• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.
Megumin did not answer Julia at the moment. She was too busy charging up for an internal Explosion. The brim of her hat hid them, but her eyes were blazing. She stood, seething, with her shoulders moving up and down. Her hands faced each other and twitched like a bear's claws. Slowly, she uncurled her lip, revealing her sharp choppers as she snarled.
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Then she hooked Benedict around the neck with her staff. "You. Listen. To me. I was merely a young girl in poverty when I first fell in love with Explosion magic. It saved my fucking life. Ever since that day, I wanted to be as good as that lady who rescued me. All my experience points went into strengthening it, shaping its blast, raising it like my own fucking child." The roundness and bounce of her voice had been completely drained away, leaving a low, ominous hiss. "You know what I did? I earned my title. Every waking minute between meals was spent holding it down. I can't go a day without casting it, or I will fucking die. That is how strong it is now. Do I see you spending years of your life learning Explosion? Do I see you destroying entire herds of orcs, or fucking goddesses with it? No, I do not. Your only skill is being the biggest fucking nuisance I have ever met. You never give a shit about anyone's wellbeing but your own. You barely lifted a finger to aid us with M-(sigh) the escape from Blood Gulch. All you did was envelop yourself in your fantasy world. Yeah, I nearly killed everyone, but at least I was trying to help the cause." She pulled him even closer to her lips, allowing spit to get all over his face. "I still want to help the fucking cause, because, unlike you, I recognize the importance of teamwork in situations like these." She transitioned to shouting. "I will not EVER hear you dismiss me as a mere witch, when I am the closest to an Explosion expert as you can find! And, for the final time, I'M A GODDAMN ARCHWIZARD! IS THAT CLEAR, OR DO I NEED TO PAY A TOLL TO GET THROUGH YOUR THICK SKULL?!"

With all that said, and her throat now hoarse, she reassumed her position of sitting by Julia. "I know I do. See, these sick jackasses gave me brain damage, basically. Temporary brain damage, granted, it it's nothing that will heal overnight. I am partially hoping that, by casting enough Explosions, I'll end up working past my newly created weakness. On the other hand, Mewtwo said it would make the damage permanent." She hung and shook her head. "The worst part is, it doesn't seem that I'll have the time to figure out how to heal it quickly. Kazuma was right the first time, I should have bothered to learn other skills."

Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch LilacMonarch LilacMonarch

"Because it's attached to me body, stupid!" Lucky shouted from behind the door.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts
Finally, Julia caught on! Megumin's eyes glittered. "I would like it fixed as soon as possible...But if you believe it would be safer to wait until we are finished with the raid, then I will." She rubbed her chin. "But that doesn't solve my problem. What can I do to help in the meantime? I've learned nary the basics of physical combat. And my appearance would definitely turn unwanted heads in our direction."

LilacMonarch LilacMonarch
"Oh!" Again with the invisible tail. "You won't be sorry you did!...You'll just want to be as far from me as possible when I cast. I'm pretty sure it can disintegrate you. Perhaps I should make up a signal to tell everybody when I'm about to cast Explosion. Like this!" Megumin spread her hands wide over her head, mimicking her explosion.

LilacMonarch LilacMonarch
After their hug, she nodded at Nearl. "Yes, I guess we are." It was great that her friend was feeling better, but maybe a little too better. Was it a side effect of the healing? Or was it just her being able to overcome something like this easily?

Regardless, she was starting to feel better, and that's all that mattered. "
You did leave your equipment in our room. I don't think anyone has taken it, so it should still be there." Then, Ryuji came in and asked her for her help.

Really, she didn't like taking things from people, but she always did it like back when she patched up Minako all the way back in Skull's Settlement. So, she agreed to help him but she wasn't going to like doing it. "
Of course I'll help you, Mister Kazan. But, who would we ask to move the workbench?"

Even if she was told to call him Ryuji, it was a habit of hers sometimes to go back to referring to one as 'Mister' or 'Miss'.

Riven Riven , quadraxis201 quadraxis201


Skye heard Heather wanting to get this over with by using something called a "wish card" and looked at her. It sounded a bit far-fetched, which it was, but so was dimension and universe and even time traveling and yet here was a bunch of people that weren't from their time periods, dimensions, universes, or a mix of two or three of them.

Why did Heather want to use it anyways? So that they could play together? Was it because she missed home and figured the others did too? Her questions were then answered when she said that she wanted to wish all of them home with the card and let her army take care of Tediore.

It was a nice sentiment, but sometimes... you had to do it yourself.

Kneeling down, she looked at Heather. "
Heather... I know you want to get home and get the others home as well, but taking the easy way? Sure, it gets it done faster, but we should do this ourselves without the card, to prove that we don't need to take the easy way out of this fight. Your army can help, but using the wishing card is like cheating. I promise, you and everyone else will all get home, but I think we should do this ourselves without the card. You understand, right?"

Space Buddha Space Buddha
Benedict would calmly stare off into space as Megumin screamed at him, he even took the time to catch up on a quick read during her long speech, as well as ponder on his recent stock purchases, were they good? Bad? Ugly? Who knows! Finally, as she let him go, he would look at her
Ah....definitely do not use her.
He would say before walking away towards Julia
I think the witch is quite....delusional.
He would whisper to her
P PopcornPie
LilacMonarch LilacMonarch
zora header.png
CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow and literally whoever else idfk​

A grand, wide-spread kidnapping. A planet where any breath could be your last. Mutants, monsters, psychotic thugs. And now, honest to heck space travel.
The day's events were enough to drive anyone to drink, even a rootin' tootin' cowgirl who thrived in that sort of chaos. And especially after that masterful piece of physical beauty she performed while after that RIbcage guy - such an outrageous display that it left everyone in a permanent state of speechlessness. So, obviously, once the crew were shuffled onto a spaceship, Zora's first stop was its bar.

She had been there for, oh, a bit too long and only now was sauntering her way out, drunk up to her eyeballs and then some.

"I's swears on ya," she mumbled to nobody, "h, he turned himself t'gold. Sunova... real jerk, that guy was, I tell ya. H-Hey! Git outta my way!" Zora drunkenly swiped an arm at another, equally stumbling person along the same path, shoving them over the railing and down to the floor below. "That'll....... teach."

Zora somehow made her way to the [insert the room that big meeting is taking place], practically tripping over herself making it through the door.

"Esscape? What'll y'all tryin' t'do that fer? This place is... hoo. S'pretty good place!"

She was definitely off her tits.

~ ~ ~

Phoenix's eyes cracked open, staring at the grimy metal ceiling of the ship's infirmary. Everything hurt, especially his head. As he sat up (which was a very long process), he struggled to remember what happened. He was talking to a small girl about... something... and then she..... exploded right in front of him?

No, that couldn't be right.

As he slowly got up out of his bed, he took quick stock of himself. He was all bandaged up like some kind of mummy, and was in some hospital gown that looked like a greasy potato sack. Phoenix didn't think too hard on it. Mostly because he couldn't.

Taking small, lurching steps out of the seemingly abandoned medical office he woke up in, Phoenix ambled down one of the metallic corridors, rubbing his head. Walking his way was some woman. Hopefully she could help and not try to murder him.

"Ahh, excuse me? I was wondering if you could help--" Phoenix didn't get any farther as the woman yelled at him and swung a fist, nabbing him in his ribs and outright flinging him over the guard railing. He fell to the second floor with a short scream, followed by a loud clunk as he faceplanted into the metal floor.


Julia shakes her head at Megumin's suggested solution for avoiding blowing up her allies. "That's...not gonna cut it."

Benedict walks to her and whispers in her ear.

I mean, he's not entirely wrong, but... She thinks to herself, then turns and whispers back. "Not as delusional as you."

P PopcornPie
Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch

  • _________________________________________________________________________________

    --"NO... WAY... I... DESERVE... IT... WAY... MORE... THAN... THAT... STUPID... BAR... LADY... WHO... LOOKS... LIKE... MY... AUNTIE... BUT... WITHOUT... THE... SEXY... POINTY... EARS... AND... BESIDES... THE... LADY... WHO... GAVE... IT... TO... HER... TECHNICALLY... STOLE... IT... TOO... BECAUSE... SHE... WAS... JUST... A... VOICE... IN... THIGH... WOMAN'S... HEAD... AND... DIDN'T... ASK... HER... HOST'S... PERMISSION... LIKE... A... NICE... VOICE... IN... YOUR... HEAD... SHOULD... SO... IS... IT... REALLY... EVEN... STEALING... IF... IT... WAS... ALREADY... STOLEN... IN... THE... FIRST... PLACE..? NOW... COME... ON... DO... YOU... WANT... TO... GO... HOME... AND... BECOME... MY... BRIDE... AND... BLOWING... SHIT... UP... OR... SHOULD... I... JUST... USE... THAT... SEXY... MAGIC... TO... BECOME... THE... HIGH... QUEEN... OF... THIGHS..."--

    Heather would cock her head and look at Megumin with a deranged smile, her slitted, milky white eyes suddenly lighting up with a violet glow, and her pointed fangs suddenly becoming far more evident as green venom dripped from them. She would speak again using her telepathy, however exclusively to megumin, as her mind was overwhelmed with images of Thighs, Calves, Feet, and all manner of legs and their assorted components. Long legs, short legs, hairy legs, and smooth legs. Heather would ask her a question.

