• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.
Tom and Jerry friends.png
When we were done laughing at the chaos and fox. We looked at the buff man. He offered us company and Jerry and I looked at each other. I cupped my chin, wondering if I should follow this man around. He seemed nice enough, I was about to ask Jerry what he thinks but he already took initiative by jumping off my shoulder and climbing onto his. He smiled at me.

Eh, why not? I nodded with a shrug.

Oh, my name. I took out an ax and carved my name into the floor and pointed at it. Jerry's name? He doesn't need it.

GeorgeTownRaja GeorgeTownRaja
Last edited:

  • _________________________________________________________________________________
    Heather (Without brain damage):

    Meanwhile, back in the ship, heather was spending her time curled up in her bed bawling her eyes out over all that had happened, and over the others' ongoing brawl. Her tears pooled on the floor and were likely to be lapped up by Yung Cuz or some other mutant, on account of tasting like sugar water. She would drift in and out of sleep, being haunted by nightmares of all the things she had witnessed at skull's and the bandit encampment. Worse yet, her psychic powers allowed her to feel all the sorrow filling Megumin and Skye at the moment, only intensifying her pain as she slept. Unbeknownst to her, she was not alone in her room, rather dozens of men had gathered around the door, poised to take action and finally gain their freedom from the necromancer. Just as Braxton prepared to allow his compatriot to trip him while carrying a basket of grenades in the general direction of Heather's room, thus making her death "accidental" and thus possible within the scope of him and the others, Heather's eye opened, and she yelped as she spotted the bandit army.



    Braxton fumbled with the grenades, but fortunately managed to keep hold on them.

    "B-Boss! I- Sorry I woke you! I was just bringing you your stockpile of grenades and- wait are you crying?"

    Heather wiped her nose, looking up at the bandits.


    Heather, having not talked to anyone in a while, struggled to find words to describe how she felt.

    "I uhm... r-realized some stuff... I-I a-actually w-wanted t-to tell you, y-you're free t-to go."

    "Wait, what?"

    Heather nodded in confirmation.

    "I-I r-realize it was w-wrong t-to make you this w-way, a-and I-I c-can't keep you a-as minions, s-so, y-you're f-free to go, j-just d-don't be t-thieves again!"

    The bandits look at the crying girl in shock, as the glowing red glare in their eyes begins to fade back to normal. Before they could even thank Heather, she had buried her head back into her pillow, falling back asleep.

    "Huh, well, what now?"

    "Should we, like, go get jobs?"

    "I guess, I suppose flipping burgers beats stealin' whatever she would've had us do before 'er little change of heart."



    And so, the bandit army, having agreed to go work at the galaxy's oldest fast food chain, and more specifically its locations on this planet, set off from the spaceship to wherever they may end up, and Heather just kept crying softly into her pillow.

Megumin just...she just really, really wasn't in the mood for this. Now everyone was at each other's throats, perpetuated by Trevor. Poor Julia was trying so hard to protect everyone, yet all she got as a reward for her efforts was a face full of spirits. While Natasha did her best to solve the problem, Megumin just...stood there, feeling awful. Then she took a breath through her nose. "Mao Mao would want me to solve this without my powers. I must try."

And try she did.

"What Gray said!" The archwizard shouted. "Energy, mana, magic, ammunition...Whatever you call it, we mustn't exhaust it on each other's throats! As the only one able to give us a telepathic link, Julia is our most valuable member! Yeah, I said it! I'm sticking to it!" She smiled appreciatively at Julia, then continued. "I am restless as well, I want to get home as well. We should go home filled with nothing but things to be proud of!" She waved her staff high into the air, with a feisty pose. "Just wait until we get that throne, and use it to get us home! We will all be proud of ourselves for overcoming our differences and solving this crisis as a party, and our friends and family will be proud of us, too!"

Was anyone willing to argue? Because she was more than willing to keep going.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials LilacMonarch LilacMonarch @Whoeverelseisfighting
Trevor smiled and glanced down once he saw Fluffington evade the wall's defenses.

"Good job, mini-me!" I knew you had it in you!" He cheered, pointing at her delightfully. "Now help me and Davey Jones' sister here take down this fuckin piece of shit--" Before he could finish insulting Julia's bubble, his monologue was interrupted by none other than Grey, who was yet another whimsical talking animal creature. Trevor rolled his eyes at Grey's words, backing away from him and the barrier and strolling back to the car. "I can tell when I ain't wanted..." He said as he put the RPG away and threw up his hands.


"I hope you're happy," Trevor said to Grey as he walked past him, getting awfully close to him as he did so. "Because you just crushed a poor kids' dreams..." He said in a genuinely hurt sounding tone, to the point where his voice even cracked up a small bit. With that, Trevor got back into the vehicle silently, shaking his head all the while. It was at this point that Megumin gave her little speech, which caused Trevor to instinctively groan and roll his eyes. "Yeah, I already stopped fighting, you dumbass! Save the heroic speeches for someone who actually gives a rat's ass!" He shouted to the small witch, before following up his words with a loud belch.

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow P PopcornPie LilacMonarch LilacMonarch DerpyCarp DerpyCarp ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials
Nearl had been observing the situation as Heather was restored of her mind, no longer showing her signs of insanity as she suddenly dropped to the ground. The Kuranta was fascinated, observing as what seemed to be Megumin attempting to "fix" Heather. She continues watching as the little girl wakes up and seems to return to a more calm state, before watching the realization as she suddenly looks at Skye a face of fright. To add some more light, even fear.

It was fast, Heather suddenly points at Skye with a look of fear and confusion, the accusation of Skye not being her mother. Even though this may not be true, it seemed the two had such a close relationship, what exactly just happened..

