• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.
After Rocket leaves, she turned to everyone. How these people couldn't tell when someone was going through shit was beyond her, but it pissed her off to no end. And it showed in her voice, as she was trying her best to stay calm, but the anger showed through.

Really... what the fuck is wrong with all of you? He was drunk, he was clearly going through shit, and you were calling him names that he didn't like. If you really wanted to end up on his shitlist, congratulations, you did it. Hey, maybe he'll put a bullet in all of your heads and I wouldn't blame him."

Hearing Sora call her "your majesty", she was starting to get tired of all of this. She stared daggers at him, which were more like ice daggers with her eyes, and pulled out her corrosive pistol, pointing it at his head. "
Kid, you better not try me right now, cause I am not the kind of girl you wanna piss off. You're all about friendship, right? Understanding others? That's the vibe I get from you, so tell me before your brain ends up getting corrosive bullets in it why you clearly didn't see that he was going through shit while drunk? And you also clearly didn't realize that calling him those names seem to piss him off, and someone with more brain cells should realize that pissing someone off with a gun doesn't end well."

Sighing, she put the gun away, still staring at him. "
I bet you've never dealt with extremely heavy shit like Rocket has probably dealt with and like how everyone who's gone through hell has dealt with. If you have, you'd realize that what you and your friends did was wrong. So please, before I stomp in your dicks twenty seven times, realize that and not say that he was in the wrong. I don't wanna hear what happened before I showed up, and I don't give a fuck, you three fucked up. Realize that before you become women after I'm done with you." Turning around quickly, she headed back to the infirmary to stay there to check up on the woman and to be there for when Heather woke up. Once entering, she looked at them. "You guys doing okay?"

She would've gone after Rocket, but she knew that he needed some time to cool off and sober up.

Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts , Crow Crow , P PopcornPie , Space Buddha Space Buddha , Riven Riven
"Sora! You fucking idiot!" Lucky struggled against Sora's grip. "Fucking look at it! It's growin' back!" The hole got smaller, and smaller, while his eyes slowly cracked and faded to green. "Don't! Don't make me stay here! You're right, it's too dangerous for me to stay here! I-I'll just..." His once fearful gaze hardened. The corners of his mouth twitched, then decided to stay upwards, forming a devious grin. "...Fucking DESTROY YOU!" He chomped down on Sora's bare hand with all his might. If it succeeded in making Sora drop him, then he would make a mad dash to the deeper parts of the ship, hopefully losing them all.

Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts
Venus Lovelace

Venus smiled at their reaction, feeling Skye's and Jax's reaction as they opened the box. If she was blunt and said what it contained, it would ruin the joy of finding out the contents. However, there was something special with the Queen of Hearts. Not that it mattered, but it was that it could grant a single wish with no exceptions. The goddess wondered if Moxxi could figure that out, but there's a voice that calls out to her whenever she's near it, and she's the only gal who could hear it. She proceeded to stand and head to the Infirmary, hearing almost everyone screaming at each other and a gun shot earlier. Skye's voice could be heard from where she was, somewhere in the eating area as she made her way through the hall.

When she arrived there, the woman didn't say a word. If it was true, then this Sora kid seemed like an actual dick. But then again, Venus always sided with women in any situation. The goddess entered the Infirmary, proceeding to ask, "Is everything alright?"

"Harsh," the green creature comments as Skye walks away.

"Sora, that jade affects his mind. Whatever affects his mind needs to be dealt through the mind."

The green creature held onto Sora's bitten hands gently.

"I could use a little help, so are you ready to help Lucky with me, Sora?"

Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts P PopcornPie
Julia effortlessly holds Lucky away from her with a single paw digit while he thrashed harmlessly. She lets him run past her, only to immediately be caught by Sora. "Y'know, if you really want that jade so much..."

The Espeon pulls Lucky away from Sora's hand with telekinesis before he is able to chomp down on it.

"Then this is a fitting punishment!" She smiles and pulls out his Paw o' Death.

"You want this back? Well, I'll let you get a good look at it..." She starts hacking away at the jade with the Paw's knife. "While I use it to destroy your jade."

Interactions: P PopcornPie (Lucky) Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts (Sora)​

  • _________________________________________________________________________________


    Heather's eyes would suddenly open again as Venus entered the infirmary, or at least came near to it. Being able to read thoughts in her dreams, she could tell that Venus was not Venus, though, given the other thoughts she was picking up, this was the least of her concerns. Silently, she would rise and waddle out of the room while she suspected no one was looking. Wiping the pink blood from her nose and mumbling something about unlimited power.

