• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.
After chasing Lucky down for a few minutes, Sora spots him being held by a man with an Bionic arm. “Actually, it is an emergency. Let’s just say, he’s having personal problems, and now everyone’s after him. If you can give us a quiet place to go to, I’d be thankful.”

Dani meanwhile decided tag along with with Rocket and Skye invisible because she’s bored.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher P PopcornPie
--Minako Arisato--
OST: Backside of TV
Status: Good
Money: $8500
Gun 1- The Buttplug
Gun 2 - Nebula
Shield - Mr. Caffeine
Interaction: CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow 2Bornot2B 2Bornot2B

As soon as Minako finished suggesting her piece, she felt as if there were daggers being pierced through her sides. Those daggers being the disapproving stare of the blonde child that has a habit of exploding every now and then. The same child then suggesting of using some kind of illusion-based magic, demonstrating this by copying the racoon and creating a tangible illusion. It's impressive, Minako might add! Her plan might be feasable, according to Moze, at least. Considering that the Distraction Team would be a tad smaller this time around.

Minako thought that her and Kintaros would be a perfect fit for the job...But then she recalls how popular Kintaros is.

However, her thought was interrupted by the simple question of how to escape.

"Um. . .Maybe through the roof or one of the windows?" Minako suggested, "I mean, we have a few people that could fly and have flying vehincles so maybe...If everything goes along quietly..." She is REALLY unsure of this plan.
Lilith and Kirby
Kirby hatches a plan for their means of escape and whips out a cell phone, from what Lilith could tell he seems to be dialing up a random number and calling someone...or something. Suddenly a large star comes out of nowhere and lands near the group.

(As pictured here)

"Well I definitely didn't expect for you to have a interdenominational cell phone that can spawn stars out of nowhere but I guess you learn something about everyone soon." Lilith said nonchalantly, Kirby offers Lilith a ride witch left a least one more spot for someone else, he then turns to the others and asks if anyone else would want to hop on.

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow (Grey)
As she was about to reply to Nearl, wondering how she did this to herself, the doctor that was friends with Dr. Zed came out and started assessing his patients, while doing some dance moves. Her eyes widened when she heard what Nearl had, which was a bullet in the head. So that gunshot WAS the reason why she was there, thank God that it missed her brain. Fortunately, it was fixable, which was very good news.

But, if she did this to herself... then did that mean...? No, it couldn't have been, why would she do that?

Elizabeth was, however, very worried when she snapped out of those thoughts and looked over towards the creature that offered her to come to movie night earlier and heard the doctor's assessment of it. Someone must've done something to it, but why would they do anything to it? Whoever it was, they had to have been heartless and cruel.

When he told anyone with either of the two paitents to step back from said paitents, she complied and stepped back. She watched as he fired some sort of gun at the both of them, seemingly healing them. To say she wasn't surprised and amazed seeing him do this would be an understatement, as she quickly discovered that it was a medical gun. And the healing he was doing was working, it was really working!

After he was done, she looked at Nearl who then proceeded to sit up. She ran over to her, giving her a hug, and looked over at the doctor. "
That was really amazing! Thank you for saving the both of them, sir!"

Riven Riven , Sir Skrubbins Sir Skrubbins , Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara , anyone that stayed in the infirmary

Well, if he wanted a good spot to hide with the Eridium, the storage bay did work for him. "
Alright, we'll be back. Come on Heather and... Oh, I forgot to introduce myself." She looked at the man in the red spandex. "Name's Skye, nice to meet you, now let's go." Noticing that she wasn't holding Heather anymore, she looked to see her with her best friend. "Heather, we're going!"

Skye walked out of the bridge and guessing by where she saw Ellie come out of, she probably had a feeling that she came out of the storage bay. After all, she was their mechanic and the storage bay is where a mechanic would be at so they could work. So, she headed where she saw Ellie exit out of earlier.

Once getting to the storage bay and heading down the stairs that led into the place, it didn't take her long to look and see the hallway with a door at the end of it, seeing it was underneath the entrance to the room. She was pretty sure he was in there. "
Well, that didn't take long to find him. Remember, all we have to do is convince him with words to hand over some Eridium. Maybe we can also make a deal where if he gives me the Eridium, I can bring something back for him, it depends on him really"

The Siren headed towards the door, knocking on it once getting there. "
Hey! Crazy Earl, you in there?!"

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow , 92MilesPrower 92MilesPrower , Space Buddha Space Buddha
"Going?" Megumin moped, watching the others leave for Crazy Earl's. Maybe she'd join them, maybe not.

  • Julia looks at Captain Falcon. "That is a terrible idea."

    She glances back at Megumin. "Not to be rude, but 'smelling like the populace' is not really a concern right now."

    View attachment 712177
    "Now please get off me," The Espeon adds before turning back to everyone else. "We should take note of all possible entry points. Even if we don't use them to get in, they might be a backup escape route. Ideally the best escape would simply be leaving the way we entered without detection during the whole operation, but chances are it will be blocked."

    They then had their planning interrupted by Trevor screaming his head off about Deadpool's 'art'. She simply ignores him.

    View attachment 712182

    "Anyone else have any ideas for an escape plan?"
"So you don't like to be hugged, huh..." Megumin released Julia from her arms with an expression of pure heartbreak.
"What I'm saying is, we should make ourselves resemble the populace. Ragged clothing, unkempt hair, filthy skin. The weaker and poorer they look, the less they'll expect us to be doing what we're doing." She continued sadly. "Perhaps for bonus points, we should starve ourselves so we look weak and helpless."
"Where do you think you're goin', little bunny?" A sudden familiar (though maybe not familiar to Lucky) southern voice asked. Before Lucky had the chance to be turned around, he would feel his large ears squeezed together by something cold and metallic. When he turned to face the cause of said squeeze while mid-air, he would find none other than...


