• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Sora didn’t question everyone’s decision on Lucky. Yet he still had to think of something to save his buddy from a bloody parish.

“Hey. I know Lucky might not seem the most trustworthy right now, but could you try to lock him up instead of killing him?”

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow
While Lucky crawled, he felt a tiny, fuzzy creature rub against him. "So, Sanctuary III has a rat problem, eh?" He mused, a little aggressive. "Whatever. Rats and rabbits are supposed to be buddies and whatnot. Just don't start squeakin'. I've gotta get off this ship before me jade regenerates and turns me back into a threat." Heck, maybe this supposed rat knew where to go.

There was a light, crackly explosion behind them, after which the ducts began to illuminate. "Huh? Well, this is nice, I think...Hey, you're not a rat." He could now fully recognize Jerry's shape. "What are you, some weird controller of light? Sent in by the boys, I presume." Growing a little fearful, he looked over his shoulder, but saw nothing but his own tail on fire. "Okay, phew. Coast is still-" WAIT A MINUTE, HIS TAIL WAS ON FIRE!

"JESUS CHRIST, NOT THIS AGAIN!" Lucky shrieked, as he struggled to prevent the flame from climbing his back. More and more fireballs were shot in after them, threatening to turn them both into marshmallows! "FUCKING WHY!? I THOUGHT THEY JUST WANTED TO JAIL ME! FUCK! WHAT THE BITCH?!" His concentrated crawl had turned into a mad dash for the nearest opening.

Chungchangching Chungchangching

"A rocket launcher! I could use one, too, I guess..." Megumin agreed with a shrug. "They're, like, the one weapon I have experience with, unless you count grenades. Oooh, I left my Zooka with Snake!" She facepalmed. "I hope he was able to fix it in time...Anyway, what the heck are fries?"

92MilesPrower 92MilesPrower
Elizabeth decided to stay by Nearl, kneeling down next to the bed, completely worried about her. "
What happened, Miss Nearl?! Was that gunshot I heard...?" She stopped herself before continuing with that. No, it couldn't have possibly been someone shooting her, right?


Nearl apologized for not being able to have a sleepover and she shook her head. "
No, no, it's fine! If anything, I'm the one who should be apologizing. I ran out of the restaurant and made you all follow me." This was something she genuinely believed was her fault, even if it was the rich man's fault for making her run out in the first place.

The Knight simply grins, so many friends over one little thing, surely she's hallucinating half of this right..? "It had seem that, I did this myself.." , she muttered, still visibly confused, "Though I.. don't recall when.. or why.." Nearl fazes out for a second to think before shaking her head. After Elizabeth's response of herself saying she needed to do the apologizing, Nearl shakes her head slowly with another soft laugh, "Don't blame yourself on this Elizabeth.. I will be okay." A very soft grasp can be heard from the Kuranta as she looked at Elizabeth with lit eyes, "Miss Elizabeth.. If you haven't noticed I don't.. have my shield and hammer.. did I drop them.. Back in.. your room..?"

Fluffington the Mighty nods while nuzzling into Nearl's hand. "Yes, of course, but you gotta get better first!" the Eevee's eyes begin to water as she realizes the healing did practically nothing.

Nearl softly giggles as Fluffington continues to nuzzle into her hand, continuing to run her fingers along the eevee in return. "I will, don't worry..", she coos to Fluffington as she gently strokes her back and tail.

Interactions: TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher (Skye) Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara (Lana) Riven Riven (Nearl)
Mentions: @whoeverelseisintheinfirmary


"Hoh! Ja! Hup - hup - hup - hup - yes! Perfect! Oh, I love it!"

Having finally cleared up the mountain of screaming bodies that the Crimson Raiders sent him to fix, Medic was in quite a good mood. Patching up the wounded was what he lived for - and it was quite easy to sew in those baboon uteruses, too! It'll be fascinating to see what that does, thought Medic. Reinvigorated and full of energy, Medic decided to burn it off on an aerobics routine; he went into one of the infirmary's backrooms, played one of his exercise VHS tapes from back home, and just had some fun with it!

What kind of doctor would he be if he couldn't even stay in shape?

Ho! Ho! Zhe bigger zhe circle, zhe thinner zhe waist!" Medic exclaimed, following the aerobics instructor's lead, circling his hips around and around with his arms outstretched. "Diagnosis... ha-ha! I feel like a million Deutschmarks!"

"Hey! Anyone here? We need help!"