Julia's hacking caused the jade to deactivate again, causing Lucky to reawaken, so to speak. Not that he was at all happy about it. "You idiots!" He shrieked, kicking and flailing. "You know nothing about this jade! See how it's regenerating itself?!" Indeed, the jade hastily filled whatever slices Julia made. "Okay, you've snapped me out of it a second time. Now let me go!" His eyes flooded with tears of desperation. Why didn't these idiots get it?! "Let me find the escape pods and blast meself back to Pandora, while I'm still in control of me own mind!" Then the jade began to splinter, the cracks growing brighter than ever before. "If you keep pinnin' me down, you'll just fall under another one of me attacks! Why can't any of you...just..." He tensed, looking ready to explode.


In perfect sync with his outburst, the jade's splinters broke off, flying at the three, and anyone surrounding them! If it attached to anyone, then they too would become aggressive and uncaring!

LilacMonarch LilacMonarch Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts Crow Crow
Lucky bite down on Sora’s hand, doing everything he can to get away. “Gah! Not this time buddy!” Sora ran after Lucky. But an angry Skye shows up proceeding to rain on Sora’s day more.

“Okay, miss depression. I hope you know that I was trying to help Rocket. I’m the last guy to call people names, Lucky’s the one who did it. That’s why I’m trying to help him out.” Sora was ready to let the girl have it. He may not have been through hardships as rough as the other people, but Sora has seen his fair share of.. “shit.” In his time.

“I also hope you realize, I had my home taken from me in the middle of the night, my friends scattered across worlds, not sure if they were alive or not. They’ve died right before my eyes and I had to bring them back, only for me to take the fall for them. And now I have to make sure another friend doesn’t kill anyone right now. So if you want to scold me for not caring for anyone, that I don’t know what Rocket’s going through, that you think you’re the only one who’s having a bad night, I suggest you, get out of my face and let my do my job!”

And that was it. Sora didn’t care if he was about to enter another fight. He’s spend all his life fighting for his friends. One of his charms is getting to know people, and help them with their problems. Sora wasn’t having any of it. And on top of dealing with a mad bunny on the lose, safe to say he’s just as pissed as her.

Sora continues to run after Lucky and heals his hand. “Yeah, guys some help would be nice. Also, how do you know my name.” Referring to the green martian.

And because things can’t get any worst. Lucky’s shards begin flying at the gang.
“WHOA, WHOA, WHOA!” Sora dodges the shards with grace and fluidity. He turns to Julia and Lucky. “What did you two do?”

P PopcornPie TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Crow Crow LilacMonarch LilacMonarch

  • “Heh, can't say I disagree with you.” I responded, looking at the stranger that snapped me out of my inner wanderlust. “It's always nothing but sand and rocks with some weird creatures roaming around out there as far as the eye could see.”

    Nearby the settlement, Exia and Barbatos were now kneeling, their visuals also seemingly faced towards the horizon as the sun rose a few hours ago. This time Exia was not hidden by the Optical Camouflage, given that I was only here in the settlement to see if there was anything to stockpile on in case while I was out at the wilderness. I probably will be leaving in a few moments after I'm done with my business so that our presence won't lure the enemy Mobile Suits towards the <<Raider's Rest>>. I likewise added to my answer towards the Gas-Masked's remark regarding the endless wasteland that was Pandora.

    “It sure has been like that since last night. Aren't you feeling a little hot with that coat of yours though?”

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The green creature catches the fragment in his palm. Instead of it overpowering him, he overpowered it.

He used this jade fragment as a gateway into the jade that continued to regrow on Lucky's head, entering his mindscape so that he could get to the bottom of it. Now, he hovered in a meditative state.

"And away we go," he says to Sora as the latter's psyche began to warp.

From the perspective of others, Sora's body would fall unconscious.

LilacMonarch LilacMonarch

"We're in Lucky's mind. Neat place, isn't it? That was rhetorical, it is not neat."

The green martian says.

"I think I saw a pony here. Maybe all that jade-whacking got the pony to jump ship."

Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts P PopcornPie Crow Crow
"J-jesus...You see?!" Lucky panted, watching the process repeat itself. "Even I didn't know it could do this! Well, specifically, I saw it happening to bandits back at Skull's, but I didn't know how to make it happen! I guess I was just that frustrated with you guys being dumbasses." He shrugged. "Seriously, listen! This spell was designed to amass an army! That must be what it's trying to do!" He tried to gallop away. "I need time to learn its nooks and crannies! And it's obviously not safe to do it here!"

"Fuck this, I'm hidin' in those gallows until I figure out where the hell I'm supposed to go."

Crow Crow Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts LilacMonarch LilacMonarch
Venus Lovelace

As the goddess went to the Infirmary, she felt an uneasiness towards the little nymph girl. Venus turned around and searched through her mind, clearly seeing multiple signs of obsession towards her. Venus rang alarm bells in her mind, proceeding to follow the girl and hold her arm, staring at her with wide eyes as she suspected that she knew something. If she did know about that thing, Venus would have to get a little rough with her. However, if she didn't know it, the goddess would easily just let her go.