Joe Baker! Who appeared to be significantly less pissed off and blood stained than before.

"Now," The elderly man began as he held Lucky up in the air away from the pod. "That there pod, the one your happy little ass seems awfully privy on escapin' from, is for emergency use only. Keyword there, son, bein' the word 'emergency'." Joe said, his tone of voice sounding more tired and annoyed than anything else.

P PopcornPie Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts Chungchangching Chungchangching
"This is an emergency, you fuckin' chicken-throat!" Lucky beat against Joe's hands. "If I don't get off this ship, I'll just turn back into a Lana-beater! Guuuh!" He looked down at his jade, which started to seal over its cracks with very audible sounds. "See?! You should want me to leave while I can control meself!"
After chasing Lucky down for a few minutes, Sora spots him being held by a man with an Bionic arm. “Actually, it is an emergency. Let’s just say, he’s having personal problems, and now everyone’s after him. If you can give us a quiet place to go to, I’d be thankful.”

Dani meanwhile decided tag along with with Rocket and Skye invisible because she’s bored.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher P PopcornPie
"Me personal problem is about to become your health problem, Laddie." Lucky grumbled.

  • _________________________________________________________________________________

    Heather would lightly tug on skye's clothing, trying to pull her in the general direction of the bedrooms, and would be telepathically rambling at Skye the entire time she spoke.

    --"HEY... MOM... WAIT... WE... DON'T... NEED... TO... DO... ANY... OF... THIS... BOUNTY... HUNTER... STUFF... I... CAN... FIX... ALL... OF... OUR... PROBLEMS... RIGHT... NOW... I... HAVE... A... MAGIC... WISHING... CARD... THING... BUT... I... JUST... NEED... SOME... HELP... GETTING... IT... OPEN... AND... HEY... I... ALSO... HAVE... AN... ENTIRE... ARMY... ON... BOARD... SO... HOW... ABOUT... I... HAVE... THEM... ALL... DO... THIS... AND... I... WISH... US... ALL... HOME... OR... EVEN... BETTER... I... WISH... FOR... US... ALL... TO... HAVE... EVEN... COOLER... SUPER... POWERS... SO... ANY... OF... US... CAN... DO... THIS... THING... OR... SOMETHING... JUST... HELP... SERIOUSLY... AM... I... THE... ONLY... ONE... WITHOUT... METAPHORICAL... BRAIN... DAMAGE..? BECAUSE... I... AM... LITERALLY... BRAIN... DAMAGED... AND... I... AM... TRYING... TO... USE... THE... LOGIC... HERE... WE... JUST... NEED... THE... MAGIC... CARD... IT... IS... UNDER... OUR... BED... MOM... JUST... LET... ME... GET... IT... PLEASE..."--

    What was she on about, magic cards that grant wishes? This girl must have a very active imagination. Off in the background, Braxton the undead bandit chief raised an eyebrow. He had been ordered to send his men to steal that box, though, he was sure all that was inside were those gems, and the boys had even pocketed a few for their own purposes. Though, that card... if it really could...

    Braxton would slink off the bridge, seeming to literally fade into the shadows. He produced a radio, and spoke into it.

    "Boys? I think I've got an idea."

"Shit! There he goes! After him!" The Crimson Raiders give chase to Lucky, though he's quite fast, so he easily loses them, much to their chagrin.

BALEX's annoyed voice comes over the loudspeakers immediately after Sora asks his question. "Yeah, sorry, kid, but this punk ass bitch is really starting to piss me off. All Crimson Raiders, if you see some little furry thing on board with a green gem in his chest, light him the fuck up. That's a shoot on sight order, bitches. I'm trackin' him through the vents now. Pay attention to your ECHO Devices to find his ass."

The Crimson Raider soldiers move out as the escape pods around the ship lock themselves shut.

"Wait, wait, are we actually killing him?" one asks.

"Well... BALEX never said what we had to shoot him with..." the other says and motions to his Shock-elemental gun.

Regardless, they're all on the move to find Lucky now. It's a ship-wide search.

Moze, meanwhile, turns to Minako. "That could work, especially with help from Tediore's enemies. But we can't do it the same way we did our raid against Steele's Holdout. It'll need to be a minor disturbance, not an assault, so we're going to need people who are good at putting on a fake show. Question is, who wants to be the bait?"

Eric silently slinks back. He then turns to Natasha. "Who said I was complaining?" he smirks.

Moze, hearing Tanya, turns to her. "Illusions would be great. From what you're telling me, though, we'll only have a small team for our distraction this time. But a small team's all we need."

Ian looks over at Megumin. "I do not have sufficient data on you to process your capabilities. I apologize."

Well, Megumin, it looks like you're going to have to show him what you're made of.

Zane glances down at the card. "Korean? Never heard o' that outside of Tonio's, boyo." He glances at the map. "What am I lookin' at?"

Moze looks over at Venus, Ryuji, and Voss. "Recon team's still doing their thing, so the details are still fuzzy until they get back to us. That means no view of the internal workings or tunnel systems beneath the city yet. But what we do know is that Tediore HQ's surrounded by a huge courtyard and a guards on every side. The courtyard's got two gates to enter in, one in the back, and one in the front. Each one's got people asking for verification. They see one of us, they'll know who we are. But, if word hasn't escaped from the Bandits to Tediore yet, maybe they might not know who you guys are. And in case they do, we've already got a backup plan." Moze nods to Tanya.

Ian takes a good look at Deadpool. "It would be greatly appreciated if you were able to convince Crazy Earl into giving over his Eridium reserves so that Skye may carry out her proposal. Her idea would provide us with a significant advantage."