As Heather had run off, Skye simply stood there, tears in her face now starting to stream her cheeks. There wasn't a split second of a breath allowed as Nearl had suddenly jumped at Skye, unable to simply stand there and watching her cry as Skye had saved her a while before. Wrapping her arms around the Siren, she put Skye's face against her shoulder. "Ssshhhhh, Miss Skye, it's okay.."

Lilith was already done fighting when she heard Megumin's speech, soon she would look to Trevor spewing out rude remarks and just being gross overall. Lilith just tried to ignored him and tried cheering her up a bit. "Don't worry girl I'm actually trying to fix things up for myself, by they way if you want me to these guy's attention I'm more then happy to help."

P PopcornPie (Megumin)
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (Trevor)
Megumin tilted her head, with a slight, questioning scowl. "If you were trying to fix things, then why were you trying to hurt Julia? She was trying to keep us from being hit. I'm sure it's a lot of fun for you, but I would much rather not be a ghost." Even if it helped them with Teridore, after she got home, a ghost probably couldn't do anything against the Demon King.

When she turned her head towards Skye, she saw Nearl, who was fortunately fully healed, struggling to comfort the crestfallen Siren, the sorrow returned. "Granted, I haven't helped us feel motivated, either...On the other hand, I did not begin the fight." She glared daggers at Trevor.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials Riven Riven TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher LilacMonarch LilacMonarch
"Well...I just saw this guy trying to blow up this wall or something so I just kind of followed in his footsteps." Lilith says as she progressively start's to sound more sad. "And to think that I should of learned by now, I guess I'm better of just kind of not really contributing to anything."

P PopcornPie (Megumin)
Julia groans and clutches her head after her barrier shattered, but looks at Megumin gratefully. At least she had a few friends with brains that would back her up.

Natasha runs over to her. "Are you okay?"

"Yes," The Espeon nods and frowns. "But...if we have someone that goes ballistic on teammates over something like me moving someone a couple meters to talk to them, and others jump on the bandwagon without bothering to see what the situation even is...it doesn't bode well for our success. And as if that wasn't bad enough, with careless attacks like that, innocent people will get killed too."

"Maybe we..." Natasha hesitates for a moment. "Maybe we should bring this up to Moze. If we just have everyone jump into the action like this, it's not going to end well."

Interactions: P PopcornPie (Megumin) CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow (Moze) @anyoneelse
Fluffington the Mighty keeps her back to the Espeon, huffing before walking up to re-join Trevor in the Outrunner. As she walks, those with keen eyes would see dark shadows licking at her feet and lashing about, as if begging for release. "Hey, Trevor. You're really strong right? When we are done with this mission, would you like to have a battle with me?" She looks at the Man with hope sparkling in her eyes.
LilacMonarch LilacMonarch thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow P PopcornPie ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials
She just stood there and cried.

It was all she could do.

Heather clearly needed time alone and her being there would only make it worse. And they had a mission, one that required her to be there, so she couldn't just go inside and cry on her bed or take some time to herself. No, this mission was important if they wanted to get everyone home.

But as of right this minute? All she did was stand there and cry, everything around her going quiet. It wasn't that people weren't talking, she just went deaf as the words that Heather said to her kept replaying over and over.

The words that broke her heart.

At this point in her life, she didn't have too many good things going for her. Really, joining the Crimson Raiders was probably the only good thing she had going for her as her mother had yet to wake up from the coma or shown signs of ever waking up. But even if she decided to stay in the Raiders all her life... she wouldn't be able to feel like she belonged there due to how Krieg was when he saw her and there was no doubt that if Salvador saw her Siren tattoos, it'd hurt him maybe even more that Krieg.

Every minute she would be there would just be a reminder of what they lost, and she hated that.

But ever since Heather clung to her and started thinking she was her mom, she was slowly starting to get used to it and it would even become the normal for her until they all had to go back home. It was like she had something good in her life for once, but now? Now, that ceased to exist, leaving the Siren's heart shattered.

The entire world around her just faded away, not being able to hear anyone and feel anything. But, this wouldn't last long, she knew this as she had to stop showing weakness in front of everyone. After all... they had a job.

Coming back to reality, she felt that someone was hugging her and saw the woman from a week ago that she took to the infirmary hugging her. Quickly, she hugged back and wiped her tears, proceeding to bottle up her feelings of sadness and hurt as best she could. "
...Thanks for caring."

Her attention turned towards the one who had been Heather's best friend and, from what she could figure out from reading her lips when it was just the hearing that went away, was the one that caused this to happen. She couldn't fault her, after all, she was trying to help Heather. "
It's fine, you were only trying to help her."

Her voice, the way she talked... it was like there was something she was trying to hold back. That something was very obvious, but she wasn't going to address it as of right now, unless she wanted to let loose another waterfall of tears.

Stepping away, she went towards Moze and the other Vault Hunters. "
We got the Eridium and I've already upgraded myself." After that, she walked off towards the infiltration vehicle, not even freaking out inside anymore that Zer0 was there and she wasn't going to introduce herself to him for once.

The weakness she had shown everyone was bottled up, buried deep down for the mission as this was a mission they couldn't afford to mess up. This was the only chance they'd get, it fucks up, they can't go back home. And she couldn't be the reason it fucked up, as infiltration was counting on her.

Weakness was something that she didn't want to show in front of everyone again, it would only get her hurt in the process given how some of these people acted.

Riven Riven , P PopcornPie , CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow , anyone on infiltration
Six climbs into the Gundam slowly, gazing all over the huge mecha. "Reminds me of all the stories about Liberty Prime. What're these things capable of?" the Courier asks Kirito, apparently having some knowledge about stuff like this.

SpaceRavens03 SpaceRavens03

Grey frowns at Tom & Jerry having the time of their lives making fun of his attempt to cool everyone down. Oh well; the GM will pay them back later in this post.