Space Buddha Space Buddha @HallwayToInfirmary
Ryuji Kazan

Ryuji heard a voice that introduced itself as "BALEX", followed somewhat shortly by Sanctuary taking off into space. Understandably, Ryuji was sent flying forward, landing face-first on the ground with his match breaking in half. After shaking himself off and sticking a new match between his lips, he procured a piece of paper and a writing utensil from what the room had available and headed for the ship's bridge, ready to sketch what he wanted to sketch. Upon arriving there, Ryuji looked out one of the massive windows and started to draw the Firehawk insignia that he had seen on the moon. "Oh, yes... that would look quite nice..."

Having traced the avian design, Ryuji thought it might be a good idea to ask the navigator AI where they would be going next, in case he needed to prepare. BALEX had mentioned "Tediore people", and so Ryuji wanted to see if he could find out more. He went up to the navigator's area, and found...

...a reddish, somewhat disturbing-looking teddy bear.
/You can't be serious. Nothing good comes from putting a bear in charge like this... let alone one that looks like it could bite someone's jugular vein open. Oh, well./

(Open for Interactions, if anyone is there)
Julia glances at Sora as his body slumps against the wall. "Okay, why is the psychic here the only one not in his head?"

She sighs and stops Lucky from running, turning him back around to face her and sticking the blade into the largest crack to prevent the jade from regenerating there. "Riddle me this, Lucky. Why should I let you go when the last time I did, not only did you decide to come board our ship, but also the first thing you did when you got here is immediately attack someone? You say you can learn to control it but it's only ever been the reverse."

Interactions: P PopcornPie (Lucky) Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts (Sora)​
Flashback: While Lana was being taken in, and Lucky was knocked out, Dani decided to unmorph in a safe spot and take a quick nap. And it was going really well, Dani was quite the heavy sleeper.

Present time:

Dani woke from her nap, to hear a bunch of yelling from the Infirmary.
“Wonder what’s going on in there.” She morph’s back to only eavesdrop on Sora, and Lucky, yelling at Skye and Rocket. Skye leaves the room with Sora shouting his lungs out and getting bite on the hand. “That does it.”

Lucky once again, explains why he needs the Jade.
“Yeah, but it changes you into a monster. Huh? What?..” Sora is suddenly, mentally teleported to unknown place. “Where am I? What is this?”

Ben informs him, they’re in Lucky’s mind. “That voice, Ben is that you? You’re the green thing? And Lucky’s mind? How did we end up here?” Dani runs up to Sora’s body, unaware Ben took him to Lucky’s mind.

“Sora? Sora. C’mon. Did that bite infect him or something? What did you do to him? Julia, what’s going on?”

Meanwhile in Lucky’s mind. “So that’s what you mean by a pony? It looks more like a unicorn. I got a feeling you’re Mismakora aren’t you? Let Lucky go or else!”

P PopcornPie Crow Crow LilacMonarch LilacMonarch
"So you figured, well, to sum it up, I've got this thing that can turn me into different aliens with different superpowers. This is one of those alien and what I have done is one of my many superpowers," the martian said, "I brought us here. To deal with that uh...

... yeah, Mismakora. That's her name."

The martian assumed a battle stance.

P PopcornPie Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts Crow Crow

LilacMonarch LilacMonarch (right outside)​
Chapter 3
"Damn You, Corporate Greed!"

The chaos had begun to drive Eric mad. Between Riven's near-death (which he could hear screams about from several rooms over), Lucky's self deprecation, Lana healing up, Rocket drunkenly trying to kill people, and everything in between, he can't stand it anymore.


He takes deep breaths, closing his eyes for momentary meditation and then slipping his way towards Lana. The Crimson Raiders back up in fear that he'd try something, but all he does is lay his paw on the Braixen's. He smiles at her, tears dripping down his face.

"This is for you."

He wipes his tears and turns back to everyone. The lock on Elizabeth's door disengages, allowing the team to exist. All the doors to each room automatically open.

"I know most of us are strangers to each other. But I've been through enough of these trips across the multiverse to realize that our only way to get out of here... is by working together. For some of you, that's unthinkable." He glances at Lucky. "Some of you might just care about getting back to your world." He glances at David. "But in order to accomplish that, we're going to need to do what you think is unthinkable. Whether you're a human, a child with a zombie army, or a rabbit possessed by a jade he's obsessed with... all we've got is each other and the Raiders. And if this Nuclear Throne's our only way back, then we reach it. Together. And we're going to do whatever it takes to make that happen." He glances at Lucky again, particularly at his jade.

Yung Venuz suddenly floats forward. "brrrrkt kaka chk chng" he beatboxes in... some kind of agreement, apparently. Julia could understand it as, word for word, 'hell yeah, u guyz kinda suk ass at bein homies' (sic)

"No fuckin' clue what the triangle guy just said, but the furry's got a point. I'm gonna be pissed if any of you start killing each other on my fuckin' floor," BALEX says over the loudspeakers wherever you may be. "Now Moze wants to see you, and after we get this meeting done, you can have some rest, so you better get your ass to the bridge. Together. Punk asses."

