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    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.
Trevor laughed. “You did better than good, my new friend!” He said as he pat Fluffington on the head once again. “Why, at this rate, you’ll have disemboweled your first victim by the end of our little road trip here!”

DerpyCarp DerpyCarp
(About five minutes ago)
Megumin wasn't sure what Julia needed to do. If Mewtwo could only give a diagnosis, then maybe the other psychic cat she'd met couldn't do anything either? Her stomach bubbled, and her face turned a little pale. Their success depended on Julia's ability to restore the finest of Crimson Demon magics!

Julia started to do...something, which Megumin felt plainly. Every time a neuron came free from its tangle, it snapped back into its proper position and vibrated like a guitar string, giving Megumin a tiny, electrified tickle. It almost made her giggle, but it made her feel a little faint each time, too. She heard her manifestations quietly cheering Julia on, too. "Hey, everybody!" Called the incarnation of Lucky. "She's helping to undo the big tangles that keep making us black out!" "Yay! Go, Julia!" Her version of Sora shouted.

After what felt like a good hour of careful untangling, Julia returned to the physical world, and both of them reopened their eyes. When the Espeon asked Megumin how she felt, she just stared blankly, blinking a couple times. Honestly, when she wasn't performing an Explosion, she didn't really feel any differences. So she strayed about a mile away from the main group, and Sanctuary, made sure she was facing south from the enemy civilization, held her staff out in front of her, and gave it her all. "Explosion!" Immediately, a pretty red-orange ring came out of the staff, followed by a fiery blast. A similar ring of fire encompassed her feet, overall giving her a frightening hot glow. The kickback from this spell almost sent Megumin tumbling over.

(Note: The resulting Explosion isn't actually THIS big, only about 3/5 this size)

After this display, Megumin felt her brain act up again, but, in a surprising twist, the pain wasn't nearly as sharp. Instead of a paralysis, it simply felt like popcorn was being popped in her cranium. She twitched and stumbled about with every pop, but could otherwise still stand and talk clearly.

When her neurons subsided, Megumin fell on her duff, her face pale. This was actually normal, a consequence of Explosion being such a mana-costly spell. "You did it, Julia, thank you...This is not my full power, still, but it should still work against our enemies....It seems to leave enough energy for me to move, too." She stood up groggily, holding her knees and using her staff as support. Typically, all she needed was rest.

(After all that shit with Heather and Mother)

Megumin's drooped head slowly turned towards Julia. "What consequences? She didn't tell me what consequences..." She panted. "But my heart hurts...J-julia, I'm scared..."

The fact that Trevor was now corrupting poor Fluffington's tongue wasn't helping matters. "Go ahead, call the most useful member of the group a freak of nature..." Megumin snarked on Julia's behalf.

LilacMonarch LilacMonarch (in passing: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore DerpyCarp DerpyCarp )
Fluffington the Mighty nods to Trevor, not knowing what disemboweling means, but is happy to be included. She snaps her attention to where a bright light was going off from Megumin's test fire. Her eyes light up. "Ooooh. I am Sooo gonna copy that next time she uses it!"
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore P PopcornPie
Julia nods to Megumin and smiles. "You're welcome."

. . .

"From what I can--" She is interrupted by Fluffington's Hyper Voice and has to cover her ears. "From what I can tell, it seems like some sort of curse, but I really don't know. Anything relating to it is blocked by something, so I can't see anything. Maybe it could be broken into with enough power, but mine isn't enough."

The Espeon sighs and glances back at Fluffington. "Hey Fluff, can I talk to you for a moment?"

Just before Fluffington would respond, Julia makes a motion like snapping her fingers if she had them. There is a brief flash of light and suddenly the Eevee is now sitting by her instead. For some reason, Trevor can't hear what they say, and they don't hear what he says. Is there some kind of invisible barrier?