P PopcornPie Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts Thepotatogod Thepotatogod LilacMonarch LilacMonarch 2Bornot2B 2Bornot2B GeorgeTownRaja GeorgeTownRaja @thefinalgirl quadraxis201 quadraxis201 @Yamperzzz 92MilesPrower 92MilesPrower
David walked up to Moze, having sat back and watched everything with an observant eye. "Good day, Captain. I'm not gopd at infiltration or spying, but what I can do is provide protection and covering fire should this go south." He looked around at the myriad of arguing and interacting with each other before turning back to her. "I can put on a show and distract the thugs. I'm essentially invulnerable to small arms and can be far enough away to not be hit by rockets and grenades. I can be the bait. Also, that will plant me in the middle of it all, so if things go south I can cover our guys' escape."
F-Zero_-_Captain_Falcon_as_seen_in_F-Zero_GX_and_F-Zero_AX.png"YOUR CONTINUED EXISTENCE IS A TERRIBLE IDEA!' Captain Falcon snaps at Julia while pointing at her angrily "Oh what am I say?ing?" Falcon picks up Julia and hugs her "I can't be mad at you Pokemon! You all are justso adorable~!" Falcon sees Kirby bring forth a Warp Star and proceeds to put Julia down "You plan on using that small thing? How are we all gonna fit on that small thing, Kirby? What, are gonna 'monkey chain' our way to freedom? This thing literally screams "One-Seater"! Kirby, look, you aren't the brightest person I know. Not the dumbest, but not smart either. But ...I'm still more than willing to give you the benifit of the doubt and trust you on this if everyone else is down to go. Besides, you're the expert on this thing so what do I know, right?" Falcon chuckles "Just know that if this plan fails, I will hold this over your head so long as you live, breath, and ....Suck. Good?"
ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials LilacMonarch LilacMonarch
Last edited:
"If you are all healed up." Fluffington the Mighty mumbles into Nearl's chest, "Then does that mean we are going to go to that meeting? Because I've already forgotten where it is being held." The Eevee nuzzles into Nearl as best as she can
Riven Riven CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow
Lilith and Kirby

Lilith responds to Caption Falcon shrugging. "Aw come on I bet this thing can hold at least...two people?" She start's to look a little more nervous and doubtful as she said this until she whispers to Kirby. "Hey little guy back me up here." Kirby just shrugs not really knowing what to say, Lilith went silent for a few seconds until she spoke up. "Okay maybe we should think of something else."

Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- (Caption Falcon)
F-Zero_-_Captain_Falcon_as_seen_in_F-Zero_GX_and_F-Zero_AX.png"Wait! Instead..." Captain Falcon strokes his chin in thought as he looks at the Warp Star "If I got my facts straight, the Warp Star can takes you up then back down. If that's the case...That means it's going through the roof both times! So we can escape through the roof by the opening created by the Warp Star! I can chuck everyone through that opening aswell. And don't you worry, these muscles don't lie~" Falcon flexes one of his bicep in pride
ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials
Lightning, the Light Ignis

Exit Strategy

Grey raises his paw to get every one of your attention.


"Okay, so, we have a plan to invade."

"What about our plan to escape?"
Lightning began to think to himself about this. "...I would like to openly suggest we take a different way to leave than we do to enter." Lightning said boldly and simply. "I'm not perfectly sure 'how' or 'where', if I'm honest, but..." This was all that the Ignis could think of at the moment, as he seemed to be somewhat sidetracked. Perhaps given time he can get back to thinking on a larger scale, but for now, this was it.
Character Information
Link to CS: Here!
Hex Code: #F7DA64
Status (physically): Fine​
Status (mentally/emotionally): Serious, in thought​
Powers: A.I abilities, monster summoning/spell card magic/trap card magic​
Items: Duel Disk (grants monster summoning, spell card magic and trap card magic), an SMG (being held), $350 (stored in Duel Disk), Hyperion sniper rifle (ammo included)​
This is where all of Lightning's obtained cards are! For more information, refer to his original CS!

He will be granted more cards each passing chapter, as implied above - but by the end, he will have 'everything' at his disposal.

Listed 'per chapter' as to what he has - the most recent one will always be at the top.

As of Chapter 3's posting, this is COMPLETE! Lightning has every card at his disposal from here on out. As a result, this section will no longer see any future changes in the future chapters.
Chapter 3

Main Deck Monsters

Armatos Legio Galea
Armatos Legio Gladius
Armatos Legio Magica Alcum
Armatos Legio Scutum
Armatos Legio Sica
Armatos Legio Segmentata
Armatos Legio Speculata
Armatos Colosseum
Armatos Lex
Armatos Fulgur
Armatos Replacement
Judgmenet Arrows
Judgment Sword
Armatos Gloria
Extra Deck
Armatos Legio Centurion
Armatos Legio Decurion
Armatos Legio Eques Flamma
Armatos Legio Legatus Legionis
Armatos Legio Magnus Dux
Armatos Legio Pilus Prior
Armatos Legio Primi Ordines
Armatos Legio Tribinus Militum
Chapter 2
Main Deck Monsters

Armatos Legio Galea
Armatos Legio Gladius
Armatos Legio Magica Alcum
Armatos Legio Scutum
Armatos Legio Sica
Armatos Legio Speculata
Armatos Colosseum
Armatos Lex
Armatos Fulgur
Armatos Replacement
Judgmenet Arrows
Extra Deck
Armatos Legio Centurion
Armatos Legio Decurion
Armatos Legio Eques Flamma
Armatos Legio Legatus Legionis
Armatos Legio Pilus Prior
Armatos Legio Primi Ordines
Chapter 1
Main Deck Monsters