The white ship circles around Sanctuary and heads towards the bridge. Eric, seeing this, nods. "Let's go."

On the way there, Eric peeks into Tonio's restaurant. "Natasha? I... I owe you one. Thanks for helping Lana." He wanders in. "How much for the whole meal?"

Tonio smiles. "None, amico! First time visitors eat free!"

"...Huh. Thanks."

Regardless of whatever last minute trip you need to make, you make your way to the bridge (provided you want to, of course). There, Moze is standing right beside the table as always. She's joined by Zane, FL4K, Axton, Salvador, and another odd looking fellow you haven't seen before. If you happen to be a psychic, you might be able to tell that he has a million memories missing from his mind, and his mind itself seems... fractured, as if he's abandoned an identity and taken on a new one, yet his past keeps wishing to seep in. His mind also sports some rather... powerful knowledge of the universe.


Beside him hovers a little robot no bigger than his palm.


Ian is off to the side, grabbing more boxes and checking out weapons. It seems like he's getting ready to join you...

"Hey. Glad you could make it," Moze smiles. "We're gonna need all hands on deck for this one." She wanders around the table and presses a button on the side, giving you a view of a large, bustling city. "So, we now know, thanks to you guys, that Tediore has the next step to getting you all home. Problem is, Tediore probably isn't gonna accept if we ask nicely, and launching a direct raid on them won't be as easy as invading Skull's Settlement." She presses another button, and the holographic map zooms in on the tall skyscraper right in the middle of the city. "Not only is the headquarters smack in the middle of Aegina, but you're not exactly gonna be dealing with low level Bandits anymore. The HQ's protected by a few hundred guards pulled from militaries and mercenary rings, and they've got way better guns and shields than any one of those Bandits you killed, and way better training to boot. We could still pull it off, but that's gonna attract a lot of heat. We can try to infiltrate the city in a covert op, maybe encourage some of Tediore's enemies underground to help us out, but that's gonna take a lot of time and could turn into an all-out criminal war if we get caught. We could do this the stealthy way, but we have a lot of work to do to pull that off. We might even be able to get a spy in there, but if they get caught, we'll have some complications to take care of. So here's the question..."

Moze leans over the table.

"How do you wanna go about this?"

Cast List
Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- as Captain Falcon (F-Zero) and The Tom Tom Gang (Blinx)
2Bornot2B 2Bornot2B as Tanya Degurechaff (The Saga of Tanya the Evil)
DapperDogman DapperDogman as Jason "Blast Radius" Cooper (OC)
GeorgeTownRaja GeorgeTownRaja as Tsukasa Kadoya (Kamen Rider Decade) and Naoto "Tiger Mask" Azuma (Tiger Mask W)
RedLight RedLight as Oswald the Lucky Rabbit (Oswald the Lucky Rabbit)
TruthHurts_22 TruthHurts_22 as Phoenix Wright (Ace Attorney) and Zora (Epithet Erased)
Gundam Watcher 27 Gundam Watcher 27 as Chimera (A Certain Scientific Railgun/Accelerator OC)
SpaceRavens03 SpaceRavens03 as GN-001 Exia (Gundam Extreme VS OC) and Kazuto "Kirito" Kirigaya (Sword Art Online)
Ineptitude Ineptitude as Shaw (Arknights)
TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher as Elizabeth (Bioshock: Infinite) and Sky Rose (Borderlands OC)
P PopcornPie as Lucky O'Chopper (Whacked!) and Megumin (Konosuba)
DerpyCarp DerpyCarp as Fluffington the Mighty (Pokemon OC)
Yamperzzz Yamperzzz as Voss Eierkuchen and Abbott Calderon (Tembo the Badass Elephant OCs)
Critic Ham Critic Ham as Olivia Silence and Saria (Arknights)
Riven Riven as Nearl (Arknights)
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore as Rocket Raccoon (Guardians of the Galaxy) and Trevor Philips (Grand Theft Auto V)
ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials as Lilith (OC) and Kirby (Kirby's Dreamland)
Thepotatogod Thepotatogod as Minako Arisato (Persona 3 Portable) and Kintaros (Kamen Rider Den-O)
Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara as Lana (Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon OC)
LilacMonarch LilacMonarch as Julia Thani and Natasha Thani (Pokémon Mystery Dungeon OCs)
Chungchangching Chungchangching as Tom (Tom & Jerry) and Jerry (Tom & Jerry)
BoltBeam BoltBeam as Lightning AKA Light Ignis (Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS)
quadraxis201 quadraxis201 as Ryuji Kazan (Danganronpa OC)
Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch as himself
PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss as Anna (Once Upon A Time OC) and Ripper (Jurassic World)
Dragonlord318 Dragonlord318 as David Listman (My Hero Academia OC)
darkred darkred as Aloy (Horizon Dawn Zero) and John "Bear" Connor (Terminator Genisys)
FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla as Edward "The Doctor" Richtofen (Call of Duty: Black Ops Zombies) and Claptrap/Fragtrap (Borderlands, NPC)
GearBlade654 GearBlade654 as Festung-17 (Destiny 2 OC)
FactionParadox FactionParadox as Yoshikage Kira (JJBA Part 4: Diamond is Unbreakable)
@Son of Horus as Mrakus Malicius (Horus Heresy OC)
Martydi Martydi as Scott Baker (Planetside OC)
Sir Skrubbins Sir Skrubbins as The Medic (Team Fortress 2)
QizPizza QizPizza as Delsausa SERAPH-099 Samael (OC)
StaidFoal StaidFoal as Vera "Granny Rags" Moray (Dishonored)
Crow Crow as Benjamin Kirby "Ben" Tennyson (Ben 10) and "Doctor" (Arknights)
Smug Smug as Jacket (Hotline Miami/Payday 2)
Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun as Pahw'lip Stiwyll (OC)
Stikes Stikes as Izabela Dybas and『KAWAII RAZOR BLADES』(JoJo's Bizarre Adventure OC)
92MilesPrower 92MilesPrower as Deadpool (Marvel)
Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts as Danielle Fenton (Danny Phantom) and Sora (Kingdom Hearts)
Venom Snake Venom Snake as Solid Snake (Metal Gear)
ManyFaces ManyFaces as The Son and The Henchman (Hotline Miami 2)
jigglesworth jigglesworth as Captain John Price (Call of Duty: Modern Warfare)
Space Buddha Space Buddha as Heather Sagewind (OC)
Hundesteak :3 Hundesteak :3 as Nagisa Shiota (Assassination Classroom)
FoolsErin FoolsErin as Garnet (Steven Universe)
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Julia glances at Sora as his body slumps against the wall. "Okay, why is the psychic here the only one not in his head?"

