one as a grenade. After pressing this button, it'll explode after three seconds."

Using one of his own, he presses his scarab and tosses it at the aggressive mutants, creating an explosion that took a good deal of them out.

"I would reccommend that you activate your defense mechanisms now, friend."


The weird cube says, before hovering upwards, armour shell after armour shell, layer after layer, soon forming a sizy, mechanized beast.


It would use its big bulky feet supported by thick thighs of alien metal to crush the armada as it started to simply walk over the mutants trying to cut the group off, all while firing energy blasts beneath itself to take out survivors.

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow LilacMonarch LilacMonarch Riven Riven @Meraki DerpyCarp DerpyCarp P PopcornPie
"Thank you, Doctor, you're the best!" Megumin cheered on the doctor and his beast, struggling to keep up with the latter.
Both Pokémon take the gadgets from Doctor that approached them, putting them in a jacket pocket or wherever they could find a place for them.

View attachment 714431 ͏ ͏ "Huh." ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏

View attachment 714432 ͏ ͏ "Sounds useful." ͏

Natasha moves to the back of the group and uses Ice Beam to form a large wall of ice between them and the mutants. Of course, it probably wouldn't be long until they broke through it, but it should buy some time.

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"That should hold them for a bit," The Glaceon says after panting for a moment, and then runs after everyone else.

Meanwhile, Julia moves to the front of the group and sits down, closing her eyes for a moment. She holds her paws out in front of her and then thrusts them out to the sides. As she does, walls of light form in front of her which push the mutants, alive or dead, out of the way and cuts a path straight through them.

View attachment 714427
"Go! I'll hold them as long as I can until you get through."

The walls don't go out forever though, so some shooting and/or trampling may be required after reaching the end.

Interactions: CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow (Mutants) Crow Crow (Doctor) @everyoneelse​
Megumin paused, flashing Julia a determined smile. "Your sacrifice will not be forgotten." She called to the courageous Espeon, before disappearing into the masses.
Ryuji Kazan

Ryuji peered down the sewer entrance, whereupon he immediately changed his mind and accepted a respirator when they were presented to the group. "Actually, if it's that dark down there, I'm better off taking one of these." Even though he had to remove the match from the corner of his mouth, Ryuji put the mask on. "Somehow... me without a match just doesn't feel right. But, like I said, sacrifices."

Ryuji had also been given a rocket launcher, as he had requested.

The Killing Game
Damage: 303x16
Accuracy: 100
Fire Rate: 16/sec
Reload Speed: 7.2 sec
Magazine Size: 16
Elemental Damage/sec: 408

It's punishment time.

When trigger is pulled, the rocket launcher begins to target whoever is being aimed at. Multiple targets can be set on a single enemy or spread across several ones. When released, The Killing Game releases a swarm of sixteen rockets that seek targets and deal elemental damage strong against each enemy's health type (shields = shock, normal = fire, armor = corrosive).
He examined it this way and that, and gave a thumbs up to the Raiders. "Sweet. It's... kinda fitting, actually. Its color even matches my outfit!" The Ultimate Pyrotechnician swung his new weapon onto his back as he began to search for something. "I don't think I used all of these up back at the Academy... aha!" After a few seconds of patting himself down, Ryuji produced a signal flare from his coat. "Even if everyone else has their own ways of lighting the way, it doesn't hurt to have a backup plan."

As he mounted the ladder down, Ryuji was careful not to step in anything too overly disgusting. Once down, he lit the flare he had found mere seconds ago. The flare produced a bright red light that helped him to see what was ahead. Benedict's butler had also taken the liberty of sanitizing Ryuji, and when they did so, Ryuji took care to hold the flare away from the spray. "Hey, easy, easy. I don't want the flare to set that cleaning spray on fire. Thanks, though."

The Doctor had presented each group member with their own set of mechanical scarabs, and when he explained what they did, Ryuji gave him a nod and stored his scarabs away. "Okay. That's pretty handy."