"That wasn't a very nice thing to say, you know that?" She starts. The Espeon doesn't seem to be angry at her though - just a bit hurt. She puts a paw on Fluffington's back comfortingly. "Look, I'm not trying to be mean. I'm trying to help you. That guy isn't what you think. He's not teaching you good things."

Interactions: P PopcornPie (Megumin) DerpyCarp DerpyCarp (Fluffington) thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (Trevor)
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"Shut the fuck up, before you end up like those witches in Salem!" Trevor shouted over to Megumin. He was about to reply to Fluffington, having opened his mouth and began to form the first syllable of his next sentence with that silver tongue of his, only for his eyes to widen in sudden disbelief and shock as Fluffington was teleported away from him, over to the Julia bitch. Suddenly, he couldn't hear either of them anymore either. He quirked a brow at the sight, before stepping forward...

Only to bonk into the invisible barrier headfirst.

After stumbling back a bit from said bonk, Trevor stared on at the barrier, confused. He tapped on the barrier, brows furrowed. "Hmmm... interesting..." He mused aloud. After standing there, pondering in thought on what to do next, and how to save his new partner from this ruthless attack, Trevor raised a finger in excitement as his eyes widened, his smile brightening. "I've got it!" He exclaimed, before reaching into his pocket and pulling out...


His trusty rocket launcher!

"Don't worry, Trevor 2! I'll save you from this beast!" He exclaimed, before taking aim once he backed up a considerable distance. And then, without any further warning....



Trevor would continue this until the barrier was dismantled, or someone forcibly stopped him.

LilacMonarch LilacMonarch DerpyCarp DerpyCarp P PopcornPie

Author's note: (The following dialogue is just disembodied narration from Deadpool, not him actually talking aloud.)
"Well hello there, lovely viewers, it is I, your good friend and very trustworthy narrator, Deadpool™ ! It's been a few days in your world, whereas it's been somehow A FUCKING WEEK HERE WITH NO SUMMARY WHATSOEVER OF WHAT HAPPENED! WHAT IS WRONG WITH THE GM FOR THIS WHOLE THING?! You know what? I think I'll do him one better. I'll be the smart, nice and super cool guy who tells the audience all about what happened since we last left off in the previous chapter of my story here!"

"First off, SOMEBODY rudely threw my stunning artwork across the room, and ANOTHER PERSON went to the bathroom to puke in the middle of my speech, both of which are just outright disrespectful! They clearly don't have any GODDAMN MANNERS! After that, I was approached by a fine gentleman by the name of Trevor, who offered me a job in his business, but I unfortunately had to decline. After all, we've all seen Deadpool 2, right? Riiiight. If someone can travel back in time to try to hunt me down, then someone sure as hell can travel across dimensions in order to find me. Definitely don't wanna get Trevor and his pals involved in my shit, 'cause I don't think any of them are mutants. Plus, who's gonna lead X-Force while I'm gone? It certainly ain't gonna be Cable, even though he insists that he is the leader when I am around..."

"But what about the week that was skipped? It sucks that you missed it all, but there were crazy things that happened that you should’ve seen. Let’s see... We held a meeting to tell Captain Sparklez that he’s shifty as hell... Elsa’s pet cat was sick for like 5 days... There was a sick rap battle, but that went south once the Mad Hatter stepped in... Earl almost strangled Rigby from Regular Show to death... and Eric also reminded everyone that 'none of this is gonna be canon and to not let Deadpool tell readers about this stuff...' ‘HIGHLY CLASSIFIED’ or some shit, BUT WHO CARES?! It's not like the very fabric of time and space will tear apart if I share all of this juicy info, HAH!"