She sighs and stops Lucky from running, turning him back around to face her and sticking the blade into the largest crack to prevent the jade from regenerating there. "Riddle me this, Lucky. Why should I let you go when the last time I did, not only did you decide to come board our ship, but also the first thing you did when you got here is immediately attack someone? You say you can learn to control it but it's only ever been the reverse."

Interactions: P PopcornPie (Lucky) Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts (Sora)​
"Jesus, bitch, you just don't stop!" Lucky snarled. "I was only boarding because not only was I fucking forced, but because I thought that was the fake Lana, and wanted to kill it once and for all. Now that I know it isn't, I am going." With an attempted swat at Julia, Lucky simply swerved around her.
Flashback: While Lana was being taken in, and Lucky was knocked out, Dani decided to unmorph in a safe spot and take a quick nap. And it was going really well, Dani was quite the heavy sleeper.

Present time:

Dani woke from her nap, to hear a bunch of yelling from the Infirmary.
“Wonder what’s going on in there.” She morph’s back to only eavesdrop on Sora, and Lucky, yelling at Skye and Rocket. Skye leaves the room with Sora shouting his lungs out and getting bite on the hand. “That does it.”

Lucky once again, explains why he needs the Jade.
“Yeah, but it changes you into a monster. Huh? What?..” Sora is suddenly, mentally teleported to unknown place. “Where am I? What is this?”

Ben informs him, they’re in Lucky’s mind. “That voice, Ben is that you? You’re the green thing? And Lucky’s mind? How did we end up here?” Dani runs up to Sora’s body, unaware Ben took him to Lucky’s mind.

“Sora? Sora. C’mon. Did that bite infect him or something? What did you do to him? Julia, what’s going on?”

Meanwhile in Lucky’s mind. “So that’s what you mean by a pony? It looks more like a unicorn. I got a feeling you’re Mismakora aren’t you? Let Lucky go or else!”

P PopcornPie Crow Crow LilacMonarch LilacMonarch
"So you figured, well, to sum it up, I've got this thing that can turn me into different aliens with different superpowers. This is one of those alien and what I have done is one of my many superpowers," the martian said, "I brought us here. To deal with that uh...

... yeah, Mismakora. That's her name."

The martian assumed a battle stance.

P PopcornPie Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts Crow Crow

LilacMonarch LilacMonarch (right outside)​
The mindscape was very, very dark. Only the gigantic portholes of his eyes provided a spotlight over Ben and Sora, and also illuminated what used to be the figments populating Lucky's head. In fact, if Sora looked around enough, he would find his own imaginary version, paralyzed in jade, his expression of relentless agony forever immortalized.

"Psst! Sora! Ben!" Lupé hissed to both of them from her cliff. Tear streaks ran down her cheeks, and she was noticeably trembling. "Mismakora decided to go see what information she could find. See if you can break this cage!"