Zer0 simply gazes around and smiles at everyone introducing themselves to him. How does he do it through his helmet, you ask?

Zer0 Smile.png

With a literal holographic smiley face. He then turns to face Minako, apparently taking a liking to her response.

"You speak with haiku. / Honorable poetry / that shows your reserve."

"THAT IS ZER0'S WAY OF TELLING YOU HE LIKES YOU," Salvador informs Minako... as calmly as Salvador can.

The ninja then grabs Benedict's wrist as he tries to stick the note onto him. A question mark appears in front of his helmet, which most definitely means 'wtf are you doing.'

Axton comes up by Voss' and Dani's side as Zer0 glances over at the pirate. "Those are some of the things Zer0 can't tell you. Known him for years and he still keeps info classified. We're not even sure where he got his stealth tech. But, he's with us, and that's all that matters."

Zer0 makes a holographic heart to confirm that.

Zer0 Heart.jpg

Ian comes down the ramp with Mr. Red, Phoenix-2, and a couple other Crimson Raiders behind him. They're all carrying heavy boxes full of ammunition and guns. After setting down his set of boxes, Ian turns to Deadpool. "Your capabilities are better suited for direct confrontation, while Zer0 is well versed in infiltration. I apologize if this is not to your liking, but there is little room for error in this mission."

Zane Smiling.png

"Hey, boyo," Zane nods to Deadpool. "If it makes you feel any better, if this op goes to shite, then we'll all be fightin' together."

Ian then turns to the rest of you, in particular looking at Samael but still addressing you in general.

Ian Talking.gif

"This requisition sent by Marcus should provide sufficient ammunition for you. He may also have vending machines of more ammunition in the tunnels you will be traversing if you are still in need of more."

"A ton and a half of ammo better be enough," Mr. Red says as he puts down one of the crates. "Shit was heavy." The stick figure then takes the SMG off his back and tosses it at Tom.

The Chung Beetle
Damage: 572
Accuracy: 94.6
Fire Rate: 12.0
Reload Speed: 1.5
Magazine Size: 60
Burn Dmg/Sec: 485
Chance to Ignite: 15.2

Clap 'em.
Highly effective vs Flesh

When fired, produces two thick beams that spiral in a helix pattern. Has no damage falloff and targets explode when killed. Minimal bullet travel time.

(You can ignore the entire first part if you want, the only thing that's relevant to this RP is the fact that it's a Maliwan gun with the fire elemental damage and the special 'bullets')

"There's more where that came from," one of the Raiders informs you. "Marcus decided it was high time you get equipped with more advanced guns, so if you want something special, come talk with one of us."

(and by that he means ping the GM in the Discord or tag him in your next post that you wanted one and I'll custom make one)

Rev, who is one of the Raiders who was carrying a box, quickly drops his and runs back in upon seeing Lightning. There is no doubt that AI could kill him before he could even think; the card summoner is practically his (and a few other Raiders') grim reaper.

Moze smiles up at David. "No need to overwork yourself out there! Julia's gonna be handling our comms, but that air bubble stuff might come in handy if we need a distraction! And I appreciate the compliment!"

Grey glances over at Trevor as he disappointingly says he crushed Fluffington's dreams.


"Felt more like a nightmare to me..." he mutters, pleased he could at least break up the infighting for now.

He then turns to his ghost friend.


"Don't worry, Lilith. Trevor was trying to escalate things anyway. Just be careful whenever he tells you to do something, okay?" He then looks at Captain Falcon. His weird outburst didn't really hit Grey that bad a week ago, probably because he didn't even know his parents at all. Now, though, he'd taken a bit of a liking to him. "Heyy, Cap. You riding with me?"

Eric sighs again. "Phew..." He comes over to Julia and Natasha. "That got messy. Imagine if Trevor was around Kal instead..." The Typhlosion shivers at the thought and then goes over to Skye, looking concerned. "Hey, Skye..." he starts, glancing over at Heather. "...I know you treated her like your own daughter, but... I don't think she thinks any less of you now that that creepily dressed lady's in her life..." He puts a paw to his head. "Kids are tough to handle and read. But I doubt she'd just forget about you." Eric then motions to one of the transport Outrunners with his head. "Here. You can sit with us. You too, Deadpool," he says as he pats the merc with a mouth on the side. "And you too, Fluffington."

"Alright, once everyone's stocked up, we're gonna be moving out. Keep it short and sweet, people," Axton tells you all.

A while later, and you finally hit the road. Some of you might've opted to use your own methods of transport, or asked to drive your own Outrunners, but regardless, you're all ushered into a convoy of loud engines and a speedy drive through the winding countryside roads. Even though the Vault Hunters driving are going along at at least a hundred miles per hour on average to get to the city before sunrise (that's about 161 km/h, you folks not in the murica murica), they're at least much more gentle this time around. Even Zane is showing off his actual driving skill, calmly turning around the bends and making the ride decently enjoyable once you get past the g-force. The stars pass above you, the many houses scattered around the grassy lands whizz by, and the wind blows past your face. At times, the Vault Hunters activate the rocket-powered engine in the back of the Outrunner on the straightaways, each time with warning that they'd do it so you don't get flung back.

Finally, after just under an hour of driving and conversing (if you wanted to,) you stop a dozen or so miles away from the city's edge. The pink and blue lights are well visible now, and the sight is... dazzling, to be quite honest. The Vault Hunters hop out of the Outrunners and signal for any of you who are driving or going off on your own to halt as well. They then walk over to a manhole cover on the side of the road. Phoenix-2 and Mr. Red quickly come over and lift it up, leaving nothing but darkness and a maintenance ladder to be seen inside. A wretched stench immediately hits your nose.


"Ugh... guess we really have to go in there, huh..."

"It is imperative we enter the city underground. Do not think about the smell too much," FL4K says.