"Oh yeah, also that Crazy Earl guy... well to make a long story short, I kind of pretended that I was the savior of the entire planet from the ALMIGHTY GALACTUS! I showed him my face and how equally fucked up I am compared to him, and told him that just because we're goddamn freaks and weirdos doesn't mean we can't do the impossible. Basically, I told Earl pretty much the entire story of Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3, in which I claimed to be the super awesome, brave, and manly hero that lead everyone to victory, and dealt the finishing blow to Galactus to save our world. Of course, the main point of all of that was to lure him into giving us the shiny purple rocks, so I had to make it super detailed as possible. For example, I mentioned how I 'managed to single-handedly defeat Dormammu, Dr. Doom, AND Albert Wesker without tagging anyone else in,' and 'defeated Dante in a shoot-out with just one gun,' among other things I can honestly do in real life! He was enthralled! Astonished! And loved every bit of it, and just wanted more and more every day I came to visit him, in exchange for the glowy stones! The poor guy, he still doesn't realize that I fuckin' conned him! I even got Trash Panda in on it, 'cause he was also in the game!"

Author's Note: (Narration cut-off point. That you for (im)patiently waiting for this. Now back to your regularly scheduled Deadpool post.)
"As to where I am right now? Well..." Deadpool dropped a burlap sack full of plenty of Eridium on the floor directly in front of Skye. He stood among the others in the group on the boarding area. "FUCK, THAT WAS HEAVY. So, what are we supposed to be doing with these purple uranium bars? Also, HOLY SHIT THAT CYBER NINJA GUY LOOKS COOL AS HELL! GOD, I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE HIM IN ACTION! ...Yeah I'm probably gonna get stuck on a completely different team than him, aren't I?"

TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore and pretty much everyone else.
--Minako Arisato--
OST: Backside of TV
Status: Good
Money: $8500
Gun 1- The Buttplug
Gun 2 - Nebula
Shield - Mr. Caffeine
Interaction: CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow @2Bornot2B TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher

With a week on her hands, Minako decided perhaps it's time to do her usual thing and socialize with certain crewmembers. Perhaps improve her gunplay as her shooting during the Ribcage raid didn't go well--she ended up having to rely on Kintaros due to her not handling her gun well. Perhaps someone of military origin could help her out...That crosses Trevor out of the list thanks to him being a crazed old lunatic. The soldier that dragged Trevor away from Elizabeth before seems quite scary to be with, despite his kind exterior. Something tells her he'd rather be doing some military training rather than help a seemingly random teen with magical summoning powers. . .Then it hit her. Perhaps the blonde exploding child could help her out? She seems adept in shooting things with her rifle, especially during the first time they all met. So she immediately spent her first day looking for her and, if fate permits it, asked her to train her to shoot better.

She would then spend the rest of her days balancing out her time between hanging out with Elizabeth, training her Marksmanship with Tanya, and training her physical self with Kintaros. The latter of which helped her use the bladed part of Nebula as a makeshift ax--basically improving her axe play in general. In doing so, she got to know a little bit more about Kintaros' old Contractor, Ryotaro Nogami, who was weak willed at first, but grew into what he describes as the finest swordsman he had ever met. Barring a certain red demon man, of course...Whoever that was.

The faithful day then came, and they were brought in for one last briefing regarding the Recon Team's findings. What's interesting is that the Mutants have these odd metal devices on them that would make the greatest distraction ever if destroyed. After all, Skull Settlement showed that the folks are quite fearful of the Mutants. Perhaps those metal thingies are mind control devices? Hopefully, her Personas could easily destroy them without the monsters themselves getting hurt too bad.

Thus, alongside the others, Minako went out of the ship, and immediately, they were greeted with what can only be described as a Cyborg Ninja with a Zero on its face. It spoke in...Some kind of Haiku. In response, she decided to respond in kind.

"An honor, for us
To have you assist us, sir.
We are in your care.
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  • _________________________________________________________________________________
    Heather (Without brain damage):

    --"HEY... ITS... THE... VOICE... IN... THE... SEXY... ONE'S... HEAD... HI...!"--

    Heather looked up at Mother with a goofy expression on her face, seemingly happy to see her. That is, at least up until she placed her hand on the girl's head. As that happened, Heather would collapse onto the ground, totally motionless as her mind was cleared of the poison that had left it so dark for so long. The milky white in her eyes would clear, and they would now appear a soft lavender. She would cough a few times, spitting out more venom along with phlegm and other assorted goo. She slowly rose to her feet, too dizzy to do so properly and stumbling about for a while. Gravity would remain partly distorted around her, however those in close proximity would find that it was slightly less so than before, seeming to contract only directly around her body. She would wipe her eyes and yawn, but retain on her face a somewhat confused and fearful expression, as though she had just awoken from a nightmare.