Further ahead, Ryuji heard the sound of scurrying creatures. He scanned this way and that, and it wasn't long before he spotted an entire horde of monsters closing in on them.

Natasha and Julia had done their part to help stave off the Mutants, but the Ultimate Pyrotechnician figured it would be his turn before long. As his coat was thankfully also temperature-resistant, he could place his flare in one of his front pockets and maintain a light source without burning himself. Ryuji pulled out his rocket launcher and mounted it on his right shoulder. "You've got it, Moze." He responded to Moze when she told everyone to clear a path. The launcher locked onto a small horde of mutants, and with the pull of the trigger, a salvo of rockets flew at them like a swarm of bees. "Daaaaamn. Now there's a grand finale." However, Ryuji now had to reload, and it was... not exactly short as far as most weapons went. While he reloaded, he ran through the path that Julia had carved for them. "Nice job buying us time."

"Hmmm...Not quite the real thing, is it?" Megumin smirked, joining Ryuji's rockets with her own.
Cleanliness is godliness.....yes, that’s not what Josh was thinking as he was thrown onto the ground by Eric
He would scream as he was slammed down, hoping that Benedict would notice him in need, but the Sir was too busy trying to guess the type of concrete this tunnel was made of
But luckily enough, Eric is actually NICE, and apologized after picking the penguin servant up and dusting him off
He would honk in satisfaction after he asked if Josh was okay before waddling off to a man with a flare, who gave him warning that the flare shouldn’t touch the chemicals, so Josh naturally sprayed and wiped everywhere away from that area.
Man, Josh was on a roll, hopefully he would earn his long overdue ten cent raise after this
Then.....Julia and the angry glacion.....typical of most Pokémon to want to reside in filth and muck, but Julia did point him in the direction of Megumin, who looked quite ghastly
This was the big one, the big kahuna, Josh would grab his chemical spray in one hand, and his wipes in another, before waddling aggressively to Megumin
He would honk in rage as he attempted to clean off every last germ and piece of muck on her, even if she ran away from the mutants, he would still chase her down, spraying and sanitizing like no tomorrow

Meanwhile, Benedict would run away from the mutants as well, shooting his pistol behind him and eventually in front of him as he was directed to clear a path
Ah! Let me guess......polymer concrete....no, no wait.....ah, pervious concrete.....yes, it’s pervious.
CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow
quadraxis201 quadraxis201
LilacMonarch LilacMonarch
P PopcornPie
@sewer team​
The next thing Megumin knew, she had a mass of fat and feathers pinning her to the ground, assaulting her with strange smelling chemicals and rough wipes. "GAAAAAAAH! JOSH, YOU PERVERT!" The archwizard's yowls pierced the walls. "WHY CAN'T YOU SAVE THE BATH FOR WHEN WE ARE DONE HERE?! DO YOU EVEN REALIZE THE POTENTIAL CONSEQUENCES OF THIS POOR TIMING?!?" Sure enough, mutants quickly formed a circle around the two...

A lot of time has passed since I left the infirmary... around a week to be exact. In that time I’ve barely eaten or slept. At most I’ve slept for about 10 hours. I’ve snuck out of the room i was supposed to sleep I’m every night because of Natasha and Eric sharing a bed. It made me feel sick. It felt like Natasha was just taunting me. Trying to show off what she had that I never should have attempted to get in the first place. It hurt and I wasn’t even sure why it hurt so badly. As everyone else left to go do something, I stayed behind sleep deprived and hungry. Did I use that time to eat and sleep? Of course not. I overheard some talk about where Lucky was and I wanted to speak to him to apologize for whatever it was I did to him to make him want to hurt me so badly. I wandered around and eventually found the room he was kept in. It was locked from the Inside so I couldn’t get in. I knocked on the door hoping Lucky could hear me from out here.
“Hello...? Lucky..? It’s me Lana... I just wanted to say that I’m really sorry for whatever it is that I did to you.. I never meant to make you so angry.. I... I know I screw up a lot of things, but I never mean to.. I just hope you can forgive me..”