"Easy to say when you don't have a nose."

Eric, looking almost ready to vomit, steps up to the sewer entrance first. "Julia, can you- ngh- can you nullify my sense of smell? And... maybe do that for everyone else? Th-thanks." Regardless of her answer, he goes first and descends the ladder.

Now it's your turn.

Cast List
Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- as Captain Falcon (F-Zero) and The Tom Tom Gang (Blinx)
2Bornot2B 2Bornot2B as Tanya Degurechaff (The Saga of Tanya the Evil)
DapperDogman DapperDogman as Jason "Blast Radius" Cooper (OC)
GeorgeTownRaja GeorgeTownRaja as Tsukasa Kadoya (Kamen Rider Decade) and Naoto "Tiger Mask" Azuma (Tiger Mask W)
RedLight RedLight as Oswald the Lucky Rabbit (Oswald the Lucky Rabbit)
TruthHurts_22 TruthHurts_22 as Phoenix Wright (Ace Attorney) and Zora (Epithet Erased)
Gundam Watcher 27 Gundam Watcher 27 as Chimera (A Certain Scientific Railgun/Accelerator OC)
SpaceRavens03 SpaceRavens03 as GN-001 Exia (Gundam Extreme VS OC) and Kazuto "Kirito" Kirigaya (Sword Art Online)
Ineptitude Ineptitude as Shaw (Arknights)
TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher as Elizabeth (Bioshock: Infinite) and Sky Rose (Borderlands OC)
P PopcornPie as Lucky O'Chopper (Whacked!) and Megumin (Konosuba)
DerpyCarp DerpyCarp as Fluffington the Mighty (Pokemon OC)
Yamperzzz Yamperzzz as Voss Eierkuchen and Abbott Calderon (Tembo the Badass Elephant OCs)
Critic Ham Critic Ham as Olivia Silence and Saria (Arknights)
Riven Riven as Nearl (Arknights)
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore as Rocket Raccoon (Guardians of the Galaxy) and Trevor Philips (Grand Theft Auto V)
ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials as Lilith (OC) and Kirby (Kirby's Dreamland)
Thepotatogod Thepotatogod as Minako Arisato (Persona 3 Portable) and Kintaros (Kamen Rider Den-O)
Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara as Lana (Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon OC)
LilacMonarch LilacMonarch as Julia Thani and Natasha Thani (Pokémon Mystery Dungeon OCs)
Chungchangching Chungchangching as Tom (Tom & Jerry) and Jerry (Tom & Jerry)
BoltBeam BoltBeam as Lightning AKA Light Ignis (Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS)
quadraxis201 quadraxis201 as Ryuji Kazan (Danganronpa OC)
Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch as himself
PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss as Anna (Once Upon A Time OC) and Ripper (Jurassic World)
Dragonlord318 Dragonlord318 as David Listman (My Hero Academia OC)
darkred darkred as Aloy (Horizon Dawn Zero) and John "Bear" Connor (Terminator Genisys)
FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla as Edward "The Doctor" Richtofen (Call of Duty: Black Ops Zombies) and Claptrap/Fragtrap (Borderlands, NPC)
GearBlade654 GearBlade654 as Festung-17 (Destiny 2 OC)
FactionParadox FactionParadox as Yoshikage Kira (JJBA Part 4: Diamond is Unbreakable)
@Son of Horus as Mrakus Malicius (Horus Heresy OC)
Martydi Martydi as Scott Baker (Planetside OC)
Sir Skrubbins Sir Skrubbins as The Medic (Team Fortress 2)
QizPizza QizPizza as Delsausa SERAPH-099 Samael (OC)
StaidFoal StaidFoal as Vera "Granny Rags" Moray (Dishonored)
Crow Crow as Benjamin Kirby "Ben" Tennyson (Ben 10) and "Doctor" (Arknights)
Smug Smug as Jacket (Hotline Miami/Payday 2)
Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun as Pahw'lip Stiwyll (OC)
Stikes Stikes as Izabela Dybas and『KAWAII RAZOR BLADES』(JoJo's Bizarre Adventure OC)
92MilesPrower 92MilesPrower as Deadpool (Marvel)
Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts as Danielle Fenton (Danny Phantom) and Sora (Kingdom Hearts)
Venom Snake Venom Snake as Solid Snake (Metal Gear)
ManyFaces ManyFaces as The Son and The Henchman (Hotline Miami 2)
jigglesworth jigglesworth as Captain John Price (Call of Duty: Modern Warfare)
Space Buddha Space Buddha as Heather Sagewind (OC)
Hundesteak :3 Hundesteak :3 as Nagisa Shiota (Assassination Classroom)
FoolsErin FoolsErin as Garnet (Steven Universe)

  • “...Funny you asked.” I spoke, uncertainty in my tone barely noticeable as I answered Six's question.

    “Even I myself wasn't exactly sure of what Gundams like these two here are exactly made for.”

    My mind raced back into the day before, recalling how Exia managed to fire down several of the incoming bandits rather casually (in which defense became even more easier thanks to a certain someone who was capable of forming some bubble barrier). The memory soon accelerated further into the night where Exia and I took down a pair of enemy Mobile Suits on it's own without much help. I probably would have been dead if it weren't for the fact that Exia demonstrates far better performance in comparison to the Lagowe and Hildolfr.

    Then moments earlier before the sun rose, there was us (more accurately Exia) and Barbatos versus five enemy Mobile Suits. There was one thing in common I've noticed so far: Mobile Suits that weren't a Gundam type seemed to stood no chance against the likes of Exia and Barbatos. Which begged the question: Was a Gundam supposed to be the pinnacle of Mobile Suits from their world? Were they created to be weapons to end the existence of other Mobile Suits? What were they truly? A question from the lady in blue, Elizabeth, that Exia and I had failed to answer soon echoed inside my mind.