Chapter 3
"Damn You, Corporate Greed!"

The chaos had begun to drive Eric mad. Between Riven's near-death (which he could hear screams about from several rooms over), Lucky's self deprecation, Lana healing up, Rocket drunkenly trying to kill people, and everything in between, he can't stand it anymore.


He takes deep breaths, closing his eyes for momentary meditation and then slipping his way towards Lana. The Crimson Raiders back up in fear that he'd try something, but all he does is lay his paw on the Braixen's. He smiles at her, tears dripping down his face.

"This is for you."

He wipes his tears and turns back to everyone. The lock on Elizabeth's door disengages, allowing the team to exist. All the doors to each room automatically open.

"I know most of us are strangers to each other. But I've been through enough of these trips across the multiverse to realize that our only way to get out of here... is by working together. For some of you, that's unthinkable." He glances at Lucky. "Some of you might just care about getting back to your world." He glances at David. "But in order to accomplish that, we're going to need to do what you think is unthinkable. Whether you're a human, a child with a zombie army, or a rabbit possessed by a jade he's obsessed with... all we've got is each other and the Raiders. And if this Nuclear Throne's our only way back, then we reach it. Together. And we're going to do whatever it takes to make that happen." He glances at Lucky again, particularly at his jade.

Yung Venuz suddenly floats forward. "brrrrkt kaka chk chng" he beatboxes in... some kind of agreement, apparently. Julia could understand it as, word for word, 'hell yeah, u guyz kinda suk ass at bein homies' (sic)

"No fuckin' clue what the triangle guy just said, but the furry's got a point. I'm gonna be pissed if any of you start killing each other on my fuckin' floor," BALEX says over the loudspeakers wherever you may be. "Now Moze wants to see you, so you better get your ass to the bridge. Together. Punk asses."

The white ship circles around Sanctuary and heads towards the bridge. Eric, seeing this, nods. "Let's go."

On the way there, Eric peeks into Tonio's restaurant. "Natasha? I... I owe you one. Thanks for helping Lana." He wanders in. "How much for the whole meal?"

Tonio smiles. "None, amico! First time visitors eat free!"

"...Huh. Thanks."

Regardless of whatever last minute trip you need to make, you make your way to the bridge (provided you want to, of course). There, Moze is standing right beside the table as always. She's joined by Zane, FL4K, Axton, Salvador, and another odd looking fellow you haven't seen before. If you happen to be a psychic, you might be able to tell that he has a million memories missing from his mind, and his mind itself seems... fractured, as if he's abandoned an identity and taken on a new one, yet his past keeps wishing to seep in. His mind also sports some rather... powerful knowledge of the universe.

View attachment 711721

Beside him hovers a little robot no bigger than his palm.

View attachment 711722

Ian is off to the side, grabbing more boxes and checking out weapons. It seems like he's getting ready to join you...

"Hey. Glad you could make it," Moze smiles. "We're gonna need all hands on deck for this one." She wanders around the table and presses a button on the side, giving you a view of a large, bustling city. "So, we now know, thanks to you guys, that Tediore has the next step to getting you all home. Problem is, Tediore probably isn't gonna accept if we ask nicely, and launching a direct raid on them won't be as easy as invading Skull's Settlement." She presses another button, and the holographic map zooms in on the tall skyscraper right in the middle of the city. "Not only is the headquarters smack in the middle of Aegina, but you're not exactly gonna be dealing with low level Bandits anymore. The HQ's protected by a few hundred guards pulled from militaries and mercenary rings, and they've got way better guns and shields than any one of those Bandits you killed, and way better training to boot. We could still pull it off, but that's gonna attract a lot of heat. We can try to infiltrate the city in a covert op, maybe encourage some of Tediore's enemies underground to help us out, but that's gonna take a lot of time and could turn into an all-out criminal war if we get caught. We could do this the stealthy way, but we have a lot of work to do to pull that off. We might even be able to get a spy in there, but if they get caught, we'll have some complications to take care of. So here's the question..."

Moze leans over the table.

"How do you wanna go about this?"