P PopcornPie CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow LilacMonarch LilacMonarch
Lana may have waited in silence a little bit, while Lucky prepared himself. If she pressed her ever alert Braixen ears against the door, she would hear his voice, half-murmuring.

"The fuck does she want?! What could she possibly want from me?!...I said I was sorry and shit...She's got Eric to protect her, for Pete's sake! She doesn't need me! She especially shouldn't want me after what I did, if she's in her right mind!...But why wouldn't she have followed him...?"

Perhaps Lana was willing to give up and go by the time Lucky actually came forward. "Look, you didn't do anything, okay? I thought you were that blob creature at first. Then, when I realized it was the real you, I just kept thinkin' about how much I ended up changing when I was around you. I don't know exactly what it was. I guess I just kept tellin' meself to show you how strong I was now, Lassie. Yet it was only when the jade cracked did I remember that you are me friend. Albeit a friend who gets in me way. But all of them do that, it's not just you." He leaned against the door. "Now...Why the hell aren't you helpin' with that raid? Don't you wanna be spit back in your peaceful little forests? Or do you secretly like being taken to other worlds?"

Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara

I did listen in on what he was saying under his breath, but I decided not to comment on it. The last thing he asked is what got me to start talking again..

“Yeah I want to go home... or well I did.. I’m not sure anymore.. I don’t really have a home to be honest.. I just kind of followed Eric around staying with him.. I guess those days are over now hehe.. he has Natasha. I’m just... well, me. Nothing special. Nobody important. I was fighting a losing battle from the start. Long story short, I don’t know what to do anymore... how do you do it..? How do you enjoy being alone? I don’t get it... I can’t stand the feeling. I want to be appreciated. I want to be loved. Being alone is more painful than the beating you gave me hehe...”

P PopcornPie
Lucky recoiled, and blinked.

No, he was not buying it. Maybe it was just because he had scarcely interacted with Natasha, but...Eric and Natasha? After that big hug he and Lana shared in Caboose's mindscape? After Eric personally swooped in to rescue her? This couldn't be right.

"Over? Didn't you see what that guy did to me on your behalf? Shot me paw clean off. Was probably going to have me whole heart dissolved. I know he was a dick to us both in Blood Gulch, but he seemed to be sorry about it." He tilted his head. Then he grew angry. "You? Not special?"

"All right, Lassie, maybe you just weren't paying attention to me the first go-around."
He slammed both nubs against the door. "You, you, some random fox I wouldn't even have met if it weren't for the Meta, managed to expose a side of me that I thought was dead. You managed to get through that whole shitshow without a single bullet wound in your shoulder, that's pretty impressive shit right there. You somehow survived whatever that big pile of black snot was. And most importantly, you didn't give up tryin' to be nice. Fuck, we may as well swap our names, because you're the one lucky enough to have pals who like what you do, and stay loyal to you in the end."

He hopped to his windowsill. "You wanna know me secret? Heh, you're the one with the secret. I just carry the truth. I've learned that most people you meet will leave you at the stairwell once they see an elevator. I've learned to just suck it up and climb the stairs. People just end up partin' with you, Lassie, whether you want that or not. So I learned not to get me hopes up. I never hope to become anyone's best buddy. That way, I swallow the fact that I spent most of my life alone."

"Plus, you've just seen why I work alone."
The rabbit went on. "It just seems that no matter what I do, it goes against everyone else, and then they gang up on me. When I'm alone, I don't have to worry about that. I'm me own gang."

Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara

I couldn’t see his face but he definitely sounded annoyed on the other side of the door.