    I have never seen anything like Exia before. You said it is a "Gundam", right? What does a Gundam do?

    If I had managed to answer her, the first thing would very likely hear is a genuine "I don't know". Maybe I ought to ask Exia and Barbatos about it when we're resting for a short while. The act of recalling the question that was left unanswered soon left me pondering about how the other who seemed to have been trapped in this world as well we're doing. Hopefully they themselves managed to get return to their homeworks. Not that I myself was not in a hurry to get back however.

    “Ready when you are. Courier Six.”

    Barbatos notified our new companion as the cockpit hatch closed, now standing up as it handed the controls over for Six to man.

David glanced at the Glaceon then addressed Moze. "If she starts to get overloaded, which psychic types can, let me know, please." He had seen more than one psychic quirk-holder get a bloody nose or internal hemorrhaging from using their skill too much. With one person handling the comms from and to everyone, he knew there was a great chance of her getting overloaded.

He turned away as the announcement was given to mount up, and prepared for departure. As they traveled, David flew alongside the buggy Moze was in. He kept his senses up for any threats or obstacles, and thankfully none arose. When they stopped, he raised an eyebrow at the stinky manhole that was to be the infiltration team's insertion point. He produced a few dozen Capsules of oxygen and water, all the size of golf balls. He walked over to Moze. "Captain, these are oxygen and water supplies for the infiltration team. I hope they help. To use the oxygen, they need only to put the capsule over their face and mouth. As long as they're breathing normally, it will last an hour. The water is different. Put it up to a cup or other container and squeeze. The water will come out opposite the end of the pressure applied. It's several dozen psi, so streaming directly into the mouth is not advised. When you want to stop using the oxygen, remove it from your mouth and it will seal itself back up. The water, just stop squeezing and it will stop."

David ensured to look at and memorized the air signature of every member of the infiltration team. He would have to be ready to help in case they got into a pickle, after all. Once he was done, he went over to the man hole and moved some air down it. The layout of the sewage system was laid before him openly, and he raised his eyebrows. "Captain," he called out, "I hope you have a map for the team. It'll be very easy to get lost down there."

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow
Scott Baker

Initially, Scott wanted to decline the offer of additional guns, as always deciding his own will be enough. And while it would likely hold true, the same may not apply to his ammo supply. It would likely be pretty hard to get ammunition with the dimensions, propellant mixture and bullet composition needed to fire the mercenary. Recalling the exposition about gun manufacturers from Marcus back on Pandora, Scott stepped up to the Raiders handing out guns. "I recall being told that some of the guns here can alter their effectiveness, changing their range or element. If it's from the second category, then I'd prefer it to be a carbine or an assault rifle, so that I can use it in a variety of situations. Do you have anything like that? Ideally something that can go with a silencer, but that last part isn't necessary."

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow - gun people


Having acquired more guns (or not), Scott decided to board one of the Outriders driven by the Vault Hunters. He stayed silent for most of the ride. When the group arrived, Scott disembarked and walked up to the manhole. "Well, it isn't very pleasant." he commented "I regret not taking an enclosed helmet." When David handed out more of his capsules to Moze, Scott overheard the exchange. "It's either a very strangely shaped capsule or you'll have to walk me through using it. And while we're at it, what happens when the oxygen runs out? Does it still function like a filter for outside air, does it allow breathing without filtering anything, or just suffocates you until you take it off?"

Dragonlord318 Dragonlord318 - David
Lightning, the Light Ignis

Land Under Another

Ian then turns to the rest of you, in particular looking at Samael but still addressing you in general.

Ian Talking.gif

"This requisition sent by Marcus should provide sufficient ammunition for you. He may also have vending machines of more ammunition in the tunnels you will be traversing if you are still in need of more."

"A ton and a half of ammo better be enough," Mr. Red says as he puts down one of the crates. "Shit was heavy."
Lightning glanced to it and whistled, seeming impressed - that 'does' look like enough, and a lot. Should be more than enough for everyone there, Lightning would assume - and before he could inquire about the gun that Mr. Red would promptly throw to... a feline, of all things (the same one from before), he would hear a Raider speak up as if to answer the question he never asked (though he was about to).
"There's more where that came from," one of the Raiders informs you. "Marcus decided it was high time you get equipped with more advanced guns, so if you want something special, come talk with one of us."
Special weaponry, straight from Marcus once more. Lightning would glance to his current weapon and would then intend to approach the Raiders to take up this offer - he's curious yet also worried to find out what there is 'waiting' for him. Again, without words, the Ignis would do this - perhaps curiosity will get the better of him this time, but as time passed, in that which he may or may not even get this weapon, Lightning would accompany the group to the city's edge by hiding around on one of the transport methods - an Outrunner, to be exact, where Lightning did his thing and became the Outrunner while in transport. Upon arrival, he split off, and... "What in the name of Ra is that...?" Lightning reacted to this awful smell that met them.
A while later, and you finally hit the road. Some of you might've opted to use your own methods of transport, or asked to drive your own Outrunners, but regardless, you're all ushered into a convoy of loud engines and a speedy drive through the winding countryside roads. Even though the Vault Hunters driving are going along at at least a hundred miles per hour on average to get to the city before sunrise (that's about 161 km/h, you folks not in the murica murica), they're at least much more gentle this time around. Even Zane is showing off his actual driving skill, calmly turning around the bends and making the ride decently enjoyable once you get past the g-force. The stars pass above you, the many houses scattered around the grassy lands whizz by, and the wind blows past your face. At times, the Vault Hunters activate the rocket-powered engine in the back of the Outrunner on the straightaways, each time with warning that they'd do it so you don't get flung back.