    "W-Wha... W-What h-happened?"

    She would rapidly swivel her head, apparently still retaining her ability to turn it completely around, and face megumin, seeing her to clearly be in pain.

    "M-Megum-min? W-What d-did you d-do? M-My h-head... i-it f-f-feels s-so w-weird... a-and w-what... oh n-no... t-that thing w-was a monster! W-What have I d-done!?"

    Heather began to cry, and not ironically as she had done before, as the reality of basically everything to have happened in the past week came flooding back to her, namely that obsessing over an eldritch goddess for reasons she could no longer comprehend had left her friend in this much pain. Though, turning her head again, she would be hit with an even more significant realization.

    "A-And you! Y-You're n-not even m-my real m-mommy! A-Are you?"

    As heather took off running back towards the ship in tears, the words would cut into Skye like daggers, though, they were slightly dulled by the fact that her voice really was the most adorable thing she had ever heard.

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Well... whatever he did seemed to work. She didn't really understand it all, but it got Earl to hand over the Eridium. This was pretty much a win, which was a good thing as now she could do her suggestion.

So, the past week was filled with her looking after Heather, exploring the ship. Of course, she did get the money from those that owed her from the drinking contest, which made her all the more richer. Though, she did have an 'Adios Motherfucker' once or twice during the week while Heather was either with her best friend or asleep, so she found time to go and catch up with Moxxi while interacting with Jax if he was there.

The week was over and they came to the planet Tediore was on: Argus-27. It was like a second Promethea, but it actually had scenery outside of the city with mountains and shit, so it was better than Promethea in that regard. When Moze asked if they were ready, she nodded and got ready to land.

Stepping outside on the landing platform once they landed and lowered, she sniffed the air, glad that they were somewhere with actual air. Her attention turned towards someone speaking haiku to find that it... it was him.

It was really him.

It was Zer0.

Like before, she was currently holding in the urge to freak out after seeing him as he was among one of her favorite Vault Hunters. Really, why wouldn't he be one of people's favorite Vault Hunters? He was fucking cool, plus he was like a futuristic ninja with a sword and everything!

She saw the man in the red and black spandex suit get a bit sad over possibly not being in a team with Zer0, walked over, and placed a hand on the man's shoulder, patting it. "
Well, if you do, at least you'd be the coolest ninja on whatever team you end up on where he isn't on it. Also, you never really gave me your name. In case you didn't catch my name, name's Skye."

Walking over to the sack, she opened it and looked at him
. "Thanks for helping me get this. And what's gonna happen is I'm going to use this so my powers get upgraded, so that those wanting to infiltrate with me and Dani can get in the same way I do. My powers let me switch bodies with anyone I can see or touch, but this is gonna let me do with either me and a few other people or just only a few people. Maybe it pushes the limitation where I can do it with people directly behind a wall, I don't know, I don't think I thought of that part yet."

Reaching a hand into it, she pulled out a bar of Eridium and absorbed it into her, her tattoos glowing. "
Well, I feel stronger now, that's a good thing." She then walked off, heading towards Heather when she stopped in her tracks when she heard something.

It was Heather. And Heather
didn't speak telepathically, no this was her actual voice this time. And it was telling her...

That she wasn't her real mother.

It was true, but... she was starting to grow attached to her, feeling like they might've actually became a family. Yeah, she had a real mom, but she had hoped to fill that spot while they were all here. She was going to tell her later, but now?

The truth was out.

All she could do was stand there with wide eyes, and for the first time in front of everybody... tears ran down her face.