Armatos Legio Galea
Armatos Legio Magica Alcum
Armatos Legio Scutum
Armatos Legio Sica
Armatos Lex
Armatos Fulgur
Armatos Replacement
Judgmenet Arrows
Extra Deck
Armatos Legio Centurion
Armatos Legio Decurion
Armatos Legio Eques Flamma
Armatos Legio Legatus Legionis
Armatos Legio Pilus Prior
Armatos Legio Plumbum Trident
Armatos Legio Primi Ordines
Main Deck Monsters

Armatos Legio Galea
Armatos Legio Scutum
Armatos Legio Sica
Armatos Fulgur
Armatos Lex
Extra Deck
Armatos Legio Decurion
Armatos Legio Eques Flamma
Skills/Abilities: Mastermind, technology wizard​
Course of action: Plotting with others​
RP Information
Location: Sanctuary III, bridge​
Interactions: CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow
Mentions: None​
Nearby/In Group: @PlanningPeeps​
"Chicken throat?" Joe asked, his grip slightly tightening on the bunny's ears as he pulled him in close. "You got quite the mouth on you, especially for such a small critter." He said, though his crushing grip and piercing gaze appeared to relent as he witnessed Lucky's... well, Joe didn't necessarily know how to describe it, but the man had seen his fair share of freakshow transformations. Definitely enough to know that whatever was happening to Lucky, it wasn't good. And, after hearing Sora's brief explanation, Joe sighed a bit. "Well... I can't let you use the escape pod, but..." His eyes flicked from Sora, then back down to Lucky, and then the empty hall before them. "Follow me." He said finally, before turning and walking down the hall, Lucky in tow.


After a bit of walking, Lucky and those of you who decided to follow him were led to a small, empty room. If you were familiar with the term "solitary confinement", you might feel inclined to compare it to that.

"Here.." Joe said as he set Lucky down in the room. "Stay in here for now. I can't have you usin' one of our few good escape pods, but you can at least stay in here so you don't try killin' everyone or whatever the hell it is." Joe said, guarding the door with his massive body just in case Lucky attempted to escape. His head turned slightly so he could see Sora. "You and anyone else can visit him as you like. The door opens from the outside. Knock on the door twice if ya want out." He said. And with that, Joe left the room, closing the door behind him, with Lucky (and maybe Sora) inside.

Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts Chungchangching Chungchangching P PopcornPie
As for an escape plan, Benedict would ponder
Ah, we need something to either distract the possible masses of angry enemies or hold them back.
He would then come up with an idea
Ah....maybe we could set off a few explosions....make some noise, cover up our escape.....also I suggest we use HIM as a shield if anything goes wrong.
Benedict said as he pointed to Grey
CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow
@planning crew​
"Yeah, I've always had a mouth on me. What about it?" Lucky rebuffed, looking at Joe desperately. Please, somebody had to believe that it was for the best! "Yes you can! You can lose one! I doubt there's enough for everyone if something happens, anyway!" The rabbit tried to squirm out of his grip again, to no avail. His ears hung over his defeated face. This was officially hopeless. These people were beyond braindead. "When I'm feelin' compelled to chew away at the wires connecting your engines to this thing, don't say I didn't warn you."

The rabbit, and Sora too, was brought to some blank room with a single bed. "Reminds me of me spread back in me old house." Lucky mumbled, feeling a touch comforted. He had a nice view of the stars from that big window, which was a nice touch. "If you think it's gonna hold, then fine. I'm done arguing against you idiots." He sighed, curling up on the bed, his back turned towards them. "I still think you're making a big mistake, but apparently, I don't speak naive simpleton fluidly enough for anyone on this whimsical flying junkyard to understand!" With a heavy "hmph", he threw the bedsheet over himself.

Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

"Oh! Oooooooooh!" At the mention of explosions, Megumin waved both her hands. "I will handle the explosion duty! A 120-point explosion can clear a whole lake!...Which nobody was happy about." She didn't want to dip her toes into the flak she'd received for causing that tuna famine.

Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow
After being asked to following Joe, Sora started to feel hopeful that Lucky can be safe. Sora walks up to the carried Lucky.“Well, my personal problem is letting you get murdered.”

They reach the room, Sora and Joe leave the room, and Lucky makes himself comfortable. “Thank you, I really appreciate this. Make sure he doesn’t get out by any means or let anyone murder him.”

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore P PopcornPie
Sora’s face begin to look a little down when asked if he knew a solution to Lucky’s problem. “Not quite, that gem he has causes him to go nuts and attack people. Other people and I shut it down for awhile, but it’s recharging. He only keeps it because he wants to be stronger. So if you have anything that can make Lucky stronger, so he’ll be encouraged to get rid of that thing, I’m open to some ideas. ”

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore P PopcornPie
Interactions: CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow

Tsukasa Kadoya/Kamen Rider Decade
"I don't know much about that island but we might find some interesting stuff there such as weapons and the like if we haven't been there yet. I'm afraid that I haven't heard of that corporation nor do I remembered hearing that name. To be honest, I think it is a good idea to go to that place, don't you think?" Tsukasa asked Zane.
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[div class=Window][div class=Bar]
[div class=Operative]Reaper Operative S099-6350-7851
[div class=Board][div class=Logo][div class=Sheet]
[div class=title]SERAPH-099 Samael
[/div][div class=Image]
LOCATION: Bridge, Sanctuary III
COLOR: #33CC33
FONT: Verdana

PHYSICAL CONDITION: Clean Half-eaten Hotdog
MENTAL CONDITION: Expectant Hotdog
LOCATION: In a cup of hot water at the bar
[div class=tabs][div class=tab]Profile[/div][div class=tab]Combat[/div][/div]

[div class="tabsContent tabs1"]INTERACTIONS: CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher
MENTIONS: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Riven Riven P PopcornPie Space Buddha Space Buddha 92MilesPrower 92MilesPrower
Upon receiving his Scotch and Soda, Samael immediately downed the drink in preparation for the drink off. The combination of hard alcohol and carbonated water stung the SERAPH’s throat, but it was a familiar and comforting feeling. There was a reason why this was Samael’s go-to drink. Not necessarily his favorite though, as there were quite a few that vied for that title. After downing a whole glass of whiskey, the first round was child’s play. A mere shot of whiskey was nothing, though Samael did have to admit that the bottle work of Jax was impressive. There weren’t many who could pour a good drink while making it look impressive at the same time. More often than not, one was sacrificed for the other.