Finally, after just under an hour of driving and conversing (if you wanted to,) you stop a dozen or so miles away from the city's edge. The pink and blue lights are well visible now, and the sight is... dazzling, to be quite honest. The Vault Hunters hop out of the Outrunners and signal for any of you who are driving or going off on your own to halt as well. They then walk over to a manhole cover on the side of the road. Phoenix-2 and Mr. Red quickly come over and lift it up, leaving nothing but darkness and a maintenance ladder to be seen inside. A wretched stench immediately hits your nose.


"Ugh... guess we really have to go in there, huh..."

"It is imperative we enter the city underground. Do not think about the smell too much," FL4K says.

"Easy to say when you don't have a nose."

Eric, looking almost ready to vomit, steps up to the sewer entrance first. "Julia, can you- ngh- can you nullify my sense of smell? And... maybe do that for everyone else? Th-thanks." Regardless of her answer, he goes first and descends the ladder.

Now it's your turn.
"This smells like... I don't actually know what it smells like..." Lightning was trying to 'blend in' with the others, as the sense of smell is another thing the Ignis does not have, but he feigned disgust. Needless to say, he had no idea what he was even describing, but he knew it was to be disgusting. The Ignis would simply push the Duel Disk he was in down, and would promptly see himself dragged along into an alarming fall - stopped before he hit the ground and thus not having an impact. "Let's get through here as quickly as we can, shall we?" He advised aloud.
Character Information
Link to CS: Here!
Hex Code: #F7DA64
Status (physically): Moderately injured (the bumps, recovering)​
Status (mentally/emotionally): Calm (feigning disgust and discomfort)​
Powers: A.I abilities, monster summoning/spell card magic/trap card magic​
Items: Duel Disk (grants monster summoning, spell card magic and trap card magic), an SMG (being held), $350 (stored in Duel Disk), Hyperion sniper rifle (ammo included)​
This is where all of Lightning's obtained cards are! For more information, refer to his original CS!

He will be granted more cards each passing chapter, as implied above - but by the end, he will have 'everything' at his disposal.

Listed 'per chapter' as to what he has - the most recent one will always be at the top.

As of Chapter 3's posting, this is COMPLETE! Lightning has every card at his disposal from here on out. As a result, this section will no longer see any future changes in the future chapters.
Chapter 3

Main Deck Monsters

Armatos Legio Galea
Armatos Legio Gladius
Armatos Legio Magica Alcum
Armatos Legio Scutum
Armatos Legio Sica
Armatos Legio Segmentata
Armatos Legio Speculata
Armatos Colosseum
Armatos Lex
Armatos Fulgur
Armatos Replacement
Judgmenet Arrows
Judgment Sword
Armatos Gloria
Extra Deck
Armatos Legio Centurion
Armatos Legio Decurion
Armatos Legio Eques Flamma
Armatos Legio Legatus Legionis
Armatos Legio Magnus Dux
Armatos Legio Pilus Prior
Armatos Legio Primi Ordines
Armatos Legio Tribinus Militum
Chapter 2
Main Deck Monsters

Armatos Legio Galea
Armatos Legio Gladius
Armatos Legio Magica Alcum
Armatos Legio Scutum
Armatos Legio Sica
Armatos Legio Speculata
Armatos Colosseum
Armatos Lex
Armatos Fulgur
Armatos Replacement
Judgmenet Arrows
Extra Deck
Armatos Legio Centurion
Armatos Legio Decurion
Armatos Legio Eques Flamma
Armatos Legio Legatus Legionis
Armatos Legio Pilus Prior
Armatos Legio Primi Ordines
Chapter 1
Main Deck Monsters

Armatos Legio Galea
Armatos Legio Magica Alcum
Armatos Legio Scutum
Armatos Legio Sica
Armatos Lex
Armatos Fulgur
Armatos Replacement
Judgmenet Arrows
Extra Deck
Armatos Legio Centurion
Armatos Legio Decurion
Armatos Legio Eques Flamma
Armatos Legio Legatus Legionis
Armatos Legio Pilus Prior
Armatos Legio Plumbum Trident
Armatos Legio Primi Ordines
Main Deck Monsters

Armatos Legio Galea
Armatos Legio Scutum
Armatos Legio Sica
Armatos Fulgur
Armatos Lex
Extra Deck
Armatos Legio Decurion
Armatos Legio Eques Flamma
Skills/Abilities: Mastermind, technology wizard​
Course of action: Stay with the group, keep moving (and beforehand, get gun)​
RP Information
Location: Argus-27, Sewers​
Interactions: CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow
Mentions: Chungchangching Chungchangching
Nearby/In Group: (Everyone?)​

  • Julia's expression becomes scarily dark when Eric talks about Kal. "If it had been him..."

    "This would have ended differently."

    The Espeon quickly returns to normal and takes a deep breath. "Good idea, Natasha. I'll talk to her."

    But before that, she goes over to Skye and pats her comfortingly. "Take it from an actual biological mother...no matter what she says, no matter what she does...if you truly love her as a daughter, nothing can change that. Even if you sometimes have your differences, the bond will only break if you let it. Keep showing her that same love and she will recognize it, sooner or later."

    With that, she moves on to the leader of the Raiders. "Moze. Can I speak to you for a moment? We may have...a problem."

    Natasha watches Julia walk off and shivers. "Geez, she can be scary sometimes..."

Scott Baker

Initially, Scott wanted to decline the offer of additional guns, as always deciding his own will be enough. And while it would likely hold true, the same may not apply to his ammo supply. It would likely be pretty hard to get ammunition with the dimensions, propellant mixture and bullet composition needed to fire the mercenary. Recalling the exposition about gun manufacturers from Marcus back on Pandora, Scott stepped up to the Raiders handing out guns. "I recall being told that some of the guns here can alter their effectiveness, changing their range or element. If it's from the second category, then I'd prefer it to be a carbine or an assault rifle, so that I can use it in a variety of situations. Do you have anything like that? Ideally something that can go with a silencer, but that last part isn't necessary."