    ̶͇͉͖̳̪̯͓̹̓͠-̶͚͚̫̯͇̻̥̦̏̆-̸̹̩̆"̴̹̊͑̈́̋̇̒̾̀̈́́̑̚̚S̶̟̯̘͚̣͈͎̫͒̋͌́̀́̕͘͜H̷̨͈̤̻̜͇̙̪̠͍̙̋͜A̷̜͎͙͑̚Ļ̴̡͍͚̟͇̖̪̱͙̋͋͋͌̄̔͌͋̕̚͘͝͝L̵̡̛̛͉͉̀̒͛͛̓͂͐̈́̏̇.̷̗̭͎̞̹͙̜͊̀̽̍̇̚ͅ.̵̢̹̫̞̤̟̼̲͈̻͙̉̅.̴̼̺͚̖̞̱̤̤̻̙̫͇͍̈ ̸̮̹͖̹̣̗̮͊̇̏̏͊̀̀̀̎̕͘̚ͅÍ̵̛̛̖̣͙̜̝̪͚͔̤͈͚͖͇̑̂̐̅̐̈͌̕͘.̴͚̟͔̼͙̻̘̩̣̥͍̎̂̀.̵̹͔͎͚̤̙̫͍̥̐́̀̃͌̎̿̕̕.̷̡͙̫̼̪̓̚ ̷͎̅͐̾̍̑̏́̕B̵̧͖͈̞͖̟̙̻̆̂̓́̈́́͌̈́̈́̀̍̈͌͘Ȅ̷̼̘̰̼̓̀̀͒̍̽̈́̎̈́̂͋̚͠͝C̸̢̡̰̯̝̜̾͛͆̀̏͝O̷͕͛͆́̑̀̏͋̌̂̔̋͌̅̀͝M̷̳̼̙̙͕̏Ê̵̮͚̞͈͙͚̭̖͇͙̬̩̆̄̂̅̀͋̏̈̆͆̚ͅ.̸̨̡̠͙̇́̈́̏̏̅̋͑̊̓̈̐̊.̷̧͔̥̗̃.̸̨̡̫̗̳͕͙̫̗͆̔̓͊̇̋̈́̍̏̔̐̈̕͘ͅͅ ̷̡̨̬͈̊̏T̸̨̛͖̱̠̪̣͔̠̖́͛͗͑́̒͂́͑͗͑͌̚H̸̡͖͖̖̱̳̄̏͑̒̕͠͠Ḗ̷̛͖̳̙̦̜̤̳̞͗̆̋́̈̃͑̾͆̃̈.̶̧̛̫͕͎̤̰̹͆̓͋̓͆̍̈́͘̚̕.̵̧̯̿̔͛̂͆̾͆͗̓̍͆̓́̚.̵̨̧̛͕̙̏͒̋̉̉̑͜ ̵͔̇̀̚L̷̡̡͔͉̙̠̙͙̜̼̳̪̪͊̊̀͜͜E̷̢̢̧̹̱̩̦̩͓͍̠̹̙̿̾͗͐̒͜G̷̪͕͙̦͎͎̳͎͖̓̉̒̆̇̕͝ͅ.̷̢͔͍͎̪͎̈̉̎̌͛̊̍͝.̶̢̲͇͍̫͙͉̺̙̰͔̊̋͝.̵̟͒͆̅͝͝ ̷̮̟͗͋͛͂̏̋͒̀̄L̴͔̞͚͚͖̜̮̭͐͂̓̐̓̽̉̐͘͜Ò̷̢̭̱̯̤̘͉̞̪̊̓͝R̷̛̛̫̲̼̼͈̝͔̱̖̎̃͂̓͒̐̿͝͝D̷̗͈̤͓̬̦̣͊̏͂.̴̧̛͖͕̝͔̙̞̞̲̉͋̐́͝.̷̮͉̟̣̭͓̓̂͗͘?̴̨̡̧͖̝̹̰͚̮͕̩̦͎͉̰̈̄̋̔͒̓"̷̨͚̜̜̻̓̇̌̚-̵̨͇̥̱̺̘͓͕͚̜̒͊̓̇-̵̘̬͍͈͔̜̮̩͇̉͗͆̀̂̋̄͝͝

    Megumin got the sense that she really, really didn't want Heather to become whatever the "Leg Lord" is.

"Um...Bride?" Megumin stammered. She hated to crush the enthusiasm of such a clingy kid, but...Um, she kinda sorta...Well, she and Kazuma were already pretty much one step away from lovers. Not to mention how creepily young Heather looked. Sure, Megumin was small and young herself, but that didn't automatically mean she was confident in her ability to guide Heather down the street arm in arm without getting funny glares. Ultimately, she decided to try disregarding the comment as some kind of joke. "So what you're saying is, we have a stolen artifact bouncing around?...Are you certain it isn't cursed?"

Heather suddenly switching to some garbled, demonic language did not help Megumin think otherwise. "W-wow, you really like your legs! Heheheh...Don't harm me, please..."
"Heather... I know you want to get home and get the others home as well, but taking the easy way? Sure, it gets it done faster, but we should do this ourselves without the card, to prove that we don't need to take the easy way out of this fight. Your army can help, but using the wishing card is like cheating. I promise, you and everyone else will all get home, but I think we should do this ourselves without the card. You understand, right?"
Megumin's tone was a little reluctant, but still upbeat. "I must agree. What fun is an adventure if you can simply warp out of it? We can't reap the rewards if we simply leave the dungeon before we see it through! Besides, I want to tell Kazuma all about my solo adventures, he wouldn't be impressed to hear a story where we simply wished ourselves back home!" She would have tacked on that she didn't trust using the card, but, again, she didn't want to hurt Heather's feelings.
Benedict would calmly stare off into space as Megumin screamed at him, he even took the time to catch up on a quick read during her long speech, as well as ponder on his recent stock purchases, were they good? Bad? Ugly? Who knows! Finally, as she let him go, he would look at her
Ah....definitely do not use her.
He would say before walking away towards Julia
I think the witch is quite....delusional.
He would whisper to her
P PopcornPie
LilacMonarch LilacMonarch
You'd think that Benedict would have learned to watch his mouth around Megumin by now, or at least read her expression. Her eye twitched. Her lips were sealed shut. As she seethed, it felt like a gigantic bellow was blowing away at a fire not at all far from the bridge. An orangeish light shone all around. Everyone on the bridge, and possibly in the other areas, gained an aura of fear and the feeling of heat simmering on their backs.

The archwizard took a couple stomps forward, growing in size until she towered over Benedict, while her eyes quite literally ignited. Tsunamis of flame shot up behind her back, and she roared with the might of Godzilla himself,

This wasn't a superpower Megumin typically displayed, of course; She had simply become angry enough to employ basic cartoon/anime physics. Perhaps prolonged exposure to Benedict was having an effect on her.

View attachment 712723
Julia shakes her head at Megumin's suggested solution for avoiding blowing up her allies. "That's...not gonna cut it."

Benedict walks to her and whispers in her ear.

I mean, he's not entirely wrong, but... She thinks to herself, then turns and whispers back. "Not as delusional as you."

P PopcornPie
Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch
Everything momentarily turned off as Megumin, back to her regular size in an eye-blink, shot a confused, questioning glance at Julia. "It won't?" She asked softly. "Then what will? If I just shout out that I'll be using Explosion, the enemy will have time to prepare."
Benedict would look back at Julia,
Ah....one could could say delusional is simply one knowing the truth when others deem it not.
This was a very good point...in fact it was such a good point that Megumin agreed, shouting with praise and excitement as a warm heat of happiness made his cold hard back feel fuzzy and warm again
AH! YES! Indeed, you are quite delusional! I wonder exactly....what that means.....what do you think it means....ah, I feel like a great friendship is blossoming.
Benedict would then toss a “Them” card at Megumin before speaking to Moze
Madam Megumin and I shall handle the explosive distraction....ah....it’ll be quite an explosive shot synonym word:
LilacMonarch LilacMonarch
P PopcornPie
CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow
Fluffington the Mighty stretches and lightly hops from Nearl's head to her shoulder. "Maybe I shouldn't be up here, just in case the wound re-opens." The Eevee yawns and smacks her lips. "We probably should go to the meeting, just in case something dumb is happening, like they start listening to the mean people and make all of the wrong choices."
Riven Riven CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow
Grey just looks at Captain Falcon in disappointment.


"That is a terrible idea."

He also glares at Benedict.

"Yeah. Try that. See what happens." he taunts with a hint of annoyance.

Moze Casual.gif

Moze shakes her head at Megumin. "The people of Aegina aren't like us on Pandora. They've got running water, working electricity, cars without guns, real education. Pretty much everything someone on Pandora can wish for. Making you guys look dirty would just make you stick out." She then looks over at Venus and Tanya. "Although, with you two around, we can conjure up any disguise and make it look good. So, if the going gets tough, you guys have distraction duty."