Meanwhile, Delsausage stripped off the strange hotdog clothes he was wearing and splashed into the glass of hot water provided for him. Immediately, he began screaming, [color=]"AHHHHHHHHHHH!!! OH GOD!!! OH F###!!! IT HURTS!!! WHY DID I JUMP INTO A CUP OF BOILING HOT W- oh wait, this actually isn’t that bad. Nevermind, keep on doing what you’re doing. I’m perfectly fine."[/color]

"What is this? I thought we were adults, and we’re only using shot glasses? Bring out the bierkrugs!" The second round of a vodka shot went down a bit harder than the whiskey, but it was still negligible compared to Samael could take. The third round was just as easy to Samael. Only a glass of rum? This was hardly a drinking challenge to him. A real challenge would involve kegs of alcohol at a time. In a truly epic drinking challenge, the alcohol would run out before the alcohol tolerance did. It was just as the challenge ended that a crazy in a red and black leather suit burst in and began chugging a bottle of vodka. The SERAPH gave a small laugh, commenting "That man has the right idea!"

Though Samael was a little disappointed that the man couldn’t hold his liquor that well, it would be a nice start. Being as large as he was, there was a natural advantage when it came to holding liquor. That, and all the enhancements in Samael’s body made it quite the difficult task to become intoxicated without absurd amounts of liquor. Recognizing that Skye was as close as a winner as the group had without cheating, he counted $500 worth of bills and slid it over to the Siren with a chuckle, "You’ve earned it…as a human."

Clearly, the SERAPH wasn’t quite satisfied with the drinks he’s had up until now, so he began to ask for a bottle of whiskey to satiate his thirst, when the loudspeakers came on. What followed was perhaps the least professional AI he’d encountered. He’d worked with plenty of AI, and none were as crude or flippant as BALEX. Even Psychopomp was an improvement over BALEX...and Samael didn’t entirely trust Psycho after allowing the Segadores to tinker with him.

The announcement was about the ship taking off and warnings to not vomit on the ship. None of which has ever been a problem with Samael. He was quite literally born on a ship and has been used to upwards of 20G burns since a child. So when the Sanctuary III began to take off, Samael hardly paid attention except to the ship that was accompanying them once they exited the gravitational pull of Pandora. It was mildly suspicious, but there weren’t any hostile actions just yet, so Samael didn’t worry just yet. He was right to remain calm, with BALEX confirming that it was a friendly. In his mind though, Samael thought that it was a bit pretentious to be flying a personal ship while everyone else was on board the Sanctuary. Not that it mattered. If Phoenix-2 was as good as BALEX claimed, then all would be forgiven.

The comfortable atmosphere of the bar was then shattered by the ringing pop of a firearm discharge. It was far off, but Samael still immediately leapt out of his seat and focused his eyes towards the sound. Unless someone was playing Russian Roulette, there should be no reason why firearms should be going off at this time. He picked up his Nakir and followed Skye towards the origin of the sound.

What they found at the scene of the shooting was questionable. There lay a blonde girl with animal ears bleeding out from her head. There was a pistol in the girl’s hand and a clear hole in the girl’s head. If he didn’t know better, Samael would’ve said it was suicide, but the delirious and confused nature of the girl seemed to say otherwise. The next couple of moments were...chaotic to say the least.

The blue haired girl that had been following random people around and calling them "mom" ran up to Skye as she was trying to get the blonde girl to the infirmary. Then, all of a sudden, they were at the infirmary. Psychopomp went wild, noting the significant distortion in the fabric of reality that should not be possible. While this worried Samael, there were more pressing matters, as more gunfire began to ring out. The bipedal raccoon Samael noticed back at the bar clearly had too much to drink and began an attempt to murder a handicapped rabbit. What ensued was a brief exchange of hostility between various people.

All of these people were absolutely stupid. There were maybe three sane people on board this ship, Samael and Skye being the only two present in the infirmary. The third sane one entered just as the conflict began heating up. The walking badger, Eric did what was needed to break things up and rally the group to the bridge for a briefing. With the chaos that was inherent to this group it would be a miracle if they could assemble a coherent plan and stick to it.

And so the discussion began, with ideas being thrown left and right-some more reasonable than others. But Samael just stood there, allowing Psychopomp to run the simulations and calculations. According to the intel they had, there were only several hundred guards-a thousand would be a safe overestimate. Their primary objective was securing VIPs, optimally the CEO and his brother. Secondary objective was securing the Tediore data servers. It sounded like a simple mission...for a team of SERAPHs, that is. Infiltration, securing a target and extraction would be a breeze with Samael’s team, but with a group like this… It made Samael concerned. There was only one plan that they could reasonably expect to work and it was-

His Eye of the Reaper suddenly flashed a vision to him. It was vague, but it involved Sanctuary suddenly shutting down and crashing in a fiery explosion and killing everyone onboard. The SERAPH looked around to see what could possibly cause the ship to crash. While he was concerned, moments later, the feeling of imminent doom lifted itself off of his shoulder. That was...strange. Samael had never received a prediction only for it to seemingly revoke itself. He would have to get his eye checked out when he next saw Hendri Vex.