92MilesPrower 92MilesPrower , CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow , Space Buddha Space Buddha
Lilith and Kirby
"Well yeah I'd be pretty upset to if someone stole my wish so they could destroy the world not gonna lie." Lilith said as she and Kirby were minding their own businesses. Suddenly the two of them heard a few explosions in the distance so they decided to check it out, they found Trevor trying to destroy the barrier with his rocket launcher. "Uh what are you doing?"

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (Trevor)
Fluffington the Mighty turns away from Julia, making a show of ignoring her. When the paw is places on her back, the Eevee shrugs it off and moves away from the Espeon and closer to the barrier. She slaps it with a paw to test how sturdy it is, then Trevor pulls out his rocket launcher. Recognizing Trevor's plan to break through somehow, Fluffington the Mighty tries another method to subvert the shield.
Fluffington the Mighty used Dig!
Fluffington the Mighty dug a hole, trying to go under the barrier, and pop out of the ground of the other side.
LilacMonarch LilacMonarch thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials
Lilith would think for a bit before coming up with an idea. "Hmm, let me try something." Lilith then conjured a bunch of spirits and warn everyone to move out of the way before shooting them at the barrier. "Let's hope this works."

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (Trevor)
@Other Barrier peeps

Every second that goes by just gets worse and worse for this team, apparently. They've gotten worse since Skull's Settlement, somehow. When Grey first heard about humans, he always thought they were creatures of legend meant to be respected. What he got when he saw Trevor was a nutty sociopath itching to kill or torture everyone else and dragging around corpses. Not to mention, he's being an absolutely horrible influence to Fluffington right now, who honestly reminded him of Venice.


Grey would definitely not like Venice to know what sex is.

And then everyone started to attack each other again. Well, okay- not everyone, but it's enough.

"We're really about to pull off one of the most dangerous missions of all our lives where we're at risk of being hunted down by a dozen supercorporations and arms dealers and you guys are really trying to blow each other up?"

"Can you guys, for once in our miserable lives here, not try to fight or kill each other so you can please your bloodlust?"

Eric just sighs.

"Are you all just forgetting everything I told you last week..."

Yung Venuz goes, "brrrt pchck boom" (dumbazzez)

DerpyCarp DerpyCarp thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore LilacMonarch LilacMonarch ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials
Abbott was busy taking photos when the sailor heard several loud explosions nearby as if some explosions had been detonated. He almost dropped his camera, causing him to have a brief juggling session with it before he regained a firm grip on the device. He whipped his head over towards the source of the sounds and found Trevor with his rocket launcher as well as a large barrier enveloping two other creatures. Hearing Trevor yell as well as Grey, Voss' first mate thought he'd pitch in to help. Now, he was hesitant to hurt anybody too much, being the silly pacifist that he is. So, to counter this problem, Abbott decided to use the least deadly item he had on him to potentially chip at the shield's durability.

This item of choice was a wooden spoon he had with him for some reason.

He took out the puny spoon and feebly threw it at the barrier. The spoon made contact with the barrier and then bounced off a short distance, eventually resting on the ground. Abbott, meanwhile, stood nearby and watched the spoon likely doing minimal damage. He paused for a moment before awkwardly shrugging at Trevor, sporting a weak grin.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials LilacMonarch LilacMonarch DerpyCarp DerpyCarp @GuysByTheBarrier​
Lilith suddenly stopped what she was doing when Grey shouted out at everyone, she turns to him and apologized. "Right, sorry about that, I just wanted to help out." It seems like she learned form her past mistakes and not try to mouth off to anyone that tries to talk her out of something.

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow (Grey)
He could handle the explosives.

He could handle the ghosts.

He could even sort of handle the sexual talk.

But then the spoon was thrown.