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow - gun people


Having acquired more guns (or not), Scott decided to board one of the Outriders driven by the Vault Hunters. He stayed silent for most of the ride. When the group arrived, Scott disembarked and walked up to the manhole. "Well, it isn't very pleasant." he commented "I regret not taking an enclosed helmet." When David handed out more of his capsules to Moze, Scott overheard the exchange. "It's either a very strangely shaped capsule or you'll have to walk me through using it. And while we're at it, what happens when the oxygen runs out? Does it still function like a filter for outside air, does it allow breathing without filtering anything, or just suffocates you until you take it off?"

Dragonlord318 Dragonlord318 - David
CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow
LilacMonarch LilacMonarch
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

David looked back at Scott. "You're a genius." He snapped his fingers and the earth beneath them trembled slightly and some trees in the distance were sucked underground. Any and all nearby plants with a consistency to cloth or thread were also sucked down. Out of the trembling ground before them rose more than enough respirators to supply the whole team. He ensured to create some specially fitted for Rocket, Julia, and others with non-human biology. He turned to Moze. "New idea, Captain, thanks to this gentleman." He gestured to Scott. "Insert an oxygen Capsule into the mask's filter. It will saturate the filter with the oxygen, slowly release the air as you breathe. Since it's contained in the filter, it'll release over the period of an hour. When the oxygen runs out, the Capsule will dissipate due to the pressure of the filter. Insert a new capsule in the filter, and you'll have a fresh supply. I've created about ten capsules per person on the infiltration team."

He stretched for a second. "If you just want to get rid of the stench, wear the respirator without oxygen."

Scott Baker

"Well, it's nice to know its me who surprised someone, at least once." Scott muttered to himself as he grabbed a gas mask from David, deciding not to comment on its unusual origin. He took off his helmet and put the mask on, then used the straps that would normally secure the helmet on his head to hang it from his jump pack. Than the auraxian walked up to the manhole and loudly said "Get back here, we're handing out gas masks."

Dragonlord318 Dragonlord318 - David ; @whoevercamedownthehole

  • _________________________________________________________________________________
    Heather (Without brain damage):

    Heather really didn't want to get in that car, but some kind of robot made her do it. She sat in the backseat, and felt her body begin to squish against the seat as the drivers made sharp turns at such high speeds. Instinctively, she began to slow down her vehicle, causing it to cruise at around fifty and arrive at the sewer some time after the others had gotten there. Heather would stumble out of the car, dizzzily waddling up to the entrance. Given that she had arrived late, she would not be there when Julia reduced the smell.

    "E-Eww! I-I'm n-not g-going d-down t-there!"

    Heather had already had enough of disgusting ooze and messy adventuring. She didn't even know these people, or why they were doing any of this. Her dress was torn and covered in splotches that were a mix of blood, dirt, unidentifiable ichor and her own venomous drool. She was not about to add fecal matter into the mix. The others could do whatever it is they were doing, Heather wanted no part in any more violent weirdness. She noticed a number of other cars going down the road, and looked at them for a while, seeing her former minions to be in them. She waved them down, and Braxton pulled over, unsure of why Heather was doing so but, given that she seemed to be harmless, and he was already human again, felt no reason to ignore her.

    "What's this about?"

    "H-Hey... c-can I g-get a ride..?"

    He looked to the other bandits in the backseat, as well as the one open seat. They all shrugged, nodding in unison. As the bandits again started the car, with Heather in the back sitting next to a formerly-undead woman having traded her full riot gear for a normal looking tanktop, the others would be able to see Heather, seemingly entirely ready to just leave as she leaned her head against the car window. Maybe someone should tell her why just going to the city itself is a bad idea?
Martydi Martydi Gundam Watcher 27 Gundam Watcher 27 CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow SpaceRavens03 SpaceRavens03

David rose up above the rest and gathered sounds, smells and pressure readings from the city, as far into its limits as his senses could reach. Thanks to the Holy Material that now flowed in his veins after touching it, that was everywhere. He couldn't pinpoint the location of their intended target, however, and lowered himself back to the ground. "Captain, I'll go above ground and conceal myself to blend in with the populace, keeping track of our infiltration team. I'll ensure to make myself scarce to all the detection devices within, which I've already prepared a contingency for."

He noticed Chimera throwing a mask away but Grabbed it before it could hit the ground, floating it over and placing it back in the pile of human-friendly respirators. "Sir," he addressed Scott, "Thank you." He extended his hand. "David Listman, also known as Manipulator."
Last edited:

(OOC: yeah i know about the timestamp of the song don't rewind it)

Rocket had been watching from the side as the events of Heather's.... transformation(?) played out before him. To be quite frank, Rocket was never really fond of the bloodthirsty little tyke, if he were being completely honest. Her penchant for gratuitous violence was already enough to make Rocket feel a slight bit of unease, and that combined with her weird obsession with calling things "mother" just was generally enough to make Rocket want to stay the hell away from her. But as he watched her... turn back into a normal girl... just a scared child, he was reminded of something. The child he'd sworn to protect for the past two or so years now.


A certain little tree by the name of Groot.

Rocket didn't know what he'd do if anything happened to the little guy. Sure, he was older now, entering his teen years (the life cycle of trees was something that he never really understood honestly), and all he wanted to do was play videogames. But... Rocket, of course, cared for the little guy, and out of all the Guardians, he missed Groot. So, upon seeing Skye, one of the few people who had stuck up for Rocket during all of this, and the only one who respected him enough to not insult him by calling him "trash muncher" or "raccoon"...

Well, he didn't like seeing his friends in pain. And seeing Skye like that kinda fit into that category, no?

So, with no words spoken, Rocket slowly made his way over to the infiltration vehicle and climbed up inside of it, sitting next to Skye.