When Samael refocused, it took him a minute to remember what was the plan he had in mind. When it came back to mind, they were already discussing an escape plan. While the SERAPH did not entirely agree with the plan, given the cohesion of the group, he withheld his insertion plan and simply converted it into an extraction plan. It was quite a simple plan really, one that could be used no matter how badly the group screwed up. Samael delivered his extraction plan with complete sincerity and seriousness, "We kill everyone. Our intel only estimates a couple hundred guards. We can easily kill them all. I have more than enough ammunition to handle them by myself, and with the entirety of the group, it would be a relatively easy task to eliminate every single target. Keeping the plan simple would be ideal with the...sort of people our group has. Hell, give me a sniper rifle, several thousand rounds of ammunition and a week, and I’ll clear the headquarters myself."

[/div][div class="tabsContent tabs2" style="display: none;"]ABILITIES: Samael is a SERAPH, purpose bred to be the best supersoldiers in the galaxy. Aside from the endless list of augmentations, and enough combat and firearms training to make special forces operators feel like kindergarteners, Samael excels at tracking, explosives, artillery operation, combat engineering, and setting traps. Among the private military sector, he and his team are renowned as the best trackers money can afford, with no terrain too difficult for him to navigate and operate in. Samael also happens to be well studied in basic surgery and forensic pathology, two sides of the same coin. With his training as a Segadores, Samael has also been introduced to strategies used to destroy dangerous ideas and silence people too eager to talk. All of this combined with a mind enhanced by Artificial Intelligence means that it is near impossible to overwhelm Samael physically, intellectually, or creatively.

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[div class=accord]Seraph HK-N720-G “Nakir” 7.20x50mm Rifle
The HK-N720-H is the grenadier configuration of the standard issue Nakir assault rifle produced by Seraph Manufacturing. It is chambered in 7.20x50mm FMJ fed from a 40 round drum mag. It's advanced recoil compensation system and electronic firing system makes it one of the most accurate and reliable rifles in production with a considerable fire rate of 800 rounds/minute. Underslung is a three-round revolver-style 20mm grenade launcher that fires high-explosive grenades. On the top top rail is a VCOG smartscope while a secondary red dot sight sits at a 45 degree angle on the side along with an LED flashlight and laser sight combo. (hk-n720_nakir__baseconfig20.jpg)
[div class=accord]Seraph GE-S25 "Samael" 25mm Autocannon
A chain driven autocannon designed to be wielded by an mechanized suit or mounted to a vehicle. It fires 25x85mm depleted uranium armor-piercing discarding sabot rounds out of belt-fed 100-round drum mag at up to 600 rounds per minute. The rounds this weapon fires are sufficient to punch through armored vehicles and any cover short of 2 feet of concrete with ease. The amount of firepower this weapon packs is offset by an impossible amount of recoil for a human to control and incredible weight, such that most SERAPHs can only practically wield it with the loader arms of his SABRE exosuit. The only exception is Samael, who is capable of wielding this monstrosity with his bare hands for short periods of time. Attached to the weapon is a red dot sight, compensator, smart targeting system, and floodlight. (ge-s25_samael_35.jpg)
[div class=accord]Smart AI “Psychopomp”
Psychopomp, otherwise known as “Psycho” is Samael’s assigned Smart AI. It was originally a standard AI optimized for running combat simulations and proposing optimized tactics real-time. After Samael’s recruitment into the Segadores, Psycho has been altered to serve the Segadors, informing Samael on the targets assigned to him by the Segadors and leading him to complete objectives in ways that complete objectives of the Segadores.
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[div class=accord]-Foresight of the Reaper
A relatively basic and stereotypical ability of Reapers, but mistakenly attributed to all Reapers. Samael is able to see the True Name and remaining life force of a person, as well as instantly recognized targets marked by the Segadores. A person's remaining life force can be used to approximate how much longer they have to live, but is by no means an exact science. This ability will not work on immortals. If Samael or a person in his vision would die or sustain a lethal blow within the next six seconds there is a slim chance that Samael will be able to foresee it and react accordingly.
[div class=accord]-Hindsight of the Reaper
When faced with a being that has killed within the last 24 hours, Samael is able to determine the cause of death and the instigator of said cause of death if no unnatural cause obstructs it. This ability will not work on beings he has killed himself or on those who have died as the result of non-human causes.
[div class=accord]-Glare of the Reaper
Anyone whom Samael intentionally stares at will feel an overwhelming sense of dread and imminent death. If they do not freeze in fear, they will run away blindly, rendering them vulnerable. A person can only break free if their will is greater than Samael's or if Samael looks away.
[div class=accord]-Piercing Gaze of the Reaper
Arguably the most powerful ability from the Reaper’s Eye, Samael can fire “spears” of invisible energy towards anything in his vision, punching through anything short of three inches of titanium. This requires no physical movement on his part, allowing him to kill without moving a muscle. However, beings not marked for death cannot be directly affected by this power, so Samael often has to be creative with its use.
[div class=accord]SERAPH Augmentations
All SERAPHs are provided extensive and invasive augmentations to ensure their combat superiority. These augmentations can be divided into three broad categories: Hardware, Wetware, and Manaware. Hardware includes cybernetic and implanted enhancements, Wetware includes genetic biological enhancements and will only list the effects of the modifications, and Manaware includes any form of magical enhancement.
[div class=accord]Hardware
-Spinal Neural Interfaces
-Direct Neural Interface
-Auxiliary Neural Interfaces
-Titanium-Tungsten Skeletal Implants
-Integrated AI Matrix Suite
-Superconductor Nervous System Package
-Cardiovascular Regulator
-Hormonal Regulator
[div class=accord]Wetware
-Greatly Enhanced Muscular Density/Regeneration/Recovery
-Enhanced Stem Cell Production
-Enhanced Immune System
-Enhanced Metabolism
-Enhanced Vestibulo-Ocular Reflex
-Enhanced Pain Threshold
-Enhanced Cardiovascular System
-Retinal-Inversion Stabilizer
-Robust DNA Replication
[div class=accord]Manaware
-Oculus Aquilae - Eagle Eye
-Obscuras Animae - Covered Soul
-Magistri Tempus - Master of Time
-Loricatorum Pellis - Armored Skin
-Ut Obscurum - To Make Obscure
-Sanitatem - Healing
-Si Metus - Intimidation