(guys I'll seriously make a serious update today for real. i didn't sleep all night I feel the compulsion to make a million joke posts please help)
"From what I can--" She is interrupted by Fluffington's Hyper Voice and has to cover her ears. "From what I can tell, it seems like some sort of curse, but I really don't know. Anything relating to it is blocked by something, so I can't see anything. Maybe it could be broken into with enough power, but mine isn't enough."
Megumin's eyes clouded. "I'm scared." She repeated sheepishly. "I've got to find Aqua. She knows how to undo curses. Your combined power could probably break through." She was shivering, a shadow cast over her eyes. Paralyzed by fear, she gripped her staff in both hands, nuzzling it with her cheek. The aching wouldn't stop. That goddess...or was she a demon?...hadn't told her anything about these consequences she was left to face. She could only wait and see, but they were about to perform a raid that would determine whether or not she actually managed to make it home, and see Aqua...

"What have I done...?"
"Shut the fuck up, before you end up like those witches in Salem!" Trevor shouted over to Megumin.
"I don't know what Salem is, I am an ARCHWIZARD, and I am NOT in the mood!" Megumin snapped.

  • _________________________________________________________________________________
    Heather (Without brain damage):

    --"HEY... ITS... THE... VOICE... IN... THE... SEXY... ONE'S... HEAD... HI...!"--

    Heather looked up at Mother with a goofy expression on her face, seemingly happy to see her. That is, at least up until she placed her hand on the girl's head. As that happened, Heather would collapse onto the ground, totally motionless as her mind was cleared of the poison that had left it so dark for so long. The milky white in her eyes would clear, and they would now appear a soft lavender. She would cough a few times, spitting out more venom along with phlegm and other assorted goo. She slowly rose to her feet, too dizzy to do so properly and stumbling about for a while. Gravity would remain partly distorted around her, however those in close proximity would find that it was slightly less so than before, seeming to contract only directly around her body. She would wipe her eyes and yawn, but retain on her face a somewhat confused and fearful expression, as though she had just awoken from a nightmare.

    "W-Wha... W-What h-happened?"

    She would rapidly swivel her head, apparently still retaining her ability to turn it completely around, and face Megumin, seeing her to clearly be in pain.

    "M-Megum-min? W-What d-did you d-do? M-My h-head... i-it f-f-feels s-so w-weird... a-and w-what... oh n-no... t-that thing w-was a monster! W-What have I d-done!?"

    Heather began to cry, and not ironically as she had done before, as the reality of basically everything to have happened in the past week came flooding back to her, namely that obsessing over an eldritch goddess for reasons she could no longer comprehend had left her friend in this much pain. Though, turning her head again, she would be hit with an even more significant realization.

    "A-And you! Y-You're n-not even m-my real m-mommy! A-Are you?"

    As Heather took off running back towards the ship in tears, the words would cut into Skye like daggers, though, they were slightly dulled by the fact that her voice really was the most adorable thing she had ever heard.

    Interactions: P PopcornPie | thefinalgirl thefinalgirl | TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher

  • "Heather, you're talking!" She gasped, shaking her head with her jaw agape. This...Did she just cripple Heather? Was she always able to speak normally? Was telepathic communication her preference? Either way, she looked deeply worried, and that alone made Megumin's eyes water. "I'm so sorry. I asked the card to help you feel better, I wasn't being all that serious...Some goddess came, split off from another girl who came with us. Then she told me that I would be subject to some kind of consequences. Now they're both gone, and...H-heather, everything aches..."

    Even worse, whatever Megumin had just done had brought Heather to realize that Skye wasn't her mother, and it broke both women.

    Reaching a hand into it, she pulled out a bar of Eridium and absorbed it into her, her tattoos glowing. "Well, I feel stronger now, that's a good thing." She then walked off, heading towards Heather when she stopped in her tracks when she heard something.

    It was Heather. And Heather
    didn't speak telepathically, no this was her actual voice this time. And it was telling her...

    That she wasn't her real mother.

    It was true, but... she was starting to grow attached to her, feeling like they might've actually became a family. Yeah, she had a real mom, but she had hoped to fill that spot while they were all here. She was going to tell her later, but now?

    The truth was out.