Cast List
Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- as Captain Falcon (F-Zero) and The Tom Tom Gang (Blinx)
2Bornot2B 2Bornot2B as Tanya Degurechaff (The Saga of Tanya the Evil)
DapperDogman DapperDogman as Jason "Blast Radius" Cooper (OC)
GeorgeTownRaja GeorgeTownRaja as Tsukasa Kadoya (Kamen Rider Decade) and Naoto "Tiger Mask" Azuma (Tiger Mask W)
RedLight RedLight as Oswald the Lucky Rabbit (Oswald the Lucky Rabbit)
TruthHurts_22 TruthHurts_22 as Phoenix Wright (Ace Attorney) and Zora (Epithet Erased)
Gundam Watcher 27 Gundam Watcher 27 as Chimera (A Certain Scientific Railgun/Accelerator OC)
SpaceRavens03 SpaceRavens03 as GN-001 Exia (Gundam Extreme VS OC) and Kazuto "Kirito" Kirigaya (Sword Art Online)
Ineptitude Ineptitude as Shaw (Arknights)
TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher as Elizabeth (Bioshock: Infinite) and Sky Rose (Borderlands OC)
P PopcornPie as Lucky O'Chopper (Whacked!) and Megumin (Konosuba)
DerpyCarp DerpyCarp as Fluffington the Mighty (Pokemon OC)
Yamperzzz Yamperzzz as Voss Eierkuchen and Abbott Calderon (Tembo the Badass Elephant OCs)
Critic Ham Critic Ham as Olivia Silence and Saria (Arknights)
Riven Riven as Nearl (Arknights)
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore as Rocket Raccoon (Guardians of the Galaxy) and Trevor Philips (Grand Theft Auto V)
ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials as Lilith (OC) and Kirby (Kirby's Dreamland)
Thepotatogod Thepotatogod as Minako Arisato (Persona 3 Portable) and Kintaros (Kamen Rider Den-O)
Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara as Lana (Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon OC)
LilacMonarch LilacMonarch as Julia Thani and Natasha Thani (Pokémon Mystery Dungeon OCs)
Chungchangching Chungchangching as Tom (Tom & Jerry) and Jerry (Tom & Jerry)
BoltBeam BoltBeam as Lightning AKA Light Ignis (Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS)
quadraxis201 quadraxis201 as Ryuji Kazan (Danganronpa OC)
Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch as himself
PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss as Anna (Once Upon A Time OC) and Ripper (Jurassic World)
Dragonlord318 Dragonlord318 as David Listman (My Hero Academia OC)
darkred darkred as Aloy (Horizon Dawn Zero) and John "Bear" Connor (Terminator Genisys)
FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla as Edward "The Doctor" Richtofen (Call of Duty: Black Ops Zombies) and Claptrap/Fragtrap (Borderlands, NPC)
GearBlade654 GearBlade654 as Festung-17 (Destiny 2 OC)
FactionParadox FactionParadox as Yoshikage Kira (JJBA Part 4: Diamond is Unbreakable)
@Son of Horus as Mrakus Malicius (Horus Heresy OC)
Martydi Martydi as Scott Baker (Planetside OC)
Sir Skrubbins Sir Skrubbins as The Medic (Team Fortress 2)
QizPizza QizPizza as Delsausa SERAPH-099 Samael (OC)
StaidFoal StaidFoal as Vera "Granny Rags" Moray (Dishonored)
Crow Crow as Benjamin Kirby "Ben" Tennyson (Ben 10) and "Doctor" (Arknights)
Smug Smug as Jacket (Hotline Miami/Payday 2)
Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun as Pahw'lip Stiwyll (OC)
Stikes Stikes as Izabela Dybas and『KAWAII RAZOR BLADES』(JoJo's Bizarre Adventure OC)
92MilesPrower 92MilesPrower as Deadpool (Marvel)
Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts as Danielle Fenton (Danny Phantom) and Sora (Kingdom Hearts)
Venom Snake Venom Snake as Solid Snake (Metal Gear)
ManyFaces ManyFaces as The Son and The Henchman (Hotline Miami 2)
jigglesworth jigglesworth as Captain John Price (Call of Duty: Modern Warfare)
Space Buddha Space Buddha as Heather Sagewind (OC)
Hundesteak :3 Hundesteak :3 as Nagisa Shiota (Assassination Classroom)
FoolsErin FoolsErin as Garnet (Steven Universe)
Finally, finally, Eric stopped the battle to give the cheesiest speech he could muster. Lucky simply used this as his official distraction to get away. Honestly? He had given up on these people. Fuck them. Fuck the throne. It was clear that he was the only one who understood himself. It was just as Mismakora had warned.

Megumin, however, wholeheartedly agreed. "We must stay together, for if we fall apart, the evils of this night will simply flow through the cracks we left open!" She shouted. "I will miss you all to pieces when we are returned to our worlds, but we all fought to realign the multiverse together, and I will carry these memories in my heart forever! Let's take back that throne!" Whooping and hollering, she made her way to the bridge like a racehorse.

Unfortunately, when all was explained, she was immediately at her wit's end. "We could try-No...Oooh, what if Natasha?...No..." She rubbed her temples vigorously. The stealthy way seemed to be the right way to go, but then what?

Lucky, however, felt he had his own problems. That stone was regenerating faster than he could find a hiding and recovering place, let alone the escape pods.
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Ryuji Kazan

Ryuji turned around and saw the Crimson Raiders he recognized, but there was also an unfamiliar person among them, someone with a small, floating robot. "Oh, hi there." Ryuji said to the newcomer. "Who are you?" He then walked over to the map that Moze had pulled up. "When you put it that way, Moze, we're sure as hell not gonna be able to do what we did back on Pandora. I'd rather not return to Sanctuary covered in a million and one holes. Hmm..." Ryuji began to think. "I wouldn't be able to create a distraction without sending the whole fleet on high alert, I would think, and not even an 'Amethyst Dragon' is gonna be able to take out that many. Unless I were to duct-tape, like, two hundred of them together. But, even I don't have that many. We're gonna have to definitely think this through."