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Ryuji Kazan

After Moze explained that there wasn't enough intel as to tell whether or not entering from beneath the skyscraper was an option, Ryuji approached the door leading back into the ship's main area and glanced over his shoulder at Moze. "Gotcha. I'm going to go head back to my room for a little bit. If anything comes up, feel free to call me back. I have... something to try and attend to. Oh, and... I'll have to look 'round the ship to see if you have any spare fuses, gunpowder, and metal powders lying around. You know, copper, strontium, magnesium, potassium... things like that. They produce all the pretty colors, you see."

The large sliding door opened, and as Ryuji made his way back to his room, he pocketed his sketch of the Firehawk insignia and stopped in front of the infirmary, where he saw Elizabeth, Nearl, Zed, an anthropomorphic animal that looked like some sort of fennec fox (Lana), and a second doctor that held some sort of healing ray. Ryuji pondered for a brief moment, and then a metaphorical light bulb popped up over his head. He recalled how Elizabeth could open spatial rifts, or "Tears", as she preferred to call them. If Sanctuary III didn't have the right materials to set up a new working space...

...could he source them from somewhere else with Elizabeth's help?
Ryuji entered the infirmary and approached Elizabeth, giving her a minute or two to react appropriately to what the "Medic" had done before he spoke. "Good to see those two recovered so fast, at least. The wonders of medical science..." He said, briefly averting his gaze towards the two patients. "But, I was wondering if you'd be willing to lend me a hand with something while Moze and the others continue to plan things out. In case you've missed it, a gun manufacturer by the name of 'Tediore' is supposed to possess the right technology to transport us all back to where we belong, but they're not going to be giving it to us over a chat and a cup of tea. In that case, I want to try and set up my portion of the room so I can have a place to work. Now, those 'Tears' of yours will come in handy. If you could open one, we might be able to, ahem... borrow a workbench and some drafting paper from someone who won't miss them too dearly. Of course, there is also the matter of moving the workbench. I'm not exactly an 'Ultimate Bodybuilder' or anything like that, so... perhaps help from one additional person would be nice in getting it out of... wherever it's bound to be... as quickly as possible so you don't tire yourself out too much. Would you be willing to do that?"

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow
TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher
Riven Riven (Mention)
Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara (Mention)
(Open for Interactions)
If he pressed his ear to the door, Lucky could still hear them talking. "Think it'll be that easy, eh..." He spat with a brooding tone. "Idiot. Nothing is stronger than this jade...And that's the problem." He hopped back onto the bed, with nobody to talk to except his neglected imaginary friends.

"What's wrong, Lucky?" Mismakora came forward, her voice smooth and light.

"Your stupid jade just made beat up the girl he swore to protect, that's what wrong with him!" Lupe shouted.

"No, Lassie, that was before I found out that she had Eric." Lucky sighed. "That promise is over. She clearly doesn't need me as her knight, she never did. But even so, didn't you see how happy she looked to see me?" He stretched out. "Eric better be damn grateful to have a girl smiling at him like that on a consistent basis."

"She was just happy to have her cuddlytoy back." The kirin objected.

"I know that!" Lucky snapped. "...But I guess I was a little optimistic that it wasn't true."

"You did the right thing." Mismakora nodded. "I know it might have hurt a little inside, but now Lana knows that you won't be her weakling to manipulate anymore. You've proven to them all that you are strong."

"Yeah, that's true, isn't it?" Lucky grinned a bit. "She kept playin' dumb with me. Heh! Nobody can play dumb with me...But what if she legitimately couldn't remember? If I got brain damage from the Director, then she could have, too."

"Oh speaking of which, I've been meaning to tell you. I looked at your brain inside and out." Lupe explained. "They really did dampen you. You might not be able to get back to your original anger levels ever again."

"And that's why he needs me."
Mismakora stated warmly, tilting her head up with pride.

"I never said it was a bad thing!" The rat objected.

"No, Lupe, it is a bad thing." Lucky lamented. "That anger was me key to survival. If this jade is the only thing that can overcome the dampening, then I must keep it. I just need to stop meself from whaling on others like that..."

"Lana knew exactly what you were talking about. You can't forget being taken to Blood Gulch, period." Mismakora hissed. "I wouldn't be surprised if she was wishing for you to show up. If they had the power to dampen you, then they damn well have the power to upgrade the hostility and cunning of others. After what she did to your emotional state, she deserved that beating. Also, she's a fox. You should have seen her deception coming."

"No, I've bumped into foxes once or twice." Lucky furrowed a brow. "None of them manipulated me."

"Did you ever try to get close with any of them?"

"Well, no..."

"There you go. For all we know, Lana's kind reduces others into traumatized weaklings for fun, maybe even for some type of benefit."

"Look, we're not here to declare war on Lana's kind. For all we know, she's just a bad seed in daisy's clothing, or something." Lucky simply looked out into the stars. "...I don't want to stick around to find out."

"Well, because nobody here likes true strength, we're not going anywhere."