Zane steps up. "Julia's got a good idea. If there's really a tunnel system below Aegina and we need to escort our CEO friend, it's prob'ly best we go in and out from those tunnels. Soon as we get detected, they'll be shuttin' down everythin' above ground. Buuut, with a big enough distraction, we might be able to enter from one of the surface exits and escape from another," he says, glancing at Lightning. "But with Julia's psychic shite, there's no need to turn this into an escort mission."

"Ops like this need a fast extraction. Every second you spend out in the field after it starts is another second you're being hunted," Axton cuts in, looking over at Minako. "Having a few smaller ships to escape could work, but bringing Sanctuary's outta the question. Too big a target. We'll get shot out of the sky." He looks over at the strangely dressed man and his floating robot, both of whom have kept silent this whole meeting. "Ghost, got any solutions? You can do that teleporting thing, right?"

Ghost Idle.gif

The floating robot comes forward, speaking in a male voice. "Actually, I can only Transmat my own Guardian, and that's because I was able to reverse-engineer some of your own Digistructing technology and communication networks to create my own Orbital Grid within this galaxy. It's primitive and takes a lot longer than it normally does, so a fast extraction will be impossible." The small bot floats towards Kirby and turns to you all. "May I suggest his methods instead?"

"Ha ha! A bloody shootin' star! This really does feel like an Eridium high," Zane laughs.

"If we end up escaping above ground, we'll need you guys to create the biggest distraction you can possibly make. Without proper cover, we're gonna be sent crashing as soon as we try to escape Aegina's perimeter," Moze informs you all, speaking mostly to David, Megumin, and Benedict. "But there's something I forgot to mention..."

Then, Grey hears Samael's proposal.


"Wait a second! You want to kill everyone there?! In the middle of the city where we'll all be found out?! Won't that label us as terrorists?!"

"Yeah, I was just about to mention that. As much as I'd love to relive the days where we were kicking corporate ass loud and proud, Tediore is known for having relations to pretty much every other major corporation this side of the galaxy. Ever since a few months ago, they've invested in stocks and deals with Maliwan, Hyperion, my former comrades at Vladof, even Torgue. Some sort of plan to 'establish a sense of unity and encourage cooperation between the only companies that can supply you with protection.' That means that if we're found out, their shareholders might not be too happy with us breaking in and going after their CEO kissass."

"How quaintly put."

"I'm likin' Sammy's style, though!"

"Copy that."

"High levels of violence have been shown to increase dopamine output in 98.9% of Crimson Raider units."

"Vault Hunting is not a subtle occupation."


"Wait, so you're all going to agree to him?! Even when we already have another plan?!"

"Take it easy, Grey. We're just... reminiscing on our old operations," Moze reassures him. "A mission this critical does demand stealth, so we're going to go with our little revolution plan. But, if push comes to shove- and it always does- don't be afraid to empty your mags in whoever's trying to catch you."

FL4K looks over at Zora as some of his pets come up to her and sniff her. "It appears you are heavily impaired. I highly suggest you do not ingest as much alcohol on the day we arrive."

Zane comes over to Tsukasa again. "Maybe not yet, boyo. Long as they aren't coming after us, it's best we don't attract any more attention. 'specially from corporations we don't know shite about."

"Anyway, we should wrap this meeting up. Our travel plan'll have us moving through hyperspace for another week, so that gives us plenty of time to arrange more plans and gather more info from our recon. Anyone got any last comments?"

"Yeah, I do. Any of you punks try shocking me again and I'm ordering every single fuckin' Crimson Raider to stomp your shit out."

As for those who went down to Crazy Earl's backroom door in the storage bay...

It takes a while, but Skye would finally be able to hear someone on the other side of the door.


An ugly man slides open the slot on the door, his face the only thing visible, and with so much teeth missing, his insane eyes, his bandaged nose, and his weird moustache, I highly doubt you'd want to see the rest of him.



Okay, this might be hard.

After you'd all gotten settled, BALEX uses some colorful vocabulary to tell you that the ship is jumping into light speed (apparently, as you're all informed, is actually much faster than light as you'll be crossing virtually the entire galaxy). After everyone on the ship has gotten settled, Tonio, Moxxi, Ellie, all the Raiders, and especially you, you make your very first jump into hyperspace. Surprisingly, the initial acceleration isn't all that bad; it feels just like when you accelerated out of orbit back on Pandora, just a jarring jolt and then, the stars and space around you had bent until all you could look at was a field of white. You might miss looking at the depths of the universe, or maybe you might not. Regardless, light speed cruising is apparently really, really casual for Sanctuary, and things continue as normal on your way to the city named Aegina, in a valley called New Eridian Valley surrounded by mountain ranges, on a planet Moze tells you is named 'Argus-27.' Other, smaller ships of various shapes join you in hyperspace every few days until you're a whole small fleet. The Raiders tell you that they're on the same side as you, so at least you don't have to worry about any faster-than-light space fights. Yet.

A week goes by. The Crimson Raiders have supplied you with some fairly clean bathrooms and other materials, which is definitely a step up from Pandora's bleak outlook. If you, in this timespan, ever went to go check on the lower parts of the ship where the barracks containing the footsoldiers of the Raiders, you'd find less desirable living conditions, though they're definitely still better than the crapfest of a planet you were just on. Compared to them, you might as well be living in luxury. No wonder some of the Raiders would look at you with jealousy... when they weren't looking at you out of amazement, of course.

If you were able to convince Crazy Earl into somehow giving up the Eridium (most likely through giving up something really, really damn valuable and shiny- like Lucky's J-A-D-E), Skye would now have access to it. Oh, and, David's Eridium would enable you to buy some sweet, personalized weapons and shields, which I highly recommend you get. Seriously, try it.

At least one meeting is called a day on your way to Argus-27, and of course, attendance is option for you all (though really, you should be attending them, as I hope Fluffington is.) Through them, you find out several very, VERY important facts, established by the recon team's findings and relayed by none other than Moze herself.


Ribcage's disappearance did not go unnoticed. However, comfortingly, all of the surviving Bandits were apparently hysterical about your raid on Steele's Holdout and could barely get any details out that would lead to identifying you. Being from other universes makes it no easier. The most intelligible account was written by a Bandit by the name of "Larry the Literate" and apparently became a popular document all around the galaxy in the span of just a few days and lead to the creation of several urban legends. An excerpt follows:

"i didn't see those technicals at first but i heard them. i saw the guards with guns get blown apart and fall off the walls as body parts scattered everywhere i couldn't see anything but blood. i saw a spirit of vengeance with spectral blades and i saw monsters come through the wall and they blurred the line between reality and imagination i still don't know if they really existed. there was thunder and lightning in many shapes i didn't know what it was..."

When Moze read that, all she could say was, 'wow.'


A tunnel system DOES in fact lie beneath the city, and it is used avidly by the various criminal organizations hiding from the local government. Some of them are abandoned maintenance tunnels, but the majority are intended for sewage. A few manholes lead right into the courtyard of the HQ, which gives you a pretty good way of entry and exit... as long as the guards are distracted. However, the recon team has warned of various creatures and Mutants that lurk in the depths of the sewage, so getting there might be an issue.


Unlike Steele's Settlement, there are anti-air guns along the perimeter of this Aegina city. That means you'll have to land outside the perimeter and trek from the mountain ranges nearby into the valley where Aegina lies. The 'Ghost' informed you that the stealth modules installed on the small fleet of other Crimson Raider ships (most of the pilots coming from all across the multiverse) will only do so much to get you near the city; Aegina is known for being quite advanced in defense thanks to contributors from Dahl.


Lightning, I'm sorry, but either Rev is a snitch or you smell funny. Because for some odd reason, things get rather tense whenever a Crimson Raider spots you now, and there have been whispers about your relations to SCP-079.


Apparently, Tediore is fairly tight with other corporations. That means you'll certainly be hunted by them should you get caught, and that'll present a whole new palette of issues to tackle. If you do get caught and Tediore did happen to have the location of the Nuclear Throne that you managed to snag... well... you might, MIGHT just be chased.


The recon team picked up a few conspiracy theories about Tediore being in kahoots with a 'Brother Eye' of sorts. People a step further underground than the criminal organizations that keep tabs on citizens. It's all just rumors, though...



Unity between Mutants and people in this city holds large precedence in day-to-day lives. The recon team has shown videos of Mutants being controlled by these Tediore-brand metal devices similar to the ones FL4K attached to his pets, and most people keep them around as pets or guardians. There may or may not be a center that manages these mind control devices, and if you destroy that... well, that might be one of the best distractions you can get. According to Moze, Mutants and people don't get along all that often (present company excluded).


More rumors have talked about the CEO of Tediore and his brother have had trouble reaching mutual understanding on several things. This may or may not be related to the previous fact; just food for thought.