And, instead of throwing out some apologetic bullshit or giving her a whole sob story about Groot, Rocket simply raised a paw and gently put it atop her hand, patting it softly as a show of comfort. It wasn't much, but it was something, right? He didn't think she needed someone spewing advice down her ear anyways. No, all she needed was a friend who was gonna be there for her and comfort her, even in the simplest of ways. And Rocket, though he was a little shit on the outside, would be there for those who stuck up for him as Skye did.

TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher

Soon enough, everyone had arrived where they needed to be. Of course, knowing the group's luck, they wouldn't be doing any sightseeing tonight. Or, at least, they wouldn't be doing any that involved gazing at the beautiful neon lights of the fresh, new city before them. Hell, they didn't even have the privilege of staring up at the stars above them. No, no instead of any of that fun stuff, our gallant heroes would be crawling their way through five hundred yards of shit smelling foulness that I can't even begin to imagine. Or maybe I just don't want to.

Trevor hopped of the vehicle first, breathing in the foul stench with a happy sigh. "Nothin' like the smell of shit from the day after taco night during a high-profile infiltration mission, huh?" Trevor asked as he snatched not one, but two gas masks. One for him, and the other for his dead Bandit buddy. "Thank you, kind sir!" He exclaimed happily as he strapped his own gas mask to his face, before slapping the other one over the dead Bandit's face. With a nod, Trevor draped the dead body over his shoulder and began descending the latter.

"Eugh..." Rocket muttered, wincing slightly at both Trevor's escapades and the disgusting smell beneath him. Before he entered the tunnel, Rocket would look up at FL4K and ask, "And you're one-hundred-ten percent sure there's not some kinda flyin' bus we can take or somethin'? Maybe drop down into the city with parachutes or somethin' or another?" He asked, considering every alternative better than crawling through literal dookie.

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow Dragonlord318 Dragonlord318 Martydi Martydi Gundam Watcher 27 Gundam Watcher 27 Space Buddha Space Buddha LilacMonarch LilacMonarch BoltBeam BoltBeam
Voss smiled at ZER0, completely oblivious to the very loud explosions that had erupted nearby nor towards the current whereabouts of his first mate and his camera. Voss was hoping that he'd be able to get the kind of equipment he had, specifically his sword, so he felt a little disappointed to learn that it was all classified. But it wasn't a big deal. At least he still had his ol' trusty saber on him.

What Voss did overhear, however, was that Marcus had special guns for all of them if anyone wanted one. As handy as the Jakobs the pirates had, the sea captain was eager to see what Marcus had in store. He was hoping for two identical revolvers just like him and Abbott have but more powerful. Before he approached Marcus, though, Voss retrieved Abbott, who was still startled by Grey's exclamation after he threw the spoon. Once they were done, the duo would simply hop onto one of the Outrunners as passengers, deciding to hop along with Zane once again.

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow


Eventually, all the Outrunners halt just a couple of miles from the perimeter of the city. The rides in the vehicles were a lot smoother than neither of them had expected, especially from Zane, but that didn't stop nervous Abbott from exiting the Outrunner with jelly legs and almost falling over. Voss wasn't as anxious as Abbott so he was able to appreciate the beauty of this city. He put on his damaged bone helmet before placing his captain's hat on top like a cherry on a cake. The city was a lot prettier than the ones at home, that's for sure.

The group finds a manhole and two men preceded to open it, releasing a foul odor that made Abbott gag and pinch his nose. Voss' helmet was obscuring his face, but he showed his disgust by simply shaking his head. The sea captain gained two gas masks and gave one to Abbott but not wearing his for the time being because of his large helmet. Once it was their turn, Voss climbed down the ladder first as Abbott followed suit, mask on. On their way down, Abbott continued to retch and gag at not only the remains of the smells that weren't filtered by the mask, but just by the fact that they're in a freaking sewer. He asked Voss, "Why did you have to suggest going into the sewer?"

"'Cause it's a genius idea, Abbott! Don't ya remember how the PHANTOM troops managed to capture Shell City in the first place? They traveled underground in the sewers." Voss was referring to their home island's capital, Shell City, and the infamous Battle for Shell City. One of the PHANTOM army's tactics to claim Shell Island was to sneak underground to remain undetected by the opposing National Army. This, along with many other strategies, is what allowed the PHANTOMS to temporarily seize the region as their own. It's why Voss, an ex-PHANTOM sea captain, suggested the idea in the first place. "'sides, I never specifically said we should go in the sewers. It was that... What's his name... Ryuji? Yeah, it was his idea. Of course, that's what I was thinkin' anyways, but..."

"It's so gross! Blech, I feel like I might pu-"

"NO! Hehe. No. Not just yet, please! Ya can do it when we get down, but not right now!"

Thankfully for Voss and anyone below Abbott, Julia would eliminate the horrid stench before Abbott could try. Though it didn't completely suppress Abbott's disgust, Voss was rather grateful. He sighed in relief, then he muttered to himself, "I suppose I should be happy I'm wearin' gloves. Ew." Soon, the two made their way to the bottom of the ladder, something Abbott was not enthusiastic about at all. Once they reached the ground, Abbott continued to cringe and shudder, repeating to himself about how much he hates this. Voss only stood by as he waited for the others to arrive.

LilacMonarch LilacMonarch quadraxis201 quadraxis201 @SewersAreNasty
Scott Baker

"Scott Baker." the auraxian introduced himself, shaking David's hand "Sergeant of the New Conglomerate Army." It was then that Trevor decided to make his presence known, by complaining about the smell dragging a corpse into the sewer. "Why is he dragging along a corpse? Did I miss something? It doesn't exactly seem conductive to sneaking around a guarded facility. Good thing we have those masks, who knows what diseases are in that thing."

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