"Hm-hm-hm-hm!" Despite having to break up his funky dance session, Medic didn't feel any ire. With a wide smile across his face, he pumped his arms and spun on his heel with a surprising amount of grace, his coat fluttering in the air as he took hold of his old reliable - his Kritzkrieg - in one smooth motion. Properly equipping himself and making sure his gear was right, he burst through the door of the infirmary's backroom and revealed himself to the infirmary itself. Medic, however, was still under the spell of disco fever - identifying his patients as two animals of some kind, one more human than the other, Medic began to waltz his way over - still very much in the mood for a sing and a dance.


"Ah! Visitors! Not to worry, everyone - one, two, three, kick! - I'm on zhe case!" Medic cried, eventually making his way close enough to his two patients to perform an examination. Gripping his Kritzkrieg - and still kicking out some subtle dance moves - he observed both of them, surprisingly, with the expertise and speed expected of a medical professional; especially since he was continuing to bust out moves as he did so. Enthusiastically spinning to face his visitors again, he gripped his Kritzkrieg with both hands now, continuing to bounce as he spoke.

"Vell, here's zhe good news! I don't think zhere's anything to worry about." Medic declared, turning to face his non-wounded visitors. "Aheh... while she does suffer from, what we call in zhe medical circle, 'being shot in zhe head', it seems zhat zhe injury missed her brain completely! By no means superficial, but quite simple to fix, really."

Swinging around to look at his
less-than-human patient, he hummed, and spoke again. "On zhe other hand, it doesn't appear zhat she has many surface-level injuries at all. I believe, zhen, she's suffering internally; perhaps some internal bleeding and a fracture to zhe ribcage. All terribly exciting, ja?"

"Ho ho, zhat reminds me of zhis time years ago, with zhe Chancellor and his wedding... but, anyway...!" Medic proclaimed, putting a gloved hand over the Kritzkrieg's lever. "We'll see if zhis works, and if not, we'll try another procedure. Stand clear, everyone! Ho-ho! What do you zhink of zhis?"

With that, Medic thrust the lever forward, allowing the ionised beams of Kritzkrieg energy to work their magic on Nearl, first - if it was successful, then she and those around her would see her wounds reverse themselves before their very eyes. The gaping hole in her head would begin to seal itself, and the understandable feeling of wooziness that plagued her would fade - having been drifting in and out of consciousness just mere seconds ago, if Medic's treatment worked, then Nearl would feel rejuvenated - even more awake than before, as the Overheal began to take place, with translucent red plus-signs dancing around her.

With his playful expression now replaced with one fitting the serious situation much better, he switched his attention to Lana, doing the same and allowing his creation - the Medibeams - to do their work. Similarly, if the procedure worked as intended, then her wounds would erase themselves as well - the minor surface injuries she sustained would completely disappear in seconds, and, curiously, she could feel her fractured ribcage begin to fix itself inside of her body - and, even stranger, with no pain whatsoever. In fact, like Nearl, if the device worked properly, then she, too, would feel rejuvenated.

Stepping back, satisfied with his handiwork, Medic grinned and spoke. "Vell? How do you feel?"

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Tom and Jerry friends.png
[I'm so tired, sorry if this post is rough]
Jerry was cautious around the stranger. He seemed intimidating at first with the massive silhouette of his head until he said that mouses and rabbits are supposed to be buddies. Jerry lightened up. Neat! Guess he's a friendly one! The rabbit told him something about a jade making him a threat? He didn't get what he said. Whatever that means, he thinks it's bad. Jerry felt a little calm until the cramped area lightened up. If he had to guess, it's the fireworks Tom was firing at him and the mouse froze from fear.

Jerry was shocked out of his wits when he saw the rabbit's tail burning! The mouse looked back at the assault of explosions chasing them and started running away.
Dang, this thing packs a punch! Jerry's probably fried alive in there but I wanted to make sure so I kept blasting the roman candle into the hole until it suddenly stopped. I looked at the muzzle to see if there's anything left in there and it fired one on my peeper and completely ran out. The firework was floating around my two eyes, trying to find a way out before zooming out of my ear.

That was weird.

P PopcornPie
Voss stood there and watched Rocket yell at him too as the sea captain tried to take his rifle away. He was unaware that he wasn't supposed to call him the "r-word," nor was he meaning to use it as an insult in the first place. He was, just like most everyone else there, trying to calm him down. Because of this ignorance, Voss looked down at Rocket depressingly as he started to accuse Voss, close to tears. He didn't reply. Voss wasn't sure what to even say back. It was clear that Rocket had some other issues and Voss quickly felt uncomfortable.