Ian and Zane spoke to a fellow named Rhys at one of your meetings. He's the CEO of Atlas and has a cool moustache. He's an ally to the Crimson Raiders and doesn't like Tediore. He says that almost every corporation knows a little bit about the Nuclear Throne, though once again, only through rumors which are quickly dismissed by the executives every single time. Perhaps if you were to confirm these suspicions by somehow broadcasting proof of this Nuclear Throne, and its supposed power that's being hogged to Tediore and Tediore alone... maybe you can shake things up and give yourself a REALLY good distraction...

Ghost is willing to help with that.


You'll be being joined by several other Raiders, such as Alfa, Ian, Mr. Red, Fish, a friend of his named Crystal, Phoenix-2, and a few other contacts Moze has kept a secret. Oh, and the leader herself is coming along.


Telepathic communication, of course, will be preferred, and in the case that you're unable to, for some odd reason, codenames will be required. Better choose one wisely now.


The gangs underneath the city have formed out of spite for Tediore's noticeable creep into other corporations and their presence in the city, with almost every single major local producer being sponsored in some way by them. A lot of this led to fear of corruption, thus bringing the state of the criminal underworld to where it is now. It certainly wasn't helped by the state of poverty some people on the outskirts of the city are in. Perhaps you can use this to your advantage.


The voice heard in the ECHO Log and in Ribcage's extracted memories belongs to the CEO's brother, Kyle Smith, rather than the CEO, Evan Smith. Kyle's was previously hired as an executive with some roles in accounting and public relations, though his general location on the corporate ladder was generally guessed to be only halfway up, thus cutting down on the amount of rumors that he's a powerful co-leader only brought in as a result of nepotism.


Theories suggest that some small companies in the city hide more sentient Mutants such as Fish and Horror, held captive against their will. They could prove useful to you in your endeavor of stirring up an uprising.


One of you (or a few of you at the same time? All of you??), somehow, found an ECHO Log aboard the ship. It says "moons SUCK" when played back.

Oh, and Eric found the bathrooms on time. Thankfully. They're scattered all around the ship, just in case... you guys like... need that info.

Well, after that long week and large info dump, Moze gathers every one of her close allies up for another meeting, you all included, and warns the whole ship that you're getting close to your destination and that Sanctuary will finally be coming out of hyperspace. A short preparation ensues, just like last time, before the ship decelerates, jolting you forward, and space appears once again.

And in front of you...


...is the Earthlike planet of Argus-27, with a large ocean and many great lakes scattered between the continents. But of course, you're much closer- only just a couple hundred miles above atmosphere, giving you a much more detailed view of the planet. On the dark side of the planet's surface below, you can see several lights illuminating the surface, indicating a large presence of major cities. One of those must be your target.

"There she is," Moze says proudly.

"That is..."


The door to the room slides open, and a few sets footsteps can be heard. Mr. Red, Alfa, Ghost, and Phoenix-2, now clad in different, much fancier brown and white armor step through. Alfa plants his sword in the ground and leans on it like a cane.

"Oh hell yeah. That's good wallpaper material."

"Your optimism is highly appreciated, Mr. Red," Ghost says.

"No prob, little guy."

"That's a wide-arse ocean. Hey, pirate fellas. Imagine sailin' on that," Zane calls to Abbott and Voss... if they're there, of course.

"Phoenix? That's some nice new get-up," Eric smiles. The Guardian silently nods his head as thanks.

"Alright, listen up." Moze turns to all of you. "This is it. We're diving feet first into a clearing in the Sierra Aegina mountain range, about 150 miles east of the city. That's a long trek, but it's our safest bet of not being shot down the moment we get close. From there, some of our recon team's gonna be waiting with the fastest Outrunners available."

"Ah built those," Ellie says proudly.

"They'll be taking you down the rural roads into Aegina. From there, they'll be helping you sneak in. Once you're in, you'll be meeting some of the criminal pals they've already befriended. It's not much, but it's a start. And if one of them starts giving you trouble? Blast 'em."

"We will do the job if none of you are willing to," FL4K reassures all of you who are squeamish in the worst way possible.

"We've had a whole week of planning. This is where it all pays off."

"Everyone ready for entry?"

At some point, you'll have to say yes. And when enough of you do, Moze lifts her head up.

"Take it away, BALEX."

"Aight. This is gonna be pretty much the same shit, though it'll be easier on you bitches 'cause we don't have to worry about reaching escape velocity this time around. But you'd still better hang onto something if you can't handle a few little fuckin' bumps."

With that, BALEX maneuvers Sanctuary and flies it gently down into the atmosphere, past the clouds and leaving the stars just another image in the now-definitely-night sky. The tilt of the ship during the slow dive doesn't affect you; Sanctuary's artificial gravity is to thank for that. As such, you're able to enjoy the view of the beautiful mountain ranges, the green fields below you, the scattered farms and small stations between the winding paved roads, and the big, lively city in the distance, glimmering with blue and red lights...


The mountains get closer, and finally, a large field- probably the size of two football fields (I'm not telling you which kind of football) in the middle of two of the titans comes into view, with a couple of very small looking cars down in the middle. Sanctuary's engines rotate, allowing it to descend softly into the clearing alongside the other, smaller ships, and its landing gear whirrs and protrude as it touches down with a gentle touch.

"You'd better have fuckin' survived that."

"I think you could've made it a little bit more exciting," Grey smirks.

"That was fine," Eric mumbles.

"Hey, back when we were fightin' those Calypso shiteheads, we had to come down to planets in drop pods."

"An experience I never hope to relive."


"Probably for the better, Sal." Moze then smiles at all of you. "Let's go introduce you to our recon team."

Moze guides you down to the boarding area of the ship. The ramp opens, allowing you to step down onto actual ground and breathe fresh freaking air. Finally.

One of the men next to the nearby cars that look like the buggy Outrunners the Bandits drove back in Skull's Settlement except without weapons and with more seats (extremely similar to what Abraham, Lucky, and David rode in, in fact) approaches you all. He's certainly a peculiar sight- a tall man, he's covered head to toe in body armor and a helmet that obscures his face. He holds numerous guns on his person and an impressive looking sword on his back. He's almost like some kind of futuristic space ninja... and for some reason, he only has four strangely slender fingers.


"I've heard the stories. / Your achievements impress me. / Tediore will fall."

^their chances of surviving!^

Cast List
Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- as Captain Falcon (F-Zero) and The Tom Tom Gang (Blinx)
2Bornot2B 2Bornot2B as Tanya Degurechaff (The Saga of Tanya the Evil)
DapperDogman DapperDogman as Jason "Blast Radius" Cooper (OC)
GeorgeTownRaja GeorgeTownRaja as Tsukasa Kadoya (Kamen Rider Decade) and Naoto "Tiger Mask" Azuma (Tiger Mask W)
RedLight RedLight as Oswald the Lucky Rabbit (Oswald the Lucky Rabbit)
TruthHurts_22 TruthHurts_22 as Phoenix Wright (Ace Attorney) and Zora (Epithet Erased)
Gundam Watcher 27 Gundam Watcher 27 as Chimera (A Certain Scientific Railgun/Accelerator OC)
SpaceRavens03 SpaceRavens03 as GN-001 Exia (Gundam Extreme VS OC) and Kazuto "Kirito" Kirigaya (Sword Art Online)
Ineptitude Ineptitude as Shaw (Arknights)
TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher as Elizabeth (Bioshock: Infinite) and Sky Rose (Borderlands OC)
P PopcornPie as Lucky O'Chopper (Whacked!) and Megumin (Konosuba)
DerpyCarp DerpyCarp as Fluffington the Mighty (Pokemon OC)
Yamperzzz Yamperzzz as Voss Eierkuchen and Abbott Calderon (Tembo the Badass Elephant OCs)
Critic Ham Critic Ham as Olivia Silence and Saria (Arknights)
Riven Riven as Nearl (Arknights)
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore as Rocket Raccoon (Guardians of the Galaxy) and Trevor Philips (Grand Theft Auto V)
ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials as Lilith (OC) and Kirby (Kirby's Dreamland)
Thepotatogod Thepotatogod as Minako Arisato (Persona 3 Portable) and Kintaros (Kamen Rider Den-O)
Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara as Lana (Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon OC)
LilacMonarch LilacMonarch as Julia Thani and Natasha Thani (Pokémon Mystery Dungeon OCs)
Chungchangching Chungchangching as Tom (Tom & Jerry) and Jerry (Tom & Jerry)
BoltBeam BoltBeam as Lightning AKA Light Ignis (Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS)
quadraxis201 quadraxis201 as Ryuji Kazan (Danganronpa OC)
Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch as himself
PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss as Anna (Once Upon A Time OC) and Ripper (Jurassic World)
Dragonlord318 Dragonlord318 as David Listman (My Hero Academia OC)
darkred darkred as Aloy (Horizon Dawn Zero) and John "Bear" Connor (Terminator Genisys)
FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla as Edward "The Doctor" Richtofen (Call of Duty: Black Ops Zombies) and Claptrap/Fragtrap (Borderlands, NPC)
GearBlade654 GearBlade654 as Festung-17 (Destiny 2 OC)
FactionParadox FactionParadox as Yoshikage Kira (JJBA Part 4: Diamond is Unbreakable)
@Son of Horus as Mrakus Malicius (Horus Heresy OC)
Martydi Martydi as Scott Baker (Planetside OC)
Sir Skrubbins Sir Skrubbins as The Medic (Team Fortress 2)
QizPizza QizPizza as Delsausa SERAPH-099 Samael (OC)
StaidFoal StaidFoal as Vera "Granny Rags" Moray (Dishonored)
Crow Crow as Benjamin Kirby "Ben" Tennyson (Ben 10) and "Doctor" (Arknights)
Smug Smug as Jacket (Hotline Miami/Payday 2)
Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun as Pahw'lip Stiwyll (OC)
Stikes Stikes as Izabela Dybas and『KAWAII RAZOR BLADES』(JoJo's Bizarre Adventure OC)
92MilesPrower 92MilesPrower as Deadpool (Marvel)
Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts as Danielle Fenton (Danny Phantom) and Sora (Kingdom Hearts)
Venom Snake Venom Snake as Solid Snake (Metal Gear)
ManyFaces ManyFaces as The Son and The Henchman (Hotline Miami 2)
jigglesworth jigglesworth as Captain John Price (Call of Duty: Modern Warfare)
Space Buddha Space Buddha as Heather Sagewind (OC)
Hundesteak :3 Hundesteak :3 as Nagisa Shiota (Assassination Classroom)
FoolsErin FoolsErin as Garnet (Steven Universe)