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow
(Open for Interactions)
After getting launched into space, the bed going back on the ground, and Trevor doing... something, all she wanted was out of her room, which she couldn't due to the doors getting locked. But, the rich man was out there, trying to find her.

Then, a man, who she couldn't see, told him to back off and much later, the door opens. Immediately, she ran out having heard a gunshot but when she got to where it came from, there was no one there. It was then that the same man from earlier told them to get to the bridge, in which she followed the others, starting to feel better enough to speak normally.

As she headed there, she passed the infirmary and looked to see Nearl in there. "
Miss Nearl!" She ran in, going to her. "What happened?! Is she going to be alright?!"

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow , Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch , thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore , anyone staying in the infirmary

It didn't take her about a few steps before she heard what Sora yelled to her. And needless to say, she snapped inside, turning around. She was about to head out there, but then was stopped by the wolf boy yelling and making a speech.

No matter how tired and angry she was with the kid, the wolf boy had a point. If she wanted to help the Raiders get them all home, she'd need to play nice with them. Even if she was wanting to snap one of their neck's right now. It was then that BAYLEX told them all to get to the bridge and it wasn't only ten seconds afterwards that Heather...

was gone.

That kid just really loved wandering off, but right now, they needed to focus on the mission. As much as she hated not going after her, this mission was the best chance at getting her home. So, she followed the others to the bridge, calming herself down on the way there.

Getting there, she saw the usuals and then she saw a new guy with his own floating paperweight. It was probably a robot, but it looked like a paperweight. Remembering the ship that was outside of their ship, she figured that it belonged to him.

She listened to Moze and when she asked them what they wanted to do, she spoke up. "
Well, stealth isn't such a bad idea. Infiltration always sounded fun, and those that have a way with words can go convince their enemies to attack Tediore. Me and Dani can help with infiltration, she can do her ghost stuff and I have my powers."

Then, she remembered something when she heard what Lilith did with Eridium some years ago. "
From what I remember, Eridium can upgrade a Siren's powers, right? If I get enough Eridium to upgrade my powers, Dani can go overshadow someone and me and a few people can Phaseswap with some people on the inside and get some others inside the building. That or I Phaseswap a few of us, either way works really. Though, you'd probably need to keep our bodies quiet, they'd be likely to start freaking out. Would that work out for everyone?"

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow , Space Buddha Space Buddha , Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts , everyone on the bridge
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  • Fluffington the Mighty sits on top of Nearl's wounded form, still dazed and confused from the take off, though the Arch-wizards transportation methods certainly didn't help. She moans pitifully into her platform as she is given a gentle pat. "Uhhhh... Eh? Are you hurt?" The Eevee asks, before closing her eyes. Power surges from her, as you get the faint feeling of watching a shooting star.
    Fluffington the Mighty used Wish!

Riven Riven CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow
Ah....the captain calls....time to....shine....like a diamond.
Benedict would say to Claptrap as he handed him a “Them” card and hopped aboard Josh, who would carry him to the meeting chamber.
Once there Benedict would learn that they needed to get inside the central tower....either through a possible gang alliance or.....espionage. This was Benedicts moment to shine.
Ah....criminal alliances are....rather precarious and quite....naughty.
Benedict would say as he stepped to the front of the group
Ah....you never know if you can fully trust the oddballs, plus we would have to tread on thin ice and there are....many complications. I say we get a team into the tower...ah.....spies, and do a stealth approach to this little pickle.
Benedict would say proudly, hoping to use his years of agency training yet again on other mission...and not behind the CEOs desk.
CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow
FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla
@ Planning people
As Sora was talking to Mismakora, for whatever reason, he was kicked out of Lucky’s mind and back into his own body. “What the heck happened this time? We almost had him.” “You okay?” “Dani? When did you? Never mind, yeah. Lucky got way again.” “I guess they don’t call him Lucky for nothing.”

It was then Eric decided enough was enough and that everyone needed to work together. “It’s kinda hard to when said rabbit trying to kill everyone over that stupid Jade. Anyways, you mind bringing me up to speed.” Sora and Dani eventually make their way to to the bridge.

“I’m sorry for what happened to you or her not understanding you were trying to help, I’d freak out like that too. But we do need her to get home, once we get to the throne, you can rag on her all you want okay?” “*Sigh.* Fine.”

Skye suggest she should try another stealth tactic. “Uhh, sure. I think I would have a better chance if I went alone, but I wouldn’t mind doing that.”

TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow

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