Suddenly, Rocket yanked the gun away from the sea captain just as it began to charge up again. It would've burned off his fingers if he didn't move fast enough. Rocket started to angrily yell at Voss as well as Lucky and Sora, the latter of which tried to speak to Rocket. "Yeah! We're just tryin' to help you and -- Hey! I'm not a jerk!" He paused for a second to think before asking himself rather quietly, "... Wait... Is that what people think of me as...?" Before anyone could answer though, Rocket began to charge his rifle again, this time aimed at the three. The sea captain instinctively drew out his sword in an effort to deflect the shot. If it wasn't for what happened next, the shot would have likely engulfed them anyways.

Ben came along at the last second and transformed, allowing him to deflect the shot back towards Rocket. In turn, Sora deflected the same shot away from the group to protect Rocket. This must've attracted Skye, as she arrived shortly after dealing with Nearl to scold everyone involved. She was mainly chastising Lucky, Sora, and Ben for calling Rocket names, probably because she figured that Voss didn't mean to use "raccoon" as an insult, but the sea captain believed he had to defend himself anyway.

"I didn't call him anythin'! They're sayin' I called him a rodent. I wouldn't ever say that! I don't know what ya guys think I am, but I'm no dullard!"

Nonetheless, Voss shut himself up as Skye managed to calm Rocket down enough to have him walk away. Although he threatened to kill anybody he felt like hurt him later which Voss just brushed off since he was drunk. Though the sea captain felt like he'd done something wrong like he should've done something different, there wasn't much to do now. Besides, he was sure that he did the best he possibly could in that situation.

Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts Crow Crow Space Buddha Space Buddha P PopcornPie Riven Riven TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore @TheGuysInTheInfirmary


Briefly after the commotion, BAYLEX announced for everyone to arrive at the bridge of the deck, sounding annoyed thanks to the previous events. Voss was originally planning to return to the bar quickly to pay his tab as well as to get Abbott who had been waiting for him, but he thought against it. He thought that he could pay it later when he wasn't busy. Abbott also needed to learn how to be more independent of Voss, so the sea captain reckoned that this was a great opportunity to do that. Granted, he was afraid that his first mate would get lost and cry or worse, but that was natural. As for his debt to Skye, he would just pay her when they had the chance.

Only a short while after he had arrived at the bridge, Voss was initially surprised to find Abbott had come along so quickly. Fortunately, or unfortunately, depending on how you look at it, Abbott seemed to have been escorted by another person, Deadpool. Though it was nice that someone helped the boy out, it defeated Voss' plans to allow Abbott some independence. He shook his head in disappointment but made it clear that he was just glad that the sailor was safe. And not in tears while actively making a fool of himself. He was grateful for that, too.

The pirate duo stood by to listen to the ideas of others for the infiltration. Abbott didn't have any suggestions, but Voss did. He was used to organizing war tactics, being the ex-PHANTOM captain that he was. He offered his two cents, adding onto the ideas of others. "Speakin' of underground, I have a suggestion. Is there a possibility that we could, I don't know, travel beneath the city and then enter the building from below? I feel as if tryin' to enter on the surface would bring too much attention. I'm sure they've got eyes everywhere but underground."

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow @Planning​
"SHIT ASS! GODDAMN! FUCKING HELL!" There went the element of stealth Lucky had. He was left repeatedly slamming himself against the ducts as he struggled to find an exit. "WHY!?" He was in pain long after the barrage stopped, then looked around. "Do you have any idea what the fuck that was?" He asked the mouse. "They're tryin' to smoke me out, aren't they?" He coughed. Now the entire duct smelled like charcoal and burnt paper. "Well, it's not gonna work. But it looks like they bought me a little extra time." The force of the roman candle's luckier blasts had expanded the hole in his jade. "All right. Tell your little mouse friends to take cover. I can't stay and chat about cheese or whatever." With that huff, Lucky continued to crawl on his way.

Chungchangching Chungchangching
Ryuji Kazan

Everyone seemed to be coming up with a plan as to how the Raiders would go about obtaining the proper means to return everyone home, and Ryuji listened to everyone that he could. "I wouldn't be surprised if there were some schmucks over in Tediore that hate the company they work for. You can't please everyone, as they say. But even still, for those of us that Ian here believes are good for upfront combat, we'e for sure gonna need stronger weapons at our disposal. Now might be the time to call in that favor from Marcus, perhaps. Hell, even if we have to spend money to get something stronger than his 'courtesy selection', I'd do it."