oh yeah this is where i found the ghost gif!
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Benedict would nod as the distraction idea was agreed on by moze, and during the next week would actually be very useful in planning the perfect distraction,
Ah, I miss planning out corporate sabotage.
Benedict was very stuck on the idea of letting all the mutants on the planet free, it seemed like the most effective and interesting way to lead others away from the extraction team...especially if their relations to the locals were already sour
Fish and horror....noted Moze.....ah, I think this plan will be most effective...I’ll keep an eye out.
Then the week was over, and it was time for the mission to begin, Benedict would grab his lucky umbrella until they landed and everyone else got out.
Ah.....Josh, time for the mission to begin, I demand that this....entire planet is remodeled, look at this....empty space is not good for corporate invasion no sir.....
Benedict would then proceed to write out a ticket as he approached zero, once he said how impressive the team was he would try to slap if on his chest
Ah! You thought I wouldn’t notice ninja man....but....I did....empty space is a bad place I always say....for business.
CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow
@ anyone else​
CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow

David stepped out onto the grass, looking at the new, imposing figures all around him. To one not accustomed to such things, they would be intimidated. To one without power to match, they would be intimidated.

He was neither.

As the #3 Pro Hero on his planet (technically #1 because he controlled the #1 hero, Assembleo, remotely. "He" was a metal mannequin controlled by David/Manipulator's Grab technique), he feared no-one.

"Captain," he addressed Moze, "I will not be riding along. I will be outside of the vehicles, alongside you as I provide perimeter security. Also," he tossed Moze a metal Capsule, "In there are several dozen sound capsules made of compressed air. Simply whisper into it and say the name of the location and/or person you want to hear the message. It will travel at subsonic speed until it reaches its destination and relay the message. It is an effective immediate short-range communications device, and an effective telegram device at more than two miles. It travels at one mile per hour under the speed of sound, or 1 mile per 4.8 seconds, two miles at 9.6 seconds and so-on. I have several more ready to distribute, should you request them."

He took a breath in and looked up at the night sky. "There is a catch. You can only send the Capsules to people or places you've been within five feet of. It cannot go where or to whom you've not been at or with. For instance, if I am on the other side of the planet, regardless whether you've been there or not, you can send a person-to-person, or P2P Capsule to me. If you know someone only by phone/video on the other side of the planet, you will not be able to transmit it. If you want to send a message to a group at Skull's Settlement, you would have had to visit the settlement so you can release the capsule for all to hear.

"If you send a P2P to a person, only that person will hear it, as it will release the sound inside the ear at an acceptable volume. No-one else will hear the message. If you want a group to hear it, you'll want to send it to at least a 10x10 room, and at most a small, enclosed sports arena. You can send the P2P to multiple individuals as fast as you can say their names.

"This is how you transmit."
He pulled one out and spoke, "Prepare transmission for Moze, BALEX and Ghost." He whispered something, then said, "Send Transmission." All three would hear this message, though in whispered sound, loud and clear in a comfortable volume a split second later, as they were all in close proximity, "Moze is awesome. She's probably a beautiful, strong woman under all that armor."

With that, David gave a brief smile and nod, then flew up and around the perimeter to ensure their security. He looked at Aegina and memorized as much of the air signature around them and within the city walls as possible in the short time they had before setting out.
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Lightning, the Light Ignis

The Siege's Beginning

Zane steps up. "Julia's got a good idea. If there's really a tunnel system below Aegina and we need to escort our CEO friend, it's prob'ly best we go in and out from those tunnels. Soon as we get detected, they'll be shuttin' down everythin' above ground. Buuut, with a big enough distraction, we might be able to enter from one of the surface exits and escape from another," he says, glancing at Lightning. "But with Julia's psychic shite, there's no need to turn this into an escort mission."
Lightning nodded in response, seeming to understand. That essentially subverts a whole host of matters, for better or worse, though in this case it is probably for the better. Lightning wouldn't have time or thoughts to muster anything else for the entire time, 'until' the end came around.
"Anyway, we should wrap this meeting up. Our travel plan'll have us moving through hyperspace for another week, so that gives us plenty of time to arrange more plans and gather more info from our recon. Anyone got any last comments?"

"Yeah, I do. Any of you punks try shocking me again and I'm ordering every single fuckin' Crimson Raider to stomp your shit out."
Lightning would restrain a laugh at BALEX's comment and then shook his head. "Now wouldn't that be funny." Lightning quipped in a half-joking tone, but also a half-serious tone; as whatever BALEX says can be serious 'and' not serious at the same time, so you have no idea what to expect. Apart from that though, no more was spoken by Lightning, and as everyone else would most likely leave, as did Lightning.
After you'd all gotten settled, BALEX uses some colorful vocabulary to tell you that the ship is jumping into light speed (apparently, as you're all informed, is actually much faster than light as you'll be crossing virtually the entire galaxy). After everyone on the ship has gotten settled, Tonio, Moxxi, Ellie, all the Raiders, and especially you, you make your very first jump into hyperspace. Surprisingly, the initial acceleration isn't all that bad; it feels just like when you accelerated out of orbit back on Pandora, just a jarring jolt and then, the stars and space around you had bent until all you could look at was a field of white. You might miss looking at the depths of the universe, or maybe you might not. Regardless, light speed cruising is apparently really, really casual for Sanctuary, and things continue as normal on your way to the city named Aegina, in a valley called New Eridian Valley surrounded by mountain ranges, on a planet Moze tells you is named 'Argus-27.' Other, smaller ships of various shapes join you in hyperspace every few days until you're a whole small fleet. The Raiders tell you that they're on the same side as you, so at least you don't have to worry about any faster-than-light space fights. Yet.

A week goes by. The Crimson Raiders have supplied you with some fairly clean bathrooms and other materials, which is definitely a step up from Pandora's bleak outlook. If you, in this timespan, ever went to go check on the lower parts of the ship where the barracks containing the footsoldiers of the Raiders, you'd find less desirable living conditions, though they're definitely still better than the crapfest of a planet you were just on. Compared to them, you might as well be living in luxury. No wonder some of the Raiders would look at you with jealousy... when they weren't looking at you out of amazement, of course.

If you were able to convince Crazy Earl into somehow giving up the Eridium (most likely through giving up something really, really damn valuable and shiny- like Lucky's J-A-D-E), Skye would now have access to it. Oh, and, David's Eridium would enable you to buy some sweet, personalized weapons and shields, which I highly recommend you get. Seriously, try it.

At least one meeting is called a day on your way to Argus-27, and of course, attendance is option for you all (though really, you should be attending them, as I hope Fluffington is.) Through them, you find out several very, VERY important facts, established by the recon team's findings and relayed by none other than Moze herself.
Lightning would often attend to these every so often, but there was the odd few he doesn't attend to - though most of it is in fact important information, the only meetings Lightning skipped out on were 5, 8, 12 and 13 - so anything amid those is beyond his knowledge.
Lightning, I'm sorry, but either Rev is a snitch or you smell funny. Because for some odd reason, things get rather tense whenever a Crimson Raider spots you now, and there have been whispers about your relations to SCP-079.
At the knowledge of his relations being leaked, Lightning now knows Rev has taken action and spread rumours. The Ignis is a fair bit angered and knows who did it, but thanks to agreeing with Exidy to not harm the Crimson Raiders, Lightning cannot act upon his fury. 'Curses!' Lightning thought to himself. 'I am bound by words to leave you unharmed. If I was not, perhaps I would have and made it worse.' Lightning tried to pick up his mood in his thoughts some more, but yet all that remained despite his 'pick ups' was mostly anger.
"Alright, listen up." Moze turns to all of you. "This is it. We're diving feet first into a clearing in the Sierra Aegina mountain range, about 150 miles east of the city. That's a long trek, but it's our safest bet of not being shot down the moment we get close. From there, some of our recon team's gonna be waiting with the fastest Outrunners available."