    All she could do was stand there with wide eyes, and for the first time in front of everybody... tears ran down her face.

    92MilesPrower 92MilesPrower , CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow , Space Buddha Space Buddha
    Megumin broke down. konosuba-2-07-03-megumin-tears.jpg
    "Skye, forgive me!" She wailed, her face red. "All of this happened just because I didn't want her to feel dizzy anymore. I don't know what just happened to either of us!"
Tom and Jerry again.PNG
Man, look at this blue fox trying to fix the many problems plaguing the group. At this point, you would think that the people would have gotten along by now, right? WRONG! I pointed my thumb at him for Jerry with a cheeky smile, rolling my eyes after. He giggled while covering his mouth. He's like a kindergarten teacher about to have a mental breakdown because the kids are too feral.​
“We’ve tried everything. And we’re not using a chainsaw, it’s too risky.” Sora sighs tiredly and turns to the door. “Look Lucky, I can’t be here all day, just behave yourself and they may let you go. Okay? That’s all I can say right now, I’ll come back to visit.” Sora leaves afterwards, going to do whatever he pleased.

One week later. Sora spent most of his days talking to Lucky, making sure he was alive and well or hanging out with Dani. But on the seventh day after seeing Lucky again, the riders begin to set land on a planet which looks to be..

Sora and Dani leave the ship, to lay in the grass for awhile and sigh in relief. “It’s nice to see actual grass for a change.” “That’s what I’m saying.” The two come across a man named Zero, who’s impressed on how far they’ve come. “Oh hey, it was nothing. So why do they call you Zero?” She asked.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (Joe) CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow P PopcornPie (Lucky)
All week long, Lucky was periodically visited by Sora. It was nice and all, taking time out of his space cruise experience to make sure he was okay. And he was. They still dropped plates of decently prepared rabbit food inside, with all the water he could want. Slightly less pleasing was the fact that they gave him a plastic box full of newspaper to do his business on. That was just a small side gripe. Otherwise, he had become quite content here in solitary.

Yet Lucky was still adamant over his jade. He needed it, especially if they needed him out on the field. Soft, cuddly Lucky wouldn't be able to make a scratch on Teridore. They'd see. They'd all see what he was capable of, if they would just turn him loose.

Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts
Julia turns as rockets start exploding on her barrier, making the air seem to ripple and cracks slowly start to appear. "See what I mean?!"

Trevor trying to blow up another member of the team was one thing, but Julia was sitting in the middle of the crowd. Anyone too close would likely be getting hurt by the insane man's careless attacks. She is also unable to respond to Megumin at the moment as she is occupied with trying not to die.

While she was distracted, Fluffington digs under the barrier, which works just fine. She reaches out a paw, but it was too late. "Wait..!"

The Espeon slowly lowers her paw and lets her barrier drop, except the part right in front of her to shield herself. She then looks at Lilith in disbelief as the ghost's spirits start to attack her too. "Why are you helping him?"

Abbott also throws a spoon at her, but...well, it was a spoon so it didn't really do anything. The next rocket, though, made the cracks reach the edge of the barrier and it shatters.

Seeing this, Natasha quickly uses Ice Beam on Trevor's rocket launcher to freeze the trigger in place and temporarily prevent it from being fired. "Stop! Leave her alone!"

Interactions: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (Trevor) DerpyCarp DerpyCarp (Fluffington) ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials (Lilith) Yamperzzz Yamperzzz (Abbott) CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow (Grey, Eric) P PopcornPie (Megumin) Space Buddha Space Buddha (Heather) TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher (Skye) @anyoneelsenearby
Interactions: Chungchangching Chungchangching

Naoto Azuma/Tiger Mask
Naoto wonders if the cat is planning to explore the place as well. He doesn't mind having someone to go with him as long as they are not causing trouble which would result in facing terrible consequences which is something that he doesn't want them to experience.

"Are you exploring the place too? So do I. You can come with me if you want. By the way, I didn't get your name. I'm Naoto." He said.

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