Ryuji then pointed to Minako when she suggested a bait-and-switch. "What Mina-kun's suggested might be a good option, too. Blow some crap up, kick the hornet's nest a bit, and divert the attention off of our infiltration team-- kinda like what we did when we took Steele's Holdout. The problem, though, is that we're dealing with actual military personnel and mercs-- put simply, douche-canoes that know how to really use those guns of theirs. Much higher risk, which is why I again propose we up our arsenal a bit if we're gonna go with that. If it happens that Marcus can only get us so far, would it be too outside the realm of possibility to ask a rival gun manufacturer to supply us said weapons? Might up their profits if civilians see which weapon-smiths are truly dominant in the gun market, even."

The "Crazed Canadian" had mentioned the possibility of trying to strong-arm Tediore workers into helping the Crimson Raiders, and Ryuji shrugged. "I suppose if it becomes inevitable that we will need to do that, then we'll do that. But... it might be in our best interest to do so sparingly. Too much noise like that and we may screw things up."

One of the pirates had brought up the idea to travel underground and enter undetected. "Ah, enter quite literally under their noses, you mean. They've gotta have some kind of sewer, drainage, or general waste disposal system, I would think. Now, whether or not it's unguarded is a different story. For all we know, they could have already thought of that and stationed personnel down there. First, though, let's get a bit of confirmation if such a thing even exists."

Ryuji then turned back to Moze. "Does that hologram map of the skyscraper include a layout of anything like that, Moze? Any kind of sewer system?"

Ryuji then collected a shield from Ian, and replaced his old one. "Much better."

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow
Thepotatogod Thepotatogod (Mention)
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Yamperzzz Yamperzzz
(Open for Interactions)
"Shit! There he goes! After him!" The Crimson Raiders give chase to Lucky, though he's quite fast, so he easily loses them, much to their chagrin.

BALEX's annoyed voice comes over the loudspeakers immediately after Sora asks his question. "Yeah, sorry, kid, but this punk ass bitch is really starting to piss me off. All Crimson Raiders, if you see some little furry thing on board with a green gem in his chest, light him the fuck up. That's a shoot on sight order, bitches. I'm trackin' him through the vents now. Pay attention to your ECHO Devices to find his ass."

The Crimson Raider soldiers move out as the escape pods around the ship lock themselves shut.

"Wait, wait, are we actually killing him?" one asks.

"Well... BALEX never said what we had to shoot him with..." the other says and motions to his Shock-elemental gun.

Regardless, they're all on the move to find Lucky now. It's a ship-wide search.

Moze, meanwhile, turns to Minako. "That could work, especially with help from Tediore's enemies. But we can't do it the same way we did our raid against Steele's Holdout. It'll need to be a minor disturbance, not an assault, so we're going to need people who are good at putting on a fake show. Question is, who wants to be the bait?"

Eric silently slinks back. He then turns to Natasha. "Who said I was complaining?" he smirks.

Moze, hearing Tanya, turns to her. "Illusions would be great. From what you're telling me, though, we'll only have a small team for our distraction this time. But a small team's all we need."

Ian looks over at Megumin. "I do not have sufficient data on you to process your capabilities. I apologize."

Well, Megumin, it looks like you're going to have to show him what you're made of.

Zane glances down at the card. "Korean? Never heard o' that outside of Tonio's, boyo." He glances at the map. "What am I lookin' at?"

Moze looks over at Venus, Ryuji, and Voss. "Recon team's still doing their thing, so the details are still fuzzy until they get back to us. That means no view of the internal workings or tunnel systems beneath the city yet. But what we do know is that Tediore HQ's surrounded by a huge courtyard and a guards on every side. The courtyard's got two gates to enter in, one in the back, and one in the front. Each one's got people asking for verification. They see one of us, they'll know who we are. But, if word hasn't escaped from the Bandits to Tediore yet, maybe they might not know who you guys are. And in case they do, we've already got a backup plan." Moze nods to Tanya.

Ian takes a good look at Deadpool. "It would be greatly appreciated if you were able to convince Crazy Earl into giving over his Eridium reserves so that Skye may carry out her proposal. Her idea would provide us with a significant advantage."

P PopcornPie Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts Thepotatogod Thepotatogod LilacMonarch LilacMonarch 2Bornot2B 2Bornot2B GeorgeTownRaja GeorgeTownRaja thefinalgirl thefinalgirl quadraxis201 quadraxis201 Yamperzzz Yamperzzz 92MilesPrower 92MilesPrower
"No sufficient data?!" Megumin spat. "Well, I can forgive it, seeing as I seem to be the last to show up here. But allow me to enlighten you!" Sticking out her chest, she waved her staff in the air, creating more tiny explosions. "Explosion! Explosion! Explosion! I am the Explosion Archmage of Axel! Raised in the Crimson Demon Clan! Heheheh!" She could feel drool trickling down her lips and chin as she made her own fireworks show. It wasn't long before she forgot to restrain herself from damaging anything. "Explosion! Explosion! Explo-o-o!" Suddenly, she locked up. Her pupils dilated. She started to twitch. "E-e-e-" It was like watching a computer freeze in the middle of a music video. "E-expl-geya-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a!" She fell on her side, thrashing and twitching madly. She'd overloaded her brain again! "He-e-e-e-e-e-lp!" She flailed like a beached fish, and screamed like a rabbit.