"They CARE about you, Lucky!"
Lupe begged. "This is for nothing but your own good! Why would Sora be so determined to-"

"Because he was Rex's best buddy, and knows that Rex doesn't like me like this." Lucky snarled. "He tried to fight against me, remember? He just wants me weak, so he can keep me beneath the rock of his 'promise', forbidden to return to the sunshine." His pupils remained glued to the stars. "Let's face it. They all loved seein' me the way I was. If you went through the same shit we did, wouldn't you want to pick on the little guy? Let's face that, too, I was the shortest of them all. And I still am here. Feet or no feet." He tried pushing his fallen paw back together. "Ugh, I have to fix this...Maybe. Or should I save it for the Paw o' Death? It is me dominant nub..."

"You're getting distracted, Lucky. Stop diverting your mind from the matter at hand." Mismakora snapped. "They think you're a danger, when you're really the strongest of them all. They think you're weak, when you could create a blaze forty miles wide. They like you believing you're worthless, when, deep down, they know they can't afford to lose you."

"Can't prove any of that shit in here." The rabbit sighed angrily. "I thought I heard we were goin' on a raid. That's right up me alley! Of course I want in on that. But Julia has me paw, and this door opens from the inside, so I can't just push me way out. And I don't dare tryin' to chew that window."

"This is just your first test, Lucky." The kirin answered confidently. "Go on. Show them you're clever enough to escape this room. But be careful of your jade. You can't risk its structural integrity getting any further compromised."

The hole was patching itself a bit quicker, while the rabbit swallowed back his fear. "I...this won't be nearly enough time to get it under control. Isn't true strength about keepin' calm or somethin'?"

"That's just a cheap, false sentiment. What counts is domination."

"What counts is remembering who your allies are!"
Lupe shouted. "We took down Meta all together, didn't we?!"

"We got scammed together." Lucky felt heat rushing to his head just thinking about how he was tricked into working for free. "The next time I see that Director, I'll show him what an enemy truly looks like. I'll reassemble Meta meself just to watch him get his just deserts!"

"Yes, precisely! Remember your enemies, remember that every victory is one step closer to their destruction at your hands!" Mismakora cheered, clapping her hooves.

"Lucky, no. This wrath has gone too far. Everyone just wants the reliable, loyal rabbit back. It's not a matter of weakness!" Lupe's cry only fanned Lucky's flames.

"That's EXACTLY WHAT IT IS!" Lucky yowled at the top of his lungs. "Lassie, you have lived in me head since that Caboose asshole...Who I should have destroyed, but I digress...You saw them laughing! You saw them take advantage of me flaws! Me loyalty went to the wrong people! Me compassion was stomped on! Me trust was proven worthless! I understand exactly why that Snake laddie wanted to kill us all! He probably got the same shit thrown at him!" The bristling of his fur resembled a roaring fire. "It was exactly a matter of weakness. I was the clown that day." While he seethed, his eyes shifted to the door. "I will never put on that red nose again. Starting now, I am the lion. And God help anyone who treats me otherwise."

"Way to help, Lupe." Mismakora said smugly.
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As she was about to reply to Nearl, wondering how she did this to herself, the doctor that was friends with Dr. Zed came out and started assessing his patients, while doing some dance moves. Her eyes widened when she heard what Nearl had, which was a bullet in the head. So that gunshot WAS the reason why she was there, thank God that it missed her brain. Fortunately, it was fixable, which was very good news.

But, if she did this to herself... then did that mean...? No, it couldn't have been, why would she do that?

Elizabeth was, however, very worried when she snapped out of those thoughts and looked over towards the creature that offered her to come to movie night earlier and heard the doctor's assessment of it. Someone must've done something to it, but why would they do anything to it? Whoever it was, they had to have been heartless and cruel.

When he told anyone with either of the two paitents to step back from said paitents, she complied and stepped back. She watched as he fired some sort of gun at the both of them, seemingly healing them. To say she wasn't surprised and amazed seeing him do this would be an understatement, as she quickly discovered that it was a medical gun. And the healing he was doing was working, it was really working!

After he was done, she looked at Nearl who then proceeded to sit up. She ran over to her, giving her a hug, and looked over at the doctor. "
That was really amazing! Thank you for saving the both of them, sir!"

Nearl was still cuddling the fluffy Eevee when Elizabeth came and pulled her into a hug, the Kuranta giving more joyful giggles as she gladly accepted them. "Guess we're even on hugs now Miss Elizabeth?", Nearl replies with a happy grin, her ears flicking back and forth as she gently patted Fluffington's head and placed her back atop of her own head.

The Knight began to stretch her legs a bit as she slowly slid off of the bed, definitely feeling a well of a ton better than before. She gave a relaxed sigh as she stretched her arms and legs, and turns back to Elizabeth, "I think I left my things in your room.. Hopefully someone hasn't taken my treasured equipment yet.." She scratches her chin as she looks at the Medic with her still joyfully plastered smile, practically completely ignoring the events that have transpired, "Again, thank you once more kind sir!"

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Megumin finally lets her go, concluding that Julia didn't like hugs. She shakes her head and smiles. "Well, I wouldn't say that..."

As if to challenge her statement, after yelling at her for calling his idea bad Captain Falcon picks her up and hugs her as well, saying she was too adorable to be mad at. The Espeon sighs and closes her eyes, waiting for it to be over. Just...be patient...

Fortunately, he sets her down after not too long.

Julia rolls her eyes at Megumin's terrible disguise ideas and Benedict's suggestion to use Grey as a meatshield. She glances back at the archwizard when she volunteers for explosives duty. "Don't you have a seizure every time you try to make an explosion bigger than a firecracker..?"

Interactions: P PopcornPie (Megumin) Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- (C Falcon) Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch @planningpeeps
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