“The only reason he did that was because you proved yourself to be a threat... he would have done that if you did it to anyone. And as for what happened in blood gulch... I don’t even know.. I barely even remember anything from that.. I don’t even think I was myself halfway through it..”
I continued to mope as Lucky continued to talk. Most of it went in one ear and out the other. That changed when he started talking about his secret. I needed to know how he handled being alone. I mumbled under my breath and repeated parts that stood out to me.
“Suck it up and climb the stairs...”

P PopcornPie
Last edited:
"...Oh. Well, basically, Eric pretended to betray us, and then you got kidnapped. And uh...You wanna hear about what the Director did to us? Actually, scratch that. He just wanted us to go after the Meta. He was...uh, keeping our powers in Mason jars that whole time." She was still as innocent as ever, so he wasn't sure if he wanted to know how someone so naïve would react to learning that her "genetic virginity" was taken away from her. And it sounded like she had enough bringing her down already. Fortunately, his advice seemed to stick.

"Yep! Some folks will elect to help you carry your things up the stairwell, some will leave you to go for the elevator. Sometimes you can tell which one that person's gonna be, sometimes it blindsides you. And I guess it helps if you're always on the move, like I used to be. The trick is to just make yourself a boundary, and protect it with your life. People can get chummy with ya, Lassie, but if you let them cross your boundary, you'll both be in a world of heartache. You confirmed that for me."

Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara

“I-I see...”

I paused for a minute just to take in everything that Lucky was saying. It all sounded really difficult to do... I wasn’t sure if it would really be something I could do, but I have to at least try.
“Hm... I guess just talking about it doesn’t fix things like I thought it would.. If I’m being honest... I have a lot of regrets.. not sure if this is a good thing or a bad thing, but I can’t even remember half of them... I don’t remember a single thing from before a evolved.. I lost all memory of my past, but deep down I can just feel that there’s a lot I regret from it.. when I met Eric, I... I guess I just sort of forgot about my regrets.”
I sighed a bit loudly and put my head against the door trying to resist the urge to cry.
“B-But now... now I think it would have been better off for both of us if I never met him.. I feel like I’m just a weight holding him back.. it’s funny though.. it took some random Glaceon for me to even realize it.. hehehe...”
I began to laugh slightly. It wasn’t hard to tell that it was fake laughter. If I stopped laughing, I have no idea how long I would start crying for.

P PopcornPie
"Evolved...?" Lucky tilted his head. "The fuck? How does evolving make you an amnesiac? God damn, you could've originally been a badass! You gotta take that up with somebody." He could hear her starting to cry, but didn't feel anything in response. In fact, he even smirked a little. "Heh. I bet you don't like someone makin' you flaunt your soft side, eh?"

He felt more like an outsider than the one who was actually outside. At first, Lucky just thought that he had inadvertently walked into a live triangle between himself, Lana, and Eric. Now he knew that he was just a parallel line running beneath Lana's side of that triangle, simply watching Lana watch Natasha and Eric sit right across from each other in their corners, longing to rotate the shape so she would be the one sitting across from her beloved.

"You know, just because you're not his lover doesn't mean you're not his friend." Lucky went on bluntly. "That's the thing about friends. They stick to you. Eric may have left you at the stairwell, but mayne he'll rejoin you on the top floor." He tapped his chin. "You know how I beat you up because I wanted to look strong to you? Do that for Eric. Come on, don't act like you don't have some whacky ass fire powers. We're on a planet full of idiots wanting to fuck with us. Just torch a few, and make it stylish."

Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara
Tom and Jerry friends.png
Jerry and I had our noses blocked with clothing clippers until the wave of mutants attacked. I had the new weapon with me and something compelled me to destroy the weapon given to us. I don't know, it's as if an external force is telling me to do it. Oh well, probably just afraid of weapons I am not familiar with. I'll use it anyway to see if it will stick with me. Who knows, it might even be awesome! I used it on the enemies and the projectile from it was so cool! Okay, maybe giving this weapon a chance is a good idea.

I backed into Deadpool, giving him a salute before continuing to shoot.

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow 92MilesPrower 92MilesPrower

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