Lady Luck, sending her here was one of your worst ideas yet.

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow
Tom and Jerry friends.png
I put my ear on the wall to hear somebody slam himself everywhere on the ducts. A sadistic grin formed on my face, thinking it was Jerry mouse that's doing it. I continued to listen until I heard muffled mumbling and the sounds of crawling again. Is Jerry talking? But most importantly, that wasn't enough to get him? I decided to bring out the big guns! I pulled out a poison pump sprayer and started, well, pumping poison into the vents.
Am I with an enemy of the group? Jerry mused in thought, not knowing for certain but he sure is showing signs of it with all this talk about them wanting to jail him and 'smoking him out'. What did he do to anger the group so much? Jerry stood there, watching him crawl away until he got a whiff of poison. Jerry covered his mouth and nose and started running to find an exit. He looked back at the rabbit and motioned him to crawl faster. Hopefully, he'll smell the poison too so he knows why the mouse is running.

P PopcornPie
"You're not gonna find any shops here," the man in the coat informs Kirito. "There's Raiders coming here to pay some respects. That's about it. Nearest actual town's two miles away, at a place called New Hope Haven. Travel there might get a little rough." He looks over. "I can take you there."

SpaceRavens03 SpaceRavens03
Sora looked at Bylex with frustration, he wasn’t going to let an innocent being die easily due to something that’s in control. He grunts in frustration, not knowing what to do, so he does the only thing he can do but tell him to back off.

“Just stay away from him and let me handle him rust bucket!” Sora runs after Lucky and protect him, even if it means he’d be wanted too.

“Lucky wait. I’m coming with you. Those guys are serious now, after you with the intent to put you under.”

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow P PopcornPie
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Megumin certainly disagreed with the order. Chomusuke didn't need to die, he just needed to be really, really tightly restrained. Besides, it seemed that the jade regenerated itself faster the more aggressive Lucky became, and who wouldn't become aggressive if a ship's worth of raiders was hunting them? "This is bad, so very bad...Sora, you and I must find him first! Sora? SORA!" Sora was preparing a lightning spell on the ship's AI! "SORA, DON'T-"


In his drive to protect Chomusuke, Sora had fried BALEX, forgetting completely that he was the beating heart of this ship! His lightning quickly turned into the last bit of light on board, as every last corridor went dark. Everybody was quiet. Only the sparks made sounds. A quick look at the stars showed that they were no longer moving. "W-what now, guys...?" Megumin broke the silence tearfully. "Does anyone know how to remedy this? Because I don't..." She trudged to the window and leaned against it; Beneath them, still, was Pandora. The blanket of space wrapped around them, making her wish that she would just wake up from this nightmare. "We have plenty of food, right? Can we send a call for help?" Most importantly...Now how would they get home? Without working engines, they wouldn't be able to reach Teridore, which meant no throne, which meant no portal home...Megumin felt a chill creeping up her back.

Lucky felt something, too. Specifically, that was the feeling of the AC turning off. "Hey, sounds like somebody did somethin'..." His ears folded. Did BALEX shut off the ship just to find him? No, that couldn't be. Such a thing would be too extreme!...Right?

The archwizard kept staring hopelessly at the stars, waiting for her eyes to get lost in their maze. After a while, she felt herself fall into sensory deprivation. She started seeing new shapes in front of her eyes. Squares, circles, sparkles, the smears of the stars starting to move-Wait, the stars were moving!? She had to shake her head extra hard to verify that she wasn't hallucinating. "Hey, hey, we're moving again!" Megumin cheered. "...Backwards?"


"W-what?!" Megumin started to feel herself sliding, while light creeped into the ship. The slide turned into a sideways fall, as poor Megumin struggled to hang onto the windowsill. The light turned into a blazing fire! "wE'RE ENGULFED IN FLAME!" She shrieked. And she wasn't the only one. Every single occupant on the ship was shrieking, from the other diners to even the janitor.

"What we're doing is reentering the atmosphere! And we're coming in too hot!" Moze desperately banged on BALEX. "Come on, buddy! We need you! Start the ship! Come ohohon!" He sobbed.