"Ah built those," Ellie says proudly.

"They'll be taking you down the rural roads into Aegina. From there, they'll be helping you sneak in. Once you're in, you'll be meeting some of the criminal pals they've already befriended. It's not much, but it's a start. And if one of them starts giving you trouble? Blast 'em."

"We will do the job if none of you are willing to," FL4K reassures all of you who are squeamish in the worst way possible.

"We've had a whole week of planning. This is where it all pays off."

"Everyone ready for entry?"

At some point, you'll have to say yes. And when enough of you do, Moze lifts her head up.

"Take it away, BALEX."

"Aight. This is gonna be pretty much the same shit, though it'll be easier on you bitches 'cause we don't have to worry about reaching escape velocity this time around. But you'd still better hang onto something if you can't handle a few little fuckin' bumps."

With that, BALEX maneuvers Sanctuary and flies it gently down into the atmosphere, past the clouds and leaving the stars just another image in the now-definitely-night sky. The tilt of the ship during the slow dive doesn't affect you; Sanctuary's artificial gravity is to thank for that. As such, you're able to enjoy the view of the beautiful mountain ranges, the green fields below you, the scattered farms and small stations between the winding paved roads, and the big, lively city in the distance, glimmering with blue and red lights...


The mountains get closer, and finally, a large field- probably the size of two football fields (I'm not telling you which kind of football) in the middle of two of the titans comes into view, with a couple of very small looking cars down in the middle. Sanctuary's engines rotate, allowing it to descend softly into the clearing alongside the other, smaller ships, and its landing gear whirrs and protrude as it touches down with a gentle touch.

"You'd better have fuckin' survived that."
Lightning was one among the group who said 'yes' in response to Moze and listened in to BALEX afterwards. And - bumps? Before Lightning could even think or react enough, one could see the Duel Disk and him inside just get launched around Sanctuary until it would stop the motions and Lightning stretched out. "I did not expect that at all..." Lightning admitted meekly in the back as he would manage to see himself enough strength to rise.
Moze then smiles at all of you. "Let's go introduce you to our recon team."

Moze guides you down to the boarding area of the ship. The ramp opens, allowing you to step down onto actual ground and breathe fresh freaking air. Finally.

One of the men next to the nearby cars that look like the buggy Outrunners the Bandits drove back in Skull's Settlement except without weapons and with more seats (extremely similar to what Abraham, Lucky, and David rode in, in fact) approaches you all. He's certainly a peculiar sight- a tall man, he's covered head to toe in body armor and a helmet that obscures his face. He holds numerous guns on his person and an impressive looking sword on his back. He's almost like some kind of futuristic space ninja... and for some reason, he only has four strangely slender fingers.


"I've heard the stories. / Your achievements impress me. / Tediore will fall."
Another robot. Nice. Lightning would simply just relax and recover on the ground, making sure his weapons were loaded before doing anything else - the first of which being looking at this man and shrugging it off. All Lightning was aware of at this point, he should be trying to decide which group to lump himself with in this operation - because right now, he does not know at all, and is in visible thought.
Character Information
Link to CS: Here!
Hex Code: #F7DA64
Status (physically): Moderately injured (the bumps)​
Status (mentally/emotionally): In thought, calm (previously angered)​
Powers: A.I abilities, monster summoning/spell card magic/trap card magic​
Items: Duel Disk (grants monster summoning, spell card magic and trap card magic), an SMG (being held), $350 (stored in Duel Disk), Hyperion sniper rifle (ammo included)​
This is where all of Lightning's obtained cards are! For more information, refer to his original CS!

He will be granted more cards each passing chapter, as implied above - but by the end, he will have 'everything' at his disposal.

Listed 'per chapter' as to what he has - the most recent one will always be at the top.

As of Chapter 3's posting, this is COMPLETE! Lightning has every card at his disposal from here on out. As a result, this section will no longer see any future changes in the future chapters.
Chapter 3

Main Deck Monsters

Armatos Legio Galea
Armatos Legio Gladius
Armatos Legio Magica Alcum
Armatos Legio Scutum
Armatos Legio Sica
Armatos Legio Segmentata
Armatos Legio Speculata
Armatos Colosseum
Armatos Lex
Armatos Fulgur
Armatos Replacement
Judgmenet Arrows
Judgment Sword
Armatos Gloria
Extra Deck
Armatos Legio Centurion
Armatos Legio Decurion
Armatos Legio Eques Flamma
Armatos Legio Legatus Legionis
Armatos Legio Magnus Dux
Armatos Legio Pilus Prior
Armatos Legio Primi Ordines
Armatos Legio Tribinus Militum
Chapter 2
Main Deck Monsters

Armatos Legio Galea
Armatos Legio Gladius
Armatos Legio Magica Alcum
Armatos Legio Scutum
Armatos Legio Sica
Armatos Legio Speculata
Armatos Colosseum
Armatos Lex
Armatos Fulgur
Armatos Replacement
Judgmenet Arrows
Extra Deck
Armatos Legio Centurion
Armatos Legio Decurion
Armatos Legio Eques Flamma
Armatos Legio Legatus Legionis
Armatos Legio Pilus Prior
Armatos Legio Primi Ordines
Chapter 1
Main Deck Monsters

Armatos Legio Galea
Armatos Legio Magica Alcum
Armatos Legio Scutum
Armatos Legio Sica
Armatos Lex
Armatos Fulgur
Armatos Replacement
Judgmenet Arrows
Extra Deck
Armatos Legio Centurion
Armatos Legio Decurion
Armatos Legio Eques Flamma
Armatos Legio Legatus Legionis
Armatos Legio Pilus Prior
Armatos Legio Plumbum Trident
Armatos Legio Primi Ordines
Main Deck Monsters

Armatos Legio Galea
Armatos Legio Scutum
Armatos Legio Sica
Armatos Fulgur
Armatos Lex
Extra Deck
Armatos Legio Decurion
Armatos Legio Eques Flamma
Skills/Abilities: Mastermind, technology wizard​
Course of action: Waiting and listening, trying to recover.​
RP Information
Location: Argus-27​
Interactions: CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow
Mentions: None​
Nearby/In Group: (Everyone?)​
Scott Baker

Scott walked out of the Sanctuary and looked around. Whereas the deserts of Pandora reminded him of Indar back home, looking over this scenery brought memories of Amerish. Hearing David talk about the sound capsules, auraxian spoke up. "Let's hold off with giving those out for a bit. We should decide what to do first, and make sure every team, however we want to proceed, has one." he paused for a second before continuing "How loud are those things when you speak to a certain person, actually? If we call someone while they are trying to avoid detection, we might put that someone in danger."

Dragonlord318 Dragonlord318 - David
F-Zero_-_Captain_Falcon_as_seen_in_F-Zero_GX_and_F-Zero_AX.pngCaptain Falcon folds his arms "A terible idea, huh? Was that what your dad told your mother when she said she wanted a kid? Hmmm?" Falcons pauses for a moment "Dang... That was cold..." Falcon pats Grey's head "I'm sorry little furry thing, I didn't mean to go that far. I tend to get real salty when I'm upset."
CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow
Ryuji Kazan

"Thank you, Elizabeth. But, as for who I'm gonna ask for help, I'm not--" Ryuji was cut off as BALEX announced that Sanctuary would be going light-speed. "...actually, I suppose that will have to wait. I don't suppose opening a 'Tear' would do Sanctuary much justice when Sanctuary's already giving physics the middle finger. Seems like we're off on our next mission, then."

A week later (during which Ryuji made sure to clean the Bandit blood off of his person)...

Sanctuary III had entered Argus-27's atmosphere, and touched down in a plain amidst a mountain range. Ryuji followed Moze and the others down to the boarding ramp, and upon stepping outside, he was greeted by fresh mountain air and the light scent of grass.

In the distance he could see Aegina and its many vibrant lights. "Geez... and I thought Akihabara was flashy."

Then, a tall man clad in armor with a multitude of guns and a sci-fi-looking katana approached the group. And, was he speaking in... haiku?

Whoever he was, he was evidently part of the recon team, and so Ryuji gave him a nod and introduced himself. "Ryuji Kazan, Ultimate Pyrotechnician."

Though, of course, Ryuji could only think:

/Holy shit, I've found the 'Ultimate Ninja'./​

TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher
CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow
(Open for Interactions)
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Scott Baker

Scott walked out of the Sanctuary and looked around. Whereas the deserts of Pandora reminded him of Indar back home, looking over this scenery brought memories of Amerish. Hearing David talk about the sound capsules, auraxian spoke up. "Let's hold off with giving those out for a bit. We should decide what to do first, and make sure every team, however we want to proceed, has one." he paused for a second before continuing "How loud are those things when you speak to a certain person, actually? If we call someone while they are trying to avoid detection, we might put that someone in danger."