"HELL'S GOIN' ON IN HERE?!" Lucky had finally found his way out, and was sliding back to the others. "HELP! Oh, oh my God! Are we reentering atmosphere!"

"Chomusuke, come here!" Megumin seized the rabbit, holding him tight. "Something bad just happened, and-Moze, what do we-"

"Nothing..." Moze lamented, sitting on top of the bridge railing, pulling out a harmonica. "Years of building this wonderful sanctuary, gone to waste. Everyone, hunker down. And pray to your respective deities. We were designed to endure space flight, and we were designed to hold complex businesses and residents...But we never thought we would crash. This ship is too heavy. No way can we pull it out of this nosedive."

With that, Megumin's fear turned to tears. "B-but...!" No, this couldn't be the end! They had to get home! They couldn't just die in this universe! There was too much for one of them alone to do! Through the thick smoke, she could make out the shapes of her long lost friends and family. Kazuma ad his mouth agape, as though he was screaming for her safety. Darkness cringed and looked away. Aqua looked like she was starting to cast a lifesaving spell. Megumin couldn't take it, she couldn't be reminded of the fact that her closest friends couldn't do anything to help her. So she turned her head back around. Everyone was taking the order. Eric and Lana hugged tight together in the corner. Julia relayed this information to her sobbing daughter, while crying herself. Sora stared at the deceased BALEX with an expression of pure shock. Deadpool turned Moze's "Amazing Grace" solo into a duo with his bagpipes. Nearl and Fluffington shared some last laughs. Rocket and Skye assisted in the futile resuscitation of BALEX, with Heather over and over again offering her help. Overall, everybody had partnered up with somebody. Within the kitchen, even Timmy's Dad was squeezing Mr. Whiskers. "It was an honor cooking with you, Mr. Whiskers, even if it was against my will..." The man whimpered. "Honey? Son? Daddy's gonna be unable to come home for a while..."


The archwizard looked down at the rabbit.

"I'm sorry."

Her eyes widened.

"This wouldn't have happened if I didn't try to find me own solutions." Lucky went on, crestfallen. "I'm so sorry...I thought nothing would go wrong...I was so excited to use these powers to defeat Toffee...But most importantly, I just wanted to be strong. For you. For all of you. I just wanted to do a better job of protecting you all than I did in Blood Gulch. Because I love you all." He started to sob. "I just didn't know what to do with it!"

The ship began to vibrate.

"Here it comes!"

"I don't care about what you did!" Megumin yelled back. "We love you too, Lucky, and that's why we cared so much about what that jade was doing to you! We just wanted you to be happy..." The corners of her mouth turned up. "But we'll be happy in Heaven. And you will always be my Chomusuke."

"And you'll always be the greatest archwizard I ever met." The rabbit answered sweetly, nuzzling deep into Megumin's chest. The two closed their eyes, as the ship groaned and screeched all around them.

With an explosion, the sounds of pipes bursting and being swallowed by flames, dying shrieks from the unlucky passengers, windows shattering, and electrical systems assaulting their ears, everyone on board winced. Their goodbyes to each other were inaudible. Their bodies sliced and twisted among the similarly contorted metal. Their heads were crushed by rocks and fallen fixtures. One by one, they blacked out for the final time, their once varied hues becoming the same shades of red. As Megumin's soul left her body, she pictured her home one more time. The rolling green meadows they picnicked upon, the streams full of fish they caught all together, the fields in which they worked together to mass slaughter cabbages...It was all done with laughter. With love. Megumin felt freedom when she was with them. "Kazuma, Darkness, Aqua...Get in a good hit on the Demon King for me..." Then the young archwizard succumbed to the blood loss brought on by enormous hunks of shattered glass. She heard not just their voices, but those of Mao Mao and Samus, too, calling her into the light. But she didn't want to hear them. Not now. She wanted to see them, hug them. Yet, here she was, one well-intended mistake shattering her hopes of ever seeing them be proud of her.

As mercilessly as possible, the flight of the great Sanctuary III was over, as were the lives of all our homesick heroes.

"...YAAAAAAAAH! NO!" Megumin shot awake, still on the floor of the Sanctuary. "WE'RE IN FLAMES! WE'RE GOING DOWN! WE'RE...all right?" She looked around, her skull still fuzzy, her eyes and muscles still twitching. That wasn't fire, it was the same electric lights she knew. Nobody was sliding or falling. Sora hadn't fried the computer. "I-I blacked out, did I not? I did, didn't I..."


Way to give her a heart attack, Sora.

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow
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From the Twilight Realm, Zant watched the ship crash from afar.

"Shit..." He muttered under his breath, before looking up at Ganondorf and shrugging. "I guess we won, then?"


"Yes... that was... easier than I thought..."
Ganondorf muttered as he stared at the remnants of the once-proud ship.




  • Julia glances back at Lucky and sighs. "They'll probably catch him. Eventually."

    She raises an eyebrow at Tanya's illusion. "Are those mental or physical illusions? The former won't work on security cameras, but the latter would definitely be useful."

    The Espeon glances at Megumin. "Fries are fried and salted slices of potato."

    She growls at Deadpool when he shows off his 'painting', promptly flinging it across the room telekinetically. It lands on the floor in the corner where no one can see it. "Have you ever considered the fact that there are kids here? Let's not make things worse for them than they already are. There's a reason R-rated movies are restricted to 17+."

    Julia looks at Megumin when she starts having a seizure and gives her a good smack on the head. Then she looks at Sora running off to save Lucky and facepaws. "Arceus, I can't with these guys..."
Venus Lovelace

The goddess took note of what Moze said, the details were still blurry as her team still hasn't fully checked it yet. She noticed Tanya shifting her form, perfect for disguises if its ever needed. "I can alter what people feel using their senses, especially sight and touch to trick people into experiencing something that isn't there," she suggested to Moze as she changed herself into a man with a deep voice. "I can transform the infiltration team if it's needed, having disguises could raise the chances of this operation to be a success." Venus reverted back to herself, clearing her throat as Megumin proceeded to use Explosion multiple times, quite not needed if you asked Venus for her opinion on it. "Ugh," the goddesss groaned at Megumin as she proceeded to look back at the hologram, observing it. Venus heard about Julia's inquiry on Tanya's illusions, the goddess could easily fuck with the cameras and change their recording to whatever she wanted them to be, but she'll just keep quiet for now.

LilacMonarch LilacMonarch 2Bornot2B 2Bornot2B CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow @PlanningPeeps
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"Before we perish, there is something I must say..."

The Doctor coughs and announces.

"I like cunny. I always have."

"NOT A GOOD TIME!" Ben says as he smacks his watch down.​
thatguyinthestore walked in and held up a sign. the sign read,

"guys the joke isnt funny anymore please stop replying to it in the ic thread"

he then returned to being a pathetic loser and died of aids three days later​
She looked at both the man in the red spandex suit and Heather, who both volunteered. Really, she only needed one, but two would be better. "
Well... if worst comes to worst, I'll have a translator for the translator." Two translators always came in handy, especially right now.

Skye's attention was then turned towards Heather's best friend, who seemed to be yelling about the ship crashing. Yep, she was a weird one, but who wasn't weird? "
Someone should probably check on her."

Looking back at the two who volunteered for the translator position, she picked up Heather. "
Yeah dude, there are children here so probably don't say those things around them. And Ian's right, it'll help me pull my idea off. Basically, I need some of Crazy Earl's Eridium so I can upgrade my powers. And considering that he isn't willing to give it up so easily, it'll take convincing and not with force or threatening him. We just need to speak to him, preferebly in crazy."

She turned towards Ian. "
So, where is Crazy Earl?"

92MilesPrower 92MilesPrower , Space Buddha Space Buddha , P PopcornPie , CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow
After the dust had cleared out, and all was said and done, one word reverbrated throughout space itself as one bystander watched in disappointment:

Interactions: TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher (Skye) Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara (Lana) Riven Riven (Nearl)
Mentions: @whoeverelseisintheinfirmary

View attachment 711888

"Hoh! Ja! Hup - hup - hup - hup - yes! Perfect! Oh, I love it!"

Having finally cleared up the mountain of screaming bodies that the Crimson Raiders sent him to fix, Medic was in quite a good mood. Patching up the wounded was what he lived for - and it was quite easy to sew in those baboon uteruses, too! It'll be fascinating to see what that does, thought Medic. Reinvigorated and full of energy, Medic decided to burn it off on an aerobics routine; he went into one of the infirmary's backrooms, played one of his exercise VHS tapes from back home, and just had some fun with it!

What kind of doctor would he be if he couldn't even stay in shape?

Ho! Ho! Zhe bigger zhe circle, zhe thinner zhe waist!" Medic exclaimed, following the aerobics instructor's lead, circling his hips around and around with his arms outstretched. "Diagnosis... ha-ha! I feel like a million Deutschmarks!"

"Hey! Anyone here? We need help!"