Dragonlord318 Dragonlord318 - David
David saw and heard the mercenary, then flew back to where he was standing, coming to a soft landing on the grass. He nodded in appreciation of his vigilance. "The sound, as I said, is released inside the ear, and only the person who is receiving it can hear it. No-one - outside of someone directing a sonar-detection device directly at the eardrum of that specific person at that specific time - will hear it. Also, the distribution will be at the Captain's direction, as I'm sure she has the wisdom and experience to know best how to handle this situation. It is most likely not wise to distribute without proper training. Having two teams communicate that are several miles apart in this situation would be counter-intuitive, as the need for immediate information is high.

"Also, You are not aware, but I just sent a message through a
Capsule to the Captain, her Ghost and BALEX. Based on your question, I can deduce that you heard none, despite being in close proximity to all three. I hope that satisfies your worry. And I do appreciate your concern. I would rather be with one who wishes to validate me rather than one who follows blindly."
Lilith and Kirby
Lilith and Kirby followed the others to the futuristic like city as they were thinking about Kirby's plan, soon they were greeted by a futuristic space ninja, Kirby waves over to him with a big smile like he usually greets people. Lilith introduces herself with her fake name along with the pink puffball. "Hey, my name's Ribbon and this is Kirby, don't worry he's friendly."

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow (Zero)
Benedict would look back at Julia,
Ah....one could could say delusional is simply one knowing the truth when others deem it not.
This was a very good point...in fact it was such a good point that Megumin agreed, shouting with praise and excitement as a warm heat of happiness made his cold hard back feel fuzzy and warm again
AH! YES! Indeed, you are quite delusional! I wonder exactly....what that means.....what do you think it means....ah, I feel like a great friendship is blossoming.
Benedict would then toss a “Them” card at Megumin before speaking to Moze
Madam Megumin and I shall handle the explosive distraction....ah....it’ll be quite an explosive shot synonym word:
LilacMonarch LilacMonarch
P PopcornPie
CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow
"Oh?..." Megumin tapped a finger to her chin. That is what "delusional" meant in Benedict's dictionary? Such a notion was flattering, but fairly fake-sounding as well. "Hmph. Well, it is the truth. I bear the strongest Explosion magic in Belzerg!"

Her brow furrowed. "Where I am from, when people say I am delusional, it means that I make myself look like I am lost in fantasies. Everyone in Axel likes to call me 'Crazy-Headed Girl', in fact." She grumbled.

So, just like that, she was now Benedict's friend. Yay? She didn't want any part of "Them", especially if they ate Pokémon. But at lwast Benedict now trusted her with Explosion duty, albeit with him joining in.
Moze shakes her head at Megumin. "The people of Aegina aren't like us on Pandora. They've got running water, working electricity, cars without guns, real education. Pretty much everything someone on Pandora can wish for. Making you guys look dirty would just make you stick out." She then looks over at Venus and Tanya. "Although, with you two around, we can conjure up any disguise and make it look good. So, if the going gets tough, you guys have distraction duty."
There went the barrage of nouns Megumin didn't understand. "Cars? Electricity? You mean like lightning spells? And running water? I think I understand that. Pipes, right?" Within her head, a rather devious plan molded itself together.
"If we end up escaping above ground, we'll need you guys to create the biggest distraction you can possibly make. Without proper cover, we're gonna be sent crashing as soon as we try to escape Aegina's perimeter," Moze informs you all, speaking mostly to David, Megumin, and Benedict. "But there's something I forgot to mention..."
"I can do that! Big distractions are my forte!" Megumin's hand shot up with pride. "Oh, what else do you need to mention?"
After you'd all gotten settled, BALEX uses some colorful vocabulary to tell you that the ship is jumping into light speed (apparently, as you're all informed, is actually much faster than light as you'll be crossing virtually the entire galaxy). After everyone on the ship has gotten settled, Tonio, Moxxi, Ellie, all the Raiders, and especially you, you make your very first jump into hyperspace. Surprisingly, the initial acceleration isn't all that bad; it feels just like when you accelerated out of orbit back on Pandora, just a jarring jolt and then, the stars and space around you had bent until all you could look at was a field of white. You might miss looking at the depths of the universe, or maybe you might not. Regardless, light speed cruising is apparently really, really casual for Sanctuary, and things continue as normal on your way to the city named Aegina, in a valley called New Eridian Valley surrounded by mountain ranges, on a planet Moze tells you is named 'Argus-27.' Other, smaller ships of various shapes join you in hyperspace every few days until you're a whole small fleet. The Raiders tell you that they're on the same side as you, so at least you don't have to worry about any faster-than-light space fights. Yet.
This was the "Megumin glues herself to the window" portion of the trip. She waved to the smaller ships as they showed up, repeatedly making herself dizzy by watching the stars move in colorful blurs all around them.
If you were able to convince Crazy Earl into somehow giving up the Eridium (most likely through giving up something really, really damn valuable and shiny- like Lucky's J-A-D-E), Skye would now have access to it. Oh, and, David's Eridium would enable you to buy some sweet, personalized weapons and shields, which I highly recommend you get. Seriously, try it.
Urm, yeah, about that...

Lucky could only watch the last of the jade's hole seal up. His eyes were faltering, uncertain. Once it was whole again, he knew it would control his mind in such a way to ensure that it would never again be cracked. Lana...He did that to Lana. He would do it again to Lana, if he let it do this.

"Are you really allowing her to continue manipulating you from beyond the infirmary?"

"I just...Can't stop thinking about it. I only want to do that sort of thing to me enemies. And Lana isn't me enemy...Is she?"

"She is not an enemy." Mismakora answered briskly. "She is simply an antagonist. As long as she works against you, however, you must work against her in return. Same goes for all the rest."

Suddenly, Lucky went numb. Any heat in his head was cut off. He bowed his head, closing his eyes. The jade's smooth surface had finished restoring itself, and the glowing cracks restored themselves immediately after. Thus, when the rabbit opened his eyes, they were now cold, hard, green...and cracked.

"I am the protagonist, they are the antagonists. I must work against them to get me happy ending." He grinned. "And what a glorious happy ending it will be."
At least one meeting is called a day on your way to Argus-27, and of course, attendance is option for you all (though really, you should be attending them, as I hope Fluffington is.) Through them, you find out several very, VERY important facts, established by the recon team's findings and relayed by none other than Moze herself.


Ribcage's disappearance did not go unnoticed. However, comfortingly, all of the surviving Bandits were apparently hysterical about your raid on Steele's Holdout and could barely get any details out that would lead to identifying you. Being from other universes makes it no easier. The most intelligible account was written by a Bandit by the name of "Larry the Literate" and apparently became a popular document all around the galaxy in the span of just a few days and lead to the creation of several urban legends. An excerpt follows:

"i didn't see those technicals at first but i heard them. i saw the guards with guns get blown apart and fall off the walls as body parts scattered everywhere i couldn't see anything but blood. i saw a spirit of vengeance with spectral blades and i saw monsters come through the wall and they blurred the line between reality and imagination i still don't know if they really existed. there was thunder and lightning in many shapes i didn't know what it was..."

When Moze read that, all she could say was, 'wow.'


A tunnel system DOES in fact lie beneath the city, and it is used avidly by the various criminal organizations hiding from the local government. Some of them are abandoned maintenance tunnels, but the majority are intended for sewage. A few manholes lead right into the courtyard of the HQ, which gives you a pretty good way of entry and exit... as long as the guards are distracted. However, the recon team has warned of various creatures and Mutants that lurk in the depths of the sewage, so getting there might be an issue.


Unlike Steele's Settlement, there are anti-air guns along the perimeter of this Aegina city. That means you'll have to land outside the perimeter and trek from the mountain ranges nearby into the valley where Aegina lies. The 'Ghost' informed you that the stealth modules installed on the small fleet of other Crimson Raider ships (most of the pilots coming from all across the multiverse) will only do so much to get you near the city; Aegina is known for being quite advanced in defense thanks to contributors from Dahl.


Lightning, I'm sorry, but either Rev is a snitch or you smell funny. Because for some odd reason, things get rather tense whenever a Crimson Raider spots you now, and there have been whispers about your relations to SCP-079.


Apparently, Tediore is fairly tight with other corporations. That means you'll certainly be hunted by them should you get caught, and that'll present a whole new palette of issues to tackle. If you do get caught and Tediore did happen to have the location of the Nuclear Throne that you managed to snag... well... you might, MIGHT just be chased.


The recon team picked up a few conspiracy theories about Tediore being in kahoots with a 'Brother Eye' of sorts. People a step further underground than the criminal organizations that keep tabs on citizens. It's all just rumors, though...



Unity between Mutants and people in this city holds large precedence in day-to-day lives. The recon team has shown videos of Mutants being controlled by these Tediore-brand metal devices similar to the ones FL4K attached to his pets, and most people keep them around as pets or guardians. There may or may not be a center that manages these mind control devices, and if you destroy that... well, that might be one of the best distractions you can get. According to Moze, Mutants and people don't get along all that often (present company excluded).