"Hm-hm-hm-hm!" Despite having to break up his funky dance session, Medic didn't feel any ire. With a wide smile across his face, he pumped his arms and spun on his heel with a surprising amount of grace, his coat fluttering in the air as he took hold of his old reliable - his Kritzkrieg - in one smooth motion. Properly equipping himself and making sure his gear was right, he burst through the door of the infirmary's backroom and revealed himself to the infirmary itself. Medic, however, was still under the spell of disco fever - identifying his patients as two animals of some kind, one more human than the other, Medic began to waltz his way over - still very much in the mood for a sing and a dance.

View attachment 711915

"Ah! Visitors! Not to worry, everyone - one, two, three, kick! - I'm on zhe case!" Medic cried, eventually making his way close enough to his two patients to perform an examination. Gripping his Kritzkrieg - and still kicking out some subtle dance moves - he observed both of them, surprisingly, with the expertise and speed expected of a medical professional; especially since he was continuing to bust out moves as he did so. Enthusiastically spinning to face his visitors again, he gripped his Kritzkrieg with both hands now, continuing to bounce as he spoke.

"Vell, here's zhe good news! I don't think zhere's anything to worry about." Medic declared, turning to face his non-wounded visitors. "Aheh... while she does suffer from, what we call in zhe medical circle, 'being shot in zhe head', it seems zhat zhe injury missed her brain completely! By no means superficial, but quite simple to fix, really."

Swinging around to look at his
less-than-human patient, he hummed, and spoke again. "On zhe other hand, it doesn't appear zhat she has many surface-level injuries at all. I believe, zhen, she's suffering internally; perhaps some internal bleeding and a fracture to zhe ribcage. All terribly exciting, ja?"

"Ho ho, zhat reminds me of zhis time years ago, with zhe Chancellor and his wedding... but, anyway...!" Medic proclaimed, putting a gloved hand over the Kritzkrieg's lever. "We'll see if zhis works, and if not, we'll try another procedure. Stand clear, everyone! Ho-ho! What do you zhink of zhis?"

With that, Medic thrust the lever forward, allowing the ionised beams of Kritzkrieg energy to work their magic on Nearl, first - if it was successful, then she and those around her would see her wounds reverse themselves before their very eyes. The gaping hole in her head would begin to seal itself, and the understandable feeling of wooziness that plagued her would fade - having been drifting in and out of consciousness just mere seconds ago, if Medic's treatment worked, then Nearl would feel rejuvenated - even more awake than before, as the Overheal began to take place, with translucent red plus-signs dancing around her.

With his playful expression now replaced with one fitting the serious situation much better, he switched his attention to Lana, doing the same and allowing his creation - the Medibeams - to do their work. Similarly, if the procedure worked as intended, then her wounds would erase themselves as well - the minor surface injuries she sustained would completely disappear in seconds, and, curiously, she could feel her fractured ribcage begin to fix itself inside of her body - and, even stranger, with no pain whatsoever. In fact, like Nearl, if the device worked properly, then she, too, would feel rejuvenated.

Stepping back, satisfied with his handiwork, Medic grinned and spoke. "Vell? How do you feel?"

The strange accented Doctor was someone she didn't expect to meet. His accent, certainly giving her a bit of the giggles, he certainly sounded funny. Nearl was being examined as he then turned to exam lana, before activating this strange never before seen device, enveloping her in these beams of red light. She suddenly began to feel so much better, the hole in her head refilling up and closing as a bullet pops out of it onto the ground.

Nearl's exhaustion suddenly begins to vanish as well, allowing her to shake her head to clear up her head from the headache with a satisfied and relieved sigh. She sits up, feeling completely rejuvenated as she notices these strange red plus signs hovering around her bed and her form.

The Knight let's out a happy squeak as she picks up the eevee and pulls her into a joyful hug, giving happy smiles to Miss Elizabeth and the rest of the witnesses in the room. "I do not know what magic or technology you have Sir..", she replies to his question, giving a wide satisfied smile, "But I feel fantastic now thank you!"

Sir Skrubbins Sir Skrubbins
TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher
DerpyCarp DerpyCarp

"Ouch!" Megumin cried, rubbing her cheek. "Th-thanks, Julia! You are okay, right?!" Tears sprang to her eyes, and her voice's volume went all the way up. Desperate for comfort, she reached out and tightly hugged Julia, caressing her soft forehead and cheeks.
"Julia, I just had the worst possible nightmare! The ship was going down in flames because Sora disabled BALEX, and the only thing we were able to do was bid each other farewell as we faced a fiery death!...And I also got the feeling that, somewhere, a bunch of beings from a higher plane were arguing over it on their weird cosmic chatting room...!" She was shuddering harshly, hugging herself tight. "Brrrr, I especially hope the latter part doesn't come true!"

LilacMonarch LilacMonarch

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