More rumors have talked about the CEO of Tediore and his brother have had trouble reaching mutual understanding on several things. This may or may not be related to the previous fact; just food for thought.



Ian and Zane spoke to a fellow named Rhys at one of your meetings. He's the CEO of Atlas and has a cool moustache. He's an ally to the Crimson Raiders and doesn't like Tediore. He says that almost every corporation knows a little bit about the Nuclear Throne, though once again, only through rumors which are quickly dismissed by the executives every single time. Perhaps if you were to confirm these suspicions by somehow broadcasting proof of this Nuclear Throne, and its supposed power that's being hogged to Tediore and Tediore alone... maybe you can shake things up and give yourself a REALLY good distraction...

Ghost is willing to help with that.


You'll be being joined by several other Raiders, such as Alfa, Ian, Mr. Red, Fish, a friend of his named Crystal, Phoenix-2, and a few other contacts Moze has kept a secret. Oh, and the leader herself is coming along.


Telepathic communication, of course, will be preferred, and in the case that you're unable to, for some odd reason, codenames will be required. Better choose one wisely now.


The gangs underneath the city have formed out of spite for Tediore's noticeable creep into other corporations and their presence in the city, with almost every single major local producer being sponsored in some way by them. A lot of this led to fear of corruption, thus bringing the state of the criminal underworld to where it is now. It certainly wasn't helped by the state of poverty some people on the outskirts of the city are in. Perhaps you can use this to your advantage.


The voice heard in the ECHO Log and in Ribcage's extracted memories belongs to the CEO's brother, Kyle Smith, rather than the CEO, Evan Smith. Kyle's was previously hired as an executive with some roles in accounting and public relations, though his general location on the corporate ladder was generally guessed to be only halfway up, thus cutting down on the amount of rumors that he's a powerful co-leader only brought in as a result of nepotism.


Theories suggest that some small companies in the city hide more sentient Mutants such as Fish and Horror, held captive against their will. They could prove useful to you in your endeavor of stirring up an uprising.


One of you (or a few of you at the same time? All of you??), somehow, found an ECHO Log aboard the ship. It says "moons SUCK" when played back.

Oh, and Eric found the bathrooms on time. Thankfully. They're scattered all around the ship, just in
Theories suggest that some small companies in the city hide more sentient Mutants such as Fish and Horror, held captive against their will. They could prove useful to you in your endeavor of stirring up an uprising.


One of you (or a few of you at the same time? All of you??), somehow, found an ECHO Log aboard the ship. It says "moons SUCK" when played back.

Oh, and Eric found the bathrooms on time. Thankfully. They're scattered all around the ship, just in case... you guys like... need that info.

Well, after that long week and large info dump, Moze gathers every one of her close allies up for another meeting, you all included, and warns the whole ship that you're getting close to your destination and that Sanctuary will finally be coming out of hyperspace. A short preparation ensues, just like last time, before the ship decelerates, jolting you forward, and space appears once again.

And in front of you...


...is the Earthlike planet of Argus-27, with a large ocean and many great lakes scattered between the continents. But of course, you're much closer- only just a couple hundred miles above atmosphere, giving you a much more detailed view of the planet. On the dark side of the planet's surface below, you can see several lights illuminating the surface, indicating a large presence of major cities. One of those must be your target.

"There she is," Moze says proudly.

"That is..."


The door to the room slides open, and a few sets footsteps can be heard. Mr. Red, Alfa, Ghost, and Phoenix-2, now clad in different, much fancier brown and white armor step through. Alfa plants his sword in the ground and leans on it like a cane.

"Oh hell yeah. That's good wallpaper material."

"Your optimism is highly appreciated, Mr. Red," Ghost says.

"No prob, little guy."

"That's a wide-arse ocean. Hey, pirate fellas. Imagine sailin' on that," Zane calls to Abbott and Voss... if they're there, of course.

"Phoenix? That's some nice new get-up," Eric smiles. The Guardian silently nods his head as thanks.

"Alright, listen up." Moze turns to all of you. "This is it. We're diving feet first into a clearing in the Sierra Aegina mountain range, about 150 miles east of the city. That's a long trek, but it's our safest bet of not being shot down the moment we get close. From there, some of our recon team's gonna be waiting with the fastest Outrunners available."

"Ah built those," Ellie says proudly.

"They'll be taking you down the rural roads into Aegina. From there, they'll be helping you sneak in. Once you're in, you'll be meeting some of the criminal pals they've already befriended. It's not much, but it's a start. And if one of them starts giving you trouble? Blast 'em."

"We will do the job if none of you are willing to," FL4K reassures all of you who are squeamish in the worst way possible.

"We've had a whole week of planning. This is where it all pays off."

"Everyone ready for entry?"

At some point, you'll have to say yes. And when enough of you do, Moze lifts her head up.

"Take it away, BALEX."

"Aight. This is gonna be pretty much the same shit, though it'll be easier on you bitches 'cause we don't have to worry about reaching escape velocity this time around. But you'd still better hang onto something if you can't handle a few little fuckin' bumps."

With that, BALEX maneuvers Sanctuary and flies it gently down into the atmosphere, past the clouds and leaving the stars just another image in the now-definitely-night sky. The tilt of the ship during the slow dive doesn't affect you; Sanctuary's artificial gravity is to thank for that. As such, you're able to enjoy the view of the beautiful mountain ranges, the green fields below you, the scattered farms and small stations between the winding paved roads, and the big, lively city in the distance, glimmering with blue and red lights...


The mountains get closer, and finally, a large field- probably the size of two football fields (I'm not telling you which kind of football) in the middle of two of the titans comes into view, with a couple of very small looking cars down in the middle. Sanctuary's engines rotate, allowing it to descend softly into the clearing alongside the other, smaller ships, and its landing gear whirrs and protrude as it touches down with a gentle touch.

"You'd better have fuckin' survived that."

"I think you could've made it a little bit more exciting," Grey smirks.

"That was fine," Eric mumbles.

"Hey, back when we were fightin' those Calypso shiteheads, we had to come down to planets in drop pods."

"An experience I never hope to relive."


"Probably for the better, Sal." Moze then smiles at all of you. "Let's go introduce you to our recon team."

Moze guides you down to the boarding area of the ship. The ramp opens, allowing you to step down onto actual ground and breathe fresh freaking air. Finally.

One of the men next to the nearby cars that look like the buggy Outrunners the Bandits drove back in Skull's Settlement except without weapons and with more seats (extremely similar to what Abraham, Lucky, and David rode in, in fact) approaches you all. He's certainly a peculiar sight- a tall man, he's covered head to toe in body armor and a helmet that obscures his face. He holds numerous guns on his person and an impressive looking sword on his back. He's almost like some kind of futuristic space ninja... and for some reason, he only has four strangely slender fingers.
Megumin's eyes were firmly planted on the window. Her gut was so tingly, it felt like her stomach was going to crawl put of her mouth to see what she was seeing. "It's all so...beautiful...Kazuma would never believe I saw all of this, let alone from this flying carriage!" Tears slowly welled in her eyes. "I can't wait to describe this beauty to all my family and friends!" Those rolling mountains and open fields, and especially the farms, unavoidably reminded her of what she'd lost. She wondered what her party was doing, what kind of adventures they were having among those identical hills and fields back at home.

And now, the dispatch. Megumin did not walk out of Sanctuary. She did not run out of Sanctuary. She didn't even shyly crawl out of Sanctuary.

She leaped out of Sanctuary. An epic, flying leap onto the grass, where she let herself land "smoothly" on her belly.
tenor (1).gif
"It smells just like the grass at home!" She reported happily.

She excitedly got up to meet their new guides. "Greetings! My name is Megumin, Explosion Archwizard of Belzerg. You're the ones going to guide us through the rural roads, right? Just like back at home!"

Based upon the facts they were given, Megumin had her contributions all laid out. She would rescue the poor Mutants, as a return for Fish getting her spirits up enough to find a way to help in their endeavors. She would offer those in poverty a way out of their terrible conditions, possibly using the money she collected to sell the bit. Her codename would simply be "Crimson Demon", after her village of birth. She would lead her Mutant friends through the tunnels, and perhaps they should take down those anti-aircraft guns together. As the cherry on top, she would use Explosion on their pipes, hopefully creating flash floods to wash away the opposition!

Lucky, meanwhile, was still in his confinement, staring at the outside world longingly. Someone had delivered the "Moons suck" Echo Log to him, and once in a while he would tap the button, just to hear Lealan's voice. She would have liked him this way. She knew what real power looked like.
Fluffington the Mighty shakes her head as they make their landing, her stomach doing flips as natural gravity reasserts itself on her person. She quickly leaps off the ship as soon as she can, following an arc beside Megumin, before smashing face first into the grass and sliding on her head. Her little paws kick in the air as she rights herself. "Yeah, no. This grass smells a little off. I think the dirt is different." Fluffington the Mighty sneezes, scattering some loose dirt and grass that had gotten stuck in her nose, then she walks out of the trench she made.
P PopcornPie CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow

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